Cheyenne Dictionary



-ahaehné   vai. detour. É-ahaēhne. He detoured. See: -ahaeohtsé; o'ome-. Category: walk.

-á'kaveohtsé   vai. walk with a limp. É-á'kaveōhtse. He is walking with a limp. Category: walk.

-ama'xanéohtsé   vai. cry walking. É-ama'xanéóhtse. He cried while walking along. [1987:266] See: -ama'xanéhné. Category: walk, cry.

-ame'kȧhéhné   vai. limp along. É-ame'kȧhéhne. He limped along. Category: walk.

-amenonéhne   vai. sing while walking along. É-amenonéhne. He is singing as he is walking. fai: -noné. Category: sing, walk.

-ameohe   vai. go by quickly. É-ameohe. He came by quickly. (another recording) Etym: *pemipahowa (P) he runs by, runs along'. See: -amehné; -ameohtsé; Mȧheameoestse. Category: walk.

amo'xéhnéan   vti. pack.walk. É-amo'xéhnéána. ?? ?? É-amo'xéhneanovȯtse kȧhamáxėstse. ?? They are carrying sticks on their backs. Category: check, walk, carry.

-amóneohtsé   vai. walk side-by-side, side-by-side walk, march. for example, as soldiers march. É-amóneohtseo'o. They are walking side-by-side. Category: walk.

-amónóváohtsé   vai. walk while talking; talk while walking. É-amónóváóhtse. He is walking while talking. É-amónovaohtseo'o. They are walking while talking. fai: -ónová1. Category: walk, speak.

-amoona'én   vta. hold hands walking with s.o. É-amoona'énȧhtseo'o. They are walking holding hands. See: -hoona'én. Category: walk, romance.

-anȯheohtsé   vai. go down. This can be used to refer to traveling from Busby to Lame Deer, the same as -sé'eohtsé. É-anȯheōhtse. He went down (the hill). [1987:266] See: -he'ameohtsé; -sé'eohtsé. Category: walk, motion.

-áxȧxévaohtsé   vai. walk with jingling bells. É-áxȧxéváóhtse. He is walking with his bells jingling. This used to be said of people who would walk to the dance hall with their dancing clothes on, including dancing bells. The bells would jingle as they walked. Category: sounds, walk.

-ehné   fai. walk, go, mover. Éam-ēhne. He is walking along. Ques: Is this better analyzed as -hné? There are several movement finals. One scale along which they can be classified may be rapidity of motion. Our first guess as to the arrangement of AI finals along this scale, from slowest motion to most rapid is: -ohe; -ehné; -ohtsé; -o'ȧhéotse; -a'xe ?? All these appear to refer to movement along a surface. Movement of self through space includes finals -a'ó 'fall' ?? Other movement finals are -'há 'fly', /-ohomó'he/ 'dance', -(e)ehe 'move camp'. Etym: *ohłe· (R). See: -hné; -ohtsé1. Category: walk.

-e'eohtsé   vai. go up. É-e'eōhtse. He went up. [1987:260] See: -he'ameohtsé. Category: walk.

-e'néhovehné   vai. follow upstream, walk upstream. É-e'néhovēhne. He walked upstream. Nétanėše-e'néhovėhnema. Let's go up the valley. [JOURNEY.TXT] See: -e'néhoveohtsé; e'-; néhov-. Category: motion, walk.

-éstsehné   vai. walk inside, enter. É-éstséhne. He entered. (another recording) Etym: *pi·ntwehθe·wa. Éstséhnėstse! Come in! Né'-éstséhnėstse! Come in! Éstséhne! Come in! (said to more than one person). Ta-éstséhnėstse! Go inside! Tȧhé-éstséhnėstse! Go there to enter! tsé-éstsėhnese those who went to church. Lit: those who entered -éstsehné is slower action than -ésta'xe. Antonym -hóehné. See: -ésta'xe; -ésto'eohtse; -ésta'xe. Category: walk.

-évehné   vai. walk about, roam. É-évéhne. He walked about. [1987:175] Etym: *ki·hθe·wa (P). fai: -ehné. Category: walk.

