ȧhkó'a'hasēō'o na. Gram: pl domino, dice-throwing?? Ques: dominoes or dice (?) Plural ȧhkó'a'haseono. Category: games, check.
ȧhkó'a'haseono na. Gram: pl dominoes, dice-throwing? Ques: dominoes or dice (??) Singular ȧhkó'a'hasēō'o. Category: games, check.
-ahkó'enené vai. play marbles. É-ahkó'enēne. He is playing marbles. Nétȧhé-ahkó'enenémáne! Let's play marbles! Category: games.
-amȧho'hé-evo'soo'e vai. play with cars. É-amȧho'héevo'soo'e. He is playing with (toy) cars. See: -évo'soo'e. Category: games.
-amekoká'a'xe vai. play hopscotch. É-amekoká'a'xeo'o. They are playing hopscotch. Category: games.
-amóneo'sané vai. play bingo. Lit: line up É-amóneo'sāne. He is playing bingo. Category: games.
-ésȯhová vai. miss guessing the handgame bone. É-ésȯhóva. He missed guessing the handgame bone. Antonym -mé'ȯhová; fai: -ohová. See: -nȯsȯhová; -ová; -amȯhóné. Category: games.
-ésta'e'hasené vai. ring. in horseshoes. Nexa é-ésta'e'hasēne. He got two ringers. ?? Category: check, games, horseshoes.
-ésto'e'ó'tsé vti. roll in s.t., put s.t. into game machine slot. É-ésto'e'ó'tse. He rolled it in. See: -ésto'en. Category: games, move.
-ésto'ȯhené ni. play pool, pool - play. É-ésto'ȯhēne. He is playing pool. Category: games.
éva'kȧsé'hamȧhtsestȯtse kȧsé'? ni. head down play. a kind of game ?? Category: check, games.
-hasené fai. ?? Category: check. especially used of terms for the seeds-in-basket game. Náno'kė-hasēne. I got one seed up. Nánéšė-hasēne I got two seeds up. Nána'he-hasēne I got three seeds up. Nápėhévė-hasēne I played a right game. Námȧhe-hasēne I got them all facing up. Násáatónėšė-hasenéhe. I didn't make any (seeds) up. ékó'koe-haseneo'o They are playing the seed-in-basket game. époe'-haseneo'o They are shaking the basket. See: -poe'hasené; kó'koehasenestȯtse. Category: games.
-hestóxeve vai. be behind; be last. É-hestóxeve. He is behind. Náma'xė-hestóxévéme. We are way behind (for example, in a game). Category: games.
ho'haneškȯtse ni. throwing-arrow game. Category: games.
-ho'oestomev vta. throw s.o. at s.o., throw s.o. to s.o. for example, throwing a ball to someone. É-ho'oestomevónoto. He passed/threw him (for example, the ball, animate) to him. Néx-ho'oestomevėstse! Throw it to me! Ho'oestomeveha hóhtséme! Throw the ball to him! (Heške) éhmȧsó-ho'oestomóenósesto (hevásemo). Her mother threw her younger brother at her. [Stamper 1991:10] Category: games, basketball, baseball.
hó'xėséme na. netted hoop, hoop. This refers to the sapling hoop with netted (webbed) rawhide strips; the object of the game is to throw a stick through the hoop as close to the center of the hoop as possible. See: xȯhéono; hóhtséme. Category: games.
-kó'koehasené vai. play the seeds-in-basket game. É-kó'koehasēne. He is playing the seeds-in-basket game. Néto'se-kó'koehasenema. We're going to have the seeds-in-basket game. [seeds-in-basket game - play the] Category: games.
kó'koehasenestȯtse ni. seeds-in-basket game. The seeds have one side marked. They are shaken in a basket. The number of seeds are counted which have the marked side facing up. Apparently, mostly women played this game. There is a well-developed vocabulary for use in this game: see -póe'hasené,-hasené, -néšėhasené, etc. Category: games.
kó'koehasēō'o na. seed (for seed-in-basket game). Plural kó'koehaseono. Category: games.
-mȧhehasené vai. all seeds up in seed-in-basket game. Námȧhe-haséne. I got all the seeds facing up. fai: -hasené. Category: games.
-mȧhtȯhené vai. play bone game. É-mȧhtȯhéne. He played the bone game. Category: games.
ma'aataévėhahtáno'hamestȯtse ni. horseshoe. Lit: iron-foot-horse-NOM also, the word for the horseshoe used in the game of horseshoes. Plural ma'aataévėhahtáno'haméstotȯtse. Category: games, horses, horseshoes.
-mȧxȯhestsévo'soo'e vai. play tag. É-mȧxȯhestsévo'sóeo'o. They are playing tag. See: -évo'soo'e. Category: games. Phon: vs
mȯhenėšēmo1 na. card (as in a deck of cards). Plural mȯhenėšemono; Obviative mȯhenėšemono; Homonym mȯhenėšēmo2 ‘ladybug’. Category: cards, games.
-nȧha'enené vai. catch. as a catcher does in a baseball game. É-nȧha'enēne. He is catching. (another recording) See: -no'enené; tsénȧha'enēnėstse. Category: games, baseball.
