Cheyenne Dictionary



-amėhahtomev   vta. owe s.o. É-amėhahtomevóho. He owed him. Ná-amėhahtomēvo. I owe him (for example, money). See: -amėhahtsé; -amȧhtov. Category: money.

-amėhahtov   vta. owe s.o. É-amėhahtovóho. He owes him. vai: -amėhasené. See: -amėhahtomev. Category: money.

-amėhasené   vai. debt - be in, owe. Lit: refers to (the bill) being written down É-amėhasēne. He owes. Ná-amėhasēne. I owe. See: -amahe; -htsevoxe. vii: -ameha; vti: -amėhahtsé; vta: -amėhahtov. Category: money.

amėhasenestȯtse   ni. bill. that is, a request for payment. Plural amėhasenéstotȯtse. See: mȯxe'ėstóonéma'kaata bill (money). Category: money.

amėškéma'kaatānėstse   ni. Gram: pl oil money. for example, money from oil wells. Category: money.

-amȯhtóvá   vai. sell along, sell around. É-amȯhtóva. He is going along selling. Etym: *pemata·we·wa. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -tóxȯhtóvá. Category: money.

-asėtóovahe   vai. start to be rich ?? É-asėtóovahe. He is getting rich. ?? See: -háoovahe rich - be. Category: money, check.

-é'ahe   vai. 1 • be broken. É-é'ahe. He is broken. Etym: *po·xkwesiwa (P). Synonym -óo'e'ahe, -óo'e'óe'tó. See: -ó'xahe.

2 • be broke. that is, be out of money. Category: figurative. É-é'ahe. He is broke. Ná-é'ahe. I'm broke. Usage: probably a loan transl. from English, but widely known, and also used in Indian sign language. vii: -é'ó. See: -he-ma'kaataemé. Category: break, money.

-é'a'ó   vii. snap, break quickly. É-é'á'o. It snapped.

vai. go broke. Category: figurative. É-é'á'o. He went broke. See: -e'a'ó. Category: money, break.

-é'an   1 • vti. break s.t. É-é'ána. He broke it by hand. Etym: *ešpenamwa > **išpenamwa (L); *po·xkwenamwa (P).

vta. break s.o. by hand.

2 • vta. break s.o. financially. Usage: figurative; loan transl. from English É-é'anóho. He broke him money-wise. See: -é'en. Category: break, money.

-é'e'ó'h   vta. 1 • break s.o. É-é'e'o'ho. He broke him. É-é'e'ó'hóho. He broke him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'e'o'hamóho hemoėškōno. I broke his finger. vti: -é'e'ó'tsé. Category: break.

2 • break s.o. financially. Ná-mȧheé'e'o'ha. She completely broke me (I'm penniless). Ná-é'e'ó'hahtse. I caused myself to go broke. See: -e'ahe. Category: money.

-é'eotse   1 • become broken.

State -é'ó.vii. É-é'eotse. It (or He) broke.

vai. Namo'ēško é-é'eotse. My finger broke.

2 • vai. run out of money. Category: figurative. Ná-é'eotse. I went broke (that is, ran out of money). Reduplicated -óo'e'eotse; State -é'ahe broken. See: -oó'xeotse crack; -é'oneeotse break (ropelike); -e'eotse go up. Category: break, money.

-énanomev   vta. pay for s.o. for example, paid for a horse. Ná-énanomēvo. I paid for him. É-énanomevóho. He paid for him. Etym: *po·nenamawe·wa (P). vti: -énanomóhtá. Category: money.

-énanomóhtá   vti. pay for s.t. See: -énan. É-énanomóhta. He paid for it. vta: -énanomev. Category: money.

-énȯhtóva   vai. stop selling, end selling. É-énȯhtóva. He stopped selling. fai: -ohtóvá. Category: money.

-háaoéstóné   vai. high price. É-háaoéstóne. His price is too high ; he wants a higher price. fai: -oéstóné. Category: money.

-háoeme   vii. expensive, valued highly. Lit: high-valued -háoem indicates intrinsic value; -he'amoem indicates value as from being put on a pedestal. É-háoeme. It (or He) is expensive.

vai. expensive, valued highly. tsé-háoemese the top (soldiers). [1987:46] Final -oem. See: -he'amoeme; -sóvoeme; -he'anávoeme. Category: money, value.

