-aéstomevóom vta. hallucinate s.o. Lit: falsely see s.o. for instance, when badly sick or when taking peyote. É-aéstomevóome hová'éhe. Something is falsely seen. Category: sickness.
-áhanȧsómeotse vai. dysentery - have, die from defecating. for example, to die from dehydration. É-áhanȧsómeotse. He died from defecating. fai: -ȧsóme. Category: sickness, death.
-áhaneoeve vai. die of scabies. É-áhaneoeve. He died of scabies. See: -oéve. Category: sickness, death.
-áhanoma'tá vti. pained extremely much by s.t. É-áhanomā'ta. It is really hurting bad for him. See: -háama'tá. Category: sickness.
ȧhtóno'e ...-amȧho'he vai. have a high fever. Lit: underneath (go.)along-by.heat ȧhtóno'e éamȧho'he. He has a bad fever. Category: sickness.
-a'avó'seh vta. influenced by s.o., catch sickness of s.o., cause s.o. to crave. É-a'avó'sėhóho. He influenced him. Variant: -a'ovó'seh; vai: -a'avó'so'he. See: -tóo'ėstseh; -vonȯhóha'ov; -mé'ovó'seh. Category: interpersonal, influence, sickness.
-a'avó'so'he vai. contagious. É-a'avó'so'he. He is contagious. Category: sickness.
-a'kėhahtá vai. have a clubfoot. É-a'kėhāhta. He has a clubfoot. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -ovátonȯsėhahtá. Category: sickness, feet.
-ameohé'tȯsané vai. take people quickly in vehicle. tséohke-ameohé'tȯsanéto É-ameohé'tȯsáne. He transported quickly. ambulance. See: -vó'ho'kȧsé'há. Category: move, sickness.
-amésta'éhné vai. walk along wounded. É-amésta'éhne. He is walking along wounded. [The Seven Young Men.039] Category: motion, sickness.
-amomóhtahe vai. go along sick. É-amomóhtahe. He is going along sick. É'-amomóhtȧhéhoono. They were sick. ?? [Cheyenne Tribal History.129] fai: -omóhtahe. Category: sickness, check.
ané- i. rash. É-anéeēse. He has a rash on his nose. É-anéa'oo'e. (The horse) has saddle sores. É-anée'ēše. He is saddlesore. Category: sickness.
-anéahtsenáotse vai. have a rash around the mouth. É-anéahtsenáotse. He has a rash around his mouth. Category: mouth, sickness.
-anéeesé vai. have a rash on the nose. É-anéeēse. He has a rash on his nose. Category: sickness, nose.
-anéehahtáxe vai. have blistered feet. É-anéehahtáxe. He has a blistered foot (or feet). BodyPartMedial -ahtá. Category: sickness.
-anéehane'é vai. rash on nape, nape rash. É-anéehanē'e. He has a rash on the nape of his neck. Category: body, sickness.
-anéehe'oná vai. hand rash, rash on hands. É-anéehe'ōna. He has a rash on his hands. Category: sickness.
-anée'ėstávose vai. frostbitten ears, ears frostbitten. É-anée'ėstávose. He has frostbitten ears. BodyPartMedial -'está1; fai: -ose. Category: sickness, body.
-anée'ešé vai. be saddlesore. É-anée'ēše. He is saddlesore. See: -anée'ėšéše; -anééše. Category: horses, sickness.
-anée'ėšéšé vai. have blisters on buttocks, have bedsores, have buttock blisters. These can be bedsores or blisters from riding bareback. É-anée'ėšéše. He has bedsores. Lit: rash-rump-lie See: -anééše; -anée'eše. Category: sickness.
-anéeóhtá vai. have blistered leg(s). É-anéeóhta. His leg is blistered. See: -anéeškóhtá. Category: sickness.
-anéeotse vai. blistered.become.
vii. chafed, rash, blistered, have diaper rash; become chafed, have a rash, become blistered. É-anéeotse. He (or It) is blistered. See: -anéeše. Category: sickness.
-anéestáahe'onáxe vai. have blistered (or chafed) hands. É-anéestáahe'onáxe. He has blistered hands. See: -oó'honavėhe'oná. Category: sickness.
-anéestséstonáxé vai. have blistered heels, heels blistered - have; blistered heel(s) - have. É-anéestséstonáxe. He has blistered heel(s). Category: sickness.
-anéešé vai. have a rash, have bedsores. É-anééše. He has a rash. See: -anéeotse. fai: -eše. Category: sickness.
-anoooésta mȧhtsemá'eme vii. have low blood pressure. -anoooésta mȧhtsemá'eme He has low blood pressure. Usage: loan translation Lit: low-hang the.blood Category: sickness.
-anovėškóhtavose vai. frostbite on leg. É-anovėškóhtavose. His leg was frostbitten. fai: -ose; BodyPartMedial -hkóhtá. Category: sickness.
-anóvose vai. frostbitten. É-anóvose. He is frostbitten. fai: -ose. See: -nȧha'ose. Category: sickness, temperature.
-áveotse vai. break down in health. É-áveotse. He broke down in health. Initial áve-; fai: -otse. Category: sickness.
-é'eesé vai. broken nose - have a. É-é'eēse. He has a broken nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: sickness, body, break, nose.
-é'e'pa'onáh(n) vta. break back of s.o. É-é'e'pa'onahno. He broke his (another person's) back. É-é'e'pa'onáhnóho. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná; vai: -é'e'pa'oná. Category: sickness, break.
-é'e'pa'oná'ov vta. break back of s.o. by kicking. É-é'e'pa'oná'ovóho. He kicked him in the back and broke it. BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná; vai: -é'e'pa'oná. Category: sickness, break.
-é'ena'éva vai. broken arm, cut off sleeve(s). Can refer to a broken arm or a shirt (animate) which has its sleeves ("arms") cut off. É-é'ena'éva. He has a broken arm. Etym: *po·xkwineθke·wa (P). Category: sickness, clothing.
-é'ena'éváxé vai. break arm from fall. É-é'ena'éváxe. He fell and broke his (own) arm. Etym: *po·xkwineθke·hšinwa (P). Category: sickness, body, break.
-é'ėstóo'oná vai. have a broken chin. É-é'ėstóo'ōna. He has a broken chin/jaw. BodyPartMedial -htóo'oná. Category: sickness.
-é'ėškóhtá vai. have broken leg. É-é'ėškóhta. He has a broken leg. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·wa (P). Variant: -é'eóhtá. See: -é'ėškóhtáxe ‘fall and break leg’. Category: sickness.
é'ėškóhtaotse vai. break leg. É-é'ėškóhtaotse. He broke his leg. [The Boy Who Left His Horse on the Prairie.020] Category: sickness.
-é'otse'konáxé vai. fall and break neckbone. É-é'otse'konáxe. He broke his neck from a fall. Category: break, fall, sickness.
-énȧho'he vai. fever break, fever end. Lit: end-by.heat É-énȧho'he. His fever broke / his fever ended. Etym: *po·nehθaɁsowa. See: -énevo'ėho'he. Category: sickness.
-énevo'ėho'he vai. fever end, fever break. É-énevo'ėho'he. His fever broke. See: -énȧho'he. Category: sickness.
-énomóhtahe vai. stop being sick. É-énomóhtahe. He got well. Category: sickness.
-énomóhtȧhé'ėstómané vai. heal. Tȧháóhe évaveto násáahéne'enóhe oné'seómene'étamestȯtse naa máto Ma'hēō'o tséohkėhešeoné'seóme-énomóhtȧhé'ėstómánėse. Back then I didn't know real trust and (I'm going to tell) how I didn't know that God could really heal. [1987:202] vta: -énomóhtȧhé'seh. Category: sickness.
-énomóhtȧhé'seh vta. heal s.o. Lit: cause sickness of s.o. to end É-énomóhtȧhé'sėhóho. He healed him.. [1987:202] See: -éno'eéh. Category: sickness.
-éstóovánané vai. dialyzed - get, liquid - intravenously given. Lit: into-liquid.flow-do Náohkeéševése-éstoovánáne. I get dialyzed. See: ho'ónean. Category: sickness.
éstsema'eeséeo'ȯtse na. chemotherapy. Lit: cancer-medicine Ques: recheck?? Category: check, new, sickness.
-éstsema'eve vai. have cancer. Lit: be "gophered" This term is based on éstsema'e 'mole, gopher' which burrows as cancer is perceived to do. É-éstsema'eve. He has cancer. See: matanaéestsema'évestȯtse ‘breast cancer’. Category: sickness.
-événéohtsé vai. dizzy. É-événéóhtse. He is dizzy. See: -éveneotse; -évenéeotse. Category: sickness.
-éveneotse vai. become dizzy. É-éveneotse. He got dizzy. See: -évenéeotse. Category: sickness, body function.
-éxȧho'he vai. cooked done, sunburned. É-éxȧho'he. He (for example, duck) is done cooking/he got sunburned. Etym: *ki·šehθaʔsowa (P). fai: -aho'he; vta: -éxȧho'h(n). Lit: done-by.heat Category: sickness.
-háama'tá vti. pained by s.t., hurt to s.t. This verb does not mean to have been hurt by something, but rather that the object of the verb is the thing which hurts. The person feeling the pain is the subject of the verb. Note the difference in morphosyntax between English and Cheyenne from the same semantic roles. É-háamā'ta. He is in pain by it/he hurts by it. Ná-háamā'ta name'ko. My head hurts; I have a headache. É-háamā'ta heme'ko. His head hurts. Ná-háamā'ta naéstoo'o. I have a sore throat. vta: -háama'tov. See: -ónėšeotse; -áhanoma'tá; -távėstaóohtsé; -hó'ho'eohtsé. Category: sickness.
-háama'tov vta. pained by s.o., hurt to s.o.hurt with respect to s.o. especially about having pain in an animate body part. See explanatory comment under -háama'tá. É-háama'tovóho. He hurts with respect to him (especially some animate body part). Nanėstane ná-háama'tōvo. My knee (an.) hurts. É-háama'tovóho hemo'ėškono. His finger(s) hurt(s). vti: -háama'tá. Category: sickness.
-háamóseh vta. cause intense pain for s.o. É-háamósėhóho. He is causing him intense pain. É-háamósėhaa'e. It is giving him bad pain. Category: sickness.
-háeoestȧho'h(n) vta. badly burn s.o. É-háeoestȧho'nóho. He suddenly badly burned him. É-háeoestȧho'he. He was suddenly badly burned. Category: sickness.
-hahpeoséotse vai. pinch finger(s). É-hahpeoséotse. He pinched his finger(s). Category: sickness, hands.
-háomóhtahe vai. sick. Ná-háomóhtahe. I'm sick. É-háomóhtahe. He is sick. Né-háomóhtȧhehe? Are you sick? fai: -omóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-háomóhtȧhé'ov vta. cause s.o. to be sick. This is unintentional cause of sickness, such as from spoiled food; intentional cause of sickness would use the verb -háomóhtȧhé'seh. Ho'évohkȯtse ná-háomóhtȧhé'oo'e. The meat made me sick. See: -háomóhtȧhé'seh ‘cause s.o. to be sick’; -pėhéva'ov. Category: sickness.
-háomóhtȧhé'seh vta. cause s.o. to be sick. intentional cause. É-háomóhtȧhé'sėhóho. He made him sick. See: -háomóhtȧhé'ov ‘unintentionally cause s.o. to be sick’. Category: sickness.
-háomóhtȧhéotse vai. become sick. É-háomóhtȧhéotse. He is gotten sick. Category: sickness.
háomóhtȧhestȯtse ni. sickness, illness. vai: -háomóhtahe. Category: sickness.
háomóhtȧhestȯtse tséévoésta vii. covid. See: -évoésé. Category: sickness, check.
-háomóhtȧhétanó vai. want to be sick, hypochondriac - be a. É-háomóhtȧhétáno. He is a hypochondriac. Móné-háomóhtȧhétáno? Do you want to be sick? fai: -tanó. Category: sickness.
Háomóhtȧhévėhanéhe na. Sickness. personified. Háomóhtȧhévėhanéhe, tȧhééhnėstse! Sickness, leave! Some people used to say that to sickness in someone, such as in their children. See: háomóhtȧhestȯtse. Category: sickness.
-háomóhtȧhévéné vai. sick face - have a. É-háomóhtȧhévéne. He looks sick. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, sickness.
-héheotomóhtahe vai. be nauseous. É-héheotomóhtahe. He is nauseous/feels like vomiting. fai: -omóhtahe. See: -héheotseotse; -héheotómo'ená. Category: sickness.
-héheotsémea'xe vai. vomit smell. É-héheotsémea'xe. He smells of vomit. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell, sickness.
-héheotseotse vai. vomit. É-héheotseotse. He vomited. See: -héheotomóhtahe; -héheotómo'ená. Category: sickness.
-he'amoésta mȧhtsemá'eme vii. high blood pressure - have. Mȧhtsemá'eme é-he'amoésta. He has high blood pressure. Usage: loan transl. Category: sickness.
-he'haa'e vai. cough; cold - have a. É-he'haa'e He has a cold. Éáhanė-he'haa'e. He ran out of breath from coughing. Éhoxė-he'haa'e. He has a runny nose cold. Né-he'haehe? Are you coughing? Phon: vs Etym: *weʔθekwa. See: -he'haésta; -pá'he'haa'e; -hesóva'xeme. Category: sickness.
-he'haeotse vai. get a cold. Ná-he'haeotse I've gotten a cold. É-he'haeotse. He suddenly coughed. ?? Éohkema'xė-he'haeotse. He coughs a lot. ?? See: -he'haa'e; -he'haéstá; -šé'še'haeotse. Category: sickness, check.
-he'haéstá vai. cough. Ques: is this chronic coughing?? Category: check. É-he'haésta. He is coughing. Etym: cf *weɁθeɁθwetamwa (P). See: -he'haa'e. Category: sounds, sickness.
-he'haešé vai. lie coughing. É-he'haéše. He lay coughing. Category: lie, sickness.
He'haévėháne na. Cold (personified). personification of the cold (sickness). vai: -he'hae; fna: -vėhané. Category: sickness.
-he'haéve'hahe vai. cold voice - have a. É-he'haéve'hahe. He has a (changed) voice from a cold. Category: sickness.
-he'haévomóhtahe vai. have a cold. É-he'haévomóhtahe. He has a cold. Usage: possibly new word See: -he'haa'e. Category: sickness.
-hé'hevom vta. suck on s.o. for example, a traditional form of doctoring to suck something out of someone. É-hé'hevomóho. He sucked on him. vai: -hé'hévȯsané. See: hé'henom; -hé'hehpom; -nénom. Category: sickness.
-he'kešé vai. 1 • stuck - be. for example, of someone with a car stuck in mud or in a ditch; É-he'kēše. He got stuck. Éévȧ-he'kēše. He got stuck again. That can refer to being reconciled to his wife. Initial he'k-; vii: -he'kehá. See: -tó'hovo'eše; -tó'heóé. Category: car.
2 • scratched - be. for example, scratched while berry picking among thorny bushes. See: -he'koh(n). Category: sickness.
-he'kohe vta. Gram: psv get a shot. É-he'kohe. He got a shot. É-he'kȯheo'o. They were given a shot. Tavésėhé-he'koestse! Go get your shot! vta: he'kohn. Category: sickness.
he'kȯhevahtȯtse ni. needle - medical. Plural he'kȯheváhtotȯtse. See: heséeotséhe'kȯhevahtȯtse; vé'ho'ėškóovo'hestȯtse. Category: sickness.
-he'konėhahtávose vai. frozen feet - have. É-he'konėhahtávose. He has frozen feet. Ná-he'konėhahtávose. I have frozen feet. Lit: I-hard-feet-by.cold BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -ná'tsėhahtávose. Category: sickness, body.
-hé'óé'ó vai. bleed. É-hé'óé'o. He is bleeding. See: -hévóe'ó; -hévoeotse; -ma'éveotse; -óé'ó; -momé'aeve. Category: sickness.
-he'pa'oná mbp. back, spine. Ná-ónėšė-he'pa'onáóhtse I have pain in my back. See: 'pa'on; hestóxemé'one. Category: sickness, body.
-he'xóvomóhtahe vai. Gram: rr feel that way (physically), such physical condition. Násáahéne'enovóhe tsé-he'xóvomóhtaestse. I don't know how he is. Násáahéne'enovóhe tsé-he'xóvomóhtaese I don't know how he is. fai: -omóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-he-maahtsená vai. have a sore on the mouth; mouth sore - have a. Éhe-maāhtse. He has a sore on his mouth. Etym: *meketonwa ‘he has a scabby mouth’; cf. M omae·keton. See: maa'e; -he-maeškóhtá. Category: sickness.
hemaa'e ni. sore. Plural hemaenȯtse. See: maa'e ‘sore, scab’; héma'e. Category: sickness.
