Cheyenne Dictionary



-a'eesé   vai. have a pug nose. É-a'eēse. He has a pug nose. Synonym -a'keesé. Category: nose.

-a'keesé   vai. have a knobbed nose. É-a'keēse. He has a knobbed nose. Synonym -a'eesé. Category: nose.

-anéeesé   vai. have a rash on the nose. É-anéeēse. He has a rash on his nose. Category: sickness, nose.

-axeesén   vta. scratch nose of s.o. É-axeesénahtse. He is scratching his (own) nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: body, nose.

-é'eesé   vai. broken nose - have a. É-é'eēse. He has a broken nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: sickness, body, break, nose.

-é'eeséh(n)   vta. break nose of s.o. É-é'eesehno. He broke his (other person's) nose. É-é'eeséhnóho. He broke his (other person's) nose. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'eeséhno. I broke his nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: body, nose, break.

-é'eeséšé   vai. break nose from falling, fall and break nose. É-é'eeséše. He fell and broke his nose. Phon: sometimes has s > š assimilation: Assimilated -é'eešéšé. See: -póeešeše. Category: body, break, nose.

-é'eešéšé   vai. break nose from falling, fall and break nose. É-é'eešéše. He fell and broke his nose. Phon: sometimes does not have s > š assimilation: Non-assimilated -é'eeséšé. See: -póeešeše. Category: body, break, nose.

-é'komeesé   vai. have a greasy nose. É-é'komeēse. He has a greasy nose. Usage: humorous Category: body, nose.

-éseesé'ó   vai. nosey. Lit: into-nose-sudden.motion É-éseesé'o. He is nosey; puts his nose in other people's business. (another recording) Usage: probably a loan transl. See: -éseesémeohe; -sé'henȯhkahe. Category: nose, check.

-éseesémeohe   vai. nosey, interfere. Lit: into-nose-thrust É-éseesémeohe. He is nosey; is crashing the party. Usage: probably a loan transl. See: -éseesé'ó. Category: nose.

-éškȯseesé   vai. have a pointed nose. É-éškȯseēse. He has a pointed nose. Category: nose.

-hahéeséšé   vai. rub nose. for example, on a tree. É-hahééséše. He is rubbing his (own) nose. Phon: hle ?? Category: check, nose.

-he'eemá   vai. blow nose, wipe nose. É-he'eēma. He is blowing his nose. Etym: *si·niçki·kweme·wa. He'eēmȧhtse! Blow your nose! He'eemáneha! Make him blow his nose! See: -he'eeme; -he'eeméotse; -'éeme; -he'eemȧséohtsé; -nėhe'eemȧsén. Category: nose.

he'eemáhestȯtse   na. handkerchief. Lit: blow.nose-NOM Category: groom, nose.

-he'eemȧséohtsé   vai. runny nose. É-he'eemȧséóhtse. He has a runny nose. Category: body, nose.

-he'eeme   vai. snotty nose, runny nose. É-he'eeme. He has a snotty nose. See: -he'eeméotse snotty nose suddenly; -'éeme snot; -he'eemȧséohtsé runny nose; -nėhe'eemȧsén wipe nose of s.o.; -he'eemá blow nose. Category: nose.

-he'eeméotse   vai. snotty nose suddenly, runny nose suddenly. Ná-he'eeméotse. I suddenly have a snotty nose. See: -he'eemé; -he'eemá; -'éeme; -he'eemȧséohtsé; -nėhe'eemȧsén. Category: nose.

-hé'heškeesé'ó   vai. wrinkle nose. É-hé'keškeesé'o. He wrinkled his (own) nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose.

-hesó'xeesé   vai. slippery nose. É-hesó'xeēse. He has a slippery nose. Usage: humorous Category: nose.

-hestȯhpo'hanotséveesé   vai. have pockmarked nose. É-hestȯhpo'hanotséveēse. He has a pockmarked nose. Category: nose.

-ho'eeséšé   vai. lie with nose in that direction. É-ho'eeséše. He is lying with his nose in that direction. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -ho'a'éše. Category: nose, lie.

