Cheyenne Dictionary



-áhana'xe   vai. worn out from jerking. This could be from movement during intercourse. É-áhana'xe. He is worn out from jerking. See: -mȧhova'xe. Category: sex.

-áhanȧséh(n)   vta. wear out kill s.o., screw s.o. to death, wear out s.o. with sex. usually not literal death, so this would be an exaggeration. É-áhanȧsehno. He screwed her to death. É-áhanȧséhnóho. He screwed her to death. (newer pronunciation). Mó-áhanȧséhestsėhevóhe. They apparently screwed themselves to death. See: -áhanȧsévo'oh(n). Category: sex, vulgar.

-áhanȧsévo'oh(n)   vta. screw s.o. to death quickly, wear out s.o. with sex quickly. A man might brag like this about how he had sex with a woman. This word refers to faster action than -áhanȧséh(n). É-áhanȧsévo'ȯhnóho. He wore her out screwing her quickly. See: -áhanȧséh(n). Category: sex, vulgar.

-áhano'eéh   vta. exhaust s.o. often refers to wearing out s.o. during sex. É-áhano'eeho. He wore her out from sex. É-áhano'eéhóho. He wore her out from sex. (newer pronunciation). É-áhano'eéhahtse. He wore himself out from sex. Synonym -áhana'xe. See: -má'to'eéh; -nėhe'oot. Category: sex.

-amo'eétahe   vai. 1 • celebrate, perform. É-amo'eétahe. He is putting on a "doings." É-amo'eétȧhéstove. There is a celebration/there is a big doings/activity. tsé-amo'eétaestse he who is putting on a "doings". tsé-amo'eétȧhese the performers of the ceremony. [1987:94] fai: -o'eétahe. Category: social events, do.

2 • have sex. Usage: euphemism, similar to English "He is doing it." Category: sex.

-áva'ó'h   vta. rape s.o. É-áva'o'ho. He raped her. É-áva'ó'hóho. He raped her. (newer pronunciation). Mó'-áva'ó'hohevóhe. He must have raped her (obv). See: -é'ho'oh(n) rape s.o.. Category: violence, vulgar, sex.

-é'ho'eoestoh(n)   vta. rape s.o. quickly, deflower s.o. quickly. Lit: break-suddenly-by.tool The primary meaning of -ého'eoestoh(n) and -ého'oh(n) today seems to be 'to rape s.o.', but presumably the meaning derives from the breaking of the hymen when a man deflowers a woman; Croft (1988:22:21) glossed this verb as 'deflowered' in his 1948 field notes. É-é'ho'eoestȯhnóho. He raped/deflowered her. É'-é'ho'eoestȯhnósesto. He raped her. [Croft 1988:22:21] Medial -oest. See: -é'ho'oh(n); -áva'ó'h; -oó'xevo'oh(n). Category: vulgar, violence, sex.

-é'ho'oh(n)   vta. rape s.o. É-é'ho'ȯhnóho. He raped her. É-é'ho'ohe. She was raped. See: -é'ho'eoestoh(n) rape s.o. quickly; -áva'ó'h rape s.o.; -oó'xevo'oh(n) smash / deflower s.o.. Category: vulgar, sex, violence.

-é'komeotse   vai. greased, lubricated, oiled. Can be said of a woman whose vagina has become lubricated, ready for sex. É-é'komeotse. It/He became greasy. See: -é'komó; -mȧhóová; -hesó'xeotse. Category: sex, vulgar.

-e'xoevo'ešé   vai. 1 • lie with foreskin peeled back.

2 • have intercourse, get screwed. refers to the skin of a penis or vulva getting peeled back during intercourse. É-e'xoevo'ēše. He/She got peeled back. See: -e'xoeoešešé. Category: sex, vulgar.

-e'xȯhosé   vai. peeled back penis - have; penis - peeled back. especially refers to an uncircumcised penis during intercourse. É-e'xȯhōse. His penis is peeled back. BodyPartMedial -ohosé. Category: vulgar, sex.

-éno'eéh   vta. 1 • stop doing (something) to s.o. É-éno'eeho. He stopped doing it to her/him. É-éno'eéhóho. He stopped doing it to her/him. (newer pronunciation). vti: -éno'eéstsé.

2 • heal s.o. É'éva-éno'eehósesto tséxhótoanáe'ėškóhtȧxenatsėse. He healed him when he had a badly broken leg. [1987:109] Usage: obsolescing

3 • end sex with s.o. Usage: Some speakers are bothered by this term, and feel it is inappropriate for referring to healing. Many speakers today avoid using this word. Its primary meaning today seems to refer to ending sex with someone. fta: -o'eéh. See: -énomóhtȧhé'seh. Category: do, sex, vulgar.

-ésȯhóahá'ó   vai. penetrate vagina. Ques: reck spelling ?? É-ésȯhóahá'o. He penetrated (her) vagina. BodyPartMedial -ahá. See: -ésȯhón. Category: vulgar, sex, check.

-ésta'ham   vta. 1 • throw s.o. into. É-ésta'hamóho. He threw him into. tséohke-ésta'hamee'ėstse ma'éxáéne contact lenses (lit. what is put in the eye). Neše tsé'-ésta'hamevȯse énėhe'otse. When two (fingers) are stuck in (a woman's vagina) she has an orgasm. (It can be felt with the fingers.) fta: -a'ham. See: -nėheta'ham; -nėhe'otse.

2 • put s.o. in jail. É-ésta'hamóho. He put him in jail (lit., threw him in). He put him in jail (literally, threw him in). Category: sex, vulgar.

éstȯhosé'ohtȯtse   ni. condom. Lit: into-penis-thing Plural éstȯhosé'ȯhtotȯtse; BodyPartMedial -ohosé. Category: sex.

-éstȯhta'hané   vai. tell a sexy story, sexy story - tell a. Lit: (go).into-tell.story É-éstȯhta'hāne. He told a sexy story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak, vulgar, sex.

-éxoh(n)   vta. impregnate s.o. É-éxȯhnóho. He got her pregnant. See: -hóse'etaov. Category: sex.

-hánȯšėšem   vta. lay s.o. on their back. for example, before sex. É-hánȯšėšemóho. He lay him on his (another person's) back. vai: -hánȯseše. Category: lie, sex.

-he-éhame   vai. have a husband, have sex, copulate. said of a woman. Originally this word referred to having a husband. Over time it has changed to refer to having sex. É-heéhame. She has a husband / had intercourse. tsé-heéhaméto the one who is my husband. vta: -he-éhamé'tov have s.o. as husband / copulate with s.o.; Possessive -éhame husband (poss); IndepNoun heéháme; Antonym -he-stse'éme have a wife / have intercourse. Category: marriage, sex, relatives.

-he-éhamé'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as husband, have sex with s.o., copulate with s.o. Náhe-éhamenȯtse. He is my husband. (also means 'I had sex with him'). Éhe-éhaménoto. She has him as husband. vai: -he-éhame have a husband / have sex; Possessive -éhame husband (poss). Category: relatives, marriage, sex.

-he-éhamétanó   vai. want to have a husband. Previously referred to wanting a husband but today it probably especially refers to wanting a man for intercourse. Éhe-éhamétáno. She wants a husband. See: -he'šétanó. Category: sex.

-he'aná'o'h   vta. corner s.o., get hold of s.o.; even (s.t.) with s.o. can refer to fooling someone into having sex, as in a one night stand. É-he'aná'o'hóho. He got hold of him, cornered him. Tsé'tohe éx-he'aná'o'haesesto xaóne hetane. This skunk cornered a man. [1987:281] Náévȧ-he'aná'ó'ho. I got back at him / I evened the score with him. That can can be in a game or in revenge. He'aná'o'xeha! Go get him! / Punch him out! / Tell him off! Mó-he'aná'o'hohevóhe. He must have fooled her into having sex with him. See: -éstavan. Category: interpersonal, sex.

-he'étáno   vai. want a woman. É-he'étáno. He wants a woman. See: -vévetanó; -ováhe'étanó; -hetanétanó. Category: marriage, sex.

-he'étánootse   vai. want a woman. É-he'étanóotse. He has come to want a woman. See: -vévetanó; -ováhe'étanó. Category: marriage, sex.

-he'koh(n)   vta. 1 • pierce s.o., stick into s.o., prick s.o., butt s.o., inject s.o. É-he'kȯhnóho. He pricked, pierced him. Kȯsáne éohkė-he'kȯhnovo vo'ėstanóho. Goats butt people. [1979:205] Éstatšėšemȧsó-he'kȯhnósesto néhe hoóhtseto ésevone. The buffalo dug its horns into that tree. Ná-he'kȯhēne. I got a shot. É-he'kȯhestse. He gave himself a shot. Tavésė-héhe'koestse! Go get your shot! vai: he'kȯhová. See: he'kešená.

penetrate s.o. sexually. Category: figurative. Mó-he'kȯhehéhe. She was penetrated. Mónėstataomė-he'koestse? Shall I inject you myself? (humorous). Category: vulgar, sex.

-he'konȯhoséóó'e   vai. have an erection. lit., hard-penis-stand. É-he'konȯhoséóó'e. He has an erection. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -(o)hosé; fai: -óé; Antonym -kávȯhoséóó'e. See: -he'koneóó'e; -é'xȯhoséóó'e. Category: sex, vulgar.

-he'kotseoešé   vai. lie still ?? É-he'kotseoēše. She is lying still. can refer to a woman lying still for intercourse and getting pregnant. Móvé'he'kotseoešenȧhéhe. She must have gotten pregnant. ?? See: -he'kotsešé -he'kešé. Category: check, sex.

-he'še   vai. screwed. said of a woman, not a man. É-he'še. She is getting screwed. See: -he'šétanó; -stse'éme. Category: sex, vulgar.

-he'šétanó   vai. in heat, flirt for sex, want sex. said of a woman. É-he'šétáno. She is flirting for sex. [Smith glosses this verb as 'she is in heat.'] See: -he'še; -he-éhamétanó; -hetanétanó; -hémoto'hamé breed; -nėšėho'he; -he-stse'émétanó. Category: sex.

-hémoto'hamé   vai. be in heat. said of dogs, cats; derogatory about an attractive woman who has lots of males after her. É-hémoto'hāme. She (for example, a female dog) is in heat. See: -he'šétanó. Category: dogs, horses, sex, cats.

-heseoestoh(n)   vta. 1 • suck quickly out of s.o. done by medicine men, to suck poison or blood out of someone. É-heseoestȯhnóho. He sucked it out of him.

2 • have oral sex on a man. See: -ó'enéhenáh(n). Category: sex, vulgar, sickness.

-hesó'xan   vti. smooth, make slippery, polish s.t./s.o. É-hesó'xána. He made it slick. Etym: *weša·Ɂšenamwa.

vta. Etym: *weša·Ɂšene·wa (P). É-hesó'xanóho. He smoothed him out. Ná-hesó'xáno. I made her slippery (this can refer to causing a woman to be lubricated in the vagina prior tointercourse). See: -hesó'xoh(n); -é'komeotse; -mȧhóová. Category: surface, sex.

-hesó'xeotse   vii. become slippery, lubricated, smooth.

vai. become slippery, lubricated, smooth. É-hesó'xeotse. It/He became slippery. Etym: *weša·Ɂšipalyiwa (P). This can refer to a woman becoming lubricated in the vagina as part of intercourse. See: -mȧhóová; -é'komeotse. Category: sex.

-hestȯhkó'haséetó   vai. hooked together during mating, mate hooked together. This refers to when the dogs are connected rear to rear during mating. É-hestȯhkó'haséetoo'o. They are hooked together for mating. Category: sex.

-he-stse'éme   vai. Gram: ai+o 1 • have a wife, wife - have a. Lit: have a woman Usage: obsolescent meaning This word originally meant 'have a wife' (literally 'woman') but it changed to mean 'have intercourse', the same change which occurred with -he-véve, which also originally meant 'have a wife'.

2 • sex - have, intercourse - have, copulate. of a man. Éhe-stse'eme. He had sex. Synonym -he-véve have intercourse; vta: -he-stse'éme'tov have intercourse with; IndepNoun hē'e woman. See: hestse'emo his woman / wife; tsévéstoemose the one who is his/her spouse. Etym: *weteθkwe·miwa (P). Category: vulgar, sex.

-he-stse'éme'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o 1 • have s.o. as wife, wife - have s.o. as.

2 • copulate with s.o., intercourse with s.o. - have, screw s.o. Originally meant 'have s.o. as wife (lit. woman)'. This word narrowed in meaning to refer to sexual relations between a man and wife; today it seems that the term is used exclusively for having intercourse with s.o.. Some speakers today say that this word should not be used for the meaning 'have s.o. as wife'. Because of the history of this word, speakers can still make plays on the word, as when a man says, nápėhévėhestse'émenȯtse 'I have a good wife,' but he wants hearers to think of the more usual meaning, 'I had intercourse with her.' In Petter's dictionary the older meaning, 'have s.o. as wife,' is the only one listed, so we assume that the newer meaning has developed since that dictionary was published in 1915. Éhe-stse'émenoto. He has her as wife/he had intercourse with her. Náhe-stse'éme'tova. He had intercourse with me. Náhe-stse'émenȯtse. I had intercourse with her. vai: -he-stse'eme; IndepNoun hē'e; Possessive -htse'eme. See: -he-vévé'tov. Category: vulgar, sex.

-he-stse'émeotsé'tov   vta. have intercourse with s.o., screw s.o. Éhe-stse'émeotsénoto. He had intercourse with her. Éstȧ-hestse'émeotsénȯhoono néhe vé'hó'e. (The rabbit) screwed that whiteman. [Croft 1988:24:23] See: -he-stse'éme'tov. Category: sex, vulgar.

hestse'émestȯtse   ni. intercourse, sex. Category: new, sex, vulgar.

