-áhano'xéohtsé vai. die from carrying a load. É-áhano'xéóhtse. He died from carry a load. fai: -o'xe. Category: carry.
-ameotseh vta. lead s.o., carry s.o. É-ameotsėhóho. He carried him ; lead him along. Néhpȧháve-ameotšėšemeno! Lead us well! Nȧhtōtse ná-ameotsēho. I am walking my dog. See: -ameohtséh; -ameono'a'é'ov; -ne'eváotseh; -ne'eváotseh; -amóonean; -ameohtséh. Category: carry.
-ameotsestsé vti. carry along s.t. É-ameotsēstse. He is carrying it along. Nevéhestȯtse ná-ameotsėstsenone. We carry your name. Násáavéhonevetanóhe; nává'ne-ameotsēstse hová'éhe. I don't want to be a chief; I only (want to) carry whatever (needs to be carried). É-ameotsėstsenȯtse. He is carrying them (inan.) along. vta: -ameotseh. Category: move, carry.
-amo'xe vai. carry on back, pack on the back. whether of a person or an animal; often implies carrying game. É-amo'xe. He carried (it) along on his back. Etym: *pemaʔšiwa (P). on his own back or on horseback. IndepNoun amo'xestȯtse.
vti. carry s.t. on back, pack s.t. on the back. Gram: ai+o É-amo'xenȯtse. He carried them (inan.). fai: -o'xe. See: -amo'xéohtsé; -páo'óvohe; -pao'óvȯhoo'e. Category: carry, hunt.
-amo'xéhné vai. walk carrying something on the back. É-amo'xéhne. He carried something on his back as he walked along.
vti. walk carrying s.t. on the back. É-amo'xéhnenȯtse. He is walking carrying them (inan) on his back. Medial -o'xe. See: -amo'xéohtsé. Category: carry.
amo'xéhnéan vti. pack.walk. É-amo'xéhnéána. ?? ?? É-amo'xéhneanovȯtse kȧhamáxėstse. ?? They are carrying sticks on their backs. Category: check, walk, carry.
-amo'xéhné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o walk carrying s.o. on the back, walk packing s.o. on the back. Ná-amo'xéhnenȯtse. I packed him along on my back. vai: -amo'xéhné. See: -amo'xé'tov. Category: carry.
-amo'xé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o pack s.o., carry s.o. on back. Ná-amo'xenȯtse. I carried him on my back. É-amo'xénoto. He carried him on the back. on his own back or, for example, on horseback. vai: -amo'xéohtsé; Medial -o'xe. Category: hunt, carry.
-amo'xéohtsé vai. carry on the back; go along carrying, go along packing (something) on the back. refers to carrying a load on one's back. É-amo'xéóhtse. He went along carrying (something) on his back. Éohkenėše-amo'xéohtseo'o. They carry their load around.
vti. Gram: ai+o carry s.t. on the back. Hénová'e tséamo'xéohtseto? What are you carrying? [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes (Glenmore).003] See: -amo'xéhné. vta: -amo'xé'tov. Category: carry.
amo'xestȯtse ni. backpack, backpacking. vai: -amo'xe. Category: carry, new.
-anóvȯhto'he vai. unload. É-anóvȯhto'he. He unloaded. É-anóvȯhtó'heo'o. They unloaded. Ques: recheck segmental analysis?? fai: -óvȯhtó'he. See: -amóvȯhto'he; -éno'xe. Category: carry, check.
-asėto'xe vai. leave with pack, start to carry (something). É-asėto'xe. He is starting to carry (something). É'-aseto'xéhoono. They left with their packs. (pret). [JOURNEY.TXT] fai: -o'xe. Category: carry.
-asėtotóm vta. carry away s.o. in the mouth. for example, a dog carrying away a rabbit in his mouth. É-asėtotomo. He carried him away in his mouth. fta: -otóm. Category: carry, mouth.
-éno'xe vai. 1 • unload, unburden. É-éno'xe. He let off the load (from his own back or from horseback). Etym: *po·naʔšiwa (P).
