-a'ko'tonohe vai. have hair braided in a bun, have hair in a chignon. É-a'ko'tonohe. Her hair is (braided) in a bun. Category: hair.
-a'óeasé vai. have hair tied in a topknot. braids are worn at the same time; Crow men sometimes have this hairstyle. É-a'óéáse. His hair is cut short and curled in a hump in front. Etym: *pexkwampeθwe·wa (P). Category: hair.
-a'óeaséehe vai. have hair tied in a topknot. É-a'óeaséehe. His hair is all brought back and tied in front. done in a ceremony; something like the style of Woody Woodpecker. Category: hair.
-é'komėstséá'e vai. greasy hair; have greasy hair. É-é'komėstséá'e. He has greasy hair. É-é'komėstséao'o. They have greasy hair. Phon: vs Category: hair.
-háa'ėsta'é vai. have long hair. É-háa'ėstā'e. He has long hair. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Usage: probably more commonly used than -tsėhe'ėsta'é Synonym -tsėhe'ėsta'é. Category: hair.
Háa'ėsta'éhe na. Long Hair. General George Custer's Indian name. Háa'ėsta'éhe tséh-vonanėse when Custer was wiped out. Variant: Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe. Category: hair, names.
-há'ėhá'ke vai. have thin bushy hair. old word; somewhat humorous. É-há'ėhá'ke. He has thin hair and it is all bushy. Category: hair.
há'há'e p. tangled hair. This is an old word referring to tangled hair. See: -moméhe'xá'e. Category: hair.
-háto'ėstséá'e vai. have bushy hair. É-háto'ėstséá'e. He has bushy hair. Morph: /-háto'ehtéá/. See: -pe'pe'ėstséá'e. Category: hair.
-he'kóovėstséá'e vai. have wet hair. É-he'kóovėstséá'e. He has wet hair. Category: hair.
-he-ma'óhkeene inc.n. plume. that is, wear a feather in the hair as a decoration. See: ma'óhkeen. éhe-ma'óhkeene. He is wearing a feather. Category: hair.
-he-mé'šené vai. pubic hair - have. É-he-mé'šéne. He has pubic hair. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: mé'šéne; mé'šéno. Category: vulgar, hair.
-henénó'sané vai. have nits, nits - have. É-henénó'sáne. He has nits. Synonym -heseené'same; Possessive -htsenenó'same. See: he- ‘have’. Category: hair.
-heóva'é vai. have yellow hair. É-heóvá'e. He has yellow hair. [pd263] Etym: *wesa·wexkwe·wa. Category: hair, colors.
-heóvovése vai. have yellow hair. É-heóvovése. He has yellow hair. BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: body, hair.
-heseené'same vai. have nits, nits - have. Éma'xė-heseené'same. He has lots of nits. Ques: end with same or sane?? Synonym -henénó'sané; Possessive -htsenenó'same. See: he-; hestaeme. Category: sickness, hair, check.
-he-séno'ėhasené vai. have a pin. can refer to wearing a brass pin on a coat. É-heséno'ėhaseneo'o They have pins/barrettes (can also be a brass pin on a coat). See: he- ‘have’; séno'ėhasēō'o ‘pin, broach, barrette’. Category: hair, hair.
-hesó'xovése vai. silky hair - have. É-hesó'xovése. He has silky/fine silky hair. BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: hair.
-he-staeme vai. have lice, have head lice, have bugs. É-hestaeme. He has lice. Éma'xė-hestaeme. He has lots of lice. Né-hestaemehe? Do you have lice? Nésáa-hestaemėhehe? Don't you have lice? Násáa-hestaeméhe. I don't have lice. Náéšė-hestaeme. I already have head lice. Possessive -htaeme. See: he- ‘have’. Etym: *wetehkomiwa. Category: hair, bugs.
-hesto'tonohe vai. braided hair. Ques: tó'?? É-hesto'tonohe. He has braided hair. (another recording) É-hesto'tonȯheo'o. They have braided hair. Category: hair, check.
-hesto'tonȯhené vai. braid hair. É-hesto'tonȯhēne. He is braiding hair. [pd] Category: check, record, hair.
