-é'omoestá vai. wear a greasy dress. É-é'omoēsta. She has on a greasy dress. Final -oestá1. Category: dress.
e'se-2 i. put on clothes, dress, get dressed. É-e'sėsāne. He got dressed. Mó'-e'sėháohehevóhe. They were outfitted. (1987:46). Ques: Is e'se- a preverb here?? Ques: what is the verb stem of this ex.?? This part of a verb is different from the noun hoestȯtse referring to a dress that someone wears. Homonym e'se-; na: hoestȯtse. Category: dress.
-e'seéstse'hená vai. put on shirt (or coat). É-e'seéstse'hēna. He put on his coat (or shirt). E'seéstse'hēnȧhtse! Put your coat on! E'seéstse'hēna! Put your coat on! (said to more than one person). Antonym -né'seéstse'hená. See: éstse'he. Category: clothing, dress.
-e'sėsané vai. dress. É-e'sėsāne. He is dressing. Hovéhno éme'tónove-e'sėsanénove. Put a little more clothes on. (lit. a little more there should be dressing thickly). E'sėsānėstse! Get dressed! fai: -sané2; vta: -e'sėsanén; Antonym -né'sėsané. Category: dress.
-e'sėsanén vta. dress s.o. É-e'sėsaneno. He dressed him. É-e'sėsanénóho. He dressed him. (newer pronunciation). [1987:266] Category: dress.
-e'sėsanéoohe vai. dress quickly. É-é'sėsanéoohe. He dressed quickly. See: -e'sėsané ‘dress’. Category: dress.
e't-2 i. put on. This refers to putting on clothes. Variant: e's-. É-e'toēsta. She put on a dress. Category: dress, clothing.
-e'tȧhtáhá vai. put on pants. É-e'tȧhtáha. He put his pants on. Etym: *pweʔtetaye·wa (P) ‘he puts on his leggings’. E'tȧhtááhtse! Put on your pants! Medial -ahtáhá; Antonym -né'tȧhtáhá. See: -ka'o'ȧhtáhá. Category: clothing, dress.
-e'toestá vai. put on a dress, don a dress. É-e'toēsta. She put on a dress. Etym: *pweʔtakote·wa ‘she puts on a skirt’. Category: dress.
-e'tóhkėha'á vai. put on a hat, don a hat. Variant: -e'tóhkėha'e. É-e'tóhkėhá'a. He put his hat on. E'tóhkėhá'ȧhtse! Put your hat on! See: -e'sane; -né'tȯhkėha'a. Category: clothing, dress.
-e'tóhkėha'e vai. put on a hat, don a hat. Variant: -e'tóhkėha'á. É-e'tóhkėha'e. He put on his hat/cap. Antonym -né'toeha'é. Category: dress, clothing.
-e'tóhkėha'én vta. put hat on s.o. É-e'tóhkėha'énóho. He put a cap on him. E'tóhkėha'éneha! Put a cap on him! Cheyennes are careful to cover their babies' heads when they are out of doors. IndepNoun hóhkėha'e; Antonym -né'tȯhkėha'én. Category: dress.
-e'tóhkėha'éoohe vai. put on a hat quickly, don a hat quickly. E'ȯhke-e'tóhkėha'éoohe. He put on his hat/cap quickly. [The Hat.013] Antonym -né'toeha'é. Category: dress, clothing.
-e'tȯxeoná vai. put on sock(s). É-e'tȯxȯheōna. He put his socks on. Etym: *pweʔtašikane·wa. Ques: -e'tȯxȯheoná ?? E'tȯxȯheōnȧhtse! Put your socks on! IndepNoun hoxēō'o; Antonym -né'tȯxeoná. See: -he-vȯxeone. Category: dress, clothing, check.
-e'tȯxȯheonán vta. put sock(s) on s.o. É-e'tȯxȯheonánóho. He put socks on him. Etym: *pweʔtašikane·ne·wa. E'tȯxȯheonáneha! Put socks on him! IndepNoun hoxeo'o. Category: dress.
-éstȯhta'én vta. button s.o., bridle s.o. É-éstȯhta'eno. He buttoned him (for example, his shirt); he bridled him (a horse). É-éstȯhta'énóho. He buttoned him (for example, his shirt); he bridled him (a horse). (newer pronunciation). Éstȯhta'éneha neéstse'he! Button your shirt (animate)! BodyPartMedial -ohtá2 ‘abdomen, stomach, intestines’; IndepNoun hone'kōmo. Category: dress.