-háévánohtsé   vai. have loud footsteps, noisy walk, walk noisily. É-háévánóhtse. He is making loud footsteps. See: Ȯxháevánóhtsėstse. Category: sounds, walk.

-háhanéohtsé   vai. go near. É-háhanéóhtse. He went near. Nétavé'-háhanéóhtse! Don't go near (it)! For example, don't go near the stove. Category: walk.

-hánoeohtsé   vai. walk with head thrown back. É-hánoeōhtse. He walked with his head thrown back. Category: walk.

-hátȯxovehné   vai. walk back and forth, pace back and forth, back and forth walk. É-hátȯxovēhne. He walked back and forth. See: -hátȯxoveohe. Category: walk, motion.

-hátȯxove'hanáohtsé   vai. 1 • walk back and forth while eating. É-hátȯxove'hanáóhtse. He walked back and forth while eating. Névé'-hátȯxove'hanáóhtse! Don't walk around while eating!

2 • eat with hands rushing back and forth. É-ohkėhátȯxove'hanáóhtse He eats fast. for example, he eats while his hands are rushing back and forth to his mouth. fai: -e'haná. Category: walk, eat.

-hátȯxoveohe   vai. walk back and forth, back and forth walk. É-hátȯxoveohe. He is walking back and forth. See: -hátȯxovehné. Category: motion, walk.

-heamáohtsé   vai. walk sideways. É-heamáóhtse. He is walking sideways. Étaanȯhe-heamáóhtse. He walked down sideways (for example, down a rocky hill). Category: walk.

-héheotóova'ó   vai. spill water while walking. É-héheotóová'o. He spilled water while walking. Final -óová. Category: liquid, walk.

hehpehné   vai. walk further. É-hehpēhne. He walked further. Éstatšėšė-hehpėhnesėstse. He went further. [The Chief's Son and His Two Wives] Category: motion, walk.

-he'évo'ha'ehné   vai. walk as a woman. É-he'évo'ha'ēhne. He walks as a woman. Category: walk.

-he'évo'ha'eohtsé   vai. walk like a woman. É-he'évo'ha'eōhtse. He walks like a woman. See: -hetanévo'ha'ehné. Category: walk.

-he'néhné   vai. scatter walk. É-he'néhneo'o. They scattered walking. Tséxhovánee'ėse éne'évėhésė-he'néhneo'o hevóohestoto. When he was gone (died), his relatives came from different directions. [Ranch Life.019] Category: walk.

-héne'heohtsé   vai. walk stiffly. É-héne'heōhtse. He walked stiffly. See: -héne'šeohtsé. Category: walk.

-héne'šeohtsé   vai. walk stiffly. É-héne'šeōhtse. He is walking not moving any body parts. See: -héne'heohtsé. Category: walk.

-heséohtsé   vai. walk on ridge. É-heséóhtse. He walked on the ridge. Category: walk.

-hestóxehné   vai. 1 • walk behind, walk last. É-hestóxéhne. He is walking behind. That is commnly said about a henpecked husband. Synonym -ho'óxehné; Antonym -vovóehné.

2 • henpecked. Category: figurative, walk.

-hestóxeohtsé   vai. walk behind. É-hestóxeōhtse. He walked behind. See: -hestóxehné. Category: walk.

-hetanévo'ha'ehné   vai. walk as a man. É-hetanévo'ha'ēhne. She walks as a man. Category: walk.

hetsehné   vai. Gram: rr so walk, walk this way, walk there. ... é-hetsēhne. ... that is where he is walking. Néstsė-hetsēhnėstse! Walk to me! Category: walk.

-hné   fai. motion, walk. Éamevonē-hne. He crawled. Éhosó-hne. He walked backward. Variant: -ehné. See: -ohtsé1. Category: walk.

-hóehné   vai. walk outside, emerge, go outside, go out. É-hóéhne. He walked outside. (another recording) Tȧ-hóéhne! Go out! (said to more than one person0. Antonym -éstsehné. See: -hóa'xe; -ho'ehné; -háóéné pray. Category: walk.