-hesto'tonoh(n) vta. braid hair of s.o. É-hesto'tonȯhnóho. He braided his (someone else's) hair. (another recording) É-hesto'tonȯhnóho hevéxaho. He is braiding his grandchild's hair. Tsévéstoemo ná-hesto'tonohe. My spouse braided my hair. Tsévéstoemóto ná-hesto'tonohe. (alternate pronunciation) My wife braided my hair. É-hesto'tonȯhestse. He braided his (own) hair. É-hesto'tonohe. He is braided (has braided hair). É'ȯhkeéeméo-hesto'tonȯhnóvȯsesto hetaneo'o tsévéstoemóvose. Men used to braid their wives' hair in the morning. Phon: This word is one of several which often is transcribed as having a high pitch on the vowel immediately preceding the glottal stop ('). Some speakers, in some contexts, do seem to have a pitch value higher than the expected low pitch on such a vowel. Itis not a true phonemic high pitch, but rather a kind of phonetic (surface) pitch change,the raise occurring because of the greater throat constriction due to the following glottal stop. We are calling this phenomenon Glottal Raising (GR). Some other forms which sometimes experience GR (and hence will, in some transcriptions, have high pitches recorded) are: ma'xe- 'big', -hesta'amas 'wound s.o. by shooting', -oto'xovahe 'be capable', tsé-ó'hoésta 'cliff', -tsėheta'ovo'hamé (especially the first /a/) 'herd cattle',-nėhpo'an 'close s.t./s.o'. Antonym -séva'én. Category: hair.
-hestséevȧhevo'tonohe vai. have a braid lock. worn along with four braids around the head. É-hestséevȧhevo'tonohe. He has a braid lock on the top of his head. Category: hair.
-heše'kévėstséá'e vai. dirt in hair - have. É-heše'kévėstséá'e. He has dirt in his hair. BodyPartMedial -htséá. Phon: vs Category: hair.
hohpo'eáseehestȯtse ni. barrette. Lit: gather-tie(hair)-NOM Plural hohpo'eáseehéstotȯtse. Category: groom, hair.
-hohpó'hovésé vai. have coarse hair. É-hohpó'hovése. He has coarse hair. (another recording) Ques: recheck pó' pitch?? BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: hair, check.
-hóxe'o'eásen vta. smooth hair of s.o. É-hóxe'o'eásenahtse. He is smoothing his (own) hair (by hand). Category: hair.
-hóxe'tséene'eh(n) vta. comb hair of s.o. É-hóxe'tseene'ėhestse. He combed his own hair. Usage: less frequently used than -tseene'eh See: -tseene'eh(n); -hóxe'ó. Category: hair.
-htseévavo'tonȯhestȯtse ni. Gram: poss backwards braid. Category: check, hair.
-htsėsto'tonȯhésot ni. Gram: poss braid (poss). Nȧ-htsėsto'tonȯhésotȯtse my braids. [Wrapped Braids.009] Category: hair.
-ka'ovése vai. have short hair. É-ka'ovése. He has short hair. BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: hair, body.
-kėhaénevo'tonohe vai. have a Chinese braid. Lit: slit-eyed-braided É-kėhaénevo'tonohe. He has a Chinese (lit. slant eyed) braid. Category: hair.
-ma'ovésé vai. red hair - have. É-ma'ovése. He has red hair. (another recording) BodyPartMedial -ovésé. See: me'ko ‘head, hair’. Category: hair.
Ma'ovéséhe na. Red Hair. Category: names, hair.
-mamaéné vai. be curly haired. É-mamaéne. He is curly haired. Usage: less commonly said than –mamȧhka'é Lit: curly-face ?? Category: check. See: -mamȧhka'é. Category: hair.
-mamaestséá'e vai. curly haired, kinky haired, very curly head. É-mamaestséá'e. He has kinky hair/she has a really curly perm. Phon: vs See: -mamȧhka'é. Category: hair.
-mamȧhka'é vai. be curly haired. É-mamȧhkā'e. He is curly headed. (another recording) Nétáve-mamȧhka'ehe? Are you slightly curly haired? tsé-mamȧhkā'hėstse the one who is curly haired. Éohkėsáaháevóoméheo'o tsé-mamȧhka'ese. Those who are curly haired are not seen much. ?? BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -mamaestséá'e; -mamȧhkovésé; -mamaéné. Category: hair.
mamȧhka'ého'estȯtse vai. curling iron. Variant: mamȧhka'ého'hestȯtse. Category: groom, hair.
