Sun Dance
-ávooné vai. fast, starve, vision quest. Ques: -ávoéné?? check plural; -sévoéné die of thirst, -ávoéné die without food É-ávóóne. He is fasting. (another recording) Ná-ávóóne. I starved. Né-ávóóne. You starved. Náohto'se-ávóóne. I almost starved. That can be said for feeling very hungry. Nȧhóhpo éheše'hāna mótó'ease-ávoonėhéhe. He ate up absolutely all of his food; he must have been almost starved. Mó=tsėhéóhe hotómá'e nėstsenėšėhe'keov-ávoonema néstȯxétse? Are we all going to starve to death in here? [1987:40] Reduplicated -ovávoone. See: -ávoonešé; -sévooné. Category: Sun Dance, check.
ésevone1 na. 1 • female buffalo, buffalo cow. (another recording) Etym: *ko·θwe·wa·na (P). Some say that this is the main word for buffalo in Oklahoma. It refers to a female buffalo or an entire herd of buffalo in Montana. Plural ésevono; Obviative ésevono; Masculine hotóá'e. See: hotóá'e; ésévone; méhe; ésevona.
2 • buffalo herd. Category: animals.
Sacred Buffalo Hat, Buffalo Hat, Sacred Hat. When used to mean 'Sacred Buffalo Hat', it is thought to be the older Cheyenne term in contrast with the newer usage of hóhkėha'e. Ésevone tsévóto'ėstaé'eneonéveto. The Buffalo (Hat), you who are endowed by the Creator with life-giving sustenance. (This Cheyenne word is a very sacred ceremonial term.) See: hóhkėha'e; -ésevone2 ‘sound enter’. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance, animals.
-éstȧhá'ené vai. bring in food. É-éstȧhá'éne. He brought food in. É-éstȧhá'eneo'o. They are bringing in the food. Heá'ėháma nexa éohke-éstȧhá'enéstove. I think food is brought in twice (at the Sun Dance). [1987:239] That is an important part of the Sun Dance. Antonym -hóahá'ené; fai: -ahá'ené. Category: Sun Dance, ceremonial, cook.
-éstȧhá'eov vta. take food into lodge for s.o. É-éstȧhá'eovóho. He took food into the lodge for him. Éohkeévėhé-estȧhá'eóheo'o tsého'sóese. Food is taken into the (Sun Dance) lodge for the dancers. [1987:211] fta: -ahá'eov. Category: Sun Dance, ceremonial.
-évonea'xe vai. pierced in Sun Dance while dancing hanging from pole. É-évonea'xe. He is piercing in the Sun Dance while dancing. See: -évoneehné. Category: Sun Dance.
-évoneehné vai. pierce. especially of piercing one's chest for the Sun Dance while walking back and forth swinging from the pole. É-évónééhne. He pierced. É-évoneehneo'o. They pierced. See: -évotah(n); -évonea'xe. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance.
évoneehnėhétane na. piercing man. A man who pierces himself for the Sun Dance. Plural évoneehnėhétaneo'o. Category: Sun Dance.
hásohko ni. Gram: dim lance. striped four times; used in Sun Dance lodge. Non-diminutive hásoo'o. See: xomoo'o ‘lance’. Category: Sun Dance.
heéstoonévetšėške ni. throat fat, buffalo throat. part of Sun Dance equipment. Possessive -éstoo'o ‘throat’. Category: meat, Sun Dance.
hena'éeno na. Gram: pl goose feathers. part of Sun Dance equipment. See: mee'e. Category: Sun Dance.
-hestȯsané vai. pledge (in the Sun Dance), go through the Sun Dance as a pledger. É-hestȯsāne. He is going through the Sun Dance as a pledger. tsé-hestȯsānėstse pledger. tsé-hestȯsanese pledgers. Variant: -hestȯsené, -hestȧsené (JLC). See: -nėheto'xevá; -hoxéhé'ševá; -évoneehné. Category: Sun Dance.
-hestȯsené vai. pledge (in the Sun Dance), go through the Sun Dance as a pledger. É-hestȯsēne. He is going through the Sun Dance as a pledger. Variant: -hestȯsané. Category: Sun Dance.
heškóvetséhehévá'xe hetseene'éheo'o na. comb. of a porcupine tail. used in bed fixtures of altar of Sun Dance. Category: Sun Dance.
-hóahá'ené vai. take out food, bring out food. This is an important part of the Sun Dance. It typically refers to when a Sun Dance painter's family brings its food out of the lodge and eats it. The family has been paid for the painter's services with food. É-hóahá'éne. She is bringing out the food. É-hóahá'eneo'o. They are taking out the food. Antonym -éstȧhá'ené; fai: -ahá'ené. See: -nȯhóahá'ené. Category: food, Sun Dance.
-hóaoohová vai. take the lead running out. É-hóaoohōva. He is taking the lead running out (in the Sun Dance). tsé-hóaohōvȧhtse the Sun Dance pledger who runs in the lead with a spear (he holds other pledgers back with the spear). Category: motion, Sun Dance.
-hóestȧhá'ené vai. bring out the food. especially about when a painter's wife at a Sun Dance brings out the food she and her family will eat. É-hóestȧhá'éne. She is bringing out the food. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance, food.
-ho'enóoné vai. return from warpath, return from scouting. É-ho'enóóne. He returned from the warpath. Néváéso tséto'sė-ho'enóónėstse? Who's gonna bring the news of the enemy? when spoken of about the Sun Dance, this refers to the last person; he comes in just before the Sun Dance. See: -nóoné; -ho'enoo'o. Category: Sun Dance.
hotóame'ko ni. buffalo skull. Lit: buffalo-head used in the altar of Sun Dance. See: me'ko ‘head’. Category: Sun Dance.
hotóavooma na. buffalo hide robe. Hotóavóoma móhnȯhóvo'oehéhe. She had on a buffalo robe. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).032] Oblique hotóavoomȧhéva. hotóavóema and hotóavóoma are just different spellings of the same word. Variant: hotóavóema. See: hóoma. Category: Sun Dance.
hoxéhá'e na. Sun Dance woman. has special role in Sun Dance. Category: Sun Dance.
-hoxéhé'ševá vai. pledge to put on a Sun Dance. É-hoxéhé'šéva. He pledged to put on a Sun Dance. tsé-hoxéhé'šévȧtse the pledger. tsé-hoxéhe'ševase the pledgers. See: -nėheto'xevá; -hestȯsané. Category: Sun Dance.
hoxéhemaxe ni. Sun Dance center pole. See: maxe. Category: Sun Dance.
hoxéheome ni. Sun Dance lodge. Usage: This is considered to be a new term compared to ma'xevonȧhéome. Etym: *ašya·howikamikwi (?) (P). See: ma'xevonȧhéome; vonȧhéome. Category: Sun Dance.
hoxéheomēē'e obl. in the Sun Dance. Category: Sun Dance.
-hoxéhetaneve vai. be a Sun Dance man. É-hoxéhetaneve. He is a Sun Dance man. Category: Sun Dance.
kȧhkoešé'hóno na. thin cloth. Lit: thin-material used in bed fixtures of the altar of a Sun Dance. Contracted koešé'hóno. Category: Sun Dance, material.
-mȧhtȯhová vai. instruct pledger(s) in the Sun Dance. In the Sun Dance a pledger's instructors need to be a couple, a man and woman, typically a man and his wife. É-mȧhtȯhóva. He/She is instructing the pledger(s). Névááhe tséto'se-mȧhtȯhóvȧtse? Who is going to instruct? tsé-mȧhtȯhovase the instructors. There seems to be an AI final something like -ová meaning 'medicine, mysterious'. fai: -ová2. Etym: cf. M awae·tok; O awesi· (N) 'spirit'. See: -vovéstomósané; -hoonéstȧhtóohe. Category: Sun Dance.
ma'kóomeehēso na. kinnikinnic. a mixture of dried leaves, bark, and sometimes tobacco smoked by Indians and pioneers. This pipe mixture is used as part of general Sun Dance equipment. Grinnell (1906) says this is actually a small dogwood. Plural ma'kóomeehesono; Obviative ma'kóomeehesono. Category: smoke, Sun Dance.
-ma'óma'ene vii. be red clay (color). É-ma'óma'ene. It is red clay (color). Etym: *meçkwa·mexkye·wi. 2 poles (used in Sun Dance lodge). Medial -óma'. Category: Sun Dance, colors.
ma'xemenó'e ni. plum bush. Plural ma'xemenó'ėstse. These plum tree saplings are used in the altar of the Sun Dance. Medial -ó'(e). Category: Sun Dance.
ma'xevonȧhéome ni. Sun Dance lodge. See: hoxéheome. Usage: ceremonial name Lit: big-ceremonial-lodge Category: lodges, Sun Dance.
matsénoono na. Gram: pl wings. Stem -tsénoono. part of Sun Dance equipment. See: méeno. Category: Sun Dance, birds.
méhmemenó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl 1 • snakeweed bushes. used in altar of Sun Dance. possibly also glossed as 'peppermint plants' ?? Category: check. See: méhnó'ėstse. Category: Sun Dance.
2 • pepper plant.
méhnó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl monster plant. used in altar of Sun Dance. See: méhmemenó'ėstse. Category: Sun Dance, plants.
mé'šéško ni. buckskin, leather. This word is used for the buckskin covering of a drum. vé'ho'émé'šéško commercial buckskin. Oblique mé'šėškónėhéva. See: mȯséškáne ??; xamaemé'šéško ‘hand-tanned leather’. Category: check, Sun Dance.
-méno'kévȯhomo'he vai. Willow Dance - dance the, dance the Willow Dance. É-méno'kévȯhomo'he. He is dancing the Willow Dance. É-méno'kévȯhomó'heo'o. They are dancing the Willow Dance. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance, dance.
méno'kévȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. Willow Dance. It has been said that this is actually today's Sun Dance. The present S.D. is abbreviated and is said to leave out the offering of the participant's wife to the S.D. instructor--a practice outlawed by the U.S. government. This term was used as a euphemism during the time the Sun Dance was outlawed by the U.S. government. Category: Sun Dance, ceremonial, dance.
-mo'kȯhtávén vta. paint black face of s.o. especially for the Sun Dance É-mo'kȯhtávénóho. He painted his face black. Category: colors, Sun Dance.
mo'ȯhtáehohtȯhtȧhéheva'kéehestȯtse na. Gram: pl black scarf. Plural mo'ȯhtáehohtȯhtȧhéheva'kéehéstoto. part of Sun Dance equipment. Category: Sun Dance.
mo'ȯhtávėheséeo'ȯtse ni. purple cone flower. Lit: black medicine See: heséeo'ȯtse ‘medicine’. Category: Sun Dance.
-mo'ȯhtávoma'ene vii. black clay - be. used in Sun Dance lodge. É-mo'ȯhtávoma'ene. It is black clay (color). Etym: *maxkate·wa·mexkye·wi. Category: check, Sun Dance.
naesetséheséeo'ȯtse ni. blessing medicine. part of Sun Dance equipment. Category: Sun Dance.
naesetsévó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl blessing plants. part of Sun Dance equipment. Category: Sun Dance.
-nėheto'xevá vai. make a vow, put up a Sun Dance, make Sun Dance vow. É-nėheto'xēva. He made a vow; he put up a Sun Dance. See: -tóneto'xevá; -hoxéhe'ševá. Category: Sun Dance.
netséma'e'ohko na. red pipe. This is part of general Sun Dance equipment. Variant: netséma'e'oo'o. See: ma'e'ohko. Category: Sun Dance.
no'keome ni. practice lodge. lone tepee at Sun Dance. Category: Sun Dance.
óova'e ni. mica. used in altar of Sun Dance. Category: Sun Dance.
tsé-hestȯsānėstse Gram: ppl vai. vai: hestȯsané. tsé-hestȯsanese pledgers. Category: Sun Dance.
-tsėheto'xevá vai. vow, pledge. refers to pledging to do something. É-tsėheto'xēva. He vowed this. tsé-tsėheto'xēvȧhtse the one who made a vow, the pledger. See: -hoxéhé'ševá; -nėheto'xevá; -véstomóo'hané. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance.
tse'némohko na. Gram: dim tobacco. pipe mixture; part of general Sun Dance equipment. -no'anȯhevovóhe néhe tse'némȯhkono -they mixed in that tobacco. Non-diminutive tse'némoon. Category: smoke, Sun Dance.
váotseváheho'éeve na. deer hide. part of Sun Dance equipment. Variant: váotseváho'éeve. Category: Sun Dance, material.
vé'ho'kéhotóaho'éeve Ques: eeve?? Category: check.
na. rawhide calf (rattles) ?? Category: check. part of Sun Dance equipment. Category: Sun Dance.
vóaxaa'émeeno na. Gram: pl bald eagle pin feathers. used in altar of Sun Dance. Category: Sun Dance.
vóetséna'e ni. white paint, white clay. might also refer today to chalk, as used in school. This is also a Sun Dance paint. Etym: *wa·paθo·neθki. Category: school, Sun Dance.
vó'nevetohko ni. Gram: dim small aluminum pail. used in the Sun Dance lodge. See: hetohko. Category: Sun Dance.
vóo'oomȧhévotōnėstse ni. Gram: pl hammerhead tailfeathers, redhead woodpecker tailfeathers. part of Sun Dance equipment. See: votó ‘tailfeather’. Category: Sun Dance.
-vóoneóó'e vai. stand all night. É-vóoneóó'e. He stood all night. for example, of a Sun Dancer. Phon: vs fai: -óé. Etym: *wa·panika·po·wa (P). See: -taa'éveóó'e ‘stand until night’. Category: Sun Dance, stand.