Cheyenne Dictionary



-áhanėstósem   vta. drag s.o. to death, hurt s.o. badly by dragging. É-áhanėstósemóho. He hurt him badly by dragging. fta: -stósem. Category: move.

-ahkó'e'ó'h   vta. roll s.o. É-ahkó'e'o'ho. He rolled him (for example, a ball, animate). Ná-ahkó'e'ó'hoo'o I rolled them. vti: -ahkó'e'ó'tsé. Category: move.

-ahkó'e'ó'tsé   vti. roll s.t. É-ahkó'e'ó'tse. He rolled it. vta: -ahkó'e'ó'h. Category: move.

-ahkó'e'ov   vta. roll s.o. by kicking. É-ahkó'e'ovóho. He rolled him by kicking him. Category: move.

-ahkó'en   1 • vti. roll s.t. É-ahkó'éna. He rolled it. Ahkó'énȯhtse! Roll it! (for example, roll it into a ball from dough).

vta. roll s.o. É-ahkó'enóho. He rolled him (for example, a ball, animate). Ahkó'eneha! Roll him!

2 • vta. rob s.o. Usage: loan transl. from English Category: move.

-ahkó'eváen   1 • vti. roll s.t. by hand. É-ahkó'eváéna. He rolled it (by hand).

vta. roll s.o. by hand. É-ahkó'eváenóho. ?? He rolled him. Éstatšėše-ahkó'eváenȧhtsesėstse. He rolled himself over. [1987:195]

2 • vta. rob s.o., mug s.o. Ná-ahkó'eváéno. I "rolled" him for his money. Usage: probably a loan translation Category: move.

-ahkó'eváenené   vai. roll. É-ahkó'eváenēne. He rolled (something). Éstaéne-ahkó'eváenenesėstse hámėškona. The bug stopped rolling (that thing). [The Ant, the Bug, and the Rabbit.012] Category: move.

-ahkó'ohá   vti. roll s.t. by tool. É-ahkó'óha. He rolled it by tool. Category: move.

-a'ham   fta. throw s.o., fling s.o., shake s.o., jerk s.o. Éasėt-a'hamóho. He threw him away (from himself). Éésȯh-a'hamóho. He shoved him. Éó'-a'hamóho. He is hanging him up to dry. Éhóest-a'hamóho. He threw him out. Éésto'-a'hamóho. He threw him into the bushes. Éénovo'-a'hamóho hoomaho. He threw off the blanket. fti: -a'hahtsé; fai: -a'hasené; Final -a'h. Ques: should -a'ham be analyzed as two separate finals, -a'h plus -am?? See: -a'xe. Category: move, check.

a'ka'ó'sané   vai. ?? É-a'ka'ó'sáne. ?? Synonym -a'kanené. Category: move.

-a'kanené   vai. bunch. É-a'kanēne. He is putting things in bunches. Synonym -a'ka'ó'sané. Category: move.

-amȧxéehe   vai. move fleeing. Lit: flee-move É-amȧxéehe. He is fleeing like a refugee. É-amȧxéeheo'o. They are moving to flee. Variant: -amȧxéveehe; fai: -éehe. See: -aseohováohe; -hómėstá. Category: move.

-ameeh   vta. move s.o., help s.o. move. The means "move" in the sense of helping someone move. É-ameehóho. He helped him move. Category: move.

-ameoestoh(n)   vta. move s.o. along quickly by tool. É-ameoestȯhnóho. He is moving him (obv) along quickly by hitting him with something. Initial ame-, oest-; fta: -oh(n). Category: move.

-ameohé'tȯsané   vai. take people quickly in vehicle. tséohke-ameohé'tȯsanéto É-ameohé'tȯsáne. He transported quickly. ambulance. See: -vó'ho'kȧsé'há. Category: move, sickness.

-ameohé'tov   vta. transport s.o., move along s.o. É-ameohé'tovóho. He transported him. Né'éšeéve-ameohé'tovėstse! Take me around (for example, in your car)! Category: move.

-ameohová   vai. flee. É-ameohōva. He fled. fai: -ohová. See: -amaxe; -aseohováohe; -hómėstov; -amȧxem. Category: move.

-ameotsėsané   vai. 1 • carry. É-ameotsėsāne. He is carrying (something) / he is in charge. [1987:164] fai: -sané1. See: -ameotsėstómané; -véhoneve.

2 • lead; charge - be in. Category: move.

-ameotsėstómané   vai. carry along. É-ameotsėstómáne. He carries (people) along. tséstȧhéne'enovo tséohkėheše-ameotsėstómánėse Ma'hēō'o after I found out that God is going to carry (us) along. [1987:164] See: ameotsėsané. Category: move.

-ameotsestsé   vti. carry along s.t. É-ameotsēstse. He is carrying it along. Nevéhestȯtse ná-ameotsėstsenone. We carry your name. Násáavéhonevetanóhe; nává'ne-ameotsēstse hová'éhe. I don't want to be a chief; I only (want to) carry whatever (needs to be carried). É-ameotsėstsenȯtse. He is carrying them (inan.) along. vta: -ameotseh. Category: move, carry.

-amėstósėhahtsé   vti. drag s.t., tow s.t. É-amėstósėháhtse. He is dragging it. Etym: cf *pemita·tintwa (P). Ná-amėstósėháhtse. I'm dragging it. Synonym -hestósėhahtsé; vta: -amėstósem; fti: -stósėhahtsé. Category: move.

-amėstósem   vta. drag s.o. É-amėstósemóho. He is dragging him. Etym: *pemita·time·wa (P). É'ėse é'-amėstósemȧhtséhoo'o. Half of himself he was dragging. [1987:286] vti: -amėstósėhahtsé. See: -hestósem drag s.o.. Category: move.

-amóehestsé   vti. row s.t. É-amóehēstse.?? He rowed it. [pd928] Category: move, check.

-amó'en   vti. transport s.t. by wagon, roll s.t. along by wagon. É-amó'éna. He hauled it by wagon.

vta. transport s.o. by wagon, transport s.o. by wheelchair. É-amó'enóho. He moved him by wagon. É-amó'enahtse. He is moving himself along by wheelchair. É-amó'enēnėstse. (The wagons) were rolled along. Medial -ó'e1. See: -hetó'en. Category: move, roll.

-amónean   vta. lead s.o. along by rope. É-amóneanóho. He is leading him along with a rope. Final -ón(e). Etym: *pema·pye·kene·wa. See: -amóonean. Category: move.

-amóonean   vta. guide s.o., lead along s.o. for example, to lead a horse by the reins; this can also refer to guiding a blind person along. É-amóoneanóho. He led him along. Ná-amóoneāno. I am leading him along. É-amóoneanovo hetáhoestovevóho. They led their mounts along. Medial -ón. See: -hoónean; -amónean; -éstoonean. Category: move.

-anȧha'ov   vta. chase s.o. down. for example, chase someone down a hill or off a bed onto the floor. É-anȧha'ovóho. He chased him down. Category: move.

-ana'haso'he   vai. ride a horse down. for example, down a hill. É-ana'haso'he. He rode a horse down. Variant: -anȧha'hasó'he; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: move, horses.

-ana'o'tsé   vti. lower s.t., take down s.t. É-ana'ō'tse. He took it down. [Stamper 1991:4] Éstaohkėhóse-ana'o'tsénoho tsénéta'etse mȯxe'ėstoo'o. He would take another book down (from the shelf). [Stamper 1991:4] Category: move.

-ana'ov   vta. drive down s.o. É-ana'ovóho. He drove him/them down. This could be over the edge. Initial an-; Final -a'. Category: move.

-anan   vti. take down s.t., lower s.t. É-anāna. He took it down. Etym: *penenamwa (P).

vta. take down s.o., lower s.o. É-ananóho. He lowered him. Etym: *penene·wa (P). See: -anoan. Category: move.

-anevo'e'há   vta. knock over s.t. É-anevo'ē'ha. He knocked it over. vta: -anevo'e'ov. See: -ávevo'e'á. Category: move.

anevo'e'ov   vta. knock over s.o. É-anevo'e'ovóho. He knocked him over. See: -ávevo'oh(n). Category: move.

-anevo'kohá   vti. knock s.t. down (by tool). É-anevo'kōha. He knocked it down by tool. for example, knocked something off a table. Medial -evo'; Variant: -anevo'ohá. Category: move.

-anevo'koh(n)   vta. 1 • down.knock, knock down s.o. (by tool). É-anevo'kȯhnóho. He knocked him down by tool.

2 • marry, elope. Névááhe tséanevo'kōhnȯhtse hesta'sóho? Who made it snow? Lit: Who knocked down the snow? humorous saying; it figuratively means "Who got married?" or "Who eloped?" Medial -evo'; Variant: -anevo'oh(n), -anovo'koh(n). See: -anevo'om; -anoh(n); -anȯhvo'h(n). Category: move.

-anevo'ohá   vti. knock s.t. off, knock down s.t. for example, to knock something off a table. É-anevo'ōha. He knocked it off. Variant: -anevo'kohá. Category: move.

-anevo'oh(n)   vta. knock down s.o. (by tool), knock off s.o. (by tool). É-anevo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him down by tool. Ééva-anevo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him down. Medial -evo'; Variant: -anevo'koh(n). See: -anevo'e'ov. Category: move.

-anoan   vti. lower s.t. for example, to lower a window. É-anoāna. He lowered it.

vta. lower s.o. See: -anan; -ana'o'tsé. Category: move.

-anohá   vti. lower s.t. by tool. É-anōha. He lowered it with a tool. Category: move.

-anȯhan   vti. put s.t. down. É-anȯhāna. He put it down.

vta. put s.o. down. É-anȯhanóho. He put him down. Ná-anȯhāno. I put him down/I took him down. See: -énan. Category: move.

-anȯheotsestsé   vti. bring down s.t. É-anȯheotsēstse. He brought it down. Mó'ȯsáanemá'sėho'e-anȯheotsėstsėhenovótse héne ho'évȯhkohtsėstse They finally brought down all the meat. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).240] Category: move.

-anȯhevo'ohá   vti. knock down s.t. É-anȯhevo'ōha. He knocked it down. vta: -anȯhevo'oh(n). See: -anȯhvo'h(n). Category: move.

-anȯhevo'oh(n)   vta. knock down s.o. É-anȯhevo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him (obv) down. Névááhe tséhé'heetovánovėstse hesta'se móma'xe-anȯhevo'ȯhnȯhevóhe? Who was mischievous, someone must have knocked down snow. That is a humorous saying when there has been a blizzard. It is basically asking "Who made it snow?" vti: -anȯhevo'ohá; Variant: -anovo'oh(n). See: -anȯhvo'h(n). Category: move, sayings.

-anoh(n)   vta. 1 • knock down s.o. (by tool). É-anȯhnóho. He knocked him down.

2 • make amazing news, do something amazing to s.o. Ná-anōhno héstā'se. I knocked down the snow. That is a byword that means "I made news". See: -anevo'koh(n); -anȯhvo'h(n); -anovo'oh(n). Category: move, figurative.

-anȯhónean   vti. lower s.t. by rope. É-anȯhónéána. He lowered it (by hoist). for example, lowered a well bucket on a rope.

vta. lower s.o. by rope. É-anȯhóneanóho. He lowered him by rope. Medial -ón. Category: move, ropelike.

-anȯhován   vti. lower. Éva-anȯhovánȯhtse! Turn the volume back down!

vta. lower. Éva-anȯhováneha! Lower him back! for example, to close a window shade (animate). See: -anován. Category: move.

-anȯhvo'h(n)   vta. knock down s.o. Anȯhvo'heha! anȯhe?? Knock him down! for example, to knock a fly from off of my hand. See: -anevo'koh(n); -anȯhevo'oh(n). Category: move, check.

-anótootsé'tov   vta. drop s.o. from the mouth. É-anótootsé'tovóho He dropped him from his mouth. Oeškēse é-anótootsé'tovóho hohtsemono. The dog dropped the ball from his mouth. See: -anȧha'ham; -amotom; -otóm. Category: move.

-anova'ó'tsé   vti. lower s.t. can be used today for lowering the volume on a radio or T.V. É-anova'ó'tse. He lowered it. See: -anovo'o'tsé. Category: move.

-anovan   vti. put down s.t.., lower s.t. for example, to lower a window. É-anovāna. He lowered it. É-anovane. It is lowered. Anovānȯhtse! Lower it!

vta. put down s.o., lower s.o. É-anovanóho. He lowered him. See: -anȯhován. Category: move.

-anovo'koh(n)   vta. down.knock, knock down s.o. (by tool). É-anovo'kȯhnóho. He knocked him down by tool. Medial -evo'; Variant: -anevo'oh(n). See: -anevo'om; -anoh(n); -anȯhvo'h(n). Category: move.

-anovo'oh(n)   vta. knock down s.o. by tool. É-anovo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him down with a tool. (another recording) Medial -o'; Variant: -anȯhevo'oh(n). See: -anoh(n). Category: move.

-anovo'o'tsé   vti. lower s.t. É-anovo'ō'tse. He lowered it. See: -anova'o'tsé. Category: move, check.

-anóvot   vta. unload s.o. É-anóvotóho. He unloaded him. fta: -óvot. See: -anóvȯhto'he; -éno'xe. Category: move.

aseéso'ham   vta. push away s.o. É-aseéso'hamóho. ?? He pushed him (obv) away. Category: move, check.

-asėhó'ham   vta. push away s.o. for example, to push him forward. É-asėhó'hamóho. He pushed him (forward). Ná-asėhó'hámo. I pushed him. See: -ésėhó'ham; -avo'ham. Category: move.

-aseoha'ov   vta. drive away s.o., shoo away s.o. É-aseoha'ovóho. He drove him away. Ta-aseoha'ova! Drive him away! (said to a group). fta: -a'ov. Category: move.

-aseohé'tov   vta. leave with s.o., take off with s.o., elope with s.o., move s.o. É-aseohé'tovóho. He took off with him. vai: -aseohe. See: -aseotseh. Category: move.

-aseohtséh   vta. take away s.o. É-aseotseho. He took him away. É-aseotséhóho. He took him away. (newer pronunciation). Ná-aseotsého. I took him away. Navo'ėstanemo náto'seévamȧhe-aseohtséhoo'o. I'm going to take all of my people away. See: -aseotseh; -aseohé't. Category: move.

-aseohtsėhe'ov   vta. take away s.o. Category: check, move.

-aseotseh   vta. take away s.o., remove s.o. É-aseotsėhóho. He took him away. Ná-aseotsēho. I took him away. Ta-aseotšėšeha! Take him away! Néto'seévamȧhe-aseotsėhatsemeno. We are going to take all of you back. [1987:59] See: -aseohé'tov; -aseoha'ov. Category: move.

-asėséan   1 • vti. stretch s.t. É-asėséána. He stretched it.

2 • vta. stretch s.o. É-asėséanóho. He stretched him (obv). Ques: recheck entry?? Category: move.

-asėstósem   vta. drag away s.o. É-asėstósemóho. He dragged him away. fta: -stósem. See: -asėtósem start to tell about s.o.. Category: move.

-asėta'á   vti. drive off s.t., propel s.t. away. É-asėtā'a. He drove it away. vti: -aseta'ov. Category: move.

-asėta'hahtsé   vti. throw away s.t. (from oneself). not the meaning of 'discard something'. É-asėta'hāhtse. He threw it (away from himself). fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -vóho'oestsé. Category: move.

-asėta'ó'h   vta. remove s.o. É-asėta'o'ho. He removed him. É-asėta'ó'hóho. He removed him. (newer pronunciation). See: -onóh(n). Category: move.

-asėta'ov   vta. drive off s.o., chase away s.o., drive away s.o. for example, chasing away dogs or cattle. Can also be used of brushing away snow (animate), for instance, with one's feet. É-asėta'ovóho. He chased him away. vti: -asėta'á. See: -ta'e'ov. Category: move.

-asėtan   vti. pass s.t., take away s.t ., forgive s.t. Phon: When speaking at a normal speed, most speakers whisper (devoice) the "e" for all words that begin with "-aset". When speaking more slowly and deliberately the "e" will sometimes be voiced. É-asėtāna. He passed it/took it away. This word can be used for passing something to someone, as during a meal: Né'-asėtānȯhtse! Pass it to me! Né'-asėtānȯhtse mahpe! Pass the water! Né'-asėtānȯhtse matana! Pass the milk! Né'-asėtānȯhtse mo'ȯhtávėhohpe! Pass the coffee! Né'-asėtānȯhtse vóhpoma'ȯhtse! Pass the salt! (another recording) Né'-asėtānȯtse méhmemenȯtse! Pass the pepper! (another recording) Né'-asėtānȯtse kóhkonȯhēō'o! Pass the bread! The word for the object to be passed can occur either before or after the verb: Né'-asėtānȯtse vétšėškévȧhonoo'o! Pass the frybread! Vétšėškévȧhonoo'o né'-asėtānȯtse! Pass the frybread (ghost bread)! Né'-asėtānȯtse méstaévȧhonoo'o! Pass the boogeyman bread (ghost bread)! Né'-asėtānȯtse heóveamėške! Pass the butter! Né'-asetānȯhtse ho'évohkȯhtse! Pass the meat! (another recording) Né'-asėtānȯtse vé'keemahpe! Pass the sugar! Né'-asėtānȯtse pano'ėhasēō'o! Pass the syrup! Né'-asėtānȯtse hohpe! Pass the soup! Né'-asėtānȯtse énȧhéno! Pass the gravy! Usage: Some younger speakers sometimes say Néhmetsėstse! 'Give it to me!' for passing something this direction. This word has sometimes been used for the idea of 'forgive', for example: Ma'hēō'o ééva-asetāna nȧhtávėsévo'eétȧhestȯtse. God forgave my wrongdoing.

vta. pass s.o., take away s.o., forgive s.o., impeach s.o. É-asėtanóho. He discarded him. Né'-asėtaneha má'xeme! Pass an apple! Né'-asėtaneha mȧhōō'o! Pass me the melon! Né'-asėtaneha nomá'ne! Pass the fish! Né'-asėtanenáno monėškeho! Pass the beans! Monėškeho né'-asėtanenáno! Pass me the beans! Né'-asėtaneha kokȯhéaxa! Pass the chicken! Né'-asėtanenáno he'éhesono! Pass the rice! Né'-asėtanenáno mésėhéstoto! Pass the potatoes! See: -hestan take s.t./s.o.; -né'asėtan pass s.t. toward speaker; -tsėheta'ó'h pass s.o. this direction; -mét give something to s.o.. Category: move.

-asėtȧxe'ov   vta. chase away s.o. É-asėtȧxe'ovóho. He chased him away. See: -asėta'ov; -hóetȧxe'ov. Category: interpersonal, move.

-asėtohá   vti. shovel s.t., brush away s.t., swish away s.t. É-asėtōha. He shoveled it. vta: -asėtoh(n). Category: move.

-asėtȯhené   vai. chase away, brush away. É-asėtȯhēne. He brushed (something) away. (another recording) for example, he brushed crumbs off a table. Category: move.

-asėtóoneeváen   vta. lead away s.o. É-asėtóoneeváenóho. He led him away. Mósta-asėtóoneeváenóhetsenotóhe. She led him away. [1980:65:33] Category: move.

-asėtósėhahtsé   vti. drag away s.t. É-asėtósėháhtse. He dragged it away. Category: move.

-aseváen   vti. throw s.t. has meaning element of 'throw away' from a reference point, such as that of the speaker; different from the meaning of -vóho'oet 'throw away s.o., discard s.o.'. Ná-aseváéna. I threw it.

vta. throw s.o. É-aseváenóho. He threw him. See: -aseváohe; -asėta'hahtsé. Category: move.

-asevo'e'á   vti. push away s.t. by foot. É-asevo'ē'a. He pushed it away with his foot. Category: feet, move.

-asevo'e'omev   vta. chase away something from s.o. É-asevo'e'omevóho. He chased it away from him. Ná-asevo'e'omēvo. I chased it away from him. Category: move.

-asevo'e'ov   vta. chase away s.o. É-asevo'e'ovóho. He chased him away. Asevo'e'óveha! Chase him away! See: -asėtȧxe'ov. Category: move.

-asevo'kohá   vti. push away s.t. (by tool). É-asevo'kōha. He pushed it away. Variant: -asevo'ohá. Category: move.

-asevo'ohá   vti. push away s.t. (by tool). É-asevo'ōha. He pushed it away. Variant: -asevo'kohá. Category: move.

-asȯhón   vti. push away s.t. É-asȯhóna. He pushed it away/forward.

vta. push away s.o. É-asȯhonóho. He pushed him away/forward. See: -asȯhó'ham shove s.o.. Category: move, check.

áv-   i. fall over. áv- refers to movement falling down and over (that is, to the side or from a standing position), while an- simply refers to movement down. É-áva'hāhtse. He knocked it over. É-ávȯhomó'heohe. He fell over from dancing so fast. Category: move.

-áva'hahtsé   vti. knock over s.t. É-áva'hāhtse. He knocked it over. for example, knocking over a fence. Category: move, throw.

-ávevo'e'á   vti. knock over s.t. (with body or foot). É-ávevo'ē'a. He knocked it over (with his body). See: -anevo'e'há. Category: move.

-ávevo'e'ov   vta. bump over s.o., knock over s.o. É-ávevo'e'ovóho. He bumped him over (with his body). This can be an accidental bumping that knocks someone over. See: -áva'ham push over s.o.. Category: move.

-ávevo'en   vti. knock over s.t. É-ávevo'ēna. He knocked it over.

vta. knock over s.o. É-ávevo'enóho. He knocked him over. Category: move.

-ávevo'oh(n)   vta. knock over s.o. refers to hitting someone so that they fall over. É-ávevo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him over. Náma'xe-ávevo'ōhno. I really knocked him down. Nexa é-ávevo'ohe. Twice he was knocked down. Medial -evo'. Category: move, hit.

-ávohá   vti. push down s.t. by tool. É-ávóha. He pushed it down by tool. Etym: *pe·wahamwa. Category: move.

-eestsé   fti. pull s.t. Éhes-eēstsé. He pulled it. Éhests-eēstse. He wounded it by pulling. fta: -eet. Category: move.

-eet   fta. pull s.o. Éhes-eetóho. He pulled him. Éhests-eetóho. He wounded him by pulling. É-péeetóho. He tore him apart. (by pulling??) Épo'-eetóho. He pulled him off. Étó'h-eetóho. He stopped him with the reins. fti: -eestsé. Category: move, check.

-ehahtsé   fti. cause s.t. to lie, set s.t., place s.t. Evéhp-ėháhtse. He emptied it. (literally, he-empty-lie.cause-it). fii: -ehá; fai: -ehasené, šé-; fta: -ešem. Category: move.

-ehót   fta. at s.o., to s.o. Éam-ėhótóho. He walked by him. (newer pronunciation). Ého'-ėhótóho. He came to him. Énósevon-ėhoto. He crawled up to him. Één-ėhótóho. He stopped and stood by him. Ého'evon-ėhoto He arrived at him by crawling. Taa'éva mósto'seés-ėhótaehevovóhe. At night he was going to come into (their tepee). Móxho'-ėhótaehevóhe ésevone. A buffalo came to them. [1987:307] Nétanóhts-ėhótone Ma'hēō'o! Let us come near God! [Hymn 5] Móhma'xemóhee-hótaehevovóhe nótȧxévé'hó'e. So the soldiers gathered to come after (attack) them. [1987:44] fti: -hóhtá. See: -ho'ehné. Category: move. fti: -ehóhtá.

-e'an   vti. put s.t. up (by hand). É-e'āna. He put it up. Etym: *ešpenamwa.

vta. put s.o. up (by hand). É-e'anóho. He put him up. Etym: *ešpene·wa. Ná-e'āno. I got him up (there). Category: move.

-e'eotseh   vta. take up s.o. for example, up a hill. É-e'eotsėhóho. He took him up. Ná-e'eotsēho. I took him up. [1987:264] vti: -e'eotsestsé. Category: move.

-e'eotsestsé   vti. take up s.t. É-e'eotsēstse. He took it up. Éstaame-e'eotsėstsénȯse. He took it up. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.130] vta: -e'eotseh. Category: move.

-e'ėstósem   vta. drag s.o. up. for example, uphill. É-e'ėstósemóho. He dragged him (obv) up(hill). Final -stósem. Category: move.

-e'kȯsé'hahtsé   vta. turn over s.o. Ques: sé' or se'?? É-e'kȯsé'háhtse He turned it over. faster action than -e'ȯsevonehné. Ques: recheck sé' pitches here and for -e'ȯsé'hahtsé and related forms?? Variant: -e'ȯsé'hahtsé; vta: -e'kȯsé'ham. Category: move, check.

-e'kȯsé'ham   vta. turn over s.o. É-e'kȯsé'hamóho. He turned him over. faster action than -e'ȯsevonehné. É-e'kȯsé'hamahtse. He turned himself over. Ques: recheck sé' pitches here and for -e'ȯsé'hahtsé and related forms?? Variant: -e'ȯsé'ham; vti: -e'kȯsé'hahtsé. Category: move, check.

-e'ónean   vti. pull up s.t. by a rope, hoist s.t. É-e'ónéána. He hoisted it.

vta. pull up s.o. by a rope, hoist s.o. É-e'óneanóho. He hoisted him. tsé'-e'óneanėse hoohēō'o flag ceremony. Lit: up-ropelike-by.hand Initial e'-; Medial -ón; fta: -an. See: -é'ónean break s.t./s.o. ropelike. Category: move.

-e'óneanené   vai. hoist (something) ropelike. É-e'óneanēne. He hoisted. Category: move, ropelike.

-e'ȯséhá   vti. turn over s.t. by tool. for example, to turn over a pork chop frying. É-e'ȯséha. He turned it over with a tool. E'ȯséóhtse! Turn it over! Category: move.