-hóeóetanévo'ha'ehné   vai. lose money and walk out penniless. perhaps at a hand game or casino. É-hóeóetanévo'ha'ēhne. He lost his money and walked out penniless. Category: money, walk.

-ho'ehné   vai. arrive (walking). É-ho'ēhne. He arrived. Etym: *saxkwehθe·wa (P). Éévȧ-ho'ēhne. He came back. Né'évȧhósė-ho'ėhneo'o! Come again! Épėhéva'e tséx-ho'ėhneto. It is good that you came. mahnėx-ho'ēhnėstse when he comes. máhne'évȧ-ho'ēhnėstse when he comes back. See: -ho'eohtsé; -ho'eohe. Category: walk, motion.

-ho'eohtsé   vai. arrive, come. É-ho'eōhtse. He arrived. Nȧhtsemóneévȧ-ho'eōhtse. I will come back soon. tsémae-ho'eohtsese visitors. Lit: those from all over who come See: -ho'ehné; -ho'eohe. Category: walk.

ho'eoohe   vti. arrive walking quickly. Éstȧho'eoohe. He arrived walking quickly. [Squint Eye.016] Category: walk.

ho'eoohé't   vti. arrive walking to s.t. quickly. Éstȧ-ho'eoohé'tánȯse. He walked to it quickly. [Squint Eye.016] Category: walk.

-hó'kȯhtȯhe'ahe   vai. walk with cane. É-hó'kȯhtȯhe'ahe. He is walking with a cane. Category: walk.

-hó'kȯhtȯhéne   vai. walk with a cane. É-hó'kȯhtȯhéne. héhne?? He is walking with a cane. Etym: *a·mpataho·hθwe·wa. É-hó'kȯhtȯheneo'o. ?? They are walking with a cane. See: -hó'kȯhtȯheohtsé. Category: walk, check.

-hó'kȯhtȯheohtsé   vai. walk with a cane. É-hó'kȯhtȯheōhtse. He is walking with a cane. Etym: Ar hô·kotohu-. See: -hó'kȯhtȯhené. Category: walk, sickness.

-ho'óxehné   vai. walk last. that is, walking as the last one in line. É-ho'óxéhne. He walked last. Synonym -hestóxehné. Category: walk.

-hónéváohtsé   vai. go to the country, head for the hills. This is about going into the country, not going out of a house which is -hóehné. É-hónéváóhtse. He headed for the hills / he headed out into the country. [Stamper 1991:10] See: onóveto; o'eto; tóhtoō'e; -hóehné. Category: walk.

-hosóetáohtsé   vai. walk barefoot. É-hosóetáóhtse. He walked barefoot. Category: walk.

-hosóhne   vai. walk backwards, backwards walk. É-hosóhne. He is walking backwards. Etym: *ašya·hθe·wa. See: -hosóvehné; -hosóohtsé. Category: walk.

-hosóohtsé   vai. walk backwards, backed away, back out, backwards walk. refers to walking away from something, not having heels preceding toes in walking. É-hosóóhtse. He walked backwards. Etym: *ašya·pahta·wa. See: -amėsóohtsé; -hosóhné. Category: walk.

-hosóvehné   vai. walk backwards, backwards walk. É-hosóvéhne. He walked backwards. fai: -ehné. See: -hosóhné. Category: walk, check.

-hóto'e'ov   vta. 1 • in line, walk single file with s.o., walk Indian file with s.o. can especially refer to when a wife follows her husband while walking. É-hóto'e'ovóho. He walked single file with him. É-hóto'e'óvȧhtseo'o. They are walking single file. See: -hó'e'ov follow s.o.; -hóto'e'ov. Category: walk.

2 • in line by age, be so apart in age from s.o. Naa tséxheaénaméstove na'heāā'e ná-hóto'e'óvȧhtséme. And according to the ages (years), we are three years apart. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.147] Category: ages.

-hótȯxáhné   vai. walk crisscrossing. É-hótȯxáhne. He crisscrossed. [1987:42] That is, he walked back and forth. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -hóxovehné. Category: walk.

