ahtónó'óme n. underwater. See: ȧhtónovó'óme ‘under world’. Category: ceremonial.
ȧhtónovó'óme n. under world. that is, all that is below. See: ahtónó'óme ‘underwater’; mȧhoo'ōme ‘all over the universe’. Category: ceremonial.
-á'enová vai. own. É-á'enōva. He owns. Tsé-á'enōvȧhtse the Owner (= the Sacred Hat Keeper). vta: á'en. Category: ceremonial.
-amėhót vta. Gram: psv walk.by, walk by s.o. É-amėhoto. He walked by him. É-amėhótóho. He walked by him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *pemwehθale·wa. He'pa'onevo éohke-amėhóheo'o. You walk behind them. Lit: they are walked behind That is especially about walking in back of medicine people. É-amėhohe. He is walked behind. Etym: *pemwehθasowa (P). fta: -ehót. See: -ho'ėhót. Category: motion, ceremonial.
-ane'ém vta. empower s.o., give power to s.o., advise s.o. spiritually. for example, the giver could be a nésemoo'o. É-ane'emo. He has given him that power. É-ane'émóho. He has given him that power. (newer pronunciation). É-ane'émáá'e. He (prox) was ceremonially advised by him. See: -nėhetȯhóot; -háatamaahe ‘powerful - be’; -ane'em ‘predict about s.o.’. Category: ceremonial.
-émá vai. take a sweat, sweat - take a. This refers to participating in a sweat lodge ceremony. É-éma. He is taking a sweat. É-émao'o. They are taking a sweat. Ná-éma. I'm taking a sweat. É-émȧhtove. There is a sweat going on. Mónėsta-émama? Are we (incl) going to have a sweat? Náto'se-émáme. We (excl) are going to have a sweat. Néohke-émahe? Do you sweat? That is, do you regularly sweat in a sweat lodge? Náohkėsáa'-émáhe. I don't sweat. Násáa'-émáhe. I'm not sweating (in a sweat lodge) / I didn't sweat. Etym: *pi·mwa. See: -hoehasené ‘sponsor a sweat’; émaome ‘sweat lodge’; -hohpéotse ‘sweat ; perspire’. Category: ceremonial.
-émanané vai. put on a sweat, make a sweat. É-émanāne. He put on a sweat. Variant: -émanené. Category: ceremonial.
-émanené vai. put on a sweat, make a sweat. É-émanēne. He put on a sweat. Variant: -émanané. Category: ceremonial.
émaome ni. sweat lodge. Lit: sweat.bath-lodge (another recording) (another recording) The sweat lodge is supposed to be completely dark inside. Traditionally, children were not allowed inside the sweat lodge until after the ceremonies were completed and the blankets were lifted. (another recording) sweatlodge2.mp3. Plural émaomēnėstse; fni: -ome. Etym: *pi:mwikamikwi 'sweat lodge'. See: vonȧhéome. Category: ceremonial.
-émátanó vai. want to take a sweat bath. É-émátáno. He wants to take a sweat bath. See: -émá. Category: ceremonial.
-énėstóné vai. end the ceremony, quit making (something). É-énėstóne. He finished doing the ceremony. [pd679] Tóne'še éto'se-énėstónėstove? When are the ceremonies going to end? See: -oestóné. Category: ceremonial.
ésevona n. buffalo person. Plural ésevonaho. ceremonial word for buffalo people, who participate in Sacred Buffalo Hat ceremonies. Ques: recheck singular ?? See: ésevone ‘buffalo herd, female buffalo’. Category: check, ceremonial.
ésevone1 na. 1 • female buffalo, buffalo cow. (another recording) Etym: *ko·θwe·wa·na (P). Some say that this is the main word for buffalo in Oklahoma. It refers to a female buffalo or an entire herd of buffalo in Montana. Plural ésevono; Obviative ésevono; Masculine hotóá'e. See: hotóá'e; ésévone; méhe; ésevona.
2 • buffalo herd. Category: animals.
Sacred Buffalo Hat, Buffalo Hat, Sacred Hat. When used to mean 'Sacred Buffalo Hat', it is thought to be the older Cheyenne term in contrast with the newer usage of hóhkėha'e. Ésevone tsévóto'ėstaé'eneonéveto. The Buffalo (Hat), you who are endowed by the Creator with life-giving sustenance. (This Cheyenne word is a very sacred ceremonial term.) See: hóhkėha'e; -ésevone2 ‘sound enter’. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance, animals.
-éstȧhá'ené vai. bring in food. É-éstȧhá'éne. He brought food in. É-éstȧhá'eneo'o. They are bringing in the food. Heá'ėháma nexa éohke-éstȧhá'enéstove. I think food is brought in twice (at the Sun Dance). [1987:239] That is an important part of the Sun Dance. Antonym -hóahá'ené; fai: -ahá'ené. Category: Sun Dance, ceremonial, cook.
-éstȧhá'eov vta. take food into lodge for s.o. É-éstȧhá'eovóho. He took food into the lodge for him. Éohkeévėhé-estȧhá'eóheo'o tsého'sóese. Food is taken into the (Sun Dance) lodge for the dancers. [1987:211] fta: -ahá'eov. Category: Sun Dance, ceremonial.