-mamȧhka'ého'he vai. get a perm. É-mamȧhka'ého'he. She is getting a perm. Lit: curly-head-by.heat Category: hair.
mamȧhka'ého'hestȯtse ni. curling iron. Variant: mamȧhka'ého'estȯtse. Category: groom, hair.
mamȧhka'estȯtse ni. perm. Lit: curly hair thing Category: new, hair.
-mamȧhkovésé vai. have curly hair. É-mamȧhkovése. He has curly hair. refers to naturally curly hair. See: -mamȧhka'é. Medial -ovésé. Category: hair.
-mé'hovahe vai. furry, hairy. for example, of a white man who is hairy. É-mé'hovahe. He is hairy. Category: hair, check.
-mé'hováveesé vai. hairy nose. É-mé'hováveēse. He has a hairy nose. Category: hair, nose.
-mé'hovávėhe'oná vai. have hairy hands. Vé'hó'e éta-mé'hovávėhe'onao'o. Whitemen have hairy hands. [1987:221] Category: hands, hair.
-mé'hováve'está vai. hairy ears. É-mé'hováve'ēsta. He has hairy ears. BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: hair, ears.
-mé'hovávéné vai. hairy faced. É-mé'hovávéne. He has a hairy face. Vé'hó'e éohkemȧhe-mé'hováveneo'o. Whitemen have hairy faces. [1987:221] BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -mé'šéné ‘hairy faced’. Category: face, hair.
me'ko nétȧhévȧhó'ȯhéó'o ni. hair dye. Ques: recheck ending ?? Category: check. See: nétȧhévȧho'ȯhn. Category: hair, colors, new.
mé'konásésto ni. braid tie. Variant: mé'konáséto, mé'konásestȯtse. Category: groom, hair.
mé'konásestȯtse ni. braid holder. Plural mé'konásėstotȯtse; Variant: mé'konáséto, mé'konásésto. Category: groom, hair.
-mé'kone inc.n. have hair, have a head. Ésó'ma'xė-he-mé'kone. He still has lots of hair. Nésó'he-mé'konehe? Do you still have hair? IndepNoun me'ko. See: -mé'hovahe. Category: hair.
-mé'konémeeho'tá vii. smell of burnt hair. É-mé'konémeehō'ta. It smells of burnt hair. Category: smell, hair.
-mé'šėšené vai. hairy chest. É-mé'šėšéne. He has hair on his chest. BodyPartMedial -šené. See: -šeeoná ‘chest’; -mé'šéné ‘hairy faced’; -he-mé'šené ‘have pubic hair’. Category: body, hair.
-móheno'a'ham vta. pull hair of s.o. É-móheno'a'hamóho. He pulled his (other person's) hair. Náma'xe-móheno'a'hāmo. I jerked him by the hair. É-móheno'a'hamȧhtseo'o. They are pulling each other's hair. Category: hair.
mo'éhno'haméme'ko ni. horse hair, Horse Head. Ques: Is this a common word?? Category: check. Ques: possibly also a name, Horse Head See: me'ko. Category: horses, hair.
-mo'e'évėstséá'e vai. 1 • have grass in hair. can connote having been in the bushes making out. É-mo'e'évėstséá'e. He has grass in his hair.
2 • make out. Category: figurative, hair, plants, romance.
-mo'kȯhtávėstséá'e vai. have black hair. É-mo'kȯhtávėstséá'e. He has black hair. Final -htséá. Phon: vs See: -mo'ȯhtávovésé. Category: hair.
-mo'ȯhtávȧho'há vti. blacken s.t. by heat, dye hair of s.o. black. É-mo'ȯhtávȧhó'ha heme'ko. She dyed her hair (black). Etym: *maxkate·hθaɁsamwa (P). Category: hair.
-mo'ȯhtávȧho'h(n) vta. dye hair of s.o. black. É-mo'ȯhtávȧho'hnóho.?? She dyed her (obv) hair black. Category: hair.
-mo'ȯhtávovésé vai. have black hair. É-mo'ȯhtávovése. He has black hair. (another recording) Medial -ovésé. Category: hair.
-mo'ó'ovésé vai. coarse hair - have. É-mo'ó'ovése. He has coarse hair. Initial mo'ó'-; BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: hair.
-moméhe'xa'é vai. tangled hair. É-moméhé'xá'e. He has tangled hair. BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -moméhe'xá'e. Category: hair.
-momé'šeóhtá vai. have hairy legs. É-momé'šeóhta. He has hairy legs. Etym: *mi·Ɂšika·te·wa (P). Phon: redup Variant: -momé'šėškóhtá; BodyPartMedial -óhtá2. Category: body, hair.
