Cheyenne Dictionary



-axenȯhomo'he   vai. especially from mange. É-axenȯhomo'he. He (especially a dog) is scratching. See: -axeen. Category: dogs.

-é'koetaneváetó   vai. tongue hang out. É-é'koetaneváéto. His tongue is hanging out. Variant: -é'oetaneváetó. Category: dogs.

-é'oetaneváetó   vai. tongue hang out. É-é'oetaneváéto. His tongue is hanging out. Variant: -é'koetaneváetó. Category: dogs.

éškȯsénéhe   na. greyhound. Lit: sharpnosed-one Plural éškȯsénėheo'o; Obviative éškȯsénėheho. Category: dogs.

-ha'háotome   vai. pant ?? É-ha'háotome. He is panting. ?? Phon: non-redup Non-reduplicated -háotóme. See: -ómotóma'xe pant; -ómotome pant. Category: dogs, check.

-háotóma'xe   vai. pant. É-háotóma'xe. He is panting. Category: dogs.

-háotome   vai. pant. É-háotome. He is panting. Phon: non-redup Reduplicated -ha'háotome. See: -ómotóma'xe pant; -ómotome breathe. Category: dogs.

-hémoto'hamé   vai. be in heat. said of dogs, cats; derogatory about an attractive woman who has lots of males after her. É-hémoto'hāme. She (for example, a female dog) is in heat. See: -he'šétanó. Category: dogs, horses, sex, cats.

-hoháotóma'xe   vai. pant hard. É-hoháotóma'xe He is panting hard. See: -ómotóma'xe. Category: dogs.

-homá   vai. sense. something like a "fifth sense", for example, to sense that someone is arriving, or to sense that someone else is present in a room. animals, as well as humans, can do this. É-hóma. He sensed. Etym: *amwe·wa. Ésáa-homáhe. He was unaware. vta: -homáotsé'tov. See: -homáotse. Category: dogs.

hótame   na. 1 • dog, hound. Usage: This word is not used much today for regular dogs. At least one speaker has said that this word refers to "hounds," such as greyhounds and Rottweilers. It does occur as a stem meaning 'dog' in some words with modifiers, such as vó'omėhótame 'white dog.' Historically, this word meant 'dog,' but then was semantically extended to include other domesticated animals(meaning sense 2.). A new term for 'dog,' (oeškēse) took the place of the general meaning of 'dog 'for this older word, hótame. (another recording) vó'omėhótame white dog. Phon: iah Plural hotāme; Obviative hotāme; Diminutive hotamēso. Morph: /hotame/. See: oeškēse; oeškēso. Etym: *aθemwa 'dog'; *aθemo·ki 'dogs' dog. Category: dogs.

2 • small domesticated animal. éškȯseeséhotame pig (lit. pointed-nose-domesticated.animal). ka'eeséhotame cat (lit. short-nosed-domesticated.animal). ka'eeséhotame is said to be a Southern Cheyenne word; póéso 'cat' is commonly used in Montana as well as Oklahoma. Category: animals, dogs.

-hotameoxeve   vai. have dog belly ?? Nėstsė-hotameoxeve. "You will get a big belly if you hold a puppy on your belly." That is a traditional saying. Ques: rerecord?? Category: dogs, sayings, check.

hotamēso   na. pup, young dog. Non-diminutive hótame; Synonym oeškėséhéso. Category: dogs.

hótšėše   p. sic 'em. Variant: ótšėše. exclamation said to dogs. Usage: not commonly used today Category: dogs.

-htotsé   na. Gram: poss pet (poss.) This refers to any animal (hōva) that you have as a pet, especially a horse, but it can also be a dog or cat, but not a bird or fish. A small pet, such as a bird, is referred to with the possessed noun stem -néestoo'o. nȧ-htōtse my pet/my horse. nȧ-htotseho my pets. (another recording) nė-stōtse your pet. he-stotseho his pet(s). nȧ-htotséhane our (excl) pet. vai: -he-stotsehe have a pet; vta: -he-stotséhé'tov have s.o. as a pet. Morph: /na-htotéh/. Etym: *metayihsikwa 'pet' (Pi); *netaya 'my pet'; K netaya. See: -htotóame; -néestóone; -néestoo'o. Category: cats, horses, dogs, animals.

-ka'éhahtá'ó   vai. lift paw. as a dog might do. É-ka'éhahtá'o. He lifted his paw. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: dogs.

ka'énėhótame   na. 1 • bulldog. Usage: md

2 • cat. Usage: od Lit: short-faced-dog See: hótame. Category: dogs, Oklahoma.

-mamȧhková   vai. curly fur. É-mamȧhkōva. He is curly furred. especially of a dog. Category: dogs.

-mátȧhévévėháne   vai. peyote drum, imitate peyote drumming. can humorously refer to the thumping noise dogs make when scratching. É-mátȧhévévėháne. He is peyote-drumming. fai: -évėhané. Category: dogs, drum.

