Cheyenne Dictionary



-ávanóoné   vai. 1 • take down tent. É-ávanóóne. He took his tent down. É-ávanóonéstove there is taking down of tent poles. Category: tepee.

2 • die. Category: figurative. See: -vévȯheotse; -ó'ená'o'tsé. Category: death.

ésȯhéó'o   na. dew cloth, lining (inside of tepee), windbreak. Some people translate this as 'windbreak'. Plural ésȯheono. Some of these are beaded. Category: tepee.

-hámȯhtsehné   vai. set up camp; pitch tent. É-hámȯhtséhne He set up camp. See: -mȯhtáeov; -tomȯhtan. Category: tepee.

he'pa'onéomēē'e   p. in back of the dwelling, behind the house. Hetane hepa'onéomēē'e énéé'e. The man is standing behind. [1987:222] for example, standing behind a tepee. Category: tepee, positions.

heséóxe   p. at the doorway. Antonym vá'ȯhtáma. See: he'nétóóne. Category: tepee.

héstoomȯtse   ni. bedding (on ground), bed fixtures. Usage: obsolescent Variant: héstoomaestȯtse; Plural héstoomōtsėstse. See: hóvo'ėšestȯtse bed covers; hóoma blanket; šéešestȯtse bed. Category: tepee.

-hóatová   vii. smoke issue from. especially of smoke coming out of a chimney or stovepipe. É-hóatōva. Smoke is coming out (of the chimney). fii: -atová. See: -he'pó. Category: smoke, tepee.

-ho'a'e'tá   vii. set in that direction. É-ho'a'ē'ta. ?? Ques: a'é'ta?? get question or plural to check pitch É-ho'a'ē'ta vose. It was the end of a hill. [Stamper 1991:8] See: -náha'e'tá. Category: tepee, sit inan, check.

ho'ēsta   ni. fire, stove, battery, fireball, skull on fire. Skull on fire was some object in the sky. Fire was treated as animate in some contexts; a fire or stove were considered extremely important in Cheyenne life, so important that some people considered it sacred; this may account for the sometime animate status of ho'ēsta. Otáxa ho'ēsta éhnéé'e. There was just a stove in (the cabin), it (animate) was standing (there). alternate to meaning of 'battery' is nonóma'e. Plural ho'ėstánėstse; Oblique ho'ėstáva; Possessive -hto'está. The plural is used for the phenomenon of fireballs known as St. Elmo's fire. Fireballs have been seen dancing on ridges and rolling through woods. Ho'ėstánėstse éohkeamoéstánėstse. Fireballs float along. Etym: *eškete·wi; F aškote·wi. See: nonóma'e; -ho'ėstáve. Category: tepee, fire, car.

hó'otseonó'e   ni. backrest, willow backrest, bedstead. This is a backrest made of willows, traditionally used in a tepee. These backrests are always in pairs. Plural hó'otseonó'ėstse; Medial -ó'(e). See: hó'os-; hó'óse; hoeseonó'e; méno'ke. Category: wood, tepee.

ho'sēō'o   ni. 1 • par fleche, bundle, little suitcase. Plural ho'seonȯtse. typically glossed by speakers as 'par fleche', a word of French origin, possibly supporting the idea of contact between Ch. speakers and French fur traders, perhaps while the Ch. lived in the woodlands west of the Great Lakes; these bags were typically used in tepees for storage and as furniture ?? Category: check. See: vé'ho'sēō'o. Category: tepee.

2 • Par Fleche. Category: names.

-ho'xó'éšé   vai. lie against. especially to lie near a tepee wall. É-ho'xó'éše. He is lying against (something). for example, to lie against a wall. Tȧ-ho'xó'ešėstse! Move over towards the wall! See: ho'xó'e. Category: tepee.

hono'ke   ni. tip of tepee pole. Etym: *wanaθki. Category: tepee.

hoóhtsenáheónó'e   ni. smoke flap pole. This is the pole(s) that holds up the flaps that allow smoke to exit the tepee. Phon: iah ?? Category: check. For some speakers the sg. is both sg. and pl. AltPl = hoóhtsenáheonó'ėstse Medial -ó'(e); Plural hoóhtsenáheonó'e ??. Actions which people do with these poles are: -nėhpo'an 'close s.t. (that is, the smoke hole)', -ta'ta'en 'open s.t.'. See: -hóatová. Category: tepee, smoke, check.

-hoóhtsenán   vti. open s.t. (smoke flap of tepee). É-hoóhtsenána. He opened it (smoke flap of tepee). Category: tepee.

-hoóxe'ané   vai. put up poles. É-hoóxé'áne. He is putting up tepee poles/lodge poles. See: hoóxe'e. Category: tepee.

hoóxe'e   na. tepee pole, lodgepole. Plural hoóxé'e, hoóxé'e (another recording); Oblique hoóxé'éva; Possessive -voóxe'e. See: vé'ho'éoméekȧhámáxėstse ??. Morph: /hoóše'e/. Etym: *apanšwiyi lodge pole (Ch. end of word reshaped) (Go88). Category: tepee.

hovéo'ȯhēō'o   ni. arbor, shade. Diminutive hovéo'kȯhēō'o; Plural hovéo'ȯheonȯtse. Category: tepee.

mȧhtáa'e   ni. tepee ring. Ques: mȯht?? Etym: *matempwi; house frame. Phon: vs See: -mȯhtáené. Category: tepee, check.

ma'eome   ni. red lodge, red tepee. Category: tepee.

ma'kestsėstse   ni. tepee stake, tent stake, stake, peg. Plural ma'késtsetȯtse; Oblique ma'késtsétséva. Morph: /ma'kéhtet/. Usage: pronunciation, especially of the singular, sometimes avoided due to similarity in sound to ma'kesta 'vagina' See: ma'kēsta vagina. Category: vulgar, tepee.

méenóheome   ni. tepee decorated with quills. See: mée'pa'onáome; méenó'eome. Category: tepee.

-náha'e'tá   vii. stand in honored position, set in front (that is, the foreground), honored position - be in. can refer to an honored tepee or a hill close to the speaker. É-náha'ē'ta. (The tepee) is standing in front in the honored position in the camp. See: -ho'a'e'tá. Category: sit inan, tepee.

-na'heóhtáóó'e   vai. stand on three legs, tripod - be a. can refer to a tepee tripod. É-na'heóhtáóó'e. He is standing on three legs / It is a tripod. Etym: *neɁθwika·te·ka·po·wa (P). É'éšenéhove-na'heóhtáóó'e. after the tripod (for the tepee) was standing. [1987:179] Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -óhtá; fai: -óé2. See: -néveóhtáóó'e. Category: stand, tepee.

-ó'e'šeehe   vai. decorated.

vii. decorated. É-ó'e'šeehe. It (or He) is decorated. Category: tepee.

-o'ená'o'tsé   vti. take down s.t., dismantle s.t. É-o'ená'ó'tse. ó'?? He took it down. For example, of taking down a tepee or tent. Category: tepee, check.

ó'hóóma   p. on the other side. Ques: on (either) side ?? Category: check. Positions inside a tepee are heséóxe 'near door', 'side' ó'hóóma, 'opposite door (position of honor)' vá'ȯhtáma. refers to positions in a tepee or room. See: heséóxe; vá'ȯhtáma; héstove; hoóma on the other side. Category: tepee.

séhpató'ȯhéó'o   ni. tepee pin; safety pin; clothes pin; drymeat stretching stick. Phon: vs Plural séhpató'ȯheonȯtse, séhpató'ȯheonȯtse. Category: tepee.