-estsénané vai. offer food or drink as sacrifice. É-estsénáne. He offered a food sacrifice. Ma'ó'ȯseo'ha'enomo máhtáme estsénaneo'o! Nevá'esėstse móháeanȧhéhe. If you drop food, make a food sacrifice! Someone must be hungry. Variant: -estsénené. See: -oestóné; -vovóe'ėstséneonévoem. Category: ceremonial.
-estsénené vai. offer food or drink as sacrifice. To make an offering of water; drink; or food; bless; consecrate the food. The food or drink is offered as sacrifices to the sacred powers. This is a religious ritual. Food is pointed in the four directions outside of dwelling. Such a sacrifice of food is done in the Sun Dance. É-estsénéne. He offered/sacrificed food. Hoxéhetaneo'o éohke-estséneneo'o. The Sun Dancers take food around and offer it. [1987:239] Variant: -estsénané. See: -oestóné; -vovóe'ėstséneonévoem. Category: ceremonial.
éškemane na. Gram: poss our grandmother. This word includes the person spoken to. Sometimes Cheyennes have prayed to éškemane as a spirit being. Category: ceremonial, relatives.
-évoneehné vai. pierce. especially of piercing one's chest for the Sun Dance while walking back and forth swinging from the pole. É-évónééhne. He pierced. É-évoneehneo'o. They pierced. See: -évotah(n); -évonea'xe. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance.
évoneehnestȯtse ni. chest skin piercing. especially for the Sun Dance. Category: ceremonial.
háanae- pv. 1 • heavy. See: -háananeta. Category: weight.
2 • respected, with responsibility, serious. É-háanaeéestsėstovóho. He is talking serious matters to him. Category: figurative. É-háanaevo'ėstanéheve. He lives a respected (lit. heavy) life. (for example, a chief or Sun Dance priest). See: háanahe. Category: ceremonial.
háanahe p. heavy, solemn, with responsibility. This word is often used in traditional Cheyenne prayers. Ques: háanae ?? Category: check. Háanae, Ma'hēō'o ... Heavy, God ... See: háanae- ‘heavy’. Category: ceremonial, sacred.
-háha'omev ?? Category: check, check.
v. rejuvenate. tséx-háha'omevȯhtse ?? when they rejuvenated it. Category: check, ceremonial.
háohtoveéšeēva n. great day. This is a sacred word used in some ceremonies. It means something like 'this great day set aside'. This can be prayed to the deity about "the people are given to you as your children". Category: ceremonial, time.
He'emo n. Goddess, Female Sacred Being, female god, god - female. This word is not known to many Cheyennes. It probably should not be discussed or publicized widely. Perhaps it should not be said by women. It is said in some ceremonies. It is difficult to translate to English. It may be close in meaning to the ceremonial word ésevone. This is said to be the Suhtai word for God, equivalent to Ma'hēō'o in the Cheyenne dialect. See: hē'e ‘woman’; He'émomé'ėhné'e ‘Goddess Appears Woman’. Category: ceremonial, sacred.
he'óhkoma'heo'o ?? Category: check.
??. peace pipe. Category: check. Usage: od?? Category: check, check. Ques: recheck Category: ceremonial.
-hene'hánené vai. lift up. especially to lift up covering of a sweat lodge. É-hene'hánéne. He lifted up the sweat lodge covering. Hene'hánénėstse! Lift the blankets (of the sweat lodge)! Mónėstsė-hene'hánéne? Are you going to lift the covering? Category: ceremonial.
-he-nésemóoname vai. have a spirit helper, seer, sorcerer. É-he-nésemóoname. He has a spirit helper. [pd957] tsé-he-nésemóonamėstse the one who has a familiar spirit. tséohkeée-he-nésemóonamese those who have familiar spirits. [1987:40] vai: -nésemá; vta: -nésemóonamé't. See: -nésemóoname. Category: sacred, ceremonial.
-he-onéhavo'eehe inc.n. have drum; be the drummer. especially said of the person who is in charge of the drum at a peyotemeeting. É-he-onéhavo'eehe. He has the drum. tsé-he-onéhavo'eestse drummer. Lit: the one that has the drum IndepNoun onéhavo'e. Category: ceremonial, drum.
-hestávóma'é vai. so painted, painted that way. ... é-hestávómá'e. ... that is how he is painted. especially with ceremonial paint. fai: -óma'é. See: -tónetómá'e ‘how painted’. Category: colors, ceremonial.
-hestohtsé vti. perform s.t. Étȧ-hestȯhtsénóvo. They perform it (in the Sun Dance). ?? [1987:210] Category: check. vai: -hestȯsané. See: -amo'eétahe. Category: ceremonial.
-he-šéstotó'ame vai. have the cedar. said of the cedar keeper at a peyote meeting. See: he- 'have'. É-he-šéstotó'ame. He has the cedar. Final -ó'(e). Category: ceremonial.
hetané'hao'o ni. man power. Category: ceremonial.
-hoehasené vai. cover with a tarp, put up shade, put up a sweat, sweat lodge ceremony - sponsor. such as hanging up a tarp for a shade; can also be used to refer to putting up a sweat--as such, it is a newer word than -émá. É-hoehasēne. He put up a shade. É-hoehaseneo'o. They put up a shade. See: -émá ‘take a sweat’; -hoehahtsé ‘cover it with a tarp’. Category: ceremonial.
-hóestȧhá'ené vai. bring out the food. especially about when a painter's wife at a Sun Dance brings out the food she and her family will eat. É-hóestȧhá'éne. She is bringing out the food. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance, food.
Hoestséheome ni. Sacred Hat Tepee. Lit: hanging-lodge where the Sacred Hat hangs. Usage: hóhkȧha'éome is more commonly used than this term See: hóhkėha'éome. Category: ceremonial, sacred.
hóhkėha'e ni. 1 • hat, hooded cradleboard. Ques: also for cap?? (another recording) When used of a cradleboard, this is the soft backed kind. Plural hóhkėhá'ėstse; Possessive -vóhkėha'e; Final -óhkėha'e; Old Male Speech hóhtšėha'e. See: a'kóhkėha'e; pȧhoešestȯtse; ésevone. Category: handcraft, babies, clothing.
2 • Sacred Hat. This is a newer word for the Sacred Buffalo Hat; the older word is Ésevone. See: ésevone. Category: ceremonial, check.
ho'ėhasēō'o na. fire starter. That is, something with which you can start a fire. The grammatical plural refers to incense. Plural ho'ėhaseono ‘incense’; vai: -ho'ėhasené. Category: fire, ceremonial.
ho'ėhaseono na. Gram: pl incense. such as made from sage or cedar; used ceremonially. grammatically plural, referring to multiple pieces of what is burned. The grammatical singular refers to something with which you start a fire. Singular ho'ėhasēō'o ‘fire starter’; vai: -ho'ėhasené. Category: ceremonial.
ho'óesto'óono na. prayer cloths ?? See: vonȧhé'xá'e; hóhkėha'e; Maahótse; oestóono. Category: sacred, ceremonial, check.
-hóotóné vai. renew. especially of the renewal ceremony for the Sacred Arrows. É-hóotóne. He renewed/he did the (Sacred) Arrows ceremony. É-hóotónėstove. There is a renewing (especially of the renewal ceremony for the Sacred Arrows). See: -vóvȯhetan; -oestóné. Category: ceremonial.
-hóotóné'šéva vai. pledge in the Arrows ceremony, vow in the Arrows ceremony. É-hóotóné'šéva. He pledged/vowed to do the (Sacred) Arrows ceremony. Category: ceremonial.
hópahpa p. taboo, Even! for example, "They shouldn't have invited someone but they did anyway", or, "Don't ask about that!" This is an epistemic particle. See: hópose; -a'seh. Category: ceremonial.
-maahétaneve vai. be an arrow man (person). namely, someone who is an adherent of the Sacred Arrows way. É-maahétaneve. He is an Arrow man. Ques: check maahé or maahe?? Category: ceremonial, check.
maahōtse ni. Gram: pl 1 • arrows. Variant: maahōtsėstse. That variant is much less common than maahótse. Singular maahe.
2 • Sacred Arrows. The Sacred Arrows are the sacred object of the Cheyennes, while the Sacred (Buffalo) Hat was the sacred object brought to the Cheyennes by the Sutaio. naa Tséstsėhéstȧhese hé'tóhe maahótse móá'enȯhenótse and the Cheyennes own these (Sacred) Arrows. [1987:98] Éma'heónévénėstse Maahōtse. The Arrows are sacred. Maahōtse éévavóvȯhetanénėstse. The Arrows are renewed. (for example, after being stained or bloodied when there is a murder). Maahōtse éma'éveotsénėstse. The Arrows are stained/bloody. Maahōtse tsévovóhnėhešésėstse the Arrow keeper. Lit: the one who takes care of the arrows Category: ceremonial.
Maahōtse tsévovóhnėhešésėstse vai. Gram: cjt Arrow keeper. Ques: check spelling?? Lit: the one who takes care of the arrows See: -vovóhnėhešéstsé ‘take care of s.t..’. Category: sacred, ceremonial, check.
-mȧhtoh(n) vta. initiate s.o. especially of initiating someone in the Sun Dance. Ques: PD775: ordain; appoint; consecrate; invest with certain functions?? É-mȧhtȯhnóho. He initiated him. vai: -mȧhtȯhová. See: -vovéstomev ‘teach s.o.’; -ameotseh ‘lead s.o.’; momȧhtȧhétane ‘medicine man’. Category: ceremonial, check.
ma'heónėhetane na. holy man, shaman, medicine man. for example, the Arrow priest. See: hetane ‘man’. Category: sacred, ceremonial.
ma'heónemaahe ni. sacred arrow. See: maahe. Category: ceremonial.
ma'heónenoo'ȯtse ni. sacred song, spiritual song, ceremonial song. These are sung for traditional religion ceremonies. Plural ma'heónenootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. See: ma'heónenémeo'ȯtse. Category: sing, ceremonial, check.
