-a'enó'neotse vii. become dark. É-a'enó'neotse. It got dark. Category: light.
-a'enó'netó vii. dark (of environment). É-a'enó'néto. It is dark. Antonym -vó'netó. See: -mo'kȯhtávoománo'e. Category: light.
amėškévo'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse ni. kerosene lamp; lantern. Category: light.
-anoevó'ho'kasé vii. be low light. É-anoevó'ho'kāse. The light is low/dim. fii: o'kasé; Antonym -háevó'ho'ėho'tá. See: -vó'ho'kasé. Category: light.
-anova'tová vti. lower flame of s.t. ?? É-anova'tōva.?? anova'tōva?? ?? See: -atová. Ques: recheck vti or vai?? Category: light, check.
-anova'tován vti. lower flame of s.t. Anova'továnȯhtse! Lower the flame (especially on a lamp)! Anova'továnome! Lower the flame! (said to more than one person). Ques: recheck -anovatováná?? vai: -anova'tová. See: -atová. Category: light.
-anovatová vai. lower flame; lower smoke. É-anovatōva. He lowered the flame. Ques: recheck?? vti: -anovatováná; Medial -atová. Category: light, check.
-éno'tován vti. turn off s.t., extinguish s.t. É-éno'tována. He turned it (a light) off. Éno'továnȯhtse! Turn the lights off! (another recording) Synonym -hó'tován; