-a'ovo'hamé fai. livestock - do to. Éhó'x-a'ovo'hāme. He broke in a horse(s). Énóht-a'ovo'hāme. He went to get horses. [1987:171] Éhóoht-a'ovo'hāme. He moved his herd home. ... náhet-a'ovo'hāme. ... I drove the horses over there. See: -a'éno'hamé; -(o)'hamé; -a'hasó'he. Category: livestock.
-ama'éno'hamé vai. drive, drive livestock, drive a team. This word originally referred to driving animals, but it has been extended to driving a car. É-ama'éno'hāme. He drove. Mó=nėstsene'-ama'éno'hamehe? Will you drive (for me)? Né'-ama'éno'hāmėstse! Drive! Névé'vovóhke-ama'éno'hāme! Don't drive weaving! Variant: -ama'ovo'hamé; fai: -a'éno'hamé; vti: -ama'én. See: -amȧho'he. Category: transportation, livestock, drive.
-ama'éno'haméohe vai. drive, drive livestock, drive a team. É-ama'éno'haméohe. He drove. Category: livestock, drive.
-e'a'ov vta. drive up s.o. É-e'a'ovóho. He drove him up. Initial e'-; Final -a'ov. Category: livestock.
-éna'ov vta. stop driving s.o. especially of driving livestock. É-éna'ovóho. He stopped driving him/them. Initial én-; Final -a'. Category: livestock.
-éva'ov vta. drive s.o. here and there. É-éva'ovóho. He drove him/them here and there. For example, he drove a wild horse here and there. Initial év-; Final -a'. Category: livestock, move.
-he-ahkamétanó vai. chew cud?? É-he-ahkamétáno. He is chewing his cud. Category: livestock.
-hésta'ov vta. drive s.o. from there. Énėx-hésta'ovóho. He drove him/them from there. Initial hést-; Final -a'. Category: livestock, move.
-heta'ovo'hamém vta. drive s.o. as livestock, herd s.o. Ná'ȯhtšeéevésėtsė-heta'ovo'hamémo. I used to go around herding with him. Category: livestock, interpersonal.
hévoetanȧháhotóá'e na. milk cow. Synonym hévoetanȧháhotóá'e. Category: livestock.
hévoetanȧhá'haméstotȯtse ni. milkers. Ques: recheck?? spelling does not agree with pronunciation See: hévoetanȧháve'ho'éotóá'e. Category: livestock, check.
-hévoetanȧhán vta. milk s.o. Lit: wring-breast especially to milk a cow. É-hévoetanȧhano. He milked her. É-hévoetanȧhánóho. He milked her. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -tanahá. Category: livestock.
-hévoetanȧháno'hamé vai. milk. livestock; especially cows. Lit: wring-breast-livestock É-hévoetanȧháno'hāme. He is milking. Variant: -hévoetanȧho'hamé; BodyPartMedial -tanahá; fai: -o'ham. Category: livestock.
hévoetanȧháno'hamémȧhéó'o ni. dairy barn. Category: livestock, buildings.
hévoetanȧháve'ho'éotóá'e na. milk cow. Synonym hévoetanȧháhotóá'e. See: hotóá'e. Category: livestock.
-ho'a'ovo'hamé vai. bring in livestock, arrive with livestock. É-ho'a'ovo'hāme. He brought in the horses. Éstȧ-ho'a'ovo'hamesėstse hevenȯtse tséxho'tatse. He drove his animals to where his tepee was. [1987:171] Category: horses, livestock.
-ho'a'ovo'haméohe vai. bring in livestock quickly, arrive with livestock quickly. É-ho'a'ovo'haméohe. He arrived with livestock quickly. Héva hó'taotá'eévėhoháeméo-ho'a'ovo'haméoestse Like no matter how early in the morning he brings the horses. Category: horses, livestock.
-hóohta'ovo'hamé vai. drive livestock home. É-hóohta'ovo'hāme. He drove his horses home. [1987:171] É-hóohta'ovo'hāme. He drove his horses home. Initial hóoht-; Final -a'ovo'hamé. Category: horses, livestock.
-hóosevo'e'ov vta. drive s.o. home, home - drive s.o. for example, to drive cattle back home. É-hóosevo'e'ovóho. He drove him home. (as driving cattle). Né'évȧ-hóosevo'e'ovenano! Drive them back home! Category: livestock, move.
-hosóva'éno'hamé vai. drive backwards, back up. This can also refer to making cattle back up. É-hosóva'éno'hāme. He backed up driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. See: -hosóvo'ȧhéotse. Category: livestock, drive.
-hóvo'ooha'ov vta. surround s.o., round up s.o. for example, of rounding up livestock. É-hóvo'ooha'ovóho. He rounded them up. Tséstaéšetšėšė-hóvo'ooha'óvȯse éstaasenȯhtséoohé'tovósesto néhe tsétáhoese. After he rounded them up he started looking for his mount. [The Lost Horse.012] Category: livestock.