2 • say confession, unload a burden at church, church - go to. Étȧhé-eno'xe. He went to say confession. Náto'sėhé-eno'xe ma'heóneéestsémȧheóne. I'm going to unload my burden at church. That can refer to saying confession to a priest. Nátȧhé-eno'xe. I'm going to unburden/I'm going to church. Nétaéšeméohé-eno'xehe? Did you already go to church this morning? Nétaéšeméohé-eno'xemehe? Did you (plural) already go to church this morning? Nátaéšeméohé-eno'xe. I already went to church this morning. Násáaméohé-eno'xéhe. I did not go to church this morning. fai: -o'xe. See: -amo'xe. Category: carry.
-éveno'xe vai. carry around. É-éveno'xe. He is carrying around (something). fai: -o'xe. See: -éveno'tsé. Category: carry.
-háanao'xe vai. carry heavy load. É-háanao'xe. He is carrying a heavy load. tsé-háanao'xėstse the one who carries a heavy burden. fai: -o'xe; Antonym -véhpanao'xe. See: -háano'xe. Category: carry, weight.
-háanao'xéotse vai. carry heavy load. É-háanao'xéotse. He is carrying a heavy load. fai: -o'xe; Antonym -véhpanao'xéotse. See: -háano'xe ‘awake a long time’. Category: carry, weight.
-hánȯhto'xe vai. bend back with load. É-hánȯhto'xe. He is bent back carrying a load. fta: -o'xe. Category: carry.
-hóesto'xe vai. carry load out of trees. É-hóesto'xe. He carried a load out of the forest. fai: -o'xe. Category: carry.
-ho'o'xe vai. arrive with game on back. É-ho'o'xe. He arrived carrying game on his back. Naa tsé'tóhe kȧsováaheho éstaohkėhéemȯhónėsesto; tsé'tóhe é'ȯhkė-ho'o'xésesto. And these (other) young men would go hunting; they would bring in game. [1987:306] fai: -o'xe. Category: carry, hunt.
-ho'o'xé'tov vta. Gram: ai + o arrive with s.o. on back. É-ho'o'xénoto. He arrived carrying him on the back. É-ho'o'xénoto váotseváhne. He arrived carrying the deer. Category: carry.
ho'o'xéohe vai. arrive quickly with game on back. É-ho'o'xéohe. He arrived quickly carrying (something). hó'nėšėtá'eévȧ-ho'o'xéoestse no matter what game he brings back. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.039] Category: carry, hunt.
-ho'o'xéohtsé vai. arrive walking with game on the back. É-ho'o'xéóhtse. He arrived carrying (game) on his back. Category: carry.
-hóohtanová vai. take food home (from a meal). Esp. refers to taking food home from a feast. This is considered culturally appropriate and is encouraged. Not just leftovers are taken home, but nice platefuls of meat and other food. É-hóohtanōva. She took food home. Tȧ-hóohtanōvȧhtse! Take food home! See: -hóohtȧhá'ené. Category: carry, food, eat.
-hóohto'xe vai. carry home on back; pack home on back. É-hóohto'xe. He carried game home on his back. fai: -o'xe. Category: carry.
-hóohto'xé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o pack s.o. home, carry home s.o. on the back. especially of carrying game, but can be of any burden carried on the back. É-hóohto'xénoto. He packed him home on his back. Ná-hóohto'xé'tova. He carried me home. Category: carry.
-hóohto'xéotse vti. pack home, carry game home. Éstȧ-hóohto'xéotsénȯsestȯtse. He packed them (inanimate) home. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.102] Category: carry.
-hóohtotóm vta. carry home s.o. in the mouth. É-hóohtotomo. He carried him home in his mouth/teeth. É-hóohtotómóho. He carried him home in his mouth/teeth. (newer pronunciation). fta: -otóm. Category: carry, move.
-hóo'otsestsé vti. take home s.t. É-hóo'otsēstse. He is taking it home. vai: -hóo'ȯhtsé. Category: carry.