-mé'emo'eéstómané   vai. bother, be a pest. for example, a dog who tips over trash barrels. É-mé'emo'eéstómáne. He bothers. See: -hé'heetovánove. Category: dogs.

-moméhovaetó   vai. hair be matted. É-moméhovaēto. His hair is matted. Ques: recheck?? éxae-moméhovaēto His hair is just all matted. Category: check, dogs.

-ná'ót   vta. snarl at s.o., growl a warning to s.o. especially done by a dog; does not include a bite; it is growling to try to frighten away a person, or scare another dog away from his food. É-ná'oto. He snarled at him. É-ná'ótóho. (newer pronunciation) É-ná'ótáá'e oeškėseho. He (prox.) was snarled at by the dog. Ná-ná'ota. I was warned by his growl. vai: -ná'ȯsané. See: -maet bark at s.o.; -héškonené'ó bare teeth. Category: dogs, sounds.

nésé'ėhá'e   na. mother dog; bitch. Variant: nésé'kėhá'e, nésé'tšėhá'e; Plural nése'ėhá'eo'o. Category: dogs.

nésé'ká'e   na. mother dog, bitch. Variant: nésé'ėhá'e, nésé'tšėhá'e; Plural nése'kėhá'eo'o. Category: dogs.

oeškėséhéso   na. Gram: dim puppy, doggie, little dog. (another recording) Plural oeškėséhesono; Obviative oeškėséhesono; Non-diminutive oeškēse; Synonym hotamēso. See: kééso. Category: dogs.

oeškēso   na. dog. (another recording) Plural oeškėseho; Obviative oeškėseho. AltPl=oeškėsono (also var. obv.; less common for pl. and obv. than oeškėseho) newer term than hótame. dog is used in the Sun Dance ceremony. na-oeškėséhame my dog. Oeškēso mȧxhéxaēsto nevénótse he'poo'o! When a dog urinates against your tent just smoke! That was an instruction to a new chief, meaning "When someone does something bad to you, even as bad as stealing your wife, stay calm.") Variant: oeškēse. See: hótame; xamaeoeškēso. Category: dogs, animals.

-oeve   vai. have mange, have scabies. É-oeve. He has scabies/he has mange. É-oéveo'o. They have scabies. See: -oo'kahe; Oévemanȧhéno Birney (scabby-band-place); hemaa'e sore. Category: dogs, sickness.

-oéveotse   vai. mangy, have mange, become scabby. "scabby" is a colloquialism for the disease of scabies; it does not refer to having scabs. É-oéveotse. He has mange. See: -óoveotse. Category: dogs, sickness.

-ómotóma'xe   vai. pant. É-ómotóma'xe. He is panting. Éma'xe-ómotóma'xe. He is breathing rapidly. See: -háotome; -hoháotóma'xe. Category: dogs.

-oo'kahe   vai. 1 • bare, mangy. especially of a mangy dog. É-oo'kahe. His hair has fallen out.

2 • poor, destitute. Category: figurative. Éxae-oo'kahe. He is very poor, doesn't have anything. See: -oeve. Category: dogs, hair.

-po'ová   vai. shed. Lit: off-fur for example, of a dog. É-po'ōva. He shed. BodyPartMedial -ová. See: -pó'ková be gray furred. Category: dogs.

-popáhóéné'ó   vai. have ears back. especially when a dog is scolded. É-popáhóéné'o. His ears are back. See: -anoo'ėstáotse. Category: dogs, ears.

-popáhóénéohtsé   vai. slink off. Dogs do this. Étaase-popáhóénéóhtse. He slinked off. Category: dogs.

-popákȧhoešé   vai. muscles stick out. said of someone who is muscular. É-popákȧhoēše. His muscles stick out. See: -koké'ahe; -koké'oo'e; -ová'oo'e. Category: dogs, ears, body.

sáhkovee'e   na. little dog, doggie. Variant: sáovee'e; Diminutive sáhkovee'kēso; Plural sáhkovee'eo'o ??. Category: dogs, check.

-sé'seestséán   vta. scratch head of s.o. É-sé'seestséánóho. He scratched (the dog) (behind its ears). Category: dogs.

-sé'senȯsané   vai. gnaw on bones. É-sé'sénȯsáne. He is gnawing on bones. Etym: *či·kwantike·wa. Phon: redup vti: -sé'senóhtá. See: -sé'ėspotseehe. Category: dogs.

-tó'kėse'está   vai. be short eared. É-tó'kėse'ēsta. He is short eared. Phon: redup Category: dogs.

-tšéškėhevá'sé   vai. tail stick up. É-tšéškėhevá'se. His tail is up. BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. Category: body, dogs.

xamae'oeškēse   na. Indian dog. Lit: ordinary-dog Category: animals, dogs. See: oeškēse.

xamaeoeškēso   na. Indian dog, mutt. proper kind for eating at the Sun Dance. Plural xamaeoeškėseho. Category: dogs.