-éxovee'sėsané vai. dress warmly, warmly dress. É-éxovee'sėsāne. He is dressed warmly. Ques: check recording?? Éxovee'sėsānėstse! Dress warmly! See: -e'sėsané; -tónovee'sėsané. Category: dress, check.
-éxovėsan vta. dress s.o. warmly; warmly dress s.o. É-éxovėsanóho. He dressed him warmly. Category: dress.
-éxovėsané vai. dressed warmly. É-éxovėsāne. He is dressed warmly. fai: -sané2. Category: dress, record.
-háesané vai. dress flashy. É-háesāne. He is dressed flashy. fai: -sané2; Reduplicated -hoháesané. See: -pėhévėsané. Category: dress.
-háestónané vai. overdressed - be, dressed outlandishly, dressed extravagantly. É-háestónáne. He is dressed outlandishly. Reduplicated -hoháestónané. See: -pėhévėsané ‘dress nicely’. Category: dress.
-hávėsané vai. dress very nicely, wear best clothes. É-hávėsáne. He is dressed very nicely. Náto'sė-hávėsáne. I'm going to get dressed really nicely. fai: -sané2. See: -váxéé'e. Category: dress.
-hávėsévėsané vai. dress badly. É-hávėsévėsáne. He is dressed badly. for example, to be dressed sloppily. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-hé'heškoestá vai. wear a wrinkled dress. É-hé'heškoēsta. She has on a wrinkled dress. Initial hé'he(šk)-; Final -oestá. Category: dress.
-he-nėhpėsó'ėhestove vai. wear a breechcloth, breechcloth - wear a. É-he-nėhpėsó'ėhestove. He is wearing a breechcloth. Category: dress.
-heóvėsané vai. dressed yellow. É-heóvėsáne. He is dressed in yellow clothing. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-heóvoestá vai. wear a yellow dress. seems originally to have included hue toward brown. É-heóvóésta. She is wearing a yellow dress. Final oestá1; IndepNoun hoestȯtse. Category: colors, dress.
-hetaa'ėsané fai. entire wear, whatever worn. ... é-hetaa'ėsāne. ... that is how he was dressed. fai: -sané. Category: dress.
-he-voestátoo'e vai. wear a belt. É-he-voestátoo'e. He has a belt on. É-he-voestátoeo'o. They have belts on. Phon: vs Category: dress.
-he-voestove inc.n. have on a dress; wear a dress. É-hevoestove. She has on a dress. Etym: cf *wako·te·wa (P). Éhe-voestóveo'o. They are wearing dresses. IndepNoun hoestȯtse; Preverb he-3. See: -hoestóve ‘be a dress’. Category: dress, clothing.
-hoháesané vai. dressed fancy. É-hoháesāne. He is dressed up fancy. Non-reduplicated -háesané; fai: -sané. See: -hoháestónané. Category: dress.
-hoháestónané vai. dressed very extravagantly. É-hoháestónáne. He is dressed very extravagantly. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -háestónáne; fai: -sané2. See: -hoháesané; -váxeehe. Category: dress.
-ho'sotsėsané vai. wear soiled clothes, wear dirty clothes. É-ho'sotsėsāne. He is wearing dirty clothes. Variant: -ho'sotsévėsané. Category: dress.
-homȯséve'ho'évėsané vai. cook's clothing, wear cook's clothing. É-homȯséve'ho'évėsáne. He is wearing a cook's uniform. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-hone'á vti. 1 • wear s.t., be clothed with s.t. É-honē'a. He is wearing it. É-hone'anȯtse tsėhésėhone'óonȯtse. He is wearing Cheyenne clothes. hósėstoo'o tsé-hone'ómo the story that I am filled with (lit., wearing). [1987:101] vta: -hone'ov. See: -hone'ó'tov; he- ‘have’. Category: dress.
2 • be saturated with, filled with s.t. Category: figurative. É-honē'a vé'ho'émahpe. He is clothed with liquor (= he smells much of liquor; he is drunk). Category: drink.
-hone'ó'seh vta. clothe s.o. É-hone'ó'sėhóho. ?? He clothed him. Usage: not used as commonly as -é'ėsanén Category: dress.
-hone'ó'tov vta. clothed with s.o., wear s.o. É-hone'ó'tovóho. He is clothed with him. See: -hone'ov. Category: dress.