-he-stse'émétanó   vai. want a woman, want sex. Originally this literally referred to wanting a woman, that is, a wife, but it came to mean wanting sex. É-hestse'émétáno. He wants sex. See: -he'šétanó be in heat. Category: marriage, sex.

hestse'kēsta   ni. Gram: poss her vagina (poss.), vagina (poss.) - her. Possessive -htse'kestá; Stem -'kestá2; IndepNoun ma'kēsta. Category: body, vulgar, sex.

hetaneo'o tséohke-véamatanó'tovȧhtsese   Gram: ppl homosexuals. Lit: men who want to sleep with each other vta: véám.

vta. Category: sex.

-he-veve   vai. have intercourse. É-heveve. He (or She) had intercourse. Lit: have-woman Morph: /-he-véve/. Synonym -he-stse'éme. See: he- have; vevėstse horn/antler. Etym: cf. *wi:wali 'his wife'; cf. M we·wew; *wi:wiwa 'he has a wife'. Category: marriage, sex, vulgar.

-he-vévé'tov   vta. have intercourse with s.o. Éhe-vévenoto. He had sex with her. Usage: probably not used as widely as -hestse'émé'tov; this form may be obsolescing now See: -he-stse'émeotsé'tov; -he-stse'émé't. Category: sex, marriage.

-he-vévetanó   vai. want to have intercourse. Lit: wife-want said of a man. Éhe-vévetāno. He wants to have intercourse. See: -he'étanó. Category: sex, vulgar, sex.

-hóesta'hahtsé   vti. throw out s.t. can refer to pulling out penis after intercourse. É-hóesta'hāhtse. He threw it out. See: -hóehéa'hahtsé; -vóho'oestsé; -né'ta'hahtsé. Category: move, sex.

-hóesta'ó   vai. exit quickly, go out quickly, be out, out. É-hóestā'o. He is out (as in baseball). naa mó-é'óx-hóesta'otsėse or whether (the gum) flew out of (his mouth). [1987:277] can refer to a man disengaging quickly after intercourse. Final -a'ó. Category: baseball, sex.

ho'améstoto   na. Gram: pl seminal fluid. Lit: shot ma'xėho'améstoto is used jokingly as a literal translation from English 'big shot', to refer in Cheyenne to 'a big amount of seminal fluid'. Singular ho'amestȯtse; Oblique ho'améstóva; Possessive -hto'amestȯtse. Category: sex, vulgar.

-ho'améšé   vai. wet dream -have a , nocturnal emission - have a. Lit: shoot-lie É-ho'améše. He had a wet dream. Ques: ho'amēše?? See: -ho'amé shoot; ejaculate; -nėhe'otse ejaculate. Category: vulgar, sex, check.

-hóse'e'tov   vai. pregnant with s.o. (the baby). É-hóse'e'tovóho. She is pregnant with him (that is, with the baby to be born). [1987:37] See: -hóse'etaov. Category: sex.

-hóse'etaov   vta. impregnate s.o., get s.o. pregnant. É-hóse'etaovóho. He got her pregnant. Etym: *antiθkwihe·wa. É-hóse'etaóó'e. She is pregnant from him (obv). Néváesóho tsé-hóse'etaóese? Who is she pregnant from? Variant: -éxoh(n). See: -hóse'e'tov; -he-stse'eme; -he-veve. Category: sex.

-hotómo'ēē'e   vai. jilted, victimized, mistreated. especially of taking sexual advantage of a woman and leaving her. É-hotómo'ēē'e. He is a victim; he was mistreated. É-hotómo'eéo'o. They are mistreated. vta: -hotómo'eéh. Phon: vs Category: interpersonal, sex.

-hto'amestȯtse   Gram: pl na. seminal fluid (poss). Lit: shot he-sto'améstoto his seminal fluid. IndepNoun ho'amestȯtse. See: -htȧseno ??. Category: sex, vulgar, check.

-htse'kestá   ni. Gram: poss vagina (poss.) Variant: ma'ēsta. he-stse'kēsta her vagina. Stem -'kestá2; BodyPartMedial -ahá. See: ma'kestsėstse. Category: body, vulgar, sex.

kȧhamaxe   ni. 1 • stick. especially firewood stick. for example, for firewood; smaller piece of wood than māxe. Plural kȧhamāxėstse. AltPl=kȧhamȧxehȯtse Ques: re-record alternate plural?? Category: check. Oblique kȧhamȧxéhéva, kȧhamȧxēva. See: -kȧhamȧxévėstonane; xamaekȧhámáxėstse. Category: fire, wood.

2 • penis. See: vétoo'ȯtse penis. Category: vulgar, sex.

-ka'ema'en   1 • vti. shorten s.t., fold s.t. over. especially refers to paper. É-ka'ema'ēna. He shortened it. fti: ma'en. See: -a'kema'en.