-háohtóva   vai. sell something outrageous. É-háohtóva. He sold something outrageous. Final -ohtóvá. Category: money.

-háo'omenehe   vai. poor, experience a difficult life, be in bad shape, poor condition. poor or of general difficult life condition. É-háo'omenehe. He is poor/destitute. The following are often said in prayer. Ná-háo'omenehe. I am poor. Ná-háo'omenėhéme. We (excl) are poor. Vovóhnėhešenáno tsé-háo'omenėhese! Take care of those who are poor! [1987:206 ; Hymn 155] fai: -o'omenehe. See: -hávėsévo'omenehe; -hésto'omenehe; -to'omenehe; -pėhévo'omenehe; -nėstamenóohéheve; -nėxȧheve. Category: money, live, check.

-háooésta   vti. sell s.t. too expensively. É-háooésta. He sold it at too expensive a price. Ques: Does this literally mean 'to hang s.t. too high' or 'to count s.t. too high'? See: -hoésta1. Category: money.

-háooéstóne   vai. sell too expensively. É-háooéstóne. He sells (things) at too high a price. (another recording) vti: -háooéstá. Category: money.

-háoovahe   vai. rich. É-háoovahe. He is rich. néhe tséhešėho-háoovaestse that one who is very rich. Antonym -háo'omenehe. See: -háestȯhema'kaataamé; -háóová. Category: money.

-hávėsévȯhtóvá   vai. buy bad.

vti. Gram: vai + o buy s.t. bad. É-hávėsévȯhtóva. He bought something no good. Category: money.

-hehpoeme   vta. Gram: pass higher priced. É-hehpoeme. It/He is higher priced. Etym: *wempakinsowa (P). Category: money.

-hehpȯhtóvá   vai. spend more, buy more. É-hehpȯhtóva. He spent more. for instance, to spend more than someone else. See: -hohtóvá. Category: money.

-he'amoeme   vii. expensive, raised value, pedestal value. -he'amoeme has the idea of being put up on a social pedestal. -háoeme is different in having intrinsic value. É-he'amoeme. It is expensive/he is expensive. Lit: high-valued (counted) Antonym -he'anávoeme. See: -háoeme. Category: money.

-he'amoésta   vai. bid on s.t. ?? Lit: hang up É-he'amoésta. He bid on it. Category: money.

-he'anávoeme   vii. be inexpensive, be cheap. tsé-he'anávoeme that which is inexpensive.

vai. be inexpensive, be cheap. Lit: easy-valued (counted) É-he'anávoeme. He (or It) is inexpensive/cheap. Antonym -háoeme. See: -sóvoeme; -he'avoeme. Category: money, value.

-he-ma'kaataeme   inc.n. have money. É-hema'kaataeme. He has money. Násáa-hema'kaataeméhe. I don't have money. Násáa-hema'kaataeméhéme. We (excl.) don't have money. Nésáa-hema'kaataemėhehe? Don't you have money? See: he-; ma'kaata; -ma'kaataema. Category: money.

hestanenévȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. purchase order. Category: money.

-hetoeme   vai. so priced, valued so, cost that much, so valued, so related, related so. This is one of the forms of the verb -hetoém which is used for how you are related to someone. ... é-hetoeme. ... he (or it) costs that much. Etym: *eθakimowa.

vii. so priced, valued so, cost that much, so valued, so related, related so. Gram: rr É-hetoéménėstse. That's how much they (inan) cost. See: -hetoém. Category: money.

-hetsevȯhtóvá   vai. fearless to buy (something), hesitate to spend (something). only used in the negative. Ésáa-hestsevȯhtóváhe. He is not afraid to sell (anything).

vti. fearless to buy s.t., hesitate to spend s.t. Étaohkėsáa'ée-hetsevȯhtóvȧhénóvo hová'éhe. They are not afraid to sell anything (for a drink). [1987:61] fai: -ohtóvá. See: -hohtóvá. Category: money.

-hevásemé'tá   vii. draw interest, earn interest. Lit: have it as younger sibling É-hevásemé'ta. It drew interest (money). Phon: sfr See: -he-vásemétó. Category: money.

-he-vásemétó   vii. earn interest. Lit: have as younger sibling Ma'kaata éohkė-heváseméto. The money is earning interest. vai: -he-váseme; vti: -he-vásemé'tá. Category: money.