-hóxovehné   vai. walk across, cross over. É-hóxovēhne. He walked across. (another recording) É-hóxovėhneo'o. They crossed over. fai: -ehné. Category: walk.

-koká'eohtsé   vai. walk friskily, caper, prance. can be said of a horse. É-koká'eōhtse. He walks/goes friskily. [pd210] Category: walk, horses.

-koká'o'ha'eohtsé   vai. bob while walking, march or step as a majorette. É-koká'o'ha'eōhtse. He is bouncing/bobbing as he walks. Category: walk.

-koomenéšeohtseo'o   vai. walk close together. for example, rubbing shoulders while walking along together. only said of plural subjects. É-koomenéšeohtseo'o. They are walking close together. See: -néšeohtsé. Category: walk.

-ma'kėsta'éohtsé   vai. walk with head down. É-ma'kėsta'éóhtse. He is walking with his head down. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: walk.

-mé'eohtsé   vai. appear, show up. É-mé'eōhtse. He appeared. See: -mé'ehné; -mé'a'xe. Category: walk.

-nȧhahkeohtsé   vai. walk briskly, energetically walk. É-nȧhahkeōhtse. He is walking energetically. Category: walk.

-nȧha'éváohtsé   vai. walk with wife. É-nȧha'éváóhtse. He is walking with his wife. Medial -'évá wife. See: -nȧha'néohtsé walk with husband. Category: walk.

-nȧha'néohtsé   vai. walk with husband. É-nȧha'néóhtse. She is walking with her husband. See: -nȧha'évaohtsé walk with wife. Category: walk.

-náheohtsé   vai. take the honored lead ?? É-náheōhtse. He had the honor of taking the lead. Usage: obsolescent See: -vé'otsé. Category: walk, check.

-nanóohto'ha'ehné   vai. walk very slowly. É-nanóohto'ha'ēhne. He is taking his time walking ; he is walking very slowly. fai: -ehné. Category: walk.

-néhovehné   vai. walk upstream. É-néhovēhne. ?? [Fishing.005] Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: walk, check.

néma'e-   i. circle; around; revolve. É-néma'ēhne. He is walking in a circle. compare év- which means 'around' in the sense of 'about', not circular motion as with this word. Category: walk.

-néma'ehné   vai. walk around, circular walk. É-néma'ēhne. He is walking in a circle. É-néma'ėhneo'o. They walked around in circles. [1987:223] Étaohkeévȧho'-néma'ēhne tsėhéóhe tséstatoo'ētȯse néhe ná'ėstse. (The woman) goes clear around back to where she tied that one (tepee pole). [1987:223] Initial néma'-. See: -néma'ó'ehné. Category: walk.

-néma'ó'ehné   vai. walk around, walk in a circle. É-néma'ó'éhne. He is walking in a circle. Étaohke-néma'ó'ėhneo'o. They go around (the tepee poles). [1987:223] See: -néma'ehné. Category: walk.

néma'ó'ėhót   vta. walk around s.o. Ná-néma'ó'ėhóto. I walked around him. Category: walk.

-néma'óneehné   vai. walk in a circle, circle walk. É-néma'óneehneo'o. They are walking in a circle. Category: walk, shapes.

-néšeohtsé   vai. two go, both go together. only used with plural subjects. É-néšeohtseo'o. They walked together. Etym: *nyi·šwipahta·waki (?) (P/L). This generally refers to walking side by side but can be single file while walking close together. See: -hóto'e'ov; -vé'ȯhtsém. Category: walk.

-nėševehné   vai. walk fast. É-nėševēhne. He walked fast. fai: -ehné. Category: walk, speed.

-nėševeohe   vai. drive fast, walk fast. É-nėševeohe. He is driving fast. Hóvéhno nėševeoestse! Speed up a little! See: -aseohe. Category: walk, speed, drive.

-nėševeohtsé   vai. walk fast, go fast. É-nėševeōhtse. He is walking fast. Nėhē'še nonó'hónó'e móstanėšenó'-nėševeohtsėhéhe. Then more and more he was galloping (his horse). [1987:170] Antonym -nóveohtsé. See: -onótoveohtsé. Category: walk, speed.

-nėševo'ha'eohtsé   vai. walk at a medium pace. É-nėševo'ha'eōhtse. He is walking at a medium pace. Nėsta-nėševo'ha'eohtsémáne. Let's walk moderately fast. Medial -o'ha'e. See: -nėševeohtsé. Category: walk, speed.

-no'ehné   vai. Gram: ai+o walk while carrying something. É-no'ēhne. He is walking carrying something. Etym: *naθpwehθe·wa (P).

vti. walk while carrying s.t. Ná-no'ėhnenȯtse. I carried them (inan.). vta: -no'ėhné'tov. Category: carry, walk.

-nó'ėseohtsé   vai. go over. especially to go over a hill or a mountain. É-nó'ėseōhtse. He went over the hill. fai: -ohtsé. Category: walk.

-nó'ėstsėhné   vai. go over. Category: walk.

no'héhné   vai. 1 • go aside.

2 • backslide. É-no'héhne. He "left the fold"/backslid/got off the path. Category: walk.

-no'kehné   vai. walk alone. É-no'kēhne. He is walking alone. Category: walk.

-nó'ovóneeohtsé   vai. go single file. É-nó'ovóneeohtseo'o. They walked single file. Category: walk.

-nonáohto'ha'ehné   vai. walk deliberately, walk slowly. É-nonáohto'ha'ēhne. He is walking deliberately. Nėsta-nonáohto'ha'ėhnémáne! Let's just take a good old time walking! Medial -o'ha'e. Category: motion, walk.

-nonáohto'ha'eohtsé   vai. walk deliberately. É-nonáohto'ha'eōhtse. He walked slowly. Category: walk, speed.

-nonomé'ėséohtsé   vai. shake butt while walking. É-nonomé'ėséóhtse. She wiggles her butt while walking. BodyPartMedial -'esé. See: -tšėheše'ėšé'šé. Category: walk, vulgar.

-nonomeohtsé   vai. shaky walk. for example, of a colt or baby. É-nonomeōhtse. He shakes as he walks. [PD38] Category: walk.

-nonótoveohtsé   vai. walk fast. É-nonótoveōhtse. He walked fast. Category: walk.

-notama'éohtsé   vai. face north walking, walk facing north, walk facing the wind. É-notama'éóhtse. He went facing the wind. See: Nómeōhtse; -nómehné; notama. Category: walk, motion, directions.

-nóvehné   vai. walk slowly. É-nóvéhne. He is walking slowly. Móstá'-novėhnėhevóhe. They came real slowly. [1987:45] Final -ehné. Category: walk, speed.

-nóveohtsé   vai. walk slowly, come late. Ná-nóveōhtse. I came late. Antonym -nėševeohtsé. Category: walk.

-novo'ehné   vai. walk with lunch. É-novo'ēhne. He is walking with his packed food. Category: eat, walk.

-novo'eohtsé   vai. eat while walking. É-novo'eōhtse. He ate and walked (at the same time). Taa'éva nėstsevé'-novo'eohtséme; méstaa'e nėstsenémȧhtsená'o'haēvo. Don't eat outside at night; a boogeyman (or spirit) will give you crooked mouth. (a cultural prohibition). That is a cultural taboo said to more than one person. See: -nóvo'eohtsé. Category: walk.

-ohtsé1   fai. go. one of several AI movement finals; see discussion under -ehné. Éame-ōhtse. He walked/he went. Éahae-ōhtse. He detoured. Éá'kave-ōhtse. He is walking with a limp. Éaéstome-ōhtse. He came for nothing/wasted his time. Éhéne'he-ōhtse. He walked stiffly. Etym: *-pahto· run (suffix). Homonym -ohtsé2 process. See: -ohe; -ehné; -o'ȧhéotse; -a'xe. Category: walk.

-ó'ȯhtsehné   vai. err in going, go astray. É-ó'ȯhtséhne. He went astray. Táaxa'e tónetāā'e náne'-ó'ȯhtsėhnémȧse? Let's see, how much have I gone astray? [1987:241] fai: -ehné. Category: walk.