-momé'šėškóhtá vai. have hairy legs. É-momé'šėškóhta He has hairy legs. Variant: -momé'šeóhtá. Category: body, hair.
-na'no'tonohe vai. have three braids. not the normal style. É-na'no'tonohe. He has three braids. Category: hair.
-némo'eehe vai. wrapped hair. For example, men used to wrap their braids with cloth. É-némo'eehe. His hair is wrapped. Oha hetaneo'o éohkeée-némo'eeheo'o. He'eo'o éohkėsáa-némo'eehéheo'o. Only men have wrapped braids. Women do not wrap their braids. [1987:391] Variant: -némo'keehe. Category: hair.
némo'eehestȯtse ni. wrapped braid. Plural némo'eehéstotȯtse. Category: hair.
-némo'keehe vai. wrapped hair - have. É-némo'keehe. He/She has braided hair. Variant: -némo'eehe. Category: hair, groom.
-némo'tonohe vai. have a crooked braid. It is considered improper to wear a crooked braid. É-némo'tonohe. He has a crooked braid. Category: hair.
-néso'tonohe vai. have two braids. É-néso'tonohe. He has two braids. Medial -o'tonohe. Category: hair.
-nėše'šeovésé vai. wash hair. É-nėše'šeovése. He washed his (own) hair. Category: hair, groom.
nėšeše na. mourner. Tā'se nėšeše. "(You look) like a mourner!" That was said when people first started cutting hair, since Cheyennes used to cut their hair to show that they were in mourning. vai: -nėšéševe. See: nėšéše'e. Category: hair.
nėšéšé'e na. mourning woman. Tā'se nėšéše'eo'o. (They look) like mourning women. That was said when, due to white influence, people first starting cutting girls' hair. Category: death, hair.
-nėšéševe vai. mourn, grieve, sorrow, wail. É-nėšéševe. He is in mourning. traditionally with hair cut off. No'keāā'e é-nėšéševeo'o. They are mourning for a year. A year is the traditional length of time for mourning. É-nėšéševo hestséta'e. Her gland is mourning (that is, it is swollen). The "call-back" for the end of mourning is referred to with the stem -évaonóom (pv. éva- 'back' + -onóom 'call/invite'). Usage: obsolescing See: -pó'ona'e. Category: hair, death.
-névo'tonohe vai. have four braids. É-névo'tonohe. He has four braids. fai: -o'tonohe. Category: hair.
-no'ko'tonohe vai. single braided. É-no'ko'tonohe. He has a single braid. Category: hair.
-noónȧho'tá vii. be faded from the sun. É-noónȧhó'ta. It is faded from the sun. É-noónȧho'tatse heme'ko. His hair is faded (from the sun). Initial noón-; fii: -aho'tá. Category: hair.
-noónovésé vai. Medial -ovésé. have faded hair. É-noónovése He had faded hair. Category: hair.
-o'hémėstséá'e vai. lack hair. É-o'hémėstséá'e. He doesn't have much hair. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -htséá. Category: hair.
-ó'tonohe m. braided. Épėhév-o'tonohe. It is braided well. Énés-o'tonohe. He has two braids. Énév-o'tonohe. He has four braids. Category: hair.
-onémo'táo'o'tonohe vai. have braids all the way around the head. É-onémo'táo'o'tonohe. She is braided all the way around her head. Category: hair.
-oo'ėstséá'e vai. bald. how white babies are born. É-oo'ėstséá'e. He is bald. Phon: vs Variant: -oo'kėstséá'e; Medial -htséá. Category: hair, head.
-oo'ėstséáohtsé vai. hair thin. É-oo'ėstséáóhtse. His hair is thinning. Náéšease.-oo'ėstséáóhtse. I'm already starting to get bald. Category: hair.
-oo'kahe vai. 1 • bare, mangy. especially of a mangy dog. É-oo'kahe. His hair has fallen out.
2 • poor, destitute. Category: figurative. Éxae-oo'kahe. He is very poor, doesn't have anything. See: -oeve. Category: dogs, hair.
-oo'ka'é vai. hair worn bare. É-oo'kā'e. His hair is worn off. Lit: bare-head Category: hair.