-he-vóohestove'tanó'tov   vta. have s.o. as a relative - want to. Naa éohkeno'-he-vóohestove'tanó'tohe. And there is also wanting to be had as a relative. This refers to when people want you to give them money. They remind you (or claim) that you are their relative (obligated to give them money). Category: money, relatives.

-hóeóetanévo'ha'ehné   vai. lose money and walk out penniless. perhaps at a hand game or casino. É-hóeóetanévo'ha'ēhne. He lost his money and walked out penniless. Category: money, walk.

-hóeotsėsané   vai. paid. É-hóeotsėsāne He got paid. Usage: od Said to be the Southern Cheyenne way of expressing the meaning of getting paid, while -onénėxomoné is the Northern Cheyenne way. See: -onénėxomoné. Lit: take out (something) Category: money.

-hohtóvá   vai. buy, sell, shop for, barter, trade, bootleg. refers to any side of a financial transaction. É-hohtóva. He bought (it). É-hohtóvao'o. They are shopping. Héehe'e, hápó'e náéšė-hohtóva. Yes, and me too I already shopped. Use of this verb with the preverb ohke- sometimes refers to bootlegging: Éohkė-hohtóva. He sells / bootlegs. É-hohtóvȧhtove. It is traded for; there is exchange. fai: -ohtóvá.

vti. buy/sell s.t., buy s.t., sell s.t., shop for s.t., barter s.t., trade s.t., bootleg s.t. Gram: vai + o Ná-hohtóvanȯtse. I bought them (inan.). Násáa-hohtóvȧhenȯtse. I did not buy them (inan.). Vé'hó'e mó'ȯhkemóheehé-hohtóvȧhevóhe nėhéóhe. White people all traded there. [1987:18] Hénová'e tsé-hohtóvato? What did you buy? (another recording) The first "h" of this root is dropped after the preverb hé- 'purpose': Hé-ohtóvȧhtse! Come buy it! vta: -hohtóvá'tov. Etym: *ata·we·wa. Category: money.

-hohtóvá'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o shop for s.o., buy s.o., sell s.o., barter s.o., trade s.o. This covers both buying and selling. Ná-hohtóvanȯtse I sold him. Násáa-hohtóvȧhenȯtse kokȯhéaxa. I did not buy chicken. Ná-hohtóvanoto I bought them (an.) Násáa-hohtóvȧhénoto I did not buy them (an.) Násáa-hohtóvȧhenȯtse I did not buy him. É-hohtóvanoto. He bought/sold him. É-hohtóvanoto mo'éhno'hāme He bought a horse. Ná-hohtóvanȯtse éstse'he naa mo'kėhanȯtse. I bought a shirt and shoes. See: -hohtóvót. Category: money.

-hohtóvaohe   vai. buy quickly. É-hohtóvaohe. He bought (something) quickly.?? See: -ohtóvaohe. Category: money, check.

-hohtóvátanó   vai. buy - want to, sell - want to. É-hohtóvátáno. He wants to buy/sell. Category: money.

-hohtóvót   vta. buy for s.o., trade with s.o., sell to s.o. É-hohtóvoto. He traded with him. É-hohtóvótóho. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *ata·wa·θe·wa. Néxhohtóvotaxėstse toóomȧše'šestȯtse! Buy me a cold drink! See: -hohtóvá'tov. Category: money.

-hohtóvotah   vta. buy for s.o. É-hohtóvotȧhóho. He bought it for him. Ná-hohtóvotāho. I bought it for him. Ná-hohtóvotaha. He bought it for me. Ná-hohtóvotȧhoo'o. I bought it for them. Category: money, interpersonal.

-ho'tséehe   vai. spend money on gifts. especially about courting a woman by giving her money; can include giving money for sex (as with a prostitute). É-hotséehe. He spent money on gifts / he courted her with gifts / he paid for sex with a prostitute. Émá'sė-ho'tséehe. He spent all his money. See: -má'sėho'tséehe. Category: romance, money.

-hotséeh   vai. bribe s.o. for example, to slip someone money to buy their vote in an election. É-hotséehóho. He bribed him. vai: -hotséehevá. See: -hotséehe; -vovéeh. Category: interpersonal, money.