-o'omehné   vai. bypass, detour, cut across. É-o'omēhne. He went on/bypassed. É-o'omėhneo'o. They cut across. Ná-o'omēhne. I cut across. Etym: *kaθkamwehθe·wa (P) he walks by a shortcut. See: ó'ome. Category: walk.

-onótoveohtsé   vai. walk fast. É-onótoveōhtse. He is walking fast. See: -nėševeohtsé. Category: walk, speed.

-óomėse'ėséohtsé   vai. walk swaying butt. É-óomėse'ėséóhtse. She is walking swaying her butt. Category: body, walk.

-oséhe'keohtsé   vai. walk alone. É-oséhe'keōhtse. He walked all alone. [PD36] Category: walk.

-ovátonėsėhahtáóhtse   vai. walk duck-toed. E-ovátonėsėhahtáóhtse. He is walking duck-toed. Category: walk.

-ováva'ó   vai. stagger, clumsy. can refer to someone who can't do things right, they are undependable; sometimes they falls down. É-ovává'o. He is staggering. Éstaame-ováva'óhoo'o. He staggered along (surp.). [1987:70] Category: walk.

-ovávehné   vai. walk wobbly, wobbly walk. For example, of a drunk or someone with a disability. É-ovávéhne. He is walking wobbly. See: ováveóé. Category: walk.

-ováveohtsé   vai. stagger, walk wobbly. especially of a drunk. Éame-ováveōhtse. He is staggering along. Category: walk, drink.

-ovóehné   vai. walk first, walk in front. É-ovóéhne. He is walking first. Névááhe tsé-ovóéhnėstse? Who is first? Non-contract: -vovóehné. Category: walk.

-pėhévehné   vai. walk well. É-pėhévéhne. He walked well. fai: -ehné. Category: walk.

-sóhpéhne   vai. 1 • go through, walk through. É-sóhpéhne He walked through. Etym: *ša·pwehθe·wa (P). See: -sóhpeohtsé.

2 • pass. for example, to pass a grade in school. vti: -sóhpėhné'tá. See: -sóhpeohtsé. Category: walk.

2 • pass. fig., pass (for example, to pass a grade in school).

-sȯsóeohtsé   vai. go into a crowd. É-sȯsóeōhtse. He walked/went into the crowd. Category: walk.

-sóveohtsé   vai. go slowly. for example, to walk humpbacked. É-sóveōhtse. He walked slowly. Category: walk.

-táehné   vai. disperse, spread, go all over. É-táéhne. He has gone all over. for example, he has gone all over looking for a lost cow. É-táéhne éše'he. The sun(shine) is all over/goes all over. for example, it shines all over the area. Etym: cf *tašwiwa he spreads out. See: -táehasené; -pe'pe'ėhasené. Category: space, walk.

-táho'né'eotse   1 • vai. step on. É-táho'né'eotse. He stepped on (something).

Gram: ai+o vti. step on s.t. É-táho'né'eotse. He stepped on it. Hénová'e tsé-táho'né'eotseto? What did you step on? That can be a humorous response to farting. See: -táho'né'e. Category: walk.

2 • vti. speed. Nėhē'še é-táho'né'eotse. Then he stepped on it. That is a humorous loan translation for speeding. fai: -o'né'e step. Category: surface, car.

-ta'eohtsé   vai. disappear, disappear, go out of sight. É-ta'eōhtse. He went out of sight. [1987:284]

die. This word can be used as a euphemism for 'die'. Návóómo tsétȧheše-ta'eōhtsėse I saw him when he went out of sight. This was said by a father when he saw his invalid son die. Reduplicated tatá'eohtsé. See: -ta'ehné; -ta'a'ó. Category: walk.

-ta'omehné   vai. walk obstructing. É-ta'omēhne. He walked in the way. Etym: *taθkamwehθe·wa (P). that is, walking in a way that obstructs. Ta-ta'omēhnėstse méóne! ?? Go to the road! ?? For example, to wait for the school bus. Category: walk, check.

