-a'é2 mbp. head, hair. Heóv-a'éhe Yellow Hair. Moméhe'x-a'éhe Tangled Hair. Nákón-a'éše. I bumped my head. Étsėhe'ėst-ā'e. He has long hair. Évóhp-á'e. He has gray hair. Éónėx-a'éše. His head hurts / he hurt his head. Variant: -a'(k)é. See: -ovésé; -htséá. Category: body, head.
-a'éšé vai. contact with the head. Námȧx-a'éše. I touched (it) with my head. Nápó-a'éše. I bumped (it) with my head. Nápó-a'éšenáme. We bumped our heads together. Éónėx-a'éše. his head hurts. BodyPartMedial -a'é2. See: -a'e'še; -stséa; me'ko. Category: head.
-á'kava'ee'e vai. hang head down, sit with head hung down. É-á'kava'ee'e. He hung his head down. Morph: /-a'kava'ée/. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -káva'ee'e; -ma'kėsta'ee'e; -hósėstse'ee'e. Category: head.
-ane'ėstséáh(n) vta. puncture head of s.o. This was a traditional form of blood-letting to relieve headaches. É-ane'ėstséahno. He punctured his head (for doctoring). É-ane'ėstséáhnóho. He punctured his head (for doctoring). (newer pronunciation). Ná-ane'ėstséahe. My head was punctured. BodyPartMedial -stséá. Category: head.
-asėta'e'še vai. move head out of the way. É-asėta'e'še. He moved his (own) head out of the way. Category: head.
-e'a'éšé vai. lie with head up. É-e'a'éše. He lay with head up. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: lie, head.
-éva'ȧséóó'e vai. stand on head. É-éva'ȧséóó'e. He is standing on his head. Ques: séóó'e?? Ques: check all entries for spelling of glottal vowel s sequences 'ės, 'ȧs, 's?? Ques: but not the fall on belly ones?? fai: -óé. See: -éva'kȧseóé. Category: stand, head, check.
hehané'e loc. on the nape. Possessive -háne'e; BodyPartMedial -hane'é. Category: body, head.
-heta'éšé vai. lie facing. ... é-heta'éše. ... he is lying with his head facing that direction. Etym: *eθexkwe·hšinwa. Tséheta'éšenáto nėhéóhe énanomeo'o! Put (the food) right by my head! [1987:264-5] Category: lie, head.
héva'ké- pv. covered.head. Otáxa hestooma éstšėšėvá'nėhéva'kétsėhetanánȯse tsé'tó=kȧse'ééhe. Leaving just her robe, this young woman fixed it like someone was sitting there. Category: head.
-héva'kee'e vai. covered.head.sit, sit with covered head. E-héva'kee'e. He is sitting with his head covered. Variant: -héva'ee'e, -héva'kéehe. Category: sit, head.
-héva'kéen vti. cover head of s.t. É-héva'kéenóho. He covered his (another person's) head. Héva'kéénȯhtse! ?? Cover your head! See: -héva'kén. Category: head, check.
-héva'ké'o'h vta. cover head of s.o. with something. especially to cover with a blanket or scarf. É-héva'ké'o'hóho. He covered his (other person's) head. Éx-héva'ké'o'hahtséhoono hestóome. She pulled her blanket up over her head. [Lover's Leap.019] See: -héva'kén. Category: head.
-héva'kén vta. cover head of s.o. for example, cover a person's head with a blanket or scarf. É-héva'keno. He covered his (someone else's) head. É-héva'kénóho. He covered his (someone else's) head. (newer pronunciation). Héva'kéneha! Cover his head! (for example, when it's raining). See: -héva'kéen; -héva'ké'o'h. Category: head.
-héva'kévo'oh(n) vta. cover head of s.o. É-héva'kévo'ȯhnóho. He threw (something) over his head. Héva'kévo'ȯhnoo'o! Throw a blanket on top of her! (typically said about someone you are saying teasing things about). Variant: -héva'évo'oh(n). See: -héva'kén. Category: head.
-ho'óma'éšé vai. 1 • lay head on. for example, to lay your head on a pillow. É-ho'óma'éše. He is laying his head on (something). BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: lie, head.
2 • table something. Category: figurative. that is, have time to think about something. Nátaéšė-ho'óma'éše. Let me table it. Category: cognition, figurative.
-hóo'a'éšé vai. ?? É-hóo'a'éše. ?? Category: lie, head, check.
kȧhkoestséá'e vai. flat-headed. É-kȧhkoestséá'e. He is flat-headed. Etym: cf *napakintepe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -stséá. Phon: vs Category: head, shapes.
-ka'a'éóó'e vai. hold head up, head erect. É-ka'a'éóó'e. He is holding his head up. Tséoxxamaetšėšee'e-ka'a'éóó'ėse. (The snake) was holding up its head. [The Snakebite.026] for example, a baby, or a snake that is ready to strike. Lit: short-head-stand fai: -óé. Phon: vs Category: head.
-káva'éóó'e vai. stand with head down. Horses do this, as well as people. É-káva'éóó'e. He is standing with his head down. É-káva'éoeo'o. They are standing with heads down. Category: stand, head.
-kóena'éh(n) vta. hit s.o. on the head; bump s.o. on the head. É-kóena'ehno. He hit him on the head. É-kóena'éhnóho. He hit him on the head. (newer pronunciation). É-kóena'ehe. He got hit (bumped) on the head. Ná-kóena'éhestse. I bumped myself on the head. Reduplicated -kó'kona'éh(n). Category: head.
-kóena'éšé vai. fall and hit head. É-kóena'éše. He slipped and hit his head. BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -hesó'xeoha'éšé. Category: fall, head, hit.
-kóestséa'ov vta. bump head of s.o. É-kóestséa'ovóhó. He bumped him on the head. É-kóestséá'óó'e. He/They (obv) bumped him on the head. BodyPartMedial -stséá. See: -kóna'éh(n). Category: head, hit.
-kó'kona'éh(n) vta. hit s.o. on the head, bump s.o. on the head. refers to repeated bumping, or bumping on the heads of more than one person. É-kó'kona'ehno. He bumped him on the head. É-kó'kona'éhnóho. He bumped him on the head. (newer pronunciation). É-kó'kona'éheo'o. They got bumped on the head. Non-reduplicated -kóena'éh(n). Category: head, hit.
-kó'kona'é'ov vta. bump head of s.o. É-kó'kona'é'ovóho. He bumped his head into him. É-kó'kona'é'ovȧhtseo'o. They are bumping their heads into each other. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: head.
-kóna'ehá vti. 1 • hit head of s.t. É-kóna'ēha. He hit it on the head. Ques: recheck gloss of this example??
2 • hit the nail on the head. Né-kóna'ēha. You hit the nail on the head; you said it exactly the way it is. trans. from English "hit the nail on the head". Category: hit, head, figurative.
-kóna'éh(n) vta. hit head of s.o., hit s.o. on the head. É-kóna'ehno. He hit him on the head. É-kóna'éhnóho. He hit him on the head. (newer pronunciation). See: -kóna'éhnoh(n); -kóestséa'ov. Category: head, hit.
-kóna'éhnoh(n) vta. hit s.o. on the head, hit head of s.o. É-kóna'éhnȯhnóho. He hit him on the head. See: -kóna'éh(n). Category: head, hit.
-kóna'émas vta. thump head of s.o., shoot s.o. in the head, hit head of s.o. É-kóna'émȧsóho. He thumped his head / shot him in the head. Category: hit, shoot, head.
-ma'ėsta'ee'e vai. hang head down, sit with head hanging down. especially with sad or other negative feelings. É-ma'ėsta'ee'e. He sat with his head down. É-ma'ėsta'éesėstse. (reportative mode) He had his head down. [1980:50:45] BodyPartMedial -a'é. Phon: vs Variant: -ma'kėsta'ee'e. Category: sit, head.
-ma'kėsta'ee'e vai. sit hanging head down. for example, in shame. É-ma'kėsta'ee'e. He sat hanging his head down. Phon: vs Variant: -ma'ėsta'ee'e; BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -á'kava'ee'e; -káva'ee'e; -hósėstsé'ee'e. Category: head, emotions.
-ma'kėsta'éoeotse vai. put head down. É-ma'kėsta'éoeotse. He lowered his head. Éxaetšėhe'kema'xeanȯhe-ma'kėsta'éoeotse. He slowly put his head down. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: motion, head.
Ma'xėstséáhe na. Big Head. Category: names, head.
mé'kóne obl. on the head. See: me'ko. Category: head.
-néma'é'ó vta. cock head to the side. É-néma'é'o. He cocked his head to the side. Category: head.
-netoestséáohtsé vai. have an itchy head (or scalp). É-netoestséáóhtse. He has an itchy head (or scalp). Category: head, sickness.
-nóhta'ee'e vai. sit with head toward (something), face something. especially of a dog sitting facing the door of a house. É-nóhta'ee'e. He is sitting with his head toward (something). É-nóhta'éeo'o. They are sitting facing (something). BodyPartMedial -a'é; vta: -nóhta'ée'tov. Category: sit, head.
-o'a'éotse vai. turn head. É-o'a'éotse. He turned his (own) head. Category: head.
-oo'ėstséá'e vai. bald. how white babies are born. É-oo'ėstséá'e. He is bald. Phon: vs Variant: -oo'kėstséá'e; Medial -htséá. Category: hair, head.
-oo'kėstséá'e vai. bald. É-oo'kėstséá'a. He is bald headed. Phon: vs; this and other 'bald; bare' forms with -oo'(k)e sound like the second /o/ is an e, but it most likely is /o/ which is fronted by the vowel (and possibly k) following the oo' sequence Variant: -oo'ėstséá'e; Reduplicated -ooo'kėstséá'e; Medial -htséá. Category: hair, head.
-oóma'é'e'še vai. wag head, shake head. É-oóma'é'e'še. ?? He wagged his head. Ques: -oóma'e'še ?? Category: head, check.
-ooo'kėstséá'e vai. bald in different places. for example, hair coming out in various spots on the head. Non-reduplicated -oo'kėstséá'e. É-ooo'kėstséá'e. His hair is coming out in various places. Category: hair, head.
-otaestséah(n) vta. put hole in head of s.o. for example, as Cheyenne doctors would do for curing bad headaches. É-otaestséahe. He had a hole put in his head. BodyPartMedial -stséá. Category: head, check.
-péestséa'ov vta. break head of s.o. by stepping on it. É-péestséa'ovóho. He broke his head by stepping on it. Category: head, break.
-póe'óhtanéšé vai. fall on forehead. É-póe'óhtanéše. He fell on his forehead. Category: fall, hit, head.
-póestséáh(n) vta. punch s.o. in the head, hit s.o. in the head, slap s.o. in the head. This is one of the ways of referring to an act of revenge against an offender. É-póestséahno. He punched him in the head. É-póestséáhnóho. He punched him in the head. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *pa·kintepe·hwe·wa (P). Ná-póestséáhno. He punched him in the head. I punched him in the head. Hotóhkeo'o náma'xevóomoo'o tsés-póestséahenéto. I saw stars when I got bumped on the head. That saying is in use and probably is a loan translation from English. BodyPartMedial -stséá. See: -póeneoestoh; -vé'eestséáh(n). Category: revenge, violence, head.
-póestséa'ov vta. hit s.o. in the head. This is purposefully hitting s.o. on the head, unlike -kóna'e'ov which is unintentionally hitting s.o. on the head. É-póestséa'oo'e. It hit him in the head. See: -póestséáh(n); -kóna'ov ‘accidentally bump s.o. on the head’. Category: head.
-póestséamas vta. shoot s.o. in the head. É-póestséamȧsóho. He shot him in the head. fta: -mas. Category: shoot, head.
-póestséáxé vai. fall and bump head. É-póestséáxe. He fell on his head. BodyPartMedial stséá. See: póešenéh(n). Category: head.
-po'ėstséavo'en vti. pull off head of s.t. É-po'ėstséavo'ēna He pulled its head off. For example, to pull a flower (inanimate) off a plant.
vta. pull off head of s.o. É-po'ėstséavo'enóho. He pulled the head off of him (obv). Category: head.
sétoo'éá'e p. Gram: poss in the middle of the top of the head. nȧ-sétoo'éá'e (ea'e?? right on the top of my head. Category: check, head.
-tȧhpe'ėstséá'e vai. have a big head. É-tȧhpe'ėstséá'e. He has a big, bushy (?? BodyPartMedial -htséá. Phon: vs Category: hair, head.
-ta'a'é'ó vai. duck head out of sight, hide face. Lit: out.of.sight-head-quick.movement É-ta'a'é'o. He hid his head. Category: head.
-tóestáaxé vai. fall on top of head, hit head top from falling. for example, to fall on your head from off a horse. É-tóestááxe. He fell on top of his head. Ná-tóestááxe toóneohēō'o. I hit my head on a nail. See: -póénéšé; -kóna'éšé. Category: fall, head.
-tsėheta'é'šé vai. head jerk like this. Náxae-tsėheta'é'še. My head just jerked like this. For ex., I woke myself up when my head jerked like this. BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -heseoesta'xe. Category: head.
-tsėheta'éše vai. lay facing this way. É-tsėheta'éše. He is lying facing this way. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: lie, head.
-tsėheta'éšem vta. lay head of s.o. towards. É-tsėheta'éšemóho. He lay his (other person's) head that direction. Éhnės-tsėheta'éšemovo Mo'ȯhtávo'honáéva tséhnėstsėhe'ȯhtsévȯse. His (Swan's) head is facing towards the Black Hills where they were heading. [1987:18] Ques: RECK TRANSLATION ?? BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -heta'éše. Category: lie, head, check.
-vé'eestséáh(n) vta. slap s.o. in the head. É-vé'eestséahno. He slapped him in the head. É-vé'eestséáhnóho. He slapped him in the head. (newer pronunciation). Ná-vé'eestséáhno. I slapped him in the head. See: -póestséáh(n); -vé'eénéh(n). Category: head, violence.
-vó'hestséá'e vai. have a round bald spot on the head. É-vó'hestséá'e. He has a round bald spot on his head. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -stséá. Category: hair, head.
-vó'omėstséá'e vai. white headed - be. É-vó'omėstséá'e. He is white headed. tsé'tó=vóaxaa'eo'o tséohke-vó'omėstséase these bald eagles, who are white-headed. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.060] Etym: *wa·xkamintepe·wa (P) ‘he has a clean head’. Phon: vs Category: head, body.
-xo'éstaén vta. put oil on head of s.o., grease head of s.o. É-xo'éstaeno. He put oil on his (someone else's) head. Traditionally, Cheyennes would put grease on their hands and rub it into their hair. Category: head.