Cheyenne Dictionary



hahen-   i. paint, color. É-hahénȯhnóho. He painted him. É-hahénȯhéne. He is painting. See: hahé(e)- rub. Category: colors.

hahénȯhenestȯtse   ni. color. for example, the color of a crayon ?? Plural hahénȯhonéstotȯtse. See: hohtȧhénestȯtse. Category: colors, check.

-he'hemó   vii. be speckled. É-he'hēmo. It is speckled. [1987:316] Véenȯtse éxhósemo'ȯhtávė-he'hemónėsestȯtse. The tepees were (also) black-speckled. vai: he'hemahe. Category: colors.

-heóvahe   vai. be yellow. É-heóvahe. He is yellow. Etym: cf *weso·siwa (P). É-heóvȧheo'o. They (animate) are yellow. vii: -heóvó. Usage: A few speakers confuse this word with -óvahe 'coward'. Others confuse the two words deliberately to be funny. See: -óvahe. Category: colors.

-heóva'é   vai. have yellow hair. É-heóvá'e. He has yellow hair. [pd263] Etym: *wesa·wexkwe·wa. Category: hair, colors.

-heóvan   vti. make s.t. yellow. É-heóvána. He made it yellow. Etym: *wesa·wenamwa.

vta. make s.o. yellow. É-heóvanáho. He made him yellow. Etym: *wesa·wene·wa. Category: colors.

-heóvėhahénohá   vti. color s.t. yellow. É-heóvėhahénóha. He colored it yellow. Category: colors.

heóvėhestaahtsémenȯtse   ni. Gram: pl yellow currants. Lit: yellow-branched-berries Variant: heóvėhestaahtsémeno. Category: colors, berries.

-heóvemenoo'éxáne   vai. have yellow eyes. É-heóvemenoo'éxáne. He has yellow eyes. See: Heóve'éxanéhe Yellow Eyes. Category: eyes, colors.

-heóveóhta   vai. have yellow leg. É-heóveóhta. His leg is yellow/jaundiced. Etym: *wesa·wika·te·wa. BodyPartMedial -óhta4. Category: sickness, colors.

-heóvó   vii. yellow. seems originally to have included hue toward brown. É-heóvo. It is yellow. Etym: *wesa·we·wi (P). Category: colors.

-heóvoestá   vai. wear a yellow dress. seems originally to have included hue toward brown. É-heóvóésta. She is wearing a yellow dress. Final oestá1; IndepNoun hoestȯtse. Category: colors, dress.

-heóvȯhtȧheve   vii. have a yellow design. É-heóvȯhtȧheve. It (or He) has a yellow design.

vai. have a yellow design. Hoóhtseto éasė-heóvȯhtȧhéveo'o. The trees are beginning to turn yellow (orange, brown, etc., especially in the fall). Final -ȯhtȧhéve. Category: designs, colors.

-heóvóma'é   vai. painted yellow, yellow painted. É-heóvómá'e. He is painted yellow. [The Corn and Meat.008] fai: -óma'é. Category: colors.

-heóvoneehe   vai. yellow ropelike. É-heóvoneehe. He (something ropelike) is yellow. Etym: *wesa·wa·pye·kesiwa (P). Medial ón. Category: ropelike, colors.

-heóvová   vai. yellow furred, have a yellow hide. É-heóvóva. He has yellow fur. BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: horses, colors.

-heóvȯxé'e   vai. yellow painted face. É-heóvȯxé'e. He is face-painted yellow. Category: face, colors.

-hestávóma'é   vai. so painted, painted that way. ... é-hestávómá'e. ... that is how he is painted. especially with ceremonial paint. fai: -óma'é. See: -tónetómá'e how painted. Category: colors, ceremonial.

-hetȯhtȧhéné   vai. so design. ... é-hetȯhtȧhéne. ... that is how he designed / colored. fai: -ohtȧhéné. Category: designs, colors.

-hetȯhtȧhéve   Gram: rr vii. so.colored; so colored; be colored that way, be designed that way. ... é-hetȯhtȧheve. ... it (or he) was colored that way. Éhvó'ometsė-hetȯhtȧhévenėsestȯtse véenȯtse. The tepees were of white design. [1987:316]

vai. so colored. Heéstse'heno héováestse móx-hetȯhtȧhévėhevóhe. His coat was variously colored. Medial -ohtȧhé. See: -tónetȯhtȧheve. Category: designs, colors.

hohkó's-   i. purple. Category: colors.

-hohkó'sahe   vai. be purple. É-hohkó'sahe. He is purple. vii: -hohkó'só. Category: colors.

-hohkó'séné   vai. have a purple face. É-hohkó'séne. He has a purple/bruised face. Medial -éné. Category: face, colors.

