Cheyenne Dictionary



-áahtomónee'tov   vta. sit listening to s.o. É-áahtomónee'tovóho. He is sitting listening to him. See: -áahtov. Category: hear, sit, interpersonal.

-áeh   fta. scare s.o. Návoná-eha. He shocked me. Étó'om-áehóho. He scared him stiff. Éná't-aehóho. He startled (and scared) him. Éáhan-áehóho. He frightened him to death. Ésé'hov-áehóho. He caught him by surprise. Category: interpersonal.

-aéstomemét   vta. give to s.o. for free. Né-aéstomemetȧtse. I'm giving this to you for free. See: -mét; -aéstomotse'ohe. Category: interpersonal.

-aéstomo'eéh   vta. falsely treat s.o. É-aéstomo'eeho. He treated him falsely. É-aéstomo'eéhóho. He treated him falsely. (newer pronunciation). [pd746] Category: interpersonal.

-áhanáeh   vta. scare s.o. to death, frighten s.o. extremely. É-áhanáehóho. He frightened him to death. Éstaéšėto'se-áhanáehaesesto néhe ná'ėstse. (The beaver) almost scared him to death. [1987:277] See: -ná'taeh; -háeh; -tó'omáeh. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-áhanoh(n)   vta. swat s.o., club s.o. É-áhanȯhnóho. He clubbed him. Ho'honaa'o évé'še-áhanȯhestsénovo. They are throwing rocks at each other. Lit: by means of rocks they are hitting each other See: -oom; -ne'enéseh. Category: interpersonal.

-a'avó'seh   vta. influenced by s.o., catch sickness of s.o., cause s.o. to crave. É-a'avó'sėhóho. He influenced him. Variant: -a'ovó'seh; vai: -a'avó'so'he. See: -tóo'ėstseh; -vonȯhóha'ov; -mé'ovó'seh. Category: interpersonal, influence, sickness.

-á'eh   vta. generously give to s.o., grace s.o., thank you. This word is rich in meaning. It refers to meeting a real need of another, being generous and thoughtful to meet that need, for example, bringing a load of wood for someone when their wood is almost gone and it is cold weather, or giving that person a warm blanket on a cold day. The action produces a sense of gratefulness in the recipient. In verbs where the second person acts on the first person verbs, this has come to be the "traditional" Cheyenne way of expressing thanks--that is, the speaker is telling the hearer that they have met a real need. The commonly used word "hahoo" for 'thank you' is considered an inter-tribal word, not the "real" Cheyenne way of saying thank you. Some speakers point out that hahóo is said for relatively trivial things like thanking someone for passing you the salt at a meal. Nea'eše has tradionally be used for deeper thanks. But many speakers are using nea'eše instead of hahóo, as thanks for all situations. Né-á'eše! Thank you! Né-á'ėšéme. Thank you (said to more than one person). (another recording) Né-á'ėšemeno. Thank you (said by more than one person to one or more persons. (another recording) É-á'ėhóho. He did something special to him so that he was grateful for it. É-á'ehe. He was given something he really needed. vai: -á'ėstómané. See: -á'etse; hahóo thank you; -másetsėstov; -mét give to s.o.. Category: interpersonal.

-a'e'šetanó   vai. want to be separate. É-a'e'šetāno. He wants to be separate. Násáa'-a'e'šetanóhe. I don't want to be separate. Éohke-a'e'šetanoo'o. They like to be separate. See: -ová'e'šetanó. Category: interpersonal.

-a'ovó'oestom   vta. influence. Mósta-a'ovó'oestomȧhtsėhéhe. He placed himself under the influence of that (liquor). [A Plowing Story.030] Category: interpersonal.

-a'ovó'seh   vta. influenced by s.o., catch sickness of s.o., cause s.o. to crave. Variant: a'avó'seh. É-a'ovó'sėhóho. He influenced him. Ná-a'ovó'seha. I got his sickness / He is making me crave (it, for example, drymeat). Né-a'ovó'šeše. You "contagioned" me, that is, I caught it from you. Hetane móhmae'-a'ovó'sėhaehevóhe vo'ėstanóho. A man liked what the people were doing. (a more complete translation would be something like 'a man was influenced to do the same as the people'). [1987:275] See: -tóo'ėstseh; -vonȯhóha'ov. Category: interpersonal, influence.

-a'seéh   vta. accident.hurt, accidentally hurt s.o. É-a'seéhahtse. He hurt himself accidentally. Naka'ėškónėhamo éó'ȯse-a'seéhahtseo'o. My children have accidentally harmed one another. [1987:205] See: -a'seh; -a'to'eéh. Category: interpersonal.

-a'seh   vta. hurt s.o. in a taboo way; do something taboo to s.o.; do something prohibited to s.o. This can refer to something done to a medicine man which is culturally taboo; for example, walk in front of him, or give him stored water when he should have been given fresh water just gotten from a spring (the first drink a medicine man has in the morning should be fresh for him to have a proper day). É-a'sėhóho. He wronged him by doing something taboo to him. Ná-a'sēho. I did something to him that I was not supposed to do. Etym: *peɁtihe·wa > **peɁsihe·wa (P/L?. Ná-a'seha. He hurt me by doing something to me he should not have done. É-a'sehe. He experienced something that shouldn't have been done to him. Naa náa'sėháá'e kȧsováaheho tsémanese. And they did to me what they were NOT supposed to, the young men who were drinking. See: -a'ta'ov accidentally bump s.o.; -a'seéh accidentally hurt s.o.; hópahpa Even!. Category: interpersonal, taboo.

-a'to'eéh   vta. accidentally hurt s.o. É-a'to'eéhahtse. He hurt himself accidentally. See: -a'toh(n); -a'seéh. Category: interpersonal.

-amȧhtá'tov   vta. give permission to s.o.; agree with s.o. to do something. É-amȧhtá'tovóho. He gave permission to him; he agrees for him to do something. See: -amȧhtov. Category: interpersonal.

-amȧhtov   vta. agree with s.o., say yes to s.o., heed s.o., allow s.o., comply with s.o., permit s.o., consent to with s.o., obey s.o. The primary meaning of this form is to agree with someone. But it can also refer to allowing someone to do something that they want, such as allowing your child to drive the family. In a sense, this is also a kind of agreement, as well, since the child wants to drive the É-amȧhtovóho. He agreed with him. É-amȧhtóvȧhtséstove There is agreeing with one another (in the ideal family). "Nėstavé'eamȧhtōvo vo'ėstane," móxhetaehevóhe néhe tsénésȯhtȯxetsėsekȧsováaheho. "Don't comply with anyone," they were told by those seven young men. [1987:307] fta: -ahtov; vai: -amahtá. Etym: *pemehtawe·wa he heeds him. See: -amȧhtá'tov; -áahtov; -nétse'ov; -hoto'em. Category: interpersonal.

-amȧxem   vta. run away from s.o., flee from s.o. É-amȧxemóho. He fled from him. Etym: *pemešime·wa (P). vti: -amȧxestá. Category: interpersonal.

-améšėšéváen   vta. fight s.o. while going along. É-améšėšévaenóho. He fought him as he went along. Ná-améšėšéváéno. I fought him as I went along. fta: -éváen. See: -amét. Category: interpersonal, check.

-amevo'e'ov   vta. chase s.o. along. É-amevo'e'ovóho. He chased him (for example, a cow) along. See: -ametȧxe'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-amo'eéh   vta. abuse s.o. É-amo'eeho. He is abusing him. É-amo'eéhóho. He is abusing him. (newer pronunciation). É-amo'eéhahtseo'o. They are abusing each other. fta: -o'eéh. See: -hávėséve'tov. Category: violence, interpersonal.

-ane'eoestoh(n)   vta. stab s.o. quickly. É-ane'eoestȯhnóho. He stabbed him. [Croft] See: -ováne'eoestoh(n). Category: interpersonal, violence.

-anoetanó'tȯsané   vta. put.down.people. Éohke-anoetanó'tȯsáne. He puts people down. Usage: loan transl. from English? Category: interpersonal.

-anȯhoešem   vta. drape s.o. For example, to drape a blanket on something. É-anȯhoešemóho. He is draping him. Category: interpersonal.

-anovátam   vta. regard s.o. as being low. É-anovátamóho. He deems him as being low/he is 'down on him (obv)'. Usage: possible loan transl. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-aseneenáh(n)   vta. send away s.o.exile s.o. Ques: ask s.o. to leave ?? É-aseneenahno. He sent him away. É-aseneenȧhnóho. He sent him away. (newer pronunciation). Ná-aseneenáhno. I sent him away. É-aseneenahe. He was 'excommunicated' / sent away / exiled. For example, he was sent away into exile after murdering someone. Né'-aseneenáxeha! Send him away from there! vai: -aseneenáhová. See: -mea'e; -hóestó'emáeve; -tšėhešeméa'tov; -ho'méa'tov. Category: interpersonal, check.

-aseneenáhová   vai. send away, ask (people) to leave. É-aseneenáhóva. He asked (people) to leave. See: -aseneenáh(n). Category: interpersonal.

-aseneenávo'koh(n)   vta. away.send.quickly, quickly ask s.o. to leave. É-aseneenávo'kȯhnóho. He quickly asked him to leave. See: -aseneenáh(n). Category: interpersonal.

-aseohtsé'tov   vta. come away from s.o., leave s.o. Náne'-aseohtsé'tóvo. I came away from him.?? Category: interpersonal, motion, check.

-aseohtsév   vta. leave s.o. Nėstavovóehénėhetone tséto'seévȧheše-aseohtsévótse. Let's first go tell him that we are going to leave him. (?) [Cheyenne Tribal History.134] Category: interpersonal, motion, check.

-aset   vta. ask s.o. to go with. É-asetóho. He asked him (obv) to go with him. Ná-asetoo'o. I asked them to go with me. See: -asét start to fight s.o.. Category: interpersonal.

-asėta'ósané   vai. chase away. to chase away people. É-asėta'ósáne. He chases away (people). Category: interpersonal, check.

-asėtanomev   vta. take away something from s.o. É-asetanomevóho. He took it away from him. Ná-asėtanomoo'e. He took it away from me. Ná-asėtanomóenȯtse. He took them (inanimate) away from me. Ná-asėtanomevonȯtse. I took them (inanimate) away from him. Né-asėtanomévatsenȯtse. I took them (inanimate) away from you. Asėtanomevėstse! Take it away from me! See: -vonanomev. Category: interpersonal.

-asėtȧxe'ov   vta. chase away s.o. É-asėtȧxe'ovóho. He chased him away. See: -asėta'ov; -hóetȧxe'ov. Category: interpersonal, move.

-asėtȯhóov   vta. sign to s.o. to leave, motion s.o. to leave. É-asėtȯhóovóho. He motioned to him to leave. Ná-asėtȯhóóvo. I motioned to him to leave. fta: -(o)hóov. Lit: away-motion Category: sign, interpersonal.

-asėto'eéh   vta. torment s.o., torture s.o., pick on s.o. É-asėto'eeho. He picked on him. É-asėto'eéhóhó. He picked on him. (newer pronunciation). See: -asėto'eétahe. Category: interpersonal.

-áxȧxéva'o'h   vta. ring s.o., phone s.o. that is, call someone on the telephone. É-áxȧxéva'o'hóho. He rang him. Nėsta-áxȧxéva'o'hȧtse. I will ring you. Category: interpersonal.

-áxȧxévan   vta. ring s.o. This refers to ringing up someone by phone. It is not well known by younger speakers today. É-áxȧxévanóho. He rang him. Nėsta-áxȧxévanȧtse. I'll give you a ring. Category: interpersonal.

-ehóom   vta. curse s.o. refers to putting a curse on someone, not to swearing or uttering profanities at someone. É-ehóomóho. He put a curse on him. Mó'-ehóomȯhevóhe. He must have put a curse on him. Étavé'še-ehóomósesto vo'ėstanóho tséhne'éetónėstá'too'ėse They put a curse on someone that comes against them. [1987:211] vai: -ehóone. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-e'e'átam   vta. consider s.o. untrustworthy, mistrust s.o. This can refer to how caregivers regard those in their care as not being careful enough about danger. They are careless and carefree, reckless. É-e'e'átamóho. He considers him untrustworthy. Category: interpersonal.

-é'enėstsé'ham   vta. scare s.o. wordless. É-é'enėstsé'hamóho. He scared him wordless. Ná-é'enėstsé'hama. He scared me wordless. Final -nestse. See: -tó'omáeh. Category: interpersonal.

-e'hahtáotsé'tov   vta. afraid of s.o. - become. Né-e'hahtáotsé'tovȧtse. I have become afraid of you. See: -e'h; -e'hahtov. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-e'hahtov   vta. respect s.o., timid toward s.o. - be. especially refers to how someone should act toward his cross-sex in-law, for example, a Ch. man should treat his mother-in-law with respect (for example, by not talking to her, not speaking badly in front of her, etc.); a woman should not speak directly to her son-in-law, etc. É-e'hahtovóho He respects/is timid toward him. Etym: *koʔθetawe·wa (P/L). naa máto kȧsovááhe tsésta-e'hahtōvȯse hevéškemo And also a young man respects his mother-in-law. [1980:80-81:25] See: -ono'átam. Category: interpersonal.

-e'hanóhtahe   vai. jealous, envious. É-e'hanóhtahe. He is envious. vta: -e'hanót. See: -e'hahtov. Category: interpersonal.

-e'hanóhtoomeh   vta. make jealous s.o. Náosee-e'hanóhtoomeha. He is making me wish for what he has. Néosee-e'hanóhtoomeše. You're making me jealous. for example, I see you eating some delicious food and I want some also. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-e'hanósané   vai. envy (people). É-e'hanósáne. He envies people. fai: -ósané. Category: interpersonal.

-e'hanóseh   vta. make s.o. envious; make s.o. envious, make s.o. wish (for what you have). É-e'hanósėhóho. He made him wish (for what he had, for instance, a delicious steak that he was eating). Né-e'hanóšėšéme. You are making us wish (envious). See: -e'hanósem. Category: interpersonal.

-e'hanósem   vta. make s.o. wish, cause s.o. to envy. É-e'hanósemóho. He is making him wish, causing him to envy him. Né-e'hanóseme. You're making me wish. for example, making me wish to eat the good food you're cooking. See: -e'hanóseh. Category: interpersonal.

-e'hanósetanó   vai. envious. É-e'hanósetāno. He is envious. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-e'hanót   vta. envy s.o., be jealous of s.o. É-e'hanoto. He is jealous of him. É-e'hanótóho. He is jealous of him. (newer pronunciation). See: -nóvót. Category: interpersonal.

-é'kota'ó'h   vta. choke s.o., strangle s.o. This can refer to strangling someone to death. É-é'kota'o'ho. He strangled him. É-é'kota'ó'hóho. He strangled him. (newer pronunciation). Ques: compare ta'ó here and in the next entry?? Category: interpersonal, violence.

-é'kotan   vta. choke s.o., strangle s.o. É-é'kotanóho. He choked/strangled him. É-é'kotane. He was choked. See: -nėhpotóman. Category: violence, interpersonal.

-é'kotsen   vta. embrace s.o., hug s.o. É-é'kotsenóho. He hugged him. Éame-é'kotsenóho. He is got his arm around her as he walks along. See: -é'kotseváen; -vȯsem. Category: interpersonal.

-é'kotsena'én   vta. 1 • break neck of s.o. É-é'kotsena'eno. He broke his (other person's) neck. É-é'kotsena'énóho. He broke his (other person's) neck. (newer pronunciation).

2 • attract strong affection from s.o. Category: figurative. É-é'kotsena'énáá'e. She (obv) is breaking his neck. That can be said as an idiom for 'he really likes her'. Category: interpersonal, romance.

-é'kotseváen   vta. embrace s.o. quickly, hug s.o. quickly. This refers to a quicker, more energetic action than -é'kotsen. Ná-é'kotseváéno. I hugged him. Ná-é'kotseváena. He hugged me. É-é'kotseváenóho. He hugged him. Category: interpersonal.

-e'ȯhóov   vta. sign to s.o. to go up. É-e'ȯhóovóho. He signed for him to go up. fta: -ohóov. Category: sign, interpersonal, check.

-e'šévaen   vta. fear s.o., afraid of s.o. more intense than -e'h. É-e'šévaenóho. He is afraid of him. Éssáatónėše-e'šévaenóhevȯsesto nótȧxé-vé'hó'e. They weren't afraid of the soldiers. [1987:282] See: -e'h. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-émanaov   vta. make a sweat lodge for s.o. É-émanaovóho. He made a sweat lodge for him. Naa nėhē'še hápó'e mó'évaévana= émanaovȯhevóhe. And then likewise (the young man) made-, made a sweat lodge for them. [Protruding Teeth.144] Category: interpersonal.

-émoohtȯhtóva'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o betray s.o. Ná-émoohtȯhtóva'tova. He betrayed me. Ná-émoohtȯhtóvanȯtse. I betrayed him. See: -hohtóvá. Category: interpersonal.

éséne   na. Gram: poss your friend (male friend of a male). ésenéheo'o your friends. See: néséne my friend; -vésene. Category: interpersonal.

-éseneenáh(n)   vta. command s.o. to enter. É-éseneenahno. He commanded him to enter. É-éseneenáhnóho. He commanded him to enter. (newer pronunciation). Ná-éseneenáhno. I commanded him to enter. [pd272] Category: interpersonal, speak.

ésenéhane   na. Gram: poss our friend (male to male). See: néséne my friend. Category: interpersonal.

-ésevéoná   vai. jealous of spouse. É-ésevéóna. He/She is jealous of his/her spouse. Variant: -oesevéoná. Ques: which variant is best?? Category: interpersonal, marriage, check.

-ésta'ovo'hamé   vai. corral livestock. É-ésta'ovo'hāme. He is corraling his horses. See: -éstseov; -hóesta'ham; -hone'ov; -táxe'há'tov. Category: interpersonal, motion, sayings, figurative.

-éstava'ó'h   vta. corner s.o., convince s.o. É-éstava'o'ho. He cornered him. É-éstava'ó'hóho. He cornered him. (newer pronunciation). See: -éstavan; -éstavaooha'ov; -éxa'e'ov; -éšenot; -éšenȯxévaen. Category: influence, interpersonal.

-estavan   vta. convince s.o., corner s.o., talk s.o. into something. É-estavanóho. He talked him into it. Néto'sėsáa'-éstavanaehéneo'o. They are not going to talk us into it. Ques: est?? See: -éstava'ó'h; -éxa'e'ov; -éšenot; -éšenȯxévaen; -vonȯhósem; -vonȯhóha'ov; -éše'tov; -éšetová'ov; -hótsenot; -hotset; -éxa'e'ov. Category: influence, interpersonal, check.

-éstavaoohá'ov   vta. corner s.o. É-éstavaohá'ovóho. He cornered him. Mó'-éstavaoohá'oehevovóhe tósa'e tȧháóhe ho'honáá'e tsé'amoo'ėse. (That tribe; obv.) cornered them up somewhere near those mountains. [CLIFF.TXT:1] See: -ho'xó'a'ov; -sa'ov. Category: influence, interpersonal.

-éstsėhnét   vta. enter s.o. É-éstsėhneto. He entered him. É-éstsėhnétóho. He entered him. (newer pronunciation). Category: interpersonal.

-éstsėhót   vta. go in to (see) s.o., go in toward s.o. É-éstsėhoto. He went in to (see) him. É-éstsėhótóho. He went in to (see) him. (newer pronunciation). Naa nėhē'še nátaosáaneéstsėhóto. So then I went in to see him (the judge). [How God Helped Me Forgive.75.] fta: -ehót. Category: interpersonal.

-éstseohtséh   vta. lead s.o. to do something. É-éstseohtseho. He is leading him to do it. É-éstseohtséhóho. He is leading him to do it. (newer pronunciation). É-éstseohtséháá'e heávȯhóho. The devil (obv) is leading him to do it. See: -éseohtséh; -éšenot. Category: move, interpersonal.

-éšetova'ov   vta. crowd s.o., corner s.o. É-éšetova'ovóho. He cornered him. Ques: recheck that word and recording?? É-éšetova'ovovo. They crowded around him. Ééše-éšetova'oo'e vé'ho'émahpe. The alcohol has him in a corner. See: -éše'tov; -éšenot; -vonȯhóha'ov; -vonȯhósem; -éxa'é'ov. Category: interpersonal, check.

-éta'ov   vta. crowd s.o. É-éta'ovóho. He crowded him. Etym: cf *si·nsexkawe·wa (P). Category: interpersonal.

-étsem   vta. withhold information about s.o. É-étsemóho. He withheld (some information) about him. This Cheyenne word and related words imply that what is withheld (or "denied") is true. These words typically describe that someone does not tell what is known about something. See: -étsėstomev withheld from s.o.. Category: interpersonal.

-étsėstomev   vta. cover up to s.o.; keep s.t. from s.o.; refuse to tell s.o. what happened; deny to s.o. É-étsėstomevóho. He withheld information from him. Ques: PD944: keep something secret from s.o. See: -étsem. Category: interpersonal.

-éva'evȧxévaen   vta. turn back the opposite way from s.o. example, when mad at s.o. É-éva'evȧxévaenȧhtseo'o. They have their backs turned to each other. Category: interpersonal, move.

évaohtsé't   vta. meet s.o. Category: interpersonal.

-évaotsé'tov   vta. meet s.o., greet s.o. This is when you know someone is coming and you go out a ways to meet them and return with them. É-évaotsé'tovóho. He went out to meet him. Ta-évaotsé'toveha! Go greet him! See: -tóo'e'ov; -másetsėstov. Category: interpersonal.

-évatóoo'e   vai. replace, fill vacancy. for example, to take the place of someone who previously had that job or position. É-évatóoo'e. He is replacing (someone). É-évatóoeo'o. They are replacing. Category: work, interpersonal.

-évatóva'ov   vai. replace s.o., take the place of s.o. for example, when someone replaces a loved one who dies. É-évatóva'ovóho. He replaced him. É-évatóvá'óó'e. He (obv.) took his place. Category: interpersonal.

-éveno'h   vta. search s.o. É-éveno'hóho. He searched him. for example, he searched in his pockets. Category: interpersonal.

-éxa'é'ov   vta. convince s.o., manipulate s.o. É-éxa'é'ovóho. He convinced him. Náéšėhó'keéva-éxa'é'ova heávohe. The Devil controlled me. Reduplicated -oóxa'e'ov. See: -éxa'ov; -éšenot; -éšenȯxévaen; -vonȯhóha'ov; -éstavan; -éstova'ó'h; -oóxa'e'ov. Category: interpersonal, influence.

-éxanomev   vta. prepare something for s.o., ready something for s.o. É-éxanomevóho. He prepared it for him. See: -éxanomótah. Category: interpersonal.

-éxanomótah   vta. prepare something for s.o. É-éxanomótȧhóho. He prepared it for him. See: -éxanom; -éxanomev. Category: interpersonal.

-éxatam   vta. regard s.o. as ready. É-éxatamóho. He regarded him as ready. Etym: *ki·še·leme·wa (P). É-éxatamahtse. He regards himself ready. oha néhe tsé-éxatamȧhtsese only those who felt ready for anything. [1987:58] Mó'-éxatamȧhtsėhéhe. He was confident. [Stamper 1991:8] Final -átam. Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-éxo'ema'ov   vta. plan for s.o., make plans for s.o. É-éxo'ema'ovóho. He made plans for him. Naa mó'éšeéxo'emaehevóhe heho. And his father must have already made plans for him. [My Father's Schooling.036] See: -ho'emaov. Category: interpersonal.

-háaenóvem   vta. tease s.o., play tricks on s.o. É-háaenóvemóho. He played tricks on him. See: -ná'so'eém; -véstaenóvem; -háo'eém. Category: interpersonal.

