á'e p. near, close, soon. á'e tónėstȯhéé'ėše after a few days. Naa á'e nėstseovēše. And soon you will go to bed. Antonym háá'ėše. See: káhkėse; káseto; óméso. Category: distance, time.
-háa'éhoma'o'e vii. be far; be a long ways. É-háa'éhoma'o'e. It is a long ways. fii: -óma'o'e. See: háá'ėše; -háa'esó; hohátaa'ėše. Category: distance.
-háa'esó vii. far, long, tall. -tó'esó seems to be about a longer distance than this word; this word could be used, for example, of a table being long. É-háa'ēso. It is far away. fii: 'esó; Antonym -kásó. See: -tó'esó; -tsėhe'esó; -tsėhe'kesó; háá'ėše; -háa'éhoma'o'e. Category: size, distance.
háá'ėše p. far. Éše'he háá'ėše éhoése. The clock is high up. (for example, high up on the wall). Háá'ėše éhó'ta. It is far. (said when playing horseshoes). Antonym á'e, káhkėse. Phon: vs See: vó'héé'ėse; hákó'e; hoháá'ėše; hohátaa'ėše; -háa'esó; -háa'éhoma'o'e; háa'éše-. Category: distance, horseshoes.
hákó'e p. long ago, far (distance and time). (another recording) hákó'e tȧháóhe évaveto long, long ago. See: háá'ėše; évaveto; tótseha. Category: time, distance.
-hehpa'hahtsé vti. throw s.t. farther. É-hehpa'hāhtse. He threw it farther. Category: distance, throw.
-hehpa'ham vta. throw s.o. farther. É-hehpa'hamóho. He threw him (obv) farther. Category: distance, throw.
-he'éhoma'o'e vii. such distance. ... é-he'éhoma'o'e. ... it is that distance. Nexa taoheóne, étanėhe'éhoma'o'e. It is two miles in distance. Category: distance.
-he'esó vii. Gram: rr that long in time, that far. É-he'ēso. It is that far; it is that long in time. Eše tsé-he'ėsotse hestónaho mó'ȯhkenėhešetanó'tovȯhevóhe all day long she would think about her daughter that way. [1987:57] Naa nėhē'še éstanėšėhováneehéhoo'o áa'e tséox-he'ėsotse. And then he was gone a year, that is how long. [Two Young Ladies] Category: time, distance.
-hoháá'ėše p. very far. Contracted oháá'ėše. See: háá'ėše ‘far’; hohátaa'ėše ‘very far apart’; háa'eše ‘very late’. Category: positions, distance.
hohátaa'ėše p. very far apart. This is a reduplicated form. Phon: The phonemic spelling is /hohátaeš/, parallel with háá'ėš /háéš/ Hohátaa'ėše é'ameotsénėsestȯtse o'hē'ėstse. Rivers were a long ways apart. [The Journey.151] Non-reduplicated háá'ėše. See: vó'hee'ėse; háá'ėše; hoháá'ėše; -háa'éhoma'o'e. Phon: vs Category: distance.
ho'né'ėstóva obl. step, yard. a measure of approximately one yard. no'ka ho'né'ėstóva one step length. Category: distance.
káh- i. close. É-káhoése. He is hanging close. Variant: káhan-. Category: distance.
káhan- i. close. É-káhaneohe. It is getting close. [jwa] É-káhaneōhtse. He came close. É-káhanehe. He is close. For example, he is close to his family. Initial káh-. See: kȧhane- ‘tired’. Category: distance.
káhkėse p. near, close. káhkėse tsénėxho'eohtsévȯse close they came. [1987:53] á'e káhkėse close. Reduplicated kokáhkėse; Synonym á'e. Category: positions, distance, horseshoes.
-káhoma'ená vti. shorten the distance of s.t. The word can be used colloquially, for instance, to tell someone that their frequent travels to a certain place have brought that place "closer" to those who live in Cheyenne country. É-káhoma'ēna. "He didn't waste time / went there to do his business and came right back." Mó=né-káhoma'enȯhéhe. You must have shortened the distance to it. See: -káhoma'o'tsé. Category: distance.
-káhoma'o'tsé vti. shorten the distance of s.t. É-káhoma'ō'tse. He shortened the distance of it / he didn't waste time getting there. See: -káhoma'ená; -tšėhe'kėstan. Category: distance.
káse- pv. short, close. Móosee-káseoestȯhoehevóhe. It must have shot her really up close. [Croft 1988:30:23] Reduplicated kokáse-. Category: time, distance.