-oo'kėstséá'e vai. bald. É-oo'kėstséá'a. He is bald headed. Phon: vs; this and other 'bald; bare' forms with -oo'(k)e sound like the second /o/ is an e, but it most likely is /o/ which is fronted by the vowel (and possibly k) following the oo' sequence Variant: -oo'ėstséá'e; Reduplicated -ooo'kėstséá'e; Medial -htséá. Category: hair, head.
-oo'kóhtas vta. cut hair of s.o. Category: check. É-oo'kóhtȧsóho. He cut his hair. (also -oo'óhtȧsóho). Étaome-oo'kóhtȧxestse. She cut her (own) hair by herself. Náto'sėhé-oo'kóhtaxe. I'm going to have my hair cut. Category: hair, cut.
-oo'kóhtaxe vai. get a haircut. Étȧhé-oo'kóhtaxe. He went to get a haircut. É-oo'kóhtaxe. He got a haircut. Né-oo'kóhtȧxenehe? Did you get a haircut? Ques: nahe?? vta: -oo'kóhtas. Category: hair, check.
-oo'kóhtȧxová vai. cut hair. É-oo'kóhtȧxóva. He cut hair. See: oo'kóhtȧxováhe ‘barber’. Category: hair, cut.
-oo'kovésé vai. have sparse hair. É-oo'kovése. He has sparse hair. Category: hair.
-ooo'kėstséá'e vai. bald in different places. for example, hair coming out in various spots on the head. Non-reduplicated -oo'kėstséá'e. É-ooo'kėstséá'e. His hair is coming out in various places. Category: hair, head.
-ovésé mbp. hair. Éma'-ovése. He has red hair. Éka'-ovése. He has short hair. Évóhp-ovése. He has white (or gray) hair. Émo'ȯhtáv-ovése. He has black hair. Éhohpó'h-ovése. He has coarse hair. É-séhpovésénóho. She combed the tangles out of her hair. (newer pronunciation). IndepNoun me'ko. See: -a'(k)é. Category: body, hair.
-pėhéve'ėsta'é vai. good hair. É-pėhéve'ėstā'e. He has nice hair. See: -pėhévovésé. Category: hair.
-pėhévo'tonohá vti. braid s.t. good. É-pėhévo'tonōha. He braided it good. See: -hesto'tonohá. Category: hair.
-pėhévo'tonohe vii. braided well.
vai. braided well. Épėhév-o'tonohe. It/He is braided well. Final -ó'tonohe. Category: hair.
pėhévo'tonȯhestȯtse ni. good braid. Plural pėhévo'tonȯhéstotȯtse. Category: hair, check.
-pėhévovésé vai. good hair. É-pėhévovése. He has nice hair. See: -pėhéve'ėsta'é. Category: hair.
-pe'pe'ėstséá'e vai. messy hair, uncombed hair. É-pe'pe'ėstséá'e. He has messy hair. for example, to have windblown hair. See: -háto'ėstséá'e; -pe'pe'ovésé. Category: hair.
-pe'pe'ėstséa'o'h vta. mess up hair of s.o. Ná-pe'pe'ėstséá'ó'ho. I messed up his hair. Category: hair.
-pe'pe'ėstséáóó'e vai. have messy hair, have hair tangled up. É-pe'pe'ėstséáóó'e. His hair is all messy, tangled up. É-pe'pe'ėstséaoeo'o. Their hair is all messy. See: -pe'peėstsea'e. Category: hair.
-pe'pe'ėstséavenóohe vai. appearance with bushy hair. É-pe'pe'ėstséavenóohe. It looks like he has bushy hair. Category: hair.
-pe'pe'ovésé vai. have messy hair. É-pe'pe'ovése. He has messy hair. See: -pe'pe'ėstséá'e. Category: hair.
-pénovésehe vai. comb hair, brush hair. É-pénovésehe. He combed his (own) hair. Pénovéseestse! Comb your hair! Nééšė-pénovésėhehe? Did you already comb/brush your hair? Héehe'e, náéše-pénovésehe. Yes, I already combed/brushed my hair. Néta-pénovéseestse! Let me comb your hair! See: -pénovéseh(n); -hóxe'tseene'ehe; -tseene'éhe. Category: hair.
-pénovéseh(n) vta. comb hair of s.o., brush hair of s.o. É-pénovésėhestse. He is combing his own hair. É-pénovésėhahtse. (another pronunciation) He is combing his own hair. Pénovéseha! Comb his hair! Category: hair, groom.
-poetováotse vai. hair stand up. especially from fear, for example, from thinking someone is following you. É-poetováotse. His hair is standing up. See: -hestsėskóveotse; -homáotse. Category: hair, check.
