Cheyenne Dictionary



-áesto'én   vti. mix together s.t. É-áesto'éna. He is mixing it together. (another recording) tsé-áesto'ene that which is mixed together (for example, hash). É-áesto'énanȯtse She mixed them (inanimate) together.

vta. mix together s.o. É-áesto'eno. He mixed him/them. É-áesto'énóho. (newer pronunciation) He mixed him/them. É-áesto'énóho. Áesto'énenáno! Shuffle them (cards)! Category: cook, cards.

-aéstomėhasené   vai. play (cards) for nothing. that is, to play without betting anything. É-aéstomėhasēne. He played for nothing. fai: -ehasené. Category: cards.

-ama'ham   vta. deal s.o. especially to deal playing cards, animate. Lit: throw-along-s.o. É-ama'hamóho. He dealt them. Ama'hamenáno! Deal them (the cards)! Variant: Ama'hamenaho!. Ná-ama'hamoo'o. I'm dealing them. See: -aseto'en. Category: cards.

-asėto'en   vti. move away s.t., push away s.t. É-asėto'ēna. He moved it away. Ná-asėto'ēna táxe'séestȯtse. I pushed away the chair..

vta. shuffle s.o. for example, to shuffle playing cards. É-asėto'enóho mȯhenėšemono. He shuffled the playing cards. Ná-asėto'enoo'o mȯhenėšemono. I shuffled the playing cards. See: -ama'ham. Category: cards.

-é'evo'koh(n)   vta. 1 • break s.o. with a tool. É-é'evo'kȯhnóho. He broke him with a tool.

2 • break s.o. in a card game. Usage: likely borrowed from English Naa hāne ó'ometaa'éva á'e ná-é'evo'kȯhēē'e. But the other night they broke me right away. [1987:397.] Category: cards, figurative, break.

-e'kȯse'ó   1 • vii. over.flip.

vai. flip over. É-e'kȯsē'o. He (or It) flipped over. Ques: kȯsé'o?? try question and pl??

2 • vai. flip over a playing card. Refers to having turned over a card but literally speaks of the player having flipped over! Category: cards, check.

-énėhasené   vai. stop playing cards. É-énėhasēne. He stopped playing cards. fai: -ehasené. Category: cards.

-énȯxe'ėstóné   vai. stop school, drop out of school. É-énȯxe'ėstóne. He dropped out of school. tsé-énȯxe'ėstónese dropouts. [1987:61] Lit: those who quit school Category: school.

2 • vai. have a flush (in cards). Ná-énȯxe'ėstóne. I have a flush (in a game of cards). fai: -ȯxe'ėstóné. See: -énoéstóné. Category: cards.

-hávėsévanené   vai. have a poor hand (in cards). É-hávėsévanēne. He has a poor hand (in cards). Ná-hávėsévanēne. I have a poor hand. (in cards). Category: cards.

-hehpeotse   vii. late.

vai. late. can be a condition when playing cards. É-hehpeotse. He (or It) is late. Éohkėsáa-hehpeotséhe. He is never late. See: -hestomeotse hindered; -nóvahe slow. Category: cards.

heóvevé'ho'e   na. king (of cards). Lit: yellow-ve'ho'e Variant: tséma'xevéhonevėstse 'king (lit. the one who is the big chief)'. Category: cards.

-hestanené   vai. draw, credit card - use a. while playing cards. É-hestanēne. He drew a card. Etym: *wetenike·wa (P). Hestanēnėstse! Draw! Hénėhéóhe náohkė-hestanēne. There I use a credit card. Category: cards.

-hešėxovávȯxe'ohe   vii. square shaped, diamond shaped. É-hešėxovávȯxe'ohe. It is square shaped. Category: cards.

-hó'tȧhevávanené   vai. winning hand. in cards. É-hó'tȧhevávanēne. He has a winning hand (in cards). Ná-hó'tȧhevávanēne. I've got a winning hand. See: -mȧhoxe'a'ó. Category: cards.

-kánomeotse   vai. be left out, be left over, be left behind, be extra, have no chance. Ná-kánomeotse. I'm just out of the game/I don't have a chance.

vii. especially used when leaving a card game; also used, for example, of someone who cannot get on a bus because all the seats are full, so this person is left out. É-kánomeotse. It (or He) is left over / left out. See: -étseotse; -nétseotse; -nétȯheotse; -he'eotse; -momotoeotse; -má'seotse; -o'hémeotse. Category: cards.

máase   ace. Lit: excrement ?? See: Hotamémaase. Category: cards, check.

-mȧhanené   vai. have a full house (in cards). É-mȧhanēne. He has a full house. Etym: *mesenike·wa. fai: -anené. Category: cards.

-mȧheoestȯh(n)   vta. strike all of them. É-mȧheoestȯhnóho. He struck them all out; or He took all the money of the other players in a card game. fta: -oestoh(n). Category: cards, baseball.

-mȧhoxe'a'ó   vai. all right, winning hand. not used in sg. ?? Category: check. É-mȧhoxe'a'oo'o. They (cards) are the winning hand ("right off the bat"). See: -hó'tȧhevávanené. Category: cards.

Ma'evé'ho'e   na. 1 • German person. Lit: red-ve'ho'e Plural ma'evé'hó'e; Obviative ma'evé'hó'e. Ma'evé'hó'e éana'oo'o. Germans are falling. figurative; 'Germans are falling' is an idiom for 'They (anyone) are having a dispute.' The idiom arose during the world wars which Cheyennes fought in against the Germans; the idiom comes from the image of Germans falling from the sky using their parachutes.

2 • jack (of playing cards). Category: cards.

