Cheyenne Dictionary



-asenáotse   vii. split, run, unravel, tear, start to rip. É-asenáotse. It/He unraveled.

vai. split, run, unravel, tear, start to rip. Hoohtsėstse é-asenáotse. The tree started to split. for example, from a terrible hailstorm. Hoxȯhēō'o é-asenáotse. The sock is unraveling. See: -asėtó'toeotse; -oó'xeotse. Category: tear, texture.

-ó'xa'ó   vii. shatter; rip; tear. Etym: *pa·ʔθexke·wi (P).

vai. shatter; rip; tear. É-ó'xá'o. He (or It) tore in half. Etym: *pa·Ɂθexke·wa (P). Reduplicated -oó'xa'ó. Category: break, tear.

-ó'xan   vti. break open s.t.tear s.t. É-ó'xána. He broke it open by hand. Ques: break open or just break?? Etym: *pa·Ɂθenamwa (P); *pa·xkenamwa.

vta. break open s.o., tear s.o., rip s.o. É-ó'xanóho. He broke it open by hand. [Turtles.007] Etym: *pa·ʔθkene·wa (P). Category: break, tear.

-ó'xeet   vta. tear apart s.o. É-ó'xeetóho. He tore him apart. Etym: *pa·Ɂšipiθe·wa (P); cf *ka·xkixkipiθe·wa he tears him apart. Category: tear.

-onénėxoeétó   vii. tattered. Ééšemȧhe-onénėxoeéto. It was all tattered. [1987:104] Category: tear, record.

-oó'xȧhtsená'o'h   vta. tear mouth of s.o. É-oó'xȧhtsená'o'hóho. He stretched (or tore) his mouth until it broke. Náme'tavotá'e-oó'xȧhtsená'ó'ho. I could just go over there and split open his mouth. That is, I am so angry I feel like going to him and split his face apart by pulling on both sides of his mouth; strikes hearers as humorous. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: violence, tear.

-oó'xa'ham   vta. tear s.o. quickly. É-oó'xa'hamóho. He tore him up quickly. Phon: redup Category: tear.

-oó'xa'ó   1 • vai. tear, rip.

2 • vii. tear, rip. É-oó'xá'o. It tore. Non-reduplicated ó'xa'ó. Phon: redup Category: texture, tear.

-oó'xa'o'h   vta. tear s.o., rip s.o. for example, of cloth. É-oó'xa'o'hóho. He tore him. Ques: -oó'xa'ó'hóho ?? Phon: -redup vti: -oó'xa'o'tsé. See: -oó'xan; -vó'ená'o'h; -pée'ham. Category: tear.

-oó'xa'ó'tsé   vti. tear s.t., rip s.t. É-oó'xa'ó'tse. He ripped it. vta: -oó'xa'o'h. See: -oó'xevo'oh(n). Category: tear.

-oó'xan   vti. tear s.t., split s.t., break s.t. É-oó'xána. He tore it.

vta. tear s.o., split s.o., break s.o. É-oó'xanóho. He tore him apart. (for example, tore some cloth apart). Ná-oó'xáno koeše'hono. I tore the cloth. See: -vó'en. Category: tear.

-oó'xeotse   vii. break up, crack, tear, split. Vó'nȧhanestȯtse é-oó'xeotse. The window broke. Má'ome mó'-oó'xeotséhanéhe. The ice broke up. [1987:4:19]

vai. break up, crack, tear, split. É-oó'xeotse. He (or It) is cracked. Éstse'he é-oó'xeotse. The shirt is torn. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -ó'xeotse; vti: -oó'xovo'ohá. See: -oó'xeohtsé; -asenáotse; -asėtó'toeotse; -he'kotȧxeotse; -oó'xan; -é'eotse break. Category: break, tear.

-oó'xevo'ėšem   vta. tear holes in s.o. for example, tearing cloth or a fishing net. É-oó'xevo'ėšemóho. He tore holes in him. See: -po'ėšem. Category: tear.

-oó'xo'a'ó   vii. tear from wind. É-oó'xo'ā'o. It tore from the wind. Category: wind, tear.

-oó'xo'eoesta'xe   vai. split in the wind. É-oó'xo'eoesta'xe He (for example, tree) split (violently?? in the wind. Category: wind, tear, check.

