-amȯhóné vai. guess with handgame motions. This refers to guessing where the handgame bone is through the motions and pointing done in the handgame. Handgame terms ending in -ová, for example, -nȯsȯhová, refer to guessing where the bone is with non-motion tries (probably intuitive or mystical guesses). É-amȯhóne. He is guessing. Lit: along-sign Névááhe tséto'se-amȯhónėstse? Who's going to be the guesser? tsé-amȯhónėstse the guesser. tsé-amȯhónese the guessers. fai: -ohóné. See: -véeamȯhóné; -onéstȯhóné; -ohóov; -ovánehe; -évȯhóné. Category: handgame.
amȯhóneo'o na. Gram: pl guessers. amȯhóneono (alternate plural). Category: handgame.
-ésoh(n) vta. miss s.o. This especially refers to missing someone in handgame guessing. It refers to not finding the bone that someone has hidden in a handgame. A different word, -hoónȯsé'ot refers to missing someone because they have not been with you for some time. Ná-ésohe. He missed me. Ná-ésóhno. I missed him. This refers to not finding the bone that he has. É-ésȯhnóho. He missed him. That is, he missed guessing the handgame player's bone. vai: -ésȯhová. See: pónóhta ‘for nothing’; -hoónȯsé'ót ‘miss s.o.’. Category: handgame.
-hó'tȧhevá vai. win, defeat, beat. used for winning, for example, in a contest, cards, game, or handgame. É-hó'tȧhéva. He won. É-hó'tȧhevao'o. They won. (another recording) Ná-hó'tȧheváme. We won. Ná-hó'tȧhéva. I won. Násáa-hó'tȧheváhe. I didn't win. Névááhe tsé-hó'tȧhévȧhtse? Who (sg) won? Néváéso tsé-hó'tȧhévȧse? Who (sg) won? Naa móhnėhešė-hó'tȧhevȧhevóhe. And that is how (the people's side) won (in the Great Race). [1987:246] vta: -hó'tah(n); vti: -hó'tahá; Antonym -hó'tahe. See: -vovóneotse; -vovónan. Category: handgame.
-hó'tah(n) vta. beat s.o., defeat s.o. This is about beating in the sense of defeating not hitting violently. É-hó'tȧhnóho. He defeated him. Etym: *a·Ɂte·hwe·wa (P) ‘he extinguishes him by tool’. Ná-hó'taha. He defeated me. Né-hó'tȧhaeneo'o. They beat us. Néhó'taestse. I beat you. Ná-hó'tȧheeneo'o. They beat us (excl.). Éohkeéšėto'setó'ė-hó'tȧhnóho He would almost beat him. [1987:150] Né-hó'tȧhemeno. You (plural) beat us. vti: -hó'tahá. See: -vovónan; -má'to'óh(n). Category: interpersonal, handgame.
-hótȯxávȯhoné vai. cross hands repeatedly during hand game guessing, make sign of the cross, cross sign. É-hótȯxávȯhóne. He is crossing his hands back and forth during hand game guessing. Usage: loan transl. for sign of the cross?? Category: check. fai: -ohoné. See: -hótȯxánaesetse. Category: handgame, church.
hotseo'o ni. tally stick, hand game stick, ballot. Plural hotseonȯtse. Phon: vs See: -hotseónané. Category: handgame.
-hóxovan vti. put across s.t., move across s.t. É-hóxovāna. He moved it across. Final -an.
vta. 1 • put across s.o., move across s.o. É-hóxovanóho. He moved him across.
2 • switch s.o. especially of a hand game bone being switched from one hand to another. Antonym -tó'oman. Category: handgame, move.
-má'tohá vti. exhaust s.t. by tool. É-má'tóha. He exhausted it by tool. Etym: *me·Ɂtahamwa. É-má'tȯhanȯtse hotseonȯtse. He got all the (hand game) sticks. Category: handgame.
-má'to'óh(n) vta. beat s.o. in a bet, out-bet s.o. É-má'to'ohno. He outbet him. É-má'to'óhnóho. He outbet him. (newer pronunciation). See: -hó'tah(n). Category: interpersonal, handgame.
-mé'oh(n) vta. find s.o. in hand game. especially refers to finding the opposing player during guessing in hand game. É-mé'ȯhnóho. He found him (the marked bone, in hand game). Ná-mé'ohe. He found me (said in hand game). Ná-mé'óhno. I found him (that is, refers to finding the player's bone, animate). vai: -mé'ȯhová; Initial mé'-; Antonym -ésoh(n). See: nó'oesanestȯtse; -ésoh(n); -nȯsoh(n). Category: handgame.
-mé'ȯhoné vai. guess correctly in hand game. Lit: appear-sign É-mé'ȯhóne. He guessed the right bone in hand game. fai: -ohoné. See: -mé'ȯhová. Category: handgame.
-mé'ȯhová vai. find hand game bone. refers to finding with an intuitive guess. É-mé'ȯhóva. He found the hand game bone. Usage: This word is avoided in speaking because it sounds the same as -mé'hová 'be fuzzy/hairy-furred' which can refer to facial hair, but can also connote pubic hair. vta: -mé'oh(n); Antonym -ésȯhová. See: -ová; -nȯsȯhová; -ohóné; nó'oesanestȯtse; -mé'hová; -mé'ȯhoné. Category: vulgar, handgame.