-kásó vii. close, near. É-káso. It is close. Etym: *pe·hšowatwi > **pe·hšowya·wi ?? (P/L). Antonym -háa'esó. See: á'e; kahkėse. Category: distance.
nȧhéstó'e p. beyond, further, farther. that is, further on in front of, not foreground front, as with maato. hóvéhno nȧhéstó'e a little further. This word can be used as a functional command for someone to go further. Naa nȧhéstó'e xāō'o móhne'amenéhe'ȯhéhe hápó'e héne meo'o. And further on a skunk was following that same road. [Croft 1988:15:4-5] Antonym hó'hóma. See: maato; tšėhéšėstó'e. Category: positions, distance.
nenóve'še p. a little behind. Náhtaamėhó'e'ovóneo'o nenóve'še. We followed them a little ways behind.'. [The Snakebite.019] Category: distance, check.
nexa taoheóne obl. two miles in distance. See: taoheóne. Category: distance.
nexa taoheónéva obl. two miles in distance. Category: distance.
o'o'hé- pv. distant. É-o'o'hévee'e. He camped way out there. É-o'o'hémėsehe. He went a long ways to eat (that is, he is having a picnic). See: o'hé-. Category: distance.
taeváhéó'o ni. ruler, foot. Phon: vs Plural taeváheonȯtse; Oblique taeváhéóne. See: taoheóne ‘mile’. Category: tools, size, distance.
taeváhéóne obl. foot, feet. Naesohto taeváhéóne néxhéseéestsėstovėstse! Talk to me from six feet away! ni: taeváhéó'o. See: taoheóne ‘mile’. Category: distance.
taohēō'o ni. mile. Etym: *tepahikani ‘measuring tool, unit of measure (P)’. Category: distance.
-tó'ėsėho'sané vai. take long steps. É-tó'ėsėho'sāne. He took long steps. Category: distance.
-tó'kėsėho'sané vai. take short steps. Étó'kėsėho'sāne. He took short steps. Éohke-tó'kėsėho'sāne. He takes short steps. Antonym tó'ėsėho'sané. Category: distance.
tóne'es- i. how long?, how far? É-tóne'ēso? How long is it?/How far away is it? See: tóne'ėst-. Category: size, distance.
-tóne'esó vii. be how long?, be how far away? É-tóne'ēso? How long is it?/How far away is it? vai: tóne'ėstahe. See: tóne'éh-. Category: size, distance.
-tšėhe'kéhóohtá vti. close.look.at, look at s.t. up close. É-tšėhe'kéhóóhta. He is looking at it up close. Náta-tšėhe'kéhóóhta. I'm going to look at it up close. [The Bear and the Skunk.016] Category: distance, sight.
-tšėhe'kéhóom vta. look at s.o. up close. É-tšėhe'kéhoomóho. He looked at him up close. ȯh-tšėhe'kéhoomee'ėstse when it is looked at up close. [The Bear and the Skunk.014] See: -némóosané; -némóosané ‘scrutinize’. Category: distance, time.
vóhne'še p. medium distance away, a little bit longer, so long. See: vó'héé'ėse. Category: positions, distance.
vó'héé'ėse p. a ways away, a ways distant. Vó'héé'ėse nėhéóhe hákó'e néxhéto'hovėhoneo'o; nėhéóhenȧhtȧhoo'e. Come put up the tepee a ways away from (the rest of the camp); I'll just stay there. [1987:297] See: vóhne'še; á'e; káhkėse; hákó'e; háá'ėše. Category: distance.
-vone'éhotoehené vai. dig a very deep hole. É-vone'éhotoehēne. He dug a very deep hole. See: -vósȯhené. Category: distance.
-vone'éhotoo'e vii. be a very deep hole. É-vone'éhotoo'e. It is a very deep hole. Ésáa-vone'éhotoo'éhane. It is not a very deep hole. Phon: not vs See: -háa'éhotoo'e. Category: distance, size.
-vone'ėstȯxe'ohe vii. be such a long word. É-vone'ėstȯxe'ohe. It is such a long word. Category: distance.
vovó'héé'ėse p. spaced apart, at intervals. Vovó'héé'ėse nėšenééhéne! Stand spaced apart! (said to a group). [1980:7] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated vó'héé'ėse. Category: distance.