2 • vta. shorten s.o., fold s.o. over. É-ka'ema'enóho. He folded him/her over. can refer to legs on shoulder sexual position. See: -ka'ema'eóeh. Category: shapes, sex, paper.

-ka'ema'eóeh   vta. fold s.o. over. for example, refers to a sexual position where one partner (especially the woman) has their legs over the shoulders of the other. É-ka'ema'eóehóho. He folded her over. Náma'xėhánȯse-ka'ema'eóého. I had her on her back and really folded her over (in the sexual position). fta: -óeh. Category: sex.

-kávȯhoséóó'e   vai. have limp penis. Lit: down-penis-stand É-kávȯhoséóó'e. His penis is limp. BodyPartMedial -ohosé; Antonym -he'konȯhoséóó'e; fai: -óé. Usage: vulgar Category: sex, vulgar.

-'está2   na. Gram: poss vagina, vulva. na-'ēsta my vagina, vulva. Etym: *nexketena. Variant: -'kestá2; Homonym -'está ear. Category: sex, vulgar.

-'kestá2   na. Gram: poss vagina, vulva. ma-'kēsta vagina, vulva. na-'kēsta my vagina, vulva. Etym: *nexketena. Usage: This variant may be more commonly used than -'está. Variant: -'está2. he-'kėstáne her vagina, vulva. Plural ma-'(k)ėstáne; BodyPartMedial -ahá; Variant: -'está2; Homonym -'kestá1 ear. See: -só'é; -xó'é; -má'ko'seo'o; -nėstané1 knee. Etym: O nikidin my vulva (N). Category: sex, body, vulgar.

-mȧhóová   vii. all wet, all soaked, wet - all, soaked - all , flood. É-mȧhóóva. He/It is all wet. Ques: This can refer to a woman becoming well lubricated for intercourse. See: -é'komeotse; -ó'eotse; -he'kóová. Category: liquid, sex, vulgar.

-ma'ėseóeh   vta. land s.o. facing forward. can refer to rear entry sex. É-ma'ėseóehóho. ?? He landed her facing forward. ?? vai: -ma'ėseóešé. See: -ma'ėstoh(n). Category: sex, motion, check.

-ma'ėseóó'e   vai. bend over. including bending over for sex. É-ma'ėseóó'e. He/She bent over. Ma'ėseóó'e! Bend over! (said to a group). That could be said before a spanking. Variant: -ma'kėseóó'e; fai: -óé2 stand. Category: sex, positions.

ma'ēsta   na. vagina. Variant: ma'kēsta; Possessive -'está2. Category: vulgar, body, sex.

-ma'ėstoh(n)   vta. land s.o. by tool ?? É-ma'ėstȯhnóho. He had vigorous sex with her from the rear. Náma'xe-ma'ėstōhno. I had vigorous sex with her from the rear. See: -ma'ėseóeh. Category: sex, check.

-ma'évoh(n)   vta. deflower s.o. Lit: cause s.o. to bleed by tool Especially refers to causing a virgin to bleed from breaking of the hymen during intercourse. É-ma'évȯhnóho. He made her bleed. See: -oó'xevo'oh(n). Category: sex.

ma'kēsta   ni. Gram: poss vagina. Variant: ma'ēsta; Stem -'kestá2; Possessive -htse'kestá; BodyPartMedial -ahá. See: ma'kestsėstse stake. Category: body, vulgar, sex.

-má'to'eéh   vta. exhaust s.o., finish with s.o. can refer to completing sex with s.o. É-má'to'eeho. He finished with him/her. É-má'to'eéhóho. He finished with him/her. (newer pronunciation). See: -áhano'eéh; -má'toh(n). Category: sex.

-má'to'eétahe   vai. finish a ceremony, finish doing something, finish sex. É-má'to'eétahe. He finished what he was doing. See: -má'ta'ó'sané. Category: do, sex.

-mémėstoh(n)   vta. knock the shit out of s.o., screw the shit out of s.o. É-mémėstȯhnóho. He screwed the shit out of her. Mémėstȯheha! Knock the shit out of him! Category: violence, sex, vulgar.

-mo'éhno'hamévo'soo'e   vai. play horse. This has been used to refer to a man's entering a woman from the rear in intercourse, i.e. in the doggy style. Probably not used as a loan translation for English 'horseplay', i.e. 'fooling around'. É-mo'éhno'hamévo'sóeo'o. They were playing horse. that is, he entered her from the rear position in intercourse). Usage: not commonly used Phon: vs Category: vulgar, sex.

-mo'ȯhtávo'eétȧhétanó   vai. be horny. that is, desirous of sex. Lit: black-act-mood É-mo'ȯhtávo'eétȧhétáno. He is horny. fai: -o'eétahe. See: -mo'ȯhtávetanó; -nėševónea'xe. Category: vulgar, sex.