-e'ȯséhn   vta. turn over s.o. by tool. É-e'ȯsehno. He turned him over with a tool. É-e'ȯséhnóho. He turned him over with a tool. (newer pronunciation). Ná-e'ȯséhnȯhoo'o mésėhéstoto. I turned over the potatoes. for example, turned them over in the frying pan. E'ȯséheha! Turn him over! Category: move.

-e'ȯsé'ham   vta. turn over s.o. É-e'ȯsé'hamahtse. He turned himself over. for example, of a baby. É-e'ȯsé'hamóho. He turned him over. Ésta-e'ȯsé'hamóhoono. He turned her over. (pret). [Croft 1988:30:19] Variant: -e'kȯsé'ham. Category: move.

-e'ȯsén   vti. turn over s.t. É-e'ȯséna. He turned it over. Nėstsevé'vé'še-e'ȯséna ho'évohkȯhtse mótšėškéva! Don't turn meat over with a knife! That is a cultural taboo.

vta. turn over s.o. Variant: -e'kȯsén. Category: move, taboo.

-e'tósem   vta. drag s.o. up. É-e'tósemóho. He dragged him up. for example, to drag s.o. uphill. Category: move.

-énan   vti. put down s.t., put away s.t., release s.t., appoint s.t., pawn s.t. É-énána. He put it away. Énánȯhtse! Let go of it! Ta-énánȯhtse! Put it away! Éva-énánȯhtse! Put it back! Táxemésėhéstóva tȧhé-énánȯhtse! Go put it on the table! Etym: *po·nenamwa he releases it.

vta. let go of s.o., put down s.o., put away s.o., release s.o., appoint s.o. É-énanóho. He put him down. Ééva-énanóho. He let him off. Náhóe'-énáno. I turned him out/turned him loose (for example, a horse)/put him out. Nėhéóhe ná-énáno. I appointed him (literally, placed him there). vai: -énanené. Etym: *po·nene·wa he releases him. See: -énanomótah; -nėhetsem; -nééh; -éneváen; -énanomóht; -énoh; -anȯhan. Category: move.

-éneváen   1 • vti. release s.t. quickly, put down s.t. quickly, unleash s.t. quickly, leave s.t. quickly. É-éneváéna. He put it down. Éneváénȯhtse! Let go of it! Óxėse éneváénȯhtse! Put it someplace else! Návone-éneváéna. I misplaced it; got it mixed up. Tȧhé-eneváénȯtse! Go leave it there! [1987:286]

vta. release s.o. quickly, put down s.o. quickly, unleash s.o. quickly, leave s.o. quickly. Éstaméhae'-éneváenóhoono. (when) he put him down. [1987:286] Hevovetāso nává'ne-éneváéno. I just turned the tornado loose. [POWER.TXT] Category: move.

2 • vta. excrete s.t. (body waste). Usage: euphemism Tȧhé-eneváénȯhtse! Go leave it there! Émóne-éneváéna. He just farted. See: -énan. Category: body function.

-énohá   vti. dip in s.t., ladle in s.t. for example, dipping soup into a plate. É-énóha. He ladled it in. See: -énan. Category: move.

-énooh(n)   vta. clear off s.o. É'ȧse-énoohnovo hesta'sóho. They cleared off the snow. [1987:30] See: -énoehné end birthe. Category: move.

-ésėhéa'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. into. É-ésėhéa'hāhtse. He threw it into. See: -héa'hahtsé. Category: move.

-éseohé'tá   vti. bring in s.t. É-éseohé'ta. He brought it in. Ne'-éseohé'tȯhtse tséhe'óhtomátse mésėhestȯtse! Bring in our leftover food! [Stamper 1991:4] Category: move.

-éseohtséh   vta. bring in s.o. É-éseohtseho. He brought him in. É-éseohtséhóho. He brought him in. (newer pronunciation). See: -éseotseh; -ho'eotseh; -éstseohtséh. Category: move.

-éseotseh   vta. bring in s.o. for example, to have a funeral for s.o. É-éseotsėhóho. He took him in. See: -ho'eotseh; -éstseohtséh. Category: move.

-éseotsestsé   vti. bring in s.t. É-éseotsēstse. He brought it in. vta: -éseotseh. Category: move.

-ésėstósėhahtsé   vti. drag in s.t., tow s.t. into, pull s.t. into. For example, when a tow truck driver tows a disabled vehicle into a repair shop. É-ésėstósėháhtse. He dragged it in. Etym: *pi·ntita·tintamwa (P/L). Ques: -ésėstósėhahtsé?? fti: -stósėhahtsé; vta: -ésėstósem. See: -stósėhahtsé; -amėstósėhahtsé; -ésȯhón. Category: move, check.

-ésėstósem   vta. drag in s.o. É-ésėstósemóho. He dragged him in. fta: -stósem; vti: -ésėstósėhahtsé. Category: move.

ésėstóseohé't   vta. drag in s.o. quickly. Éstaésėstóseohé'tovósesto. He dragged him in. [The Boy Who Left His Horse on the Prairie.054] Category: move.

-ésevo'e'ov   vta. chase in s.o. É-ésevo'e'ovóho He chased him in. See: -éstȧxe'ov. Category: move.

-ésȯha'hahtsé   vti. shove s.t. É-ésȯhá'háhtse. He shoved it. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: move.

-ésȯhohá   vti. push s.t. with a tool. É-ésȯhóha. He pushed it with a tool. Category: move.

-ésȯhóh(n)   vta. push s.o. by tool. for example, pushed his car with his own car. É-ésȯhohno. He pushed him with a tool. É-ésȯhóhnóho. He pushed him with a tool. (newer pronunciation). É-ésȯhóhéé'e. He (obviative) pushed him. Category: move.

-ésȯhó'hahtsé   vti. shove s.t., push s.t. This is a faster action than -ésȯhón. É-ésȯhó'háhtse. He shoved it. vta: -ésȯhó'ham. See: -ésȯhón. Category: move.

-ésȯhó'ham   vta. shove s.o. É-ésȯhó'hamóho. He shoved him. É-ésȯhó'hamáá'e. He (obviative) shoved him. Nátaése-ésȯhó'hámo. I shoved him inside. fta: -ohó'ham; vti: -ésȯhó'háht. See: -asȯhó'ham; -ésȯhón; -anȯho'ham. Category: move.

-ésȯhó'han   vta. push s.o. É-ésȯhó'hanóho. He pushed him. Ques: (by hand ?? Category: check. See: -ésȯhón. Category: move.

-ésȯhó'ov   vta. push s.o. É-ésȯhó'ovóho. He pushed him. Tséhvó'ho'kȧsetse éstatšėheše-ésȯhó'ovósesto. He pushed him toward the light. [1980:34:26] See: -ésȯhón; -ésȯhó'hahtsé. Category: move.

-ésȯhón   vti. push s.t. for example, to push a care with your body or shoulder. É-ésȯhóna. He pushed it. Ésȯhónȯhtse! Push it! Náase-ésȯhóna. I pushed it away. Éhóxove-ésȯhóna. He pushed it across. See: -ésȯhó'hahtsé; -asevo'koh.

vta. push s.o. É-ésȯhono. He pushed him. É-ésȯhónóho. He pushed him. (newer pronunciation). É-ésȯhónáá'e. He (obviative) pushed him. Ná-ésȯhónoo'o. I pushed them (animate). Éame-ésȯhónóho hemé'ėševotamo. She is pushing her baby along. for example, in a stroller. ft: -ohón. See: -ésȯhó'ham shove s.o.; -ohó'ham shove. Category: move.

-ésta'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. into. É-ésta'hāhtse. He threw it into. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: move.

-éstan   vti. put s.t. in. É-éstána. He put it in. Etym: *pi·ntenamwa (P) he put it in.

vta. É-éstanóho. He put him in. Etym: *pi·ntene·wa (P). Final -an by hand. See: -ésto'tsé. Category: move.

-éstoen   vta. bring in holding s.o. É-éstoenóho. He brought him in while holding him. É-éstoeneo'o. They were brought in while held. Category: move.

-ésto'e'ó'tsé   vti. roll in s.t., put s.t. into game machine slot. É-ésto'e'ó'tse. He rolled it in. See: -ésto'en. Category: games, move.

-éstó'en   vti. roll in s.t. To example, to take a car to a service station. É-éstó'éna. He rolled it in.

vta. roll in s.o. É-ésto'enóho. He rolled him in. For example, this could be rolling someone in on a wheelchair. See: -ésto'en load it. Category: roll, move.

-ésto'tsé   vti. put s.t. inside. É-éstó'tse. He put it inside. Etym: *pi·ntaɁta·wa (P). fti: -o'tsé. See: -éstan. Category: move.

-éstoonean   vta. lead in s.o. especially to lead in a blind person or a horse. É-éstooneanóho. He is leading him in. See: -amóonean lead s.o. along. Category: move.

-éstseohtséh   vta. lead s.o. to do something. É-éstseohtseho. He is leading him to do it. É-éstseohtséhóho. He is leading him to do it. (newer pronunciation). É-éstseohtséháá'e heávȯhóho. The devil (obv) is leading him to do it. See: -éseohtséh; -éšenot. Category: move, interpersonal.

-éva'ȧsén   vti. turn over s.t. É-éva'ȧséna. He turned it over.

vta. É-éva'ȧseno. He turned him over. É-éva'ȧsénóho. (newer pronunciation). See: -hotáavan. Category: move.

-éva'evȧxévaen   vta. turn back the opposite way from s.o. example, when mad at s.o. É-éva'evȧxévaenȧhtseo'o. They have their backs turned to each other. Category: interpersonal, move.

-éva'ov   vta. drive s.o. here and there. É-éva'ovóho. He drove him/them here and there. For example, he drove a wild horse here and there. Initial év-; Final -a'. Category: livestock, move.

-évan   vti. put s.t. here and there. É-évána. He put it here and there.

vta. put s.o. here and there. É-évanóho. He put him here and there. for example, to use a feather (animate) to dust here and there. Category: move.

-évaóta'ham   vta. stand s.o. back up. É-évaóta'hamóho. ot?? He stood him back up. Ná-évaóta'hāmo. ot?? I stood him back up. Category: move, check.

-évaotséh   vta. return s.o. É-évaotseho. He brought him back. É-évaotséhóho. He brought him back. (newer pronunciation). See: -évaotseh. Category: move.

-évavo'a'ham   vta. throw s.o. backwards. É-évavo'a'hamóho. He threw him backwards. fta: -a'ham. Category: move.

-évėhahtsé   vti. place s.t. here and there. É-évėháhtse. He put it here and there. Nėstsevé'-évėhahtsénóvo me'ko! Don't leave hair here and there! Category: move.

-hánȯhto'tsé   vti. put s.t. in back. for example, to keep one's hat back on the head. É-hánȯhtó'tse. He put it in back. vti: -o'tsé2. Category: move.

-hánȯsevo'e'ov   vta. tip s.o. backwards. É-hánȯsevo'e'ovóho. He tipped him backwards. Category: move.

-hánȯsevo'oh(n)   vta. tip s.o. backwards. É-hánȯsevo'ȯhnóho. He tipped him backwards (with a tool??) Category: move, check.

-hátȯxova'hahtsé   vti. pass around s.t. É-hátȯxova'hāhtse. He passed it around. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: move.

-hée'o'h   vta. spill s.o. for example, to spill beans. É-hée'o'hóho. He spilled them. vti: hée'o't. Category: move.

-hée'o'tsé   vti. spill s.t., pour s.t. liquid or another substance. É-hée'ō'tse. He spilled it. É-hée'o'tsenȯtse ȧhko'eneonȯtse. He spilled the marbles. Néx-hée'ō'tsėstse mahpe! Go pour water! vai: -hée'o'sané, -héeotse; vii: -héeotse, -héehá; vta: -hée'o'h. See: -héa'hahtsé. Category: move, liquid.

-héeseváen   vti. take s.t. from there, snatch s.t. from there. É-héeseváéna. He grabbed it from there. Né'évȧ-héeseváénȯhtse! Go get it quickly!

vta. take s.o. from there, snatch s.o. from there, arrest s.o. from there. É-héeseváenóho. He snatched him from there. Ná-héeseváenāne. I was taken from here. for example, by the police. See: -heseváen; -hestan. Category: move.

-héevo'ėhahtsé   vti. spill s.t. É-héevo'ėhāhtse. He spilled it. See: -hée'o'tsé; -héa'hahtsé. Category: move.

-hehpa'ov   vta. drive s.o. farther. É-hehpa'ovóho. He drove him/them too far. fta: -a'ov. Category: move.

-he'ama'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. up. É-he'ama'hāhtse. He threw it up. fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -he'aman raise s.t.. Category: move.

-he'ama'ó'h   vta. lift s.o. quickly, raise s.o. quickly. É-he'ama'o'ho. He lifted him up quickly. É-he'ama'ó'hóho. He lifted him up quickly. (newer pronunciation). He'ama'ó'xeha! Lift him up quickly! vti: -he'ama'ó'tsé. Category: move.