-hotséehevá   vai. bribe. for example, to slip someone money to buy their vote in an election. É-hotséehēva. He bribed. vta: -hotséeh. See: -hotséehe; -vovéehevá. Category: interpersonal, money.

hotsévama'kaata   ni. claims money. Variant: hotsévatanóma'kaata. See: -stotsévatanóhtanone. Category: money.

-hotsévátanó   vai. hold claim, expect payment. É-hotsévátáno. He wants (something) as payment. tsésó'=nėhéó=hotsévatanose those who are still holding claim. [Black Hills Claim.066] There appear to be no corresponding TI or TA forms, for example, -hotsévátsestá is ungrammatical. See: -hotséovo'setanó. Category: money.

hotsévatanóma'kaata   ni. claims money. Variant: hotséva-ma'kaata. Category: money.

-hóvȯsané   vai. store, save, fundraise. É-hóvȯsáne. He stored, saved. for example, save money in the bank. Variant: -hóvȯhtanené; Synonym -hóvȯhto'sané; Preverb hóvȯse-; vti: -hóvohtsé. See: -taose; -éto'ehá. Category: money.

-htsevoxe   ni. Gram: poss 1 • den; hole (poss.) he-stsevóxéva in his den. IndepNoun voxe. See: hestsevoxe. Category: animals.

2 • in the hole, in debt. Category: figurative. Móma'xėhoehéhe he-stsevóxéva. He is deep in debt. (lit., be much in his hole; loan translation from English 'he is in the hole'). See: -amėhasené owe. Category: money.

ka'emestȯtse   ni. 1 • purse, handbag, pouch, bag. Lit: short-bag (another recording) Plural ka'emėstotȯtse.

2 • budget. Category: containers, money.

-mȧheoestohá   vti. pay for all of s.t. É-mȧheoestōha. He paid it all off. Category: money.

-mȧhohtóvá   vai. buy everything, buy all. É-mȧhohtóva. He bought everything. for instance, to buy all the land and buildings on it. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -mȧhovȯhtóvá tired of shopping. Category: money.

-mȧhovȯhtóva   vai. tired of shopping. É-mȧhovȯhtóva. He is tired of shopping. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -mȧhohtóvá buy everything. Category: money.

-mȧhtóhtohá   vii. be ten in number, be a $10 bill. É-mȧhtóhtȯhánėstse. They (inan.) are 10 in number. É-mȧhtóhtóha. It is a $10 bill. See: -mȧhtóhtȯhnoeme. Category: money.

-mȧhtóhtȯhnoeme   vai. cost ten dollars. É-mȧhtóhtȯhnoeme. It costs $10. Etym: *meta·tahθo·kinsowa (P). É-mȧhtóhtȯhnoemēnėstse. They (inan.) cost $10. É-mȧhtóhtȯhnoemeo'o. They (an.) cost $10. See: -mȧhtóhtohá; -hoem. Category: money.

ma'kaata   ni. money, metal, coin, wire. The /k/ probably indicates a dim. Etym: *mexkwepeθekwi (P). Variant: ma'aata; Plural ma'kaatānėstse, (another recording of the plural). The plural typically means 'coins' or 'dollars.'. Obviative ma'kaataēva; Possessive -ma'kaataame. Phon: It is difficult to hear whether this word is spelled ma'kaata or ma'kaeta. Some speakers seem to pronounce it as ma'kaata. But we seem to hear ma'kaata in the following recording of the Squint Eyes text.?? Ma'kaata é'évėhatsénėse. ?? A wire was lying there. heóvema'kaeta brass (literally, yellow-metal). ma'ema'kaeta copper (lit. red-metal) copper (literally, red-metal). noho ma'kaetānėstse $5 (literally, 5 monies). Category: money, check.

-ma'kaataema   vai. have money. É-ma'kaataema. He has money. Naa éohkėhoháe-ma'kaataema hestse'emo. And his wife always has a lot of money. [Little Bear and Black Deer.059] Category: money.