-péa'hahtsé   vti. tear apart s.t., rip apart s.t., tear s.t. to pieces. É-péa'hāhtse. He tore it to pieces. quick action; especially done when angry. Tsema'xeéva-péa'hāhtse. He will really tear it apart. See: -onénėxa'hahtsé. Category: tear.

-péa'ham   vta. tear apart s.o., rip up s.o. É-péa'hamóho. He ripped him up. É-péa'hamóho heéstse'heno. He tore up his shirt. Category: tear.

-péa'ó   vai. 1 • rip. É-péá'o. It ripped. Móhma'xemȧheanȯhe-péa'ȯhéhe taesétóve. (The curtain in the Temple; an.) really ripped down right in the middle. [Luke 23:45] Category: tear.

2 • fall through. for example, when someone's plans fall through. Category: figurative.

-péan   vti. crumble s.t./s.o., tear apart s.t./s.o. É-péána. He crumbled it/he made it finely granulated (for example, crumbled sugar lumps).

vta. É-péanóho. He crumbled him. See: -péen. Category: tear.

-péeet   vta. tear apart s.o., tear up s.o., rape s.o. for example, of tearing up a pillow or tearing clothes off s.o. É-péeetóho. He tore him apart. Etym: *pi·kwipiθe·wa (P) he breaks him by pulling. See: -péeot; -ná'so'eéh; -náhkȯhnȧho'he; -ó'xeet. Category: violence, tear, interpersonal.

-pée'ó'h   vta. tear s.o., rip s.o. É-pée'o'ho. He tore him. É-pée'ó'hóho. He tore him. (newer pronunciation). vti: -pée'ó'tsé. Category: break, tear.

-pée'ó'tsé   vti. tear s.t., rip s.t., break s.t. É-pée'ō'tse mȯxe'ėstoo'o. He tore the paper. See: -ó'xa'ó; -onénėxa'ó't. Category: break, tear.

-péenohtsé   vti. shred s.t. É-péenōhtse. He crushed/shredded it. See: -onénėševo'há. Category: tear, break.

-péestse'ham   vta. tear shirt of s.o. É-péestse'hamóho. He tore his (other person's) shirt. See: éstse'he shirt. Category: clothing, tear.

-péešé   vai. crumble, splatter, torn to bits. É-pééše. He was torn to bits. Etym: *pi·kwihšinwa (P) he breaks by falling. See: -péevo'ešé. Category: lie, tear.

-péexová   vai. tear up. É-péexōva. He tore up (things). Etym: *pi·kweša·we·wa (P). fai: -ová1. See: -pe'pe'ánová. Category: tear.

-pé'peeanot   vta. tear up s.o. by mouth. É-pé'peeanotóho. He tore him up with his mouth. For example, how dogs tear up things. Category: mouth, tear.

-pé'peen   vta. rip s.o. all up. for example, cloth. Ná-pé'pééno. I ripped him all up. See: -vové'só'en. Category: tear.

-pénoestá   vai. wear a torn dress. É-pénoēsta. She has on a torn dress. Synonym -oó'xoestá. Category: clothing, tear.

-péno'e'o'h   vti. tear up s.o. É-péno'e'o'hóho. He tore him up. See: -péno'en. Category: tear.

-péno'e'o'tsé   vti. tear up s.t. for example, a piece of paper. É-péno'e'ō'tse. He tore it up. Category: tear.

-po'a'hahtsé   vti. pull off s.t., tear off s.t. É-po'a'hāhtse. He pulled it off. Category: move, tear.

-po'ėšem   vta. tear s.o.?? É-po'ėšemóho.?? He tore a hole in him (obv).?? fta: -ešem. See: -oó'xevo'ėšem. Category: tear, check.

-po'ó'e'ó'tsé   vti. tear out of s.t. for example, to tear a page out of a book. É-po'ó'e'ó'tse. He tore (something) out of it. Category: tear.

-vó'en   vta. tear apart s.o. É-vó'enóho. He tore him apart. Ná-vó'éno koešé'hóno. I tore the cloth apart. [PD1042] See: -oó'xan. Category: tear.

-vó'ená'o'h   vta. tear s.o., split s.o. especially cloth. É-vó'ená'o'hóho. He tore him. See: -oó'xa'o'h; -vové'só'en; -pé'peen. Category: tear.

-vové'só'en   vta. tear up s.o. into shreds; shred s.o. especially of tearing cloth into shreds. Ná-vové'só'éno. I tore him into shreds. See: -pé'peen; -vó'ená'o'h. Category: tear.