Á'kavėhe'o na. Limberhand. Lit: bent-wrist Contracted Kȧhavȯhe'o; Variant: Á'kavėhe'onáhe. Category: hands, names.
A'kėhe'onáhe na. Clubhand. BodyPartMedial -he'oná ‘hand’. Category: hands, names.
-a'kėhe'onáotse vai. clench fist. Lit: bunch-hand É-a'kėhe'onáotse. He clenched his fist. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands.
-a'xaót vta. shake hands with s.o. a primary cultural sign of reconciliation. É-a'xaoto. He shook hands with him. É-a'xaótóho. He shook hands with him. (newer pronunciation). É-a'xaótȧhtseo'o. They are shaking hands. Náéva-a'xaóto. I shook his hand again. That is, I am reconciled with him. A'xaótahtse! Shake hands! (said to more than one person). A'xaóxeha! Shake hands with him! (another recording) Éva-a'xaótahtse! Shake hands with each other again! See: -nanov; -vonetanó'tá. Category: hands.
A'xaóxeha! vta. Shake hands with him! vta: -a'xaót. Category: hands.
-an fti. by hand. É-hest-āna. He took it. Évéhp-ána. He emptied it. Éhesó'x-ána. He smoothed it. Etym: *-en.
fta. Etym: *-en. É-hest-anóho. He took him. Category: hands.
-é'ėhe'oná vai. break hand. É-é'ėhe'ōna. He broke his (own) hand. Category: hands, break.
-é'ėhe'onáxé vai. break hand from falling. É-é'ėhe'onáxe. He broke his hand from falling. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands, body, fall.
-é'eósé vai. have a broken finger. É-é'eóse. He has a broken finger. Variant: -é'ėškósé; BodyPartMedial -ósé3. Category: hands, break, record.
-ésėhe'oná'ó vai. 1 • put hand into (something) quickly. É-ésėhe'oná'o. He put his hand in. Hestsénéva é-ésėhe'oná'o. She puts her hand in her mouth. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands.
2 • motor mouth; extremely talkative; talkative - very. idiomatic meaning from image of something getting stuck in your mouth and you just keep on talking. Category: figurative, speak, mouth.
-háeoešėšem vta. fall and hurt s.o. badly. Ná-háeoešėšēmo namo'ēško. I fell badly and hurt my finger. See: -áhanešé. Category: fall, hands.
-hahpėhe'oná'ó vai. clench hand, close hand. É-hahpėhe'oná'o. His hand is closed. Antonym -séhpėhe'oná'o; Medial -he'oná. Category: hands.
-hahpėhe'onáotse vai. hand clenched. É-hahpėhe'onáotse. His hand is clenched. This is especially said of someone who cannot open their hand. Category: hands.
-hahpeosé vai. pinched finger(s). É-hahpeōse. He has a pinched finger(s). vta: -hahpeosé'o'h; BodyPartMedial -osé. Category: hands.
-hahpeosé'o'h vta. pinch finger(s) of s.o., smash finger(s) of s.o. É-hahpeosé'o'hahtse. He smashed his (own) finger(s). vai: -hahpeosé. Category: hands.
-hahpeoséotse vai. pinch finger(s). É-hahpeoséotse. He pinched his finger(s). Category: sickness, hands.
-hé'heškėhe'oná vai. have wrinkled hand(s). É-hé'heškėhe'ōna. He has a wrinkled hand(s). Category: hands, body.
-he'kėhe'oná vai. have soft hand(s). for example, hands that easily bruise. É-he'kėhe'ōna. He has soft hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands.
-he'kėhe'onáxé vai. have thorns in the hand, puncture hand falling. Ná-he'kėhe'onáxe. I have thorns in my hand / I punctured my hand when I fell. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. See: -seenó'tȯhe'onáxé; -tóhpeoséšé. Category: hands.
-he'konėhe'oná'ó vai. raise arm. É-he'konėhe'oná'o He raised his (own) arm(s). for example, with a clenched 'power' fist. Ques: rais arm or clench arm?? Category: hands, check.
-he'konemósé vai. strong hand, strong arm. É-he'konemóse. He has strong hands. BodyPartMedial -ósé; Antonym -ho'tovemósé. Category: hands.
-he'kóovėhe'oná vai. have wet hand(s). É-he'kóovėhe'ōna. He has wet hand(s). BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands.
-he'oná mbp. hand. Énėše'šė-he'ōna. He washed his hands. Éónėšė-he'onáóhtse. He has pain in the hands. Éhesė-he'onáotse. He has cramps in his hands. Étoe-he'ōna. He has cold hands. Hestsénéva éésė-he'oná'o. She puts her hand in her mouth. See: -'ahtse. Category: hands.
-henamósé vai. left-handed. É-henamóse. He is left-handed. Etym: *nemanči·wa (P/L) ‘he is left-handed’. É-henamósehe? Is he left-handed? Variant: -namósé; BodyPartMedial -ósé3. See: Ma'xėhenámosėstse; Námosėstse; -he'konamósé. Category: hands, record.