-hohkó'só   vii. purple. É-hohkó'so. It is purple. vai: -hohkó'sahe. Category: colors.

-hohkó'sová   vai. have chestnut colored hide. É-hohkó'sóva. He (for example, a horse) has a chestnut-colored hide. Medial -ová. Category: horses, colors.

-hohpȧhéata   vai. light skinned, dark skinned. dark skinned in topical dictionary. É-hohpȧhéata. He is light (skinned). Etym: *ahpehθesiwa he is bruised. Category: colors.

-hohtȧhéné'tá   vti. color s.t. É-hohtȧhéné'tá. He colored it. Hohtȧhéné'tȯhtse! Color it! Category: colors, check.

hohtȧhénestȯtse   ni. color, design. especially a design used in beading. Plural hohtȧhénėstotȯtse. Category: colors, designs.

Hotóhkȯhma'aestse   vai. Gram: ppl Red Star. Variant: Hotóhkema'aestse; vai: -ma'eta; vii: -ma'ó. Category: names, colors.

-hoxo'ȯhtȧhéve   vii. green-colored. É-hoxo'ȯhtȧheve. It (or He) is green-colored. tsé-hoxo'ȯhtȧhévee'ėstse vóvotȯtse green-colored eggs.

vai. green-colored. Category: colors.

-hoxo'ȯhtsémea'xe   vai. green smell, slaughtered smell. This is the smell of the guts when animals are slaughtered. É-hoxo'ȯhtsémea'xe. He has the green smell. Category: colors, smell.

-hoxo'ȯhtsévahe   vai. green. É-hoxo'ȯhtsévahe. He is green. (another recording) Category: colors.

-hoxo'ȯhtsévemenoo'éxáne   vai. have green eyes. É-hoxo'ȯhtsévemenoo'éxáne. He has green eyes. Category: eyes, colors.

-hoxo'ȯhtséve-otá'tavó   vii. be turquoise (color). É-hoxo'ȯhtséveotá'távo. It is turquoise. Lit: green-blue Category: colors.

-hoxo'ȯhtsévo   vii. be green. É-hoxo'ȯhtsévo It is green. Category: colors.

ma'-1   i. red. É-ma'óóva. He has a rash. tsé-ma'óome catsup; strawberry pop (lit., red-water). É-ma'āhtse. He has red lips. Preverb ma'e-. Category: colors.

-ma'ahe   vai. red. É-ma'ahe. He is red. Aénohe Ȯh-ma'aestse Red Hawk. Variant: -ma'eta. Category: colors.

ma'e-   pv. red, reddish. The Cheyenne concept of red has blood prototype. É-ma'ė-heóvo. It is orange. See: ma'e. Category: colors.

-ma'eesé   vai. red nosed. For example, he has a whiskey nose from so much drinking. É-ma'eēse. He has a red nose. Etym: *meçkwikweθe·wa. Ná-ma'eēse. My nose is red. Category: nose, colors.

-ma'ėhahénohá   vti. color s.t. red, red color s.t. É-ma'ėhahénóha. He colored it red. Ma'ėhahénóóhtse! Color it red! Category: colors.

-ma'ėhe'onávose   vai. hands red from cold. É-ma'ėhe'onávose. His hands are red from the cold. Category: temperature, colors.

-ma'ėheóvahe   vai. orange. É-ma'ėheóvahe. He is orange. Category: colors.

-ma'ėheóvó   vii. orange. É-ma'ėheóvo. It is orange. Usage: Probably a newer Cheyenne color word. See: -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó. Category: colors.

-ma'en2   vti. redden s.t. É-ma'ēna. He reddened it. Etym: *meçkwenamwa.

vta. redden s.o. néhe ma'etomono tséméhaevé'še-ma'enose hestse'emo that red paint that he had reddened his wife with. [1987:251-52] Category: colors.

-ma'ene   vii. painted red, red painted. É-ma'ene. It is painted red. Naa móh-ma'enéhanevōtse héne kȧhamȧxehȯtse. And those sticks were painted red. [The Round-up of the Deer.021] Category: colors, check.

-ma'énéohtsé   vai. blush. É-ma'énéóhtse. He is blushing. Category: face, colors.

-ma'enóno'e   vii. look red. É-ma'enóno'e. It looks red. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance, colors.

-ma'enotová   vai. red-necked, have a red neck. É-ma'enotōva. He has a red neck. Etym: *meçkwikwayawe·wa (P). Category: body, colors.