-he-maehe'oná vai. have sores on hand(s). É-hemaehe'ōna. He has sore(s) on his hand(s). See: maa'e. Category: body, sickness.
-hemaeškóhta vai. have a scabby leg, have a sore on leg. Éhe-maeškóhta. His leg has a sore / he has scabby legs. Etym: *mekika·te·wa (P). See: -he; maa'e. Category: sickness.
-hemaneta vai. have a scab, have a sore, have impetigo. É-hemaneta. He has a scab(s)/sore(s)/impetigo. Etym: *wemekiθoke·wa 'he has scabby skin'. See: he- ‘have’. Category: sickness, sickness.
-heóvenėšėho'he vai. have yellow fever. É-heóvenėšėho'he. He has yellow fever. Usage: This is a loan transl. which apparently has been used in the past See: -nėšėho'he. Category: sickness.
-heóveóhta vai. have yellow leg. É-heóveóhta. His leg is yellow/jaundiced. Etym: *wesa·wika·te·wa. BodyPartMedial -óhta4. Category: sickness, colors.
-heseené'same vai. have nits, nits - have. Éma'xė-heseené'same. He has lots of nits. Ques: end with same or sane?? Synonym -henénó'sané; Possessive -htsenenó'same. See: he-; hestaeme. Category: sickness, hair, check.
heséeotséhe'kȯhevahtȯtse ni. hypodermic needle. See: he'kȯhevahtȯtse. Category: sickness.
heséeotsétsėhetaneonēō'o ni. medical instrument. Plural heséeotsétsėhetaneonȯtse. Ques: rerecord the plural?? Category: sickness, check.
-hesėhe'onáotse vai. have cramps in hands. É-hesėhe'onáotse. He has cramps in his hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná; Initial hes(e)-. Category: hands, sickness.
-hese'pa'onáotse vai. have cramps in the back. É-hese'pa'onáotse. He has cramps in his back. BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná; Initial hes(e)- ‘cramp’. Category: sickness.
-hesena'évaotse vai. cramps in arms. É-hesena'évaotse. He has cramps in his arms. BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: sickness.
-hesenotováotse vai. have cramp(s) in the neck. Ná-hesenotováotse. I have a cramp in my neck. BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: sickness, body.
-heseoestoh(n) vta. 1 • suck quickly out of s.o. done by medicine men, to suck poison or blood out of someone. É-heseoestȯhnóho. He sucked it out of him.
2 • have oral sex on a man. See: -ó'enéhenáh(n). Category: sex, vulgar, sickness.
-heseotse vai. have cramps; convulse, be shocked (electrically). É-heseotse. He has cramps / convulsions. (another recording) Éáhanė-heseotse. He died of convulsions. Nėstsė-heseotse. (Don't touch the outlet!) You will go into convulsions. É-heseotseo'o namo'ėškono. My fingers have cramps. Final -otse. Etym: *wetipisowa ‘he is pulled in; he has a cramp’; cf. M ocpaahosow 'he has a cramp' (Pe79.384). See: -hese'pa'onáotse; -heškóhtaotse; -hesėsa'xe. Category: sickness.
-hesėsa'xe vai. have palsy; have a stroke, convulse; jerk. shaking from sickness or excitement. É-hesėsa'xe. He has palsy. Category: sickness.
-hesėseváotse vai. have cramps in the calves. É-hesėseváotse. He has cramps in his calves. BodyPartMedial -sevá. Category: sickness.
-hesetónȧhaotse vai. have cramps in the haunches, have cramps in the hips. É-hesetónȧhaotse. He has cramps in his haunch(es). Phon: often pronounced -hesėtónȧhaotse BodyPartMedial -tónaha. Category: sickness.
-hesóva'xeme vai. whooping cough - have, croup - have. É-hesóva'xeme. He has whooping cough/he has croup. Variant: -hesóva'xemėhe'haa'e. See: -totóovėhe'haa'e; -pá'he'haa'e. Category: sickness.
-hesóva'xemėhe'haa'e vai. have croup. É-hesóva'xemėhe'haa'e. He has croup. Variant: -hesóva'xeme. Phon: vs See: -pá'he'haa'e; -he'haa'e. Category: sickness.
-hesta'e vai. be wounded. É-hesta'e. He was wounded / he has a wound. Category: warfare, sickness.
hesta'estȯtse ni. wound. Plural hesta'éstotȯtse. Ques: is hésta'he related?? See: hésta'he. Category: check, sickness.
-hestȯhtáotse vai. cramps in abdomen. É-hestȯhtáotse. He has cramps in his abdomen. BodyPartMedial -ohtá2. Category: sickness.
-hesto'honáhkame vai. have gallstones. É-hesto'honáhkame. He has gallstones. Usage: probably a loan transl. Phon: /he-/ 'have' + /hto'honáhk/ 'stone' + /-ame/ FAI See: he- ‘have’; ho'honáhke ‘stone’. Category: sickness.
-hestomomóhtahe vai. prevented by sickness, hindered by sickness. É-hestomomóhtahe. He was prevented (from doing something) by sickness. Category: sickness.
hestsemá'eme é-má'seohtsetse vii. be anemic. Hestsemá'eme é-má'seohtsetse. He is anemic. Lit: the blood (of him) is disappearing Category: sickness.
hestsétato ho'honáeo'o na. kidney stones. Category: new. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, sickness, body.
-heškȯséotse vai. finger cramp, have a cramp in the finger. É-heškȯséotse. He has a cramp in his finger. BodyPartMedial -škosé. Category: sickness.
-hetomóhtȧhéotse vai. Gram: rr feel that way (physically). Ésáanȧháxėhéne'enóhénovo tsé-hetomóhtȧhéotsevo. They could not quickly figure out what was wrong with me. [How God Healed Me.017] Category: sickness.
-hévóe'ó vai. bleed to death. É-hévóé'o.?? He bled to death.?? See: -hé'óe'ó. Category: sickness, death, check.
-hévoeotse vai. bleed. É-hévoeotse. He is bleeding. See: -hé'óé'ó; -ma'éveotse. Category: sickness.
-he-xaemahe vai. have a boil. É-he-xaemahe. He has a boil. Etym: *ošenkiɁmiwa (P/L). Ques: get underlying form from plural?? Category: sickness, check.
-he-xaemȧhévėškóhtá vai. boil on the leg - have a. Éhe-xaemȧhévėškóhta. He has a boil on his leg. Category: sickness.
-hoéseotse vai. have measles, have smallpox. É-hoéseotse. He has measles/smallpox. Category: sickness.
-hóetanevá'ó vai. stick out tongue. É-hóetanevá'o. He is sticking his tongue out. BodyPartMedial -tanevá. See: -hóetaneva'xe. Category: body, sickness, mouth.
-hóetaneva'xe vai. tongue come out. can refer to tongue wiggling out of the mouth, for instance, as a physical problem, maybe a tic or a symptom of old age. É-hóetaneva'xe. His tongue is wiggling out of his mouth. See: -hóetaneva'ó. Category: body, sickness, mouth.
-hó'ho'enáohtsé vai. have leg ache(s). É-hó'ho'enáóhtse. He has a leg ache(s). Ka'ėškóneho é'ȯhkeéemȧsótaho'né'enovo tsé'tóhe heó'ȯhtátóne nónóhpa móxho'nóhkeévėhó'ho'enáohtsévȯse. Children used to place their feet on these salamanders, that way they never used to get leg aches. [1987:214] Category: sickness.
-hó'ho'eohtsé vai. body ache, ache - body. for example, from the flu, arthritis, or rheumatism. É-hó'ho'eōhtse. His body aches. Námȧhe-hó'ho'eōhtse. My whole body aches. See: -háama'tá; -ónėšeotse. Category: sickness.
-hó'kȯhtȯheohtsé vai. walk with a cane. É-hó'kȯhtȯheōhtse. He is walking with a cane. Etym: Ar hô·kotohu-. See: -hó'kȯhtȯhené. Category: walk, sickness.
-ho'ónean vti. inject s.o. intravenously, dialyze s.o. É-ho'óneane. He got dialysis. Éohkė-ho'óneane. He gets dialysis. Medial -ón. Category: sickness, ropelike.
