Cheyenne Dictionary



-áhanóma'o'e   vii. very muddy ground. É-áhanóma'o'e. It is very muddy ground. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: environment, ground.

-anoma'eotse   vii. slide down. of earth, dirt, sand, rocks. É-anoma'eotse. It slid down. óm?? fii: óma'. See: -éstoma'eotse; -anȯhesévanó. Category: ground, check.

-éstoma'eotse   vii. cave in. É-éstoma'eotse. It caved in. Medial -óma'(e) ground, land, earth. See: -éstoohtaotse; -anoma'eotse. Category: shapes, ground.

-he'konóma'ohtá   vii. ground - frozen, frozen ground. É-he'konóma'ōhta. The ground is frozen. fii: -ohtá2. Category: ground.

-he'konóma'o'e   vii. hard ground - be. É-he'konóma'o'e. It is hard/solid ground. Category: ground.

-he'kóovóma'o'e   vii. wet ground - be. É-he'kóovóma'o'e. It is wet ground. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground.

-hesó'xoma'o'e   vii. slippery ground - be. É-hesó'xoma'o'e. It is slick ground/the ground is slippery. for example, icy. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground.

hesto'e   ni. his land. Morph: /he-hto'e/. IndepNoun ho'e land. See: -hto'e land (poss.). Category: ground.

-he-sto'e   vai. have land. É-hesto'e. He has land. [1987:31] Etym: *wetaxkiwa (P). tséx-he-sto'ėse where he had land. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.128] tšėšenó'ėseto tséx-he-sto'ėse Jim Burns over the hill from Jim Burns' place. Návé'ševéestomo'he tséx-hesto'éto. I asked (for a loan) using my land (as collateral). IndepNoun ho'e; Possessive hto'e. See: ho'e; hto'e. Category: ground.

-heše'évoma'o'e   vii. dusty ground - be. É-heše'évoma'o'e. The ground is dusty. Category: ground.

héše'ke   1 • ni. dirt, dust. Phon: iah Variant: héše'e. Etym: *ašiškiwi (correct etymon??). Category: check. See: ho'e. Category: environment, ground.

2 • na. Dust. Category: names.

-hetóma'o'e   vii. such land. ... é-hetóma'o'e. ... it is that kind of land. É'éeamėhéne'enánóvȯse tséévė-hetóma'o'etse. They knew the lay of the land. [JOURNEY.TXT] fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground.

ho'e   ni. ground, land, earth. not dirt. Oblique ho'ēva. See: héše'ke dirt. Possessive -hto'e land (poss.); vai: -he-sto'e have land. Etym: *axkyi. Category: environment, ground.

-méanóma'o'e   vii. be bare ground. É-méanóma'o'e. The ground is bare. Éstatšėšease-méanóma'o'énėse. The ground became barren. [The Journey.139] Meo'o é-méanóma'o'e. The road is dry/clear of ice/bare. fii: -óma'o'e. See: -méanené; -oo'kóma'o'e. Category: ground.

-mé'oma'o'e   vii. ground appear. tósa'e nėhéóhe tséh-mé'oma'o'etse tséhvéévȯse somewhere there close to where he could see where their camp was. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).028] fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground.

-momá'oma'o'e   vii. be red earth. É-momá'oma'o'e. The ground is red. tséh-momá'oma'o'e where the earth is red. [1987:245] fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground.

-mȯxema'otóhtá   vti. blow ground off with mouth. É-mȯxema'otóhta. ?[ He blew ground off with his mouth. BodyPartMedial -óhtá1. Category: ground.

-neeme'tóva'ešé   vai. lie on bare ground. É-neeme'tóva'ēše. v?? He was lying on bare ground. See: -pónoma'ešená. Category: lie, ground, check.

-ó'atamáno'e   vii. dry ground. É-ó'atamáno'e. It is dry ground / the ground is dry. See: -ó'oma'o'e. Category: environment, ground.

-ó'oma'o'e   vii. dry ground - be. É-ó'oma'o'e. It is dry ground / the ground is dry. See: -ó'atamáno'e. Category: ground, texture.

-óma'(e)   m. ground, land, earth. Épėhév-oma'ēna. He is fixing the ground (by hand). Épėhév-oma'ōha. He is fixing the ground (by tool). Éma'-óma'ene. It is red clay (color). Étonȯht-óma'oo'e. He is sitting on cold ground. Éést-oma'eotse. It caved in. Etym: *-a·mexk-. See: -óma'o'e; -óma'ȯxová; ho'e. Category: ground.

-óma'o'e   m. ground. Épėhév-oma'o'e. It is good ground. Éhe'kóov-óma'o'e. It is wet ground. Éáhan-óma'o'e. It is very muddy ground. Éháa'éh-oma'o'e. It was a long ways. méó'o tsé'am-óma'ō'e where the road goes along. Category: ground, check, record.

-oo'kóma'o'e   vii. bare ground - be. for example, when there is no grass for horses to graze on. É-oo'kóma'o'e. It is bare ground. See: méanóma'o'e. Category: ground.

-pėhévoma'ená   vti. make the ground good by hand. É-pėhévoma'ēna. He improved (or fixed) the ground by hand. Medial -óma'; Final -óma'o'e. Category: ground.

-pėhévoma'enené   vai. make ground good, ground - improve the. É-pėhévoma'enēne. He improved the ground. See: Tséhpėhévoma'enenéstove Memorial Day. Category: ground.

-pėhévoma'o'e   vii. be good land. É-pėhévoma'o'e. It is good land. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground.

-pónoma'eotse   vii. ground dry up, dry up - ground. É-pónoma'eotse. The (wet) ground has dried up. Medial -oma'. Category: ground.

-pónoma'ešé   vai. lie on bare ground, bare ground lie. É-pónoma'ēše. He lay down on bare ground (or floor). Nėhéóhe pónoma'ēšėstse! Just lie down here on the bare floor! That can be said, for example, if I ran out of beds. See: -neeme'tóva'ešé; -pónoma'eéxoo'e; -pónoma'oo'e; -pónomešé. Category: lie, ground.

-pónoma'o'e   vii. dried up ground. É-pónoma'o'e. The ground is dried up. See: -ó'oma'o'e. Category: ground.

-pónoma'oo'e   vai. ride bareback, sit on bare ground. É-pónoma'oo'e. He is riding bareback (or, he is sitting on bare ground). See: -oo'e; -pónoma'etáhoo'e; -pónoma'ešé; -pónoma'eéxoo'e. Phon: vs Category: horses, ground, sit.

-tatȧhkóma'o'e   vii. rough ground. É-tatȧhkóma'o'e. It is rough ground. See: -popé'oma'o'e. Category: ground.

-tóhtonóma'o'e   flat ground - be, level ground - be. É-tóhtonóma'o'e. It is flat ground. Category: ground.

-tóhtonoo'e   vai. live out in the boonies. É-tóhtonoeo'o. They live out in the boonies. That is, living where no one else is around. See: -tóhtonóma'o'e flat ground - be; tóhtoō'e prairie. Category: ground, live.

tóhtoo'e   ni. prairie, boonies. Oblique tóhtóóne, tóhtóó'éva. See: onóveto. Category: environment, ground.

-tonóma'o'e   vii. cold ground. É-tonóma'o'e. It is cold ground. Ques: recheck pitch ton?? cf coldground.mp3 fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground, check.