-ma'eta   vai. red. É-ma'eta. He is red. Etym: *meçkweθwa. tsé-ma'etȧhtse the one who is red. Éxae-ma'eta namo'ēško tsé'ȯhkemȯxe'ėstónéto. My finger is red (that is, calloused) from writing. Variant: -ma'ahe; Diminutive -ma'keta; vii: -ma'ó. See: ma'e blood. Category: colors.

ma'etōmo   na. red paint, earth paint. used for decorating one's body; a Sun Dance paint; used in the altar of the Sun Dance. Etym: *meçkwelamana (P). Plural ma'etomono; Obviative ma'etomono. Category: paint, colors, check.

-ma'etomonevan   vti. paint s.t. red.

vta. paint s.o. red. É-ma'etomonevanóho. He painted him red. Category: colors.

-ma'évoénén   vta. paint face of s.o. red, red paint face of s.o. for example, put the traditional spot of red paint on the face of the deceased. É-ma'évoéneno. He painted his (other person's) face red. [1987:251] É-ma'évoénénóho. He painted his (other person's) face red. (newer pronunciation). Category: colors.

-ma'evó'komahe   vai. pink. É-ma'evó'komahe. He is pink. vii: -ma'evó'komó. Category: colors.

-ma'evó'komó   vii. pink - be. É-ma'evó'kómo. It is pink. vai: -ma'evó'komahe. See: -ma'óma'ȯhtsévó. Category: colors.

-ma'o   vii. red. É-má'o. It is red. Ésáa-ma'óhane. It is not red. É-ma'ónėstse. They (inanimate) are red. Ma'e é-má'o. Blood is red. Etym: *meçkwe·wi (P); *meskwe·wi/meskwa·wi. vai: -ma'eta. Category: colors.

-ma'oestá   vai. wear a red dress. É-ma'oēsta. She is wearing a red dress. fai: -oestá. See: -heóvoestá. Category: clothing, colors.

-ma'ȯhtȧheve   vii. red-colored. É-ma'ȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inanimate) are red-colored.

vai. red-colored. É-ma'ȯhtȧheve. He/It is red-colored. É-ma'ȯhtȧhéveo'o. They (animate) are red-colored. Category: colors.

-ma'óma'ene   vii. be red clay (color). É-ma'óma'ene. It is red clay (color). Etym: *meçkwa·mexkye·wi. 2 poles (used in Sun Dance lodge). Medial -óma'. Category: Sun Dance, colors.

ma'óma'ȯhtse   ni. red earth. The first men were made from red earth. See: otá'tavóma'ȯhtse blue earth; vóhpoma'ȯhtse salt. Category: colors, environment.

-ma'óma'ȯhtsévó   vii. pink. É-ma'óma'ȯhtsévo. It is pink. Usage: Pink is not a traditional Cheyenne color so speakers have suggested different words to it. This word may be more commonly said than -ma'evó'komó. Variant: -ma'evó'komó. See: -ma'ó red. Category: colors.

-ma'ová   vai. have red fur (or hide), be a roan (horse). É-ma'ōva. He is red furred (or has a red hide). for example, of a roan horse. Etym: *meçkwawe·wa. tsé-ma'ōvȧhtse the roan (horse; lit. the one which has red hide). BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: horses, colors.

-ma'ȯxe'é   vai. red-painted face. especially of dancer. É-ma'ȯxē'e. He is face-painted red. See: Ma'etomoná'e; -ma'évoéné. Category: dance, colors, face.

me'ko nétȧhévȧhó'ȯhéó'o   ni. hair dye. Ques: recheck ending ?? Category: check. See: nétȧhévȧho'ȯhn. Category: hair, colors, new.

mo'kȯhtáv-   i. black. Variant: mo'ȯhtáv-. Category: colors.

-mo'kȯhtávahe   vai. black. É-mo'kȯhtávahe. He is black. Variant: -mo'ȯhtávahe. Category: colors.

-mo'kȯhtávea'e   vii. be blackish in color. É-mo'kȯhtávea'e It is blackish in color. Variant: -mo'ȯhtávea'e; vai: -mo'kȯhtáveata. Category: colors.

-mo'kȯhtáveata   vai. blackish. É-mo'kȯhtáveata. He is blackish in color. vii: -mo'kȯhtávea'e. Category: colors.

-mo'kȯhtávėheóvó   vii. brown. É-mo'kȯhtávėheóvo. It is brown. Lit: blackish yellow -heóvó 'yellow' probably originally included hue toward brown. There is much uncertainty over Cheyenne words for brown. Variant: -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó. See: -mȯséškanó. Category: colors.

-mo'kȯhtávén   vta. paint black face of s.o. especially for the Sun Dance É-mo'kȯhtávénóho. He painted his face black. Category: colors, Sun Dance.

-mo'kȯhtávėsané   vai. dress black. É-mo'kȯhtávėsáne. He is dressed in black clothing. fai: -sané2. Category: dress, colors.

-mo'kȯhtávó   vii. be black. É-mo'kȯhtávo. It is black. Variant: -mo'ȯhtávó. Etym: *maxkate·we·wi. Category: colors.

-mo'kȯhtávová   vai. have black hide. É-mo'kȯhtávóva. He has black hide. BodyPartMedial -ová3; Variant: -mo'ȯhtávová. Category: colors.

mo'ȯhtáv-   i. black. Variant: mo'kȯhtáv-. Category: colors.

-mo'ȯhtávahe   vai. be black. É-mo'ȯhtávahe. He is black. (another recording) tsé-mo'ȯhtávaestse the one who is black. Variant: -mo'kȯhtávahe. Category: colors.

-mo'ȯhtávea'e   vii. dark in texture. É-mo'ȯhtávea'e. It is dark in color. He'éxánėstse é-mo'ȯhtávea'enetótse. There are bags under his eyes. vai: -mo'ȯhtáveata. Category: colors.

-mo'ȯhtáveata   vai. be blackish in color. É-mo'ȯhtáveata. He is blackish in color. Variant: -mo'kȯhtáveata. Category: colors.

-mo'ȯhtávėhahtá   vai. black-footed. É-mo'ȯhtávėháhta. He is black-footed. Etym: *maxkate·wisite·wa. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: colors, body.

-mo'ȯhtávėheóvó   vii. brown. É-mo'ȯhtávėheóvo. It is brown. Lit: blackish-yellow -heóvó 'yellow' probably originally included hue toward brown ;There is much debate among Cheyenne over words for brown. Variant: -mo'kȯhtávėheóvó. See: -mȯséškanó; -noónó. Category: colors.

-mo'ȯhtávénén   vta. darken face of s.o. É-mo'ȯhtáveneno. He darkened his (obv) face. É-mo'ȯhtávénénóho. He darkened his (obv) face. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, colors.

-mo'ȯhtáveóhtá   vai. have black leg(s). É-mo'ȯhtáveóhta. He has black legs. Etym: *maxkate·wika·te·wa. Variant: -mo'ȯhtávėškóhtá; Medial -óht. Category: body, colors.

mo'ȯhtávėstáe   i. black. Category: colors.

-mo'ȯhtávo   vii. be black. É-mo'ȯhtávo. It is black. Etym: *maxkate·we·wi. Variant: -mo'kȯhtávó. Category: colors.

-mo'ȯhtávoestá   vai. wear a black dress. É-mo'ȯhtávóésta. She is wearing a black dress. tsé-mo'ȯhtávóéstȧhtse Catholic. tsé-mo'ȯhtávoestase Catholics. Category: colors, clothing.

-mo'ȯhtávȯhtȧheve   vai. dark color. not a solid color. É-mo'ȯhtávȯhtȧheve. It (or He) is darkish in color. Final -ohtȧhéve. Category: colors.

-mo'ȯhtávo'ótaná   vai. wear a black neckpiece. É-mo'ȯhtávo'ótána. He is wearing a black choker. Néohke-mo'ȯhtávo'ótána. You wear a black neckpiece. [The Nighthawk.023] fai: -o'ótaná. Category: colors.

-mo'ȯhtávo'tá   vii. sit black. É-mo'ȯhtávó'ta. It is sitting there black. Category: sit inan, colors.

-mo'ȯhtávo'xȯhtaha   vai. wear black paints. Ques: o'xȯhtahe?? É-mo'ȯhtávo'xȯhtaha. He is wearing black pants. Medial -o'xȯhtáha. Category: clothing, colors.

-mo'ȯhtávoohevá   vai. black nails. É-mo'ȯhtávoohēva. He has has black nails. BodyPartMedial -oohevá. Category: body, colors.

-mo'ȯhtávová   vai. black hide - have, have black fur. É-mo'ȯhtávóva. He has a black hide. Etym: *maxkate·wawe·wa. Variant: -mo'kȯhtávová; BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: horses, colors.

-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'é   vai. black painted. É-mo'ȯhtávȯxé'e. He is painted black. Category: warfare, colors.

-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'én   vta. paint s.o.'s face black, blacken face of s.o. É-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'eno. He painted his (obv) face black. É-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'énóho. He painted his (obv) face black. (newer pronunciation). tséméhaevé'še-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'énȧhtsesėse with which he had darkened his (own) face. [1987:270] BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: colors, face.

-mo'ȯhtséne   vai. black painted face. É-mo'ȯhtséne. He has black paint on his face. See: -mo'ȯhtsénéne; -mȯxe'éné; -mȯxe'énéné; -mo'ȯhtávéné. Category: face, colors.

-mo'ȯhtsénéné   vai. paint faces black. especially refers to when a soldier has returned from combat and he/she paints people who come through the line at his/her victory dance ?? É-mo'ȯhtsénéne. He is putting black paint on faces. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -mȯxe'éné; -mȯxe'énéné; -mo'ȯhtávéné. Category: face, colors, check.