-homóšéše vai. lie feeling pain. that is, he is lying there and his pain has gotten to him, he can feel it now. É-homóšéše. He can feel the pain. Non-assimilated -homósešé. Category: lie, sickness.
-hótoanávomóhtahe vai. be seriously sick, sick very much. Lit: difficult-sick É-hótoanávomóhtahe. He is seriously sick. Naa mó'ȯhkeméhaenaetȯhevóhe ... tséévė-hótoanávomóhtȧhétsese And he used to doctor those who were seriously sick. [1987:107] See: -háomóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-hótoanávomóhtȧhéotse vai. become critically sick, become very sick. É-hótoanávomóhtȧhéotse. He became critically ill. Éstaévema'xeasė-hótoanávomóhtȧhéotse. He became critically ill. [1987:195] Category: sickness.
-hóvahešé vai. recover, survive, come to, regain consciousness. É-hóvahēše. He came to. Éévȧ-hóvahēše. He 'came to'. [1987:287] for example, he regained consciousness from a faint. Category: sickness.
-hoxahtsé vai. have thrush, have trench mouth. Lit: rotten-mouth a mouth infection. É-hoxāhtse. He has trench mouth. Etym: *aθetonwa (P). BodyPartMedial -ahtsé; Synonym -vóhpetanevá. Category: sickness, mouth.
-hoxėhe'haa'e vai. cold with mucus; runny nose cold. É-hoxėhe'haa'e. He has a cold with mucus. Phon: vs See: -he'haa'e. Category: sickness.
-hóxe'ehe vai. bandaged, wrapped. É-hóxe'ehe. He is bandaged. Heévaho ná'éšėtoo'etóneo'o tséto'sevé'šė-hóxe'ėhévose hoóxé'e. We tied the wrap-around rope for the poles (of the tepee). [1987:179] See: -hóxeeséehe. Category: sickness.
hóxe'ėhestȯtse ni. bandage. Synonym hóxe'ėsanestȯtse. Category: sickness.
-hoxe'haa'e vai. runny nose from a cold - have a. É-hoxe'haa'e. He has a runny nose from a cold. Phon: vs See: -he'haa'e; -hoxeesévose ‘cold - have a’. Category: sickness.
-htsėséeotame ni. Gram: poss herb (poss), medicine (poss), herbal medicine (poss). nȧ-htsėséeotame my medicine. he-stsėséeotame his medicine. IndepNoun heséeo'ȯtse. Category: sickness.
-kȧhamȧxévėšené vai. have tuberculosis, have T.B. possibly partial transliteration from English 'consumption', an older word for tuberculosis. É-kȧhamȧxévėšéne. He has tuberculosis. Ques: is that singular or plural?? Lit: wooden-chest BodyPartMedial -šené. See: -kȧhaneohtsé. Category: sickness, check.
-kȧhaneohtsé vai. have tuberculosis, have T.B. É-kȧhaneōhtse. He has tuberculosis. See: -kȧhaneotse; -kȧhamȧxévėšené; -káhaneohtsé. Category: sickness.
kȧhaneohtsé-heséeotsé-mȧhéó'o ni. sanitarium. Lit: tuberculosis-medicine-house Category: buildings, sickness, record.
-kȧhanévomóhtahe vai. feel sluggish. É-kȧhanévomóhtahe. He feels sluggish. fai: -omóhtahe. Category: sickness.
ké'kanovahtȯtse ni. physical therapy. Category: new, sickness.
-kokȯhéaxáehoéseotse vai. have chicken pox. É-kokȯhéaxáehoéseotse. He has chicken pox. Category: sickness.
maa'e ni. sore, scab. Morph: /mae/. Etym: *mekyi. Phon: vs See: hemaa'e; -oéve. Category: sickness.
-mȧhomóhtahe vai. all sick, sick - all be. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhomóhtȧheo'o. They are all sick. See: -háomóhtahe. Category: sickness.
mȧhtsemá'eme éanoooésta vii. he has low blood pressure. Category: sickness. Usage: loan translation Lit: the blood is hanging low
mȧhtsemá'eme éhe'amoésta vii. he has high blood pressure. Usage: loan translation Lit: the blood is hanging up Category: sickness.
mȧhtsemá'eme émá'seohtsetse vii. anemic - he. Lit: the blood is running out Category: sickness.
-ma'ėhoéseotse vai. German measles. É-ma'ėhoéseotse. He has German measles. Category: sickness.
-ma'éveotse vai. bleed. É-ma'éveotse. He bled/he is bleeding. Etym: *meçkowiɁle·wa < **meçkowipalyiwa. vta: -ma'évoh(n). See: -ma'eve; ma'e; -moméheotse; -háeo'tá; -hé'óé'ó; -hévoeotse; -momé'aeve. Category: body function, sickness.
-ma'óóva vai. red welted, rash. É-ma'óóva. He has red welts. Medial -óová; Initial ma'-. Category: sickness.
-má'seohtsetse hestse'e vai. have cirrhosis of the liver. É-má'seohtsetse hestse'e He has cirrhosis of the liver. Category: sickness. Lit: his liver is exhausted
-mȧsėhánee'e vai. crazy, insane, uncontrollable. As with the English word 'crazy', this Cheyenne term can refer to mental insanity, but it has also been extended to other behaviors which are outside of what is desired culturally. And, as with the English word "crazy", this Cheyenne word can be used humorously about behavior which the speaker does not approve of. É-mȧsėhánee'e. He is crazy. (another recording) (another recording) Phon: vs A rushed life is viewed as craziness, as in this saying: Névé'novȯhe'étanóme mȧsėhánééstóva, onésetó'ha'éeta netáhoestovevoo'o,onésėhestóxévétáno mȧsėhánééstóva. Don't race in craziness, try to stop your mounts, try to come in last in terms of craziness! (John Standsintimber used to say this.) See: -távahe; -ononovahe; -ononé'otse; mȧseha; mȧsėhá'e. Category: sickness.
matanaéestsema'évestȯtse ni. breast cancer. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, new, sickness.
-matomené vai. have a nosebleed. É-matomēne. He has a nosebleed ; he has a bloody nose. (another recording) Etym: cf. M mena·maehkow. See: -ma'éveesé; -ma'eve. Category: sickness.
-matomenéotse vai. get a nosebleed. É-matomenéotse. He got a nosebleed. Category: sickness.
matse-2 i. infected. É-matseotse namo'ēško. My finger has become infected/developed pus. Nėstsevé'hetsėhéhno éše'he! Nėstsematseōse. Don't point at the sun (or moon)! You'll get an infected finger. (cultural prohibition). See: matse1; mátsevo'e. Etym: *meli 'pus'. Category: sickness.
-matse'ēsta vai. have infected ear(s); have running ear(s). É-matse'ēsta. He has runny ear(s)/he has infected ear(s). BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: sickness.
-matséné vai. have sore eyes, have infected eyes. É-matséne. He has infected/sore eyes. Etym: *meli·nkwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -ho'sȧheéne. Category: eyes, sickness.
-matseósé vai. have an infected finger. É-matseōse. He has an infected finger. Etym: *meliwikašye·wa. Nėstsevé'hetsėhéhno éše'he. Nėstse-matseōse. Don't point at the sun (or moon)! You'll get an infected finger. See: -mátseveotse. BodyPartMedial -ósé3; Initial matse-. Etym: *meliwikašye·wa. Category: sickness.
-mátsevȧháotse vai. have venereal disease, have V.D. Lit: infected-vagina É-mátsevȧháotse. She has V.D. BodyPartMedial -ahá; Masculine -mátsevȯhosé. See: -ó'o'eta'e; -mátšėxó'é; -totónesta. Category: sickness, body, vulgar.
-mátseve vii. infected, pussy.
vai. infected, pussy. É-mátseve. It (or He) is infected. Etym: *meliwiwa. See: -mátseveotse ‘become infected’. Category: sickness, check.
-mátseve'éxané vai. pussy eyes, infected eyes. É-mátseve'éxáne. He has pussy eyes. BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: eyes, sickness.
-mátseveotse vii. infected.
vai. infected. especially refers to there being pus. É-mátseveotse. He (or It) got infected. Etym: *meliwiɁle·wa < **meliwipalyiwa. See: -mátseve. Category: sickness.
-mátsevėškóhtá vai. have infected leg. É-mátsevėškóhta. His leg is infected/pussy. Etym: *meliwika·te·wa. Category: sickness.