-héne'šeósé vai. stiff finger - have a, finger - have a stiff. Ná-héne'šeóse. I have a stiff finger. BodyPartMedial -ósé3. Category: hands.
-hesėhe'onáotse vai. have cramps in hands. É-hesėhe'onáotse. He has cramps in his hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná; Initial hes(e)-. Category: hands, sickness.
-hkosé mbp. finger, toe, claw. Étótȧhpe'ė-škóse. He has big fingers. Éé'ė-škóse. He has a broken finger. (also pronounced É-é'eóse). Éhešė-škȯséotse. He has cramps in his finger/toes. Variant: -ósé3. See: mo'ēško; -óohevá; hemo'koso. Etym: *-škašya. Category: body, hands.
-ho'tovemósé vai. weak hand. É-ho'tovemóse. He has weak hands. BodyPartMedial -mósé; Antonym -he'konemósé. Category: hands.
hóna'ove-mo'ēško na. ring finger, fourth finger. Lit: additional-finger Variant: hóna'oveōse. Usage: may be new word or loan translation from Petter Category: body, hands.
-hótȯxáveósé'ó vai. cross (one's own) fingers. É-hótȯxáveósé'o. He crossed his fingers. BodyPartMedial -ósé. Category: hands.
-hovénoma'ó vai. shade eyes with hand. É-hovénomā'o. He shaded his eyes (with his hand). Ques: ma'o?? See: -hovéo'onémané. Category: eyes, hands, check.
-htaahe'oná mbp. fist. includes medial for 'hand', -he'oná. See: -he'oná; -htsėstaahe'o. Category: body, hands.
-htsėstáahe'onahtȯtse ni. Gram: poss palm (of hand) (poss.) mȧ-htsėstáahe'onahtȯtse palm (of hand). nȧ-htsėstáahe'onahtȯtse my palm. [PD] Medial -he'oná. Category: hands.
mȧhtsėstáahe'onahtȯtse ni. Medial -he'oná. palm (of hand). Category: hands.
ma'ahtse ni. Gram: poss forearm. This word includes the entire area of the hand and forearm. Plural ma'ȧhtsenȯtse. na-'ahtse my forearm. Stem -'ahtse. See: -ahtsená ‘mouth’. Category: hands, body.
-ma'évėhe'oná vai. bloody hands - have. É-ma'évėhe'ōna. He has bloody hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands.
ma'haa'é-mo'ēško na. thumb. See: Ma'xeōse. Category: hands. Lit: big-finger Plural ma'haa'é-mo'ėškono.
Ma'xenámosėstse na. Big Left Hand. See: Námosėstse; ; -henamóse. Category: names, hands.
-mé'hovávėhe'oná vai. have hairy hands. Vé'hó'e éta-mé'hovávėhe'onao'o. Whitemen have hairy hands. [1987:221] Category: hands, hair.
mo'ēško2 ni. ring. Homonym mo'ēško1 ‘finger’; Plural mo'ėškonȯtse. Category: hands.
-namósé vai. lefthanded. É-namóse. He is lefthanded. Variant: -henamósé. See: henamósésto; Ma'xenámosėstse. Etym: *namanci (Pi) ‘left side’. Category: hands, positions.
námosėstse na. 1 • left-handed person.
2 • Lefty. See: Ma'xenámosėstse; -henamósé; He'konenámosėstse. Category: hands, names.
-nėhe'onáxe vai. wipe hands. É-nėhe'onáxe. He wiped his (own) hands. Nėhe'onáxėstse! Wipe your hands! See: -nėše'šėhe'oná. Category: groom, hands, body.
-nėše'šėhe'oná vai. wash hands. É-nėše'šėhe'ōna. He washed his (own) hands. Ná-nėše'šėhe'ōna. I washed my hands. (another recording) Nééše-nėše'šėhe'onamehe? Did you guys already wash your hands? Nėše'šėhe'ōnȧhtse! Wash your hands! Tȧhé-nėšė'šėhe'ōnȧhtse! Go wash your hands! Initial nėše'še-; Medial -he'oná; vta: -nėše'šėhe'onán. Category: hands.
nėše'šėhe'onahtȯtse ni. hand sanitizer. Lit: wash hands thing Category: new. vta: -nėše'šėhe'onán. Category: hands, groom.
-nȯhtsé'sevanené vai. feel around searching; search feeling around. for example, as a blind person would do, or when trying to find something in the dark, or when touching one's partner under the covers during sex. É-nȯhtsé'sévánéne. He felt around for something. Variant: -nȯhtsévanené. Category: hands, check.
-oné'xoehe'oná'ó'h vta. peel hand of s.o., scratch hand of s.o. Ná-oné'xoehe'oná'ó'ho. I scratched his hand. See: -hótȧha'ó'h ‘scratch s.o.’. Category: hands.
-oné'xoehe'onávo'om vta. peel hand of s.o. with teeth. Náxamaehátsėstove-oné'xoehe'onávo'oma. He speeled/scratched my hand with his teeth. [Fishing.026] Category: hands.