-mónatam   vta. regard s.o. as new ?? Category: check. can imply having sex with s.o. É-mónatamóho. He considered him new. É-mónatamȧhtseo'o. "They disappear constantly, supposedly to have sex." vta: -mónatsestá. Category: cognition, sex.

-mónátsestá   vti. regard s.t. as new ?? Category: check. can refer to a man looking for a woman's vagina to have sex. É-mónátsésta. He considered it new. vta: -mónatam. Category: cognition, sex.

-náhkȯhnȧho'he   vai. gang-raped, sexually abused. This was a practice occasionally carried out when a man wanted to punish a woman, typically his wife; he would take her "out on the prairie" where she would be gang-raped, typically by members of the man's soldier society; the men felt little pride later over the action (see discussion in Hoebel and Llewelyn?? É-náhkȯhnȧho'he. She was gang-raped/"taken turns with" by several men. See: -ná'so'eeh; -péeet. Category: sex, vulgar, violence, check.

-na'heóhtá   vai. three legs - have. can refer to a penis. É-na'heóhta. He has three legs. Category: vulgar, sex.

-ná'so'eéh   vta. turn against s.o., tease s.o., play tricks on s.o., rape s.o. General term; can be with actions. Can refer to sexual overtures, even rape; when it does it seems to have the idea of mocking a person by raping them. É-ná'so'eeho. He raped her. É-ná'so'eéhóho. He raped her. (newer pronunciation). É-ná'so'eéhovo. They raped her (lit. teased/played tricks on her). Éohketóxe-ná'so'eeho he'óho. He goes around messing with women. See: -ná'so'eém tease s.o. with words; -péeet tear up s.o.; -náhkȯhnȧho'h(n) gang-rape s.o.; -háaenóvem play tricks on s.o.; -véstaenóvem have fun with s.o.; -áva'ó'h rape s.o.; -e'ho'ȯh(n) rape s.o.. Category: violence, sex, interpersonal.

-ná'so'ēē'e   vai. raped, have tricks played on. É-ná'so'ēē'e. She (or He) was raped/had tricks played on. Phon: vs vta: -ná'so'eéh. See: -náhkȯhnȧho'he. Category: sex, violence, vulgar.

néhe-1   pv. quickly, sooner than usual, early. Éto'se-néheamēhne. He is just about to walk (for example, to learn to walk). Énéhe-nȧha'ēna. He caught on quickly. Éohke-néhea'xaaméotse. He easily (or quickly) cries. É-néhemésehe. He ate sooner. Ná-néhená'tose. I get cold easily / quickly. for example, before other people ate, or before the regular time. Néohke-néhená'tȯsehe? Do you get cold quickly? É-néheka'a'xe. He (or she) made movements in copulation (at orgasm??). Initial néh-. See: nėševe-; -oest; móne-. Category: time, sex.

-néhe'a'xe   vai. thrust pelvis during intercourse, move in and out during sex. É-néhe'a'xe. He/She was making movements (pelvic thrusts) during intercourse. Móvé'évaáa'ėse-néheka'xėhéhe. She responded with pelvic thrusts. (does this imply that she got pregnant?? Category: check. fai: -a'xe1. Category: sex, motion.

-nėhe'oot   vta. cause climax for s.o., cause orgasm for s.o. É-nėhe'ootahtse. He is causing his own orgasm (masturbating). See: -nėhe'otse; -nėheta'ham. Category: sex, vulgar.

-nėhe'otse   vai. climax, ejaculate, orgasm. can be of either a man or woman. É-nėhe'otse. He/She climaxed. vta: -nėhe'oot. See: nėhe'otsestȯtse; -ameotse; -ho'amé; -nėheta'ham; -he-veve; -he-stsé'eme; -pėhévomáotse. Category: sex.

-nėhpe'et   vta. obstruct s.o., block s.o. ?? Category: check. É'ȯhke-nėhpe'etȧhtsésesto. It is said they (women) used to wear chastity belts. See: -nėhpe'ehe; -nomáhtosé. Category: sex.

-né'ta'hahtsé   vti. jerk out s.t. can refer to pulling out penis after intercourse. É-né'ta'hāhtse. He jerked it out. fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -hóesta'hahtsé. Category: sex.

-néne'seh   vta. cause s.o. to suck, suck - cause s.o. to. This can refer to having someone perform oral sex on you. É-néné'sėhóho. He made him suck. Category: sex.

-nésoe'tóotse   vai. hooked together during mating. especially of dogs which are back to back after coupling. Ééše-nésoe'tóotseo'o oeškėseho. The dogs are already hooked together. See: -hémoto'hamé. Category: sex.