-mátsevȯhosé vai. have venereal disease; have V.D. Lit: infected-penis É-mátsevȯhōse. He has V.D. Medial -hosé; Feminine -mátsevȧháotse. See: -ó'o'eta'e; -mátšėxó'é; -mátsevȧháotse; -totónesta. Category: sickness, vulgar.
-mátšėxó'é vai. have venereal disease. Lit: infected-crotch É-mátšėxó'e. He (or She) has VD. É-mátšėxó'eo'o. They have V.D. BodyPartMedial -xó'é. See: -só'é; -ó'o'eta'e; -mátsevȧháotse; -mátsevȯhosé; -totónesta. Category: vulgar, sickness.
-méhname vai. have tapeworm(s). É-méhname. He has tapeworms. Category: sickness.
-momá'ko'éné vai. 1 • have red eyes; have pink eye. É-momá'kó'éne. He has red eyes; he has pink eye. Phon: hl Medial -éné, Variant -momá'o'éné.
2 • red eyes from crying because boyfriend got married to someone else. Category: figurative, sickness, face.
-moméheve vii. clot. É-moméheve It is clotting / there are blood clots. For example, there are clots in the flow from his nose bleed. Category: sickness.
moméhevȯhtse na. blood clot. Obviative moméhevȯhtseto. See: -moméheve. Category: body, sickness.
-momé'aahtsé vai. spit blood, hemorrhage from the mouth. É-momé'aāhtse. He is spitting blood/he is hemorrhaging from the mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená ‘mouth’. See: -ma'évahtsé ‘have a bloody mouth’; -momé'aeve ‘be bloody’. Category: sickness.
-momé'aahtsenáotse vai. hemorrhage. É-momé'aahtsenáotse. He hemorrhaged. Category: sickness.
-momé'aahtsenávotome vai. hemorrhage. É-momé'aahtsenávotome. He is hemorrhaging from the mouth. Etym: cf *meçkowaθa·mowa. tséhmomá'oma'o'e móxhésenėhesóhanéhe tseh-momé'aahtsenávotomevȯse hováhne where the earth is red is from the hemorrhaging of the animals. [1987:245] See: -ma'éváhtsé ‘have a bloody mouth’. Category: sickness.
momé'aév- i. bloody. É-momé'aévȧsome. He has a bloody stool. É-momé'aāhtse. He is spitting blood/he is hemorrhaging from the mouth. É-momé'áévėhóhtse. He left bloody tracks. Category: sickness.
-momé'aévȧsome vai. bloody stool. É-momé'aévȧsome. He has a bloody stool. fai: -asóme. See: -ma'évȧsome. Category: sickness.
-momé'aéve vai. bloody. É-momé'aeve. He is bloody. See: -hé'óé'ó; -hévoeotse; -ma'éveotse. Category: sickness.
-momé'aéveesé vai. bloodied nose. É-momé'aéveēse. He has a bloodied nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -ma'éveesé. Category: nose, sickness.
-momé'aévotané vai. bloody snot ?? get bloody hands from digging with hands ?? É-momé'aévotāne. He has bloody snot. (mucus??) Category: check. See: -hoxo'ȯhtsévotané. Category: sickness, nose.
-momóhtohtá vai. have diarrhea. Lit: repeatedly.move-bowels É-momóhtóhta. He has diarrhea. Medial -ohtá. Phon: redup Category: sickness.
-momóhtȯhtámea'xe vai. diarrhea smell. É-momóhtȯhtámea'xe. He has a diarrhea smell. BodyPartMedial -ohtá. Category: sickness, smell.
-momóhtȯhtáotse vai. have diarrhea. É-momóhtȯhtáotse. He has diarrhea. Naa éohkema'xevé'še-momóhtȯhtáotse. And it causes him a lot of diarrhea. Antonym -ó'ȯhtáotse. Category: sickness.
-naa'e vai. die. É-naa'e He died. Ésáa-naéheo'o. They did not die. Ééše-naa'e. It is the last quarter (of the moon). Éše'he énaa'e. The sun has died (for example, when it's gotten cloudy). É-naéstove. There is dying. tsééše-naétsese those (obviative) who have already died. Phon: vs Euphemism -hováneehe, -hóxoveohtsé, -énȯhohtsé, -ameohtsé. Etym: *nepwa. See: -naa'é. Category: figurative, death, sickness.
-naa'oo'o na. patient (of a doctor). na-naa'oo'o my patient. he-naa'óono his patient. Phon: vs Phon: apoc vai: naa'é. Category: sickness.
-naeeséohtsé vai. nose numb. É-naeeséóhtse. His nose is getting numb. Category: nose, sickness.
-naeohtsé vai. numb. This action takes place more gradually than -naeotse. É-naeōhtse. He is getting numb. See: -naeotse ‘die; faint; convulse’. Category: sickness.
-naeotse vai. faint, become numb, die, convulse, have seizure(s), have epilepsy. This action takes place faster than -naeohtsé. É-naeotse. He died/he fainted. Etym: **nepowipalyiwa (P2343/L). See: -naeohtsé; -naa'e. Category: sickness.
-naestómané vai. doctor. Ques: doctor people?? Category: check. É-naestómáne. He is doctoring. Éohkeée-naestómaneo'o. (The Indian doctors) would doctor. [1987:212] See: -naa'é. Category: sickness.
-naeškóhtá vai. have numb leg(s). É-naeškóhta. He has dead/numb/useless legs. Etym: *nepowika·te:wa (P). Category: sickness.
-naeškóhtaa'e vai. sit with numb leg. É-naeškóhtaa'e. His leg is numb while sitting/from sitting. Morph: /-nae-hkóhtá-e/. Lit: numb-leg-sit Phon: vs Category: sit, sickness.
-naeškóhtáohtsé vai. numb leg. É-naeškóhtáóhtse. His leg is numb. See: -nonaeškóhtáotse. Category: sickness.
-nȧha'ose vai. frostbitten. É-nȧha'ose. He is frostbitten. Lit: caught by the cold fii: -ose. Category: sickness.
-na'sé vai. miscarry. É-ná'se. She miscarried. Category: sickness.
-na'séotse vai. miscarry. É-na'séotse. She miscarried. See: -na'se; -hóenaa'e. Category: sickness.
-ná'tȯsévomóhtahe vai. have malaria. Lit: feel.cold-condition É-ná'tȯsévomóhtahe. He has malaria. [PD] The name came from having the chills during malaria attacks (PD). Category: sickness.
-ná'tseané vai. die in childbirth. É-ná'tseāne. She died in childbirth. can be a woman; cow; dog; etc. See: -ané2. Category: sickness.
-ná'tsevo'ose vai. have chills. É-ná'tsevo'ose. He has the chills. fai: -ose. See: -ná'tose ‘be cold’. Category: sickness.
-nanehe vai. paralyzed - be, stroke - have a. É-nanehe. He had a stroke/he is paralyzed. Énanėheo'o. ?? Category: sickness, check.
nėhe'éše- pv. that amount of time; so long in time. No'ka éše'héva é-nėhe'éšėháomóhtahe. He has been sick one month. Variant: nėhe'xóve-. See: he'éše-. Category: sickness.
-nėhpa'éotse vai. suffocate. É-nėhpa'éotse. He suffocated. See: -nėhpotómeotse. Category: sickness.
-nėhpeéstoonávomóhtahe vai. have a sore throat, diphtheria - have. Lit: blocked-throat-feeling É-nėhpeéstoonávomóhtahe. He has a sore throat/he has diphtheria. Category: sickness.
-nėhpéné vai. be totally blind. Lit: obstructed-face É-nėhpéne. He is totally blind. Etym: *kepi·nkwe·wa. See: -ó'ó'éné ‘blind’. Category: sickness, face.
-nėhpóhaséohtsé vai. become constipated. É-nėhpóhaséótse He is constipated. Antonym -momóhtȯhtáotse; Synonym -ó'ȯhtáotse; BodyPartMedial -asé. Category: sickness.
-nėhpo'eesé vai. have a plugged up nose. É-nėhpo'eēse. Hs nose is plugged up. for example, from a cold. Category: sickness.
-nėhpo'e'está vai. plugged up ear(s). É-nėhpo'e'ēsta. He has plugged up ear(s). Category: sickness, ears.
-nėhpo'hóoná mbp. part of throat ?? Category: check. Épa'e-nėhpo'hóóna. He has a goiter (lit. he-lump-?? Category: check. See: -nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse; henėhpo'hoo'ȯtse; ma'xenėhpo'hoo'ȯtse; . Category: sickness.
