Pȧhávevóonā'o 1 • na. Good Morning. a Cheyenne name. See: Hávėsévevóonā'o ‘Bad Morning’. Category: names.
2 • p. Good morning. Usage: used as a greeting today; it is a loan translation from English Simplified Spelling Pavevoona'o; Variant: Pėhévevóonā'o. Category: greetings.
Pavevoona'o 1 • na. Good Morning. a Cheyenne name. Category: names. See: Hávėsévevóonā'o.
2 • p. Good morning. Usage: used as a greeting today; it is a loan translation from English Precise Spelling Pȧhávevóonā'o; Variant: Pėhévevóonā'o. Category: greetings.
Pėhéveénėsétovoése vii. Good afternoon! loan trans. from English. This has an animate ending, reflecting a sun or clock which are animate. Synonym Pėhéveénėsétovoésta. Category: greetings.
Pėhéveénėsétovoésta vii. Good afternoon! loan trans. from English. This has an inanimate ending. Compare Pėhéveénėsétovoése which has an animate ending reflecting a sun or clock which are animate. Synonym Pėhéveénėsétovoése. Category: greetings.
Pėhéveéšeēva vai. Good day. This is commonly said. It is a loan transl. from English. Simplified Spelling Peveešeeva. Category: greetings.
-pėhéveéšeeve vii. good day - be, good weather - be. É-pėhéveéšeeve. There's good weather today / It is a nice day. Antonym -hávėséveéšeeve. Category: weather, greetings.
Pėhévėhetóéva vai. Good evening. Usage: This is a loan translation from English. Simplified Spelling Pevėhetoeva. Category: greetings.
Pėhévetaa'éva vai. Good night. Usage: This is a loan translation from English. Simplified Spelling Pevetaa'eva. Category: greetings.
Pėhévevóonā'o vai. Good morning. This is a commonly used loan translation from English. This spelling is the more difficult, technical spelling. Simplified Spelling Pevevoona'o; Variant: Pȧhávevóonā'o. See: -vóona'ó ‘morning’. Category: greetings.
Peveešeeva vai. Good day. This spelling is easier to read than the precise spelling of Pėhéveéšeēva. Usage: This is a loan translation. It has been commonly used for quite a few years, especially in interactions with non-Cheyennes and school children being taught some Cheyenne. Precise Spelling Pėhéveéšeēva; Simplified Spelling pivi shif. Category: greetings.
Pevėhetoeva vai. Good evening. Usage: This is a loan translation from English. Precise Spelling Pėhévėhetóéva. Category: greetings.
Pevetaa'eva vai. Good night. Usage: This is a loan translation. It is typically used in interactions with non-Cheyennes. Precise Spelling Pėhévetaa'éva. Category: greetings.
Pevevoona'o vai. Good morning. This is a commonly used loan translation from English. This is a simpler spelling than Pėhévevóonā'o. Precise Spelling Pėhévevóonā'o; Simplified Spelling pe vi wo na; Variant: Pȧhávevóonā'o. Category: greetings.
vá'ȯhtáma p. place-of-honor, welcome, you're welcome. This refers to the place-of-honor in a tepee opposite the door; many now use this word to welcome someone. Recently some people also use this word as a response to thanks, like English "you're welcome". (another recording) See: ó'hóóma; heséóxe. Category: tepee, greetings.