-ma'kaatáeme   ni. Gram: poss money (poss.) Phon: iah na-ma'kaatáeme my money. he-ma'kaatáeme his money. he-ma'kaataemēvo their money. IndepNoun ma'kaeta. Phon: iah Category: money.

ma'kaataemȯhenėšēmo   ni. credit card, debit card. Lit: money-card Ques: recheck meaning?? Category: check, new, money.

ma'kaataemȯxe'ėstóove'ho'seo'o   ni. ATM. Lit: money-paper-container Category: new, money.

ma'kaataéve'ho'e   na. treasurer, banker. Lit: money-ve'ho'e Plural ma'kaataévé'hó'e. Category: money.

ma'kema'kaata   ni. penny. Lit: red-metal Variant: ma'ema'kaata. See: ma'ema'kaata copper. Category: money.

-má'sėho'tséehe   vai. spend all money on gifts. especially about courting a woman by giving her money; can include giving money for sex (as with a prostitute). É-má'sėho'tséehe. He spent all his money. See: -ho'tséehe. Category: romance, money.

-má'tȯhtóvá   vai. sell everything, trade everything, finish trading, buy everything, spend everything. É-má'tȯhtóva. He finished shopping. Etym: *me·Ɂtata·we·wa (P). Ná-má'tȯhtóva. I finished shopping. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -hohtóvá; -má'to'eéstsé. Category: money.

-má'tȯhtóvaoohe   vai. spend everything quickly. Ná-má'tȯhtóvaoohe. I spent all my money shopping. fai: -ohtóvá. Category: money.

-má'to'eéstsé   vti. spend all of s.t. É-má'to'eéstse. He spent all of it. See: -má'tȯhtóvá. Category: money.

-mé'to'en   vti. cash s.t., exchange s.t. É-mé'tó'éna. He cashed it (for example, his check). tséohke-mé'to'enȯhtse ma'kaataānėstse the one who exchanges money. See: -mé'tomev; nétȧhév-; -hohtóvá; -hóxan. Category: money.

-mé'tó'énené   vai. cash. especially of cashing a check. É-mé'tó'énéne. He cashed (a check). Category: money.

mo'ȯhtáema'kaata   ni. nickel (coin). Lit: black-money Category: money.

-momá'tȯhtóvá   vai. sell everything. É-momá'tȯhtóva. He sold everything. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -má'tȯhtóvá. Morph: /-momá'tohtóvá. Phon: redup See: -hohtóvá. Category: money.

mȯxe'ėstóonéma'kaata   ni. paper money. Plural mȯxe'ėstóonéma'kaetánėstse; Variant: ma'kaataévȯxe'ėstoo'o. See: amėhasenestȯtse bill (for payment). Category: money.

-naesóhtȯhnoeme   vii. cost six dollars. É-naesóhtȯhnoeme. It/He costs $6. Category: money, money.

nā'ėstse ma'kaata   ni. silver dollar, dollar - silver. Lit: one metal Category: money.

-na'noeme   vii. three dollars cost.

vai. three dollars cost. É-na'noeme. He (or It) costs $3. Etym: *neɁθo·kinsowa (P). Category: money, value.

-na'nóhtȯhnoeme   vai. cost eight dollars.

vii. cost eight dollars. É-na'nóhtȯhnoeme. It/He costs $8. Category: money.

-na'nó'oeme   vii. cost $30. É-na'nó'oeme. It costs $30. Category: money.

néeto'haméma'kaata   ni. lease money. Lit: pasture-livestock-money Category: money.

néeto'haméma'kaatánėstse   ni. Gram: pl lease money. Lit: pasture-livestock-monies See: ma'kaata. Category: money.

-néhohtóvá   vai. sell quickly. É-néhohtóva. He sells quickly / he is a good salesperson. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -hohtóvaohe. Category: money.

néma'ėhnéma'kaatánėstse   ni. Gram: pl loan money. Lit: circling.around-monies Category: money.

-némoo'e   vai. 1 • lean to the side. É-némoo'e. He is leaning to the side. Etym: *pyi·mapiwa (P).

2 • have a lot of money. This figurative meaning developed because if your pocket is full of money, you can be said to lean to the side from the weight of the money. Phon: vs Category: money, figurative.

-nésoeme   vai. cost two dollars. Lit: (be.)two-valued É-nésoeme. It/He costs $2. Etym: *nyi·šo·kinsowa (P). Final -oeme. Category: money, value.

-nésȯhtȯhnoeme   vai. cost seven dollars. É-nésȯhtȯhnoeme. It/he costs seven dollars. Category: money.