-hone'ónaov vta. clothe s.o. É-hone'ónaovóho. He clothed him. Ques: RECK ón pitches?? Category: check. Variant: -hone'óona'ov. The following two words are close in sound and Cheyenne enjoy pointing it out. It is funny. Hone'onáóvėstse! Clothe me! Hóneoná'ovėstse! Put all my bones in one place! See: -hóneoná'ov. Category: dress.
-hone'óona'ov vta. clothe s.o. É-hone'óona'ovóho. He clothed him. Variant: -hone'ónaov. Category: dress, check.
-hone'ov vta. 1 • wear s.o. É-hone'ovóho. He is wearing him (for example, a shirt, animate). Mónétáho'kė-hone'ovȯhéhe. You must be wearing it over something else. vti: -hone'á. See: -hone'ó'tov. Category: dress, clothing.
2 • wear s.o. spiritually. can be used figuratively of wearing (having) a spiritual being such as the Holy Spirit or a demon: Éhone'ovóho heávȯhóho. He is wearing the devil. That can be said of a misbehaving child. É-hone'ovóho ma'heónemȧhta'sóomaho. He is got the Holy Spirit. Category: figurative.
-hóse'évoestá vai. maternity dress, wear maternity dress. É-hóse'évóésta. She is wearing a maternity dress. Category: dress.
-hósóeta vai. barefoot. É-hosóéta. He is barefoot. Névé'-hosóéta; nėstatótȧhpe'ėhāhta. Don't go barefoot; you'll get big feet. Category: dress, shoes.
-hósoo'koná vai. sockless. É-hósoo'kōna. He is not wearing socks. [JG 7/89] É-hósoo'konao'o. They have no socks on. [JG 7/89] Category: dress.
-hóxe'évo'xȯhtaha vai. maternity pants - wear; wear maternity pants. É-hóxe'évo'xȯhtaha. She is wearing maternity pants. Category: dress.
-ka'ėškónevėsané vai. dress as a child. É-ka'ėškónévėsáne. He is wearing children's clothing. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-ka'oestá vai. wear a short dress. É-ka'oēsta. She has on a short dress. Final -oestá; Antonym -tsėhe'ėstoestá. See: ka'oésená. Category: dress, clothing.
-kémeonáhevoestá vai. wear a dentalium shell dress. É-kémeonáhevoēsta. She wore a dentalium shell dress. Category: dress, clothing.
-mȧhesané vai. wear a suit. Lit: all-dress É-mȧhesāne. He is wearing a suit. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-ma'ėsané vai. dress in red. É-ma'ėsāne. He is dressed in red. Vó'keme é-ma'ėsāne. Santa Claus is dressed in red. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-ma'heónevé'ho'évėsané vai. wear minister's clothes, wear priest's clothes. É-ma'heónevé'ho'évėsáne. He is wearing the clothes of a minister/priest. fai: -sané2. Category: dress, church.
-matanaéve'ho'évėsané vai. wear police uniform. É-matanaéve'ho'évėsáne. He is wearing a police uniform. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-méanévėsané vai. dress in summer clothing. É-méanévėsáne. He is dressed in summer clothing. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-mé'šeeséve'ho'évėsané vai. wear Mexican clothes. É-mé'šeeséve'ho'évėsáne. He is wearing Mexican clothes. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-méstaévėsané vai. dressed as owls, wear Halloween clothes. É-méstaévėsáne. He has on Halloween clothes. Category: dress.
-mȯhó'kȯhtahe vai. totally naked, naked totally. É-mȯhó'kȯhtahe. He is totally naked. Usage: obsolescent See: -vóvo'kahe. Category: dress.
-mo'e'évoestá vai. wear a Hawaiian skirt. Lit: grass-dress É-mo'e'évóésta. She is wearing a Hawaiian skirt. Category: dress.
-mo'kȯhtávėsané vai. dress black. É-mo'kȯhtávėsáne. He is dressed in black clothing. fai: -sané2. Category: dress, colors.
-mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'évėstónáne vai. dress as an African-American. especially to dress in a foofoo. É-mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'évėstónáne. He is dressed in a foofoo. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-mónėsané vai. wear new clothes. É-mónėsáne. He wore new clothes. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-naa'éve'ho'a'évėsané vai. dress as a nurse. É-naa'éve'ho'a'évėsáne. He/She is dressed as a nurse. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-naa'éve'ho'évėsané vai. wear doctor's uniform, dress as a doctor. É-naa'éve'ho'évėsáne. He is dressed as a doctor. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-naóotsévėsané vai. wear night clothes, wear a nightgown, wear pajamas. É-naóotsévėsáne. He is wearing night clothes. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-nėhešėsané vai. dress that way. É-nėhešėsāne. He dressed that way. Éohkeméae'éevá'ne-nėhešėsaneo'o Comanches. Comanches used to just dress like that. Category: dress.