-momá'an   vti. redden s.t. É-momá'ána. He reddened it.

vta. redden s.o. É-momá'anóho. He reddened him. hó'tá'-momá'anōmo neme'ko whenever I redden your hair. [1987:252] Phon: redup Category: colors.

-momá'ėškóhtavose   vai. have red legs from the cold. É-momá'ėškóhtavose. His legs are red from the cold. Category: temperature, colors.

-momá'ó   vii. be red. only of plural subjects. É-momá'ónėstse véhpotȯtse. The leaves are red. (another recording) for example, in the fall. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated ma'ó. Category: colors.

-mȯséanahe   vai. brown. É-mȯséanahe. He is brown. Etym: cf *mya·šye·kesiwa (P) he is a strange kind of hide. Vé'késo é-mȯséanahe. The bird is brown. Usage: od Variant: -mȯséškanahe, -mȯšéškanahe; vii: -mȯséanó. Category: colors.

-mȯséanó   vii. brown, old leather color, buckskin color. É-mȯséáno It is brown/it is old leather (or buckskin) in color. Etym: cf *mya·šye·katwi (P) it is a strange kind of hide. Variant: -mȯšéškanó. Category: colors.

-mȯséanová   vai. brown furred. É-mȯséanōva. He is brown-furred. BodyPartMedial -ová3. See: -mȯšéškanová. Category: colors.

-mȯséškanahe   vai. brown. É-mȯséškanahe. He is brown, buckskin in color. Variant: -mȯséanahe. Category: colors.

-mȯséškano   vii. brown. This color word has to do with buckskin. É-mȯséškáno. It is brown. The first /s/ of the 'buckskin/brown' entries often assimilates to /š/. There is much debate among Cheyennes over what might be an appropriate word for brown. Assimilated -mȯšéškanó. See: -mȯséanová; -mȯséanó; -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó. Category: colors.

-mȯšéškanahe   vai. brown. É-mȯšéškanahe. He is brown. Variant: -mȯséanahe. Category: colors.

-mȯšéškanó   vii. brown. This color word has to do with buckskin. É-mȯšéškáno. It is brown. Variant: -mȯséanó. There is much debate over what might be an appropriate Cheyenne word for brown. Non-assimilated -mȯséškanó. See: -mȯséanová; -mȯséanó; -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó; -noónó. Category: colors.

-mȯšéškanová   vai. brown furred. É-mȯšéškanōva. He is brown-furred. BodyPartMedial -ová3. See: -mȯséanová. Category: colors.

-noónó   vii. faded, dried up, withered. É-noóno. It is dried up (for example, a leaf in the fall). There is widespread disagreement about terms for 'brown'; some speakers prefer -noónó; some prefer -mȯšéškanó; while a smaller number may prefer -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó. It is likely that there was not a traditional word for 'brown'. See: -mȯšéškanó; -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó. Category: colors.

-ohtȧhé   m. colored, designed. É-hotóhkȯhtȧhéne. He is making a star design. Épe'pe'-ȯhtȧhéneo'o Ho'óhomo'eo'o. They (Siouxs) use "conglomeration" designs. Éoéškȯs-ȯhtȧhéne. He is making a pointed design. fai: -ohtȧhéné. See: -ohtȧhéve. Category: colors, designs.

-ȯhtȧhéné   fai. design, color. ... éhet-ȯhtȧhéne. ... that is how he designed / colored. Category: colors.

-ȯhtȧhéve   fii. designed, colored.

fai. designed, colored. combines with the equative final /-(é)ve/ in a number of forms, often referring to moccasin designs. ... éhet-ȯhtȧheve. ... it (or he) is so colored. Étónet-ȯhtȧheve? What kind of design does it/he have? Épėhév-ȯhtȧheve. He/It has a nice design. Étónet-ȯhtȧheve? What kind of design does it/he have? Éheóv-ȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inan) have a yellow design. Relative Root -hetȯhtȧhéve. See: -hohtȧheve. Category: colors, designs.

