-amóma'ȯxová vai. plow going along. É-amóma'ȯxōva. He is plowing along. É'ȯsáanevovóe-amóma'ȯxováhoo'o vé'ho'e. The whiteman was the first to walk plowing. [1987:70] fai: -óma'ȯxová. See: -pénoma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-amóneane vii. be along (of a ropelike object); be strung; be fenced. É-amóneane. It is fenced/there is a fence (for example, along the highway). É-amóneanēnėstse. They (for example, moccasins) have long strands of beads (Crow style of beading). Ó'óéséó'o é-amóneane. The clothesline is strung up/hanging. tsé'-amóneane fence. Medial -ón. See: -heškóvoneane. Category: farm.
-amóneanené vai. build fence; put up a fence, build a spider web. can be used of a spider making its web. É-amóneanēne. He is putting up a fence. Medial -ón. See: -tsėhetóneanené; -ho'óneanené. Category: farm.
amóneanēō'o vii. fence. Synonym tsé'amóneane. See: heškóvoneanēō'o ‘barbed wire’. Category: farm.
-asėtóma'ȯxová vai. start plowing, plow - start to. É-asėtóma'ȯxōva. He started plowing. Éstaosáaneasėt-óma'ȯxováhoo'o. He started plowing. [1987:70] fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-asėtóneanené vai. start to build fence. É-asėtóneanēne. He is starting to build a fence. Category: farm.
-e'óma'ȯxová vai. till, plow. É-e'óma'ȯxōva. He is tilling. [pd1054] fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: tools, farm.
e'óma'ȯxovahtȯtse ni. walking plow, plow - walking. Plural e'óma'ȯxováhtotȯtse; fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: tools, farm.
énano'éhe na. farmer. Lit: planting-person See: énano'éve'ho'e. Category: farm.
énano'éhestȯtse ni. seed. Lit: planting-thing Plural énano'éhestotȯtse. See: hestáheme. Category: farm.
énano'estȯtse ni. seeder, garden, crop. Lit: planting thing Category: farm.
énano'éve'ho'e na. Lit: planting-ve'ho'e farmer. See: énano'éhe. Category: farm.
-énano'ot vta. plant s.o. É-énano'oto. He planted him. É-énano'ótóho. He planted him. (newer pronunciation). Category: farm, plants.
-éšeestsé vti. raise s.t. This refers to growing something not elevating it. É-éšeēstse. He raised it. Etym: *ki·šikihta·wa (P). Netao'o héne é-éšeēstse naa nééšeehaene. Everywhere (God) raised that and he raised us. [1987:117] fta: -éšeeh. Category: farm.
-éšeetó vii. grow, mature. É-éšeēto. It matured. Éstaohtšenėšeéšeetónėstse héne mȧhaemenȯtse. That corn matured/grew up. [Planting Corn.013] vai: -éšee'e. Category: farm.
he'né'hasēō'o ni. spreader. Lit: scatter-thing See: pano'ȯhēō'o. Category: farm.
hestáhame ni. seed. Lit: heart-berry Etym: cf *wete·himini ‘strawberry’. Plural hestáhamenȯtse. Ques: hestáheme ?? Category: check. See: énano'éhestȯtse; hesta'emenȯtse. Category: farm.
-hestoénove vii. be harvest. É-hestóenove. It is harvest. Épėhévė-hestoénove. It is a good harvest. for example, of berries or vegetables. Ques: tóe or toé ?? Category: farm, check.
hesto'ēō'o ni. his garden. Phon: vs See: -hto'eo'o ‘garden (poss.)’; ho'e ‘land’; -hto'e ‘land (poss.)’. Category: farm.
heše'éve-1 pv. dirt. tséohkė-heše'éveénano'éstovetse the way they always plant. [Learning to Plow.002] Category: farm.
heše'kéve-1 pv. dirt. Móxho'nóhene'enomēvȯhtse tséto'sėhešeéeheše'kévenóohévȯse. They didn't know that they were going to get dirty. [tséohkėheše'eve'enano'éstovetse] Variant: -heše'éve. Category: farm.
-heškóvoneane vi. barbed wire fence - be a. É-heškóvoneane. It is a barbed wire fence. See: -amóneane ‘fenced’. Category: farm.
heškóvoneanēō'o ni. barbed wire. Medial -ón(e)2. See: amóneanēō'o ‘fence’. Category: material, farm.