-nėhetone'one Category: check.
vai. 1 • so dressed. É-nėhetone'one. He was dressed that way / fig. he had that kind of authority.
2 • so authorized. See: -pėhévone'óne. Category: check, dress.
-nėhpe'ehe vai. wear a diaper, wear a chastity belt. Lit: obstructed The meaning 'wear a chastity belt' is obsolescent today. É-nėhpe'ehe. He is wearing a diaper. Ésáa'éva-nėhpe'ėhéhe. He is potty-trained (lit., is no longer diapered). See: -nėhpe'et; nėhpe'ėhestȯtse ‘diaper’. Category: dress.
-né'seéstse'hená vai. remove shirt (or coat). É-né'seéstse'hēna. He took his shirt (or coat) off. Né'seéstse'hēnȧhtse Take your coat off! (another recording) Né'seéstse'hēna Take your coat off! (said to more than one person). Névé'-né'seéstse'hēna! Don't take your coat off! Antonym -e'seéstse'hená. Category: dress.
-né'sėsané vai. undress. É-né'sėsáne. He is undressing. fai: -sané2; Antonym -e'sėsané. Category: dress.
-né'sėsanén vta. undress s.o. É-né'sėsaneno. He undressed him. É-né'sėsanénóho. He undressed him. (newer pronunciation). fai: -sané2; Antonym -e'sėsanén. See: -vóvo'kan. Category: dress.
-né'tȧhtáhá vai. doff pants, remove pants, take off pants. É-né'tȧhtáha. He is taking his pants off. Né'tȧhááhtse! Take your pants off! Medial -ahtáhá; Antonym -e'tȧhtáha. Etym: *kye·tetaye·wa ‘he takes off his leggings’. Category: dress.
-né'tȧhtáhá vai. doff pants, remove pants, take off pants. É-né'tȧhtáha. He is taking his pants off. Né'tȧhááhtse! Take your pants off! Medial -ahtáhá; Antonym -e'tȧhtáha. Etym: *kye·tetaye·wa ‘he takes off his leggings’. Category: dress.
-né'toestá vai. take off dress, remove dress. É-né'toēsta. She took her dress off. Né'tóéstȧhtse! Take your dress off! Etym: *kye·takote·wa. Category: dress.
-né'tȯhkėha'á vai. remove hat, take off hat. É-né'tȯhkėhá'a. He took his hat off. Né'tȯhkėhá'ȧtse! Take your hat off! Antonym -e'tóhkėha'á. Morph: /-né'tóhkeha'á. Variant: -né'toeha'é. Category: dress.
-né'tȯhkėha'én vta. take off hat of s.o. É-né'tȯhkėha'eno. He took his (other person's) hat off. É-né'tȯhkėha'énóho. He took his (other person's) hat off. (newer pronunciation). Antonym -e'tóhkėha'én. Category: dress.
-né'tȯxeoná vai. remove socks, take off socks. É-né'tȯxeōna. He took his socks off. Etym: *kye·tašikane·wa. Ques: É-né'tȯxȯheōna?? Né'tȯxeōnȧtse! Take your socks off! Antonym -e'tȯxeoná. Category: dress, check.
-neó'keéstse'hená vai. have on a tight fitting shirt (or coat). É-neó'keéstse'hēna. He has on a tight fitting shirt. Category: space, size, dress.
-neó'kėsané vai. wear tight clothes. É-neó'kėsáne. He is wearing tight clothes. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-nésta'oméévėsané vai. dress oldfashioned. É-nésta'oméévėsáne. He is dressed oldfashioned. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-nėševátamėsané vai. dress pitifully. É-nėševátamėsāne. He is dressed pitifully. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-nétȧhéveeha'ó vai. change moccasins, change shoe(s). É-nétȧhéveehā'o. He changed his shoes. [JOURNEY.TXT] Naa tsé'éše-nétȧhéveeha'óvȯse éstȧhóseaseohtséhoono. So after changing their moccasins they started off again. [JOURNEY.TXT] Medial -eha. See: -e'ėha'ó. Category: dress, shoes.
-nétȧhévėsané vai. dress differently. É-nétȧhévėsáne. He is dressed differently. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-nėxoósėsané vai. dressed cute. É-nėxoósėsáne. He is dressed cute. Usage: not commonly used; more common would be -nėxoósetsėhesėsané Variant: -nėxoósetsėhesėsané; Final -sané. Category: dress.
-nėxoósetsėhesėsané vai. dress cute. É-nėxoósetsėhesėsāne. He is dressed cute. Variant: nėxoósėsané. Category: dress.
-nȯhoomáohtsé vai. have on a shawl, have a blanket wrapped around. É-nȯhoomáóhtse. She had a blanket/shawl on (wrapped around her). Category: dress.
-nótȧxéve'ho'évėsané vai. wear military clothing, dress military. É-nótȧxéve'ho'évėsáne. He is dressed in a military uniform. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-nótȧxévėsané vai. soldier dressed, military dressed, dress in military uniform. É-nótȧxévėsáne. He is wearing a military uniform. É-nótȧxévėsaneo'o. They are wearing military uniforms. Category: dress.
-oestá3 fai. wear a dress. É-ma'oēsta. She is wearing a red dress. She has on a torn dress. É-neó'kóésta. She has on a tight fitting dress. Étsėhést-óésta. She has on a Cheyenne dress. Éka'-oēsta. She has on a short dress. Éé'om-oēsta. She has on a greasy dress. Épėhév-oēsta. She has on a nice dress. IndepNoun hoestȯtse. See: -he-voestove. Category: dress, clothing.
-oestosé vai. be shawl less. É-oestōse. She doesn't have a shawl on. See: -oestȯséohtsé. Category: dress.
-ohasévėsané vai. dress in shiny clothes. É-ohasévėsáne. He is dressed in shiny clothes. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-onéhanótȧxévėsané vai. dress as a war dancer. Lit: Omaha-warrior-dress É-onéhanotȧxévėsáne. He is dressed as a war dancer. [Head Chief text] fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-oséhe'koestá vai. wear a dress alone. É-oséhe'koēsta. She is wearing no slip. That is, she just has a dress on. Category: dress.
-otá'tavėsané vai. dress blue. É-otá'távėsáne. He is dressed in blue clothing. fai: -sané. Category: dress, colors.
-péesané vai. dressed ragged. É-péesāne. He is dressed in ragged clothing. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-pėhévėsané vai. dress well, dress nicely. É-pėhévėsáne. He is nicely dressed. Variant: -pȧhávėsané; fai: -sané2. See: -váxee'e. -váxee'e generally refers to fancier dressing as for certain dances. Category: dress.
-pėhévoestá vai. wear a nice dress. É-pėhévoēsta. She has on a nice dress. Final -oestá1. See: hoestȯtse; -voestȯtse. Category: dress.
-pėhévone'one vai. 1 • clothed well ?? É-pėhévone'one. He is clothed well.
2 • good person - be a ?? Category: check, figurative. See: -hone'á. Category: dress.
popėhévėsané vai. dressed pretty, dressed nicely. Hétsetseha ka'ėškóneho éohkėsee'ée-popėhévėsaneo'o. Now children are dressed really pretty. Non-reduplicated -pėhévėsané; fai: -sané. Category: dress.
-sané2 fai. dress. Ée'sė-sāne. He is dressing. Éné'sė-sáne. He is undressing. Émȧhe-sāne. He is wearing a suit (literally, all-dressed). É-pėhévėsáne. He is nicely dressed. Évó'omė-sāne. He is dressed in white. Éka'ėškónévė-sáne. He is wearing children's clothing. Éohkeméhae'éevá'nenėhešė-saneo'o Comanches. Comanches used to just dress like that. See: -oestá ‘wear a dress’; -hone'á ‘wear s.t.’; he-3 ‘have ; wear’. Category: dress, clothing.
-séesané vai. dress the same. É-séesāne. He is dressed the same / wore the same clothes. [PD30] for example, dressed the same as someone else or wearing the same clothes for several days. É-séesaneo'o. They are dressed the same. [PD30] Category: dress.
-sóve'ėsée'tó vai. pants hang down. hang down lower than pants used to. Éohkeamė-sóve'ėsée'too'o. Their pants hang down. BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: dress, clothing.
-táa'ov vta. fit s.o. In Cheyenne the person that something fits serves as the subject of the verbs. É-táa'ovóho heéstse'heno. His shirt fits him. (literally, he fits to his shirt). Ná-táa'ōvo naéstse'he. My shirt fits me. Ná-táa'ovoo'o navȯxȯheono. My socks fit me. (literally, I fit to my socks). vti: -táa'á. Etym: *te·peškawe·wa ‘he fits to him’; *nete·peškawa·wa ‘I fit to him’. Category: dress.
tȯhé'kėsaéve- i. cowboy. É-tȯhé'kėsaévėsáne. He is dressed as a cowboy. Category: dress.
-tȯhé'kėsaévėsané vai. dress as a cowboy. É-tȯhé'kėsaévėsáne. He is dressed as a cowboy. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-tȯhé'kėsaévėstónáne vai. dress as a cowboy. É-tȯhé'kėsaévėstónáne. He is dressed as a cowboy. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-tónovee'sėsané vai. thickly dress, dress thickly. É-tónovee'sėsāne. He is dressed in thick clothes. Hóvéhno éme'-tónovee'sėsanénove! Put a little more clothes on! See: -e'sėsané ‘dress’. Category: dress.
-tónovėsané vai. dressed thick, wear thick clothing. for example, to be dressed with several layers of clothing. É-tónovėsāne. He is wearing layers and layers / he is wearing thick clothing. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-tootómȯsané vai. dress cool. for example, dress in shorts and sandals to stay cool. É-tootómėsáne. He is dressed cool. fai: -sané. Category: dress.
-totóovėsané vai. dress with double layer. can refer to having underwear plus an outer layer of clothing. É-totóovėsáne. He has on a double layer of clothing. fai: -sané. Category: dress.
-tsėhe'ėstoestá vai. wear a long dress. É-tsėhe'ėstoésta. She is wearing a long dress. fái: -oestá1; Antonym -ka'oestá. Category: dress.
-tsėhéstoestá vai. Cheyenne dress, wear a Cheyenne dress. É-tsėhéstóésta. She has on a Cheyenne dress. fai: -oestá3. See: hoestȯtse ‘dress’; -tsėhetoéstá. Category: dress.
-tšéškoestá vai. wear a frilly dress. Lit: stick.out-dress É-tšéškóésta. She is wearing a frilly dress. fai: -oesta3. Category: dress.
-véhpėsó'é vai. without pants. Lit: empty-crotch ?? Category: check. especially refers to not having any clothing covering the private parts; this word is socially crude; typically said of a woman; used as a play on words with é-véhpȯsó'émáto 'it is a clear space'. É-véhpėsó'e. He/She is without underwear or pants. BodyPartMedial -só'é2. See: -vóvo'kahe. Category: dress, vulgar.
-véhpotsévoestá vai. wear a flowered dress. É-véhpotsévóésta. She is wearing a floral dress. See: vehpȯtse ‘leaf’. Category: dress.
-vé'ho'á'evoestá vai. wear a white woman dress. É-vé'ho'á'evoēsta. She has on a white woman dress. Category: dress.
-voestȯtse na. Gram: poss dress (poss.) na-voestȯtse my dress. ne-voestȯtse your dress. ne-voestónaneo'o our (incl) dresses. he-voestoto her dress(es). he-voestóvevóho their dresses. IndepNoun hoestȯtse. Category: clothing, dress.
-vóhpȧho'héestse'hená vai. wear a faded shirt. É-vóhpȧho'héestse'hēna He is wearing a faded (lit. white by sun) shirt. Category: dress.
-vóhpȧho'hévoestá vai. wear a faded dress. É-vóhpȧho'hévoēsta She is wearing a faded dress. Category: dress.
-vóhpėsané vai. dress in light color. É-vóhpėsáne. He is dressed in light colored clothing. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-vó'aehesané vai. buckskin suit, wear a buckskin outfit. É-vó'aehesāne. He is wearing a buckskin outfit. fai: -sané2. Category: clothing, dress.
-vó'komėsané vai. dress white. É-vó'komėsáne. He is dressed in white. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-vó'omėsané vai. be dressed in white. É-vó'omėsāne. He is dressed in white. Initial vó'om(e)-; fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-vóvo'kahe vai. naked. É-vóvo'kahe. He is naked. Éme'ȯhkeéva-vóvo'kȧhéstove. You can just be naked again. For example, just wear a breechcloth! That could be said humorously to a young man who is trying to be traditional. Category: dress.
-vóvo'ka'o'h vta. denude s.o., undress s.o., cause s.o. to be naked. É-vóvo'ka'o'hóho. He denuded him. See: -né'sėsanén ‘undress s.o.’. Category: dress.