-ahanó'sané vai. bite. Any creatures can do this, including snakes. É-ahanó'sáne. He bit. Variant: -ahanó'sené; vti: -ahanóhtá; vta: -ahanom. Category: snakes.
-ahanó'sené vai. bite. Any creatures can do this, including snakes. É-ahanó'séne. He bit. [The Snakebite.047] Variant: -ahanó'sané; vti: -ahanóhtá; vta: -ahanom. Category: snakes.
a'kėstséahe na. copperhead (snake). Lit: compact-head-one Category: snakes.
a'kėstséašé'šenovȯtse na. cobra. Lit: compact-head-snake Category: snakes.
-amevonehné vai. crawl. Ques: crawl along?? for example, of a baby or snake. É-amevonēhne. He is crawling. (another recording) fai: -vonehné. Category: snakes, babies, check.
-amóneešé vai. along.ropelike.lie, lie there (of stringlike object). É-amónééše. He (ropelike) is lying (there). especially of a snake or rope. Medial -ón. Category: snakes, shapes.
-énoomá vai. molt. Lit: end-robe É-énoōma. He (especially a snake) is molting. Category: snakes.
hesó'xemehne na. 1 • blue racer (snake). Lit: slippery-serpent See: mehne. Category: snakes.
2 • Slippery Monster. Category: names.
ne'é'e na. bull snake. Plural ne'é'eo'o; Obviative ne'e'o. Category: snakes.
-nó'ėstóneešé vai. lie over (ropelike). for example, for a snake to lie over the top of a hill. É-nó'ėstónééše. He is lying over. Category: snakes, ropelike, lie.
-oé'koetaneva'xe vai. stick out tongue. É-oé'koetaneva'xe. He (for example, a snake) is sticking out his tongue. BodyPartMedial -tanevá. Category: snakes.
-onémo'táo'etova'ó vai. twist, writhe. É-onémo'táo'etovā'o. He is twisting/his body is writhing. Category: snakes.
-onémo'táo'evonehné vai. writhe while crawling (for example, as a snake). É-onémo'táo'evonēhne He is crawling-writhing. Category: snakes.
-onémo'táo'h vai. writhe intertwined with s.o. É-onémo'táo'hestseo'o. They (especially snakes) are writhing intertwined. Category: snakes.
-onéstaema'ešé vai. lie coiled ropelike. É-onéstaema'ēše. He is lying coiled. for example, of a snake or rope (animate). Category: snakes.
sásėškóvéta na. water snake. Variant: sásȯhkóvéta; Non-diminutive sásóóvéta; Plural sásȯhkóvétáne; Obviative sásȯhkóvétáne. Category: snakes.
sásȯhkóvéta na. watersnake. Ques: recheck underlying pitches?? Variant: sásėškóvéta; Non-diminutive sásóóvéta; Plural sásȯhkóvétáne; Obviative sásȯhkóvétáne. Category: snakes, check.
sásóóvétan na. Ques: recheck pitches?? watersnake, striped watersnake. Plural sásóóvétáne; Obviative sásóóvétáne; Diminutive sásȯhkóvéta. Category: snakes, check.
sášėškóvéta na. watersnake. Variant: sásȯhkóvéta, sásóvéta. Category: reptiles, snakes.
šé'šeno na. rattle. especially a gourd rattle. (another recording) Plural šé'šenono. Morph: /šé'šénon/. Possessive -šé'šenotame, -šé'šenotame. Etym: *ši·ʔši·kwana. See: mȧho'xéno; šé'šenovȯtse. Category: snakes, dance.
-šé'šenotame na. Gram: poss rattle (of snake) (poss.) he-šé'šeenotamo his (snake's) rattle(s) (an.) IndepNoun šé'šeno. Category: snakes.
šé'šenovȯtse na. snake. perhaps original term for 'rattlesnake' but extended to be general term for 'snake'. Plural šé'šenovoto; Obviative šé'šenovoto. Morph: /šé'šénovot/. Lit: rattle(.one) Etym: cf. O zhi·shi·gwe (N); Sh še'ši·kwee0a. See: xamaešé'šenovȯtse ‘rattlesnake’. Category: snakes.
šé'šenovotsé-mȧhtamȯtse Gram: pl ni. snake plants. Lit: snake-foods It is said that snakes eat these flowers so that is how these flowers were named by Cheyennes. Variant: šé'šenovotsévó'ėstse. See: máhtáme ‘food’. Category: snakes.
-tȧhpe'óneehe vai. big (ropelike). É-tȧhpe'óneehe. He (ropelike) is big around. Medial ón. See: -tsėhe'ėstóneehe. Category: snakes, ropelike.
-tó'ėstóneehe vai. long stringlike. É-tó'ėstóneehe. He (stringlike, for example, rope, snake) is long. Category: snakes.
-tónėstóneehe vai. what size of stringlike entity - be of. É-tónėstóneehe? What size is he (ropelike)? for example, about a rope or snake. Category: snakes.
-tónetaa'óneehe vai. how big around (of a ropelike entity). É-tónetaa'óneehe? How big around is he (ropelike for example, rope or snake)? Medial -ón. Category: snakes, ropelike.
-tsėhe'ėstóneehe vai. long (ropelike). É-tsėhe'ėstóneehe. He (ropelike) is long. Medial -ón. See: -tȧhpe'óneehe. Category: snakes, ropelike.
-tšėhe'kėstóneehe vai. short (ropelike). É-tšėhe'kėstóneehe. He (ropelike) is short. Medial -ón. Category: snakes, ropelike.
xamaešé'šenovȯtse na. rattlesnake. Lit: ordindary-snake See: šé'šenovȯtse ‘snake’. Category: snakes.