-ma'heónėstóné vai. sacred - make something. É-ma'heónėstóne. He made something in a sacred way. [1987:107] See: -oestóné; ma'heónėstoo'o; -ma'heónėstóonané; -tšėhešėtóné. Category: ceremonial.
ma'heónėstónestȯtse ni. sacred ceremony, sacred thing. Plural ma'heónėstónėstotȯtse. Category: ceremonial.
-ma'heónėstȯxe'é vai. sacred writings on face, painted sacred. É-ma'heónėstȯxé'e. He has sacred writings on his face. Category: face, ceremonial.
ma'heónevo'ėstane na. ceremonial person. Plural ma'heónevo'ėstaneo'o. See: vo'ėstane ‘person’. Category: ceremonial.
ma'heónevo'ėstanéhevestȯtse ni. ceremonial. Lit: sacred-live-NOM Éohkeéetotóxėstánóvo he-ma'heónevo'ėstanéhévėstóvévo. They would talk about their ceremonials. (1987:114). See: -ma'heóno'eétahe. Category: ceremonial.
-ma'heónó'ané vai. speak sacred language, sacred speak. É-ma'heónó'áne. He is speaking the sacred language. fai: -ó'ané. See: -momȧhtȧhévó'ané. Category: ceremonial, sacred.
-ma'heóno'eétahe vai. do something sacred, sacred - do something, perform a sacred ceremony, perform magic, perform miracles; miracle - do a. can also be said of a magician. É-ma'heóno'eétahe. He did something ceremonial. tsé-ma'heóno'eétȧhese those who performed the ceremony. [1987:95] Má'ome tséxheševéese tsé'ȯhke-ma'heóno'eétaestse. Ice, as he was named, who used to do miracles. [1987:107] fai: -o'eétahe. See: -ovávo'eétahe; -éxo'eétahe. Category: do, sacred, ceremonial.
Ma'xėhe'omeéesonȧhestse n. Big Lodge young people (when addressed). ceremonial word for young Arapaho. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
Ma'xėhe'omeétane n. Big Lodge person. ceremonial word for an Arapaho. Plural Ma'xėhe'omeétaneo'o. See: Hetanevō'e ‘Arapaho’. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
Ma'xėhe'omeétanesėstse n. Big Lodge People (when addressed). a ceremonial word for the Arapaho. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
Má'xėsé'ovoo'émanohe ?? Category: ceremonial, check.
ma'xevé'késo eagle, great bird. Lit: big-bird Plural ma'xevé'kėseho; Obviative ma'xevé'kėseho. Usage: This word is used in Okla. and in some ceremonies for 'eagle.' See: netse; vóaxaa'e. Category: birds, ceremonial.
mátȧhéome ni. peyote tepee. Variant: mátȧhévee'e. Category: ceremonial.
mátȧhévee'e ni. peyote tepee. Variant: mátȧhéome. Category: ceremonial.
-mátȧhéve'haná vai. eat peyote. É-mátȧhéve'hanáhtove. There is a peyote meeting (lit. eating) going on. See: mata ‘peyote; pickle’. Category: ceremonial.
mátȧhéve'hanáhe na. peyote person. Plural mátȧhéve'hanáheo'o. See: mata. Category: ceremonial.
-mátȧhéve'hanáheve vai. peyote person. É-mátȧhéve'hanéheve. He was a peyote man. Category: ceremonial.
Mátȧhéve'hanahtȯtse ni. Native American Church. Lit: peyote-eating-NOM The three men with the main duties in peyote meetings are called: tsévéhonevėstse 'the chief', tséheonéhavo'eestse 'the drum keeper', and ho'ėstanáhe 'the fire keeper'. Mátaho 'peyote buttons' are eaten during the service. The chief button is called véhonemata. It sits where the "moon" is, right in front of the chief. Category: ceremonial.
mátaho na. Gram: pl peyote buttons. can also refer to pickles or cactuses. Singular mata. Category: ceremonial.
-mató'há ?? vti. cedar s.t. Mató'hėstse! Cedar it! Category: ceremonial, check.
-mató'h(n) vta. cedar s.o., put smoke (especially cedar) on s.o. This term could be used in a traditional way with a meaning something like 'bless s.o.'; "cedaring" s.o. is a traditional ritual--it purifies the person to whom the cedar smoke is directed. É-mato'no. He cedared him. É-mató'nóho. He cedared him (newer pronunciation). Etym: *mela·Ɂswe·wa. Mató'heha! Cedar him! É-mató'xestse. He is cedaring himself. Mató'hėstse! Cedar yourself! Mató'hestse! Cedar yourselves! See: -tsėhetȧho'h(n). Category: ceremonial.
-méno'kévȯhomo'he vai. Willow Dance - dance the, dance the Willow Dance. É-méno'kévȯhomo'he. He is dancing the Willow Dance. É-méno'kévȯhomó'heo'o. They are dancing the Willow Dance. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance, dance.
méno'kévȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. Willow Dance. It has been said that this is actually today's Sun Dance. The present S.D. is abbreviated and is said to leave out the offering of the participant's wife to the S.D. instructor--a practice outlawed by the U.S. government. This term was used as a euphemism during the time the Sun Dance was outlawed by the U.S. government. Category: Sun Dance, ceremonial, dance.
Mo'ȯhtáekȧhámáxe ni. place down south where peyote is gathered. Lit: black-stick Category: ceremonial.
-momȧhtáeestse vai. chant as a medicine man, talk in a religious chant, ceremonially speak. Ques: -momȧhtȧhéeestse ?? É-momȧhtáeestse. He spoke the sacred language. See: -éestse ‘speak’. Category: ceremonial, speak, check.
momȧhtáeestsestȯtse ni. ceremonial language. Category: ceremonial, speak.
-momȧhtahe vai. ceremonial person - be a. This is deeper than éma'heóneve. É-momȧhtahe. He is traditional at religion/he is religious in a traditional way). See: -ma'heóneve. Category: ceremonial.
momȧhtȧhé- pv. ceremonial. É-momȧhtȧhévo'ėstanéheve. He lives a ceremonial life (practices the traditional ceremonies). See: -momȯhtávan ??. Category: check, ceremonial.
momȧhtȧhétane na. medicine man, shaman. Phon: redup ?? Usage: obsolescing Plural momȧhtȧhétaneo'o. Etym: cf. *mete·wa ‘shaman; mama·ntaw strange, wonderful (redup.)' (Pe79)’. See: momȧhtȧhé- ‘ceremonial’; ováve- ‘ceremonial, magical ??’; naa'étane ‘medicine man’. Category: ceremonial, check.
-momȧhtȧhévó'ané na. ceremonially - pronounce, speak a ceremonial word; speak as a medicine man. É-momȧhtȧhévó'áne. He spoke a ceremonial word/he spoke in a traditional religious way. É-momȧhtȧhévo'anéstove. It is a sacred (or ceremonial) word. fai: -ó'ané. See: -ma'heónó'ané. Category: speak, ceremonial.
-momȯhtávan vti. make s.t./s.o. holy ?? Category: check. Ques: reck stem pitches neéšeame tsé-momȯhtavanomo návé'šėhetótaeháoenanone your day which you made holy causes us to pray with joy. (Hymn 118). See: momȧhtȧhétane. Category: ceremonial.
-mȯxe'énén vta. paint face of s.o. É-mȯxe'éneno. He painted his (other person's) face. É-mȯxe'énénóho. He painted his (other person's) face. (newer pronunciation). Category: face, ceremonial.
mȯxe'énȯsestȯtse ni. paint ceremony. Category: ceremonial.
mȯxe'énȯsétane na. Paint Ceremony person. Plural mȯxe'énȯsétaneo'o. Lucy Red Cloud was the last member of this traditional religious group.. Category: ceremonial.
-naa'é vai. doctor. Phon: not vs; vowel assimilates so that the /ae/ sequence is heard mostly as |aa| historically refers to Indian forms of doctoring; now also includes non-Indian forms of doctoring as in hospitals. Variant: -nae'é. É-naā'e. He is doctoring. Hoháesto hetanóho tséohkeévenaa'ese éhmȧhé'toesesto, é'évanaetaesesto. Many medicine (doctoring) men were working on him, they were doctoring him. [(1987:108] See: -naa'e ‘die’; -naa'oo'o ‘patient’; -naestómané ‘doctor people??’. Category: check. vta: -naet. Category: ceremonial.
naa'étane na. medicine man. Lit: doctor-person See: momȧhtȧhétane ‘medicine man’. Category: ceremonial.
-naesetsé'seh vta. purify him, make purifying motions to s.o. É-naesetsé'sėhóho. He made purifying motions to him. vai: -naesetse. See: -hoov. Category: ceremonial.
-naesetsé'tov vta. bless s.o., make a blessing sign to s.o. É-naesetsé'tovóho. He made a blessing sign to him. Category: ceremonial.
-naesetsénen vta. purify s.o. with the ceremonial purifying hand motions over the body of the one being purified. É-naesetsénenóho. He purified him. vai: -naesetse. Category: ceremonial.
naesetsestȯtse ni. purifying motion, blessing motion, blessing. Ques: Can this also mean blessing medicine?? Category: check. Plural naesetséstotȯtse; vai: -naesetse. Category: ceremonial, sacred.
-naet vta. doctor s.o. refers to traditional doctoring as well as doctoring with modern medicine. É-naetóho. He doctored him. Etym: *nepiθe·wa. Naa mó'ȯhkeméhae-naetȯhevóhe hoháesto vo'ėstanóho. And he used to doctor many people. [1987:107] vti: -naestá. Category: ceremonial.
-nȧhestá vti. avoid s.t., abstain from s.t. É-nȧhésta. He abstained from it. He'pa'onevōtse éohke-nȧhestánovȯtse. "Don't touch their (medicine people's) backs!" See: -nėhestá. vta: -nȧhestov. Category: ceremonial.
Né'oma'ésonȧhestse n. Sand Hills young people. This is the form when they are addressed, that is, the vocative. This ia a ceremonial word. Category: ceremonial.