-nó'oesané vai. play hand game, hand game - play. Lit: hide This is a team game of chance where a 'bone' is hidden behind a player's back and the opponent guesses which hand it is in. É-nó'oesāne. He played hand game. É-nó'oesaneo'o. They are playing hand game. É-nó'oesanéstove. There is a hand game being played. vta: -nó'oet; vti: -nó'oestsé. Category: handgame.
nó'oesanestȯtse ni. hand game. Plural nó'oesanéstotȯtse. The hand game is popular and there is a well-developed vocabulary which refers to various aspects of the game: nó'oeseo'o 'hand game bone'; no'aneo'o 'blank hand game bone'; hotseo'o 'tally stick'; -amȯhóné 'guess with motions'; -ésȯhóné 'miss with motions'; -ésȯhová 'miss with intuitive guess'; -vovéhpȯhóné 'miss everything with motions'; -nȯsȯhová 'try to find with intuitive guess'; -véeamȯhóné 'guess every time'; -mé'oh(n) 'find him (the opposing player)'; -ésȯh(n) 'miss him'; -nȯsȯh(n) 'guess against him', etc. vai: -nó'oesané. Category: handgame.
nó'oesēō'o na. hand game bone. Plural nó'oeseono; Obviative nó'oeseono. Category: handgame.
-nȯsoh(n) vta. guess s.o. This word is especially said about playing in a hand game. The object of this verb is the opposing person who the guesser is guessing against. Ná-nȯsóhno. I guessed him. É-nȯsȯhnóho. He is guessing him. See: -ová; nó'oesanestȯtse. Category: handgame.
-nȯsȯhová vai. guess trying to find the hand game bone. É-nȯsȯhóva. He is guessing. É-nȯsȯhovahe? Did he guess? fai: -ohová2. See: -ésȯhová; -ová; -amȯhóné; -véeamȯhóné. Category: handgame.
-novehe vai. be betted against. actually, this is an unspecified subject "passive" verb stem. É-novėheo'o. They are betted against. vta: -novet. Category: handgame.
-novėše'é vai. bet, gamble. É-novėšē'e. He bet. É-novėše'eo'o. They are gambling. See: -sé'o'sané. Category: handgame.
-novėše'étáno vai. want to gamble. É-novėše'étáno. He wants to gamble / compete. [1987:245] Category: handgame.
-novet vta. compete against s.o., have a contest with s.o., bet against s.o., gamble against s.o. É-novetóho. He competed against him. He competed against him. This would mean that the second person didn't know he was being competed against. É-novetȧhtseo'o. They are competing (against each other). Éohtame-novetóho néhe hetanevo'óho. He tried to have a contest with that Arapaho. See: -sé'o'h; -nóvót; -novoh(n); -novȯhe'é. Category: handgame, interpersonal.
-ohóné fai. sign, use hand motions. Éév-ȯhóne. He signed. Étó'h-ohóne. He signed to stop. Évé'ho'év-ȯhóne. He is doing finger signs/signing as a white person. Éonést-ȯhóne. He is faking out by hand game motions. Émé'-ȯhóne. He guessed the right bone in hand game. Évéeam-ȯhóne. He is a good hand game guesser/he guesses right every time. Évovéhp-ȯhóne. He missed everything (in hand game guessing). Neše éhet-ȯhóne. He is indicating two with two fingers. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign, handgame.
-onéstȯhóné vai. fool, fake by hand motions (especially in hand game), practice hand game. É-onéstȯhóne. He is trying to fool (by various hand motions). Etym: *kwetahike·wa. fai: -ohóné. See: -amȯhóné; -ohooov. Category: handgame.
-póe'péh(n) vta. hit s.o. on the ribs. É-póe'péhestse. He hit/slapped himself on his ribs. This is said of Crows who hit themselves this way when they guess during hand games. Category: handgame.
-sé'o'sané vai. bet, stake down. refers to staking down something; comes from staking down to the ground in a bet; especially done with food. É-sé'o'sāne. He bet. Né-sé'o'sanehe? Did you bet? See: -novėše'é; -novet. Variant: -sé'o'sené. Category: handgame.
-tó'oman 1 • vti. stop s.t. by hand. É-tó'omāna. He stopped it. Ques: recheck gloss??
2 • vta. stop s.o. by hand, retain s.o. by hand. for example, keeping a hand game bone in the same hand, rather than changing it to the other hand. É-tó'omanóho. He kept him the same/didn't change him. Antonym -hóxovan. Category: handgame, check.
tsé-ne'evávȯxe'oestse vai. Gram: ppl the marked one. especially the marked hand game bone. Category: handgame.
-véeamȯhóné vai. be a good guesser in hand game. É-véeamȯhóne. He is a good guesser/he found them every time. fai: -ohóné. See: -amȯhóné; -ová; -nȯsȯhová; -véheváohe. Category: handgame.
-vovéhpȯhóné vai. guess badly, miss everything. refers to not guessing where the hand game bone is. É-vovéhpȯhóne. He missed everything/didn't find any (bone). Phon: redup fai: -ohóné. See: -véhpó. Category: handgame.