-na'hehasené vai. three seeds up in seed-in-basket game. Ná-na'hehasēne. I got three seeds up. Final -hasené. Category: games.
-néšėhasené vai. have two seeds up in seed-in-basket game, play cards together. Ná-néšėhasēne. I got two seeds up. É-néšėhaseneo'o. They are playing cards together. Final -hasené. See: -mȯhenėšemá. Category: games, cards.
-nėše'hanené 1 • wash (things). for example, to wash clothes. É-nėše'hanēne. He washed. Etym: *kesi·Ɂθenike·wa.
2 • clean. that is, rubbed the bones or seeds and threw them back in the basket in the basket game. Ques: also of playing cards ?? Category: check. See: póe'ėhaseono; -nėše'hóová. Category: games.
nétȯhénestȯtse ni. bone game. See: nétȯheósóno. Category: games.
nétȯheósóno na. bone game. refers to all the apparatus for the game, including the bone and wire with which to "grasp" the bone (through its hollow center). Category: games.
netó'ȯhenestȯtse ni. spin top whirling game. Category: games.
netó'ȯhéó'o ni. top. Plural netó'ȯheonȯtse. Category: games.
no'ȧseohéhohtseme na. football. Ques: no'ȧseohehóhtseme?? Category: games, check.
-no'kėhasené vai. have one seed up in seed-in-basket game. Ná-no'kėhasēne I got one seed up. fai: -hasené. Category: games.
-ohová2 fai. play handgame. Ques: recheck gloss?? Énȯs-ȯhóva. He is guessing. Éés-ȯhóva. He missed guessing the handgame bone. Émé'-ȯhóva. He found the hand game bone. See: -ohoné; -ová2. Category: games, check.
-o'hohné vai. play baseball. may have originally referred to playing a traditional game of shinney. É-o'hōhne. É-o'ȯhōhne?? He is playing baseball. Nétȧhé-o'hohnémáne! Let's go play baseball! Synonym -no'ȯhehné. Category: phys. ed., games. See: no'ȯheo'o ‘bat’. Category: baseball, check.
o'hohnéhóhtséme na. baseball. This refers to the ball itself, not the game of baseball. See: hóhtséme. Category: baseball, games.
o'hohnestȯtse ni. shinny, baseball (the game). Category: games.
o'hohta'ovėhohtseme na. soccer ball. This refers to the ball used in soccer. Lit: kicking ball Category: games, check.
ó'kȯhoméhanestȯtse ni. coyote play. a traditional game, no longer played. Category: games.
-pėhévėhasené vai. have a good number of seeds up in the seed-in-basket game, play cards well. Ná-pėhévėhasēne. I had a good game. Final -hasené. Category: games, cards.
-póe'hasené vai. shake, slam down ?? This word is used for the action of shaking the basket in the seed-in-basket game. É-póe'hasēne. He is shaking the basket. É-póe'haseneo'o. They're shaking (slamming down??) the basket. vti: -poe'hahtsé. See: kó'koehasenestȯtse; -hasené. Category: games, check, record.
-poo'ėšem vta. throw s.o. down, bounce s.o. (once), dribble (once). É-poo'ėšemóho. He bounced him/threw him down. vai: -poo'eše; Reduplicated -pó'poo'ėšem. See: -vé'seva'ham ‘bounce s.o.’; -hehpepoo'ėšem ‘double dribble s.o.’. Category: games, basketball.
-séetó'xovo'soe vai. even in score playing - be. É-séetó'xovo'sóeo'o. They are even in the score as they play. Ques: recheck?? See: évo'sóe. Category: basketball, games.
-tónėšėhasené vai. have how many seeds up in the seed-in-basket game. É-tónėšėhasēne? How many seeds did he get in the seeds game? Násáa-tónėšėhasenéhe. I didn't make any (seeds) up. Category: games.
tótšėške'e- pv. little. requires some kind of reduplicative "plurality" in the meaning of a verb stem that it modifies. É-tótšėške'eévo'sóeo'o. They are playing with little homemade dolls (generally made of cloth). Category: games. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated tšėške'e-.
tšėške'he'konėhohtseme na. golf ball. Category: games.
vávaahestȯtse ni. swing. Etym: cf *we·pisoweni > **we·pisontayi (P). Phon: redup vai: vávaahe. Category: games.
-vóhpėhasené vai. have white seeds up in the basket game. See: póe'ėhaseono. Ná-vóhpėhasēne. I have all white faced up on the seeds (in the basket game). Category: games.
-xaóeva'ó'hané vai. skunked. Usage: idiomatic Ná-xaóeva'ó'haneo'o.?? We got skunked. ?? Category: check. probably borrowed from English "skunked". Category: romance, games.
xȯheo'o na. Gram: pl Ques: pl?? webbed hoop. Category: check. Plural xȯhéono. for a traditional Cheyenne game (shinny??) Ques: Is this correctly glossed? It may be that hó'xėséme is the proper name for this object, and xȯhéono is something else used in a traditional game. Ques: The plural agrees with Michelson's record. See: ahkȯheohtsé; hó'xėséme; hóhtséme. Category: games, check.