Né'oma'étane n. Sand Hills person. Plural Né'oma'étaneo'o. ceremonial word for someone of the Tsitsistas band. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
Né'oma'étanesėstse n. Sand Hills people. pronunciation when they are addressed. a ceremonial word for the Tsitsistas. See: Né'oma'étane. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
némȯheo'o na. Ques: animacy uncertain turner, deflector. This is a family artifact (badge) which hangs from the top of a tepee pole and deflects harm from the people who live in that tepee. It appears that it may be possible to incorporate this term into the standard Cheyenne 'have' verb frame, for example, ná-he-némȯheonenȯtse 'I have him as my badge. 'There is uncertainty about this with current speakers, however. Etym: *pyi·mahikani (P). Usage: obsolescing Simplified Spelling nemhoyo'o. Category: ceremonial.
-nésemá vai. summon spirit helper(s). É-néséma. He summoned / talked to spirits (in a ceremony). A menstruating woman could not attend this ceremony. See: nésemoo'o. Category: ceremonial.
nésemanoo'ȯtse ni. spirit calling song. Plural nésemanootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. See: -nésema ‘call spirits’; nésemoo'o ‘spirit helper’. Category: ceremonial.
nésemoo'o na. spirit helper, familiar spirit, spirit guide. Plural nésemóono; Obviative nésemóono. This is a spirit which could belong, in particular, to a medicine man. The medicine man could call his familiar to give him information such as where to find something (or someone) which was lost. A familiar could outlive the person who belonged to him(the actual "owner" in the relationship was the familiar; the human who entered into relationship with him was "owned" by the familiar. It was an agreement something like selling one's soul to the familiar, in turn for getting the guidance of the familiar.)Familiars could be transferred to another person through teaching. The names of some of the most important nésemóono are: Kȧhamȧhta'sóoma 'Short Shadow', Nomáhtsé'héó'o 'Thief, Stealer' (this familiar, especially, could help retrieve lost horses); Oónȧha'e 'Frog'. É'éstsėhné'tóó'e nésemóono. The spirits entered into him. Possessive -nésemóoname; vai: -nésemá ‘summon spirit helper(s)’. See: nésemanoo'ȯtse ‘spirit calling song’. Category: ceremonial.
-nésemóoname na. spirit helper (poss.) na-nésemóoname my spirit helper. he-nésemóonamo his spirit helper. NonPoss: nésemoo'o. See: -he-nésemóoname. Category: sacred, ceremonial.
Néške'emane na. Grandmother Earth. Usage: usage today?? Category: check, ceremonial, ceremonial.
névėstanevóo'e na. Gram: pl Four Directions. This is a ceremonial term for the sacred powers at the four points of the compass. The traditional words for the four directions are ceremonial words. Many speakers today do not know them. Here are the four directions as given by an elder in 2021: héséne east. sóvóne south. ónėsóvóne west. notamota north. A good number of speakers know descriptive words for east and west in 2021: éše'he tsénėxhésemé'éhnėse east (literally, where the sun appears). éše'he tsétȧhešeta'ēhnėse west (literally, where the sun sets). See: névavo'ome. Category: sacred, ceremonial, positions.
Nóhtseváhehasėstse n. The ones who make your fires to the south of us (when addressed), south campers (addressed). ceremonial word for the allied tribes that camped to the south of the Cheyennes, namely, the Lakota Sioux and Kiowa-Apache. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
Nóhtseváhéó'o n. The one who makes his fire to the south of us, south camper. Plural Nóhtseváheono; Vocative Nóhtseváhehasėstse. Category: ceremonial, tribes, check.
Nóhtseváhesonȧhestse na. Gram: voc allied young people. This is a ceremonial word for the young people of the allied tribes that camped to the south of the Cheyennes, namely, the Lakota Sioux and Kiowa-Apache. This is the word used when speaking to them, that is, the vocative. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
no'oéstotȯtse ni. fan, peyote fan. Lit: held while sitting things Ques: Recheck; also is this peyote fan or peyote fans?? Category: check. See: vá'vanȯhēō'o ‘fan’. Category: ceremonial.
Notamota na. North. This is a ceremonial name for the direction north. See: notāma ‘north’. Category: directions, ceremonial.
-oestȯhtóoneh vta. sacrifice s.o. É-oestȯhtóonėhóho. He sacrificed him. vai: -oestóné. See: -oestóne'tov. Category: ceremonial.
-oestóné vai. make an offering. This kind of traditional offering involves use of prayer cloths, typically placed on bushes or similar objects. É-oestóne. He is making a prayer cloth offering. Móhóse-oestónėhevóhe háne taa'éva. They made an offering again the other night. [1987:112] Etym: cf *pakite·lentike·wa. See: -oéstóné ‘count’; oestóono; -ma'heónėstóné; -tšėhešėtóné; -estsénené. vta: -oestóne'tov. Category: ceremonial.
-oestóne'tov vta. offer s.o., offer s.o. as an offering, sacrifice s.o. É-oestóne'tovóho. He sacrificed him. See: -oestȯhtóoneh. Category: ceremonial.
oestoo'o na. prayer cloth. Plural oestóono. Etym: cf *pakite·lentamoweni 'offering, sacrifice'. Category: ceremonial.
oestóonéome ni. offering place. Lit: offering-lodge Category: ceremonial.
oestóono na. Gram: pl sacred cloths, prayer cloths. These ceremonial pieces of cloth can be anchored on the ground by four rocks. Or they can be placed on trees. There has to be at least four of them. They are a kind of offering to symbolize a prayer request. They come across as something like appeasement to the gods. At a gravesite the following four colors of prayer flags were observed: white, black, green, and red. vai: -oestóné; Singular oestoo'o. See: oestóonȯtse; hoohēō'o ‘flag’. Category: ceremonial.
oestóonȯtse ni. Gram: pl sacrifices. The animacy of the object sacrificed determines whether the spelling oestóono (animate) or oestóonȯtse (inanimate) is used. Singular oestoo'o. See: oestóono. Category: ceremonial.