-hótoomeesé   vai. shelter nose. É-hótoomeēse. He hid (protected??) his (own) nose. Category: nose, check.

-hoxeesé   vai. runny nose. humorous. É-hoxeēse. He has a snotty/runny nose. Medial -esé. See: -hé'eemȧséohtsé; -hoxėhe'haa'e. Category: nose.

Hoxeēse   na. Rotten Nose. teasing epithet. Nickname often used by a man for his brother-in-law, as part of the joking relationship; quite humorous word. Category: nose.

-hóxeeséehe   vai. bandaged nose. É-hóxeeséehe. He has a bandaged nose. See: -hoxeesé; -hóxe'ehe. Category: nose.

-hoxeeséohtsé   vai. runny nose. É-hoxeeséóhtse. He has a runny nose. Category: nose.

-hoxeesévose   vai. have runny nose from the cold. É-hoxeesévose. His nose is snotty from the cold. See: -hoxe'haa'e. Category: nose.

-hoxoméeeesé   vai. stinky nose. É-hoxoméeeēse. He has a stinky nose. See: -mátsemeesé. Category: nose, smell.

-htátseemá   mbp. nostril. Category: body, nose.

-htátseeme   ni. Gram: poss nostril. Gram: poss. mȧ-htátseeme nostril. mȧ-htátseemȯtse nostrils. he-státseeme his nostril. Etym: *mete·likomi. Category: nose, body.

ka'eēse   na. pugnose. Usage: teasing word Category: nose.

-ka'eesé   vai. pugnosed. É-ka'eēse. He has a pug nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose.

-'éémá   mbp. snot, mucus, runny nose. É-néhe'éemȧséóhtse. He has a runny nose. Category: nose.

-'éeme   na. Gram: poss snot. ma-'éeme snot. na-'éeme my snot. ne-'éeme your snot. he-'éemo his snot. he-'éemevóho their snot. Ka'ėškóneho tó'kėhahévosėstse he'eemevóho éohkeáahtsé'taomemévovo. When children are young they eat their own snot. Morph: /ma-'ééme/. See: -htátseeme nostril; he'kone'éemȧsno macaroni. Category: nose.

-'evo   ni. Gram: poss nose. ma-'evo a nose. na-'evo my nose. Etym: *nexkiwani. he-'evo his nose. Plural ma-'evonȯtse; Medial -esé. Morph: /ma-'evon/. Etym: *mexkiwani. Category: body, nose.

mȧhtátseeme   ni. Gram: poss nostril. See: -htátseeme. Etym: *mete·likomi. Category: body, nose.

-ma'eesé   vai. red nosed. For example, he has a whiskey nose from so much drinking. É-ma'eēse. He has a red nose. Etym: *meçkwikweθe·wa. Ná-ma'eēse. My nose is red. Category: nose, colors.

-ma'eeséšé   vai. lie with a red nose. É-ma'eeséše. He is lying with a red nose. Category: lie, nose.

-ma'eesévose   vai. red nosed from the cold, nose red from cold. É-ma'eesévose. He has a red nose from the cold. Etym: *meçkwikweθe·watiwa. Ná-ma'eesévose. My nose is red from the cold. fai: -ose1; BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -ma'e'ėstávose ears red from cold; -ma'énevose face red from cold. Category: nose, temperature.

-ma'éveesé   vai. bloody nose - have a. É-ma'éveēse. He has a bloody nose. Etym: *meçkowikweθe·wa. See: -matomené; -momé'aéveesé; -ma'évené. Category: nose.

ma'evo   ni. Gram: poss nose, beak. Plural ma'evonȯtse; Stem -'evo. Category: nose, body.

-ma'haa'eesé   vai. have a large nose. É-ma'haa'eēse. He has a large nose. Etym: *meɁšikweθe·wa. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -tȧhpe'eesé. Category: nose.

mátseméesé   vai. stinky nose, shitty nose. Lit: shitty nose Usage: This word has been used as an epithet, typically humorous. É-mátseméése. His nose smells poopy. Category: nose.

-mé'hováveesé   vai. hairy nose. É-mé'hováveēse. He has a hairy nose. Category: hair, nose.