-ne'enéseh vta. 1 • beat up s.o. É-ne'enésėhóho. He beat him up. Náma'xe-ne'enésého. I really beat him up. Category: violence.
2 • beat s.o. with a sickness. Category: figurative. Náma'xe-ne'enéseha He'haévėháne. I came down with a bad cold (lit. Cold beat me up bad). See: -ne'enéšėšéváen; -oom; -na'xévaen; -sȯsévenot. Category: sickness.
-némáhtse vai. have a crooked mouth; Bell's palsy. É-némáhtse. He has a crooked mouth/he has Bell's palsy. Lit: slanted-mouth Etym: *pyi:metonwa (P); cf. M pi·meton. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. See: -néméné; -némené. Category: sickness.
-némenėstanéotse vai. twist knee. É-némenėstanéotse. He twisted/dislocated/sprained his knee. BodyPartMedial -nėstané2. See: -némononáotse. Category: sickness.
-némononáotse vai. twist ankle. É-némononáotse. He twisted his ankle. BodyPartMedial -noná. See: -némeoha'á; -némenėstanéotse. Category: sickness.
-nėsenovomóhtahe vai. very sick, sick very badly. É-nėsenovomóhtahe. He is extremely sick. Category: sickness.
-nėšėho'he vai. 1 • hot - be, fever - have a. É-nėšėho'he. He has a fever/he is hot. Initial nėš-; vii: -nėšėho'tá. Etym: cf *kešisowa ‘he has a fever’. See: -háoho'he; -oesenȧho'he.
2 • in heat. can refer to an animal being in heat or a woman sexually aroused. Category: temperature, sickness, body function, sex.
-nėšeoestȧho'he vai. hot flashes. É-nėšeoestȧho'he. She has hot flashes. See: -nėšėho'he. Category: sickness.
-nétȧhévomóhtahe vai. feel different. É-nétȧhévomóhtahe. He feels different. Initial nétȧhév-; Final omóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-netoeénéohtsé vai. have an itchy face. É-netoeénéóhtse. He has an itchy face. Category: sickness, face.
-netoehe'onáohtsé vai. have itchy hand(s). É-netoehe'onáóhtse. He has itchy hands. Category: sickness.
-netoehevá'séohtsé vai. have an itchy tail. É-netoehevá'séóhtse. He has an itchy tail. Category: sickness.
-netoe'éxanéohtsé vai. eyes itch, itchy eyes. Ná-netoo'éxanéóhtse. My eyes are itching. Category: sickness.
-netoenotováohtsé vai. have an itchy neck. É-netoenotováóhtse. He has an itchy neck. Category: sickness.
-netoeóhtáohtsé vai. have itchy leg(s). É-netoeóhtáóhtse. His leg itches. Etym: *kelakika·te·wa. BodyPartMedial -óhtá4. Category: sickness.
-netoeohtsé vai. itch. É-netoeōhtse. He is itching. See: -axeeohtsé ‘scratch’; -nétȯheotse ‘left out’. Category: sickness.
-netoestséáohtsé vai. have an itchy head (or scalp). É-netoestséáóhtse. He has an itchy head (or scalp). Category: head, sickness.
-netoeškóhtáohtsé vai. have itchy leg(s). É-netoeškóhtáóhtse. His leg itches. Variant: -netoeóhtáohtsé. Category: sickness.
-netoeškȯséohtsé vai. have itchy fingers. É-netoeškȯséóhtse. He has itchy finger(s). Category: sickness.
-netȯhkeéstooná vai. have an itchy throat, have T.B. É-netȯhkeéstoōna. His throat itches/he has T.B. See: -kȧhaneohtsé. Category: sickness.
-netȯhkeéstoonáohtsé vai. have an itchy throat. for example, a tickle in throat. É-netȯhkeéstoonáóhtse. He has an itchy throat. Category: sickness.
nexa ó'ome éhóomóhtahe vai. he has double pneumonia. Category: sickness.
-nóhne'ahe vai. limp, be crippled; be lame. É-nóhne'ahe. He is a cripple/he is crippled. Variant: -nóhne'kahe. Category: sickness.
-nóhne'kahe vai. limp, be crippled, be lame. É-nóhne'kahe. He limps. Variant: -nóhne'ahe. Category: sickness.
-no'e'haná vai. eat poison, poisoned eating; eat poisonous food, be poisoned while eating. É-no'e'hāna. He ate poison. See: -no'eaná. Category: sickness, eat.
-no'hévóne'ó have appendicitis. É-no'hévóné'o. He has appendicitis. Lit: grow off to the side See: -hóne'ó. Category: sickness.
-nonaeškóhtaotse vai. legs become numb. Mó'éšeáahtsé'-nonaeškóhtaotsėhéhe. His legs had already become numb. [The Frog That Waved for Help.033] Non-reduplicated -naeškóhtáohtsé. Phon: redup Category: sickness.
-nonó'atamahe vai. be a paraplegic, be handicapped. especially of someone unable to walk, can be someone confined to a wheelchair. É-nonó'atamahe He is a paraplegic. See: -ono'átamaahe. Category: sickness.
-nonoma'xe vai. shake, quiver. É-nonoma'xe. He is shaking. Nánėšepėhéve-nonoma'xe. I got really nervous; I was really shaking. vii: -nonoma'ha. See: -héhema'xe. Category: sickness.
-noohtomóhtahe vai. leave something due to not feeling good. É-noohtomóhtahe. He had to leave something because he wasn't feeling good. fai: -omóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-oesenȧho'he vai. very hot; feverish. É-oesenȧho'he. He is very hot / has a fever. Category: sickness, temperature.
-oeškéve'éxané vai. have trachoma, pink eye, sore eyes. É-oeškéve'éxáne. He has trachoma. Variant: -oešéve'éxané. See: -oeve'éxané. Category: eyes, sickness.
-oeškévematséné vai. have scabby eyes. É-oeškévematséne. He has scabby eyes. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -oeve'éxané. Category: eyes, sickness.
-oeve vai. have mange, have scabies. É-oeve. He has scabies/he has mange. É-oéveo'o. They have scabies. See: -oo'kahe; Oévemanȧhéno ‘Birney (scabby-band-place)’; hemaa'e ‘sore’. Category: dogs, sickness.
-oévėhe'oná vai. have scabby hands. É-oévėhe'ōna. He has scabby hands. Category: sickness.
-oéve'éxané vai. have scabby eyes. É-oéve'éxáne. He has scabby eyes. See: -oeškéve'éxané. Category: eyes, sickness.
-oévéné vai. scabby face - have a. É-oévéne. He has a scabby face. Category: sickness.
-oéveóhtá vai. scabby leg(s) - have. É-oéveóhta. His leg(s) is scabby. BodyPartMedial -óhtá. Category: sickness.
-oéveotse vai. mangy, have mange, become scabby. "scabby" is a colloquialism for the disease of scabies; it does not refer to having scabs. É-oéveotse. He has mange. See: -óoveotse. Category: dogs, sickness.
-o'hohke vai. choke. É-o'hohke. He choked (for example, while eating). (another recording) Etym: *paʔθa·kowa (P). See: -o'hóhkȧše'še ‘choke while drinking’. Category: sickness.
-ó'kéné vai. blind in one eye - be, have one eye. É-ó'kéne. He is blind in one eye. Etym: *pa·xki·nkwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -ó'ó'éné; -ó'héné. Category: sickness.
-ó'ohtá vai. be constipated. Lit: dry-bowels É-ó'óhta. He is constipated. BodyPartMedial -ohtá. Category: sickness.
-ó'ȯhtáotse vai. become constipated. É-ó'ȯhtáotse. He is constipated. Antonym -momóhtȯhtáotse; Synonym -nėhpóhaséohtsé. See: -ó'ohtá. Category: sickness.
-ó'o'ene'o'h vta. blind s.o. Ná-ó'o'ene'o'ha héstā'se. The snow blinded me. Category: sickness.
-ó'o'énéotse vai. become blind. É-ó'o'eneotse. He became blind. Category: sickness, eyes.
-ó'o'eta'e vai. have V.D., have venereal disease. É-ó'o'eta'e. He/She has V.D. See: -mátšėxó'é; -mátsevėháotse; -mátsevėhosé; -totónesta. Category: sickness, vulgar.
ó'ome háomóhtȧhestȯtse vai. pneumonia. Category: sickness.