-sé'hohá   vti. stake down s.t. for example, of staking down a tent. É-sé'hóha. He staked it down. Etym: *ti·Ɂθahamwa. É-sé'hóha ho'éeve. He is stretching the hide (inanimate). for some speakers ésé'hohnóho ho'éevo 'he is stretching the hide (animate). The idea of stretching here must come from staking the hide down to hold it stretched out.?? vta: -sé'hoh(n). See: -sé'ho'en. Category: handcraft, tepee, check.

-séno'énené   vai. thread. É-séno'énéne. He is threading. for example, putting in the pins to hold together the flaps of a tepee. Category: tepee.

sétóve   p. middle, center. For example, in the middle of a tepee. The sétóve 'center' is where the tally sticks are kept for hand game. Sétóve énė-hetaa'o'enánėstse. They (inan.) are half filled. Sétóve tséohkeévo'soo'ėstse éháa'ėstȧhehe? Is the one who plays center (in basketball) tall? Variant: sétóvo. Usage: sétóve is the more common pronunciation See: o'xe. Category: tepee, positions, basketball.

-to'hovȯhené   vai. set up camp; erect tent; put up tent (or tepee). É-to'hovȯhēne. He erected the tent. Ééva-to'hovȯheneo'o. They are putting up a tent(s). They could be putting up a tent to give as return gifts to those who picked your blanket at an Indian wedding. Antonym -vévȯheotse. See: -to'hovȯheohe; -tomȯhtan; -tó'hovanené make a sandwich. Category: tepee, Indian wedding, check.

-tomȯhtan   1 • vti. raise s.t., erect s.t., place s.t. upright. É-tomȯhtāna He erected it (for example, a tepee). Etym: *θematamwa.

2 • vta. raise s.o.erect s.o. É-tomȯhtanóho. He raised him up. Etym: *θematene·wa. See: -hámȯhtsehné; -to'hovėhoné. Category: tepee.

tónovėšé'hóno   na. canvas, tarp. See: šé'hóno; vóhpėšé'hóno. Category: tepee, material.

vá'ȯhtáma   p. place-of-honor, welcome, you're welcome. This refers to the place-of-honor in a tepee opposite the door; many now use this word to welcome someone. Recently some people also use this word as a response to thanks, like English "you're welcome". (another recording) See: ó'hóóma; heséóxe. Category: tepee, greetings.

-vee'e   vai. camp. É-vee'e. He camped. É-véeo'o. They camped. (another recording) tséh-véévótse where we were camping. É-véestove. There is camping / it is a campground. tsé'ȯhke-véestove campground. Lit: where there is regularly camping Tósa'e né-vee'e? Where are you camping? [pd909] Some speakers also use that for 'Where do you live?'. Nȧhéno ná-vee'e. I live over there. Phon: vs IndepNoun vee'e. See: -eehe; -oe. Category: tepee, camp, live.

vee'e   ni. tepee. might also mean 'tent,' 'dwelling,' or 'lodge' for some people. (another recording) (another recording) Plural véenȯtse. Naa nėhéóhe éohke-véeo'o. And there they camp. Phon: apoc; vs English 'wigwam' < PA *wi·giwaampi (Go67), from which Cheyenne would have 2 reflexes, the separate words vee'e and ome.

na. tepee. he-véenóvevóho their lodges (an.; 1987:18). Ques: why is that 1987 entry animate?? Locative vééno; Diminutive vehke; vai: -vee'e. See: xamaevee'e; vehke; -ome; vé'ho'éome. Etym: *wi·ki. Category: tepee, check.

vééno   loc. in the tepee. Móstaéstsėhnėhevóhe vééno. They went into the tepee. [1987:269] Éstaévȧhóva'xesėste véeno. She went out of the tepee. [Bear Tepee:72] IndepNoun vee'e. See: véenóva. Morph: /véenó/. Category: tepee.

xamaevee'e   ni. tepee. Lit: ordinary-dwelling See: vee'e; éškȯseome; vé'ho'éome. Category: tepee.