-mé'šeesé   vai. have a hairy nose; hairy nose - have a. especially refers to nostril hairs or presence of a moustache. É-mé'šeēse. He has a hairy nose. Etym: *mi·Ɂšikweθe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -séno'eesé. Category: nose.

Mé'šeeséve'ho'á'e   na. Mexican woman. Plural Mé'šeeséve'ho'á'eo'o. Category: nose, people.

Mé'šeeséve'ho'e   na. Mexican. Lit: hairy-nosed(that is, moustached)-ve'ho'e (another recording) (another recording) Plural Mé'šeesévé'hó'e, (another recording), (another recording); Obviative Mé'šeesévé'hó'e; Medial -esé. See: -mé'hahtsé; Mé'ėškó'e. Category: nose, people.

-momé'aéveesé   vai. bloodied nose. É-momé'aéveēse. He has a bloodied nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -ma'éveesé. Category: nose, sickness.

-momé'aévotané   vai. bloody snot ?? get bloody hands from digging with hands ?? É-momé'aévotāne. He has bloody snot. (mucus??) Category: check. See: -hoxo'ȯhtsévotané. Category: sickness, nose.

-naeesé   vai. numb nose, nose numb. É-naeēse. He has a numb nose / He can't smell any more. Ná-naeēse. I have a numb nose / I can't smell any more. Category: nose.

-naeeséohtsé   vai. nose numb. É-naeeséóhtse. His nose is getting numb. Category: nose, sickness.

-nėheeséh   vta. wipe nose of s.o. É-nėheeséhestse. He wiped his (own) nose. Nėheeséhestsėstse! Wipe your nose! Nėheeséheha! Wipe his nose! See: -nėhe'eemȧsén. Category: groom, nose.

-nėhe'eemȧsén   vta. wipe nose of s.o. Lit: wipe-snot-s.o. É-nėhe'eemȧsénahtse. He wiped his (own) nose. Nėhe'eemȧséneha! Wipe his nose! See: -nėhe'eeséh(n); -he'eemá. Category: nose.

-nėhe'eeséh(n)   vta. wipe nose of s.o. Ná-nėhe'eeséhno. I wiped his nose. Nėhe'eeseha! Wipe his nose! Nėhe'eeséhestse! ?? Wipe your nose! See: -nėhe'eemȧsén. Category: nose, check.

-nėhpeesén   vta. plug nose of s.o. Nėhpeeséneha! Plug up his nostrils (nose)! BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose.

-né'eeséh(n)   vta. wipe nose of s.o. Né'eeséhestse! Wipe your nose! Category: nose.

-némeesé   vai. have a crooked nose. É-némeēse. He has a crooked (slanted to one side) nose. Etym: *pyi·mikweθe·wa. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -vóhkeesé. Category: nose.

-pa'eesé   vai. have a lump on the nose. É-pa'eēse. He has a bump/lump on his nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose.

-péeeesé   vai. 1 • ground nose - have a, nose - ground. See: -távahe; -mȧsėhánee'e; -pénahe. Category: nose.

2 • crazy - be, hell raiser - be a, goofy - be, daring - be. É-péeeēse. He 'crazy'/he is a hell raiser/goofy/daring. Category: nose, figurative, personality.

-péeeesé'ov   vta. step on the nose of s.o. É-péeeesé'ovóho. He stepped on his nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose.

-pėhéveesé   vai. good nose. É-pėhéveēse. He has a nice nose. Category: nose.

Pe'ee'ėse   na. Big Nose. non-contract: Táhpe'ee'ėse. Category: nose, names.

Pe'eēse   Ques: ?eeeē?? Category: check.

na. Flat Nose. often used as a nickname for a loose person. See: -pénahe; mé'ėškó'eēse. Category: nose.

-póeeséh   vta. hit nose of s.o. for example, to hit someone's nose with your fist. É-póeesehno. He hit him in the nose. É-póeeséhnóho. He hit him in the nose. (newer pronunciation). Ná-póeeseha. He hit me in the nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -póeesé'ov kick nose of s.o.. Category: hit, nose, record.