ó'ome móháomóhtȧhéotsėhéhe vai. have pneumonia. Ó'ome móháomóhtȧhéotsėhéhe. He must have pneumonia. Lit: bypass other.side-physical.feel ?? Pneumonia is said to mean this because the pain goes through you, through your chest from the front to the back. Category: sickness.
-ó'ȯsé'o'he vai. lanced open, cut open. É-ó'ȯsé'o'he. He was lanced. for example, when a boil is lanced or someone has their belly cut open during an appendectomy. Category: sickness.
-omóhtahe fai. feel (physical body condition). Nápėhév-omóhtahe. I feel fine. Éhá-omóhtahe. He is sick. Énétȧhév-omóhtahe. He feels different. Énėhet-omóhtahe. He feels (bodily condition) that way. Násȯsév-omóhtahe. I feel wilted. See: -tanó ‘mental condition’. Category: sickness.
-onéahtá vai. deaf. É-onéáhta. He is deaf. Etym: **kakye·pehte·wa. See: -oné'ahtá. Category: sickness.
-oné'xȧho'he vai. burned. É-oné'xȧho'he. He got burned. for example, on the stove. Névé'tsé'éna; nėsta-oné'xȧho'he! Don't touch it (the stove); you will get burned! fta: -aho'h(n). Category: sickness.
-oné'xȧhtsého'he vai. burn mouth, mouth burn. for example, from drinking coffee that is too hot. Ná-oné'xȧhtsého'he. I burned my mouth. for example, from drinking coffee that is too hot. Category: sickness, mouth.
-oné'xoeóhtá vai. have a scraped leg. É-oné'xoeóhta. He has a scraped leg. Category: sickness.
-onénėšėhahtáho'he vai. burn feet. É-onénėšėhahtáho'he. He burned his foot/feet. Category: sickness.
-ónėšea'onáohtsé vai. shin pain - have. É-ónėšea'onáóhtse. He has pain in the shin(s). BodyPartMedial -a'oná. Category: sickness.
-ónėšėhe'onáohtsé vai. have pain in the hand. É-ónėšėhe'onáóhtse. He has pain in the hands. Medial -he'oná. Category: sickness, body.
-ónėšenómáohtsé vai. have pain in the thigh. É-ónėšenómáóhtse. He has pain in the thigh. BodyPartMedial -nómá. Category: sickness.
-ónėšeohtsé vai. be in pain. This is longer term pain than -ónėšeotse. É-ónėšeōhtse. He is in pain. See: -ónėšeotse. Category: sickness.
-ónėšeotse vai. pained, hurt. É-ónėšeotse. He got hurt / became pained. This is a more sudden onset of pain than -ónėšeohtsé. See: -ónėšeohtsé; -háama'tá. Category: sickness.
-ónėšėstáháóhtse vai. pained in the heart. can be either literal or emotional pain. É-ónėšėstáháóhtse. He has pain in his heart. Category: body, sickness.
-ónėšėšenéohtsé vai. pain in chest - have. É-ónėšėšenéóhtse. He has pain in the chest. Compare É-ónėšénéóhtse 'He has pain in the face'. BodyPartMedial -šené. See: -ónėšénéohtsé ‘pain in the face - have’. Category: sickness.
-ónėševénéohtsé vai. face hurt, hurt face. Ná-ónėšévénéóhtse. My face hurts. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, sickness.
-ónėševo'ešé vai. pain from fall. É-ónėševo'ēše. He is in pain from a fall/accident/bumping into something. Category: lie, fall, sickness.
-ónėxa'éšé vai. have pain in the head. for example, from a bump or from lying on something; this is pain inflicted from the outside of the head. É-ónėxa'éše. His head hurts/he hurt his head. See: -ónėšėstséáohtsé. Category: sickness, body.
-ónėxėhe'onáohtsé vai. pain in the hand. Ná-ónėxėhe'onáóhtse. I have pain in my hand. Medial -he'oná. See: -oóonėšéonáohtsé. Category: body, sickness.
-ónėxȯhtáóhtse vai. stomachache. É-ónėxȯhtáóhtse. He has a stomachache / he has pain in the abdomen. Ná-ónėxȯhtáóhtse. I have a stomachache. BodyPartMedial -ohtá2. See: -asé; -tonėše. Category: sickness.
-ónėxonenéohtsé vai. have a toothache. É-ónėxonenéóhtse. He has a toothache/pain in a tooth. Category: sickness.
-ónėxoo'e vai. sit in pain, painfully sit, have a sideache. É-ónėxoo'e. He is sitting in pain. vai: -oe. Category: sit, sickness.
-ónėxotome vai. have a sideache. É-ónėxotome. He has a sideache. fai: -otóme. Ques: tóm?? Category: sickness, check.
-ónėxotómeotse vai. have a sideache. É-ónėxotómeotse. He has gotten a sideache. Category: sickness.
onó'evámȧhtsé-mȧhéó'o ni. counseling center, treatment center, half-way house. Category: new, sickness, buildings.
-onó'homahe vai. awkward; feeble. É-onó'homahe. He is feeble/awkward. See: -sȯséveotse. Category: sickness.
-ononéstȧho'he vai. go crazy from the heat. typically used as an exaggeration. É-ononéstȧho'he. He went crazy from the heat. Category: sickness, weather.
-ononéstomóhtahe vai. feel confused, feel disoriented. This is how people feel taking drugs. É-ononéstomóhtahe.?? He feels confused.?? Category: new, sickness.
ononéstomóhtȧhestȯtse ni. acid. Lit: confused-sickness ?? Category: check. This is the mind-altering drug acid, not chemical acid. Category: new, sickness.
-onótovȧšé'ševéné vai. drunk face - have a. É-onótovȧšé'šévéne. He has a drunk face. Category: face, sickness.
-oóonėšéonáohtsé vai. joint pains. Ná-oóonėšéonáóhtse. My joints hurt. BodyPartMedial -séoná. See: -pope'ėšéonáohtsé. Category: sickness.
-pa'éné vai. have a lump on the face. É-pa'éne. He has a lump on his face. Initial pa'(k)-. Category: sickness.
-pa'enėhpo'hóoná vai. goiter - have a. É-pa'enėhpo'hóóna. He has a goiter. See: henėhpo'hoo'ȯtse; ma'xe-nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse; -nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse. Category: sickness.
-pá'he'haa'e vai. have croup. É-pá'he'haa'e. He has croup. Ques: pá'ėh?? Phon: vs See: -he'haa'e; -hesóva'xeme. Category: sickness, check.
-pa'ȯhtáotse vai. gall bladder attack. É-pa'ȯhtáotse. He had a gall bladder attack. BodyPartMedial -ohtá2. Category: sickness.
-pa'ȯhtáxe vai. wind knocked out - have. É-pa'ȯhtáxe. He had the wind knocked out of him. Category: sickness, body, hit.
-póhahtsé vai. swollen mouth, swollen lips. É-póháhtse. He has a swollen mouth/lips. Etym: *pa·hsetonwa (P). BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: sickness, body.
-póhaséohtsé vai. gassy. É-póhaséóhtse. He is gassy. BodyPartMedial -asé2. Category: sickness.
-popé'ėšéoná vai. have arthritis, have rheumatism. Lit: bumpy-joints É-popé'ėšéóna. He has arthritis/rheumatism. See: -popé'ėšéonáohtsé; -oóonėšéonáohtsé. Category: sickness.
-popé'ėšéonáohtsé vai. have arthritis. Lit: bumpy-joints-develop É-popé'ėšéonáóhtse He has arthritis. BodyPartMedial -séoná. See: -popé'ėšéoná; -oóonėšéonáohtsé. Category: body, sickness, check.
-popóhematséné vai. have puffy eyes. É-popóhematséne. He has puffy eyes. Category: eyes, sickness.
-popóheškóhta vai. have swollen legs. É-popóheškóhta. His legs are swollen. Category: body, sickness.
-senóvetanó vai. depressed ?? É-senóvetāno. He is depressed. Category: new, sickness, emotions, check.
sénovetanohtȯtse ni. depression. Category: new. See: óetsetanohtȯtse ‘worry, anxiety’. Category: sickness, emotions.
-sónoom vta. x-ray s.o. Lit: see through s.o. Ná-sónoomāne. I was x-rayed. É-sónoome. He had an x-ray. Etym: *ša·pwa·pamowa (P). É-sónoomóho. He x-rayed him. Etym: *ša·pwa·pame·wa (P). See: -sóhpóom; -sónȯxe'eotse. Category: sight, sickness.