-néso'o'e   vii. twenty in number, twenty dollars. É-néso'o'e. It is a $20 bill. É-néso'o'ēnėstse. There are twenty of them (inan.). Category: money.

-néstȧhestanené   vai. buy on credit. Lit: take beforehand É-néstȧhestanēne. He is buying on credit. See: nésta-; -hestanené. Category: money.

-nėstamenóohévo'eéh   vta. poor - cause s.o. to be. Ná-nėstamenóohévo'eéhahtse. I made myself poor. Category: money.

-névoeme   vai. cost four dollars. É-névoeme. It/He costs four dollars. Etym: *nye·wakinsowa (P). É-névoeme naa o'xe. He/It costs four and a half dollars. Final -oeme. Category: money, value.

-nóhoná   vii. be five in number, be a five dollar bill. É-nóhonánėstse. There are five of them (inan.). Etym: *nya·θanenwi (P). Category: money.

-nóhonaeve   vii. five dollars, 5 dollars. É-nóhonaeve. It is five dollars. Category: money.

-nóhonoeme   vai. cost five dollars.

vii. cost five dollars. É-nóhonoeme. It (or He) costs $5. Etym: *nya·θano·kinsowa (P). Category: money.

-no'koeme   vii. one dollar cost.

vai. one dollar cost. É-no'koeme. He (or It) costs $1. See: -háoeme. Category: money, value.

-no'kȯhtóva   vai. sell alone. É-no'kȯhtóva. He is the only one selling. fai: -ohtóvá. Category: money.

-nonó'ka'e   vii. one dollar bills. not used in sg. É-nonó'ka'ēnėstse. They (inanimate) are $1 bills. Non-reduplicated nó'ka'e. Phon: redup; iah Category: money, numbers.

-oe'kėhénot   vta. cheat s.o. É-oe'kėhénoto. He cheated him. É-oe'kėhénótóho. (newer pronunciation). Ná-oe'kėhénota. He cheated me. [pd102] Né-oe'kėhénotȧtse.?? I cheated you. vai: -oe'kėhéno'é. See: oe'kėhé't. Category: money, interpersonal.

-oem   fta. cost, value. Éhá-oeme. He (or it) is expensive (high-cost). Ésóv-oeme. It (or he) is inexpensive. Éohkevá'nemȧhtóhtȯhen-oemēnėstse. They (for example, moccasins) cost just $10. Nánėhet-oēmo. I am related that way to him. See: -hoem. Category: money.

-ohtóvá   fai. shop. Námá't-ȯhtóva. I finished shopping. Náéetóx-ȯhtóva. I went around shopping.

fti. sell, buy, shop. Nátao'sėhé-ohtóva toóomȧšéšestȯtse. I'm going to go buy a cold drink. Nétaéšėhé-ohtóvahe? Did you already shop? Tȧhé-ohtóvȧhtse kóhkonȯhēō'o! Go buy bread! vai: -hohtóvá. Category: money.

-o'hémȯhtóvá   vai. buy skimpy, buy insufficient, buy not enough. É-o'hémȯhtóva. He bought skimpily. vai: -ohtóvá. Category: money.

o'xe ma'kaata   ni. half dollar. Category: money.

ó'xema'kaata   ni. half-dollar. Lit: half-metal Category: money.

-ó'xoeme   vii. cost half a dollar.

vai. cost half a dollar. É-ó'xoeme. It/He costs half a dollar. Etym: *pa·Ɂθakinsowa (P). Category: money.

-onénėxané   vai. pay bill. É-onénėxáne. He paid the bill. Category: money.

-onénėxȯhané   vai. pay bill(s). É-onénėxȯháne. He paid his bill(s). vta: -onénėxomev. Category: money.

-onénėxomev   vta. pay s.o. É-onénėxomevóho. He paid him. Nėsta-onénėxomevȧtse. I'll pay you. Nėstaéva-onénėxomevȧtse. I'll pay you back. Nėstse-onénėxomeva. He will pay you. É-onénėxomohe. He got paid. Tsévéhonevese ésáa'ovóhponeéva-onénėxomóheheo'o. Chiefs are not paid. It would hurt their feelings. See: -tsévaeó'h. Category: money, work.