-he'ama'ó'tsé   vti. lift s.t. quickly, raise s.t. quickly. quicker action than -he'aman. É-he'ama'ó'tse. He lifted it up quickly. vta: -he'ama'ó'h. See: -he'aman; -heamá'ó'tsé. Category: move.

-he'aman   vti. raise s.t., elevate s.t., lift s.t. slower action than -he'ama'ó'tsé. É-he'amāna. He raised it. He'amānȯhtse! Raise it! (for example, a window). Éohkė-he'amanánovȯtse. They toast them (drinks). See: -he'ama'ó'tsé; -he'ama'hahtsé.

vta. lift s.o., raise s.o., elevate s.o., lift s.o. É-he'amanóho. He raised him. See: -vonóan; -ohaétan; -to'é'ham. Category: move, drink.

he'ame-   i. up. Éssó'-he'amena'évaooesėstse. His arm was still up in the air. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.045]

pv. up. he'ame-o'hé'e up the creek. [1987:185] É-hea'ameaseváéna. He threw it up. Category: move.

-he'ameehe   vai. move up. for example, to move upstream, such as toward the Kirby area. É-he'ameehe. He moved up. Category: move.

-he'amevo'oh(n)   vai. hit s.o. up. This can refer to hitting a fly ball in baseball. É-he'amevo'ȯhnóho. He hit him up. Ná-he'amevo'ōhno. I hit him (a ball) up. Category: baseball, move, hit.

-he'amó'en   vti. raise s.t.

vta. raise s.o. É-he'amó'enóho. He raised him. É-he'amó'ene hooheo'o. The flag was raised. See: -e'ó'en. Category: move.

-he'ehe   vai. Gram: rr so move camp, move so. Éstanė-he'ėhésesto. They moved there. [The Rolling Head.106] fai: -ehe. Category: move.

-he'koneestohá   vti. tighten s.t. by tool. É-he'koneestōha. He tightened it by tool. Category: move.

-he'kono'tsé   vti. set s.t. firm. É-he'konō'tse. He set it strong. Category: move.

-he'néhá   vti. separate, spread out s.t. by tool, separate it by tool. É-he'néha. He separated it by tool/he spread it out by tool. See: -momésoh. Category: move.

-he'nén   vti. spread s.t. É-he'néna. He spread it by hand/he separated it by hand. Ná-he'nénanȯtse. I separated them (inanimate). Éévė-he'nénóvo. They distributed it. [Ranch Life.020]

vta. spread s.o. É-he'nenóho. He spread/separated him/them by hand. See: -a'e'han. Category: move, check.

-he'néveneenáh(n)   vai. send s.o. spread out. É-he'néveneenahno. He sent them spread out. É-he'néveneenáhnóho. He sent them spread out. (newer pronunciation). fta: -neenáh(n). Category: move.

-he'ȯhtséh   vta. Gram: rr cause s.o. to go that way, lead s.o. that way. ... é-he'ȯhtseho. ... that is how/where he led him. ... é-he'ȯhtséhó. ... that is how/where he led him. (newer pronunciation). Ma'hēō'o tséheševéstȧhémaétse, tsé-he'ȯhtséhaétse how God has helped us, how he leads us. [1987:199] Category: interpersonal, move.

-he'otséh   vta. Gram: rr so take s.o. ... é-he'otseho. ... that he where he took him. ... é-he'otséhóho. ... that he where he took him. (newer pronunciation). Ques: ȯhtsé?? Ma'hēō'o mónánė-he'otsėhaehenéhe. God must have brought us that way. [My Testimony.136] Category: move, check.

-he'otseh   vta. so take. ... é-he'otsėhóho. ... that is where he took him. Nátamónetsė-he'otsėhāā'e. They took me there. [Florence Whiteman Life Story.011] Category: move.

-hene'hán   vti. lift up s.t. É-hene'hána. He lifted it up. É'ȯhkema'xė-hene'hánánȯse hema'aatanó'e. He would hold up his gun. [Head Chief] See: -héne'han stiffen s.t./s.o.. Category: move.

-heseehe   vta. Gram: pass pulled. É-heseehe. He is being pulled. vta: -heseet. See: -heséehe move camp to a ridge. Category: move.

-heseestsé   vti. pull s.t. É-heseēstse. He pulled it. See: -hestseestsé wound s.t. by pulling; -hesta'hahtsé jerk s.t.. vta: -heseet. Category: move.

-heseet   vta. pull s.o. É-heseetóho. He pulled him. vti: -heseestsé. See: -heseehe pulled. Etym: cf. *wencipiθwe·wa. Category: move.

-heseváen   vti. pick up s.t., grab s.t., take s.t. urgently, snatch s.t. quicker, more urgent action than -hestan. É-heseváéna. He snatched it. (another recording) Néx-hėseváénȯhtse! Get it! Né'évȧhé-eseváénȯhtse! Go get it quickly!

vta. pick up s.o., arrest s.o., grab s.o., take s.o. urgently, snatch s.o. É-heseváenóho. He took him. Heseváeneha mé'ėševȯtse! Pick up the baby! Mó-heseváenėhéhe. He must have been arrested. [1987:286] See: -hestan; -héeseváen. Category: move.

-hesta'hahtsé   vti. jerk s.t., pull s.t. É-hesta'hāhtse. He jerked it. fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -heseestsé pull s.t.. Category: move.

-hesta'ham   vta. jerk s.o., pull s.o. É-hesta'hamóho. He jerked/pulled him. See: -heseest. Category: move.

-hésta'ov   vta. drive s.o. from there. Énėx-hésta'ovóho. He drove him/them from there. Initial hést-; Final -a'. Category: livestock, move.

-héstan   vti. get s.t. from there, take s.t. from there. É-héstána. He got it from there. Etym: *wentenamwa. See: -hestan take s.t..

vta. get s.o. from there, take s.o. from there. É-héstanóho. He got him from there. Tȧ-hestaneha! Take him (there)! Category: move, directions.

-hestan   vti. take s.t., get s.t., hand s.t. É-hestāna. He took it. Náhestan-ȯtse. I took them (inan). Hestānȯhtse! Take it! Néx-hėstánȯhtse! Get it (for me)! The h of this word is not pronounced when it follows the hé- preverb: Néx-hé-estānȯhtse! Go get it! Néstsė-hestānȯhtse! Hand it to me! Hestanomeo'o! Take it (later)! tséx-hestanomātse when we took it. Énéxánėstse tséohkė-hestanóme heséeotȯtse. There are two medicines that I take. Etym: *wetenamwa 'he takes it'.

vta. take s.o. É-hestanóho. He got him. Hestaneha! Take him! Phon: stem-initial -he devoices when preceded by high pitch See: -héstan; -hestanȧhtsétanó; -asetan. Category: move.

-hestanomeváohé'tov   vta. take something from s.o. quickly. É-hestanomeváohé'tovóho. He took it quickly from him. See: -hestan; -heseváen. Category: move.

-héstoeotseh   vta. from where bring s.o. ... é-héstoeotsėhóhó. ... that is where he brought them from. ... ná-héstoeotsėhoo'o. ... that is where I brought them from. See: -hóeotseh. Category: move.

-héstoeotsestsé   vti. Gram: rr from where bring s.t. ... é-héstoeotsēstse. ... that is where he brought it from. tséx-héstoeotsehe where it was brought out. [1987:104] Category: move.

-hestóho'é   vai. 1 • drag. See: -hestósėhahtsé. Category: move.

2 • be on probation, be on parole. É-hestóhó'e. He is on probation. Category: figurative, legal.

-hestósan   vti. drag s.t. É-hestósána. He is dragging it. for example, using a car to drag something. Etym: cf *weta·tintwa. See: -hestósėhahtsé drag s.t.. Category: move.

-hestósėhahtsé   vti. drag s.t. for example, using a pickup to pull a car. É-hestósėháhtse. He dragged it. Etym: cf *weta·tintwa [*int replaced by *ihθetaw final (P)]. Synonym -amėstósėhahtsé. See: -hestósan; -hestóho'é. Category: move.

-hestósėhasené   vai. drag. É-hestósėhasēne. He is dragging. for example, pulling things on a trailer behind a car. Category: move.

-hestósem   vta. drag s.o. É-hestósemóho. He dragged him. Etym: *weta·time·wa (P). vti: -hestósėhahtsé. See: -amėstósem. Category: move.

-hestseestsé   vti. wound s.t. by pulling. É-hestseēstse. He wounded it by pulling. See: -heseestsé pull s.t.. Category: move.

-hestseet   vta. wound s.o. by pulling. É-hestseetóho. ?? He wounded him by pulling. Category: move, check.

-hešeehe   vai. Gram: rr move there. ... é-hešeehe. ... that is where he moved. Nátao'sėheše-ehe. I'm going to move there. fai: -ehe. Category: move.

hešėstósem   vta. so drag s.o., drag s.o. so. ... é-hešėstósemóho. ... he so dragged him. [My Father's Schooling.057] fta: -stósem. Category: move.

hešetóvȯhtó'hé   vai. so haul. "Tósa'e néto'sė-hešetóvȯhtó'héme?" mó'évėhetȯhevóhe. "Where are you going to haul them? he must have said to them. [My Father's Schooling.059] Category: move.

-hetó'en   vti. Gram: rr transport s.t. there by wagon, transport s.t. by wagon. ... é-hetó'éna. .. that is where he hauled it.

vta. transport s.o. there by wagon, transport s.o. by wagon. At one time especially referred to transportation by wagon, but has been extended to transportation by other vehicles where there is rolling action of wheels. Gram: rr ... é-hetó'enóho. ... that is where he hauled him (by wagon). ... ná-hetó'ena. ... he hauled me over there. Netao'o náhetósė-hetó'ena. He took me all over there. Medial -ó'(e). See: -amó'ehné. Category: roll, move.

-hetósem1   vta. Gram: rr so tell about s.o. ... é-hetósemóho. ... that is what he told about him. Namėšéme séohkė-hetósemėse As it is told about my grandfather. [The Deer Vision.001] Category: move. See: -hósem tell about s.o..

-hetósem2   vta. Gram: rr drag s.o. so. ... é-hetósemóho. ... he is dragging him/them so. Ques: tell about him that way?? Category: check, move.

-hévo'ėsén   vti. squeeze s.t. É-hévo'ėséna. He squeezed it. See: -hahpa'ó'tsé.

vta. squeeze s.o. can be of squeezing toothpaste. É-hévo'ėseno. He squeezed him. É-hévo'ėsénóho. He squeezed him. (newer pronunciation). É-hévo'ėsénóho heóvema'xemeno. He squeezed the lemon. Category: move.

-hóa'ov   vta. chase out s.o. É-hóa'ovóho. He chased him/them out. Ques: sometimes may have been written as -hóva'ov but -hóa'o is now preferred?? Final -a'. See: -hóa'xe. Category: move, check.

-hóeohe   va. emerge quickly, come out quickly. É-hóeohe. He emerged quickly. Category: check, move.

-hóeohé'tá   vti. bring out s.t. É-hóeohé'ta. He brought it out. Category: move.

-hóeotseh   vta. take out s.o. É-hóeotsėhóho. He took him out. for example, out of a building. Category: move.

-hóeotsestsé   vti. take out s.t. É-hóeotsēstse. He took it out. vai: -hóeotseh. See: -ho'eotsestsé; -né'tovohtsé. Category: move.

-hoésem1   vta. hang up s.o. É-hoésemóho. He hung him. Etym: *ako·le·wa (P). for example, to hang a shirt (animate) out to dry. Éhóe-hoésemóho. He hung him outside. Tȧ-hoésemeha! Go hang him up! vai: -hoése1; vii: -hoéstá2; vti: -hoéstá3; Homonym -hoésem2 soak s.o.. See: -é'eet hang s.o.. Category: move.

-hóesta'hahtov   vta. throw (something) out for s.o. Néške'éehe náhne'ȯhkėho'ėhéhotseta; nátaohkėhé-hoesta'hahtóvo páa'e. My grandmother used to come ask me; I would take the ashes out for her. Category: move.

-hóesta'hahtsé   vti. throw out s.t. can refer to pulling out penis after intercourse. É-hóesta'hāhtse. He threw it out. See: -hóehéa'hahtsé; -vóho'oestsé; -né'ta'hahtsé. Category: move, sex.

-hóesta'ham   vta. throw out s.o. É-hóesta'hamóho. He threw him out. for example, he threw out a ball (animate). Ná-hóesta'hāmo hávėséve-mȧhta'sóoma. I threw out (cast out) the evil spirit (said by an Indian minister). fta: -a'ham. See: -ésta'xé'tov. Category: move, throw.

-hóestohá   vti. put out s.t. by tool. É-hóestōha. He put it out by tool. Category: move.

-hóestó'a'ov   vta. drive out s.o. É-hóestó'a'ovóho He drove him out. for example, of a deer or bull. Category: move.

-hóestó'an   vta. take out s.o. É-hóestó'anóho. He took him out. Category: move.

-hóestó'evo'e'ov   vta. kick out s.o., chase s.o. out. É-hóestó'evo'e'ovóho. He kicked him out. See: -hóesto'ovo'oh(n). Category: move.