-sónȯxe'eotse vai. get x-ray; be x-rayed. É-sónȯxe'eotse. He/She was x-rayed. See: -sónóom. Category: sickness.
-sónȯxe'eotsé'seh vta. x-ray s.o. Náamės-ónȯxe'eotsé'sėháá'e. They x-rayed me. [How God Healed Me.016] Category: sickness.
sónȯxe'eotsestȯtse ni. x-ray, MRI. Lit: pictured through thing Ques: recording is sénȯxe'eotsestȯtse ?? Category: check, sickness.
-sȯséveotse vai. limp.become.
vii. become weak, become limp; wilt. É-sȯséveotse. He wilted/got weak. Etym: *ši·wipalyiwa (P/L). Non-reduplicated -séveotse. See: -sóeotse. Category: sickness.
-šé'še'haeotse vai. awaken from coughing. Ná-šé'še'haeotse. I woke up from coughing. É-šé'še'haeotse. He woke up from coughing. See: -šé'šeotse; -šé'šeoha'ov; -sé'ha'ov; -he'haeotse; -haeotse. Category: sickness.
-távėstaóohtsé vai. have a headache. É-távėstaóóhtse. He has a headache. Etym: *te·wintepe·Ɂle·wa (P/L). Ná-távėstaóóhtse. I have a headache. fai: -ohtsé. Category: sickness.
-távomóhtahe vai. feel stupid; feel goofy. É-távomóhtahe. He is feeling goofy. tséohvé'še-távomóhtȧhéstove drugs. Lit: that which causes goofy feelings See: távahe. Category: sickness.
-tó'hoešé vai. death - be near, lie near death, lie hanging on, lie in bed faint from bleeding or bad sickness. É-tó'hóéše. He won't get up he is so sick. See: -he'keše. Category: lie, death, sickness.
-tó'ovánehe vai. be in a coma. É-tó'ovánehe. He is in a coma. See: -tó'ománehe. Category: sickness.
-tó'ovénome vai. be in a coma until death, die in sleep. Lit: permanent-sleep É-tó'ovénome. He was in a coma until he died. Tō'e, nėsta-tó'ovénóméme! Get up, you might die in your sleep! (said to more than one person; humorous saying whose figurative meaning is, "Get up, you will sleep forever!") Category: sickness.
-tóne'xóvomóhtahe vai. how feel (in your illness). Né-tóne'xóvomóhtahe? How are you feeling (in your illness)? This word assumes some illness and asks about the feeling, whereas -tónetomóhtahe simply asks about physical feeling. See: -tónetomóhtahe ‘how feel (physically)’. Category: sickness, health.
-tónėstahe vai. how be, what is wrong with. É-tónėstahe? What is wrong with him? Ques: recheck meaning?? Reduplicated -totónėstahe. See: -tónesta. Category: sickness.
-tónetomóhtahe vai. how feel (physically). Né-tónetomóhtahe? How are you feeling? (another recording) Nééšeéva-tónetomóhtahe? How are you back to feeling? Étavé'šėhésto'omenėhénóvo tséssáaméhae-tónetomóhtȧhéhese kȧse'éeheho kȧsováaheho. (Liquor) kills them when they were healthy, young women, young men. [1987:61] Tósa'e násáaxae-tónetomóhtȧhéhe. I did not feel any pain anywhere (in my body). [1987:202] Ques: recheck gloss, especially with DSE?? See: -tóne'xóvomóhtahe ‘how feel (in illness)’; -tónėšetanó ‘how feel (mentally0’; -pėhévomóhtahe ‘feel good’. Category: sickness, health, check.
-totónesta vai. have venereal disease. É-totónesta. He/she has venereal disease (V.D.). [PD380: disabled] Is this a homonym to -totónesta 'how be (wrong)' or an extended meaning? See: -ó'o'eta'e; -mátšėxó'é; -mátsevȧháotse; -mátsevȯhosé; -tónesta. Category: sickness.
-totónėstahe vai. how wrong, how be. É-totónėstahe? What in the world is wrong with him? Ques: recheck meaning?? include "in the world"?? Non-reduplicated -tónėstahe. Category: sickness, check.
-totónėšeóhtá vai. be crippled in the legs. É-totónėšeóhta. He is crippled in his legs. See: -nóhne'kahe. Category: sickness.
-totóovėhe'haa'e vai. whooping cough - have, cough - have a chronic. É-totóovėhe'haa'e. He has whooping cough. See: -hesóva'xeme. Category: sickness.
-tsėhetas vta. slit s.o., cut s.o., circumcise s.o., perform surgery on s.o. Cheyennes have not traditionally circumcised their infant boys, but circumcision is often performed now on baby boys by modern doctors. Some speakers have used this verb as a euphemism for 'circumcise'. É-tsėhetȧsóho. He performed surgery on him. Ná-tsėhetȧxéne. I had an operation (literally, I was cut). É-tsėhetaxe. He had surgery. Mósta-tsėhetȧsȯhevóhe mo'e'éše'honono. She slit a gunny sack. [1987:29] Tséstaéšeno'kema'heóneéšeevetse tséhe'šėhestáotsėsemóstsėhetȧxėhéhe. One week after he was born, he was circumcised. [Luke 1:59] See: -é'ėxȯhosévo'as. Category: sickness, cut.
-tsėhetomóhtahe vai. feel this way. Hápó'e ná-tsėhetomóhtahe. I have the same sickness. See: -hetomóhtahe. Category: sickness.
tsé'ame-véstȧhé'tove vta. co-dependency. Category: new. See: -véstȧhé'tov; -véstȧhém. Category: sickness.
tséohvé'še-távomóhtȧhéstove vii. drugs. Lit: that which causes goofy feelings vai: -távomóhtahe. Category: sickness.
tséx-háenaotséstove vii. when there were many deaths. this occurred in 1919, from a terrible flu epidemic. Ques: tséxháenaéstove ?? Category: sickness, check.
-vé'ho'émȧhpévomóhtahe vai. be an alcoholic. Lit: whiteman-water-physically.feel É-vé'ho'émȧhpévomóhtahe. He is an alcoholic. See: -vé'keemȧhpévomóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-vé'keemȧhpeve vai. have diabetes. É-vé'keemȧhpeve. He has diabetes. Synonym -vé'keemȧhpévomóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-vé'keemȧhpévomóhtahe vai. have diabetes, diabetes - have. Lit: sugar-sick É-vé'keemȧhpévomóhtahe. He has diabetes. Synonym -vé'keemȧhpéve. See: vé'keemahpe ‘sugar’. Category: sickness.
vé'keemȧhpévomóhtȧhestȯtse ni. diabetes. Lit: sugar-sickness Category: sickness.
véstȧhé'tov vta. help s.o. ?? Category: check. tsé'ame-véstȧhé'tove ?? co-dependency. See: -véstȧhém. Category: sickness, interpersonal, new, check.
-vóhpetanevá vai. have thrush. É-vóhpetanēva. He has thrush. BodyPartMedial -tanevá; Synonym -hoxahtsé. Category: body, sickness.
vóhtanéhaomohtȧhestȯtse ni. skin disease. Category: new. Ques: pronounced as vóhtanéháomohtȧhestȯtse; correct?? Category: check, sickness.
-voneomeešé vai. removed in a sweat. to have something (especially sickness) removed in a sweat. that is, get well through taking a sweat bath. É-voneomeēše. He had sickness brushed off in a sweat. É-voneomeešēne. They had sickness brushed off in a sweat. Category: sickness.
-vóonȧho'he vai. be feverish all night, cook all night. É-vóonȧho'he. He was feverish all night / he (something animate) was cooked all night. Final -aho'he. Category: sickness, cook.
-vóonomóhtahe vai. be sick all night. É-vóonomóhtahe. He was sick all night. Category: sickness.
vóvo'ȯhtseve'éxanohtȯtse ?? Category: check.
ni. eye disease. Ques: recheck ?? Category: check. Lit: spotted-eyes ?? Category: check, new, sickness.
xáema na. boil. Phon: iah Etym: cf. M sae·kemyah. Plural xaemaho; Obviative xaemaho. Category: sickness.
-xaestóo'onáohtsé vai. dry throat - have a. for example, said after eating tart berries, or after eating sour lemons. Ná-xaestóo'onáóhtse. I have a dry throat. See: -éstoo'e. Category: sickness.