-onénėxomoné   vta. paid. É-onénėxomōne. He got paid. Náohkėsóve-onénėxomōne. I get low pay. Náohkėháepėhéve-onénėxomōne. I get high wages. said to be the Northern Cheyenne way of expressing this meaning, while the So. Cheyenne way is said to be -hóeotsėsané. Oklahoma Dialect -hóeotsėsané; vta: -onénėxomev. Category: money, work, Montana.

-onénėxomót   vta. pay s.o. É-onénėxomoto. He paid him. É-onénėxomótóho. newer pronunciation. Category: money.

onéstȧhkéma'kaata   ni. coin. Plural onéstȧhkéma'kaatānėstse. Lit: round-money Category: money.

-óo'e'ahe   vai. all broke. especially refers to being broke financially. É-óo'e'ȧheo'o. They are all broke. Non-reduplicated -é'ahe. Category: money, figurative.

-óo'e'óe'tó   vai. hang all broken up. a stronger statement of being broke than -e'ahe. Náma'xemȧhe-óo'e'óé'to. I'm all totally broke. See: -óo'e'ahe; -óo'e'ahe; -é'ahe. Category: money.

-pėhévȯhtóva   vai. buy s.t. good. É-pėhévȯhtóva. He bought something that was good. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -hohtóvá. Category: money.

po'ȯxe'ȯhé-ma'kaatanėstse   ni. Gram: pl tax. Lit: money which is broken off?? Category: check, money.

-sévoeme   vii. inexpensive. É-sévoeme. It is inexpensive. tsé-sévoeme that which is inexpensive. Variant: -he'anávoeme. See: -he'anávoeme. Category: money.

-sóohtȯhnoeme   vai. cost nine dollars. É-sóohtȯhnoeme. It/He costs $9. Category: money.

-sóvoeme   vii. cost less, be on sale, inexpensive.

vai. cost less, be on sale, inexpensive. É-sóvoeme. It is reduced in price/it is on sale / It (or He) is cheap (inexpensive). Initial sóv-; Variant: -sévoeme. See: -háaoeme; -he'amoeme; -he'anávoeme; -oem. Category: money, value.

tȯhévetse   ni. quarter, 25 cents. Usage: loan transl.. from English "two bits" Synonym -háónóto. Category: money.

-tónetoem   vta. how count s.o., how price s.o., however value s.o. É-tónetoeme? What is its/his price/value? É-tónetoemóho? How much did he price him? Ésáa-tónetoemóheho. He doesn't have a price for him. See: -tónetoém. Category: money.

-tónetoeme   how priced, what price, what cost.

vai. how priced, what price, what cost. É-tónetoeme? How much does it/he cost? Category: money.

-tónetoéstóné   vai. how much charge. Né-tónetoéstóne? How much do you charge? Category: money.

-tóxȯhtóva   vai. sell around, go around selling. É-tóxȯhtóva. He is going around selling. Náée-tóxȯhtóva. I went around shopping. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -amȯhtóvá. Category: money.

tsé-háónóto   vii. quarter (coin). Lit: that which is very thick vii: -háónótó. Category: money.

-tsévae'ó'h   vta. 1 • leave s.o. in the dust. É-tsévae'o'ho He left him in the dust. É-tsévae'ó'hóho He left him in the dust. Néto'se-tsévae'o'hȧtse. I'll leave you in the dust. Ná-tsévae'ó'ho. I left him in the dust (fig., I paid him).

2 • pay s.o. Nėstamóne-tsévae'o'hȧtse. I'll pay you back on payday. Variant: -tsévaeó'h. Ques: check pronunciations?? Category: figurative, money, check.

-tsévaen   vta. 1 • dust s.o.

2 • pay bill to s.o. É-tsévaenóho. He paid him what he owed him. See: -tsévaeó'h. Category: money, figurative.

-tsévaeó'h   vta. 1 • 

1 • dust s.o.

2 • pay a bill to s.o. É-tsévaeo'ho. He paid his bill to him. É-tsévaeó'hóho. He paid his bill to him. (newer pronunciation). Variant: -tsévae'ó'h. Ques: check pronunciations?? See: -onénėxom; -tsévaen. Category: figurative, money, check.

vó'komema'kaata   ni. dime, silver. Lit: white-metal Category: money.

-vonoeme   vii. be priceless. É-vonoeme. It is priceless. Lit: lose(.count)-valued Category: money.