-hóestó'h   vta. place s.o. out. É-hóesto'ho. He placed him outside. É-hóestó'hóho. He placed him outside. (newer pronunciation). See: -hóestó'a'ham. Category: move.

-hóestósem1   vta. drag out s.o. É-hóestósemóho. He dragged him out. [1987:96] Nėstseévȧho'ė-hóestósemaa'e. It will drag you back out (said about something that you give back to someone who gave it to you in the first place). fta: -stósem. See: -hóesetóseohé'tov drag out s.o. quickly; -hóosėstósem drag home s.o.; -hóohtósem drag home s.o.; -hóestósem2 drag home s.o.. Category: move.

-hóestósem2   vta. drag home s.o. É-hóestósemóho. He dragged him home. Nėstaévȧho'ė-hóestósemaa'e. It will drag you back home. Final -htósem; Variant: -hóohtósem, -hóosėstósem. See: -hóestósem1 drag out s.o.. Category: move.

-hóestóseohé'ta   vti. drag s.t. out quickly. for example, to pull a car out of the ditch. Néxhé-hoestóseohé'tȯhtse naamȧho'hestȯtse! Drag my car out (of the ditch)! Category: move.

-hóestóseohé'tov   vta. drag out s.o. quickly. É-hóestóseohé'tovóho. He dragged him out quickly. É'osáanė-hóestóseohé'tohe. So he was dragged out. [Fishing.054] See: -hóestósem. Category: move.

-hóetȧxe'ov   vta. chase out s.o. É-hóetȧxe'ovóho. He chased him out. See: -hóevo'e'ov. Category: move.

-hóetóhtá   vti. take s.t. outside by mouth. É-hóetóhta. He took it outside in his mouth. fti: -óhtá1. Category: mouth, move.

-hóevo'e'ov   vta. chase out s.o. É-hóevo'e'ovóho. He chased him out. Ná-hóevo'e'ova. He "kicked" me out. Initial hóe-. See: -hóetȧxe'ov; -háavo'e'ov; -hóesta'ham. Category: move.

-hohpo'a'hahtsé   vti. close s.t. quickly, fold up s.t. quickly, snap s.t. shut. a rather quick action, similar to English 'snapped it shut'. É-hohpo'a'hāhtse. He snapped it shut. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: move.

-ho'a'ov   vta. herd in s.o.bring in s.o. É-ho'a'ovóho. He herded him/them in. [1987:182] for example, his horses. Nėhéóhe tsėhéóhe tsé'éšė-ho'a'ovovȯse vé'ho'éotóa'o nėhéóhemóstaéetóxėhnėhéhe né=vé'ho'e. After they came with the cattle this whiteman went by there. [1987:182] Lit: cause s.o. to arrive Category: horses, move.

-ho'enóotseh   vta. bring s.o. É-ho'enóotsėhóho. He brought him. Né'évȧ-ho'enóotsėhoo'o! Bring him back (when you are done; safely)! See: -ho'eotseh. Category: move.

-ho'eohtséh   vta. bring s.o. É-ho'eohtseho. He brought him. É-ho'eohtséhóho. He brought him (newer pronunciation). See: -ho'eotseh. Category: move.

-ho'eotseh   vta. bring s.o. É-ho'eotsėhóho. He brought him. Né'évȧ-ho'eotsėhoo'o! Bring him back! (later). vti: -ho'eotsestsé. See: -ho'eohtséh. Category: move.

-ho'eotsėsané   vai. bring. É-ho'eotsėsāne. He brought (something). fai: -ané. Category: move, check.

-ho'eotsėstomev   vta. bring s.t. for s.o. É-ho'eotsėstomevóho. He brought it for him. Category: move.

-ho'eotsėstomótah   vta. Gram: ai+o bring (something or someone) to s.o. Ná-ho'eotsėstomótáho. I brought it to him. Ná-ho'eotsėstomótȧhónoto oeškėséhesono. I brought a puppy (obv) to him (obv). Né-ho'eotsėstomótȧhatsénóvo. I brought it to you (pl). See: -ho'eotsėstov. Category: move.

-ho'eotsėstov   vta. take (something) to s.o., bring (something) to s.o. É-ho'eotsėstovóho. He took it to him. vti: -ho'eotsest. Category: move.

-ho'eotsestsé   vti. bring.s.t. É-ho'eotsēstse. He brought it. Énėx-ho'eotsēstse. He brought it here. vta: -ho'eotseh. See: -ho'eohtsestsé; -hóeotsestsé. Category: move.

-ho'ėstósem   vta. drag s.o. here. É-ho'ėstósemóho. He dragged him here.?? fta: -htósem. Category: move, check.

-ho'óhta   vti. bring s.t. by mouth. É-ho'óhta. He brought it in his mouth. fti: -óhtá. Category: mouth, move.

-ho'ó'en   vti. haul s.t. Ques: arrive haul?? É-ho'ó'éna. He arrived hauling it by wagon or truck. É-ho'ó'éna ho'ose. He hauled the coal (by truck or wagon).

vta. haul s.o. É-ho'ó'enóho. He arrived hauling him by wagon or truck. Category: move, check.

-ho'o'xem   vta. arrive hauling s.o. É-ho'o'xemóho váotseváhne. He is hauling a deer. Initial ho'-; fta: -o'xem. Category: move.

ho'otseh   vai. Gram: rr so take, where take. Ques: recheck glosses?? ... é-ho'otsėhóho. ... that is where he took him. Tósa'e né-ho'otseše? Where are you taking me? [Mountain stories.089] Category: check, move.

-ho'xó'a'ov   vta. push s.o. against (something); corner s.o. É-ho'xó'a'ovóho. He pushed him against (something). See: -éstavaooha'ov. Category: move.

-hóma'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. down from off of. É-hóma'hāhtse. He threw it off. Category: move.

-hóma'ham   vta. throw s.o. down from off of; drop off s.o. É-hóma'hamóho. He threw him off. Ná-hóma'hama mo'éhno'ha. The horse threw me. Ná-hóma'hamoo'o. I dropped them off. for example, dropping off children with a babysitter. Category: move.

-hóman   vti. take off s.t., drop off s.t. É-hómána. He 'dropped it off.'. for example, dropped it off at work. Etym: *a·menamwa (P). See: -énan.

vta. take off s.o., drop off s.o. É-hómanóho. He 'dropped him off' ; he let him off. Etym: *a·mene·wa (P). for example, dropped him off from his car. Category: move.

-honeh   vta. lose s.o. from off of, accidentally drop s.o. from off of something. for example, from off a horse or wagon. Ná-honēho. I accidentally dropped him (from off of). É-honėhóho. He accidentally dropped him (from off of). ?? vti: -honestsé. Category: move, check.

-honestsé   vti. lose s.t. from off of, accidentally drop s.t. from off of. É-honēstse. He accidentally dropped it. Éamė-honēstse. He accidentally dropped it as he was going along. For example, he lost garbage from the back of his pickup as he was driving along. vta: -honeh. See: -vona'ó'tsé; -hónestsé. Category: move.

-honȯsané   vai. accidentally drop things. for example, losing garbage off the back of a pickup while driving along. Éamė-honȯsāne. He is going along accidentally dropping things. Category: move.

-hóohtanovot   vta. take home s.o. as food. especially some animate food, such as a melon. É-hóohtanovotóho. He took him home as food. Category: move.

-hóohtó'en   vti. haul s.t. by wagon or vehicle. É-hóohtó'éna. He hauled it home. See: -ó'(e)1. Category: move.

-hóohtósem   vta. drag home s.o. É-hóohtósemóho. He dragged him home. Variant: -hóosėstósem, -hóestósem2. Category: move.

-hóohtotóm   vta. carry home s.o. in the mouth. É-hóohtotomo. He carried him home in his mouth/teeth. É-hóohtotómóho. He carried him home in his mouth/teeth. (newer pronunciation). fta: -otóm. Category: carry, move.

-hóohtóvȯhto'he   vai. haul home something. É-hóohtóvȯhto'he. He hauled (something) home. fai: -óvȯhto'he. See: -amóvȯhto'he. Category: move.

hóo'eotseh   vta. take s.o. home. É-hóo'eotsėhóho. He took him home. Ná-hóo'eotsēho. I took him home. Category: move.

-hoo'hahtsé   vti. slam closed s.t., forcefully close s.t., close s.t. by slamming. especially a door or gate. É-hoo'hāhtse. He slammed it shut. Éma'xė-hoo'hāhtse. He really slammed it shut. Émȧsó-hoo'hāhtse. He slammed it shut. Hoo'hāhtsėstse! Slam it closed! See: -hoo'tá; -hoon. Antonym -ónėsta'hahtsé. Category: move.

-hóo'ȯhtséh   vta. take s.o. home, bring s.o. home. É-hóo'ȯhtseho. He brought him home. É-hóo'ȯhtséhóho. He brought him home. (newer pronunciation). Ná-hóo'ȯhtsého. I brought him home. Éhne'évȧho'ė-hóo'ȯhtséhosesto. He brought her back home. [1987:308] vai: -hóo'ohtsé; vti: -hóo'ȯhtsestsé. See: -hóo'otseh. Category: move.

-hóo'ȯhtsestsé   vti. take s.t. home, bring s.t. home. É-hóo'ȯhtsēstse. He brought it home. vta: -hóo'ȯhtséh; vai: -hóo'ohtsé. Category: move.

-hoó'o'tsé   vti. close s.t., shut s.t. especially about closing a door or gate. É-hoó'ó'tse. He closed it. É-hoó'o'tsénóvo. They closed it. See: -hoóná. Category: move.

-hóo'oohé'tov   vti. take home s.t. quickly.

vta. take home s.o. quickly. É-hóo'oohé'tovóho. He took him home quickly. Nátao'sė-hóo'oohé'tóvo. I'm going to take him home. can be on a car or wagon. Category: move.

-hoóná   vti. close s.t., shut s.t. especially when someone physically shuts a door or gate. É-hoóna. He closed it. Hoónȯhtse he'nétoo'o! Close the door! Hoónȯhtse! Close it! Nátȧ-hoóna. Let me close it. Compare that with this next word: Nátȧ-háóéna. Let me pray. See: -hoó'o'tsé; -hoó'tá; -hoonét; -háóéná pray. Category: house, move.

-hóoseehe   vai. move home. É-hóoseehe. He moved home. Ná-hóoseehe. I moved home. Category: move.

-hóosėstósem   vta. drag home s.o. É-hóosėstósemóho. ?? He drug him home. Phon: cf. -hóestósem; there is a definite phonetic difference between these two forms, although it can difficult initially to hear: there is an elongated "s" sound in 'drag home'. An elder Ch. speaker described the difference this way: In 'drag home' there is a part that is pronounced "slower", while in 'drag out' that part is pronounced "faster". See: -hóestósem drag out s.o.. Category: move, check. Ques: drag home s.o. ; home - drag s.o.

-hóosevo'e'ov   vta. drive s.o. home, home - drive s.o. for example, to drive cattle back home. É-hóosevo'e'ovóho. He drove him home. (as driving cattle). Né'évȧ-hóosevo'e'ovenano! Drive them back home! Category: livestock, move.

-hóovȯhto'he   vai. haul out things. É-hóovȯhto'he. He hauled out things. Nává'nė-hóovȯhtó'héme. We (excl) just hauled things out. For example, to move things out of a house. fai: -óvȯhtó'he. Category: move.

-hosóan   vti. slide backwards s.t./s.o. É-hosóanóho. He slid him backwards. Category: move.

-hosóva'ov   vta. drive s.o. backwards. É-hosóva'ovóho. He drove him/them backwards. Final -a'. Category: move.

-hotáa'hahtsé   vti. turn over s.t., tip over s.t., capsize s.t. can be used of turning a car over in an accident. É-hotáá'háhtse. He tipped it over. Ná-hotáá'háhtse. I tipped it over. (another recording) Phon: pl vai: -hotáo'ó. See: -htáavan; -hotáó'ó; e'kos-. Category: move.

-hotáa'ham   vta. turn over s.o., tip over s.o., capsize s.o. É-hotáa'hamóho. He flipped/tipped him over. fta: -a'ham. Category: move.

-hotáavan   vti. tip over s.t. (by hand), turn over s.t. (by hand). É-hotáávána. He tipped/turned it over (by hand).

vta. tip over s.o. (by hand), s.o. (by hand). É-hotáavanóho. He turned him over (by hand). vai: -hotáó'ó. See: -éva'ȧsén; -e'kȯsen; -hotáa'hahtsé. Category: move.

-hotáavo'e'á   vti. kick over s.t., capsize s.t. by foot. É-hotáavo'ē'a. He kicked it over. [JOURNEY.TXT] vta: -hotáavo'e'ov. Category: move, feet.

-hotáavo'e'ov   vta. kick over s.o, capsize s.o. by foot. É-hotáavo'e'ovóho. He kicked him over. vti: -hotáavo'e'á. Ques: delete this or the hotáevo'e'ovóh entry?? Category: move, feet, check.

-hóvȯhtó'en   vti. haul s.t. to a pile. É-hóvȯhtó'enanȯtse. He hauled them (inanimate) to a pile. Ná-hóvȯhtó'enanȯtse. I hauled them (inanimate) to a pile. Category: move.