-ta'omėhót   vta. walk in front of s.o. É-ta'omėhoto. He is walking in front of him. É-ta'omėhótóho. He is walking in front of him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *taθkamwehθale·wa (P). Éohkėsáa-ta'omėhóheheo'o. They (medicine people) are not walked in front of. Etym: taθkamwehθale·wa. Category: ceremonial, walk.

-táxehné   vai. walk upon. É-táxéhne. He walked on top (of something). Etym: *te·hθwehθe·wa. See: -táho'ne'e. Category: walk.

táxėhót   vta. walk on s.o. É-táxėhoto. He walked on him. É-táxėhótóho. He walked on him. (newer pronunciation). Category: walk.

-táxeohe   vai. walk on quickly. É-táxeohe. He walked on (something) quickly. Category: walk.

tó'ȯhee-   pv. back and forth nervously. É-tó'ȯheeameōhtse. He is walking back and forth nervously / pacing back and forth. See: hátȯxove-. Category: walk.

-tomȯhtsehné   vai. walk erect. for example, as soldier do when marching in formation. É-tomȯhtsēhne. He is walking erect. Category: walk.

-tooxehné   vai. walk low, walk underneath. for example, to walk underneath branches. É-tooxēhne. He is walking low. tsé'éetšėšeame-tooxēhnėse as she was walking underneath. [1987:289] See: -tooxeohtsé. Category: walk.

-tooxeohtsé   vai. walk stooped. É-tooxeōhtse. He squatted down while walking. for example, to avoid low hanging branches. Category: walk.

-totáxėhné'tov   vta. walk on s.o. This word has reduplication that indicates some repeated or extended action. É-totáxėhné'tovóho. He walked on him. És-totáxėhné'toehoono. He (obv) walked the length of him. (pret). [VISION.TXT] See: -ho'né'e. Category: walk.

-totáxeohé'tov   vta. walk on s.o. É-totáxeohé'tovóho. He walked on him. Nėstse-totáxeohé'tova tséhe'ėstȧhévȯse. He will walk the length of your body. [VISION.TXT] Phon: redup Category: walk.

-tsėhetsehné   vai. walk this direction. É-tsėhetsēhne. He walked that direction. Nés-tsėhetsēhne! Come to me! [1987:183] See: -tsėhe'oohe; nená-. Category: walk.

-tséo'eohtsé   vai. walk with legs spread. for example, how babies walk sometimes. É-tséo'eōhtse. He is walking with his legs spread. Category: walk.

-vávaeohtsé   vai. walk with a swinging gait. É-vávaeōhtse. He is walking with a swinging gait. Phon: redup Etym: cf *we·pipahta·wa. Category: walk, motion.

-véstsehné   vai. live with. Lit: walk with Ná-véstséhne. I live with. See: -vé'hahtsé; -vé'ȯhtsém. Category: motion, walk.

-véstsėhném   vta. walk with s.o.; live with s.o. By semantic extension, this verb can refer to living with or socially communing with s.o. É-véstsėhnemo. He is living with him. See: -véstse'enám; -véstoem; -vé'ȯhtsém. Category: live, walk.

-vóhkehné   vai. turn while walking. É-vóhkéhne. He made a turn. Reduplicated -vovóhkehne. Category: walk.

-vovóehné   vai. walk first, walk in front. É-vovóéhne. He is walking first/he is walking in front. (another recording) Contracted -ovóehné; Antonym hestóxehné. Category: walk.

-vovóeohtsé   vai. walk first, take the lead, walk in front. É-vovóeōhtse. He is walking first/he is walking in front. See: -vovóehné. Category: walk.

-vovóhkehne   vai. walk crooked ?? É-vovóhkéhne. He is walking crooked. Non-reduplicated -vóhkehné. Category: check, walk.

-xáevanohtsé   vai. noisily walk. É-xáévánóhtse. He is walking noisily. Category: walk.

-xanovehné   vai. 1 • walk straight. É-xanovēhne. He walked straight. [Croft]

2 • live straight. fai: -ehné. Category: walk, live.