-hoxotsévan vta. castrate s.o. É-hoxotsévanóho. He castrated him (for example, a calf). tsé-hoxotsévanėstse hetane a eunuch (lit. a man who has been castrated). Usage: This is the more common pronunciation of the two variants. Variant: -hoxo'otsévan. See: -po'eta'xevá's ‘cut off testicle(s) of s.o.’. Category: horses, livestock.
-'ha(me) fna. livestock. especially horses; cattle. originally, for dog, then extended to other domesticated animals. mo'éhno-'ha horse. he'é-'hame mare (literally, female-horse). vóhpo-'ha white horse. Phon: -me elides when word-final, for example, when singular. Category: livestock.
-'hamé m. livestock. especially horses or cattle. Évoneotsé-'háme. He lost his herd. Variant: -(o)'hamé. Category: livestock, horses.
-manȯhé'seh vta. water s.o. especially of watering a horse or cow. Tȧhé-manȯhé'šeha! Go water him! Ques: manėhé'seh ?? Category: livestock.
-mé'a'ov vta. drive s.o. to appear. É-mé'a'ovóho. He drove him/them to appear. (another recording) Etym: *mo·θkexkawe·wa (P). For example, his cattle appeared (to others) as he drove them home. Category: move, livestock.
-móheva'o'hamé vai. gather livestock. É-móheva'o'hameo'o. They are gathering livestock. Category: livestock.
-moné'hamé vai. pick horse, pick a pet. Lit: choose-livestock É-moné'háme. He picked a horse. Etym: cf *manaɁθemwe·wa ‘he gathers dogs, he steals horses’. Ná-moné'háme póhkéso. I took in the kitty. See: -nomáhto'hamé ‘steal horses’. Category: livestock.
-mȯxe'ho'he vai. branded. É-mȯxe'ho'he. He is branded. for example, of a horse. Category: livestock.
-mȯxe'ho'hévá vai. brand. É-mȯxe'ho'héva. He is branding. É-mȯxe'ho'hévao'o. They are branding. Variant: -mȯxe'ho'hová. Category: livestock.
-mȯxe'ho'h(n) vta. brand s.o. É-mȯxe'ho'nóho. He branded him. Ná-mȯxe'ho'noo'o I branded them. Mȯxe'ho'heha! Brand him! Lit: write.on-by.tool Category: livestock.
-mȯxe'ho'hová vai. brand. É-mȯxe'ho'hōva He branded. Variant: -mȯxe'ho'hévá. Category: livestock.
mȯxe'ovahtȯtse ni. brand. for livestock. Plural mȯxe'ováhtotȯtse. Category: livestock.
-nȧha'ónȯsané vai. 1 • rope, lasso. É-nȧha'ónȯsáne. He is roping.
2 • court, date. vta: nȧha'ónot. See: nȧha'ósané. Category: livestock.
-no'ónot vta. rope s.o. É-no'ónotóho. He roped him. hōva nėhéóhe tséhetaa'-no'ónoese any animal that was roped there. [1987:95] See: -nȧha'ónot; -nȧha'en. Category: livestock.
-nonótova'éno'hamé vai. drive livestock fast, drive fast. É-nonótova'éno'hāme. He drove horses fast / he drove fast. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: livestock.
-po'evėšévan vta. dehorn s.o. É-po'evėšévanóho. He dehorned him. Category: livestock.
-sé'oone vai. water. Nėhéóhe mó'ȯhkėho'ė-sé'oonėhevóhe. There they came to water. [Mountain stories.125] Category: horses, livestock.
-sé'oonean vta. take s.o. to water, lead s.o. to water. especially of taking livestock to a watering hole. Sé'ooneaneha! Take him to water! Ques: -sé'óonean?? Category: livestock, check.
-ta'ovo'hamé vai. herd cattle, herd livestock. É-ta'ovo'hāme. He herded (livestock). Nėhéóhe náháa'éšenėšeéšee'e tsé-ta'ovo'haméstove. There for a long time I grew up herding. [Ranch Life.016] Category: livestock.
-tamévésé vai. dehorned. É-tamévésé. He is dehorned. Reduplicated -totámévésé. Category: livestock.
-tȯhevo'áeto'hamé vai. harness livestock. É-tȯhevo'áeto'hāme. He harnessed up the horse(s). See: -tóva'eto'hamé. Category: livestock.
-totámévésé vai. stump antlers, dehorned. É-totámévése. He has stump horns / antlers. for example, short or cut off horns. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tamévésé. Category: animals, livestock.
-tóva'eto'haméoohe vai. hitch horses quickly. É-tóva'eto'haméoohe. He quickly hitched up the horses. fai: -o'hamé. Category: livestock.
-tsėheta'óvo'hamé vai. herd livestock. É-tsėheta'óvo'hāme. He is herding livestock. Category: horses, livestock.