-séhpovése vai. have straight hair. Lit: stretched.out-hair É-séhpovése. He has straight hair. Ques: s[ehp[ov[ese?? BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: hair, check.
-séhpovésén vta. comb tangles out of hair of s.o. É-séhpovéseno. She combed the tangles out of her (obv) hair. É-séhpovésénóho. She combed the tangles out of her (obv) hair. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: hair.
-sé'senóhtaxe vai. shaved bald. This is to have a haircut right down to the scalp, as happens in military boot camp. É-sé'senóhtaxe. He was shaved bald. See: -sé'ėspotseehe. Category: hair.
séno'ėhasēō'o ni. pin, broach, barrette. Plural séno'ėhaseonȯtse. Category: hair.
séno'énetsénėsestȯtse ni. hair ornament. Ques: énené?? Category: hair, check.
-séno'ėšem vta. pin s.o. ?? É-séno'ėšemóho. He pinned him. ?? Tseene'éheono é-séno'ėšemóho. She had combs (in her hair). Category: hair, check.
-séškėstséá'e. vai. have thin; sparse hair. É-séškėstséá'e His hair is thin (sparse). Category: hair.
-séškovése vai. thin hair, sparse hair, hair - sparse, hair - thin. É-séškovése. He has thin hair. Category: hair.
-séva'é vai. unbraided, hair hang down without being fixed. especially said of a person who would sometimes wear braids. É-sévá'e. She is unbraided. Initial sév-; BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: hair.
-séva'e'oh(n) vta. unbraid hair of s.o. Ques: recheck?? É-séva'e'ȯhnóho. He unbraided his (other person's) hair. Tsétó'hešeénȯxe'eotséto náto'seévȧ-séva'e'ohahtse. As soon as my picture is taken, I'm going to unbraid my hair. [Wrapped Braids.009] Category: hair, check.
-séva'én vta. unbraid hair of s.o. especially of someone mourning. É-séva'eno. He unbraided his/her hair. É-séva'énóho. He unbraided his/her hair. (newer pronunciation). Éstano'-séva'énȧhtséhoo'o. She also let down (unbraided) her (own) hair (in mourning). [1987:266] Antonym -hesto'tonoh(n). Category: death, hair.
-tȧhpe'ėstséá'e vai. have a big head. É-tȧhpe'ėstséá'e. He has a big, bushy (?? BodyPartMedial -htséá. Phon: vs Category: hair, head.
-tȧhpe'ovésé vai. have big (for example, coarse) hair. É-tȧhpe'ovése. He has big (for example, coarse) hair. Category: hair.
-tamóhtaxe vai. have bangs (in hair). Lit: blunt-cut É-tamóhtaxe. She has bangs. Category: hair.
-tó'ėstá'e vai. have long hair. É-tó'ėstá'e. He has long hair. BodyPartMedial -a'é; Non-reduplicated -tsėhe'ėsta'é; Antonym -tsėhe'kėsta'é. Phon: redup Category: hair.
-tó'ėsto'tonohe vai. long braided; have long braids. É-tó'ėsto'tonohe. He has long braids. Phon: redup Category: hair.
-tónovovésé vai. have thick hair. É-tónovovése. He has thick (quantity) hair. can be said of a newborn baby. BodyPartMedial -vésé. Category: hair.
too'só'hestȯtse ni. Gram: pl hair tie. Plural too'só'hestotȯtse. Category: groom, hair.
-totšéškėhane'é vai. bushy nape. É-totšéškėhanē'e. He has a bushy nape. BodyPartMedial -hane'é; Initial tšéške-. Category: hair, body.
-totšéško'tonohe vai. braids stick out. É-totšéško'tonohe. His braids stick out. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tšéško'tonohe. Category: hair.
-tóvasé vai. have parted hair. É-tóváse. His hair is parted. Category: hair.
-tóvȧsehe vai. part hair. This is to part one's own hair. É-tóvȧsehe. He is parting his (own) hair. vta: -tóvȧséh(n), -tóvȧsét. Category: hair.
tóvȧséheonȯtse ni. Gram: pl hair parters. Category: groom, hair.
-tóvȧséh(n) vta. part hair of s.o. Ná-tóvȧséhno. I parted his hair. See: -tóvȧsét. Category: hair.