-háa'ého'oésem   vta. think highly of s.o. Ná-háa'ého'oésémo. I think highly of him. Ésáa-háa'ého'oésemȧhtséheo'o. They don't think highly of themselves/they are humble. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-háatam   vta. think highly of s.o. Ná-háátámo. I think highly of him. É-háatamóho. He thinks highly of him. tsé-háatamȧhtsese those who think highly of themselves. Ého-háatamȧhtseo'o. They are acting tough. Phon: hpo vti: -háátsestá. Morph: /-háátam/. vai: -háatanó. High regard of self is considered quite negative within Cheyenne culture. Final -átam, -o'ót. See: -háaoem; -ono'átam; -pėhévátam. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-háatsėstomov   vta. think highly of s.o., greatly value s.o., be struck by s.o., troubled at s.o. - be, amazed at s.o. - be. Ná-háatsėstomóvo tséhetá'ėse. I was stuck/amazed by what he said to me. For example, maybe it was the first time he had ever said such a thing to me. Category: cognition, emotions, interpersonal.

-háeh   vta. overwhelm s.o. by startling, frighten startle s.o. É-háehóho. He startled him so much he was overwhelmed. Reduplicated -hoháeh. Etym: *se·kihe·wa. See: -tó'omáeh; -vonáeh; -háem. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-háem   vta. say something outrageous to s.o., say something outrageous about s.o. É-háemóho. He said something outrageous about him. [Whiteman and the Coyote.029] fai: -em. See: -háeh; -oo'hem; -ná'so'eém. Category: interpersonal, speak.

-háenávem   vta. say something strong about s.o. É-háenávemóho. He said something awful about him. See: -véstaenóvem. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-háestáhá'tov   vta. aggravated at s.o., angry at s.o. Násó'-háestáhá'tóvo. I'm still aggravated at him. See: -momáta'eéh; -nėsétam. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-háestáháotsé'tov   vta. become aggravated with s.o. É-háestáhaotsé'tovóho. He became disgusted with him. Náoseema'xėho-háestáhaotsé'tóvo. I was very, very angry at him. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-háestáhem   vta. aggravate s.o., tease s.o. in a mean way, ridicule s.o. É-háestáhémóho. He angered/aggravated him. fta: -em. See: -véneh. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-háešévaen   vta. punish s.o. severely. É-háešévaenóho. He punished him severely. Ná'ȯhkė-háešévaenaeneo'o. They would punish us severely. fta: -éváen. Category: interpersonal.

háhane-   pv. near. tsé'éšė-háhanenėhe'xóvetse when the time got near. Category: interpersonal.

-háhanehe   vai. close, near. É-háhanehe.?? He is close. Ésáa-háhanéhéhe. He is not close. for example, he is not close to his family; he is not even part of his family, the way he acts. See: -káhanehe. Category: interpersonal, check.

-háhané'ov   vta. close to s.o. - be. É-háhané'ovóho. He is close to him. tséohkeéeháhané'oevose ma'heono those who are close to the spirits. [1987:41] See: -nóhtsėhót; -vé'ȯhtsém. Category: interpersonal.

-hánȯhta'e'ov   vta. ?? É-hánȯhta'e'ovóho. ?? Category: interpersonal.

-háo'eéh   vta. treat badly s.o. especially of brother-in-law or sister-in-law teasing. É-háo'eeho. He treated him badly. É-háo'eéhóho. He treated him badly. (newer pronunciation). Reduplicated hoháo'eéh. See: ná'so'eém; háaenóvem. Category: interpersonal.

-háo'eém   vta. tease s.o. especially of brother-in-law or sister-in-law teasing. É-háo'eemo. He teased him. É-háo'eémóho. (newer pronunciation). See: -ná'so'eém; -háaenóvem. Category: interpersonal.

-háo'emaov   vta. boss s.o. É-háo'emaovóho. He bossed him. See: -momóonáot. Category: interpersonal, check.

-hao'omóhto'eéh   vta. pacify, pacify s.o. especially of breaking in a horse. É-hao'omóhto'eeho. He pacified him. É-hao'omóhto'eéhóho. He pacified him. (newer pronunciation). Category: horses, interpersonal.

-hao'omóseh   vta. finally get to s.o. É-hao'omósėhóho. He finally got to him. [pd713] Category: interpersonal.

-háomóseh   vta. hurt s.o. É-háomósėhóho. He hurt him. É-háomósėhaa'e. It (for example, toothache) is hurting him. vai: -homóhtahe; NonIntensive: -homóseh. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

hátȯxovévam   vta. cause s.o. to go back and forth. Éstaáhane-hátȯxovévamaenóhoonȯtse héne hestsėhóvevótse né= kȧse'éeheho. They kept making him crawl back and forth, those things of those young ladies. [The Big Bogeyman.066] Category: interpersonal, check.

-hávėséve'tov   v. abuse s.o. É-hávėséve'tovóho. He abused him. See: -amo'eéh. Category: interpersonal.

-hávėsévetam   vta. consider s.o. bad, regard s.o. as bad. É-hávėsévetamóho. He considers him bad. Ques: recheck pronunciation See: -hávėsévatam. Category: interpersonal, check.

-héestáha'ósané   vai. embolden. Éohkė-héestáha'ósáne Ma'hēō'o. God strengthens (people). vta: -héestáha'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-héestáha'ov   vta. embolden s.o., give s.o. courage. seems more the idea of causing boldness in s.o. rather than encouragement, but this latter element may be here, also, to some extent. É-héestáha'ovóho. He emboldened him. Ná-héestáha'oo'e. It strengthens me. Néx-héestáhao'ovemeno! Give us courage! Phon: hpo BodyPartMedial -stáhá; vai: -héestáhá. See: -héhnovévam; -héhnovem; - vonȯhóha'ov; -háahe. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-héestovée'tov   vta. sit beside s.o. É-héestovée'tovóho. He is sitting beside him. Ques: recheck for stem boundary?? [esto?? See: -héstoveé'tov. Category: sit, interpersonal, check.

-héhnovem   vta. encourage s.o. É-héhnovemóho. He encouraged him. vai: -héhnovetanó. See: -héestáha'ov; -vonȯhóha'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-héhnovévam   vta. encourage s.o., embolden s.o. É-héhnovévamóho. He encouraged him. See: -héhnovem; -héestáha'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-héhpȯheh   vta. scare s.o., frighten s.o. É-héhpȯhehóho. He scared him. See: -héhpȯhem scare s.o.; -e'h fear s.o.. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-héhpȯhem   vta. scare s.o., frighten s.o. É-héhpȯhemóho. He scared him. See: -héhpȯheh scare s.o.; -e'h afraid of s.o.. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-he'amátam   vta. regard s.o. as great. É-he'amátamóho. He regards him as great. Usage: possible new word, perhaps a loan translation from English Etym: cf *ešpe·leme·wa (P). Category: interpersonal.

-he'aná'o'h   vta. corner s.o., get hold of s.o.; even (s.t.) with s.o. can refer to fooling someone into having sex, as in a one night stand. É-he'aná'o'hóho. He got hold of him, cornered him. Tsé'tohe éx-he'aná'o'haesesto xaóne hetane. This skunk cornered a man. [1987:281] Náévȧ-he'aná'ó'ho. I got back at him / I evened the score with him. That can can be in a game or in revenge. He'aná'o'xeha! Go get him! / Punch him out! / Tell him off! Mó-he'aná'o'hohevóhe. He must have fooled her into having sex with him. See: -éstavan. Category: interpersonal, sex.

-hé'heetová'tov   vta. play dirty tricks on s.o., rudely treat s.o. É-hé'heetová'tovóho. He played dirty tricks on him. Category: interpersonal.

-hé'heetovám   vta. rudely speak to s.o. É-hé'heetovamo. He is making rude remarks to him. É-hé'heetovámóho. He is making rude remarks to him. (newer pronunciation). fta: -vám. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-hé'hevo'sé'o'h   vta. crush s.o. É-hé'hevo'sé'o'hóho. He crushed him. Category: interpersonal.

-he'konemaneh   vta. make s.o. tough. Ná-he'konemaneha. He made me tough. Usage: probably a new word based on a literal use of English 'make', but appears to be commonly understood See: -he'koneotsé'seh; -he'konahe. Category: interpersonal.

-he'konó'tovan   1 • vti. tighten s.t. É-he'konó'tovāna. He tightened it.

vta. tighten s.o. É-he'konó'tovanóho. He tightened him.

2 • vta. overly strict with s.o., legalistic with s.o. Category: figurative. É-he'konó'tovanahtse. He is tightening himself (=he is legalistic; overly strict). See: -vovóhponahe. Category: interpersonal.

-he'kóoma'ov   vta. 1 • wet s.o. especially with your feet or body.

2 • chasten s.o. É-he'kóoma'ovóho. He chastened him. Synonym -vé'hoét. Category: figurative, interpersonal, liquid.

-he'ȯhtséh   vta. Gram: rr cause s.o. to go that way, lead s.o. that way. ... é-he'ȯhtseho. ... that is how/where he led him. ... é-he'ȯhtséhó. ... that is how/where he led him. (newer pronunciation). Ma'hēō'o tséheševéstȧhémaétse, tsé-he'ȯhtséhaétse how God has helped us, how he leads us. [1987:199] Category: interpersonal, move.

-he'xóvatam   vta. Gram: rr value s.o. to such degree. ... é-he'xóvatamóho. ... that is the amount he valued him. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-he-mé'ooné'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as lover, have s.o. as a sweetheart, have s.o. as a boyfriend, have s.o. as a girlfriend. Náhe-mé'ooné'tova. He has me as his sweetheart. Náhe-mé'oonenȯtse. He is my sweetheart. Éhe-mé'oonénoto. She is his sweetheart. [1987:57] Énoosėhe-mé'oonénoto. He is cheating on his wife by having a lover. vai: -he-mé'oone. See: -méhót love s.o.. Category: interpersonal, romance.

-héne'enátanó'tov   vta. want to know s.o. É-héne'enátanó'tovóho. He wants to know him. Ná-héne'enátanó'tóvo. I wants to know him. vti: -héne'enátanó'tá. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-héne'enov   vta. know s.o. É-héne'enovóho. He knows him. Etym: *kexkinawe·wa he recognizes, identifies him; Ar he·ʔnóno·t he knows him. Násáa-héne'enovóhe tséxhoo'ėse. I don't know where he is (lit. I do not know him where he is). Násáa'évȧ-héne'enovóhe tséheševééése. I don't remember/know what she was named. [1987:26] Násáa-héne'enovóheo'o. I do not know them. vti: -héne'ená. See: -méseeotse. Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-heo'kémanoh   vta. show off to s.o. can refer to how a man acts towards a woman, trying to impress her, but he doesn'tmean it; it's just to catch her. É-heo'kémanȯhóho. He is showing off to him (obv). Né-heo'kémanȯhāā'e. They put you in your glory (for example, by flattering you). See: méhnȯhke-. Category: interpersonal.

-heseh   vta. blame s.o. É-hesėhóho. He blamed him. See: -ho'é'et accuse s.o., blame s.o.; -héseh fight s.o. over something. Category: interpersonal.

-hesévam   vta. summon s.o. É-hesévamóho. He called him/he summoned him. Hó'ótóva néto'seévȧ-hesévamaene. Sometime (God) will call/summon us. See: -onóom; -mó'ot. Category: interpersonal.

-hestá'tov   vta. so treat s.o. tséévetaehestá'tȯhévȯse how they have been treated. Category: interpersonal, check.

-hestanomev   vta. take s.t. from s.o. É-hestanomevóho. He took it from him. Ná-hestanomēvo. I took it from him. Ná-hestanomevonȯtse. I took them (inan.) from him (an.). Ná-hestanomevónoto mo'éhno'hāme. I took the horse from him. Né-hestanomevȧtse. I took it from you. Hová'éhe tséévėheškóvotse mós-hestanomóhehenovóhe. Anything that was sharp was taken from them. [1987:59] See: -hestan; -hestanomóv; -heseváen. Category: interpersonal.

-hestanomóv   vta. take s.t. for s.o., take s.t. of s.o. for example, to take his position. É-hestanomóvóho. ?? He took his (of another person). Etym: *wetenamawe·wa (P). Ná-hestanomóvo heamȧho'hestȯtse. I took his car. See: -vó2 RELAT. Category: interpersonal, check.

-hestoé'tov   vta. 1 • reside with s.o. É-hestoé'tovóho. He resides with him.

2 • be angry. Mó-hestoé'toehevóhe Heávȯhóho. He is angry. Lit: The devil (obv) must live with him. See: -táxe'há'tov. vai: -hestoéstove. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-hésto'ée'tov   vta. suffer for s.o. É-hésto'ée'tovóho. He suffered for him. See: -hésto'omenėhé'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-hésto'eém   vta. revile s.o., tease s.o. especially teasing too much about mistakes. É-hésto'eemo. He teased him too much. É-hésto'eémóho. He teased him too much. (newer pronunciation). See: -na'so'eém. Category: interpersonal, speak.

-hesto'emáov   vta. order s.o. to be held back. É-hesto'emáovóho. He ordered him to be held back. Category: interpersonal.

-hésto'omenėheé'tov   vta. suffer for s.o. É-hésto'omenėhé'tovóho. He suffered for him/he expiated for him. Category: interpersonal.

-hésto'omenėhé'tov   vta. suffer for s.o. Náme'nėšėvé'šė-hésto'omenėhénoto. I can suffer for them because of that. Category: interpersonal.

-hésto'omenėhévomotah   vta. suffer instead of s.o. É-hésto'omenėhévomotȧhóho. He suffered for (in place of) him. Category: interpersonal.

-hestoma'ó'h   vta. hold back s.o., hinder s.o., prevent s.o. É-hestoma'o'ho. He held him back. É-hestoma'ó'hóho. He held him back. (newer pronunciation). Ná-hestoma'ó'ho. I prevented/hindered/held him back. [Croft] Antonym -nétse'ov, -amȧhtov. See: -hestomo'eéh; -hoonét. Category: interpersonal.

-hestoma'ov   vta. keep s.o. at bay, prevent s.o. É-hestoma'ovóho. He kept him at bay. Etym: *wetamexkawe·wa (P). See: -hestomo'eéh; -hestoma'ó'h. Category: interpersonal.

-hestomévam   vta. hinder urge s.o., urge s.o. hindering. É-hestomévamóho. He urged him to stay. Éxȯhtsévėhestomévamaesesto Tsėhéstáno. They tried to make them stay, the Cheyenne tribe (did). (reportative mode). See: -vovótsevévam. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-hestomo'eéh   vta. hinder s.o.; hold back s.o., prevent s.o., push aside s.o. for example, hinder s.o. from getting his work done, or not care about s.o., such asthe black sheep in a family. É-hestomo'eeho. He hindered/held back him. É-hestomo'eéhóho. He hindered/held back him. (newer pronunciation). Névé'-hestomo'eeše! Don't hold me back! Ná-hestomo'eéhaevo háomóhtȧhévėhanéhe. ?? Sickness held us back. See: -hestoma'ov; -hestoma'ó'h. Category: interpersonal, check.

-héstoo'éšee'tov   vta. descend from s.o. É(nėx)-héstoo'éšee'tovóho. He descended (is raised from?) him. Category: interpersonal.

-hestoomáov   vta. put blanket over s.o. É-hestoomáovóho. He put a blanket over him. Nėstȧ-hestoomaóvatséme. I will make a bed for you (plural). [A Ghost Story] Ques: m[a or ma?? delete this or the preceding entry?? IndepNoun hóoma. See: -hestoomaov; -nȯhoomán; -hóvo'en; -hóoma'ov. Category: interpersonal, check.

-hestóxėhné'tov   vta. come after s.o. This is 'after' with the sense of 'later than'. Ná-hestóxėhné'tova. He came after me. See: hó'e'. Category: interpersonal, motion.

-hestsenaeh   vta. bruise s.o. É-hestsenaehóho. He bruised him. ?? [Whiteman and the Coyote.029] seems to particularly refer to being bloodshot. hó'tȧháemo náme'taonȧháxė-hestsenaēho if I startle him I might cause him to be bloodshot. See: -hohkó'soovot. Category: interpersonal, check.

-hešeéh   vta. treat s.o. that way. ... é-hešeeho. ?? ... he treated him that way. ... é-hešeéhóho. (newer pronunciation) Nėhē'še mó'osáaneéenȯhtsėstóhehevóhe tsé'tó=he'eo'o héva tsétaée-hešeehaevȯsetsé'tó=nótȧxévé'hó'e Then these ladies were asked how they had been treated by these soldiers (1987:57). See: -hešé'tov; -heto'eéh. Category: interpersonal, check.

-hešėtȧxe'ov   vta. chase s.t. there, force s.o. there. ... é-hešėtȧxe'ovóho. ... that is where he chased him. Category: interpersonal.

-heta'ovo'hamém   vta. drive s.o. as livestock, herd s.o. Ná'ȯhtšeéevésėtsė-heta'ovo'hamémo. I used to go around herding with him. Category: livestock, interpersonal.

-hetamé'seh   vta. cause s.o. to sneeze. sometimes a teasing word. É-hetamé'sėhóho. He made him sneeze. Né-hetamé'šeše. You made me sneeze. Ques: check recording?? Né-hetamé'sehȧtse. I made you sneeze. Ques: recheck both recordings?? Category: interpersonal, check.

-hetómo'eéh   vta. treat s.o. spitefully, mistreat s.o., use s.o. as a steppingstone, abuse s.o. É-hetómo'eeho. He treated him spitefully. É-hetómo'eéhóho. He treated him spitefully. (newer pronunciation). Névé'-hetómo'eéhovoo'o vo'ėstaneo'o! Don't treat people spitefully! See: -hotómo'eéh; hestomo'eéh. Category: interpersonal.

-hetóseh   vta. pester s.o., pester s.o. for attention. especially about pestering for attention. É-hetósėhóho. He pestered him for attention. Ná-hetóseha. He pestered me for attention. Category: interpersonal.

-hetótaem   vta. cause s.o. to be joyful. É-hetótaemóho. He caused him to rejoice. Category: interpersonal.

-hetseveh   vta. back out of doing bad to s.o. É-hetsevėhóho. He almost did something bad to him but backed out. Náévȧ-hetsevēho. I almost retaliated against him. See: -hetsevem. Category: do, interpersonal.

-hetsevem   vta. back out of telling s.o. É-hetsevemóho. He backed out of telling him. Ná-hetsevēmo. I hesitate to tell him. [pd545] Ésáa-hetsevemóheho. He tells him as it is. Móho'nó-hetsevēmȯhtse. He must not have backed out from telling him how it is. See: -hetseveh. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-he-vése'e   inc.n. have a friend (female-to-female). É-he-vése'e. She has a friend. tsé-he-vése'éto the one who is my female friend. Category: interpersonal.

-he-vése'é'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as friend (female to female). É-he-vése'énoto. She has her as a friend. Náhe-vése'é'tova. She has me as a friend (= I am her friend). Náhe-vése'enȯtse. She is my friend. Nėstaévȧhósė-hevése'é'tovȧhtsémáne! Let's be friends (female) again! Nėstaévȧ-hevése'é'tovȧhtsémáne! Let's return to being friends (female)! Masculine -he-vésenéhé'tov. See: -he-vésta'ó'seoné'tov. Category: interpersonal.

hevése'óho   na. her friend. Possessive -vése'e; Antonym hevésenóho. Category: interpersonal.

-he-vésene   inc.n. male friend. É-he-vésene. He has a male friend. Ques: É-he-vésenehe.?? Ques: recheck pitches?? tsé-he-vésenéhéto the one who is my male friend. Category: interpersonal, check.

-he-vésenehe   inc.n. friend ( É-he-vésenehe. He has a friend. Ques: É-he-vésene?? combine with the preceding entry vta: -he-vésenéhe'tov. Category: interpersonal, check.

-he-vésenéhé'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as friend (male to male). male to male friendship. Náhe-vésenéhe'tova. He has me as a friend/I am his friend. Náhe-vésenéhenȯtse. He is my friend. Éhe-vésenéhenoto. He has him as a friend / He is his friend. Nėstaévȧhe-vésenéhe'tovȧhtsémáne! Let's be friends again! That can be a way of seeking or extending forgiveness. Feminine -he-vése'é'tov. See: -he-vésta'ó'seoné'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-he-vésenéhetanó'tov   vta. want to be a friend to s.o. male to male friendship. Éhe-vésenéhetanó'tovóho. He wants to be friends with him. Éohtaohkeévȧhe-vésenéhetanó'tovóho. He wanted to become friends with him again. especially to repair a breakdown in the relationship. Category: interpersonal.

-he-vésta'ó'seoné'tov   vta. have s.o. as an inseparable companion; have s.o. as a buddy. Éhe-vésta'ó'seonénoto. He is inseparable with him; he has him as a buddy/chum. not as advanced a relationship as -he-vése'é'tov or -he-vésené'tov. See: -he-vése'é'tov have s.o. as female friend; -he-vésenéhe'tov have s.o. as male friend; -vésta'ó'sem. Category: interpersonal.

-he-vétsėhóve'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as a substitute. Ná-he-vétsėhóvenȯtse. I have him as my substitute. That is, he is taking my place. Ná-he-vétsėhóve'tova. I am his substitute. Category: interpersonal. The magpie took the place of the man (or mankind) in the Great Race.

-he-véxahétanó   vai. respect child-in-law. É-he-véxahétáno. He has respect toward his daughter-in-law / She has respect for her son-in-law. Nóoo, éstaoseehoháehe-véxahétanóhoo'o néhe hé'e. My, this woman really had a lot of son-in-law respect. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.153] Category: relatives, interpersonal.

-hóeh   vta. restrain s.o., prevent s.o. from leaving. É-hóehóho. He restrained him. Hé'tóhe ésáa-hóehéhane. ?? This is not forbidden. [Why Alcohol Is Not Sold to Cheyennes.005] Hóešeha! Don't let him go! / Restrain him! Hóehoo'o! Restrain him from leaving (at some time in the future)! cf. hoéhoo'o Stay on (here) in the future! vti: -hóestsé. See: -hóestomev; -nȧhestov; -hóot; -hoonét. Category: interpersonal.

-hoé'tov   vta. sit next to s.o., sit in for s.o., represent s.o. É-hoé'tovóho. He is sitting next to him. Etym: *api·Ɂtawe·wa (P). Ná-hoé'tóvo. I'm sitting in for him. Vó'héé'ėse éhoé'tovȧhtseo'o. They are sitting / living a ways from each other. Éto'sė-hoé'tohe. There is going to be a wake service. ?? vai: -hoe. Category: sit, interpersonal.

-hóeneenáh(n)   vta. command s.o. to go out. É-hóeneenáhnóho. He commanded him to go out. Ná-hóeneenáhno. I commanded him to go out. Mó'évȧ-hóeneenáhnȯhevóhe. He commanded him to go out. Final -neenáh(n). Category: interpersonal.

-hóestomev   vta. prohibit s.o. from doing something. É-hóestomevóho. He prohibited him from doing something. Ná-hóestomēvo. I did not allow him (for example, to do it); I wouldn't let him have what he wanted. Náhoéstomevónoto ma'xemeno. I didn't allow him to have an apple. Nėstsenėhe'éšė-hoéstomónénóvo tsėhéóhe. (That) is how long you will not be permitted (to drink) here. (1987:56). Antonym -amȧhtov; vti: -hóestsé. See: -hoonét; -hoéstomev; -hóeh; -ta'ta'enomev. Category: interpersonal.

-hóestóv   vta. keep something from s.o. É-hóestovo. He won't let him have it. É-hóestóvóho. ?? He won't let him have it. (newer pronunciation). vti: -hóestsé. Category: interpersonal, check.