-óma'é   fai. paint. especially refers to having ceremonial paint on one's body. Tósa'e tséto'sėhése-véstómá'e? ?? On what side (group) do you want to be painted? Nėstsetónet-ómá'e? Which paint will you be painted? Évést-ómá'e. He is painted with (that side). Évóaxaa'év-ómá'e. He is eagle-painted. Éháo'táoohesonev-ómá'e. He is lizard-painted. Éao'ėsetónev-ómá'e. He is hailstone painted. Éheóv-ómá'e. He is painted yellow. Épopėhév-oma'eo'o. They are nicely painted. Phon: often has a preceding (morpheme-initial ?? Ques: check /v/ ?? See: -vóhpenová; heóvonehe; -mo'ȯhtávȯxe'é; -mo'ȯhtsénéné; -mȯxe'éné; -mȯxe'énéné; -mo'ȯhtávéné; -véstóma'é. Category: colors, check.

onétȧhévȯxe'ėstónestȯtse   ni. different writing. Usage: probably rare in the singular Plural onétȧhévȯxe'ėstónėstotȯtse. The plural may be used for 'crayons' by some speakers, but others say this is not an appropriate word for a crayon since this word only refers to different writing, not different colors. Category: colors.

otá'tav-   i. blue. É-otá'tavahe. He is blue. É-otá'távo. It is blue. É-otá'tavéne. He has a blue face. Category: colors.

-otá'tavahe   vai. be blue. É-otá'tavahe. He is blue. Etym: *pale·ʔte·wesiwa (P). É-otá'tavȧhehe? Is he blue? Usage: Speakers consider it humorous that this sounds close to -távahe 'foolish'. See: -távahe. Category: colors.

-otá'tavȧho'h(n)   vta. dye blue s.o. Ná-otá'tavȧhō'no navoestȯtse. I dyed my dress blue. fta: -aho'h(n). Category: colors.

otá'tave-   pv. blue. tsé'-otátavėhō'ta where it is blue. Sweet Medicine predicted horses would take people thisfar, i.e. to the horizon). Category: colors.

-otá'tavėhoxo'ȯhtsévo   vii. turquoise blue. Lit: blue-green É-otá'tavėhoxo'ȯhtsévo. It is turquoise-blue. Category: colors.

-otá'tave'éxané   vai. have blue eyes. É-otá'tave'éxáne. He has blue eyes. Usage: probably a shortened, more recent version of -otá'tavemenoo'éxané Variant: -otá'tavemenoo'éxané; BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: eyes, colors.

-otá'tavéne   vai. blue face - have a. É-otá'tavéne. He has a blue face. Category: face, colors.

-otá'tavenóno'e   vii. look blue. É-otá'tavenóno'e. It looks blue. This has been heard referring to blue sky. fii: -nóno'e. Category: colors, appearance.

-otá'tavenóohe   vai. look blue. É-otá'tavenóohe. He looks blue. fai: -nóohe. Category: colors.

-otá'taveoxa'ohe   vai. beaded blue. É-otá'taveoxa'ȯhénėstse. They are beaded blue. Category: designs, colors.

-otá'tavėsané   vai. dress blue. É-otá'távėsáne. He is dressed in blue clothing. fai: -sané. Category: dress, colors.

-otá'tavó   vii. blue. É-otá'távo. It is blue. Etym: *pale·Ɂte·we·wi (P). Ques: check negative to get pitch on tav?? Category: colors, check.

-otá'tavȯhtȧheve   vii. blue-colored. É-otá'tavȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inan) are blue-colored.

vai. blue-colored. É-otá'tavȯhtȧheve. He/It is blue-colored. (another recording) É-otá'tavȯhtȧhéveo'o. They (an) are red-colored. É-otá'tavȯhtȧhévehe? Is it blue-colored? Category: colors.

-otá'tavo'tá   vii. be blue there, blue - be at. É-otá'tavō'ta. It is blue (there). Tatsėhe'óoestse ... tséstaame-otá'tavō'ta. Go over there ... where it is blue. [The Journey.092] fii: -ho'tá. Category: colors.

otá'tavóma'ȯhtse   ni. blue earth, blue paint. There is blue earth somewhere in Minnesota where Cheyennes used to live. See: ma'óma'ȯhtse red earth; vóhpoma'ȯhtse salt. Category: colors.

-otá'tavová   vai. blue furred. É-otá'tavōva. He has blue fur. [The Journey.108] Category: colors.

-otá'tovová   vai. have blue hide; have blue fur. É-otá'tovōva He has blue hide. [JOURNEY.TXT] for example, of a horse with dark markings. See: -vóhpe'xoené. Category: colors, horses.

pó'-2   i. gray. É-pó'ahe. He is gray. É-pó'eta. It is gray. É-pó'atováotse. There is gray smoke (from the fire). Category: colors.

-pó'ahe   vai. gray. É-pó'ahe. He is gray. vii: -pó'o; Synonym -pó'eta. See: -pó'ona'e. Category: colors.

-pó'ea'e   vii. have gray color. É-pó'ea'e. It is of a gray color. (texture??) Category: colors, check.

-pó'eta1   vai. gray. É-pó'eta. He is gray. Synonym -pó'ahe, -pó'kahe; vii: -pó'ó. Category: colors.

-pó'kahe   vai. gray. É-pó'kahe. He is gray. See: -pó'ahe. Category: colors.