-má'toh(n)   vta. exhaust s.o. by tool. for example, break or chop s.o.; also used when beating s.o. in poker so they can't bid anymore, "cleaning them out". É-má'tȯhnóho. He finished him off. Etym: *me·Ɂtahwe·wa. See: -mató'oh(n); -má'to'eéh. Category: interpersonal, cards.

ma-tšóka   ni ??. joker. Category: check. of playing cards. Usage: partial sound "translation" which some people have used (in Oklahoma?) Category: cards.

-mȯhenėšema   vai. play cards. É-mȯhenėšēma. He is playing cards. É-mȯhenėšemao'o. They are playing cards. Nátȧhé-mȯhenėšēma. I'm going (there) to play cards. Tósa'e néta-mȯhenėšēma? Where did you play cards? [1987:397] Néta-mȯhenėšemámáne! Let's play cards! (this is one of the things meadowlarks are said to sing). See: -néšėhasené. Category: cards.

mȯhenėšēmo1   na. card (as in a deck of cards). Plural mȯhenėšemono; Obviative mȯhenėšemono; Homonym mȯhenėšēmo2 ladybug. Category: cards, games.

-mȯhenėšemót   vta. play cards with s.o. É-mȯhenėšemoto. He played cards with him. [PD211] É-mȯhenėšemótóho. He played cards with him. (newer pronunciation). Category: cards.

-na'hanené   vai. have three of a kind (in cards). É-na'hanēne. He has three of a kind. Ná-na'hanēne. I have three of a kind. fai: -anené. Category: cards.

-néšėhasené   vai. have two seeds up in seed-in-basket game, play cards together. Ná-néšėhasēne. I got two seeds up. É-néšėhaseneo'o. They are playing cards together. Final -hasené. See: -mȯhenėšemá. Category: games, cards.

-néxanené   vai. have two of a kind (in cards). Ná-néxanēne. I have two of a kind. É-néxanēne. He has two of a kind. Category: cards.

-nó'ovóneanené   vai. straight in cards. Lit: É-nó'ovóneanēne. He has a straight in cards. Category: cards.

-nó'ovóne'énȯxe'ėstóne   vai. have a straight flush (in cards). Ná-nó'ovóne'énȯxe'ėstóne. I have a straight flush. Category: cards.

-ó'xovanené   vai. halve, cut the deck. Ó'xóvánénėstse! Cut the deck of cards! Category: cards.

-pėhévanené   vai. be nicely ready, have a good hand (in cards). É-pėhévanēne. He has a good hand (in cards). Ná-pėhévanēne. I have a good hand (in cards). [pd905] Ééva-pȧhévanēne. He is repairing. [1987:69] "Ée-pėhévanenéhéne!" éxhetaevóhoono. "Get ready!" he told them. fai: -anené. See: -pėhévané. Category: cards.

-pėhévėhasené   vai. have a good number of seeds up in the seed-in-basket game, play cards well. Ná-pėhévėhasēne. I had a good game. Final -hasené. Category: games, cards.

-pó'ėho'he   vai. 1 • explode, have a blowout (flat tire). Ná-pó'ėho'he. I had a blowout (flat tire). Category: car.

2 • busted, throw in cards (in a card game).

3 • fired. É-pó'ėho'he. He got fired. vta: -pó'ėho'h(n); vii: -pó'ėho'tá. Category: work, figurative, cards.

-táhtanovan   vta. display s.o., show s.o. especially to show a hand of cards in a card game. É-táhtanovanóho. He showed him/them. for example, he showed his cards (animate). Category: cards.

-tónetanené   vai. how is hand (in cards)?, What is hand (in cards)? É-tónetanēne? What is his hand in cards? Initial tónet-; Final -anené. Category: do, cards.

tséháto'kȯxe'ohe   vii. clubs. Category: cards.

tsé-hešėxovávȯxe'ohe   vii. diamond (of cards). Category: cards.

tsé-ma'ėhestáhevȯxe'ohe   vii. hearts (playing card). Lit: Category: cards.

tsé-ma'xevéhonevėstse   vai. king. Lit: the one who is big chief used by some for 'king of cards'; others say heóve-vé'ho'e. Variant: heóvevé'ho'e. Category: cards.

tsé-mo'ȯhtávėhestáhevȯxe'ohe   vii. spades (of cards). Lit: that which is black heart written Category: cards.

tsé-naesóhtóha   vii. six (for example, of cards). Lit: that which is six times Category: cards, numbers.

tsé-na'nóhtóha   vii. Gram: ppl eight (of cards). Category: numbers, cards.

tsé-nésȯhtóha   vii. seven (of cards). Category: cards, numbers.

tsé-néva   vii. four (of cards). Category: cards.

tsé-néxa   vii. deuce (of cards). See: nexa twice. Category: cards, numbers.

tsé-nóhóna   vii. five (of cards). Category: cards.

tsé-sóóhtóha   vii. nine (of cards). vii: -sóohtohá. Category: cards, numbers.

vé'ho'á'e   na. 1 • white woman. Plural vé'ho'á'eo'o; Obviative vé'ho'a'o; Masculine vé'ho'e. Tósa'e éhéstahe tsé'tóhe vé'ho'á'e? Where is this white woman from? This was a put down said to a Cheyenne woman. See: vé'ho'á'ame. Category: people.

2 • queen (of cards). Category: cards.

3 • White Woman. Variant: ma'xevéhóná'e, Vé'ho'ká'e. Category: people, cards, names.

-vóonėhasené   vai. play cards all night. Ná-vóonėhasēne. I played cards all night. [1987:397] See: -pėhévėhasené. Category: cards.