-hóxe'ó'tsé   vti. place s.t. neatly, set s.t. neatly in place. É-hóxe'ó'tse. He set it neatly in place. Initial hóxe'-. See: -hóxe'ó clean. Category: move.

-hóxova'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. across. É-hóxova'hāhtse. He threw it across. fti: -a'hahtsé; vta: -hóxova'ham. See: -hóxovėhahtsé. Category: move.

-hóxova'ham   vta. throw s.o. across. É-hóxova'hamóho. He threw him across. fai: -a'ham. See: -hóxova'hahtsé. Category: move.

-hóxova'o'h   vta. put across s.o. É-hóxova'o'hóho. He put him across. Category: move, put.

-hóxovan   vti. put across s.t., move across s.t. É-hóxovāna. He moved it across. Final -an.

vta. 1 • put across s.o., move across s.o. É-hóxovanóho. He moved him across.

2 • switch s.o. especially of a hand game bone being switched from one hand to another. Antonym -tó'oman. Category: handgame, move.

-hóxoveotseh   vta. take s.o. across, across take s.o. É-hóxoveotsėhóho. He took him across. tséne'évȧ-hóxoveotsėhaétse ho'óhomo'eno when they escorted us to Sioux country. Category: move.

-hóxoveotsestsé   vti. take s.t. across; across take s.t. É-hóxoveotsēstse. He took it across. Category: move.

-hóxovėstósėhahtsé   vti. drag across s.t. across. É-hóxovėstósėháhtse. He dragged it across. fti: -stósėhahtsé; vta: hóxovėstósem. Category: move.

-hóxovėstósem   vta. drag across s.o. É-hóxovėstósemóho. He dragged him across. vti: -hóxovėstósėhahtsé; fta: -stósem. Category: move.

-hóxovetȧxe'ov   vta. chase across s.o., across - chase s.o. É-hóxovetȧxe'ovóho. He chased him across. [PD227] Category: move.

-hóxovȯhtóvȯhto'he   vai. haul something across. É-hóxovȯhtóvȯhto'he. He hauled something across. fai: -óvȯhto'he. Category: move.

-htósem   fta. drag s.o. Phon: always heard as -stósem because it follows /e/ See: -stósem drag s.o.. Category: move.

-kȧhkonó'a'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. so it sails through the air. Lit: flat-throw refers to something sailing flat for example, a plate, cap, or Frisbee. É-kȧhkonó'a'hāhtse. He threw it so it sailed flat through the air. Category: move.

-ka'a'hahtsé   vti. jerk up s.t. É-ka'a'hāhtse. He jerked it up. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: move.

-ka'a'ham   vta. jerk up s.o., make s.o. jump. É-ka'a'hamóho. He made him jump. Reduplicated -koká'a'ham. Category: move.

-ma'kėsevo'oh(n)   vta. tip s.o. forward. É-ma'kėsevo'ȯhnóho. He tipped him forward. Category: move.

-mano'an   vti. gather s.t., group s.t. É-mano'ananȯtse. He gather them (inanimate) together. Éto'se-mano'ananȯtse. He is going to gather them (inanimate) together.

vta. gather s.o. É-mano'anóho. He gathered them (animate) together. Category: move.

-mé'a'ov   vta. drive s.o. to appear. É-mé'a'ovóho. He drove him/them to appear. (another recording) Etym: *mo·θkexkawe·wa (P). For example, his cattle appeared (to others) as he drove them home. Category: move, livestock.

-mémėstósem   vta. drag the shit out of s.o. É-mémėstósemóho. He dragged the shit out of him. Usage: vulgar See: -mémėstoh(n). Category: move.

-momóhta'ham   vta. shake s.o. É-momóhta'hamóho. He shook him. for example, to shake a tree to get berries to fall from it. See: -vávȧhka'ham. Category: move.

-momóhtan   vti. move s.t. around. É-momóhtána. He moved it around.

vta. move s.o. around. É-momóhtanóho. He moved him around. Category: move.

-nééstsé   vti. stand up s.t. É-nééstse. He stood it up. Etym: *ni·po·hta·wa (P). Náhtaéva-nééstse. I stood it back up. [FAMILY.TXT] Variant: -néé'tá. Category: move.

-nėhe'otseh   vta. guide s.o. there. É-nėhe'otsėhóho. He guided him there. Tséhešepȧháva'e nėhe'otšėšemeno! Guide us to the right way! See: -ameotseh; -ne'eváotseh; -nėhe'ohtsé; -nėhétȧho'ó'h. Category: move.

-nėhe'otsestsé   vti. take s.t. there. Hé'tóhe honóvóhko naa hé'tóhe vetšėške nȧháóhe ta-nėhe'otsēstsėstse sétovo'ėho'e. This drymeat and this fat, take it there to the middle of the camp! (1987:262). Category: move.

-nėhétȧho'ó'h   vta. pick up s.o. on the way. Né'ame-nėhétȧho'ó'xeo'o! Pick me up on your way! [1987:397] See: -nėhe'otseh. Category: move.

-nėheto'éná   vii. left loaded. É-nėheto'éna. It was left loaded. ?? Category: check. See: -éto'én. Category: move.

-né'asėtan   vti. pass s.t./s.o. (toward me, the speaker). Né'asėtānȯhtse matana! Pass the milk! Né'asėtānȯhtse mahpe! Pass the water! Né'asėtānȯhtse ho'évohkȯhtse! Pass the meat! Né'asėtānȯhtse vóhpoma'ȯhtse! Pass the salt! Né'asėtānȯhtse heóveamėške! Pass the butter! Né'asėtānȯhtse méhnemenȯtse! Pass the pepper! Né'asėtānȯhtse vé'keemahpe! Pass the sugar! Né'asėtānȯhtse vé'keemahpėstse! Pass the candies! Né'asėtanenáno monėškeho! Pass the beans! Né'asėstaneha mȧhōō'o! Pass the melon! Né'asėtaneha kokȯhéáxa! Pass the chicken! Phon: with high pitch on cislocative preverb /néh/ (with né'- allomorph here, preceding the vowel) an imperative construction is indicated See: neh-; -asėtan. Category: move.

-né'ėstósem   vta. drag out s.o., pull s.o. out; extract s.o. by dragging. É-né'ėstósemóho. He extracted him by dragging. Náéva-né'ėstósémo. I pulled him back out. for example, he pulled him out of the ditch, with a rope. See: -amėstósem. Category: move.

-ne'eváotséh   vta. guide s.o. É-ne'eváotseho. He guided him. É-ne'eváotséhóho. He guided him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-ne'eváotseha. He showed me the way. Néh-ne'eváotšėšemeno! Lead us!/Guide us! See: -ameotseh; -nėhe'otseh; -sóhpeotseh; -oné'evá'ov. Category: move.

-ne'eváotseh   vta. guide; guide s.o. É-ne'eváotsėhóho. He guided him (for example, back to the path). Ná-ne'eváotseha. He showed me the way. Néh-ne'eváotšėšemeno! Lead us!/Guide us! See: -ameotseh; -nėhe'otseh; -sóhpeotseh; -oné'evá'ov. Category: move.

-né'ta'ó'h   vta. extract s.o., take out s.o. from. É-né'ta'o'ho. He extracted him. É-né'ta'ó'hóho. He extracted him. (newer pronunciation). Éstaéva-né'ta'ó'hosesto néhe oonȧhá'e. (The man) took the frog back out of (the snake). [1987:286] See: -né'tȯh(n); -hóesta'ó'h take out s.o.. Category: move.

-né'ta'ó'tsé   vti. extract s.t. quickly, take out s.t. quickly. faster action than -né'tan. É-né'ta'ó'tse. He took it out quickly. Móhnėh-né'ta'o'tsėhéhe heka'o'e. He drew his pistol. [Stamper 1991:10] See: -né'tan extract s.t.. Category: move.

-né'tan   1 • vti. extract s.t., remove s.t., take off s.t. É-né'tána. He extracted it. Preverb né'se-. Etym: *kye·tenamwa. See: -né'ta'ó'tsé extract s.t. quickly; -né'tohá dig out s.t.; -hóestan take out s.t..

2 • vta. extract s.o. É-né'tanóho. He extracted him. Etym: *kye·tene·wa (P) he holds him fast. Category: move.

-né'tȯh(n)   vta. extract s.o. by tool, dig out s.o. É-né'tȯhnóho. He extracted him. vti: -né'tohá. Etym: *kye·tahwe·wa. See: -né'ta'ó'h. Category: move.

-né'tȯsa'hahtsé   vti. jerk s.t. out of the ground. É-né'tȯsa'hāhtse. He jerked it out of the ground. Category: move.

-né'tovȯhtó'he   vai. unload, unpack. for example, of unloading a pickup truck. É-né'tovȯhto'he. He unpacked. fai: -óvȯhtó'he. See: -amóvȯhto'he; hóe-. Category: move.

-né'tovohtsé   vti. extract s.t., remove s.t. for example, out of a sack or bin. É-né'tovōhtse. He took it out. See: -hóeotsestsé. Category: move.

-néma'a'ov   vta. chase around s.o. É-néma'a'ovóho. He chased them around. For instance, to chase horses around a corral. See: -néma'e'ov circle s.o.. Category: move.

-néma'eotseh   vta. take around s.o., circle - take s.o. in a. É-néma'eotsėhóho. He took it around him in a circle. [The Tepee Episode.016] Category: move.

-néma'ėstósem   vta. drag s.o. in a circle. É-néma'ėstósemóho. He dragged him in a circle. fta: -stósem. Category: move, shapes.

-néma'ó'hahtsé   vti. swing s.t. around and around. É-néma'ó'háhtse. He swung it around and around. That is, he "revolved" it. Category: move.

-néma'ó'tsé   vti. turn around s.t. É-néma'ó'tse. He turned it around. Mósta(ohke)tónėšė=héva=néma'o'tsėhéhe. He must have turned it (the plow) around somehow. [1987:70] Category: move.

-némėsa'ov   vta. trip s.o. É-némėsa'óó'e. He (obviative) tripped him. Ná-némėsa'ōvo. I tripped him. Variant: -némȯsa'ov, -néhpėsa'ov. Category: move.

-néše'hahtá'ov   vta. knock both legs from under s.o. Ques: feet, legs, or both?? É-néše'hahtá'ovóho. He knocked both of his (other person's) legs from under him. Ná-néše'hahtá'óvo. I knocked both of his legs from under him. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: move, hit, check.

-nėšéšėstóseohé'tov   vta. pull s.o. through ?? Category: check. É-nėšéšėstóseohé'tovóho. ?ės? He pulled him through. for example, through a tunnel or small space. See: -nėšéxa'ham. Category: move.

-nėševa'ov   drive s.o. fast. for example, of driving cattle. É-nėševa'ovóho. He drove him fast. Category: speed, move.

-nėševėstósėhahtsé   vti. drag s.t. fast. É-nėševėstósėháhtse He dragged it fast. Initial nėšev-; fti: stósėhaht. Category: move.

-nėševėstósem   vta. drag s.o. fast. É-nėševėstósemóho. He dragged him fast. fta: -stósem. Category: move.

-nėšéxa'ham   pull s.o. through. for example, pulling a blanket through a narrow opening. É-nėšéxa'hamóho. He pulled him through. fta: -a'ham. Category: move.

-nóhto'enené   vai. haul. É-nóhto'enēne. He is hauling freight. Medial -ó'(e). Category: move, roll.

-nóhto'xe   vti. come after s.t. to pack on the back. Ná-nóhto'xe. I came after it to pack it on my back. Final -o'xe. Category: move.

-nó'ėstan   vti. lift s.t./s.o. over something. for example, to life someone over a fence. É-nó'ėstanóho. He lifted him over. Category: move.

-nó'ėstósem   vta. drag over. É-nó'ėstósemóho. He drug him (obv) over (the hill). Initial nó'ės(t)-; Final -stósem. Category: move.

-nó'ėstóvȯhto'he   vai. haul something over (the hill). É-nó'ėstóvȯhto'he. He hauled over the hill. fai: -óvȯhtó'he. Category: move.

-no'hé'hahtsé   vti. jerk aside s.t. É-no'hé'háhtse. He jerked it aside. Category: move.

-no'hé'ham   vti. jerk aside s.o. É-no'hé'hamóho. He jerked him aside. Category: move.

-no'hé'ov   vta. push aside s.o., lead astray s.o. É-no'hé'ovóho. He led him astray. Tsé'tóhe seo'ȯtse éstaohke-no'hé'oesesto tsé'á'enó'netotse. This ghost pushed him aside toward the darkness. [Story of a Ghost.062] Category: move.

-no'hénah(n)   vta. aside push s.o., shove s.o. off track, push s.o. off track; shove aside s.o. É-no'hénȧhnóho. He shoved him off the trail. Category: move.

-nó'oestsé   vti. hide s.t. É-nó'oēstse. He hid it. Ná-nó'oēstse. I hid it. vta: -nó'oet; vai: -nó'oesané. Category: move.