-pó'keotse   vai. 1 • grayed.

2 • exhausted, tuckered out, played out. Usage: figurative, humorous; not widely used; considered a "made up" word by some É-pó'keotse. He is tuckered out. Mónééšė-pó'keotse? Are you tuckered out yet? Nééšė-pó'keotsehe? Are you tuckered out yet? Usage: humorous in idiomatic usage

vii. See: -kȧhaneotse tired; -pó'o gray; -po'eotse broken off. Category: colors.

-pó'kevovó'hásé   vai. gray pinto. É-pó'kevovó'háse. He is a gray pinto. tsé-pó'kevovó'hásėstse the gray pinto. Category: horses, colors.

-pó'ková   vai. be gray furred. É-pó'kóva. He is gray furred. See: -pó'ová shed. Category: animals, colors.

-pó'ó   vii. gray. É-pó'o. It is gray. vai: -po'etá1. See: -pó'keotse. Category: colors.

-pó'ȯhtȧheve   vii. gray-colored.

vai. be gray-colored. É-pó'ȯhtȧheve. He/It is gray-colored. É-pó'ȯhtȧhévenetótse he'éxánėstse. His eyes are grayish. See: -tónetȯhtȧheve. Category: colors.

-séetȯhtȧheve   vii. same color (or design) - have the.

vai. same color (or design) - have the. É-séetȯhtȧheve. It/He is of the same color. [PD30] Category: colors, designs.

-tónėšemenoo'éxáne   vai. What color eyes? É-tónėšemenoo'éxáne? What color eyes does he have? Category: colors, eyes, record.

-tónetȯhtȧhéve'éxané   vai. what color eyes. É-tónetȯhtȧhéve'éxáne? What color are his eyes? Category: colors, eyes.

-tónetȯhtȧho'tá   vii. how colored from heat (or sun). É-tónetȯhtȧhō'ta? What color is it from heat (or sun)? Éme'-tónetȯhtȧho'tánėstse hé'tóhe menȯtse? What color should these berries be when ripe? Category: colors, berries.

-tónetóma'é   vai. how painted. É-tónetómá'e? How is he painted? Nėstse-tónetómá'e? Which paint do you want? [87:28] That is, How do you want to be painted? fai: -óma'é. Category: ceremonial, colors.

tséháovȯhtȧhévee'ėstse   ni. fluorescent colors. Ques: recheck ?? Category: check, colors.

tsé-heóvo   vii. that which is yellow. Category: colors.

tsé-hoxo'ȯhtsévo   vii. green. used as a Sun Dance paint. Category: paint, colors.

tsé-má'o   vii. that which is red. Category: colors.

tsé-vó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl the white one. especially for the blank hand game bone. vai: -vó'komahe. Category: colors.

tsé-vó'kómo   vii. that which is white. vii: -vó'komó. Category: colors.

-véstóma'é   vai. painted with. É-véstómá'e. He is painted with (that side). Tósa'e tséto'sėhése-véstómá'e nėstsetónetómá'e? On what side (group) do you want to be painted? [1987:28] fai: -óma'é. Category: ceremonial, colors.

vóhp-   i. whitish. Category: colors.

-vóhpahe   vai. light.color; be a light color. É-vóhpahe. He is a light color. Etym: *wa·pesiwa. vii: -vóhpó. Category: colors.

-vóhpan   vti. powder s.t. É-vóhpána. He powdered it. Etym: *wa·penamwa (P).

vta. powder s.o. É-vóhpanóho. He is powdering him. Etym: *wa·pene·wa (P). Category: colors.

vóhpe-   pv. whitish, light (in color). Etym: *wa·pi. Étšėšeée-vovóhpėšéeneve. There are white sand rocks. [1987:42] Reduplicated vovóhpe-. See: -vó'komó. Category: colors.

-vóhpe   vai. be painted white. especially for a Sun Dance. É-vóhpeo'o. They are painted white. This term seems to refer to body paint, especially for a Sun Dance, whereas -vóhpéné refers to face paint. See: -vóhpéné. Category: colors, ceremonial.

-vóhpe'xoéné   vai. gray faced. especially of a horse. É-vóhpe'xoéne. He is gray faced. Éh-vóhpe'xoénėsesto. He (horse) was gray faced (pret). [1987:170] Ques: especially of a roan?? Medial -éné. See: -otá'tavová. Category: colors, face, horses.

-vóhpén   vta. paint s.o. white on the face. especially of painting s.o. who will to dance in a Sun Dance. É-vóhpeno. He painted his face white. É-vóhpénóho. He painted his face white. (newer pronunciation). É-vóhpénáá'e. He (obv) painted his face white. Ná-vóhpéno. I painted him. É-vóhpenėhestse. She powdered her (own) face. Category: colors, face.

