-hávėsévévėhané vai. drum badly, drum in an evil way. É-hávėsévévėháne. He drummed in an evil way. fai: -évėhané; Antonym -pėhévevėhané. Category: drum.
-he-onéhavo'eehe inc.n. have drum; be the drummer. especially said of the person who is in charge of the drum at a peyotemeeting. É-he-onéhavo'eehe. He has the drum. tsé-he-onéhavo'eestse drummer. Lit: the one that has the drum IndepNoun onéhavo'e. Category: ceremonial, drum.
-mátȧhévévėháne vai. peyote drum, imitate peyote drumming. can humorously refer to the thumping noise dogs make when scratching. É-mátȧhévévėháne. He is peyote-drumming. fai: -évėhané. Category: dogs, drum.
onéhavo'e ni. drum. Plural onéhávó'ėstse. See: onéhávó'ke ‘bead’; pó'ponȯheónó'e ‘drumstick’. Category: drum.
onétšėškeonéhavo'e ni. hand drum, little round drum. Category: drum.
ováonéhavo'e ni. magic drum. See: onéhavo'e. Category: drum, ceremonial.
-pėhévevėhané vai. drum well; drum in an good way. É-pėhévévėháne. He drummed well. fai: -évėhané; Antonym -hávėsévevėhané. Category: drum.
-pó'ponėhomev vta. drum for s.o. É-pó'ponėhomevóho. He drummed for him. Phon: redup Category: drum.
-pó'ponohá vti. pound on s.t. repeatedly. É-pó'ponōha. He pounded on it repeatedly. É-pó'ponȯhanȯtse. He pounded repeatedly on them (inanimate). Category: drum.
-pó'ponȯhené vai. drum (repeated hits). É-pó'ponȯhēne. He is drumming. É-pó'ponȯheneo'o. They are drumming. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -pónȯhené. See: onéhavo'e ‘drum’; pó'ponȯheónó'e ‘drumstick’. Etym: cf. M pa·hpaka·hkwahekae·w. Category: drum.
pó'ponȯheónó'e ni. drumstick. Plural pó'ponȯheónó'ėstse. Medial -ó'(e). See: pónȯhenestȯtse ‘coup stick’; onéhavo'e ‘drum’. Category: drum, wood.
-pónȯhené vai. drum. hit drum surface once; reduplicated form is for hitting a surface repeatedly. as in the traditional way of divorcing a wife with one hit on a drum. Phon: sounds like -pónȯhȯné which it might be, instead ?? Category: check. É-pónȯhéne. He drummed (hit the drum surface once). Etym: *pa·kahaxkehkwe·wa; cf. M pa·kahekae·w. Reduplicated -pó'ponȯhené. See: onéhávó'e. Category: surface, drum.
-pónȯhené'tov vta. drum s.o. especially to drum someone away as when a man would drum his wife away in the old Indian way by hitting once on a drum. Ná-pónȯhené'tova. He drummed me away. Ého'-pónȯhenénoto hestse'emo. He drummed his wife away. vai: -pónȯhené. See: -pónoh(n). Category: marriage, drum.
-pónoh(n) vta. drum s.o. by tool. especially using a drumstick. É-pónȯhnóho. He drummed him. Ého'-pónȯhnóho hestse'emo. He drummed away his wife. vti: -pónohá; Reduplicated -pó'ponoh(n). See: -pónȯhené'tov. Etym: cf. M pa·kahaew. Category: drum.
sétóhke ni. thong (especially of rawhide), string. Plural sétóhkėstse. A string typically holds the rawhide skin to a drum. This word is inanimate and singular while sétȯhkeho 'rawhide rope' is animate and plural because it refers to the many strands of material, just as heévaho 'rope' is plural, as are many terms for cloth. Rawhide strings are used in the Sun Dance lodge.
na. rawhide rope. Morph: /sétóhkéh/. Etym: *še·ya·pya (Go88); cf. Ar séénook 'rope' (an.). Plural sétȯhkeho ‘rawhide rope’; Oblique sétȯhkėhéva. obl. variant may be sétȯhkéva ?? See: -ón; heévaho. Category: drum, material, check.
-tȧhpe'évėhané vai. drum loudly. É-tȧhpe'évėháne. He drummed loudly. fai: -évėhané; Antonym -tšėške'évėhané. Category: drum.
-tšėške'évėhané vai. drum softly. É-tšėške'évėháne. He drummed softly. Antonym -tȧhpe'évėhané. Category: drum.