-tóvȧsén vta. part hair of s.o. Náxanove-tóvȧséno. I parted his hair straight. See: -tóvas. Category: hair.
-tóvȧsét vta. part hair of s.o. Ná-tóvȧséto. I parted his hair. Tóvȧséheha! Part her hair! Nés-tóvȧseestse! Part my hair! See: -tóvȧséh(n). Category: hair.
-tseene'ehe vai. comb hair, smooth hair, brush hair. É-tseene'ehe. He combed (his own) hair. Né-tseene'ėhehe? Did you comb your hair? Naa hápó'e nésáa'éšeméo-tseene'éhéhe. And you too you did not comb your hair yet this morning. Tseene'eestse! Comb your hair! (another recording) Néta-tseene'eestse. Let me brush your hair. See: -pénovésehe. Category: hair.
tseene'éheo'o na. comb. (another recording) Tseene'éheono éséno'ėšemóho. She had combs (in her hair). Plural tseene'éheono; Obviative tseene'éheono. See: pénovésėhestȯtse. Category: hair.
-tseene'éh(n) vta. comb hair of s.o. É-tseene'ehno. He combed his (other person's) hair. É-tseene'éhnóho. He combed his (other persons) hair. (newer pronunciation). É-tseene'éhestse. He combed his (own) hair. Tseene'éestse! Comb your hair! See: -pénovésehe. Category: hair, groom.
-tseévavo'tonohe vii. braided backwards. Category: check, hair.
-tsėhe'ėsta'é vai. long hair - have; have long hair. É-tsėhe'ėstā'e. He has long hair. BodyPartMedial -a'é; Synonym -háa'ėsta'é; Antonym -tsėhe'kėsta'é ‘short haired’; Reduplicated -tó'ėsta'é. Usage: probably -háa'ėsta'é is more commonly used See: -háa'ėsta'é; -ovésé; me'ko. Category: hair.
Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe na. Long Hair. Custer's Indian name. Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe Tséh-vonānėse Battle of the Little Bighorn. Lit: when Custer (Long Hair) was wiped out BodyPartMedial -a'é ‘hair’; Variant: Háa'ėsta'éhe. Category: warfare, hair.
-tsėhe'kėsta'é vai. have short hair. É-tsėhe'kėstā'e. He has short hair. Assimilated -tšėhe'kėsta'é; Antonym -tsėhe'ėsta'é. See: -ka'ovésé. Category: hair.
-tšéškėstséáóó'e vai. hair stick out. É-tšéškėstséáóó'e. His hair is sticking out. BodyPartMedial -stséá; fai: -óó'e. Category: hair.
-tšéško'tonohe vai. braid stick out. É-tšéško'tonohe. His braid is sticking out. Reduplicated -totšéško'tonohe. Category: hair.
-tšéškovéséóó'e vai. hair stick up, hair protrude. É-tšéškovéséóó'e. His hair is sticking up. Category: hair.
-vé'sovésé vai. have fine (textured) hair. É-vé'sovése. He has fine hair. BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Etym: cf *pi·Ɂsa·θexkwe·wa (P) ‘he has fine hair’. Category: hair.
-vóhpa'é vai. have white hair. É-vóhpá'e. He has white hair. (another recording) Etym: *wa·pexkwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: hair.
-vóhpėstséá'e vai. have white hair. É-vóhpėstséá'e. He has white hair/He is blond. Category: hair.
-vóhpovésé vai. light hair. É-vóhpovése. He has light colored hair. This hair color could be white or gray. BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: body, hair.
-vó'hestséá'e vai. have a round bald spot on the head. É-vó'hestséá'e. He has a round bald spot on his head. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -stséá. Category: hair, head.
-vone'ėsta'é vai. long hair. É-vone'ėstā'e. He has long hair. BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -tsėhe'ėsta'é; -tó'ėsta'é; -háa'ėsta'é. Category: hair, size, quantity.
-xanovetóvȧsén vta. part hair of s.o. straight. Ná-xanovetóvȧséno. I parted his hair straight. See: -tóvȧsén; -tóvas. Category: hair.
xo'éstaahtȯtse ni. hair tonic, hair oil. Category: hair.
-xo'éstáá'e vai. apply hair oil, salve. É-xo'éstáá'e. He is putting hair oil on. Né-xo'éstaehe? Did you grease your hair? É-xo'éstaeo'o. They are putting hair oil on. Phon: vs See: Ma'heónėxo'éstaenėstse. Category: hair.