-vóhpo   vii. whitish or grayish-white, light in color. É-vóhpo. It is light in color. vai: -vóhpahe. See: -vó'komó white. Etym: *wa·pye·wi it is white. Category: colors.

-vóhpohá   vti. whitewash s.t., lighten s.t., paint s.t. white. É-vóhpóha. He painted it whitish. Etym: *wa·pahamwa. See: -véhpanan lighten s.t. (in weight). Category: colors, paint.

-vóhpoh(n)   vta. whiten s.o., lighten s.o. (in color), paint s.o. white. É-vóhpȯhnóho. He painted him white. Etym: *wa·pahwe·wa (P). Ná-vóhpóhno. I painted him white. [Croft] Category: colors, paint.

-vó'kȯhtonȧháóma'é   painted white; white painted. especially a ceremonial painting. tséhoese tséoxxaemȧhe-vó'kȯhtonȧháoma'évȯse those who were sitting there were all painted white. [1987:28] fai: -óma'é. Category: colors, ceremonial.

vó'(k)om-   i. white. É-vó'komahe. He is white. É-vó'koméne. He is white faced. É-vó'komeotse. It turned white. See: vó'om-. Category: colors.

-vó'komahe   vai. white, be white. É-vó'komahe. He is white. Etym: *wa·xkamesiwa (P). Non-diminutive -vó'omahe; vii: -vó'komó. Category: colors.

-vó'koman   vti. whiten s.t. É-vó'komāna. He whitened it. Category: colors.

-vó'komea'e   vii. whitish. É-vó'komea'e. It is whitish in color. Category: colors.

-vó'komeata   vai. whitish. É-vó'komeata. ?? He is whitish in color. vii: -vó'komea'e; fai: -eata. Category: colors, check.

-vó'koméneotse   vai. face whiten. É-vó'komeneotse. He face whitened. for example, when he got scared. Category: colors.

-vó'komenóohe   vai. appear white, look white. É-vó'komenóohe. He looks white. See: -vó'omenóohe. Category: colors, appearance.

-vó'komeotse   vai. turn white.

vii. turn white. É-vó'komeotse. It (or He) turned white. Category: colors.

-vó'komó   vii. white. É-vó'kómo. It is white. Etym: *wa·xkamye·wi (P) it is clear, clean. Variant: -vó'omó; vai: -vó'komahe; Preverb vó'kome-. See: -vóhpó. Category: colors.

-vó'komȯhtȧheve   vii. white-colored.

vai. be white-colored. É-vó'komȯhtȧheve. He/It is white-colored. See: -tónetȯhtȧheve. Category: colors.

-vó'komová   vai. have white fur. É-vó'komōva. He has white fur (or hide). tsé-vó'komōvȧhtse the white hided one (especially horse). BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: horses, colors.

vó'ne-   pv. white. É-vó'nevovó'háse naa émȯšéškanahe. It was white-spotted and brown. Category: colors.

-vó'névová   vai. bay colored in hide. especially of a horse. É-vó'névóva. He (especially horse) is bay colored in his hide. Variant: -vó'neová. Category: horses, colors.

vó'om-   i. white. É-vó'ómo. It is white. É-vó'oméne. He has a light face. See: vó'om(e)-; vó'(k)om-. Category: colors.

-vó'omahe   vai. white. É-vó'omahe. He is white. Etym: *wa·xkamesiwa. Diminutive -vó'komahe. Category: colors.

vó'om(e)-   i. white. Etym: *wa·xkami. É-vó'omėsāne. He is dressed in white. É-vó'omenóohe. His appearance is white.

pv. white. Éh-vó'ometsėhetȯhtȧhévenėsestȯtse véenȯtse. The tepees were of white design. [1987:316] Category: colors.

-vó'oméné   vai. have a light face. É-vó'oméne. He has a light face. Etym: *wa·xkami·nkwe·wa he has a clean face. Category: face, colors.

-vó'omenóohe   vai. appear white. É-vó'omenóohe. His appearance is white. Category: colors, appearance.

vó'omėstáe-   i. white. Category: colors.

-vó'omó   vii. white. É-vó'ómo. It is white. Etym: *wa·xkamye·wi (P). Variant: -vó'komó. Category: colors.

-vó'omȯhtȧhéve   vii. white colored. Naa tsetavó'omȯhtȧhévénėstse máto. And there will be white ones also. Category: colors.

-vó'omo'xȧhtahe   vai. wear white pants. É-vó'omo'xȧhtahe. He is wearing white pants. Ques: check plural to get the underlying form?? See: -ahtáhá pants. Category: clothing, colors, check.

-vó'omóma'e   vai. white painted. É-vó'omóma'e. ?? He is painted white. Category: check, ceremonial, colors.