-nėhetao'o'xe vai. carry that way. É-nėhetao'o'xe. He is carrying (it) that way. Éohkeévaase-nėhetao'o'xe. He carries up his burden again. For example, he doesn't leave it at church. Category: church, carry, record.
-no'ehné vai. Gram: ai+o walk while carrying something. É-no'ēhne. He is walking carrying something. Etym: *naθpwehθe·wa (P).
vti. walk while carrying s.t. Ná-no'ėhnenȯtse. I carried them (inan.). vta: -no'ėhné'tov. Category: carry, walk.
-no'e'há vai. Gram: vai + o fly carrying something. É-no'ē'ha. He is flying carrying (something). Etym: *naθpiɁle·wa (P).
vti. fly carrying s.t. Category: fly, carry.
-no'e'há'tov vta. Gram: ai+o fly carrying s.o. É-no'e'hánoto šé'šenoto. He is flying carrying a snake. Category: fly, carry.
-no'eohe vai. go carrying something.
vti. Gram: vai + o go carrying s.t. É-no'eohe. He is carrying (it).
vta. Gram: ai+o carry s.o. for example, to travel with a basketball (animate), "carrying" it. É-no'eohénoto. He carried him / traveled in basketball. Category: basketball, carry.
-no'eohtsé vai. walk carrying (something). É-no'eōhtse. He is walking carrying something.
vti. Gram: ai+o walk carrying s.t. Hénová'e tséno'eohtseto? What are you carrying? Mó'ȯhke-no'eohtsėhenovótse. They carried them (inan.). Category: carry.
-nó'ėsto'xe vai. Gram: ai+o carry over shoulder. É-nó'ėsto'xe He is carrying it over his shoulder. [TR 10/90] See: -amo'xe. Category: carry.
-nó'otsestsé vti. fetch s.t., go after s.t. É-nó'otsēstse. He came after it. Néta-nó'otsėstsénonėstse hoxotáhtotȯtse! Let's go get our commodities! vta: -nó'otseh. Category: carry.
-nóto'xe vai. bring back bounty from another tribe. É-nóto'xe. He brought back bounty. for example, from fighting another tribe. fai: -o'xe. See: -ho'o'xe; -amo'xe; notse. Category: warfare, carry.
-nȯxehné vti. Gram: ai+o carry s.t. on the back. Ná-nȯxéhne. I'm carrying it on my back. See: -amo'xe; -o'xe; -páo'oom. Category: carry.
-nȯxeohtsé vai. Gram: ai+o carry something on the back. É-nȯxéóhtse. He carried it on his back. See: -o'xe; -amo'xe. Category: carry.
-o'ha'o'xe vai. drop load. É-o'ha'o'xe. He dropped his pack. Phon: gr; can be heard as -o'há'o'xe fai: -o'xe. Category: carry.
-o'ha'o'xé'tov vta. drop s.o. as load. É-o'ha'o'xénoto. He dropped him from carrying him as a pack. Category: carry.
-o'xe fai. Gram: ai+o carry load on back. especially about carrying game on the back. Éam-o'xe. He is carrying (it) on his back. Ham-o'xenȯtse. He carried them (inan.). Náam-o'xénoto. I carried them (an.) on my back. Één-o'xe. He unloaded. Éháana-o'xe. He carried a heavy load. Ého'-o'xe. He arrived with a load of game on his back. Etym: -aʔši. fta: -o'xé'tov. Phon: takes ai+o inflection See: -nȯxehné; -páo'oom; -amóvȯhtó'he ‘haul’. Category: carry.
-otóm fta. in the mouth. Éam-otomo. He carried him in his mouth. Éam-otómóho. He carried him/them in her mouth. (newer pronunciation). Éhóoht-otomo He carried him home. Éhóoht-otómóho. He carried him home in his mouth/teeth. (newer pronunciation). Nánés-otómoo'o he'póhtoto. I had two cigarettes in my mouth. Éstonot-ómȯhoono. He held him in his mouth (surp.). [1987:285] fti: -otóht. Etym: -aθa·mwi (P); *ała·m(a·) (R). See: -om1 ‘by mouth’; -ómotóme ‘breathe’. Category: carry, mouth.