-nėšėho'he   vai. 1 • hot - be, fever - have a. É-nėšėho'he. He has a fever/he is hot. Initial nėš-; vii: -nėšėho'tá. Etym: cf *kešisowa he has a fever. See: -háoho'he; -oesenȧho'he.

2 • in heat. can refer to an animal being in heat or a woman sexually aroused. Category: temperature, sickness, body function, sex.

-nėševa'xe   vai. thrust fast, screw fast. É-nėševa'xe. He thrust fast. Category: sex.

-nėševónea'xe   vai. 1 • swing high?? Ques: vón or von??

2 • hot, horny. sexually. É-nėševónea'xe. He is horny. See: -mo'ȯhtávo'eétȧhétanó. Category: sex, motion, check.

-néve'hahtáxé   vai. have four legs. For example, used to refer to when a young man brings his girlfriend home to sleep over. In the morning his mother or sisters might not say anything directly to him about it, but they can say this idiom about him in Cheyenne, referring to the four legs now in his bed. Humorous. Éméo-néve'hahtáxe. He has four legs in the morning. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: figurative, sex.

-nȯhtse'á   vti. look for s.t., search for s.t. can imply looking for sex, especially of a woman who is too friendly, giving out what is perceived as sexual signals; white women often do not know how to act reserved enough in Cheyenne culture and so their friendliness is mistaken as being invitations for sex. É-nȯhtsé'a. He looked for it. Etym: *nato·xkamwa (P). Ná-nȯhtsé'a. I looked for it. Mónȯhtse'ȯhéhe. She must be looking for it (sex). Éhma'xe-nȯhtse'ánóvȯse véhonema'kaata. They came looking for gold. [1987:19] Hetanévestȯtse néta-nȯhtsē'a, nėševetanoo'o! You have gone looking for manhood, get on with it! [1987:244] Tsé-nȯhtsé'o ééšemé'eohé'ta. He found what he was looking for. This is irony, said about someone who runs here and there, maybe drinking, etc.--then he has an accident; so that (accident) should be a lesson to him). See: -nȯhtsevóohtá; -nóhtané'tá. Category: sight, sex.

-nomá'heméa'xe   vai. fish smell, smell fishy, woman smell after sex. This word is used to refer to the smell a woman has after sex. This word should not be said in mixed company. É-nomá'heméa'xe. He smells fishy. Final méa'xe. Category: vulgar, smell, sex.

-óeh   fta. stand up s.o. Náma'ėse-óého. I landed him on his stomach. Naa heováestse náohkėheše-óeha. And he used to have me in all kinds of positions. Ques: fta or vta?? vta: -óešé'tov; vai: -óešé; fai: -óé2. Category: move, sex, vulgar, check.

-ohaé'tá   vii. rise, erect - become, rise, erect - become. Ques: vti can refer to a penis becoming erect. Éxaehe'kease-ohaé'ta. It (penis) slowly started to become erect. ?? Ques: both vii and vti?? Category: check, sex.

-ó'otómo'xévaen   vta. fill s.o. quickly. can refer to a man filling a woman's womb with a baby. É-ó'otómo'xévaenóho. He filled her up quickly. Mó'-ó'otómo'xévaenȯhevóhe. He filled her quickly (with a baby). Category: sex, babies, quantity.

-oó'xatá'ešé   vai. lie cracked open, legs spread apart - lie with. especially of a woman who is positioned ready for intercourse. É-oó'xatá'éše. She is lying cracked open. See: -tséo'ešé; -háto'ešé; -hánȯsešé. Category: vulgar, sex.

-ová'kesó   vai. urinate in spurts. for example, of a woman excited during foreplay. É-ová'késo. She is urinating in spurts. Medial -só. Category: sex.

-ová'kėsóotse   vai. urinate in spurts. for example, of a woman excited during foreplay. É-ová'kėsóotse. She is urinating in spurts. Medial -só1. Category: sex, vulgar.

-pėhévȧséh(n)   vta. 1 • 

1 • part hair of someone well. Contract: -pėhevetóvȧhseh(n). See: -tóvȧseh(n). Category: groom.

2 • screw s.o. (a woman) intensely. É-pėhévȧséhnóho. He screwed her intensely. Category: figurative. É-pėhévȧséhnóho. He screwed the hell out of her. Category: sex, vulgar.

-pėhevetóvȧseh(n)   vta. 1 • part hair of someone well. Ná-pėhévetóvȧséhno. I parted his/her hair well. Non-contracted -pėhévȧséh(n). See: -tóvȧséh(n). Category: groom.

2 • screw s.o. (a woman) intensely. É-pėhevetóvȧséhnóho. He screwed the hell out of her. Category: sex, vulgar, figurative.