-oó'honavėhe'oná vai. have chapped hands. É-oó'honavėhe'ōna. He has chapped hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. See: -oókȯhkevėhe'oná. Category: hands.
-óovėhe'onáxé vai. shake off hands. É-óovėhe'onáxe. He shook his hands off. for instance, to shake flour off one's hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands, body.
-ósé3 mbp. finger, hand, claw. Ques: check here and throughout databases for -ósé or -osé?? Éhenam-óse. He is left handed. Éhe'konem-óse. He has strong hands. Éhe'konam-óse. He has strong hands. Étó'ėse-óse. He has long fingers. Éhenam-óse. He is left-handed. Éhenam-ósehe? Is he left-handed? Ématse-óse. He has an infected finger. Éé'e-óse. He has a broken finger. Éé'eoséše. He fell and broke his nail. Énomáht-óse. He stole a touch. Náhéne'še-óse. I have a stiff finger. Énéve-óse. ?? He has four fingers. Variant: -hkósé. Category: hands, check.
-ová'kėhe'oná vai. cupped hand ?? Category: check. tsé'ȯhke-ová'kėhe'onánove in the palm of the hand. [1987:57] Medial -he'oná. Category: body, hands, record.
péenȯsé'ov vta. 1 • step on toe of s.o., step on finger of s.o. É-péenȯsé'ovóho. He stepped on his finger/toe. Variant: -péeosé'ov; BodyPartMedial -osé.
2 • step on toes of s.o. Category: figurative. Usage: idiom borrowed from English Category: body, hands.
-péeosé'ov vta. 1 • step on toe of s.o., step on finger of s.o. É-péeosé'ovóho. He stepped on his finger/toe. Variant: -péenȯsé'ov; BodyPartMedial -osé.
2 • step on toes of s.o. Usage: idiom borrowed from English Category: figurative, body, hands.
-pėhévomósé vai. good hand. É-pėhévomóse. He has a good hand. ?? Ó'xe épėhévom-óse. He has a good hand on the other hand. BodyPartMedial -ósé. Category: hands, check.
-póehe'onáxe vai. hit hand. to hit one's hand on something, for example, on a car door. É-póehe'onáxe. He hit his hand (on something). Category: hit, hands.
-seenó'tȯhe'onáxé vai. have a splinter in the hand. Ná-seenó'tȯhe'onáxe. I have a splinter in my hand. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. See: -he'kėhe'onáxé; -tóhpeoséšé. Category: hands.
-séhpėhe'oná'ó vai. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. stretch out hand; unclench fist. É-séhpėhe'oná'o He stretched out his hand/fist. Antonym -hahpėhe'oná'ó. Category: hands.
-šé'šėškemȧhéveósé vai. have wart(s) on finger. É-šé'šėškemȧhéveóse. He has wart(s) on his finger(s). BodyPartMedial -ósé. Category: hands.
-škosé mbp. finger, toe. See: -osé; -hkosé. Category: hands, body.
-toehe'oná vai. have cold hands. É-toehe'ōna. He has cold hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands, temperature.
-tóhpeóséšé vai. splinter in finger. for example, getting a sliver from moving one's hand along a splintery surface. É-tóhpeóséše. He got a splinter in his finger. Assim: -tóhpeóšéše; BodyPartMedial -ósé. See: -seenó'tȯhe'onáxé. Category: hands, record.
-tóhpeóšéše vai. splinter in finger. for example, getting a sliver from moving one's hand along a splintery surface. É-tóhpeóšéše. He got a splinter in his finger. ós?? Non-assimilated -tóhpeóséše. Phon: This is a typical pronunciation, with š-assimilation. Phon: NonAssim=-tóhpeóséše BodyPartMedial -ósé. See: -seenó'tȯhe'onáxe. Category: hands, check.
-tó'ėseósé vai. long fingers. É-tó'ėseóse. He has long fingers. BodyPartMedial -ósé. Category: body, hands.
-tó'hovėhe'oná'ó vai. stick hand(s) between. É-tó'hovėhe'oná'o. He stuck his hand(s) between. BodyPartMedial -he'oná ‘hand’. Category: hands, motion.
-tótȧhpe'ėhe'oná vai. big hands - have. É-tótȧhpe'ėhe'ōna. He has big hands. Category: hands.
-tšėhešėhe'oná vai. hand appear this way. Mátaho tsés-tšėhešėhe'ōnȧse éstoenósesto. They hold the peyote (button) in their hand. [PEYOTE.TXT] Category: hands.
-vá'vanȯsé'ó vai. throw up hands and give up. É-vá'vanȯsé'o. He threw up his hands and gave up. See: -néhnėhetame. Category: hands.
-xo'ėhe'onán vta. salve hand of s.o. É-xo'ėhe'onano. He put salve on his (someone else's) hand. É-xo'ėhe'onánóho. He put salve on his (someone else's) hand. (newer pronunciation). Category: hands.