-oné'seómo'eétahe vai. genuinely do; believe in a ceremony; actually do the impossible. éohkeéema'xena'xévaenaehevovóhotséohkeméhae-oné'seómo'eétȧhévȯse the (spirits' rattles) hit them (on the head), those who used to believe that way. [1987:146] Category: ceremonial.
-ová2 fai. ceremony, mysterious, sacred, spiritual ?? Perhaps this is no more than the abstract -ová intransitive final. tsémȧhtȯh-ovase the instructors (of a Sun Dance pledger). évóhpén-óva He is painting (especially in the Sun Dance). tséhóvaooh-ōvȧtse the one who takes the lead (when they run out of the Sun Dance lodge). cf. the following: Mo'éhenóave ?? Medicine Elk. The hand game terms in this entry refer to guessing with intuition or inner mystical power, rather than with hand game motions, for which terms the final -ohóné is used (it is uncertain whether or not the -oh of the stem of these verbs is identical to the -oh of the stem found in the hand game motion verbs, for example, -amȯhóné). Énȯsȯh-óva. He is guessing, trying to find the bone in the hand game. Éésȯh-óva. He missed in his try to find the hand game bone. Émé'ȯh-óva, He found (the hand game bone). cf. the following forms where the same spelling acts as an initial: É-ovávo'eétahe. He is doing something magical. É-ovahe. He is mysterious, mystical. Etym: cf. M awae·tok; O awesi· (N) 'spirit' (??. fai: -ová; Initial ová(v)-; vai: -ováhe. See: -ováxé ‘dream’; Nóáhe ‘Giver; Providence; God’; -ohová2 ‘play handgame’. Category: sacred, ceremonial, check.
ováonéhavo'e ni. magic drum. See: onéhavo'e. Category: drum, ceremonial.
ováve- pv. ceremonial, magical ?? É-ovávėho'soo'e. He danced a certain ceremonial dance. Etym: *pawe·wa (P) ‘he divines, conjures, has a vision’. See: -ovávȯhomo'he. Category: dance, ceremonial.
-pėhévóma'é vai. nice paint. É-pėhévómá'e. He is nicely painted. Final -óma'é. Category: ceremonial, designs.
Só'taesėstse n. Gram: voc Só'taa'e people. This is said when speaking to them. Category: tribes, ceremonial.
Só'tanéó'e ?? Só'tanéó'e náho'oesto'ovóó'o ?? Category: ceremonial, check.
tȧhpeno 1 • ni. flute, whistle. or other wind instruments such as a horn or trombone. Usage: obsolescing Plural tȧhpenonȯtse. vé'evėšéstotó'etȧhpeno cedar flute.
2 • na. flute, whistle. animate for some speakers. Plural tȧhpenono; Oblique tȧhpénónéva. See: é'e'šestȯtse. Etym: *pepikwani. See: šéstotó'etȧhpeno ‘cedar flute’. Category: sing, ceremonial.
-ta'omėhót vta. walk in front of s.o. É-ta'omėhoto. He is walking in front of him. É-ta'omėhótóho. He is walking in front of him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *taθkamwehθale·wa (P). Éohkėsáa-ta'omėhóheheo'o. They (medicine people) are not walked in front of. Etym: taθkamwehθale·wa. Category: ceremonial, walk.
-tóneto'xevá vai. how vow, vow something. especially refers to a religious vow. Ésáa-tóneto'xeváhe. He didn't make any vow. See: -nėheto'xevá; -hoxéhe'ševá; véstomósané. Category: ceremonial.
-tónetóma'é vai. how painted. É-tónetómá'e? How is he painted? Nėstse-tónetómá'e? Which paint do you want? [87:28] That is, How do you want to be painted? fai: -óma'é. Category: ceremonial, colors.
-tóo'ėstséstómané vai. repeat words ceremonially. refers to saying words twice ceremonially. És-tóó'ėstséstómáne. He ceremonially repeated words. [My Naming Ceremony.007] See: -totóohevávó'ané; -totóevó'ané; tóe-. Category: speak, ceremonial.
Tséá'enōvȧhtse Sacred Hat Keeper. vai: á'enová. See: ésevone; hóhkėha'e. Category: ceremonial, ceremonial.
tsé-he-nésemóonamėstse vai. the one who has a spirit helper. See: -nésemóoname. Category: ceremonial.
-tsėhetȧho'h(n) vta. cedar s.o., smudge s.o., cook s.o. this way. É-tsėhetȧho'nóho. He smudged him. That can also mean 'He cooked him this way'. Né-tsėhetȧho'novohe? Did you cook them this way? See: -mató'h(n). Category: ceremonial, cook.