-hohpo'óesané vai. bind hay, tie up hay, bail hay. É-hohpo'óesāne. He tied up bundles of hay. See: -hohpo'anené. Category: farm.
hohpo'óesanestȯtse ni. bailer. Variant: hohpo'óeseo'o. Category: tools, farm.
ho'ēō'o ni. field, garden. Etym: *axkihka·ni (P). Phon: vs Plural ho'eonȯtse; Locative ho'eónéva. See: tsé'énano'éstove; ho'e ‘land, earth’. Category: farm.
ho'eónéva loc. in the garden. IndepNoun ho'eo'o. Category: farm.
-ho'óma'ȯxová vai. arrive plowing. É-ho'óma'ȯxōva. He arrived plowing. Tsé'évȧho'-óma'ȯxōvȧse éxxamaehósemȧheheše'évenóohéhoo'o. When he came back plowing he was just all dirty. [1987:70] fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-hóone'ó vii. emerge grow, sprout. Lit: emerge.grow Note: -hóene'ó?? Ééšė-hóoné'o. It has already come through growing. Ques: sprouted?? Ééšė-hóoné'o nȧhto'eo'o. My garden has already come through. See: -hóne'ó ‘grow’. Category: farm, check.
-hóxe'óma'ȯxová vai. clear ground with a plow. For example, to use a plow to bring rocks to the surface so they can be cleared from a field. É-hóxe'óma'ȯxōva. He is clearing ground with a plow. fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-hto'e ni. Gram: poss land. Gram: poss. nȧ-hto'e my land. nȧ-hto'āne our (excl) land. nė-sto'ane our land. he-sto'e his land. IndepNoun ho'e; vai: -he-sto'e. See: -hto'eo'o. Category: farm.
-hto'ēō'o ni. garden (poss.) nȧ-hto'ēō'o my garden. he-sto'ēō'o his garden. Phon: vs See: ho'e ‘land’; -he-sto'e ‘have land’; -hto'e ‘land (poss.)’. Category: farm.
-htoó'kȯhtamȯtse ni. Gram: poss-pl corn (poss.) grammatically plural. Nȧ-htoó'kȯhtamȯtse ééšėhema'óhkeenétónėstse. My corn has tasseled out. IndepNoun hoo'kȯhtse. Category: farm.
-kȧhamȧxévoneane vii. wooden fenced. É-kȧhamȧxévoneane. It is a wooden fence. Medial -ón. Category: farm, shapes.
-ma'óhkeenétó vii. tassel (verb). É-ma'óhkeenéto. It (especially, corn) is tasseled. Nȧhtoó'kȯhtamȯtse ééšėhe-ma'óhkeenétónėstse. My corn has tasseled out. Ques: include he- ?? Category: farm, check.
-má'toma'ȯxová vai. complete plowing. É-má'toma'ȯxōva. ?? He completed plowing. fai: -oxová. Category: farm.
ména'ó' ni. corral, breastwork. Plural méná'ó'ėstse. See: ména'e. Category: farm.
-ména'ó'ané vai. 1 • make a fence (or corral), fence - make a, corral - make a. É-ména'ó'áne. He is putting up a fence/corral.
2 • set boundary. Category: figurative. É-ména'ó'aneo'o. They are setting boundaries. Category: farm.
mo'éhno'hamémȧhéó'o ni. stable, barn. Lit: horse-house Category: farm.
mo'e'étȧho'sēō'o ni. hay rack. Plural mo'e'étȧho'seonȯtse. Phon: vs See: táho'ėhasēō'o. Category: tools, farm.
-néma'óma'ȯxová vai. turn around while plowing. Tsé'évȧho'-néma'óma'ȯxōvȧse éxxamaemȧheheše'évenóohéhoo'o. When he came back around plowing he was just all dirty. [1987:70] Reduplicated -onéma'óma'ȯxová; fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-néma'ónean vti. fasten around s.t., fence around s.t., wind around s.t. É-néma'óneāna. He made a fence around it. É-néma'óneane. It is fenced in.
vta. fasten around s.o., fence around s.o., wind around s.o. É-néma'óneanóho. He looped (for example, a rope) around him. Ques: recheck that translation?? Medial -ón. Category: farm, shapes, check.
-néma'óneane vii. fenced around. É-néma'óneane. It is fenced around (something). Medial -ón. Category: farm, shapes.
-néma'óneanené vai. fence around. É-néma'óneanēne. He made a fence around (something). Category: farm, shapes.
-nȯhtóvoma'ȯxová vai. know how to plow, plow - know how to. Hénėhéhóhe náxhése-nȯhtóvoma'ȯxōva. That's where I learned how to plow. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.161] Category: farm.
-nȯhtóvoma'ȯxováoohe vai. know how to plow. Móstanȯhtóv-oma'ȯxováoohehéhe. He must have known how to plow. [1987:70] fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-óenené vai. thresh. É-óénéne. He is threshing. See: -o'eno'é. Category: farm.