-nó'oešévaen   vti. hide s.t. quickly. Nó'oešéváénȯhtse! Hide it quickly!

vta. hide s.o. quickly. Nó'oešévaeneha! Hide him quickly! Category: interpersonal, move.

-nó'ȯhtséh   vta. go after s.o. from a long distance, come after s.o., fetch s.o. Né-nó'ȯhtsehȧtse. I have come after you (from a long ways). Nééva-nó'ȯhtsehȧtse. I have come after you. [1987:307] éxho'-nó'ȯhtséheo'o They were summoned from there (FAMILY.TXT). See: -nó'otséh; -nó'otseh; -nó'oohé'tov. Category: move.

-óeh   fta. stand up s.o. Náma'ėse-óého. I landed him on his stomach. Naa heováestse náohkėheše-óeha. And he used to have me in all kinds of positions. Ques: fta or vta?? vta: -óešé'tov; vai: -óešé; fai: -óé2. Category: move, sex, vulgar, check.

-ohaétan   vta. cause s.o. to arise; raise s.o. (that is, cause s.o. to arise). É-ohaétanóho. He raised him up. Etym: *pasekwi·tele·wa (P). Ma'hēō'o náéva-ohaétana. God raised me up (for example, when I was discouraged, fallen, or backslidden). See: -he'aman. Category: move.

-ohó'ham   fta. shove. This is a more forceful push than -ohón. Éés-ȯhó'hamóho. He shoved him. Éas-ȯhó'hamóho. He shoved him away/forward. See: -ohón. Category: move.

-ohón   f. push. Éés-ȯhóna. He pushed it. See: -ohó'ham shove. Category: move.

-ó'a'hahtsé   vti. dry s.t. by shaking. for example, flapping it in the breeze. É-ó'a'hāhtse. He is drying it by shaking it. fti: -a'hahtsé; vta: -o'a'ham. Category: move.

-ó'a'ham   vta. dry s.o. by shaking. for example, flapping it in the breeze. É-ó'a'hamóho. He is hung him to dry. fta: -a'ham; vti: -ó'a'hahtsé. Category: move.

-o'ha'en   vti. drop s.t. Ná-o'ha'ēna. I dropped it. Naa tsėhéóhe né-o'ha'enánone héne hotsévatanohtȯtse. And here we missed out on that claim. [1987:19]

vta. drop s.o. É-o'ha'enóho. He dropped him (for example, a ball). See: -šéxo'en. Category: baseball, move.

-o'xem   fta. haul s.o., pack s.o. Ého'-o'xemóho váotseváhne. He is hauling a deer. Category: move.

-onéma'ó'en   vti. twist around s.t. É-onéma'ó'éna. He twisted it around. tósa'e tséxhésta éohketšėše-onéma'ó'enovo whichever way the wind blows they can change (the tepee smoke hole's) position. [1987:224]

vta. twist around s.o. É-onéma'ó'enóho. He twisted him around. See: -onéma'tao'én; -nėhpo'an; -ta'ta'en. Category: move.

-onéma'tao'e'há   vti. twist s.t. Kȧhamȧxéhéva éstavé'še-onéma'tao'e'hánȯse. He twisted it tight with a stick. [Squint Eye.020] Category: move.

-onéma'táo'e'ham   vta. swing s.o. in a circle. É-onéma'táo'e'hamóho. He swung him in a circular motion. Ques: t[ao'e'h ?? Móstatšėše-onéma'táo'e'hamȯhevovóhe. They were to swing (the flags) in a circular motion. [1987:95] Category: move, check.

-onéma'tao'én   vti. twist s.t. around. É-onéma'tao'éna. He twist it around. for example, he twisted a stick in a hole. See: -onéma'ó'en.

vta. twist s.o. around. É-onéma'tao'eno. He twisted him around. É-onéma'tao'énóho. He twisted him around. (newer pronunciation). Category: move.

-ónėsta'hahtsé   vti. jerk open s.t., throw open s.t. especially a door or gate. É-ónėsta'hāhtse. He threw it (for example, door) open. Émȧsó-onėsta'hāhtse. He jerked it open. Reduplicated -óonėsta'hahtsé; Antonym -hoo'hahtsé. See: -ta'ta'a'hahtsé. Category: move.

-ónėsta'ó'tsé   vti. open. Oha naa tā'se éxaemȧheónėsta'ó'tsenȯtse he'nétoonȯtse. Only it was just like he opened all the doors. [How God Helped Me Forgive.096] Category: move.

-ónėstan   vti. open s.t. É-ónėstána. He opened it. Etym: cf. M pa·hkehtaenam. especially of opening a door or window. Ónėstánȯhtse he'nétoo'o! Open it the door! Ónėstánȯhtse! Open it! See: -ta'ta'en. Category: move.

-ónėstánené   vai. open. especially of opening a gate or door. Tȧhé-ónėstanánénėstse! Open the gate! Category: move.

-onóhá   vti. remove s.t. with a tool. É-onóha. He removed it with a tool. Ques: also remove from water?? Category: move, check.

-onón   vti. take out s.t. for example, to take something or someone out of water, fire, or an oven. Ééva-onóna. He took it back out (of the oven). Onónȯhtse! Take it out (of the fire)! [Whiteman and the Coyote:16]

vta. take out s.o. É-onono. He took him out (of the water). É-onónóho. He took him out (of the water). (newer pronunciation). Category: cook, move.

-onóvėstósem   vta. drag s.o. ashore. É-onóvėstósemóho. He dragged him ashore. Initial onóv-; Final -stósem. Category: move.

-óomėsta'hahtsé   vti. wave s.t. É-óomėsta'hāhtse hevóhkėha'e. He waved his hat. [PD1097] See: -tsėheta'hahtsé. Category: move.

-óonėsta'hahtsé   vti. throw open s.t. É-óonėsta'hāhtse. He flung it (for example, door) open. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -ónėsta'hahtsé. Category: move.

-óonėstan   vta. open s.t. by hand. É-óonėstāna. He opened it (by hand). especially of opening a door. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -ónėstan. Category: move.

-óova'hahtsé   vti. shake off s.t. for example, flap s.t. in the air to clean it. É-óova'hāhtse. He shook it off. Category: move.

-óovo'a'hahtsé   vti. shake s.t. É-óovo'a'hahtsenȯtse ma'xemenȯtse. She shook the plums (plum bushes). Ques: É-óovo'e'hahtsenȯtse ?? Category: check, berries, move.

-ovan   vti. fell s.t. by hand, knock down s.t. by hand. É-ovāna. He knocked it down. Etym: *kawenamwa.

vta. fell s.o by hand, knock down s.o. by hand. É-ovanóho. He knocked him down. Etym: *kawene·wa. Category: move.

-ovėšeman   vta. put s.o. to bed. É-ovėšemanóho. He put him to bed. Etym: cf *kawihšime·wa he lays him down. Ná-ovėšemāno. I put him to bed. vai: -oveše. Category: sleep, move.

-óvȯhto'he   fai. haul. Éam-óvȯhto'he. He is hauling along (something). Éam-óvȯhtó'heo'o. They are hauling. Éan-óvȯhto'he. He unloaded. Éné't-ovȯhto'he. He is taking something out of something. for example, out of a suitcase, trunk of car, purse, car. Éhóoht-óvȯhto'he. He is taking something home. Énó'ėst-óvȯhto'he. He hauled over the hill. Nává'nėhó-ovȯhtó'héme. We (excl) just hauled things out. Ého'-óvȯhto'he. He arrived hauling (something). fta: -óvot. Category: move.

-poe'hahtsé   vti. 1 • slam down s.t., throw down s.t. É-poe'hāhtse. He slammed it down. Ques: check recording poeh?? vai: -póe'hasené. See: nȧhóhpo; -anȧha'hahtsé; -póehá; -póehahtsé. Category: move.

2 • devour s.t. entirely. Category: figurative. É-poe'hahtsénóvo. They ate it all up like it was nothing. See: -mȧhaéstá. Category: eat, food, check.

-po'a'hahtsé   vti. pull off s.t., tear off s.t. É-po'a'hāhtse. He pulled it off. Category: move, tear.

-po'eet   vta. pull off s.o. such as pulling a tick off someone. É-po'eetóho. He pulled him off. Ná-po'eēto. I pulled him off. See: po'en; tá'po'eéh. Category: move.

-po'en   1 • vti. pull off s.t., pick off s.t., break off s.t., take off s.t., wipe off s.t. for example, pick hair off a deer carcass. É-po'ēna. He picked it off. Etym: *paθkenamwa (P). Tšėheše-po'ēnȯhtse! Pull it off!

2 • vta. pull off s.o., pick off s.o., break off s.t., take off s.o., wipe off s.o. É-po'enóho. He took him off. for example, take a button (animate) off a shirt. Etym: *paθkene·wa (P). Reduplicated po'po'en.

3 • vta. divorce s.o. É-po'enahtse. He is divorced. ?? Category: move, marriage.

-po'evo'e'á   vti. kick off s.t. He'nétoo'o éésė-po'evo'ē'a. He kicked in the door. Category: move.

-po'evo'ham   vta. knock off something from s.o. Náma'xe-po'evo'hamóvo heme'ko. I sure knocked his head off. Category: move, hit, violence.

-po'ová'hom   vta. pull off fur of. Ques: ham?? é'ȯhkepo'ová'homósesto ésevono. He would pull off the fur of the buffalo. [The Snipe Man.033] Category: check, move.

-po'po'a'ham   vta. jerk s.o. off of something. É-po'po'a'hamóho. He jerked him off (of something). Phon: redup Category: move.

-popėhévo'tsé   vti. place s.t. well. É'ȯhkėxaenėšeheováestsėhešė-popėhévó'tse. He would put it different ways (on his head). [The Hat.014] Category: move.

-séhpa'hahtsé   vti. spread out s.t., unfold s.t., throw open s.t. for example, to throw open a tent door. É-séhpa'hāhtse. He threw it open quickly. Category: move, record.

-séhpa'ham   vta. spread out s.o. É-séhpa'hamóho. He shook him out straight. Category: move.

-séhpohá   vti. stretch open s.t. by tool. É-séhpóha. He stretched it open it with a tool. Etym: *ši:pahamwa he stretches it by tool. tséohkevé'šė-séhpohe vee'e what is used to open the tepee. [1987:223] Category: move.

sé'eohé'tov   vta. take s.o. to town. Nés-sé'eohé'tovėstse! Take me to town! Category: move, transportation.

-sé'ėstósem   vta. drag s.o. to town, drag s.o. to the center. É-sé'ėstósemóho. He drug him to town. fta: -stósem. Category: move.

-sé'ó'en   1 • vti. roll in s.t.roll s.t. to town; roll s.t. to the center; roll s.t. to the water. É-sé'o'ēna. He rolled it in.

2 • vta. roll s.o. to town; drive s.o. to town. É-sé'o'enóho. He drove them to town. See: -ésto'en; -sé'ho'en. Category: move.

-sé'onea'hasené   vai. throw fishing line into river. Móstaosáanė-sé'onea'hasenėhéhe. He threw his fishing line out into the river. Medial -ón. Category: move, throw.

-sóhpa'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. through. É-sóhpa'hāhtse. He threw it through. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: move.

-sóhpa'ov   vta. chase s.o. through. for example, to chase s.o. through a fence or bushes. É-sóhpa'ovóho. He chased him through. Etym: *ša·pwexkawe·wa (P). Category: move.

-sóhpeohtséh   vta. take s.o. through. É-sóhpeohtseho. He took him through. É-sóhpeohtséhóho. He took him through. (newer pronunciation). Ná-sóhpeohtsého. I took him through. See: -sóhpeotseh. Category: move.

-sóhpeotsėhahtsé   vti. bring s.t. through. Ques: recheck analysis and gloss?? Category: move, check.

-sóhpėstósėhahtsé   vti. pull s.t. through. É-sóhpėstósėháhtse. He pulled it through. fti: -estósėhahtsé drag ; pull. Category: move.

-sóhpo'en   vti. push s.t. through. É-sóhpo'ēna. He pushed it through.

vta. push s.o. through. É-sóhpo'enóho. He pushed him through. Category: move.

-sóhponean   vta. put through s.o. ropelike. for example, putting a rope or a snake through. É-sóhponeanóho. He put him (of a ropelike shape) through. Sóhponeaneha! Put him (for example, thread) through (especially the eye of a needle)! Medial -ón. See: -séhponean. Category: move.

-stósėhahtsé   fti. drag s.t., pull s.t. Ésóhpė-stósėháhtse. He dragged it through. Éamė-stósėhahtsé. He dragged it along. Category: move.

-stósem   fta. drag s.o. Éamė-stósemóho. He drug him along. Éhóe-stósemóho. He drug him out. Éhóesė-stósemóho. He drug him home. Éasė-stósemóho. He dragged him away. Éésė-stósemóho. He drug him in. ... éhešė-stósemóho. ... he so dragged him. [My Father's Schooling.057] Morph: /-htósem/. fti: -stósėhahtsé. See: -né'tan. Category: move.