-páo'kóvohe vai. carry baby in a blanket on the back, carry a papoose. É-páo'kóvohe. She carries children on her back (in a blanket). Variant: -páo'óvohe. Category: carry, babies.
-páo'kóvohtá vti. haul s.t. on the back. Éh-páo'kóvȯhtanȯhoonȯtse. She put them (her clothes) on her back. [The Scalped Man Who Died.103] Variant: -páo'óvohtá. See: -amóvȯhto'he. Category: carry.
-páo'óom vta. carry s.o. in a blanket on the back. a traditional way of carrying a baby. É-páo'óomóho. She is carrying him in a blanket on her back. Nés-páo'óomėstse! Carry me on your back! vai: -páo'óvohe. See: -amo'xe; -nȯxehné; -no'ėhné'tov; -no'eóé'tov. Category: babies, carry, check.
-páo'óvohe vai. carry baby in a blanket on the back, carry a papoose. This was a traditional way for women to carry babies. Usage: This pronunciation is more common than -páo'kóvohe. É-páo'óvohe. She is carrying her baby on her back. Variant: -páo'kóvohe; vta: -páo'oom; Medial -óvohe. See: -amo'xe. Category: babies, carry.
-páo'óvȯheóó'e vai. stand carrying (a baby) in a blanket on the back. É-páo'óvȯheóó'e. She is standing carrying her baby in a blanket on her back. Phon: vs Final -óvohe. Category: babies, carry.
-páo'óvȯhoé'tov vta. carry s.o. on the back. É-páo'óvȯhoénoto. She is carrying him on her back. É'ȯhke-páo'óvȯhóenósesto. She would carry (her daughter) on her back. [1987:58] Category: carry.
-páo'óvȯhoo'e vai. carry in a blanket on the back. É-pao'óvȯhoo'e. She carried something in a blanket on her back. Phon: vs See: -páo'óvohe; -amo'xe; -o'xe. Category: carry.
-páo'óvohtá vti. carry s.t. on the back. É-páo'óvóhta. He carried it on his back. Variant: -pao'kóvohtá; vta: -páo'óvót. Category: carry.
-páo'óvot vta. carry s.o. on the back. É-páo'óvotóho.?? He carried him (obv) on his back. Variant: páo'kóvoht. See: -páo'óom. Category: carry.
-séno'ó'o'xe vai. carry load into the brush. É-séno'ó'o'xe. He carried his load into the brush. Medial -o'é3; fai: -o'xe. Category: carry.
-tónovo'xe vai. thick load carry. É-tónovo'xe. He is carrying a heavy load. Lit: thick loaded Category: carry.
-véhpanao'xe vai. carry a light load. such as when carrying game that is light in weight. É-véhpanao'xe. He carried a light load. Antonym -háanao'xe. Category: carry, weight.
-véhpanao'xéotse vai. carry a light load. É-véhpanao'xéotse. He is carrying a light load. Antonym -háanao'xéotse. Category: carry, weight.
-vévotaov vta. load s.o., put pack on s.o. É-vévotaovóho. He put a pack on him. for example, on a horse. Etym: *mi·waθehkawe·wa (P). Category: carry, load.
-vévoxe vai. carry a pack. É-vévoxe. He is carrying a pack. vta: -vévotaov. See: -amo'xe ‘carry on back’; -vévotané ‘pack’; -vévohe ‘break camp’. Etym: *wi·wašiwa. Category: carry.
-vovóeohé'tov vta. carry s.o. first. É-vovóeohé'tovóho. He carried him (obv) first. Ná-vovóeohé'tovoo'o. I carried them first. Category: carry.
-vovóo'xe vai. first one carrying on back. É-vovóo'xe. He is the first one carrying something on the back. fai: -o'xe. Category: carry.