-póeesé'ov   vta. kick nose of s.o. Ná-póeesé'ova. He kicked me in the nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -póeeséh hit nose of s.o.. Category: hit, nose, record.

-póheesé   vai. swollen nose. É-póheēse. His nose is swollen. Etym: *pa·hsikweθe·wa (P). Category: nose.

-popé'eesé   vai. have a pimply nose. É-popé'eēse. He has a pimply nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose, body.

-séno'eesé   hairy nose ?? É-séno'eēse. He has a hairy nose. ?? See: -mé'šeesé. Category: check, nose.

-sóhkomeesé   vai. have a narrow nose. É-sóhkomeēse. He has a narrow nose. Category: nose.

Táhpe'ee'ėse   Big Nose. Contracted Pe'ee'ėse. See: -tȧhpe'eesé. Category: names, nose.

-tȧhpe'eesé   vai. have big nose. É-tȧhpe'eēse. He has a big nose. (another recording) BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose, body.

-tameesé   vai. have a stubby nose. É-tameēse. He has a short stubby nose. Etym: *θemikweθe·wa (Go88). Medial -esé. Category: nose.

-tameeséh(n)   vta. cut off end of nose of s.o. É-tameesehno. He cut off the end of his nose. É-tameeséhnóho. He cut off the end of his nose. (newer pronunciation). [pd745] Etym: *temikweθe·šwe·wa. Category: nose.

-tameesévo'as   vta. cut nose of s.o. short. In the old days a man could this to his wife when she was unfaithful to him; it brought great shame upon her. É-tameesévo'ȧsóho He cut her/his nose off short. Category: cut, nose.

-toeesé   vai. cold nose. Ná-toeēse. My nose is cold. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: temperature, body, nose.

-tóhpeesén   vta. poke something in nose of s.o. É-tóhpeesénahtse. He picked his (own) nose / he stuck his finger in his nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose.

-tóhpeeséšé   vai. fall and poke (something) in the nose. É-tóhpeeséše. He fell and something got poked in his nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose, lie.

-tó'toeesé   vai. have a ski jump nose. É-tó'toeēse. He has a ski jump nose. Category: nose.

-tótȧhpe'eóetaeesé   vai. have big nostrils. É-tótȧhpe'eóetaeēse. He has big nostrils. Category: nose.

-tótȧhpe'ėstátseemé   vai. big nostrils. É-tótȧhpe'ėstátseēme. He has big nostrils. Category: body, nose.

-tótȧhpe'tséesévotome   vai. big flared nostrils breathing hard. especially of a horse that has been running hard. É-tótȧhpe'tséesévotome. His nose is flared wide as he is breathing (hard). Category: nose.

-tsėhe'ėseesé   vai. have a long nose. É-tsėhe'ėseēse. He has a long nose. Medial -esé. Category: nose.

-tsėhe'ėsėsóhkometséeeesé   vai. long narrow flared nose. Né-tsėhe'ėsėsóhkometséeeēse. You have a long, narrow nose flared (at the nostrils). Usage: humorous BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose.

-tsé'eesén   vta. touch nose of s.o. É-tsé'eeséno. He touched his (other person's) nose. É-tsé'eesénóho. He touched his (other person's) nose. (newer pronunciation). Category: nose.

-tšėhe'kėseesé   vai. have a small nose. É-tšėhe'kėseēse. He has a short nose. Category: nose.

-tšėške'eesé   vai. have a small nose. É-tšėške'eēse. He has a small nose. BodyPartMedial -esé; Antonym tȧhpe'eesé. Category: nose, body.

Vóhkee'ėse   Crooked Nose. Variant: Vóhtšee'ėse. Category: names, nose.

Vóhkeēse   na. crooked nose. Usage: teasing epithet Category: nose.

-vóhko'xéné   vai. have a Roman nose. É-vóhko'xéne. He has a Roman nose. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: Vóo'xénéhe. Category: nose, face.

vóhko'xéne   na. Roman nose. Usage: teasing epithet BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: nose.

-vóo'xéné   vai. have a crooked nose, have a Roman nose. É-vóo'xéne. He has a Roman nose. Lit: crooked-face See: -vóhko'xéné. Category: nose, face.