-hoháeh   vta. hurt s.o. severely, scare s.o. greatly. Nėstsenėx-hoháehaene ésevone. The buffalo will hurt us severely. [The Seven Stars.065] Non-reduplicated -háeh. Phon: redup Category: interpersonal.

-hohamátam   vta. prefer s.o., think more of s.o. É-hohamátamóho. He prefers him. É-hohamátamahtse. He is being selfish, thinking more of himself (than others). Éohkėsáa-hohamátame nā'ėstse neneso! Don't prefer one of your children! That used to be repeated by a respected grandmother, to her granddaughter, giving the idea not to favor one child too much. See: -no'ketanó; -váe'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-hoháo'eéh   vta. treat badly s.o. especially of brother-in-law or sister-in-law teasing. É-háo'eeho. He treated him badly. Ka'ėškóneho é-hoháo'eéheo'o. The children were treated badly. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -háo'eéh. See: ná'so'eém; háaenóvem. Category: interpersonal.

-hohátse'ėstómané   vai. make people laugh. Éohkė-hohátse'ėstómáne. He makes people laugh. Category: interpersonal.

-hohátse'tov   vta. laugh at s.o. É-hohátse'tovóho. He laughed at him. Etym: *e·lyi·Ɂtawe·wa (P). vai: -hohatse. Category: interpersonal, laugh.

-hohátsem   vta. make s.o. laugh. É-hohátsemóho. He made him laugh. Category: interpersonal.

-hohkó'soovot   vta. bruise s.o. É-hohkó'soovotóho. He bruised him. [pd301] See: -hestsenaeh. Category: interpersonal.

-hohtamoh(n)   vta. confront s.o. about what he said about you. What was said is considered to be untrue. The person confronting wants the one who spoke to prove what was said. É-hohtamȯhnóho. He confronted him about what he said about him (the person doing the confronting). Category: interpersonal.

-hohtóvotah   vta. buy for s.o. É-hohtóvotȧhóho. He bought it for him. Ná-hohtóvotāho. I bought it for him. Ná-hohtóvotaha. He bought it for me. Ná-hohtóvotȧhoo'o. I bought it for them. Category: money, interpersonal.

-ho'ȧhé'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o want s.o. can also refer to sexual desire for someone. É-ho'ȧhénoto. He wants him. Ná-ho'ȧhé'tova. He wants me. Ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want him. Ésáa-ho'ȧhéhenoto. He doesn't want him. Ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse mo'éhno'ha. I want a horse. Oeškēso ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want a dog. Mȧhōō'o ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want melon. Ná-ho'ȧhénoto póesono. I want cats. Monėškeho ná-ho'ȧhénoto. I want beans. He'éhesono ná-ho'ȧhénoto. I want rice. Éohkėsáa-ho'ȧhé'tovȧhtséheo'o. They don't like each other. vti: -ho'ahe. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-ho'a'ó'tov   vta. come to s.o., put there on s.o. "Néto'sė-ho'a'ó'tóévo vo'ėstane," éxhesanesėstse. "A person will come to you (pl)," (Sweet Medicine) said. [1987:6:9] Ná-ho'a'ó'tóvo. I put it right there on him. (for example, right at that spot on him). É-ho'a'ó'tovóho. He came to him. See: -ho'ėhót; -ho'eohtsé'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-ho'é'ėstómané   vao. accuse. É-ho'é'ėstómáne. He is accusing (someone). Category: interpersonal.

-ho'é'ėšé'tov   vta. accuse s.o. about s.o., blame s.o. about s.o. Ná-ho'é'ėšé'tova. He accused me about (him/her). Naa néohkė-ho'é'ėšénoto neaxaa'éhemo. and you always accuse me about your sisters. [The Brothers-in-law.38] See: -ho'é'et. Category: interpersonal.

-ho'é'evátam   vai. accuse s.o., regard s.o. as being guilty. É-ho'é'evátamóho. He accused him (obv). Mó=ho'é'evátamȯhevóhe. He must have accused them. [jg 7/89] See: -hetómem. Category: interpersonal.

-hó'e'ov   vta. follow s.o. This verb refers to following relatively closely behind someone, whereas -néhe'ov refers to following someone's tracks, such as tracking someone. É-hó'e'ovóho. He followed him. Nééveamė-hó'e'ovȧtse. ?? I'm following you around. Oeškėseho nátaohkeévȧhóosė-hó'e'óeneo'o. Dogs usually follow us back home. Néx-hó'e'ovėstse! Follow me! See: -néhe'ov; -néhov; -hestóxoh(n). Category: interpersonal, motion, check.

-ho'emaov   vta. rule s.o., order s.o., command s.o., judge s.o., sentence s.o. É-ho'emaovóho. He ruled/ordered him. Synonym -ho'emaot. See: -naévo'emaov; -too'ėhévo'emaov; -hótoanávo'emaov; -mȧho'emaov; -éxo'emaov. Category: legal, interpersonal.

-ho'eohtsé'tov   vta. arrive at s.o., come to s.o. É-ho'eohtsé'tovóho. He came to him. Móstȧ-ho'eohtsé'tovȯhevóhe hestotseho tséhnéetsėse. He came to where his horses (pets) were standing. [1987:170] See: -ho'a'ó'tov; -nȧho'ȯhtsév; -hó'eohtsé'tov; -ho'ėhót. Category: interpersonal, motion.

-ho'ėstȯxe'oh(n)   vta. enroll s.o. É-ho'ėstȯxe'ȯhnóho. He enrolled him. (another recording) Category: interpersonal.

-hó'kȯhtóé'tov   vta. lean against s.o. É-hó'kȯhtóe'tovóho. He leaned against him. Usage: -hó'ȯhtóé'tov may be used more commonly Variant: -hó'ȯhtóé'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-ho'oh(n)   vta. cover s.o., put something over s.o. What is put over a person can be abstract, such as defeatism. É-ho'ȯhnóho. He covered him. Éma'xetónovė-ho'ȯhnóho. He almost skunked him. See: -nėhpėšem. Category: interpersonal.

-hó'ȯhtan   vti. lean s.t. against. É-hó'ȯhtána. He leaned it against something. Etym: *a·mpatenamwa.

vta. lean s.o. against. É-hó'ȯhtanóho. He leaned him against something. Etym: *a·mpatene·wa. Category: interpersonal.

-ho'otsé'tov   vta. use s.o., hire s.o. Ques: ho'otsé'tov?? ho'o'ts[e'tov?? É-ho'otsénoto. He used/hired him. Ná-ho'otsenȯtse mo'éhno'ha. I used the horse. Naa mó'ȯhkė-ho'otséhenotóhe ho'eevo. And he used to use a hide. [1987:107] vti: -ho'otse. See: -hotse'ót. Category: interpersonal, check.

-hó'tah(n)   vta. beat s.o., defeat s.o. This is about beating in the sense of defeating not hitting violently. É-hó'tȧhnóho. He defeated him. Etym: *a·Ɂte·hwe·wa (P) he extinguishes him by tool. Ná-hó'taha. He defeated me. Né-hó'tȧhaeneo'o. They beat us. Néhó'taestse. I beat you. Ná-hó'tȧheeneo'o. They beat us (excl.). Éohkeéšėto'setó'ė-hó'tȧhnóho He would almost beat him. [1987:150] Né-hó'tȧhemeno. You (plural) beat us. vti: -hó'tahá. See: -vovónan; -má'to'óh(n). Category: interpersonal, handgame.

-hó'xan   vta. spoil s.o. especially refers to holding a baby so much that it wants to be held all the time. É-hó'xanóho. He spoiled him. É-hó'xane. He is spoiled. Category: interpersonal, babies.

-hó'xatam   vta. used to s.o., accustomed to s.o., like s.o. This is not as strong an emotion as -méhót 'love'. It can be used of the feeling a dependent child has for its mother, a feeling that sometimes makes it difficult for that child to be away from its mother. This word can refer to the feeling someone has for a friend or acquaintance. Ná-hó'xátámo. I am accustomed to him. É-hó'xatamóho. He is accustomed to him. fta: -átam. Etym: *a·ʔše·leme·wa he is accustomed to him. See: hó'xe-; -pėhévátam; -méhót. Category: interpersonal.

-hó'xatamáotsé'tov   vta. used to s.o.become accustomed to s.o. The morphological layering: first a TA stem, then the final -otse (which detransitivizes), then the abstract TA final -'tov. É-hó'xatamáotsé'tovóho. He got accustomed to him. Nȧháóhe náho'ėhóto, ná-hó'xatamáotsé'tóvo There I came to her, I got used to her. See: -hó'xátam. Category: interpersonal.

-hó'xatsėstahe   vai. accustomed to, used to. É-hó'xatsėstahe. He is accustomed to (others). hápó'e éohkė-hó'xatsėstȧheo'o in turn they will like you. [1987:226] vta: -hó'xatam. See: -hó'xahe. Category: interpersonal.

-ho'xem   vta. threaten s.o. the threat will probably be carried out. É-ho'xemóho. He threatened him. Etym: *aɁšweme·wa (P) he threatens him. Éévȧ-ho'xemóho. She threatened him back (for example, with revenge). Né-ho'xeme. You threatened me. Some meadowlarks say that. See: -ho'xėsetanevá. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-ho'xėstátam   vta. regard s.o. worthy of joining. É-ho'xėstátamóho. He considers him worthy of joining. Etym: *aʔšite·leme·wa. Category: interpersonal.

-hómėstov   vta. flee from s.o., escape from s.o.; elude s.o. É-hómėstovóho. He escaped from him. Vó'keme hestse'emo móne'évȧhósė-hómėstoehevóhe; móévȧhósėhóo'oohé'tovȯhevóhe. Old Man Winter's wife must have taken off on him again; he is taking her back home (north)again. That is something said when there is a spring snowstorm or squalls. Násó'-hómėstoo'e. It is still eluding me. (idiom='I can't think of it'). See: -hóomėstov; -ameohová; -aseohováohe. Category: interpersonal, sayings.

-homóhtan   vta. cause s.o. to feel. for example, when a doctor presses more and more firmly on a place on a patient until the patient can feel the pressure; or when someone is finally irked by someone else. É-homóhtanóho. He caused him to feel (something). See: -homósem; -homóseh. Category: interpersonal.

-homósetsėstov   vta. provoke s.o. É-homósetsėstovóho. He provoked him. For example, he provoked him by word or action / he had a sharp tongue towards him. See: -homósem. Category: interpersonal.

-hóna'ovevéhonaov   vta. make s.o. second-in-command. Ná-hóna'ovevéhonaōvo. I made him second-in-command. Category: interpersonal.

-hóoma'ov   vta. shield s.o., protect s.o. É-hóoma'ovóho. He protected/shielded him. Reduplicated -hótooma'ov. See: -hóomo'etano; hóoma; hóahno. Category: interpersonal.

-hóomėstaohé'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o defend s.o., shield s.o. É-hóomėstaohénoto. He protected him. Category: interpersonal.

-hóomėstov   vta. escape from s.o. É-hóomėstovóho. He escaped out away from him. Éhma'xeévȧ-hóomėstóevósesto. He escaped from them. [1987:298] See: -hómėstov; hóe-; -amaxe. Category: motion, interpersonal.

-hoómetátam   vta. suspect s.o. É-hóometátamóho. He suspects him. "Tsé'tóhe hē'e ná-hóometátámo," éxhetóhoono. "This woman, I suspect her," he told him. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.045] Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-hoona'é'o'h   vta. lead s.o. by the hand quickly. This is faster action than -hoona'én. É-hoona'é'o'hóho. He led him by the hand quickly. Móx-hoona'é'o'hohevóhe. She must have led him by the hand. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).090] See: hoona'én. Category: interpersonal.

-hoona'én   vta. hold hand of s.o., lead s.o. by the hand. É-hoona'eno. He held his hand. É-hoona'énóho. He held his hand. (newer pronunciation). É-hoona'énȧhtseo'o. They are holding hands. See: -hoona'é'o'h lead s.o. by the hand quickly; -toen hold s.o.. Category: interpersonal.

-hoonésetanó'tov   vta. want to caution s.o. É-hoonésetanó'tovóho. He restrained him/he prohibited him. Ques: akot: if used with vonȯhóha'óvȧhtséstóva, it sounds almost like there is waiting for a set time of temptation (so this may not be the best word to use in Matt. 6:13)?? Antonym -amȧhtov. See: -hestoma'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-hoonét   vta. calm down s.o., prohibit s.o., forbid s.o. (from doing something). É-hooneto. He prohibited him (from doing something). É-hoonétóho He prohibited him (from doing something). (newer- pronunciation). Móoxhoonétaehevóhe. He (obv) must have forbade him (from doing something). Hoonéšeha! Tell him (for example, a child) to be quiet!/Warn him!/Calm him down! Néx-hoonéšememeno! Keep us from over-reacting! vai: -hoonéstómané; vti: -hoonéstá; Antonym -amȧhtov. See: -hóonéstȧhtóohe; -hóestomev; -xanánot; -nȧhestov; -oo'háevam; -hestom. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-hoonevót   vta. defend s.o., stick up for s.o.defend, shield, protect, stand up, stick up for s.o. A cow does this for her calf. É-hoonevoto. He is sticking up for him. É-hoonevótóho. He is sticking up for him. (newer pronunciation). tséohkė-hoonevótátá'ėstse the one who defends me. Hoonevóxeha! Defend him! Nótȧxéve'ho'asėstse, nėstoohéonēvo tséstȧhóxovėhé-hoonevótóse. Soldiers, your flag, you went across (the ocean) to defend it. (1987:244). See: -véstȧhtóohe; -nėsót. Category: interpersonal.

-hoónȯsé'ót   vta. miss s.o., cause s.o. lonesomeness, cause s.o. homesickness. É-hoónȯsé'oto. He (obv) is lonesome for him. That is, he (prox) is causing him (obv) to feel lonely for him (prox). É-hoónȯsé'ótóho. He (obv) is lonesome for him. (newer pronunciation). É-hoónȯsé'ótáá'e. He is lonesome for him (obv). É-hoónȯsé'otaa'e. (ITA verb) He misses it/he is lonesome for it. Náoseema'xė-hoónȯsé'ota. I really miss him. Né-hoónȯsé'oxe. I miss you. In Cheyenne, unlike English, the thing or person causing the lonesomeness is the subject of the verb. Some other verbs which similarly have different semantic roles from corresponding English verbs are -taa'ov 'fit s.o.' and -hevéhonamé'tov 'have s.o. as chief.'. vta: hoónȯsetanó. See: -nȯhtsevátam long for s.o.; -ésoh(n) miss s.o. (in handgame). Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-hóot   vta. bequeath. for example, to bequeath an estate, teachings, songs. may require a preceding preverb; perhaps mȧhe- 'all' is the only one allowed ?? Category: check. Námȧhe-hóota. He bequeathed everything to me. Usage: said to be an old word The stem can also be inflected as a ditransitive, like -mét 'give': Náhmȧhe-hóotaa'e netao'o hová'éhe. He gave everything to me. Némȧhe-hóoxe. You gave everything to me. See: -nėhetȯhóot; -mét; -nóahešéh; -hóet. Category: interpersonal.

hóovéhe   voc. friend. said by a male to a close male friend. Plural hóovéhasėstse. See: nésema'háahe; ma'hahe; hóvahe; néséne. Category: interpersonal.

-hosótomėšem   vta. rest s.o., give rest to s.o. É-hosótomėšemóho. He rested him. Ná-hosótomėšemoo'o. I gave them rest. See: -hosotómo'h. Category: interpersonal.

-hotama'én   vta. possessive of s.o., control s.o. Lit: cause face to turn back to É-hotama'eno. He made her do only what he wanted her to do. É-hotama'énóho. He made her do only what he wanted her to do. (newer pronunciation). especially doing only what your spouse wants, but can be of children or others, also. Ná-hotama'énoo'o nanésoneho. I control my children. Category: interpersonal.

-hotameoestoh(n)   vta. confront s.o. right away. É-hotameoestȯhnóho. He went right away to confront him. Category: interpersonal.

-hótoaná'o'h   vta. get s.o. in trouble, put s.o. in difficulty, confuse s.o. É-hótoaná'o'hóho. He put him in a difficult spot. Ná-hótoaná'o'ha. He put me in a difficult spot. É-hótoaná'o'hahtse. He confused himself. Category: interpersonal.

-hótȯhta'ov   vta. trip s.o., make s.o. stumble. É-hótȯhta'ovóho. He tripped him. See: -hótȯhta'á. Category: interpersonal.

-hoto'átam   vta. satisfied with s.o., approve of s.o. É-hoto'átamóho. He is satisfied with him. See: -pėhévátam. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-hoto'éeh   vta. be generous to s.o. É-hoto'éehóho. He is generous to him. Category: interpersonal.

-hoto'eh   vta. please s.o. with action. The person who likes is encoded as the patient (syntactic object) of the Cheyenne verb; the person whose action is liked is treated as the agent (syntactic subject) of the verb. É-hoto'ėhóho. He pleased him (obv) with what he did. Ná-hoto'ēho. He liked what I did (that is, I pleased him with what I did). Ná-hoto'ėhoo'o. They were agreeable to what I did. Násáa-hoto'ėhóhe. He didn't agree with what I was doing (that is, I was not agreeable to him in what I did). See: -hoto'em. Category: interpersonal.

-hoto'em   vta. please s.o. with talk. É-hoto'emóho. He pleases him with what he says. Ná-hoto'ēmo. He was agreeable to what I said to him/what I wanted done. Némano'-hoto'émȧhtsema. We agree together (are of one mind). See: -amȧhtov; -hoto'eh. Category: interpersonal.

-hoto'o'ót   vta. compliment s.o. to s.o. else. É-hoto'o'oto. He complimented him to s.o. else. É-hoto'o'ótóho. He complimented him to s.o. else. (newer pronunciation). Category: interpersonal. See: -máha'ov; -hoto'etanó.

-hotómo'eéh   vta. abuse s.o., mistreat s.o. É-hotómo'eeho. He abused him. É-hotómo'eéhóhó. He abused him. (newer pronunciation). See: -hetómo'eéh. Category: interpersonal.

-hotómo'ēē'e   vai. jilted, victimized, mistreated. especially of taking sexual advantage of a woman and leaving her. É-hotómo'ēē'e. He is a victim; he was mistreated. É-hotómo'eéo'o. They are mistreated. vta: -hotómo'eéh. Phon: vs Category: interpersonal, sex.

-hótooma'ov   vta. shield, shelter, protect s.o. É-hótooma'ovóho. He shielded him. Non-reduplicated -hóoma'ov. Phon: redup Category: interpersonal.

-hotséeh   vai. bribe s.o. for example, to slip someone money to buy their vote in an election. É-hotséehóho. He bribed him. vai: -hotséehevá. See: -hotséehe; -vovéeh. Category: interpersonal, money.

-hotséehe   vai. give a present to gain favor of someone, bribe. for example, a kind of peace offering given to a girlfriend or spouse. Ques: or is this about the person to whom the present was given ?? for example, to slip someone money to buy their vote in an election. É-hotséehe. He gave a present to gain her favor. (another recording) Náto'sėhé-hotséehe. I'm going to give a present to my girlfriend to gain her favor. Émá'sė-hotséehe. He ran out of peace offerings. vta: -hotséeh. See: -hotséehevá; -hotsénov; Otséémėhé'e. Category: interpersonal, check.

-hotséehevá   vai. bribe. for example, to slip someone money to buy their vote in an election. É-hotséehēva. He bribed. vta: -hotséeh. See: -hotséehe; -vovéehevá. Category: interpersonal, money.

-hotsévoom   vta. benefit from s.o. É-hotsévoomóho. He benefitted from him. Tsétsėhéstȧhese ésáa-hotsévoomóhevo. Cheyennes are not profiting (from the pipestone). [1987:17] Usage: obsolescing See: -hotséovo'setanó. Category: interpersonal.

-hótšėšévaen   vta. unable to control s.o. É-hótšėšévaenóho. He was unable to control him. See: -hótsėsané; -hotšėšévaen. Category: interpersonal.

-hová'ėhevoem   vta. regard s.o. as worth something. É-hová'ėhevoemóho. He regards him as worth something. Ma'hēō'o némȧhe-hová'ėhevoemaene. All of us are of worth to God. Násáa-hová'ėhevoemóhe. I counted him as worthless. Category: interpersonal.

-hovéo'onaov   vta. make a shade for s.o. É-hovéo'onaovóho. He made a shade for him. Category: interpersonal.

-hóvo'a'ham   vta. cover s.o. quickly, smother s.o. quickly. É-hóvo'a'hamóho. He covered him quickly. See: -hóvo'a'o'h. Category: interpersonal.

-hóvo'a'o'h   vta. cover s.o., smother s.o. É-hóvo'a'o'hóho. He smothered him. See: -hóvo'a'ham cover s.o. quickly; -nėhpotóman suffocate s.o.. Category: interpersonal, check.

-hóxe'a'ov   vta. clean s.o. É-hóxe'a'ovóho. He cleaned him. for example, the second person is now clean on account of the clean reputation of the first person. See: -hóxe'an. Category: interpersonal.

-hóxe'anomev   vta. Gram: ben clean for s.o. É-hóxe'anomevóho. He cleaned for him. Hóxe'anomevóhéne! Clean it for them (later)! Category: interpersonal.

-hóxe'átam   vta. regard s.o. as clean. É-hóxe'átamóho. He considers him clean. fta: -átam. Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-hóxe'ėstséh   vta. copy s.o., mimic s.o., imitate s.o. É-hóxe'ėstseho. He copied him. É-hóxe'ėstséhóho. He copied him. (newer pronunciation). Hēā'e né-hóxe'ėstseše. Maybe you are copying me. [1980:2:11] Néx-hóxe'ėstsešėstse! Repeat after me! Nétȧ-hóxe'ėstséhone Ma'hēō'o. Let's imitate God. (Eph. 5:1). See: -tóo'ėstseh. Category: interpersonal.

-hóxe'évám   vta. urge s.o. to be clean. É-hóxe'évamo. He is telling him/them to be clean. É-hóxe'évámóho. He is telling him/them to be clean. (newer pronunciation). fta: -vám. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-kȧhkova'ó'h   vta. 1 • flatten s.o. quickly. vti: kȧhkova'ó'tsé. Category: texture.

2 • throw the book at s.o.; give s.o. a stiff fine. Category: figurative. É-kȧhkova'o'ho. He threw the book at him. É-kȧhkova'ó'hóho. He threw the book at him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-kȧhkova'ó'ho. I threw the book at him. É-kȧhkova'ó'heo'o. They were given stiff fines. Category: legal, interpersonal.

-káhonean   have s.t. on a short rope; closely watch s.o.

vti. É-káhoneāna. He continually watched it.

vta. have s.o. on a short rope; watch s.o. continually, closely watch s.o. Usage: loan transl. É-káhoneanóho. He continually watched him / he kept close tabs on him / he shortened the rope on him. Usage: humorous word when used figuratively Category: interpersonal, figurative.

-ka'ėškóneveeh   vta. treat s.o. as a child, patronize s.o. for example, of Cheyenne treatment by the BIA. É-ka'ėškóneveehóho. He treats him like a child. É-ka'ėškóneveeheo'o. They are treated like children. Category: interpersonal.

-kávoom   vta. beg from s.o. É-kávoomóho. He is begging him (for something, such as food). See: -kávoena'tov; -momóhtsem. Category: interpersonal.

-máha'ósané   vai. welcome people. É-máha'ósáne He welcomes (people). [PD1101] See: -másetsėstahe. Category: interpersonal.

-máha'ov   vta. please s.o., gladden s.o. seems especially to apply when s.o. is glad to see you, as when you go to visit them. Usage: coalescing Ná-máha'ōvo. I made him glad to see me; he was glad to see me; he enjoyed my visit. Ná-máha'oo'e. He pleased me. É-máha'ovóho. He pleased him. for example, by going to him. vti: -máha'á. See: -másetsėstov; -másetanó'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-mȧheotsé'tov   vta. gang up on s.o. É-mȧheotsé'tovovo. They ganged up on him. vai: -mȧheotse. See: -mȧhé'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-mȧho'emaov   vta. boss all of s.o. É-mȧho'emaovóho. He bossed all of them. Ná'ȯhke-mȧho'emáóéne. He would boss all of us. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.069] See: -ho'emaov. Category: interpersonal.

-mȧhovetanó'tov   vta. tire of s.o. É-mȧhovetanó'tovóho. He tired of him. Nésáa-mȧhovetanó'tóéhe. He did not tire of you. Category: interpersonal.

-mȧhtsénaov   vta. gossip about s.o. É-mȧhtsénaovóho. He gossiped about him. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-ma'évenot   vta. bloody s.o. É-ma'évenotóho. He bloodied him (when killing or beating). to bloody s.o. when killing or beating them. fta: -not. Category: violence, interpersonal.

má'hahe   voc. chum, friend (male-male). Phon: iah Etym: *meɁlo·hsa (P). See: nésema'hááhe; néséne my friend (male to male). Category: interpersonal.

-ma'heónevo'ót   vta. call s.o. holy. É-ma'heónevo'oto. He is calling him holy. É-ma'heónevo'ótóho. He is calling him holy. (newer pronunciation). Né-ma'heónevo'otȧtse. I'm calling you holy. Category: interpersonal, speak, sacred.

-ma'kėsta'éoešem   vta. bow down to s.o. É-ma'kėsta'éoešemóho. He bowed down to him. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: interpersonal.

-má'toh(n)   vta. exhaust s.o. by tool. for example, break or chop s.o.; also used when beating s.o. in poker so they can't bid anymore, "cleaning them out". É-má'tȯhnóho. He finished him off. Etym: *me·Ɂtahwe·wa. See: -mató'oh(n); -má'to'eéh. Category: interpersonal, cards.

-má'to'óh(n)   vta. beat s.o. in a bet, out-bet s.o. É-má'to'ohno. He outbet him. É-má'to'óhnóho. He outbet him. (newer pronunciation). See: -hó'tah(n). Category: interpersonal, handgame.

-mámȯhevėhótov   vta. join with s.t., come together with s.o., unite with s.o. É-mámȯhevėhótovo. They came together with him. tsésto'semámȯhevėhótátse when I come together with you. Ques: redup. stem ?? Category: check, interpersonal.

mámȯheveto   p. together. mámȯheveto hē'e naa hetane tsétato'sėhešeasevo'ėstanéhévévȯse how a woman and a man are going to start living together. [STORIES.TXT] Category: interpersonal.

-mano'eétahe   vai. do something together, together - do something. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'eétȧheo'o. They did it together. Ques: -mano'éetahe?? Category: check, interpersonal.

-mano'eotse   vai. get together, unite. only used with plural subjects. For example, unite in voting for the same person. É-mano'eotseo'o. They got together. Émano'eotseo'o and Émámȯheveotseo'o are slightly different. Émano'eotseo'o is about individuals choosing to do something in unison. Émámȯheveotseo'o is about individuals who are already united (such a married couple) doing something together. Initial mano'-. See: -mano'eohtsé; -mámȯheveotse; -móheeotse. Category: interpersonal.

-mano'etanó   vai. group minded, unified. É-mano'etāno. He is group minded. É-mano'etanóhtove. There is working as a group/there is taking care of each other. a highly valued tradition. Antonym -no'ketanó. Category: interpersonal.

-mano'etanó'tov   vta. have a together feeling for s.o., want s.o. to be unified. É-mano'etanó'tovóho. He wants them to be unified in their thinking. É-mano'etanó'tovȧhtséstove. There is feeling like we should be together (for example, with relatives). Category: interpersonal.

-másetanó'tov   vta. have a welcome attitude toward s.o. É-másetanó'tovóho. He is "welcomey" toward him. Ma'hēō'o né-másetanó'toene tséxhotse'otaétse. God is pleased with us that we are his workers. É-másetanó'tovȧhtséstove. There is being happy (and good) to each other. (for example, in traditional child rearing). See: -másetsėstov; -máha'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-másetanov   vai. be proud of s.o., be pleased with s.o. É-másetanovóho. He is proud of him/he is pleased with him. See: -pėhévetanov. Category: interpersonal.

-másetsėstov   vta. welcome s.o. This is an important Cheyenne cultural value. É-másetsėstovóho. He welcomed him. Etym: *melwito·tawe·wa. Ná-másetsėstóó'e. They welcomed me. Másetsėstoveha! Welcome him! vti: -másetsestá. See: -másetanó'tov; -évaotsé'tov; -á'eh. Category: interpersonal.

-máxeó'oeseh   vta. teach s.o. a lesson, treat s.o. extremely. É-máxeó'oesėhóho. He taught him a lesson / treated him extremely. Móstaéše-máxeó'oesėhaehevóhe néhe xaóne. He had enough of that skunk. [A Man Who Got Cornered by a Skunk.075] Category: interpersonal.

-máxeóseh   vta. punish s.o. É-máxeósėhóho. He punished him. See: -mométsėstóm. Category: interpersonal.

-mȧxoh(n)   vta. mark s.o. by tool. Lit: touch s.o. by tool É-mȧxȯhnóho. He marked him. Etym: *mešahwe·wa (P). Category: interpersonal.

-méhósané   vai. love (people). É-méhósáne. He loves. (another recording) vta: -méhót. See: -méóhtahe. Category: interpersonal.

-méhót   vta. love s.o. É-méhoto. He loves him. É-méhótóho. He loves him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *mweʔθa·θe·wa he desires, covets him. Ná-méhóto. I love him. (another recording) Ná-méhotoo'o. I love them. Né-méhotȧtse. I love you. (another recording) Né-méhotatséme. I love you (plural). Né-méhotȧhtséme. You guys love each other. Né-méhotȧhtsemehe? Do you love each other? Ná-méhotȧhtséme. We (not including you) love each other. Né-méhotatsemeno. We love you (singular and plural). Né-méhóto. You love him. Né-méhotohe? Do you love him? Né-méhotoo'o. You love them. Né-méhotovohe? Do you love them? Ná-méhota. He/She loves me. Ná-méhotaehe? Does he/she love me? Ná-méhótáá'e. They love me. Né-méhota. He loves you. Né-méhotaehe? Does he love you? Né-méhótáá'e. They love you. Né-méhotaevohe? Do they love you? Né-méhoxe. You love me. Né-méhoxehe? Do you love me? Né-méhóxéme. You guys love me. Ná-méhótóne. We (excl) love him. Né-méhotone. We (incl) love him. Ná-méhotoneo'o. We (excl) love them. Né-méhotoneo'o. We (incl) love them. Né-méhótóvo. You guys love him. Né-méhotovoo'o. You guys love them. Né-méhotovovohe? Do you guys love them? É-méhotȧhtseo'o. They love each other. Né-méhotȧhtsémáne. We (including you) love each other. Né-méhotȧhtsema. (shorter pronunciation) We (including you) love each other. Né-méhotȧhtsémanehe? Do we (including you) love each other? É-méhotȧhtséstove. There is love for one another. Méhotahtse! Love each other! Méhoxeha! Love him! Náosee-méhóto. I really love him very much. Náosee-méhota. He loves me very much. Náosee-méhotȧhtséme. We (not including you) love each other very much. Náoné'seóme-méhóto. I genuinely love him/her. Néoné'seóme-méhotohe? Do you truly love her? Náoseeoné'seóme-méhóto. I genuinely love him very much. Kȧse'ééhe móxhoháe-méhotȯhevóhe hemé'oono. A young lady loved her boyfriend very much.. [1987:294] Naa mó'oseehoháe-méhotaehevóhe tsé'tó=henésono. And his children really loved him. tsé-méhótóno those who I love. tsé-méhótá'ėstse the one who loves me. Tsé-méhótóse ohkenanovenáno! Those you (plural) love, recognize them! vti: -méhóhtá. Category: interpersonal.

-méhoxevaen   vta. love s.o. right away. É-méhoxevaenóho. He loved him right away. Né-méhoxevaenāā'e nenésoneho. Your children love you. Category: interpersonal. See: -méhót.

-mé'avó'seh   vta. teach s.o. by example. especially of teaching bad habits to others. É-mé'avó'sėhóho. He taught him by example. See: -a'avó'seh. Category: interpersonal.

-mé'eenan   vta. nominate s.o. É-mé'eenanóho. He nominated him. See: -énan; -mé'néeh. Category: interpersonal.

-mé'e'tov   vta. encounter s.o., come upon s.o. É-mé'e'tovóho. He came upon him. Etym: *mo·θki·ʔtawe·wa he rushes upon him'(P). tsé'ée-mé'é'tóévȯse noto when the enemy came upon them. [STORIES.TXT] Category: interpersonal.

-mé'emeh   vta. bother, fool with, molest, butcher s.o. any kind of bothering; can also refer to molesting someone, such as a man molesting a woman. É-mé'emėhóho. He bothered him. É-mé'emehe. He was fooled with. Névé'-mé'emēho! Don't bother him! Névé'-mé'emėhoo'o! Don't bother them! (another recording) Névé'-mé'emeše! Don't bother me! Névé'-mé'emėhéme! ?? Don't bother us! ?? Névé'-mé'ešēme! Don't bother me (us?)! (said to more than one person) ?? vti: -mé'emestsé. See: -mé'emo'eéh; -mé'em tell on s.o.. Category: interpersonal, check.

-mé'emo'eéh   vta. bother s.o. É-mé'emo'eeho He bothered him. É-mé'emo'eéhóho. He bothered him. (newer pronunciation). vti: -mé'emo'eéstsé. See: -mé'emeh; -métsėstóm; -métsėstómem. Category: interpersonal.

-mé'tomósané   vai. give a chance (to people). É-mé'tomósáne. He gives people a chance. Category: interpersonal.

-ménanóné   vai. take back, be an Indian giver. É-ménanóne. He took something back previously given. Translated as 'he was an Indian giver' in English' meaning 'he gave something to someone and then took it back.' This is considered worse than stealing to Cheyennes. It has been said to be culturally equivalent to murder. Nėstsevé'-ménanóne! Don't take back what you have given! Category: interpersonal.

-ménanóné'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o take back s.o. as an "Indian giver"; this is a terrible thing to do. É-ménanónenoto. He took him back. Ná-ménanónenȯtse mo'éhno'ha. I took back the horse. Ná-ménanóne'tova. He took me back. See: -moné'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-méót   vta. fight s.o. Ná-méóto. I fought him / I'm fighting him. É-méoto. He fought him. É-méótóho. He fought him (newer pronunciation). Etym: *mi:ka·θe·wa (P). Ná-méota. He is fighting me. Ná-méótáá'e. They fought me. Ná-méotoo'o. I fought them. Nátȧhé-meotoo'o. I went to fight them. É-méotȧhtseo'o. They are fighting each other. Etym: **mi·ka·θetwiwaki (P/L). Násáa-méótóhe. I'm not fighting him. Násáa-méotȯheo'o. I'm not fighting them. Ná-méotoneo'o. We fought them. Násáa-méotȯhéneo'o. We did not fight them. Nétȧhé-meotóneo'o! Let's go fight them! Nétȧhé-meotȧhtsémáne! Let's go box! This word can be extended to certain games, especially boxing. This verb stem illustrates that there are two main "dialects" with regard to how high pitches on obviated verbs are treated by Cheyenne speakers. With verbs having a proximate third person subject and an obviated third person object, the older style is to cause a phonemic high pitch on the last syllable of the stem to drop to a low pitch when adding the direct voice obviation marker /o/. Among newer pronunciation, the newer strategy is to regularize such verb stems to follow the same pattern as verb stems having a phonemic low pitch on the last syllable of the stem, and add the longer direct voice obviative suffix /oha/, and maintain the underlying phonemic high pitches as phonetic high pitches. We call this newer obviation pattern Obviation Regularization (abbreviated as OR). Some older speakers are sufficiently accustomed to the older un-regularized obviation pattern for stems ending in a phonemic high pitch that they will insist that the OR pattern is "incorrect". Some other verbs stems which illustrate these two obviation pitch contours are: -moat' love s.o.' (older speakers: é-meo'o 'he loves him', newer pronunciation: é-méhótóho); -mév 'eat s.o.' (older speakers: é-mevo 'he ate him', newer pronunciation é-mévóho); -vovóhnėhešéh 'take care of s.o.' (older speakers: é-vovóhnėhešeho 'he took care of him', newer pronunciation: é-vovóhnėhešéhóho), and -asénoót 'sing an honor song to s.o.' (older speakers: é-asénooto 'he sang an honor song to him', newer pronunciation: é-asénoótóho). Intransitive verb stems ending in a phonemic high pitch can also experience the "dialectal" differences in pitch contours when taking an obviated subject. Some examples are: -méó'é 'fight', -háóéná, and -mó'é 'invite to a feast'. With these intransitive stems there can be from one to four pitch and suffix variants among older speakers when they utter an obviated verb. And nouns with a phonemic high pitch preceding an obviative suffix experience the two main dialectal pitch contours, also: for example, šé'še 'duck', še'xo 'duck (obv.; older speakers), šé'xóho 'duck (obv.; younger speakers); pe'e 'nighthawk', pe'o 'nighthawk (obv.; older speakers), pé'óho 'nighthawk (obv.; newer pronunciation). (For a technical description of the obviation pitch contours, see the article "Cheyenne Obviation Pitch Alternations" by W. Leman,1987.) vai: -méósané; vti: -méóhtá. See: -méoxevaen; -héseh. Category: phys. ed., interpersonal, violence, warfare.

-méoxevaen   vta. fight s.o. aggressively. This is more aggressive action than -méót. É-méoxevaenóho. He is fighting him aggressively. É-méoxevaenȧhtseo'o They are fighting each other. Ná-méoxevaenȧhtséme. We (not including you) are fighting. Néme'nėše-méoxevaēno. You should fight him. [1987:287] fta: -éváen. See: -méót. Category: interpersonal, violence.

-méšeh   vta. find out about s.o. É-méšėhóho. He found out about him. Etym: *mo·šihe·wa (P). Ná-méšého. I found out about him. Ná-méšėháne I was found out. See: -méšen; -méšenov. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-mét   vta. Gram: ai+o give (s.t./s.o.) to s.o. Ná-méto. I gave it to him. É-meto. He gave (it) to him. É-métóho. He gave (it) to him. (newer pronunciation). Néh-metsėstse! Give it to me! Né-metse. You gave it to me. Ná-métaa'e. He gave it to me. Héne ná-métaa'e. He gave that to me. Ná-métonȯtse. I gave them (inanimate) to him. Ná-métaenȯtse. He gave them (inanimate) to me. Ná-métaenoto. He gave him (or them) to me. Ná-métaenovo. They gave it to me. Né-métatsenȯtse. I gave him to you. Náaéstome-métaa'e. He gave it to me for nothing (it didn't cost me anything). Métseha! Give (it) to him! (another recording) Póéso ta-métseha! Give it to the cat! Néh-metsėstse! Give it to me! (another recording) Hósėstse néh-métseo'o! Give me some (later)! Reduplicated -momét. Etym: *mi:le·wa 'he gives s.t. to him'; *mi:li. See: -mea'e; -nóahešévé. Category: interpersonal.

-métsėstóm   vta. mistreat s.o., torture s.o., persecute s.o., ridicule s.o., suffer - cause s.o. to. É-métsėstomo. He tortured/mistreated him. É-métsėstómóho. He tortured/mistreated him. (newer pronunciation). Né-métsėstómemeno. You're persecuting us. Reduplicated -mométsėstóm. See: -métsėstóvo'eéh. Category: violence, interpersonal.

-métsėstómem   vta. badger s.o. É-métsėstómemóho. He badgered him. See: -métsėstóm persecute s.o.; -mé'emo'eéh bother s.o.. Category: interpersonal.

-métsėstóvo'eéh   vta. mistreat s.o. É-métsėstóvo'eeho. He mistreated him. É-métsėstóvo'eéhóho. He mistreated him. (newer pronunciation). Né-métsėstóvo'eéhanema. We are being mistreated. [1987:40] See: -métsėstóm; -asėto'éé'e. Category: interpersonal.

-móheehót   vta. gather to come after s.o. É-móheehoto. He gathered to come after them. É-móheehótóho. He gathered to come after them. (newer pronunciation). Móhma'xe-móheehótaehevovóhe nótȧxé-vé'hó'e. So the soldiers gathered to come after (attack) them. [1987:44] fta: -hót. See: -ho'ėhót. Category: interpersonal.

-móheeohtsétanó   vai. want to meet. Tóne'še né-móheeohtsétanóme? When do you (plural) want to meet? Category: interpersonal.

-momáta'átam   vta. regard s.o. as mean. É-momáta'átamóho. He regards him as mean. [1987:58] Né=tsé-(m)omáta'atamȧhtsese those who felt mean. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-momáta'eeh   vta. angry at s.o., mean to s.o. É-momáta'eehóho. He is angry at him. É-momáta'eehóho heške. He is angry at his mother. See: -nėsétam; -háestáha'tov. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-momáta'évam   vta. anger s.o. while speaking. for example, when someone is drunk. É-momáta'évamahtse. He got himself angry as he talked. Category: emotions, interpersonal, speak.

-momáxeh   vta. get s.o. in trouble, cause calamity for s.o. É-momáxėhóho. He got him in trouble. É-momáxėhahtse. He brought it on himself. Etym: cf *mešihesowa (P) he exposes himself to injury. Né-momáxėšemeno You are punishing us. Contracted -omáxeh. See: -momáxem; -omáx; -momáxeóseh. Category: interpersonal.

-momáxem   vta. turn in s.o., tell on s.o., complain about s.o. É-momáxemóho. He told on him/he complained about him. Etym: *mešime·wa (P). Násé'hé-momáxémo. I'm turning him in to the law/police/judge/agency (lit., I-into(agency)-INTENT-punish-DIR). éaéstome-momáxemóho He turned him in for nothing/falsely. [1987:182] for example, he didn't do anything wrong; could be used of betrayal, as of Judas' betrayal of Jesus. Phon: The first m often is elided, yielding -omáxem See: -mé'em; -totóxem; -hósem; -ho'é'et. Category: interpersonal, speak.

-momé'hemem   vta. talk to s.o. so it sounds desirable; talk with false promises; sweet talk s.o. Ques: check ge gloss É-momé'hememóho. He talked to him so it sounds desirable. Mó'ȯhkema'xeée-momé'hememaehevóhe tséohkėhešėhoháepėhéveénėhetsėse. (The people) made everything sound real good to him how (beavers) tasted real good. [1987:275] Category: speak, interpersonal, check.

-momé'hevátam   vta. confident of s.o., have confidence in s.o. É-moméhevátamóho. He has a lot of confidence in him. Ná-momé'hevátámo. I have a lot of confidence in him. Category: interpersonal.

-moménovátam   vta. regard s.o. as comely, consider s.o. to be of good character ?? Category: check. É-moménovátamóho. He considers him to be comely/of good character. ?? Ná-moménovátámo. I deem him comely/of good character. Ésáa-moménovátamóheho. He did not pay attention to him. Category: interpersonal, check. See: -onem; -pėhévátam.

-mométsėstóm   vta. persecute s.o., torture s.o., treat s.o. cruelly, cruelly - treat s.o., punish s.o. Appears to be used with the sense of 'punish', also. The reduplication here gives the sense that the action took place over a longer period of time. É-mométsėstomo. He punished him. É-mométsėstómóho. He punished him. (newer pronunciation). Non-reduplicated -métsėstóm. Phon: redup Category: interpersonal.

-mométsėstóvo'eéh   vta. torment s.o., mistreat s.o., torture s.o., treat cruelly s.o. É-mométsėstóvo'eeho. He tortured him. É-mométsėstóvo'eéhóho. He tortured him. (newer pronunciation). É-mométsėstóvo'eehe. He was tortured. [1987:41, 210] Phon: redup Category: interpersonal.

-momóhtsem   vta. plead with s.o., beg s.o. Can be said in prayer to God, for example, Némomóhtsemȧtse 'I plead with you, or Né-momóhtsematsemeno 'We plead with you'. If you plead with someone based on the memory of one of their deceased loved ones, it is very powerful. They feel a lot of pressure to give you what you are pleading for. É-momóhtsemóho. He pleaded with him. Né-momóhtsematséme. We plead with you. Náéve-momóhtsemoo'o. I pleaded with them. Náonése-momóhtsemoo'o. I tried to motivate them. See: momóxe-; -kávoena'tov. Category: speak, pray, interpersonal.

-momóonáosané   vai. treat people like slaves. É-momóonáósáne. He treated people like slaves. Category: interpersonal.

-momóonáot   vta. rule s.o., boss s.o. É-momóonáotóho. He the boss of him. Synonym -momóonáov. See: -háo'emaov. Category: interpersonal.

-momóonáov   vta. rule s.o., boss s.o. É-momóonáovóho. He the boss of him. Synonym -momóonáot. Category: interpersonal.

-momotoetanó   vai. disagreeable (with the rest of the people). É-momotoetāno. He is disagreeable with the rest of the people. Category: interpersonal.

mone-   pv. pick, choose, select, adopt. Ná-monee'haé'tova. He adopted me as his son. Ná-monee'hahenȯtse. I take him as my son. Ná-monevésenéhané'tova. ?? He chose me as his friend. Ná-monevésenéhanenȯtse. I chose him as friend. vta: -moné'tov. Category: interpersonal, check.

-moné'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o choose, pick, select s.o. Né-moné'tova. He chose me/he selected me. Ná-monenȯtse. I picked him. Ná-moné'tóvo. I selected him. (same meaning as Ná-monenȯtse). É-monénoto. He chose him. Preverb mone-; Synonym -nééh; vti: -mone. See: -netsem; -vóom; -monotse'onané'tov; -monóehné'tov adopt s.o.. Category: interpersonal.

-monóehné'tov   vta. adopt s.o. Lit: choose-birth-FTA Ná-monóehné'tova. He adopted me. Ná-monóehnenȯtse. I adopted him. É-monóehnénoto. He adopted him. É-monóehné'tohe. He was adopted. Ques: nėhé' ?? fai: -óehné birthe. See: -moné'tov choose s.o.. Category: interpersonal, check.

-mȯxe'eotsé'seh   vta. photograph s.o., take picture of s.o. É-mȯxe'eotsé'sėhóho. He took his picture. É-mȯxe'eotsé'sehe. He was photographed. See: -pȧhoeotsé'seh. Category: interpersonal.

-nȧhahétam   vta. watch out for s.o., careful toward s.o. - be, leary of s.o. - be. É-nȧhahétamóho. He is leary of him. Nȧhahétamoo'o! Watch out for him (later)! Nȧhahétamóhéne! Watch out for him (later)! (said to more than one person). See: -nȧhahétsėstov; -ono'átam. Category: interpersonal.

-nȧhahétsėstov   vta. avoid s.o.avoid s.o. taboo; be careful toward s.o., show respect for s.o., avoid s.o., keep away from s.o., shy away from s.o. Several words have to do with avoiding someone: with this entry one avoids and hence shows respect and probably a fear of the person with whom you have a culturally taboo relationship; with -e'hahtov one similarly shows respect by avoidance, but it is not so much an avoidance of fear but of cultural respect; with -nėsétam one avoids another because there is animosity; with -šénétamone avoids another because he (the object) is considered unfit; with -nȧhestov one avoids another because of a cultural prohibition (taboo). With -vó'hova'ov one simply avoids or keeps distant from another with no reason implied ?? É-nȧhahétsėstovóho. He keeps away from/he avoids him. Mó'ȯhkeévėhoháe-nȧhahétsėstóhehevóhe tsééenėheto'eétȧhese vo'ėstaneo'o. They were very leery of people who did this thing. Nȧhahétsėstoveha! Be leery of him! [1987:258] vti: -nȧhahétsestá. See: -nȧhesta; -nȧhahétam; -vó'hova'ov; -e'hahtov. Category: interpersonal, taboo, check.

-nȧha'en   vti. catch s.t. There is a wide range of things which may be caught, both concrete, such as sticks, balls, horses, and abstract, such as a ride or a word. Catching abstract things may be a loan translation from English 'catch.'. É-nȧha'ēna. He caught it. Né-nȧha'enahe? Did you catch it? Náame-nȧha'enahe tséhe'enėstsétse? Are you recording how we speak the language? Énéhe-nȧha'ēna. He caught on quickly. Hénová'e tsé-nȧha'enome? What did you catch? That has been used for catching a sickness, likely a loan translation from English. Tsėhéóhe násáaxaetónėše-nȧha'enóhe hotse'óhestȯtse I just can't seem to find (lit., catch) any job here. [BERTHA.TXT] Né-nȧha'enomóvone nā'ėstse hestovóo'ȯtse. We caught one of his ears.

vta. catch s.o. É-nȧha'enóho. He caught him. Móstȧho'eohtsé'tovȯhevóhe hestotseho tséhnéetsėse nā'ėstse móh-nȧha'enȯhevóhe. He came to his horses where they were standing. He caught one (of them). [1987:170] Nȧha'eneha! Catch him (for example, the ball, animate)! Nééše-nȧha'enovohe hóhkeeheho? Did you already catch mice? Héehe'e, náéše-nȧha'enoo'o. Yes, I already caught them. Náéšėto'se-nȧha'enaa'e. It has almost come to me. That is an idiom for being about to pop with the urge to defecate or urinate. É-nȧha'enaa'e. It caught him. Vó'keme ná-nȧha'enaēne. Old Man Winter caught us. See: -no'en. Category: interpersonal, body function, baseball.

-nȧhestov   vta. avoid s.o. due to a taboo. for example, forbid someone from attending a meeting or from doing something taboo; or, avoid someone out of respect, such as in certain kinship relationships. É-nȧhestovóho. He avoids him due to a taboo. Nȧhestovoo'o! Stay away from him (delayed impv)! vti: -nȧhestá. See: -nȧhestóné; -e'hahtov; -hoéstomev; -hóeh; -ováhae'ov. Category: interpersonal, taboo.

-nȧhešem   vta. expect certain behavior of s.o. ?? includes idea that the expectation is fulfilled; usually means expecting that the person will do something bad. É-nȧhešemóho. He expected him to turn out (some way) and he did (usually something negative). ?? Category: check. É-nȧhešeme. He turned out exactly as expected (a kind of fatalistic thinking). Usage: obsolescing Category: interpersonal, cognition, check.

-nȧho'ȯhtsév   vta. 1 • visit s.o. É-nȧho'ȯhtsevo. He visited him. É-nȧho'ȯhtsévóho (newer pronunciation) He visited him. Ná-nȧho'ȯhtsēvo. I visited him. Ného'-nȧho'ȯhtsevȧtse. I have come to visit you. Hó'ótóva néh-nȧho'ȯhtséveo'o! Come visit me sometime! Nétavá'ne-nȧho'ȯhtsévohe tséhe'néheto? Did you go to just visit your older brother? See: -ho'ėhót; -ho'ohtsé. Category: interpersonal.

2 • die. Ééva-nȧho'ȯhtsévóho hevóohestoto. He has gone back to visit his relatives (that is, when he has died). Ma'tanaéto namȧhta'sóoma étao'se-nȧho'ȯhtsevo Ma'hēō'o. When I die my spirit is going to visit (stay with??) God. Category: death, figurative.

-ná'so'eéh   vta. turn against s.o., tease s.o., play tricks on s.o., rape s.o. General term; can be with actions. Can refer to sexual overtures, even rape; when it does it seems to have the idea of mocking a person by raping them. É-ná'so'eeho. He raped her. É-ná'so'eéhóho. He raped her. (newer pronunciation). É-ná'so'eéhovo. They raped her (lit. teased/played tricks on her). Éohketóxe-ná'so'eeho he'óho. He goes around messing with women. See: -ná'so'eém tease s.o. with words; -péeet tear up s.o.; -náhkȯhnȧho'h(n) gang-rape s.o.; -háaenóvem play tricks on s.o.; -véstaenóvem have fun with s.o.; -áva'ó'h rape s.o.; -e'ho'ȯh(n) rape s.o.. Category: violence, sex, interpersonal.

-ná'so'eém   vta. tease s.o. (with words). É-ná'so'eemo. He is teasing him (with words). É-ná'so'eémóho. He is teasing him (with words). (newer pronunciation). Névá'neée-ná'so'eématséme; nává'nenėheve. I'm just teasing you (plural); I'm just saying (it). See: -háo'eém; -ná'so'eéh; -ná'so'eévo'sóem; -háaenóvem. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-ná'so'eévo'sóem   vta. tease play with s.o. This is teasing in play or action. É-ná'so'éevo'sóemóho. He teased him. See: -ná'so'eém tease s.o. with words; -évo'soo'e play. Category: interpersonal.

-ná'tsetanó'tov   vta. heart ache for s.o. É-ná'tsetanó'tovóho. He is lonely for him. See: -hoónȯsé'ót; -nȯhtsevátam. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-nanátanó'tov   vta. make up with s.o., reconcile with s.o. Tseévaonése-nanátanó'tovóho. He is going to try to make up with him. Category: interpersonal.

-nanévah(n)   vta. recognize s.o. (by touch or texture). É-nanévȧhnóho. He recognized him by his texture (or touch or feel). See: -nanéahtov. Category: interpersonal.

nanomónestȯtse   ni. peace, reconciliation. Lit: recognition In the Cheyenne way, to recognize someone is to be reconciled to them, to make peace with them. See: nanóvȧhtsestȯtse; he'kotȧhestȯtse; ována'xaetanohtȯtse. Category: interpersonal.

-nanov   vta. 1 • recognize s.o. É-nanovóho. He recognized him. Etym: *nenawe·wa (P). Ná-nanōvo. I recognize him. Ná-nanōō'e. They recognize me. É-nanóvȧhtseo'o. They recognize each other/they have made peace. Né-nanóehe? Did he recognize you? Né-nanovovohe tá'tóhe Heévȧhetaneo'o? Do you recognize those Cheyennes. Phon: vcpr vai: -nanomóné; vti: -nanohtá. See: -naná; -a'xaót; -he-vésenéhe'tov; -vonetanó'tá. Etym: *nena·we·wa I recognize him. Category: interpersonal.

2 • make peace with s.o.reconcile with s.o. Nétaéva-nanóvȧhtsémáne! Let's recognize each other again! (that is, reconcile, forgive). Éva-nanóvahtse! Reconcile with each other! Ééva-nanóvȧhtseo'o. They have recognized each other again. É-nanóvȧhtséstove. There is peace/there is reconciliation. Such reconciliation is typically shown by shaking hands; this cultural sign is a way of indicating forgiveness for which there is no single Cheyenne word. Category: interpersonal, cognition, figurative.

Néá'eše   vta. thank you. (another recording) That is a transitive verb, said to someone, "thank you", literally something closer to "You have graced me in a wonderful way". Néá'ėšéme. Thank you (said to more than one person). Néá'ėšemeno. Thank you (said from more than one person to one or more persons. vai: -á'eh. See: hahóo. Category: interpersonal.

-néhama'ov   vta. sneak up on s.o. É-néhama'ovóho. He sneaked up on him. Móstaosáanetšėše-néhama'óehevóhe heéháme. Her husband sneaked up on her. [1987:252] See: -néhameoha'ov. Category: interpersonal, motion.

-néhameoha'ov   vti. approach s.o. indirectly; sneak around to contact s.o. É-néhameoha'ovóho. He is indirectly approaching him. See: -néhama'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-néhe'éohtsé'tov   vta. follow s.o., trail s.o., track s.o. Naa nónóhpa nȧháóhe nėstsenėhešease-néhe'éohtsé'tovéme. So then there you (plural) will track me that way. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).023] See: -néhe'ov. Category: interpersonal, record.

-néheohé'tov   vta. chase s.o., pursue s.o. É-néheohé'tovóho. He chased him (obv). [1987:255] éhma'xenéma'ó'-néheohé'toenovȯse. (The head) chased them around. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).088] Náooo, éstama'xe-néheohé'toehoono. My, he took off after her. See: -néhov; -néhe'ov. Category: motion, interpersonal.

-nėheseh   vta. depend on s.o. É-nėhesėhóho. ?? He depended on him. ?? tsé-nėhesėháta'óse those who depend on you. See: -ne'étamé'tov. Category: interpersonal, check.

-nėheta'ov   vta. kick s.o. that way. É-nėheta'ovóho. He kicked him that way. See: -neta'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-nėhetȯhóot   vta. authorize s.o. that way, charismatize s.o. that way, bequeath to s.o. that way. This refers to something given which the receiver did not ask for or earn, such as a talent or ability. Typically, the giver is Ma'heo'o (God). Ná-nėhetȯhóota. He gave it to me that way. fta: -ohóot. See: -na'énohe. Category: interpersonal.

-nėheto'eéh   vta. treat s.o. that way. É-nėheto'eeho. He treated him that way. tsésto'sėhé-nėheto'ēē'ėse how he was going to be treated. Category: interpersonal.

-nėheto'é'et   vta. Gram: rr blame s.o. that way. vé'kėséhemėstaeo'o ... é'ȯhkeméhae-nėheto'é'ėheo'o that was what owls used to be blamed for. [Some Cheyenne Beliefs.012] See: -ho'é'et. Category: interpersonal.

-nėheto'ó'tanó'tov   vta. want s.o. to be like that (anaph.) É-nėheto'ó'tanó'tovóho. He wants him to be like that. Category: interpersonal.

-nėhetsem   vta. appoint s.o. Lit: mention the name of s.o. for something similar to 'name s.o.'. Ná-nėhetsēmo. I appointed him. See: -véh; -vóom; -énan. Category: interpersonal.

-néhnėhetamé'tov   vta. give up on s.o. Ná-néhnėhetamenȯtse. I gave up on him. Some people may also say it this way: Ná-néhnėhetamé'tóvo. I gave on him. Category: interpersonal.

-néhovanová   vai. wrestle. É-néhovanōva. He wrestled. vta: néhovan. Category: interpersonal.

-nėhpa'éehé'tov   vta. rob s.o. literal meaning from image of bandit's mask over face. É-nėhpa'éehé'tovóho. He robbed him. Ques: he'?? See: -šéenomev. Category: interpersonal, check.

-néhpėsa'ov   vta. trip s.o. É-néhpėsa'ovóho. He tripped him. Mó-néhpėsa'ovȯhevóhe. He must have tripped him. for example, in a basketball game. Variant: -némėsa'ov, -némȯsa'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-nėhpėšem   vta. cover s.o. É-nėhpėšemóho. He covered him. See: -ho'oh(n). Category: interpersonal.

-ne'ėseh   vta. single out s.o., take on s.o. É-ne'ėsėhóho. ?? He singled him out. Category: interpersonal, check.

-ne'étame   vai. depend on (something or somebody).

vti. Gram: ai+o depend on s.t. É-ne'étame. He depends on it. É-ne'étamenȯtse. He depends on them (inanimate). Tósa'e náme'heše-ne'étame? Where else could I depend? [Hymn #71] for example, there is no one or nowhere else that I can depend, but you. vta: -ne'étamé'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-ne'étamé'tȯsáne   vai. depend on people. É-ne'étamé'tȯsáne. He depends on people. fai: -ósané. Category: interpersonal.

-ne'étamé'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o rely on s.o., depend on s.o. Ná-ne'étamé'tova. He depends on me. Né-ne'étamé'tovȧtse. I depend on you. Ná-ne'étamenȯtse. I depend on him. Ná-ne'étamenȯtse Ma'hēō'o. I depend on God. É-ne'étaménoto. He is depending on him. Náhóove-ne'étamenȯtse naa ésáaxaenéé'tóhe. Naa náne'évȧhéne'étamenȯtse. I mistakenly depended on him and he did not do what he said (lit. did not stand to it). And I would not again depend on him. (that is, he disappointed me). Ma'hēō'o, né-ne'étamé'tovȧtse. God, I depend on you. vti: -ne'étame. The idea of 'trust' of character, for example, trust of s.o. to do a good job, is covered by other verbs, for example, -xanovátam 'trust, regard s.o. as a straight person';-ono'átam 'respect s.o.' Lack of such trust can be indicated by a verb stem such as -onéstátam, for example ma'kaataevé'ho'e ná-onéstatama 'The banker checked me out.' This seems to imply that the banker doesn't trust me, or at least his checking out procedure is interpreted that way. Category: interpersonal.

-ne'étameotsé'tov   vta. depend on s.o. É-ne'étameotsé'tovóho. He has come to depend on him. ?? Naa máto (hováhne évaveto) móstaohkeée-ne'étameotsėhenovóhe. And long ago (people) came to depend on (the animals). [1987:300] Category: interpersonal.

-ne'étamétanó'tov   vta. want to depend on s.o., want help from s.o. É-ne'étamétanó'tovóho. He wants to depend on him. Mónánėh-ne'étamétanó'toehéhe. I guess he wants me to help him. [1987:286] Category: interpersonal.

-ne'eváh(n)   vta. measure s.o. É-ne'evahno. He measured him. É-ne'eváhnóho. He measured him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-ne'eváhno. I measured him. É-ne'evahe. He is measured/he is identified. Étónėše-ne'evahe? How is he identified? For example, what qualities does he have? See: -taeváhn. Category: interpersonal.

-ne'evávonoé'tov   vta. sit watching s.o. É-ne'evávonoé'tovóho. He sat watching him. Ques: How is this different from -ne'evávoom?? akot says this is more casual watching than-ne'evávoom. Category: sight, interpersonal.

-ne'hó'etová'tov   vta. bawl out s.o. Náma'xe-ne'hó'etová'tova. He was really getting after me. [LF 8/93] See: -vé'hoét; -vé'hoéševaen. Category: interpersonal, speak.

-ne'tȧhátm   vta. regard s.o. as important. É-ne'tȧhátamóho. He considers him important. fta: -átam; vta: -ne'tátsestá. See: -né'ta'e; -nétȧhévatam. Category: interpersonal, interpersonal.

-ne'tȧhé'tov   vta. supervise s.o. É-ne'tȧhé'tovóho. He supervises him. Category: jobs, work, interpersonal.

-némȧhtsená'o'h   vta. give s.o. a crooked mouth, give s.o. Bell's palsy. If someone has Bell's palsy, it is said that a ghost must have touched them. É-némȧhtsená'o'hóho. He gave him a crooked mouth. Taa'éva nėstsevé'novo'eohtséme! Méstaa'e nėstse-némȧhtsenáo'haēvo. Don't eat outside at night! A ghost will give you crooked mouths. Category: interpersonal, sayings.

-némȯsa'ov   vta. trip s.o. É-némȯsa'ovóho. He tripped him. Variant: -néhpėsa'ov, -némėsa'ov. Category: interpersonal.

nésema'háahe   na. my friend (male to male); friend (male to male) - my; my chum (male to male). (another recording) only used of male to male friendships. contracted: má'hahe. To talk to a close male friend a man would address him as a hóovéhe: See: hóovéhe friend; néséne. Category: interpersonal.

néséne   na. Gram: poss my friend (male friend of a male). Traditionally females would not say this word. Instead, they would say nésé'e of a female friend. nésenéhane our friend. ésenéhane our friend. Vocative nésenéhasėstse (pl); Plural néseneo'o; Feminine nésé'e. Etym: *ni·tihkiwe·wa; O ni·ji·/ni·jikiwe (N). See: -vésene; nésema'háahe; hóovéhe; má'hahe. Category: interpersonal.

nésenéhasėstse   Ques: voc na. my friends. said by a male when addressing more than one male friend. See: néséne. Category: interpersonal.

-nėsétam   vta. grudge toward s.o. - have a, outs with s.o. - be on the, mad at s.o., angry at s.o. When there is this relationship, there can be avoidance for a long time, but sometimes those on the outs with each other will repair their relationship by shaking hands with each other, especially at Christmas time. É-nėsétamóho. He is mad at him. Méhotahtse, névé'-nėsétamȧhtséme! Love each other, don't be against each other! [1987:206] vai: -nėsétsėstahe; vti: -nėsétsestá. See: -óhnetsėstov; -momáta'eéh; -péót hate s.o.. Category: interpersonal.

-nėsót   vta. stick with s.o., aid s.o. For example, when a cow doesn't abandon her injured calf, or a mother doesn't leave her school-aged children; can be when a person is not abandoned in spite of everyone else's leaving them. É-nėsoto. He sticks with him. É-nėsótóho. (newer pronunciation) Antonym -noot. Category: interpersonal.

Nėstaévȧhósevóomȧtse   vta. I will see you again, goodbye. Usage: This loan translation from English has been used for many years, since there is no traditional Cheyenne word for saying "goodbye." Nėstaévȧhósevóomatséme. I will see you (plural) again. Nėstaévȧhósevóomatsemeno. We will see you (singular and plural) again. vai: -vóom see s.o.. Category: interpersonal.

-nėše'hoh(n)   vta. wash s.o. with a tool. É-nėše'hohnóho. He washed him with a tool. ?? Category: interpersonal, check.

-nėše'hóovot   vta. bathe s.o. É-nėše'hóovotóho. He bathed him. vti: -nėše'hóovohtsé. See: -too'hamot. Category: interpersonal.

-nėševátam   vta. pity s.o. This word is broader and richer than the English word "pity." This word seems to almost require a person to help the one in need. There are typically connotations of love and care in this Cheyenne word. This word is very commonly used in prayers, asking Ma'hēō'o to have pity on the person praying or others. Usage: This pronunciation seems to be older than -ševátam. Variant: -ševátam. É-nėševátamóho. He had compassion on him. Néh-nėševátamėstse! Take pity on me! (another recording) Néh-nėševátame! Take pity on me! (said to more than one person). Néh-nėševátamemeno! Have pity on us! Ma'hēō'o, néh-nėševátamemeno! God, take pity on us! Nėševátameha! Take pity on him! É-nėševátamȧhtsétáno. He feels sorry for himself/wants to be pitied. vai: -nėševátsėstahe. Category: interpersonal.

-nėševátamȧhé'tov   vta. be humble toward s.o. Néta-nėševátamȧhé'tovone Jesus! Let's be humble toward Jesus! [Hymn 21] Category: interpersonal.

-nėševátamȧhtsétanó   vai. want to be pitied, pitied - want to be. É-nėševátamȧhtsétáno. He wants to be pittied. Category: interpersonal.

nėševátamátanó't   vta. pity s.o. Ques: what is the difference between this verb and -nėševátamo?? Category: interpersonal, check.

-nėševátamo'eéh   vta. pitifully treat s.o. This is doing something cruel to s.o. É-nėševátamo'eéháá'e. He (obv.) did something bad to him. Category: interpersonal.

-nétȧhévemaóev   vta. act different toward s.o. naa vo'ėstanóho ȯhtséeve'-nétȧhévemaóevosėstse and if someone acts different toward them. [1987:227] Category: interpersonal.

-neta'ov   vta. stake claim to s.o. É-neta'ovóho. He staked claim to him. Ma'hēō'o náh-neta'ova. God chose me. See: -ne'ta'ov; -nėheta'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-netanová   vai. stop fighting (of others), peace make, keep peace. É-netanōva. He stopped (someone else's) fighting/he interfered in fighting. vta: -netan. See: -méó'é; -énet. Category: interpersonal.

-netȯhkan   vta. tickle s.o. É-netȯhkanóho. He tickled him. Etym: *ketikene·wa. Category: interpersonal.

-nétse'ov   vta. allow s.o., let go of s.o., release s.o. permit s.o. for example, to release someone to do something. É-nétse'ovóho. He allowed him (to do something). Nétse'oveha! Allow him! Tanėše-nétse'oveha! Just let him go! Nȧhtaéšenėše-nétse'ōvo. I will let him/her go. For example, I will release her to do whatever necessary to find her own way to sobriety. É-nétse'ohe. He is permitted (to do something). vti: -nétse'á. See: -amȧhtov; -nétse'ohe; -énan. Category: interpersonal.

-netsem   vta. choose s.o. for example, by calling s.o. out of a group. É-netsemóho. He chose him. See: -moné'tov; -vóom. Category: interpersonal.

-netséstov   vta. disbelieve s.o., disagree with s.o. É-netséstovóho. He disbelieved him. Náohke-netséstovȧhtséme nonámé'tó'e. We are always disagreeing with each other. [1987:179] Éhvé'še-netséstóó'e héstanėheho. He was doubted by (some) people (obv). [1987:238] Antonym -oné'seómȧhahtov. Category: interpersonal.

-nóhtoosem   vta. take refuge with s.o., go to s.o. for refuge. Ná-nóhtoosēmo. I go to him for refuge. Variant: -nóhtoosemé'tov; fta: -oosem. See: -nóhtsėhót. Category: motion, interpersonal.

-nóhtoosemé'tov   vta. flee to s.o. for protection. É-nóhtooseménoto Ma'heóneva. He fled to God. See: -nó'hová'tov; -amȧxem; -asėtóoseme. Category: motion, interpersonal.

-nóhtoosemé'tov   vta. flee to s.o. É-nóhtooseménoto. He fled to him (obv). Category: interpersonal.

-nȯhtóva'ov   vta. accustomed to s.o. É-nȯhtóva'ovóho. He is accustomed to him (obv). [1987:39] Móxho'nó=tā'se=nȯhtóva'óévȯhtse tséháoho'tatse. The hot weather did not agree with them. Initial nȯhtóv-. See: hó'xátam. Category: interpersonal.

-nȯhtóvo'eém   vta. know how to tease s.o. É-nȯhtóvo'eemo. He knows how to tease him. Éohkėsáa-nȯhtóvo'eémėheo'o. They can't take a tease. Category: interpersonal.

-nóhtse'ov   vta. ?? É-nóhtse'ovóho. ?? See: -nonóhtsevanené search by feeling; -nȯhtse'ov search for s.o.. Category: interpersonal, check.

-nȯhtsevátam   vta. long for s.o., yearn for s.o., miss s.o., be lonesome for s.o., pine for s.o. É-nȯhtsevátamóho. He longs for him. Etym: *natawe·leme·wa (P). Ná-nȯhtsevátámo. I'm longing for him. vti: -nȯhtsevátsestá. See: -nȯhtsem; -hoónȯsé'ót. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-no'evéhé'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o named for s.o. É-no'evéhenoto. He is named for him. Ná-no'evéhe'tova. He is named for me. Ná-no'evéhenȯtse. I am named for him. Névááhe tsé-no'evéhe'tovoto? Who are you named for? vti: -no'evéhé. See: -véhé; -oesevéh. Category: interpersonal.

-no'hón   vta. steady s.o. É-no'hono. He held him steady / He held him in his arms / he held him (for example, by the shoulders) to keep him from staggering. É-no'hónóho. He held him steady (newer pronunciation). Éohkeée'ame-no'honovo ma'háhkėseho. They helped the old people walk (that is, steadied them as they walked). Category: interpersonal.

-no'ketanó'tov   vta. only trust s.o., favor s.o. exclusively. for example, to only want one certain doctor to treat you. É-no'ketanó'tovóho. He only wants to deal with him. Category: interpersonal.

-nó'oestomev   vta. hide (something) from s.o. É-nó'oestomevóho. He hid it from him. Nėstsevé'-nó'oestomevónóvo ka'ėškóneho! Do not hide it from the children! [1987:11] vai: -nó'oesané. Category: interpersonal.

-nó'oešévaen   vti. hide s.t. quickly. Nó'oešéváénȯhtse! Hide it quickly!

vta. hide s.o. quickly. Nó'oešévaeneha! Hide him quickly! Category: interpersonal, move.

-nó'ȯhtsé'tov   vta. go toward s.o., approach s.o., come toward s.o. Éhnėh-nó'ȯhtsé'toevósesto. He came toward them. (reportative mode). [The Journey.267] Final -ohtsé. See: -nóhtsėhót. Category: interpersonal, motion.

-no'otov   vta. aim at s.o. Ques: ?? É-no'otovóho. ?? ?? no'otóvȧhtsestȯtse This is what people used to say when pointing their finger while farting, seems to mean something like shooting at something or someone. Category: interpersonal, check.

no'ovėše'étanó   vai. want a contest. See: -nóvėše'évȯhomo'he. Naa móhno'ovėše'étanȯhevóhe xamaevo'ėstaneo'o. And the Indians wanted to have a contest. [The Great Race.002] Category: interpersonal, check.

-nomáhtseh   vta. Gram: ai+o steal from s.o. É-nomáhtsėhóho. He stole (something) from him. Ná-nomáhtsého. I stole from him. Mó'áahtse'-nomáhtsėhohéhe. She must have stolen (the gun) from him (a soldier). [1987:59] Ná-nomáhtsėhaa'e. He stole it from me. Ná-nomáhtsėhaenoto mo'éhno'hāme. He stole a horse from me. Category: interpersonal.

-nomáhtsé'tov   vta. steal s.o. É-nomáhtsenoto. He stole him. (for example, a horse). See: -nomáhtseh. Category: interpersonal.

-nomáhtseohé'tov   vta. steal s.o. quickly. Hēā'e éta-nomáhtseohé'toevóho Óoetaneo'o naa mó=héá'e Ho'óhomo'eo'o. Maybe Crows or Siouxs stole them. Category: interpersonal.

-noná'so'eém   vta. tease s.o. É-noná'so'eemo. He teases him/them. É-noná'so'eémóho. He teases him/them. (newer pronunciation). Non-reduplicated -ná'so'eém. Category: interpersonal.

-nonáxem   vta. make excuses to s.o. É-nonáxemóho. He made excuses to him. Variant: -nonȧháxem. See: -nonáxan. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-nonótovȧsé'ham   vta. get s.o. drunk. Néta-nonótovȧsé'hamone! Let's get him/her drunk! Some men say this about women they want to rape. Category: interpersonal.

-noohtan   vti. omit s.t., leave out s.t. É-noohtāna. He left it out. É-noohtāna éestsestȯtse. He left out a word.

vta. omit s.o., leave out s.o. É-noohtanóho. He left him out. Category: interpersonal.

noo'ėhén   vta. leave someone while moving. Nėstanoo'ėhénone. We'll move away without him. [The Baby with Teeth.030] Category: interpersonal.

-noo'ȯhová'tá   vti. leave s.t. when fleeing, abandon s.t. when fleeing. E-noo'ȯhová'ta. He fled leaving it behind. See: -noohtá leave s.t.. Category: interpersonal.

-noo'ȯhová'tov   vta. desert s.o., abandon s.o. E-noo'ȯhová'tovóho. He fled leaving him behind. This is not with the intention of abandoning someone, but because of the urgency of fleeing sometimes someone is left behind. Ná-noo'ȯhová'tova. He deserted me. Ná-noo'ȯhovanȯtse. I deserted him. Final -ohová. See: -noot; -ameohová. Category: interpersonal.

-noo'ȯhtséh   vta. leave s.o., depart from s.o. É-noo'ȯhtseho. He left him/he departed from him. É-noo'ȯhtséhóho. He left him/he departed from him. (newer pronunciation). Né'éva-noo'ȯhtséhaenésesto tóséé'e. They had a reason for leaving us. [1987:14] Ques: recheck the éóse ending in the alternate spelling field. See: -noot. Category: interpersonal, check.

-noo'ȯhtsé'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o abandon s.o., desert s.o., leave s.o. Mónáme'éetšėhe'šėhé-noo'ȯhtsénoto. I will NEVER abandon them. Hévámóto mósta-noo'ȯhtséhenotóhe. That is when he abandoned them. [1987:254] See: -noo'o'tsé'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-noo'o'tsé'tov   vta. desert s.o., abandon s.o., leave s.o. Ná-noo'o'tsé'tova. He left me. Mónėstse-noo'o'tsenȯtse? Are you going to leave him? [1987:36:11] See: -noo'ȯhtsé'tov; -noot; -noo'hová'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-nóono'ót   vta. whoop at s.o. É-nóono'oto. He whooped at him. É-nóono'ótóho. He whooped at him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-nóono'óto. I whooped at him. vai: -nóono'é; Final -o'ót. See: -nóono'ėstá'tov; -hó'ėstá'tov; -háo'ót. Category: sounds, interpersonal.

-noosenóvȧhé'tov   vta. slack off about s.o., not live up to s.o., distracted about s.o. Ná-noosenóvȧhénóne. We slacked off about him. vti: -noosenóvahe. See: noose-; -nóvahe. Category: interpersonal.

-noosetanó'tȯsané   vai. want to leave out s.o., leave out s.o. - want to. Ma'hēō'o móho'nó-noosetanó'tȯsánėstse. God doesn't want to leave (anyone) out. Category: interpersonal.

-noot   vta. abandon s.o., leave s.o. É-nootóho. He left him. Etym: *nakaθe·wa; *nekaθe·wa (P). Néta-nootaehe? Did he leave you? Nooxeha! Leave him! Ta-nooxeha! Leave him (distant from the speech context)! Névé'-nooxe! Don't leave me! Preverb noose-; vti: -noohtá. See: -noo'hová'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-nȯsa'ov   vta. ?? É-nȯsa'ovóho. ?? See: -nonóhtsevanené. Category: interpersonal, check.

-nóseméohé'tov   vta. go to s.o. É-nóseméohenoto. He wants to go to him. for example, when a baby puts its arms out wanting to be held. Category: interpersonal.

-nȯsóvoe'ov   vta. feel around searching for s.o. in water (by foot). Ná-nȯsóvoe'ōvo. I felt around for s.o. under water with my feet. Ques: 'ov or 'óv?? check with 1:33 form?? Final -óe'ó. See: -nȯhtse'. Category: liquid, interpersonal, check.

-nóvá   vai. jealous of wife. for example, when a husband feels insecure in his relationship with his wife and he is jealous when other men pay attention to her. É-nóva. He is jealous (over his wife). vta: -nóvót. Etym: *kya·we·wa. See: -oesevéoná. Category: marriage, interpersonal.

-nóvėšévaen   vta. race against s.o. É-nóvėšévaenóho. He raced against him. Category: interpersonal.

-novet   vta. compete against s.o., have a contest with s.o., bet against s.o., gamble against s.o. É-novetóho. He competed against him. He competed against him. This would mean that the second person didn't know he was being competed against. É-novetȧhtseo'o. They are competing (against each other). Éohtame-novetóho néhe hetanevo'óho. He tried to have a contest with that Arapaho. See: -sé'o'h; -nóvót; -novoh(n); -novȯhe'é. Category: handgame, interpersonal.

-nóvȯhésėšéváen   vta. race against s.o. Náto'se-nóvȯhésėšéváéno. I'm going to race against him (as in an election). See: -novėšéváéno. Category: interpersonal.

-nóvót   vta. jealous of s.o. over one's own wife. The husband is jealous of some man who is paying attention to his wife. É-nóvoto. He is jealous of him over his (own) wife. É-nóvótóho. He is jealous of him over his (own) wife. (newer pronunciation). vai: -nóvá. Etym: cf *kya·wame·wa (P) he is jealous of him. See: -novet. Category: interpersonal, marriage.

-óehnevo'eéh   vta. treating s.o. who patiently endures that treatment. É-óehnevo'eeho. He treats him who patiently endures the treatment. Category: interpersonal.

-oe'kėhé'tov   vta. cheat s.o., commit adultery on s.o. can refer to marital infidelity. Ná-oe'kėhé'tova. He cheated on me/he committed adultery on me. É-oe'kėhénoto He cheated him/her. É-oe'kėhé'tovóho He is cheating by means of her (that is, his "mistress") (RECK MNG--WHOIS OBJECT?? Category: check. É-oe'kėhé'tovȧhtseo'o They are cheating; committing adultery with each other. Névé'-nooseoe'kėhé'tovoo'o tsévéstoemósee'e! Don't commit adultery against your spouses! (lit. don't leave.out cheat; the one who is being cheated on is being abandoned/left out) (The noose-preverb especially makes it clear that the cheating is adultery.) See: -oe'kėhénot. Category: interpersonal, marriage.

-oe'kėhénot   vta. cheat s.o. É-oe'kėhénoto. He cheated him. É-oe'kėhénótóho. (newer pronunciation). Ná-oe'kėhénota. He cheated me. [pd102] Né-oe'kėhénotȧtse.?? I cheated you. vai: -oe'kėhéno'é. See: oe'kėhé't. Category: money, interpersonal.

-oe'kėhétanó   vai. cheat. É-oe'kėhétáno. He is cheating. Category: interpersonal.

-oe'kėhévatam   vta. suspect s.o. of cheating, suspicious of s.o. - be, leery of s.o. - be. É-oe'kėhévatamóho. He is suspicious of him. Náohke-oe'kėhévátámo. I'm leery of him. [1987:252] Móhnėševáhtome-oe'kėhévatamȯhevóhe. He was still suspicious of her. Category: cognition. vta: -átam. Category: interpersonal.

-oe'kėhévetanó   vai. want to cheat on spouse, cheat (on spouse) - want to. É-oe'kėhévétáno. He/She wants to cheat on his/her spouse. Category: marriage, interpersonal.

-oe'kėhévo'eétahe   vai. cheat, commit adultery, deceive. É-oe'kėhévo'eétahe. He committed adultery/deceived. [1987:271] fai: -o'eétahe. Category: interpersonal.

-oesevéoná   vai. jealous of husband. over another woman. É-oesevéona. She is jealous of her husband over another woman. Feminine -nóvá; Variant: -eosevéoná. Ques: which variant is best?? See: -ésevéoná. Category: interpersonal, marriage, check.

-oeškėséhevatam   vta. regard s.o. as a dog. a strong putdown. É-oeškėséhevatamóho. He regards him as a dog. Category: interpersonal.

-óetsetanóh   vta. pester s.o., bother s.o. É-óetsetanóhóho. He pestered him. É-óetsetanóháá'e hestónaho. His daughter begged him. See: -mé'emo'eéh. Category: interpersonal.

-óetsetanóotsé'tov   vta. disappointed in s.o., anxious about s.o. Náma'xe-óetsetanóotsé'tóvo. I'm disappointed in him. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-óetsetanóso'hé   vai. pester, annoy. É-óetsetanósó'he. He pestered. Category: interpersonal.

-óetsetanov   vta. bother s.o., trouble s.o. É-óetsetanovóho ?[ He bothered him/he troubled him. See: -óetsetanóna'ov; -mé'emo'éeh. Category: interpersonal.

óhne-   pv. in ornery fashion, adversely. É-óhnenėhešéve. He did it in an ornery fashion. Éohke-óhnenėhevoo'o. He never has anything good to say. tséstȧsáa'ée'-óhneéestsėstóhéhévȯse when they are not talked roughly (ornery) to. [1987:227] See: -tóvahe. Category: interpersonal.

-óhnetavo'eétahe   vai. sabotage; oppose. É-óhnetavo'eétahe. He opposed/sabotaged. Category: interpersonal.

óhnetsėstȧhé'héó'o   na. foe, adversary. Phon: vs Plural óhnetsėstȧhé'heono. Category: interpersonal.

óhnetsėstósenestȯtse   ni. grudge, enmity, bad feelings between parties, antagonism. Category: interpersonal.

-óhnetsėstov   vta. have grudge against s.o., oppose s.o.; be against s.o.; be on outs with s.o. Typically the break in relationship means the parties are not on speaking terms; the condition can be mended, and the reconciliation symbolized, with a handshake. É-óhnetsėstovóho. He opposes him. See: -nėsétam. Category: interpersonal.

-ohóot   fta. gift s.o., charismatize s.o. Népėhév-ȯhóota Ma'hēō'o. God gave you a good gift. Nánėhet-ȯhóota. He gave it to me that way. See: -nėhetȯhóot; -á'eh. Category: interpersonal.

-o'haévam   vta. warn s.o. Ná'ȯhkėhoháe'-o'haévamaeneo'o. REDUP: -óo'haévam. Category: interpersonal.

-o'kėhévatam   vta. suspect s.o., be suspicious of s.o. Category: interpersonal, cognition, check.

-ó'ȯhto'eéh   vta. wrong s.o. É-ó'ȯhto'eeho. He wronged him; he went against his wishes. [1987:302] See: -mé'emo'eéh; -hávėsévo'eéh. Category: interpersonal.

-o'omóohtomótah   vta. overlook with reference to s.o. This is one of the possible ways to express the idea of forgiveness. É-o'omóohtomótȧhóho. He forgave him. Nėše-o'omóohtomótȧxeha! Forgive him! Nétanėše-o'omóohtomótaahtse. I forgive you. See: -vonetanó'tá. Category: interpersonal.

-o'omóohtomov   vta. 1 • overlook with reference to s.o.

2 • forgive s.o. Ná-o'omóohtomovo tséhešé'tóó'ėse. I'm overlooking (forgiving) what he did to me. Category: interpersonal.

-omáxeh   vta. bring calamity on s.o., calamity - bring on s.o. Nėstȯsée'-omáxėhahtséme. You will bring it on yourselves for sure. É-omáxėhóho. He brought calamity on him. Éxaevá'ne-omáxėhóho mé'ėševoto. He caused it to happen to the baby. for example, he caused the baby to die by his living with another woman. É-omáxėhahtse. He was punished. Non-contracted -momáxeh. Ques: recheck analysis of omáxeee See: -vésėha'óv. Category: interpersonal, check.

-oné'evá'ov   vta. guide s.o., direct s.o. Né'-oné'evá'ovemeno! Guide us! See: -ne'eváotseh. Category: interpersonal.

-oné'seómȧhahtósané   vai. believe people. É-oné'seómȧhahtósáne. He believes people. fai: -ósané. Category: interpersonal.

-oné'seómátam   vta. believe s.o. that is, believe what he says is true. É-oné'seómatamóho. He believed him. vti: oné'seómátsest; fta: -átam. See: oné'seómȧhaht; oné'seómȧhahtá't; hetómem. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-onem   vta. concerned about s.o., pay attention to s.o. É-onemóho. He is concerned about him/he paid attention to him. Ésáa'-onemóheho. He is not paying attention to him. vti: -onestá, -onená. See: -ono'kótahe; -moménovátam. Category: interpersonal.

-onéma'táo'hov   vta. wind around s.o. É-onéma'táo'hovóho. He wound around him. Mehno mó'ȯhke-onéma'táo'hoehevóhe. A water monster (obv) wound around her. Category: interpersonal.

-onése'tov   vta. test s.o. É-onése'tovóho. He tested him. Etym: *kweti·ʔtawe·wa (P). É-onése'tȯheo'o. They are being tested. See: -onéstátam. Category: interpersonal.

-onésem   vta. test s.o., question s.o. É-onésemóho. He tested him (by speaking) / he asked him to see if he would say yes or no. Etym: *kwetime·wa (P). Ques: maybe 'try to get s.o. to do something' See: -nȯhtsėstov; -oo'hátam. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-onéstȧhtóohe   vai. make peace, peace - make. É-onéstȧhtóohe. He made peace. [Cheyenne Conversation:257] Mó'ȯhke-onéstȧhtóohehéhe. He makes peace. Final -ahtóohe. See: -nanomóné. Category: interpersonal, check.

-onéstatam   vta. test s.o. for example, to find out the quality or character of s.o., as a banker might check you out to see if you are a good credit risk. É-onéstatamóho. He analyzed him. Ná-onéstátámo. I tested him. Naa táaxa'e nėsta-onéstatamone tsé'tóhe. Well, let's try this one (an.) out. [1987:186] See: -ononéstatam; -oo'hátam evaluate s.o.; -onése'tov; -onésto'eéh. Category: interpersonal.

-onésto'eéh   vta. test s.o. É-onésto'eeho. He tested him. É-onésto'eéhóho. He tested him. (newer pronunciation). See: -onéstátam; -onése'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-onésto'eém ??   vta. test s.o. ?? É-onésto'éemóho ?? He tested him (through speaking). See: -onésem. Category: interpersonal, check.

-ónėxa'o'h   vta. hurt s.o. É-ónėxa'o'hóho. He hurt him. Ésáahéne'enóhénóvo tséohkėheše-ónėxa'o'haétse. They don't know how much they hurt us. [How God Helped Me Forgive.101] See: -ónėxan. Category: interpersonal.

-ónėxan   vta. hurt s.o. can be physical or emotional pain. É-ónėxanóho. He hurt him. Násáa'-ónėxanaeheo'o. They did not hurt me. [1987:48] Synonym -ónėxa'o'h. See: ónėše-; -ónėšem; -oxot. Category: interpersonal.

-onóeoesem   vta. summon s.o. urgently, call s.o. urgently, invite s.o. urgently. É-onóeoesemóho. He summoned/called him. [My Testimony.051] Náxȯhtoohkėho'e-onóeoesemaēne. She tried to summon us. See: -onóom. Category: interpersonal.

-onó'a'é'ov   vta. guide s.o. É-onó'a'é'ovóho. He guided him/he kept him straight (or proper)/he kept him 'in line'. Ná-onó'a'é'oo'e Ma'hēō'o heéestsestȯtse. God's word keeps me in line. Ma'heóne-mȧhta'sóoma náohkeame-onó'a'é'ova. The Holy Spirit guides me along. See: -onó'eotseh; -ameotseh; -ne'eváotseh. Category: interpersonal.

-ono'átam   vta. respect s.o. É-ono'átamóho. He respects him. É-onó'atamóho. (another pronunciation) Ono'átama ma'háhkėseho! Respect old people! fta: -átam. See: -e'hahtov; -ono'etanó'tov; -nȧhahétam. Category: interpersonal.

-ono'etanó   vai. respect, think seriously. É-ono'etāno. He is thinking in a respectful way. Ésáa'-ono'etanóhe. He is disrespectful. vta: -ono'átam, -ono'etanó'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-ono'etanó'tov   vta. respect s.o. É-ono'etanó'tovóho. He respects him. See: -ono'átam. Category: interpersonal.

-ononé'anot   vta. drive s.o. crazy, incite rebellion in s.o. "No one would do this just to prove it." É-ononé'anotóho. He did something to him which he never forgot-he turned belligerent. Ȯhvé'eoomévosėstse ka'ėškóneho éohke-ononé'anȯheo'o. When children are struck, it does something to them they never forget. [jg 11/11/89] See: -e'óoestoh(n); -ononé'otse. Category: interpersonal.

-ononésta'ov   vta. disorient s.o., confuse s.o. É-ononésta'ovóho. He confused him. Ná-ononésta'oo'e manestȯtse I was disoriented by drink. See: -ononésem. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-oo'hátsėstomótah   vta. evaluate for s.o. Vé'ho'e náto'sėsáapėhéve-oo'hátsėstomótȧháéhénóne. The whiteman will not speak up for us either in a good way. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.111] Category: interpersonal.

-oóoxo'eéstómáne   vai. take revenge. É-oóoxo'eéstómáne. He took revenge. Category: interpersonal.

-óosem   fta. flee to s.o. É-nóhtoosemóho. He fled to him for refuge. Category: interpersonal.

-óoxo'eéh   vta. retalitate against s.o., punish s.o., take revenge against s.o., pay back s.o., hold grudge against s.o. É-óoxo'eeho. He is paying him back. For example, this can be an action consisting of teaching s.o. a lesson by abandoning them to the poor choice that they made. Nėstsevé'eéva-óoxo'eéhovoo'o! Don't take revenge on them! [1987:206] See: -nėsétam. Category: interpersonal.

-otá'ham   vta. jilt s.o., leave out s.o. can refer to someone being intentionally not informed, left out purposely, or romantically jilted. É-otá'hame. He was jilted. Category: romance, interpersonal.

-otoéstátam   vta. surprised at s.o. -be, amazed at s.o. -be, astonished at s.o. -be. É-otoéstatamóho. He is surprised by him. vti: -otoéstátsestá. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-ováhae'ov   vta. avoid s.o.; separate from s.o.; alienate from s.o. É-ováhae'ovóho. He avoided him. É-ováhae'ohe. It (or He) is avoided. for example, death is avoided, gone around. Variant: -ovóhae'ov. See: -nȧhestov. Category: interpersonal.

-ovánan   vta. defeat s.o. É-ovánanóho. He beat him / he defeated him. See: -vovónan. Category: interpersonal.

-ovéstomev   vta. teach s.o. Nátaéepėhéve-ovéstomevoo'o nȧháóhe tséhoéstonese. I have been teaching the students there well. Non-contracted -vovéstomev. Category: interpersonal.

-ovóhae'ov   vta. avoid s.o. É-ovóhae'ovóho. He avoided him. Variant: -ováhae'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-ovóhnėhestá'tov   vta. take care of s.o. É-ovóhnėhestá'tovóho. He took care of him. [Family Harmony.040] Non-contracted -vovóhnėhestá'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-ovóhnėhešéh   vta. take care of s.o. É-ovóhnėhešeho. He took care of him. É-ovóhnėhešéhóho. (newer pronunciation). Non-contracted -vovóhnėhešéh. See: -pėhéve'tov be good to s.o.; -ovóhnėhestá'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-páetanó'tov   vta. 1 • think of s.o. as ashes. See: -mé'emo'eéh.

2 • disregard what s.o. does. Category: figurative. Ná-páetanó'tóvo. I don't care at all what he does. Páetanó'toveha! Just go on (with regards to him)! This is an expression that means in spite of how he treated you, don't let it bother you. See: mé'emo'eéh. Category: figurative, interpersonal, sayings.

-pȧhávatam   vta. regard s.o. as good. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-pȧháve'tov   vta. do good to s.o., treat well s.o. É-pȧháve'tovóho. He was good to him. Variant: -pėhéve'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-pȧhoeotsé'seh   vta. cause s.o. to be stuck on, take picture of s.o. É-pȧhoeotsé'sėhóho. He took his picture. See: -mȯxe'eotsé'seh. Category: interpersonal.

-péeet   vta. tear apart s.o., tear up s.o., rape s.o. for example, of tearing up a pillow or tearing clothes off s.o. É-péeetóho. He tore him apart. Etym: *pi·kwipiθe·wa (P) he breaks him by pulling. See: -péeot; -ná'so'eéh; -náhkȯhnȧho'he; -ó'xeet. Category: violence, tear, interpersonal.

-péeot   vta. wear out s.o. É-péeotóho hevȯxȯheono. He wore out his socks. See: -péeet tear apart s.o.; -ná'so'eéh tease s.o.. Category: interpersonal.

-pėhévȧhé'tov   vta. treat s.o. well. É-pėhévȧhé'tovóho. He treated him well. nonámé'tó'e ȯhne'éenėhše-pėhévȧhé'tovȧhtsévosėstse when they treated each other well. [1987:302] Synonym -pėhéve'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-pėhévatam   vta. like s.o., approve of s.o., admire s.o. Lit: regard s.o. as good It is a strong Cheyenne cultural value that people should not feel his way about themselves. É-pėhévatamóho. He likes him/he regards him as good. Ná-pėhévátámo. I like him. Ná-pėhévátámo hésta'se. I like the snow. É-pėhévatamahtse. He is 'stuck up.'. É-pėhévatamȧhtseo'o. They think they are good / they are proud. It is a strong Cheyenne cultural value that people should not feel his way about themselves. See: -háatam. Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-pėhéveeh   vta. do good to s.o. É-pėhéveehóho. He did good to him. Synonym -pėhéve'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-pėhéve'tov   vta. treat s.o. well. É-pėhéve'tovóho. He was good to him. Pėhéve'tovahtse! Help each other! Náhoháe-pėhéve'tova néhe hetane. That man treated me very well. [1987:181] Né-pėhéve'tóó'e. They were good to me. Synonym -pėhévȧhé'tov, -pėhévo'eéh. See: -vovóhnėhešéh; -nėševátam. Category: interpersonal.

-pėhéveoo'hetanóh   vta. cause s.o. to think well. Ná-pėhéveoo'hetanoha He made it so that I had clear thinking. See: -oo'hetanó; -pėhéveoo'hetanó'tov. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-pėhévetanov   vta. be pleased with s.o. for example, to be pleased with how someone lives. Ná-pėhévetanōvo. I'm pleased with him. Ques: nóv?? See: -pėhévátam; -pėhévetanóh; -másetan; -másetsėst. Category: interpersonal, check.

-pėhévevam   vta. urge s.o. to be good. Ná-pėhévevāmo. (vévám??) I urged him to be good.?? Final -vam. Category: interpersonal, speak, check.

-pėhévoem   vta. admire s.o., relate well to s.o. É-pėhévoemo. He is got a good relationship with him. É-pėhévoemȧhtseo'o. They have a good relationship. See: -hoem. Category: interpersonal.

-pėhévoemeh   vta. impress s.o., make a good impression on s.o. Ques: ?? Ques: revise other glosses here to agree with gloss?? É-pėhévoemėhóho He thinks well of him. Ná-pėhévoemeha. He impressed me. Ná-pėhévoemēho. He thinks I'm good. Ná-pėhévoemėhoo'o. They admire me. See: -hoem; -tónetoem. Category: interpersonal, cognition, check.

-pėhévȯhóot   vta. give a good gift to s.o. Né-pėhévȯhóota Ma'hēō'o. God gave you a good gift. fta: -ohóot. Category: interpersonal.

-pėhévo'emaov   vta. advise s.o. in a good way, give good advice to s.o., guide s.o. in a good way. É-pėhévo'emaovóho. He gave him good advice. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-pėhévo'ót   vta. praise s.o., speak well of s.o., talk good about s.o. É-pėhévo'oto. He spoke well of him. É-pėhévo'ótóho. He spoke well of him. (newer pronunciation). Ma'hēō'o, né-pėhévo'otȧtse. God, I praise you. [PRAISE.TXT] fta: -o'ót; Variant: -pėhéve'ót. See: -háo'ót; -pėhévo'óxeváen; -moméhe'em; -moméhem. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-pėhévo'óxeváen   vta. praise s.o. quickly, speak well of s.o. quickly. É-pėhévo'óxeváenóho. He spoke well of him quickly. Nétao'sevá'netšėške'-pévo'óxevaenȧtse. I'm just going to tell a few good things about you. Final -éváen. See: -pėhévo'ót. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-pe'pe'an   vti. stir up trouble for s.t. É-pe'pe'āna. He stirred up trouble for it.

vta. stir up trouble for s.o. É-pe'pe'anóho. He stirred up trouble for him. vai: -pe'pe'anová. See: -pe'pean. Category: interpersonal.

-pe'pe'ésta'tov   vta. holler at s.o. É-pe'pe'ésta'tovóho He hollered at him. vai: -pe'pe'éstá. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-pe'peotse   vai. disagree, have a disagreement. É-pe'peotseo'o. They had a disagreement. [Cheyenne Conversation:258] Naa mótape'pe'eotsėhevóhe. And they got into a disagreement. Category: interpersonal.

-péosané'tov   vta. hate s.o. É'ȯhkėsáavésė-péosané'tovóho vo'ėstanóho. She did not hate anyone. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-péosé'ov   vta. 1 • step on toe(s) of s.o. É-péosé'ovóho. He stepped on his toes.

2 • offend s.o. Usage: idiom, loan trans. from English Category: interpersonal.

-péót   vta. despise s.o., hate s.o., detest s.o., reject s.o., be repulsed by s.o. For some speakers, this word seems to be close to the meaning of English 'hate.' For others, to get the meaning of 'hate' in Cheyenne requires the additional of an intensifier to this verb, for example, Náosee-péóto 'I hate him.'. É-péoto. He dislikes him. É-péótóho. He dislikes him. (newer pronunciation). The following is a terrible thing to say to someone: Néáhane-péotȧtse. I really hate you!/I hate you to death! See: -nėsétam have a grudge toward s.o.. Category: interpersonal.

-pó'poestséa'ov   vta. slap head of s.o. repeatedly. Nánėšepėhéve-pó'poestséa'ōvo. I slapped him around good on the head. Phon: redup Category: interpersonal, violence, hit.

-sa'ov   vta. corner s.o. É-sa'ovóho. He cornered him. Éohkė-sa'ovovo. ?? They corner him. Ques: check audio and fix spelling if needed This can be used of a prosecutor who finally squeezes the truth out of someone. See: -éstavaoohá'ov corner s.o.; -éstavaotse cornered. Category: interpersonal, check.

-séhpėhe'oná'ov   vta. stretch out hand to s.o., open hand to s.o., unclench hand to s.o. Ná-séhpėhe'oná'óvo I opened up my hand to him. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: interpersonal.

-sé'eneenáh(n)   vta. send s.o. to the center, send s.o. to town. É-sé'eneenahno. He sent him to the center. É-sé'eneenáhnóho. He sent him to the center. (newer pronunciation). Category: interpersonal.

-sé'hováeh   vta. startle s.o., surprise s.o., catch s.o. by surprise. É-sé'hováehóho. He caught him by surprise. Final -áeh. See: -háeh. Category: interpersonal.

-sé'oeó'h   vta. set adrift s.o., put s.o. on the spot. Mónėstsėxae-sé'oe'ó'xehe? Are you going to set me adrift? This is typically said by a nominee to the person who nominated them, reflecting the idea that that person might not support them as well as they would like. Category: interpersonal, figurative.

-sévenot   vta. beat up s.o. É-sévenotóho. He beat him up. Ná-sévenōto I beat him up. Reduplicated sȯsévenot. Category: violence, interpersonal.

-šéenomev   vta. rob s.o. of something. É-šéenomevóho. He robbed him of it. Etym: *ši·kwenamawe·wa (P). See: -nėhpa'éehé'tov; -šéen. Category: interpersonal.

-šénétam   vta. repulsed by s.o., loathe s.o. especially because the avoided one is considered a misfit. É-šénetamóho. He considered him repulsive. Etym: cf *ši·nka·θe·wa (P) he hates him. Ná-šénétámo I avoided him. (for example, he is so filthy he makes me lose my appetite). Vé'hó'e éohkė-šénetamovo xamaevo'ėstanóho. Whites find Indians repulsive. Category: interpersonal.

-ševátam   vta. pity s.o., feel sorry for s.o. É-ševátamóho. He had pity on him. Náévȧ-ševátama. He pitied me again. Ná-ševátámo. I took pity on him. Návésė-ševátámo. I, also, took pity on him. Ševátamemeno! Be merciful to us! That is a common prayer. Etym: *šewe·lema·wa (P). Variant: -nėševátam. Category: interpersonal.

-šéxa'ham   vta. snatch s.o., jerk s.o. free, free s.o. by jerking. É-šéxa'hamóho. He jerked him free. Category: interpersonal.

-taa'ėstóvo'eéh   vta. treat equally s.o. É-taa'ėstóvo'eeho. He treated him/them equally. É-taa'ėstóvo'eéhóho. He treated him/them equally. (newer pronunciation). Ma'hēō'o éohketó'-taa'ėstóvo'eeho vo'ėstanóho. God treats people equally. Category: interpersonal.

-ta'e'ov   vta. 1 • drive s.o. out of sight; make s.o. leave. É-ta'e'ovóho. He drove him out of sight. Etym: *lexkexkawe·wa.

2 • condemn s.o. Névé'ée-ta'e'ovo vo'ėstane! Don't condemn anyone! Ques: Is 'condemn' a figurative usage or a different word? See: -ta'oma'ov; -aseta'; -vóho'oet; -ho'é'et. Category: interpersonal.

-ta'ovóom   vta. angry at s.o. forever. É-ta'ovóomóho. He is mad at him forever. É-ta'ovóomȧhtseo'o They are mad at each other forever. See: -nėsétam; -ta'oveotse. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-tá'po'eéh   vta. weaken s.o. É-tá'po'eého. He weakened him. É-tá'po'eéhóho. He weakened him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: cf *lexpihe·wa he makes him weak, numb, stiff. See: -po'eet. Category: interpersonal.

-ta'ta'enomev   vta. open (something) for s.o. É-ta'ta'enomevóho. He opened it for him. Náohke-ta'ta'enomóenone ma'heónȯxe'ėstoo'otséhešėhetáohameéestséstove. He opened God's Word to us the way it is explained (or illustrated). Nėstsėsáatšėhe'še-ta'ta'enomónėhénóvo Tséstsėhéstȧhésehé'tóhe manestȯtse. You Cheyennes will not be permitted to take this drink. See: hoéstom. Category: interpersonal.

-tanéhevo'eéh   vta. embarrass s.o., shame s.o. É-tanéhevo'eeho. He embarrassed him. É-tanéhevo'eéhóho. He embarrassed him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-tanéhevo'eeha. I'm ashamed of him. É-tanéhevo'eéhahtse kȧse'ééhe tsé'émoohtóse'ėse. A young woman shames herself when she is illegitimately pregnant. [Training Young People:38] Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-tanóna'ov   fta. influence s.o., entice s.o. Énėhešė-tanóna'ovóho. He enticed him that way. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-távo'eéh   vta. make a fool of s.o., make s.o. crazy. typically said of a woman who keeps taking back her philandering husband. É-távo'eeho. He made a fool of him. É-távo'eéhóho. He made a fool of him. (newer pronunciation). É-távo'eéháá'e. He (obv) made a fool of her. Heéháme é-távo'eéháá'e. Her husband made a fool of her. vai: -távahe. Category: interpersonal.

-tóe'eóé'tov   vta. face s.o. É-tóe'eóe'tovóho. He is face to face with him. Category: interpersonal, stand.

-tó'hahétsėstov   vta. resist s.o., stop s.o. Tó'hahétsėstova heávohe! Resist the Devil! See: -tóvȧhetsėstov; -tó'ha'ó'h. Category: interpersonal.

-tó'heet   vta. stop s.o. This can include stopping a horse (or, figuratively, of a person) by pulling back on the reins. É-tó'heetóho. He stopped him with the reins. Náohke-tó'heetahtse hé'tóhe vóhpoma'ȯhtse. I pull the reins back on myself on this salt. [Beadwork Visit.066] Category: interpersonal, motion.

-tó'hoh(n)   vta. stop s.o. by tool. for example, to stop someone with a stick. É-tó'hohnóho. He stopped him. Ná-tó'hóhno. I stopped him. [Croft] Category: move, interpersonal.

tó'hose-   pv. make fun of, laugh at s.o. É-tó'hosėhohátse'tovóho. He laughed making fun of him. See: -hohatse. Category: interpersonal.

-tó'hosem   vta. make fun of s.o., deride s.o. É-tó'hosemóho. He made fun of him. É-tó'hosemeo'o. They were made fun of. Reduplicated -totó'hosem. Category: interpersonal.

-tó'omáeh   vta. stun s.o. motionless, scare s.o. stiff. That is, surprise, startle, or otherwise impact s.o. so that they freeze in their tracks. This would be used for how a deer reacts when you come upon it suddenly, the deer in the lights idea. É-tó'omáehóho. He scared him stiff. Ná-tó'omáeha. I was scared stiff by him. fta: -áeh. See: -háeh; -é'enėstsé'ham scare s.o. wordless. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-tó'ováeh   vta. scare; frighten s.o. permanently. This verb typically implies that one is frightened of another when he need no longer be. Mónétó'ováehaehéhe Vó'keme. You must be scared of Old Man Winter for all time! said jokingly to someone still wearing a heavy winter coat when the weather is warm and springlike. See: -háeh. Category: interpersonal.

-tóne'xóvátam   vta. how much regard s.o., to what degree regard s.o. Né-tóne'xóvátámo nae'ha? How tough do you think my son is? For example, someone might say that to invite the hearer to fight his (the speaker's) son. Category: interpersonal.

-tónėsétam   vta. how regard s.o., how think about s.o. É-tónėsétamóho? What does he think of him? Né-tónėsétámo? What do you think of him? Násáa-tónėsétamóhe. I don't have any feelings toward him (probably especially no ill feelings). vti: tónėsétsest. Category: temperature, cognition, interpersonal.

-tónėstá'tov   vta. how treat s.o.?, however act toward s.o. Né-tónėstá'tóvo? How are you treating him? Násáa-tónėstá'tovóhe. I didn't do anything to him. É-tónėstá'tovóho? How did he act towards him? Étavé'šeehóomósesto vo'ėstanóho tséhne'ée-tónėstá'too'ėse. They put a curse on someone that comes against them. (1987:211). Reduplicated -totónėstá'tov. See: -tónetoéstomó'he'tov; -tónėšéh; -tónėšé'tov; -tónėsétam. Category: interpersonal, do.

-tónėšéh   vta. what do to s.o. É-tónėšeho? What did he do to him/her? É-tónėšéhóho? What did he do to him/her? (newer pronunciation). Mȧxomȧhē'e nėstse-tónėšého? What are you going to do with a woman who is so available? Nésáa-tónėšéhatséhe. I have no use for you/I don't need you. See: -tónėšé'tov; -tónėstá'tov. Category: do, interpersonal.

-tónėšé'tov   vta. how do to s.o.?, what do to s.o.? This word may be avoided by some modern speakers because it sounds like it contains the vulgar English word "shit". É-tónėšé'tovóho? What did he do to him? Násáa-tónėšé'tovóhe. Né-tónėšé'tóvo? What did you do to him? Násáa-tónėšé'tovóhe. I didn't do anything to him. Náne'šėhé-tonėšé'tovohe! I didn't do ANYTHING to him! (a strong denial of an accusation). Mónéme'ó'he-tonėšé'tovȧtse. I will not harm (lit. do anything to) you. [1987:290] Nėstsevé'-tónėšé'tove! Don't do anything to me! "Nȧhta-tónėšé'tovosėstse?" éxhešetanóhoo'o. "What shall I do with him?" she thought. [Croft 1988:29:8] See: -tónėstá'tov. vai: -tónėšévé; vti: -tónėšé'tá. Category: do, vulgar, interpersonal.

-tónėševo'e'ov   vta. 1 • how inflict injury on s.o. É-tónėševo'e'ovóho? How much did he injure him? Né-tónėševo'e'ōvo? How much did you injure him?

2 • how chase s.o. Tósa'e né-tónėševo'e'ōvo? Where did you chase him to? Category: interpersonal, violence.

-tónetoém   vta. how related to s.o. Né-tónetoémo? How are you related to him? É-tónetoemo? How is he related to him? É-tónetoémóho? How is he related to him? Ésáa-tónetoémȯheho. He is not related to him. É-tónetoémȧhtsétónėstse? How are they (inan.) related to each other? [1987:310] Phon: note that there is only a pitch difference (with accompanying change in obviative suffixation) between é-tónetoemo and é-tónetoemóho Ques: recheck that preceding claim?? See: -tónetoem. Category: relatives, interpersonal, check.

-tónetoéstomó'he'tov   vta. how act toward s.o. É-tónetoéstomó'he'tovóho? How does he act towards him? Category: interpersonal.

-tóneto'otsé'tov   vta. how have use for s.o. É-tóneto'otsé'tovóho? What did he do to him? ?? Nésáa-tóneto'otsé'tovatséhe. I have no use for you. This statement would make the hearer feel very bad. See: -tonėšéh. Category: interpersonal, check.

-tonó'e'tov   vta. hang on to s.o., grip s.o., hold on to s.o. for example, to hold on to s.o. to keep them from falling, or holding their hand while walking across a log, so as not to fall. É-tonó'e'tovóho. He is hanging on to him. vti: -tonó'e'tá. See: -toen; -tonó'eotsé'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-tonó'eotsé'tov   vta. hang on to s.o. , grip s.o., hold on to s.o. É-tonó'eotsé'tovóho. He held on to him. Éstatšėšė-tonó'eotsé'toesesto. He held on to her. [The Snipe Man:82] See: -tonó'e'tov; -toen. Category: interpersonal.

-tonóom   vta. wait for s.o. É-tonóomóho. He waited for him. Mós-tonóomȯhevóhe. She waited for him. [1987:296] vai: -tonóosané. Category: interpersonal.

-tónova'ov   vta. ?? Category: check. Ques: LP does not know this word. Né-tónova'ōvo? ?? Category: check, interpersonal.

-tóo'e'ósané   vai. disagree, criticize. Éohke-tóo'e'ósáne. He (regularly) disagrees. Ééva-tóo'e'ósáne. He gave away in return. Category: interpersonal.

-tóo'e'ov   vta. meet s.o., confront s.o., resist s.o., come against s.o. This refers to meeting someone physically, not making their acquintance. This word can refer to a neutral meeting or coming up against someone in a negative way. É-tóo'e'ovóho. He met him. Ééva-tóo'e'ovóho. He met him ?? É-tóo'e'óvȧhtseo'o. They met. Nȧhtaméohé-too'e'ovóne. In the morning we will go meet him. [1987:53] See: -tóo'á'eóe'tov; -évaotsé'tov; -óhnetsėstov; -móheeohtsé; -tó'hahétsėstov; -hoxá'ov meet s.o.. Category: interpersonal, marriage, Indian wedding, check.

-tóo'eóe'tov   vta. challenge s.o., stand up against s.o. É-tóo'eóe'tovóho. He stood up against him / he challenged him. Category: interpersonal.

-tóo'ėseh   vta. copy s.o., mimic s.o. É-tóo'ėsėhóho. He mimicked him. Né-tóo'ėšeše. You're mimicking me. See: -hóxe'ėstséh; -tóo'ėstseh. Category: interpersonal.

-tóo'ėsé'ov   vta. 1 • kick s.o. in the butt. É-tóo'ėsé'ovóho. He kicked him in the butt.

2 • defeat s.o. strongly. Usage: figurative usage probably borrowed from the English idiom of 'kick butt' See: -o'hohtá'ov; -tóo'ėsén. Category: body, interpersonal, figurative.

-tóo'ėstseh   vta. copy s.o. É-tóo'ėstsėhóho. He copied him. Né-tóo'ėstšeše. You copied me. See: -tóoxe'ov; -tóa'ov; -a'ovó'seh; -tóoxe'á; -hóxe'ėstséh; -tóo'ėseh. Category: interpersonal.

-tóo'eváen   vta. take on s.o. Náto'se-tóo'eváéno. ?? I'm going to take him on. Category: interpersonal, check.

-too'hamé'seh   vta. bathe s.o. Too'hamé'šeha! Bathe him! See: -nėše'han clean him. Category: interpersonal.

-tóoxe'ov   vta. copy s.o. ?? É-tóoxe'ovóho. ?? He copied him.?? See: -tóo'ėstseh. Category: interpersonal, check.

-totó'hohtȧhé'tov   vta. joke with s.o., act disrespectfully toward s.o. É-totó'hohtȧhé'tovóho. He acted disrespectfully toward him. Antonym -ono'átam. Ques: recheck glosses?? See: -ná'so'eém. Category: check, interpersonal.

-totónėsétam   vta. have a grudge against s.o., dislike s.o. É-totónėsétamóho. He does not get along with him. See: -nėsétam. Category: interpersonal.

-totónėstá'tov   have bad attitude and actions toward s.o. É-totónėstá'tóó'e They had a bad attitude and actions toward him (for example, they tried to bring him down through criticism). See: -tónėstá'tov; -totóxeh. Category: interpersonal.

-totónėšenot   vta. harm s.o. É-totónėšenotóho. He harmed him. vti: -totónėšenohtsé. Category: interpersonal.

-totóxeh   vta. bother s.o., pull down s.o. É-totóxėhóho. They are trying to bother him by word and deed. Óetseto éohkėheše-totóxėháá'e. From all angles (sides) they (obv) are trying to bother him by word and deed. for example, through social criticism, pulling him down. Usage: obsolescing See: -totóxem. Category: interpersonal.

-tóvȧhetsėstov   vta. stubborn to s.o. - be, resist s.o. Tóvȧhetsėstova heávohe! Don't give in to the Devil! (said to a group). See: -tó'hahétsėstov. Category: interpersonal.

-tóva'á   vti. replace s.t., take the place of s.t. É-tóvá'a. He took the place of it. Category: interpersonal.

-tóva'ov   vta. replace s.o., take place of s.o. É-tóva'ovóho. He took his place. Ééva-tóva'ovóho. He replaced him. Ques: include here or in [evat[ova'ov entry?? Category: check, interpersonal.

-tovó'an   vti. take a chunk out of s.t. É-tovó'ána. He took a chunk out of it.

vta. take a chunk out of s.o. for instance, this can refer to talking someone out of some money. É-tovó'anóho. He took a chunk out of him. Category: figurative, shapes, interpersonal.

-tsėhésenėstov   vta. speak Cheyenne language to s.o., talk Cheyenne to s.o. É-tsėhésenėstovóho. He spoke Cheyenne to him. Tsėhésenėstoveha! Speak Cheyenne to him! Nés-tsėhésenėstovėstse! Speak Cheyenne to me! (another recording) Néta-tsėhésenėstovȧtse. Let me talk to you in Cheyenne. Névé'-tsėhésenėstove! Don't speak Cheyenne to me! Náohkeémoose-tsėhésenėstóvȧhtséme. We would secretly talk Cheyenne to each other. [Boarding School and Drinking Memories.009] Ques: -tsėhésenėstov?? Category: speak, languages, interpersonal, check.

-tsėheta'hahtov   vta. apply something to s.o., put something on s.o. É-tsėheta'hahtovóho. He put something on him. for example, put medicine on him. Category: interpersonal.

-tsėhetane'ónaov   vta. commission s.o., give authority to s.o. É-tsėhetane'ónaovóho. He gave him authority/he put (something) on him/he commissioned him. See: -hóne'á. Category: interpersonal.

tséhevése'éto   vai. Gram: ppl the one who is my friend (female to female), my friend (female to female). tséhevése'éto the one who is my friend (female to female). tséhevése'eto the one who is your friend. Masculine tséhevésenéhéto; vai: -he-vése'e have a female friend. Category: interpersonal, record.

tséhevésenéhéto   Gram: cjt vai. the one who is my friend (male to male), my friend (male to male). (another recording) Feminine tséhevése'éto; vai: -he-vésené have a male friend. Category: interpersonal.

-tsé'eoestoh(n)   vta. 1 • touch s.o. quickly. for example, to touch s.o. with a hot iron.

2 • anger s.o., light the fire of s.o., get the goat of s.o. Ná-tsé'eoestoha. He got my goat. Category: figurative, interpersonal.

-tsé'eoha'ov   vta. nudge s.o., poke s.o. for example, to nudge someone with your elbow. É-tsé'eoha'ovóho. He nudged him. Category: interpersonal, record.