-šéa'hahtsé   vti. sift s.t. É-šéa'hāhtse. He /She sifted it. (another recording) See: -šé'a'xe. Category: move.

-šéa'hasené   vai. sift, winnow. É-šéa'hasēne. He is sifting (something). vti: -šéa'hahtsé. Category: move.

-šéxan   1 • vti. free s.t., release s.t., unplug s.t. for example, to unplug the electrical appliance from the wall jack. É-šéxána. He freed it. Šéxánȯhtse! Free it!

2 • vta. free s.o.release s.o. É-šéxanóho. He freed him. Ná-šéxanāne. I was freed. Táaxa'e taonésėhé-šėxaneha! Go try and get him released (from jail). See: šéšeotse. Category: move.

-táha'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. on, paw s.t. onto. É-táha'hāhtse. He threw it on. for example, to throw something onto a wagon. Éhma'xeéetáha'hahtsenȯse héše'ke he'pa'ōne. He pawed a lot of dirt onto his back. [A Chief's Son and His Two Wives] Reduplicated -totáha'hahtsé. Category: move, put.

-táha'ov   vta. chase s.o. onto. É-táha'ovóho. He chased him onto. For example, he drove a cow onto a truck. Category: move.

-táho'ó'h   vta. pick up s.o. É-táho'o'ho. He picked him up (especially in a car). Mó-táho'ó'haehevóhe. She must have picked him up (for example, to take him drinking). See: -nó'oohé'tov. Category: move.

-ta'ėstósem   vta. drag s.o. out of sight. É-ta'ėstósemóho. He dragged him out of sight. Final -stósem. Category: move.

-ta'oma'ov   vta. block s.o. for example, to block your livestock from getting out. É-ta'oma'ovóho. He blocked him. Etym: *taθkamexkawe·wa (P). See: -ta'e'ov. Category: move.

-ta'omeoha'ov   vta. head off s.o., block off s.o. É-ta'omeoha'ovóho. He blocked him off. Category: move.

-ta'omėstósem   vta. block by dragging s.o. That is, to drag someone so they are blocking somewhere.?? É-ta'omėstósemóho. He dragged him (obv) so he (obv) is blocking (there). fta: -stósem. Category: move.

-ta'omėšem   vta. place s.o. in the way. É-ta'omėšemóho. He placed him in the way. Etym: *taθkamihšime·wa (P). Category: move.

-ta'ta'a'hahtsé   vti. throw open s.t. É-ta'ta'a'hāhtse. He threw it (for example, door) open. See: -ónėsta'hahtsé. Category: move, throw.

-ta'ta'e'ó'tsé   vti. open s.t. É-ta'ta'e'ó'tse. He opened it. Éstaméhae-ta'ta'e'ó'tsenoho hestoome. He opened up his blanket. (here blanket is treated as inanimate). Category: move.

-táxeehe   vai. move on top ?? É-táxeehe. ?? Initial táx-; Final ehe. Category: move.

-táxeóehahtsé   vti. place s.t. upon (something). É-táxeóehāhtse.?? He placed it upon (something). Category: move, check.

-táxėstósem   vta. drag s.o. on top. É-taxėstósemóho. He dragged him on top. for example, across the top of a hill?? fta: -stósem. Category: move.

-tóhpėstohá   vti. poke s.t. through by tool. For example, pushed a stick through a ring. É-tóhpėstóha. He pushed it through. Nés-tóhpėstóóhtse! Push the stick through these rings! See: -tóestohá. Category: move.

-to'é'ham   vta. raise s.o. See: -ohaétan; -he'aman. Category: move.

tó'h-   i. stop. É-tó'hána. He stopped it. É-tó'há'o. He/It got stopped (by something). É-tó'heotse. It got stuck/he got stuck. É-tó'he'háoohe. He stopped flying. See: én. Category: motion, move.

-tó'ha'ó'h   vta. stop s.o. É-tó'ha'ó'ho. He stopped him. É-tó'ha'ó'hóho. He stopped him. (newer pronunciation). Ésta-tó'ha'ó'hovȯsesto. They stopped him. [The Big Bogeyman.158] Ta-tó'ha'ó'xeha! Stop him! Category: move.

-tó'ha'ov   vta. stop s.o. with the foot, hold up s.o., restrain s.o., block s.o. É-tó'ha'ovóho. He stopped him with his foot. Tó'ha'ovenáno! Stop them! Category: move.

-tó'heoha'ov   vta. stop s.o. suddenly by foot. Ná-tó'heoha'ōvo. I stopped him suddenly with my foot. [Croft] Category: move.

-tó'hoh(n)   vta. stop s.o. by tool. for example, to stop someone with a stick. É-tó'hohnóho. He stopped him. Ná-tó'hóhno. I stopped him. [Croft] Category: move, interpersonal.

-tó'hovan   vti. put s.t. between. É-tó'hovāna. He put it in between. Etym: *θaʔθawenamwa. Hénová'e tsé-tó'hovanomo? What did you make a sandwich from? For example, did you make a meat sandwich?

vta. put s.o. between. É-tó'hovanóho. He put him in between. Etym: *θaʔθawene·wa. Category: move, check.

-tomȯsean   vti. erect s.t., set up s.t.

vta. erect s.o., set up s.o. É-tomȯseāna. He set it (for example, tepee) up. See: -tomȯhtan; -to'hovȯhené. Category: move.

-tóne'ohtsé   vai. how go; somehow go; where go. É-tóne'ōhtse? How was he walking? An answer to the preceding question could be é-nóhne'kȧhéóhtse 'he is limping'. Tósa'e mótaéšeéva-tóne'ȯhtsėhevóhe. He (obviative) must have gone somewhere else. (1987:150). Tósa'e né-tóne'ōhtse? Where did you go? (another recording) Tósa'e násáa-tóne'ȯhtséhe. I didn't go anywhere. See: -tóne'oohe. Category: move.

-totáha'hahtsé   vti. paw, throw s.t. on top repeatedly. É-totáha'hāhtse. He is throwing it on top. Éhne'osáaneéenėšėtotȧha'hahtsénȯse héše'ke he'pa'ōne. She commenced pawing dirt onto her back. [A Chief's Son and His Two Wives] Non-reduplicated -táha'hahtsé. Ques: recheck spelling, especially ta' ~ tȧha' Category: move.

-totóovo'tsé   vti. stack s.t. É-totóovo'tsenȯtse. He stacked them. Totóovō'tsėstse! Stack it/them! vii: -totóovo'tá. See: -hóne'tsé. Category: move.

-tóxa'o'tsé   vti. pass around s.t. quickly. quicker, more urgent action than -tóxan. É-tóxa'ō'tse. It passed it around urgently. Ta-tóxa'ō'tsėstse! Pass it around urgently! See: -tóxan. Category: move.

-tsėhe'oet   vta. pass s.o. this direction. Nés-tsėhe'oešeha! Hand him to me! Énės-tsėhe'oetóho. He handed him this direction. See: -tsėhetan; -tsėheta'ó'h. Category: move.

-tsėhe'ȯhtseh   vta. take s.o. there. É-tsėhe'ȯhtsėhóho. He took him there. Nená-tsėhe'ȯhtsešėstse tsėhéóhe pó'ėho'hé-mȧhpé-mȧheóne! Come take me here to the saloon! [1987:175] Náhta-tsėhe'ȯhtseha tóhtoō'e. He took me out on the prairie. [1987:177] See: -tsėhe'otseh. Category: move.

-tsėhe'ȯhtsestsé   vti. take s.t. there. É-tsėhe'ȯhtsēstse. He took it there. Naa mósta-tsėhe'ȯhtsėstsėhéhe nėhéóhe. and he took it over there. [1987:18] See: -tsėhe'otsestsé. Category: move.

-tsėhe'oohé'tá   vti. take s.t. there quickly, bring s.t. there quickly. É-tsėhe'oohé'ta. He took it there quickly. Móstaohkeéva-tsėhe'oohé'tȯhenovótse. They would take (the orders) (there) quickly. [1987:47] Category: move.

-tsėhe'oohé'tov   vta. rush s.o. there; take s.o. there quickly; bring s.o. there quickly. Náta-tsėhe'oohé'tóvo navéxahe. I took my grandson there quickly. Étatsėhe'oohé'tohe naa'émȧheóne. He was rushed to the hospital. [1987:198] tsésta-tsėhe'oohé'too'évȯse tȧháóhe hospital when they took me there to the hospital. [1987:198] Nés-tsėhe'oohé'tovėstse Méave'ho'éno! Take me to Lame Deer! Category: move.

-tsėhe'otseh   vta. take s.o. there. É-tsėhe'otsėhóho. He brought (or took) him there. Nés-tsėhe'otseha! Bring him here! vai: -tsėhe'ohtsé. See: -tsėhe'ȯhtséh. Category: move.

-tsėhe'otsestsé   vti. take s.t. there. É-tsėhe'otsēstse. He took it there. See: -tsėhe'ȯhtsestsé. Category: move.

-tsėhestan   vti. hand s.t. Nés-tsėhestānȯhtse! Hand it to me!

vta. hand s.o. See: -hestan take s.t./s.o.. Category: move.

tsėhešėstósem   vta. drag s.o. this way. Vé'ho'éhotóao'o mó'éetsėhešėstósemȯhevóhe amó'eneono. Cows dragged wagons. [My Father's Schooling.057] Category: move.

-tsėheta'é'ov   vta. push s.o. towards. É-tsėheta'é'ovóho. He pushed him there. És-tsėheta'é'oesesto tsé'a'enó'netotse. He (obv) was pushing him towards the dark. [The Ghost Man.007] Category: move.

-tsėheta'ó'h   vta. pass s.o. this direction. É-tsėheta'o'ho. He handed him that direction. É-tsėheta'o'ho. He handed him that direction. (newer pronunciation). Nés-tsėheta'ó'xeha! Hand him to me! See: -tsėhe'oet; -asėtan. Category: move.

-tsėho'ėšem   vta. 1 • scatter s.o. É-tsėho'ėšemóho. He scattered them all over. See: -péehahtsé; -tse'tse'xóe'tó. Category: move.

2 • romantically impress s.o. Ná-tsėho'ėšema. I was scattered all over by him; fell to pieces over him. Usage: humorous and colorful idiom Category: romance.

-váhka'hahtsé   vai. yank s.t., jerk s.t. É-váhka'hāhtse. He yanked it. Reduplicated -vávȧhka'hahtsé. Category: move.

-vávaa'hahtsé   vti. swing s.t. É-vávaa'hāhtse. He is swinging it. Etym: *we·peɁθeta·wa (P). Phon: redup fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: move.

-vávȧhka'hahtsé   vai. yank s.t. repeatedly, jerk s.t. repeatedly. É-vávȧhka'hāhtse. He yanked it repeatedly. Non-reduplicated váhka'hahtsé. Category: move.

-vóhka'ov   vta. turn s.o. É-vóhka'ovóho. He made him turn. Initial vóhk-; Final -a'. Category: move.

-vóhkoenee'o'h   vta. turn around leading s.o. Hestotseho móstaéva-vóhkoenee'o'hohevóhe. He turned his horse around for him. [1987:22] Category: move, horses.

-vȯhónen   vti. lift s.t. É-vȯhónéna. He lifted it.

vta. lift s.o. É-vȯhónenóho. He lifted him up. See: -he'aman; -vónoan; -vonóa'ó'tsé. Category: move.

-vona'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. so it becomes lost. É-vona'hāhtse. He threw it and it got lost. See: -vonevo'oh(n). Category: move.

-vona'ham   vta. throw s.o. lost. É-vona'hamóho. He threw him (obv) and he got lost. See: vonevo'ȯh(n). Category: move.

-vonáo'ó'tsé   vti. lift s.t. Mónéme'nėše-vonáo'ó'tsehe? Can you lift it? See: -vona'ó'tsé. Category: move.

-voneohe   fai. crawl, climb. faster than -vonehné. É-voneohe. He climbed (quickly). É'ȯhke-e'evoneohesėstse. She would get back on (the travois). [1987:26] Náme'tanėšeéva-anȯhevoneohe Let me just get back down! [1987:312] See: -vonehné. Category: move.

-vonóa'ó'h   vta. pick up s.o. off the floor, lift up s.o. Ná-vonóa'ó'ho. I lifted him up. Category: move.

-vonóa'ó'tsé   vti. lift s.t. É-vonóa'ó'tse. He lifted it. See: -he'aman; -vonóan; -vȯhónen. Category: move.

-vonóan   vti. lift s.t., raise s.t. É-vonóána. He lifted it/he raised it. Éohke-vonóána heme'ko. He raises his head. (for example, a stage of baby's growth). See: -vȯhónen; -he'aman; -vonóa'ó'tsé.

vta. lift s.o., raise s.o. É-vonóanóho. He lifted him. Category: move.

-vonóvo'h   vta. place s.o. in a high place. É-vonóvo'hóho. He placed him/them in high place(s). See: -vonóan; -he'aman. Category: put, move.

-vóonėstósem   vta. drag s.o. all night. Énėh-vóonėstósemóho. He dragged him all night. Category: move, time.