-o'enené vai. harvest.pick, harvest by picking. É-o'enēne. He is harvesting by picking. See: -o'eno'é; -óenené. Category: farm.
-o'eno'é vai. harvest, pick produce from the ground. done by people, bears, and birds. É-o'enō'e. He harvested. tsé-o'enō'ėstse the one who harvests. Áhnėhetosėstse, "Névá'ne-o'enō'e neénano'estȯtse." You should have told her, "You are just harvesting what you have planted." See: -óenené; -o'enené. Category: farm.
-óma'ȯxová fai. plow, plow ground. Éamóma'ȯxōva. He is plowing along. Ée'-óma'ȯxōva. He is tilling. Ého'-óma'ȯxōva. He arrived plowing. Épén-oma'ȯxōva. He is disking. Éhóxe'-óma'ȯxōva. He is clearing ground with a plow. Éonést-oma'ȯxōva. He tried to plow. É'ȯsáanevovóeam-óma'ȯxováhoo'o vé'ho'e. The whiteman was the first to walk plowing. [1987:69] Medial -óma' ‘ground’. See: -oxová. Category: farm.
-óne'ó f. grow. É-asėtóné'o. It (or He) is starting to grow. Ééx-óné'o. It is grown. Éáhan-óné'o. It shriveled and died. Ééšėhó-óné'o nȧhto'eo'o. My garden has already come through. Énėšev-óné'o. It is growing fast. vii: -hóne'ó. Category: farm, plants.
-onéstoma'ȯxová vai. try to plow. É-onéstoma'ȯxōva. He tried to plow. fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-oo'kó'en vti. weed s.t. for example, to weed a garden. É-oo'kó'éna. He is weeding it. Category: farm.
-oo'kó'ėxová vai. mow. É-oo'kó'ėxóva. He is mowing. See: -oo'kó'ȯhené; oo'kó'ėxovahtȯtse ‘mower’. Category: farm.
-oxová fai. plow. Étsėhet-ȯxōva. He is plowing. ?? Épénoma'-ȯxōva. He is disking. Category: farm, check.
-pėhévoma'ȯxová vai. plow well. É-pėhévoma'ȯxōva. He plowed well. fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm, check.
pénoma'ȯxēō'o ni. plow. Synonym pénoma'ȯxovahtȯtse. Phon: apoc; vs Category: farm, tools.
-pénoma'ȯxová vai. plow, disk. É-pénoma'ȯxōva. He is disking. fai: -óma'ȯxová. See: -amóma'ȯxová ‘plow going along’. Category: farm.
pénoma'ȯxovahtȯtse ni. plow. Plural pénoma'ȯxováhtotȯtse; Synonym pénoma'ȯxēō'o. Category: tools, farm.
-po'ó'ané vai. weed, pull weeds. É-po'ó'áne. He is pulling weeds. Category: farm.
táhoetsėhetóma'ȯxovahtȯtse ni. riding plow, plow - riding. Category: farm, tools.
táho'ėhasēō'o ni. hay rack. See: mo'e'étȧho'sēō'o. Category: farm.
-tsėhetóma'ȯxová vai. plow. É-tsėhetóma'ȯxōva. He plowed. [The Snakebite.030] Category: farm.
tsėhetóma'ȯxovahtȯtse ni. walking plow, plow - walking. fai: -óma'ȯxová; vii: -tsėhetóma'o'e. Category: tools, farm.
-tsėhetȯxová vai. plow. É-tsėhetȯxōva. He is plowing. ?? Final -oxová. Category: farm, check.
tsėhetȯxovahtȯtse ni. tractor, implement. Lit: thing that plows Plural tsėhetȯxováhtotȯtse; fai: -oxová. Category: farm.
tsé'amóneane vii. fence. vii: -amóneane; Synonym amóneanēō'o. Category: farm.
tsé'énano'éstove vii. garden. Lit: where there is planting vai: -énano'é. See: ho'eo'o; ho'eónéva; énano'estȯtse. Category: farm.
tsé'-énano'éstove vii -IMPERS. farm. Lit: where there is planting vai: -énano'é. Category: farm.
vótȧháéno ni. well, water pump (manual kind), windmill, spring (manmade). See: ho'háme'e ‘spring’. Category: farm. Lit: dug.out-place ?? Category: check.
vótȧháéno tsénéma'ó'á'ha vii. windmill. Lit: water pump which revolves by wind See: hóová'hasēō'o ‘windmill’. Category: farm, wind.