-váa'tov   vta. pay attention only to s.o. Ná-váá'tóvo. I pay attention only to him. vti: -váa'tá. See: -hohamátam. Category: interpersonal.

-vá'ȯhtámo'eéh   vta. welcome s.o. Éohke-vá'ȯhtámo'eéhovo They welcome them. Category: interpersonal.

véhoneve't   vta. command. É-véhoneve'tovóho. ?? ?? Lit: be chief of Category: interpersonal, check.

-vé'eévoh(n)   vta. snap s.o. especially to snap someone with a towel. É-vé'eévȯhnóho. He snapped him (with a towel). Category: interpersonal.

-vé'eoh(n)   vta. whip s.o., spank s.o. É-vé'eohnóho. He spanked him. Etym: *wi·škwepahwe·wa (P) he sweetens him by tool or medium. Mónėsta-vé'eohatséme? Shall I spank you guys? Vé'eoheha! Whip him! Variant: -vé'he'eoh(n), -vé'he'eoestoh(n), -vé'he'oh(n). Category: interpersonal.

-vé'he'eoestoh(n)   vta. 1 • whip s.o. É-vé'he'eoestȯhnóho. He spanked him instantly (by tool).

2 • drive fast. as if you are whipping it to go faster. Medial -oest. See: -vé'eoh(n); -vé'he'eoh(n). Category: interpersonal, figurative.

-vé'he'eoh(n)   vta. whip s.o., spank s.o., thrash s.o. É-vé'he'eohnóho. He whipped him. See: -vé'he'oh(n). Variant: -vé'eoh(n). Category: interpersonal.

-vé'he'oh(n)   vta. whip s.o. for example, to whip a horse. É-vé'he'ȯhnóho. He whipped him. Éohkeáahtse'hésenėšeame-vé'he'ȯhnóho. He would whip him (obv; his horse) along. [FAMILY.TXT] See: -vé'eoh(n); -vé'he'eoh(n). Category: interpersonal.

-vé'hoéševaen   vta. reprimand s.o., rebuke s.o., bawl out s.o., castigate s.o. É-vé'hoéševaenóho. He reprimanded him. appears to be harsher and/or of more sudden action than -vé'hoét. Náma'xe-vé'hoéševaena He really bawled me out. Final -éváen. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-vé'ȯhka'ov   vta. irritate s.o. Náohkėsó'-vé'ȯhka'oo'e. It is like a thorn in my side/it still hurts. Category: interpersonal.

-vé'ȯhtsém   vta. 1 • accompany s.o.; go with s.o. É-vé'ȯhtsemo. He accompanied him. É-vé'ȯhtsémóho. He accompanied him. (newer pronunciation). Éase-vé'ȯhtsemo. He left with him. See: -vésev; -vé'hahtsé; -véstoem.

2 • go with s.o. romantically, married to s.o. tsévé'ȯhtsémose his (or her) companion (or spouse). Category: interpersonal, romance.

-vé'ȯhtsémȯsané   vai. accompany, go with. É-vé'ȯhtsémȯsáne. He accompanied. Phon: vs vta: -vé'ȯhtsém. Category: interpersonal.

-vénatam   vta. offended by s.o., hurt by s.o. É-vénatamóho. He was offended by him (obv). vai: vénahe. See: vénomóhtahe. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-véneh   vta. offend s.o., hurt feelings of s.o. Ná-véneha. He hurt my feelings. É-vénėhóho. He hurt his feelings; he angered him. Etym: *wi·nihe·wa (P). See: momáta'-; -ó'ȯhto'eéh; =háestáhem. Category: interpersonal.

-véno'óohtséh   vta. rescue s.o. from danger. É-véno'óohtseho. He removed him from danger. É-véno'óohtséhóho. (newer pronunciation). See: vo'ėstanéveh. Category: interpersonal.

vénomóht   vta. regret toward s.o. Móhvénomóhtaehenotóhe néhe vovó'haseheho. He must have regretted (to lose) that pinto. [The Boy Who Left His Horse on the Prairie.023] Ques: vénomóhtȧhé't ?? Category: emotions, interpersonal, check.

-vénomóhtȧhé'tov   vta. miss s.o. for example, missing someone who had died or moved away. Ná-vénomóhtȧhenȯtse I miss him. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-vésėha'ov   vta. hurry s.o., rush s.o., pressure s.o. Éma'xe-vésėha'ovóho. He really put pressure on him. Category: interpersonal.

-vésėhan   vti. hurry s.t. Ná-vésėhána. I hurried it (for example, some food that needs to be cooked faster).

vta. hurry s.o. Ná-vésėhanoo'o. I hurried them. for example, to get ready for school. Éxxae-vésėhanaehoono. He (obv.) tried to hurry her. [1987:260] See: -vésetanó. Category: interpersonal.

-vésėhévam   vta. hurry s.o. by telling, tell s.o. to hurry. É-vésėhévamóho. He told him to hurry. Category: speed, interpersonal.

-vése'é   na. friend (female to female). na-vésé'e my friend (newer pronunciation than nésé'e 'my friend'). Variant: nésé'e. na-vése'eo'o my friends. he-vése'óho her friend. na-vése'eo'o my friends. he-vése'evóho their friend(s). Masculine -vésene. Category: interpersonal, interpersonal.

-vésené   na. Gram: poss friend (poss.) (male to male). Traditionally this word is only used by males about males; it was considered improper for women to use this word; this has changed so some women say this word. Néséne is the older way to pronounce the word for 'my friend'; navéséne is newer. néséne my friend. na-véséne (newer pronunciation) my friend. na-vésenéheo'o my friends. he-vésenóho his friend (or, friends). he-vésenéhevóho their friend (or, friends). ésenéhane our friend. Phon: This is an rregular paradigm with some differences between older and newer pronunciations. Feminine -vése'é. Category: interpersonal.

-vésetsėstov   vta. impatient for s.o. É-vésetsėstovóho. He is impatient for him; expecting him early. Éh-vésetsėstóvȧhtsésesto. They were in a hurry. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-vésév   vta. be with s.o. É-vésevo. He is with him. É-vésevóho. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *wi·čye·we·wa. Ma'hēō'o návéseva. (Journey Song) God is with me. See: -vé'ȯhtsém; -véstse'enám. Category: interpersonal.

-vésevoo'o   Gram: poss na. partner (poss.), companion (poss.), marriage partner. na-vésevoo'o my partner/my companion. na-vésevoono my partners. Phon: vs See: néstaxe; -véstaneo'o. Category: interpersonal.

-véstaenóvem   vta. have fun with s.o., fun with s.o. - have. É-véstaenóvemóho. He is having fun with him (obv). tséohkeéeméhae-véstaenóvemose those he use to have fun with. See: -háaenóvem; -ná'so'eém; -vésta'ėstsém; -vésto'sóem. Category: interpersonal.

véstȧhé'tov   vta. help s.o. ?? Category: check. tsé'ame-véstȧhé'tove ?? co-dependency. See: -véstȧhém. Category: sickness, interpersonal, new, check.

-véstȧhémȧhtsétanó   vai. want to be helped. É-véstȧhémȧhtsétáno. He wants to be helped. Ná-véstȧhémȧhtsétáno. I want to be helped. Category: interpersonal.

-véstȧhémȯsené   vai. help (people). É-véstȧhémȯséne. He helped (people). Variant: -véstȧhémȯsané. Category: interpersonal.

-vésta'ėstsém   vta. collaborate with, involved with s.o. for example, working or dancing together. É-vésta'ėstsemo. He is 'in it' together with him. É-vésta'ėstsémóho. (newer pronunciation). See: -véstotse'óhem. Category: interpersonal.

-vésta'ó'sem   vta. buddy to s.o., hang out with s.o. É-vésta'ó'semóho. He is a buddy to him. Usage: obsolescing See: -he-vésta'ó'seoné'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-véstamaotsé'tov   vta. take s.o.'s side, be on a side with s.o. É-véstamaotsé'tovóho. He took his side. See: -véstȧhtóohem. Category: interpersonal.

-véstaneo'o   na. Gram: poss companion (poss.), helper (poss.) na-véstaneo'o my companion/my helper. na-véstaneono my companions (pl. and obv.) Phon: vs See: -vésevoo'o. Category: interpersonal.

-vésto'eéh   vta. include s.o. in something negative. É-vésto'eeho. He included him/them in something negative. É-vésto'eéhóho. (newer pronunciation). Final -o'eéh. Category: interpersonal.

-vóho'oet   vta. 1 • discard s.o., throw away s.o. Ná-vóho'oēto. I threw him away. Vóho'oešeha! Throw him away! É-vóho'oehe. He was thrown away. For example, he was thrown away by his parents then adopted by someone else. vti: -vóho'oestsé. See: -asėtan; -asėta'hahtsé; -asėta'ov; -ta'e'ov.

2 • divorce s.o. É-vóho'oetóho. He threw him (or her) away (especially refers to divorcing s.o.). (another recording) É-vóho'oetȧhtseo'o. They are divorced (from each other). Category: interpersonal.

-vo'ėstanéveh   vta. revive s.o., rescue s.o., save s.o. can refer to saving someone's life, for example, bringing them out of a coma, or significantly improving their life when it is very much needed, for example, pulling someone who is drowning out of a river, or building them a fire when they are cold. used by missionaries and Cheyenne Christians for the theological meaning of 'save'. É-vo'ėstanévėhóho. He revived him. Ná-vo'ėstanéveha. He rescued me. Vo'ėstanévėšeha! Rescue him! See: -ametané'seh; véno'óohtséh. Category: interpersonal.

-vó'hova'ov   vta. avoid s.o., stay distant from s.o. É-vó'hova'ovóho. He avoided him. See: -nȧhahétsėstov. Category: interpersonal.

-vonáeh   vta. shock s.o. Ná-vonáeha. He shocked me. This involves surprise, "knocking someone off their tracks." Final -áeh. See: -háeh; -tó'omáeh. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-voná'eéh   vta. take in s.o., distract s.o., make s.o. lose their life, snooker s.o. É-voná'eeho. He took him in. É-voná'eéhóho. He took him in. (newer pronunciation). Nėstsevé'heómėse-voná'eéháévo! Don't let (the whiteman) take you in totally! [1987:13] vai: -voná'éé'e. See: -vona'ėstséh. Category: interpersonal.

-vona'ėstséh   vta. divert s.o., distract s.o. É-vonā'ėstseho. He distracted him. É-vonā'ėstseho. He distracted him. (newer pronunciation). É-vona'ėstséhahtse. His mind is elsewhere. Nėstse-vona'ėstséháévo. (The person coming to you) will distract you (from your way of life).(Sweet Medicine predicted this about the coming of the white man). [1987:12] É-vona'ėstséhaa'e. It diverts him. (for example, alcohol). See: -vona'eéh; -no'hétanó; -stséa. Category: interpersonal.

-vona'ov   vta. cause s.o. to be lost, erase s.o. by foot. É-vona'ovóho. He made him get lost. [pd673] Etym: *wanexkawe·wa. vti: -vona'á. Category: interpersonal.

-vonanomev   vta. remove from s.o. É-vonanomevóho. He removed (it) from him. Etym: *wanenamawe·wa (P). Ná-vonanomēvo. I removed it from him. [1987:231] Néh-vonanomevemeno nȧhtávėséváne hápó'etséheše-vonanomevótse hestávėsévévo tséhávėsévo'eéhaetsee'e. Take away (forgive) our sin as we take away the sin of those who have wronged us. [1987:231] See: -vonetanó'tá. Category: interpersonal.

vonanomótȧhtsestȯtse   ni. forgiveness. Category: new, interpersonal.

-vonéanot   vta. destroy with reference to s.o. É-vonéanotóho. He colonized him / forced him to change his way of life. Néto'se-vonéanotaēvo netao'o hová'éhe tséméhae/'ȯhkeéene'étamése. He (the person who will come to Cheyennes) is going to destroy for you (pl) everything that you used to depend on. (from Sweet Medicine's prophecy). [1987:6:13] See: -vonenot. Category: interpersonal.

-vone'ȯh(n)   vta. hide from s.o. Ná-vone'ōhno. I hid from him. É-vone'ȯhnóho. He hid from him. Category: interpersonal.

-voné'ȯxévaen   vta. elude s.o., get away from s.o. É-voné'ȯxévaenóho He eluded him. [Whiteman and the Coyote.036] Category: interpersonal.

-vonėstséa'ó'h   vta. befuddle s.o., cause s.o. to be helter-skelter in their thinking. Lit: lose-head-cause É-vonėstséa'o'ho. He made him think in a helter-skelter way. Vó'keme ná-vonėstséa'o'ha. Old Man Winter hit me again. (a humorous idiom referring to my mind going helter-skelter; maybe I had plans but they are now shot, as if a Spring blizzard had come in and messed things up for me). Usage: humorous expression vai: -vonėstséá'e. Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-vonetanó'tov   vta. forget s.o. É-vonetanó'tovóho. He forgot him. Né-vonetanó'tovone. We (including you) forgot him. Néohto'se-vonetanó'tovatséme. We (including you) almost forgot about you. Ésáa-vonetanó'tovȧhtséstovėhane. Always remember each other. Lit: there is not forgetting each other Antonym -mé'etanó'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-vonȯhóha'ov   vta. entice s.o., tempt s.o., prod s.o., egg on s.o. Does not necessarily imply that the person tempted gave in; can be prodding someone to do something good, but often is for something considered bad. É-vonȯhóha'ovóho. He enticed him. Éhávėséve-vonȯhóha'ovóho. He tempted him (to do something bad). Nápėhéve-vonȯhóha'ōvo. I enticed him to do something good. vai: -vonȯhóha'ósané. See: -éše'tov; -éšenot; -vonȯhósem; -héestáha'ov; -héhnovem; -éxa'é'ov; -oóxa'e'ov; -éstavan. Category: interpersonal, influence.

vonȯhóha'óvȧhtsestȯtse   ni. temptation. This nominalization is built on the reciprocal of the original TA stem, referring to tempting of one another. Category: interpersonal.

-vóom   vta. 1 • see s.o. É-vóomóho. He sees him; he saw him. Né-vóomȧtse. I see you. The next words meaning 'to see someone again' have been used for many years as a way of saying goodbye. These words originally were a translation from English since the Cheyenne language never had its own way of saying "goodbye". Nėstaévȧhóse-vóomȧtse. I will see you again. (another recording) I'll see you again. Nėstaévȧhóse-vóomatséme. I will see you (plural) again. Nėstaévȧhóse-vóomatsemeno. We will see you (singular and plural) again. Nėstamóneévȧhóse-vóomatséme. I'll see you guys again soon. Nésáatšėhe'še-vóomatséhe. I have never seen you. That is typically said when you haven't seen someone for quite a while. Né-vóomatséme. I saw you (plural). Né-vóomatsemeno. We saw you (singular and plural you). Né-vóome. You saw me. Ná-vóoma. He saw me. Ná-vóomaēne. He saw us (excl.). Né-vóomaene. He saw us (incl.) Ná-vóomāā'e. They see me. Ná-vóomóne. We (excl.) saw him. Né-vóomone. We (incl.) saw him. Né-vóomóneo'o. We (incl.) saw them. Ná-vóomae-he? Did he see me? Né-vóoma. He saw you. Né-vóomaēvo. He saw you (plural). Ná-vóómo. I saw him. Ná-vóomoo'o. I saw them. Ná-vóomóneo'o. We (excl.) saw them. É-vóomovo. They saw him/them (obv.). É-vóomāā'e. He/they (obviative) saw him. É-vóomaevóho. He/they (obviative) saw them. Ná-vóomāne. I was seen. É-vóome. He is seen. É-vóomeo'o. They were seen. Né-vóomemeno. You saw us. Né-vóomóvoo'o. You (plural) saw them. Né-vóoméme. You (plural) saw me. Né-vóomóvo. You (plural) saw him. Násáa-vóomóhe. I don't see him/her. Násáa-vóomaeheo'o. They did not see me. Néxaepėhéve-vóomȧtse. It is just good to see you. Épėhéva'e tséh-vóomātse. It is good to see you. Épėhéva'e tséh-vóomatseto. (a newer way to say it) It is good to see you. É-pėhéva'e tséh-vóomatsése. It is good to see you (plural). Naa váótséva né-vóomohe? And do you see a deer? Násáatšėhe'še-vóomónéhe. We (not including you) never saw him. tsé-vóomōno those who I see. tséh-vóómȯse when he saw him (obv). tséh-vóoma'évȯse when they saw me. tséh-vóomaēse when he saw you (plural). vti: -vóóhtá; vai: -vóosané.

2 • choose s.o. "Nénéehove nétavóomȧtse tséto'sevéstoēmȯhtse nȧhtona," éxhetaesesto. You are the one, I select you to marry my daughter," he (obv) told him. The original meaning 'see' is sometimes extended to mean 'choose'. Etym: *wa·pame·wa he sees him. See: -vóeotsé'tov; -vé'hóom; -moné'tov; -netsem. Category: sight, interpersonal.

-vóonoé'tov   vta. stay up all night with s.o., have a wake for s.o. É-vóonoé'tovóho. He stayed up all night with him. Etym: *wa·panapi·ʔtawe·wa (P). É-vóonoé'tovovo They stayed up all night with him. especially at a wake. Móto'se-vóonoé'tȯhehéhe. There must be going to be a wake for him. Naa nȧháóhe móhkevóonoehéhe, móhe-vóonoé'tovȯhevóhe and he stayed there each night, he stayed with her all night (at the hospital. [1987:162] Category: interpersonal, death.

-vóoseonéve'tov   vta. display s.o. Ná-vóoseonévenȯtse. I'm displaying him (to be noticed). That is typically said when the child is to be honored at a giveaway). Category: sight, interpersonal.

-vȯsém   vta. kiss s.o. There is much uncertaintly on how this word was originally pronounced. É-vȯsemo. He kissed him. É-vȯsémóho. (newer pronunciation). Etym: cf *wetye·me·wa. É-vȯsémȧhtseo'o. They kissed each other. [pd634] Návȯsémo. I kissed him/her. Variant: -mȯsém, mȧsém. See: -é'kotsen hug s.o.. Category: romance, interpersonal.

-vovéeh   vta. bribe s.o., win favor with s.o. É-vovéehóho. He bribed him. See: -vovéem. Category: interpersonal.

-vovéehevá   vai. bribe, try to win favor. can be used of trying to win a date with a lady with flowers. É-vovéehēva. He bribed. See: -hotséehevá. Category: interpersonal.

-vovénȯseh   vta. sabotage s.o., convince s.o. not to cooperate, unduly influence s.o. É-vovénȯsėhóho. He had undue influence on him ; he sabotaged his plan. É-vovénȯsėhahtse. He is playing hard to get / not cooperating with others. See: -háa'ót; -háátam; -pėhévátam. Category: interpersonal.

-vovéstomev   vta. teach s.o. É-vovéstomevóho. He taught him. Ná-vovéstomóó'e. They taught me. É-vovéstomóó'e. He (obv) taught him. Vovéstomeveha! Teach him! É-vovéstomóheo'o ka'ėškóneho. The children are taught. Tsé'tóhe ná-vovéstomevoo'o; vé'hoomenáno! I'm teaching these (people); look at them! Náohke-vovéstomevoo'o Heévȧhetaneo'o hénėhéóhe tsétsėhésenėstsétanóse. I teach Southern Cheyennes who want to speak Cheyenne there. Ke'éehe náh-vovéstomoo'e tsé'ȯhkeó'ėsóvȧhtove. Grandma taught me to cut drymeat. tsé-vovéstomevōno those who I teach. Contracted -ovéstomev; vai: -vovéstomósané. See: -óo'haévam; -véstomev; -véestomev. Category: interpersonal.

-vovétseva'ov   vta. try to keep s.o. at home. Variant: -vovótseva'ov. Éohke-vovétseva'ovóho. She keeps him by her side (trying to keep him at home with her). See: -vovétsevám. Category: interpersonal.

-vovóehót   vta. be in front of s.o., front of s.o. - be in. É-vovóehoto. He is in front of him. É-vovóehótóho. He is in front of him. (newer pronunciation). Final -ehót. Category: interpersonal.

-vovóhnėhestá'tov   vta. take care of s.o. É-vovóhnėhestá'tovóho. He took care of him. Contracted -ovóhnėhestá'tov. See: -vovóhnėhešéh. Category: interpersonal.

-vovóhnėhešéh   vta. take care of s.o. É-vovóhnėhešeho. He took care of him. (another pronunciation) É-vovóhnėhešéhóho. He took care of him. (newer pronunciation). Vovóhnėhešéšeha! Take care of him! Tséhestónȧheto móné-vovóhnėhešéhaehéhe. Your daughter must take good care of you. See: -pėhéve'tov be good to s.o.; -vovóhnėhestá'tov. Category: interpersonal.

-vovóhnėhešéševaen   vta. take care of s.o. quickly. É-vovóhnėhešéševaenóho. He quickly took care of him. Category: interpersonal.

vovóhpono'eéh   vta. do something negative to s.o. É-vovóhpono'eeho. He is doing something negative to him. É-vovóhpono'eéhóho. (newer pronunciation). Final -o'eéh. Category: do, interpersonal.

-vovóna'o'h   vta. defeat s.o. quickly, take advantage of s.o. quickly, beat s.o. quickly. É-vovóna'o'hóho. He defeated him. Náohke-vovóna'o'haa'e. It (for example, fear of the dark) defeats me. See: -hó'tȧh(n). Category: interpersonal.

-vovónan   vti. control s.t., defeat s.t., beat s.t., win over s.t., overcome s.t. É-vovónāna. He controlled it/he won over it. É-vovónána vé'ho'émahpe. He defeated the alcohol.

vta. control s.o., defeat s.o., beat s.o., win over s.o., overcome s.o. É-vovónanóho. He defeated him. Éohkeméhae-vovónanaa'e vé'ho'émahpe. Alcohol used to control him. (that is, he couldn't help himself). Synonym -hó'tah(n). See: -vovónahe; -vovóno'eéh; -ovánan. Category: interpersonal.

vovónȯhóha'   vta. repeatedly entice s.o. É-vovónȯhóha'ovóho. He repeatedly enticed him (obv). Non-reduplicated -vonȯhóha'ov. See: -vovónȯhóha'ov. Category: interpersonal.

-vovóno'eéh   vta. defeat s.o. Ná-vovóno'eéhoo'o. I defeated them. [pd1083] See: -vovónan. Category: interpersonal.

-vovótsevám   vta. be protective of s.o.; make s.o. stay home. Usage: This is the more common pronunciation. Variant: -vovótsevévam. É-vovótsevamo. She is so protective of him; she makes him stay home. É-vovótsevámóho. ?? She is so protective of him; she makes him stay home. (newer pronunciation). See: -vovétseva'ov. Category: interpersonal, check.

-vovótsevévam   vta. urge s.o. to stay. É-vovótsevévamóho He urged him to stay. for example, to stay inside, stay home, 'stick around'; etc. fta: -vam; Variant: -vovétsevévam. See: -vovétseva'ov; -vovótsevám; -hestomévam. Category: interpersonal, check.

-xamaa'é'o'tov   vta. bow head to s.o. for example, a sign of worship or respect in some cultures. É-xamaa'é'o'tovóho. He bowed his head to him. Ques: xama'a'é'o'tov?? vai: -xama'a'éóé. See: -tóo'á'eóé't. Category: interpersonal, check.

-xamaa'éoeotse   vai. bow head quickly while standing. É-xamaa'éoeotse. He quickly bowed his head while standing. Final -óé2. See: -xama'a'éóé. Category: interpersonal.

-xanovátam   vta. regard s.o. as being straight. É-xanovátamóho. He regards him as being straight (righteous etc.). Category: cognition, interpersonal.