-tsėheto'xevá vai. vow, pledge. refers to pledging to do something. É-tsėheto'xēva. He vowed this. tsé-tsėheto'xēvȧhtse the one who made a vow, the pledger. See: -hoxéhé'ševá; -nėheto'xevá; -véstomóo'hané. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance.
-tšėhešėtóné vai. create like this, build like this. É-tšėhešėtóne. This is how he made (it). tséto'sevé'še-tšėhešėtónevosėstse things they are going to used (for example, in the Sun Dance). fai: -óné3. See: -oestóné; -ma'heónėstóné. Category: sacred, ceremonial.
véhonemata na. chief peyote button. This button sits where the "moon" is in a peyote meeting, right in front of the "chief". Plural véhonemátaho. See: mata. Category: ceremonial.
-véstóma'é vai. painted with. É-véstómá'e. He is painted with (that side). Tósa'e tséto'sėhése-véstómá'e nėstsetónetómá'e? On what side (group) do you want to be painted? [1987:28] fai: -óma'é. Category: ceremonial, colors.
-vóhpe vai. be painted white. especially for a Sun Dance. É-vóhpeo'o. They are painted white. This term seems to refer to body paint, especially for a Sun Dance, whereas -vóhpéné refers to face paint. See: -vóhpéné. Category: colors, ceremonial.
-vo'ame Gram: poss ni. cloud (poss). ne-vo'amane our sky. Perhaps some ceremonial people have said this for sky but most people translate this as 'our cloud'. ni: vo'e. Category: ceremonial.
-vó'kȯhtonȧháóma'é painted white; white painted. especially a ceremonial painting. tséhoese tséoxxaemȧhe-vó'kȯhtonȧháoma'évȯse those who were sitting there were all painted white. [1987:28] fai: -óma'é. Category: colors, ceremonial.
-vó'omóma'e vai. white painted. É-vó'omóma'e. ?? He is painted white. Category: check, ceremonial, colors.
-vonȧhé'xa'ame na. Gram: poss charm, amulet, sacred medicine, sacred object, sacred bundle, fetish, talisman. na-vonȧhé'xa'ame my charm/amulet/sacred medicine. he-vonȧhé'xa'amo his charm/amulet(s). IndepNoun vonȧhé'xa'e; Variant: -vonȧhé'xame. See: heséeo'ȯtse; vé'šeeseo'o. Category: sacred, ceremonial.
vonȧhé'xá'e ni. medicine bundle; charm, amulet, sacred medicine, sacred object, sacred bundle, fetish, talisman. The hóhkėha'éome 'Sacred Buffalo Hat (Lodge)' is one of these bundles (1987:98). A vonȧhé'xa'e is typically a sacred bundle. It is not necessarily an object worn on the body, as an amulet would be. Possessive -vonȧhé'xa'ame; Plural vonȧhé'xá'ėstse. See: vonȧhéome; Vonȧhé'e. Category: ceremonial, sacred.
-vonȧhé'xame na. Gram: poss charm, amulet, sacred medicine; sacred object. na-vonȧhé'xame my (sacred) medicine. he-vonȧhé'xamo his (sacred) medicine). Variant: -vonȧhé'a'xame. See: vé'šeesēō'o. Category: sacred, ceremonial.
-vóto'ėstaé'eneonéve v. giving life, life - giving, enliven. This is an old ceremonial word. É-vóto'ėstaé'eneneoneve. It gives life. Ésevone tsévóto'ėstaé'eneonéveto. The Buffalo (Hat), you who are endowed by the Creator with life-giving sustenance. See: -vo'ėstanéveh. Category: ceremonial.
vóto'ėstátane na. ceremonial man, ceremonial piercing man, person. an old word for 'person'; today vo'ėstane is the word for 'person'. ceremonial word today; used in a Sun Dance song; possibly a Só'taa'e word. Plural vóto'ėstátaneo'o. Ques: Is vo'ėstátane also a word?? person3 Wayne.mp3 Final -tane. See: vo'ėstane ‘person’. Category: people, ceremonial.
-vóvȯhetan vti. renew s.t. É-vóvȯhetāna. He did it over again. Maahōtse é-vóvȯhetanēnėstse. The Sacred Arrows are renewed (after being stained or bloodied when a Cheyenne commits murder).
vta. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -vóhetan. É-vóvȯhetanóho. He renewed him. See: -hootóné. Category: ceremonial.
xāō'o na. 1 • skunk. Plural xaóne; Obviative xaóne; Diminutive xaóhkéso. Hetóéva náévotsėhetȧhéóhtse HE. Nenótovenaóotsėstse HE! Náovēše HE HE. Násóhkomėhahtáxe In the evening I was out hunting food. Hurry, go to sleep! I'm going to bed. I'm lying down with long, skinny feet. (Skunk Song). another version of the Skunk Song; transcribe it?? Translate it?? Category: check, check. See: -xaóeva'ó. Morph: /šaón/. Etym: *šeka·kwa ‘skunk’; *šeka·kwaki ‘skunks (Go88)’. Category: animals.
2 • Skunk. Category: names.
3 • tree skunk. a vertical victory structure usually made of pieces of ash. Ques: Why is it named skunk?? Category: check, ceremonial.