-pėhévomáotse   vai. have good sexual sensations, have a good orgasm. originally, simply meant to have good sensations, but today seems to connote exclusively sexual sensations. É-pėhévomáotse. He (or She) had a really good orgasm. See: -homáotse; -nėhe'otse. Category: sex, vulgar.

-táha'xé'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o mount s.o. quickly, jump on s.o. É-táha'xénoto. He mounted her quickly. typically of a male animal (for example, a dog or horse) mounting a female while breeding with her. See: -véve'tov; -htse'éme'tov. Category: sex.

-táhoé'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o ride s.o., be mounted on s.o., mount s.o. can be used to refer to mounting someone in intercourse. Ná-táhoenȯtse. I rode him (for example, a horse). É-táhoénoto. He is riding him. É-táhoé'tovóho. He is riding him. That pronunciation would be understood, but not usual. The preceding ai+o pronunciation of é-táhoénoto is usual. É-táhoénoto mo'éhno'hāme. He is riding a horse. Mo'éhno'hāme náohkeée-táhoénoto. I ride horses. Mónésó'-táhoenȯtse kōsa? Are you still riding a goat? That is an idiom that asks if you are still separated from your spouse. This wording refers to the goat that used to be pictured on the side of train cars. Nėstseohke-táhóénóvo hoháá'ėše. You'll ride (the horse) very far away. (predicted Sweet Medicine). [1987:7:20] Né=tséno'kėhováneehétsese mós-táhoehénotóhe. He was riding the one that was missing. [1987:171] vai: -táhoo'e; vti: -táhoé'tá. Etym: *te·hθapi·ʔtawe·wa (P). See: -táhoeotsé'tov. Category: horses, sex.

-táho'ke'tov   vta. mount s.o. can refer to mounting another during mating. É-táho'ke'tovóho. He mounted her. Category: sex.

-ta'xevo'eše   vai. 1 • lie cut up. É-ta'xevo'ēše. He got cut up in a fall/accident. This could be about a horse that runs into a barbed wire fence. See: -ta'xeoešešé; -ta'xevȯtse.

2 • gored, screwed. especially of a woman during sex. Category: lie, cut, figurative, vulgar, sex.

-táxe'háohé'tov   vta. fly on top of s.o., mate s.o. while flying. can refer to how birds mate. É-táxe'háohé'tovóho. He flew above her. Final -e'há. Category: fly, sex.

-tóhpȧhán   vta. finger vagina of s.o. É-tóhpȧhánóho. He fingered her. É-tóhpȧhánahtse. She put her finger in her (own) vagina. [Croft] BodyPartMedial -ahá. Category: vulgar, sex.

tséheéhaméto   Gram: ppl vai. the one who is my husband. For many speakers this has come to mean 'the (man) who I have sex with'. vai: -he-éhame have a husband. Category: vulgar, sex, relatives.

-tséo'eotse   vai. spread legs open. especially of a woman before intercourse. É-tséo'eotse. He spread open his (own) legs. vta: -tséo'an. Category: sex, vulgar.

-tséo'ešé   vai. lie with spread open legs. This is considered an ungraceful position for a woman normally to lie in. Can refer to the position of a woman ready for intercourse. É-tséo'ēše. He is lying with legs spread. vta: -tséo'ėšem. See: -háto'eše; -mé'e'ėšeše; -óo'xatá'eše; -tsėho'ėšem. Category: lie, vulgar, sex.

-tséo'ėšem   vta. spread apart legs of s.o. lying down. especially about spreading apart the legs of a woman for sex. É-tséo'ėšemóho. He spread her legs apart. vai: -tséo'ešé. Category: lie, vulgar, sex.

-véámátanó'tov   vta. want to sleep with s.o. É-véamatanó'tovóho. He wants to sleep with him/her. hetaneo'o tséohke-véamatanó'tovȧhtsese homosexuals. See: véám. Category: sex, sleep.

-vé'evótoo'e   vii. be a cave, be a concave shaped hole. É-vé'evótoo'e. It is a cave/it is a concave shaped hole. This word has been used to refer to a vagina. Phon: not vs See: -vé'evó; -tóne'éhotoo'e; -tsėhe'éhotoo'e. Category: vulgar, sex, vulgar, sex.

vóhpevó'aa'e   na. white antelope. Vóhpevo'aeho éohkenėševo'ȧhéotseo'o. White antelope run fast. [1979:204] Tā'se vóhpevó'aa'e móxxaeméoto'ėhéhe. Like a white antelope just got up early in the morning. That can be a humorous reference to a woman who spent the night having sex and so gets up with sperm stains on her rear. See: vó'aa'e antelope. Category: animals, vulgar, sex.

-vóono'eétahe   vai. 1 • do something all night.

2 • have sex all night. É-vóono'eétahe. He had sex all night. Usage: Euphemism; probably this figurative meaning is the primary meaning today. Category: do, sex.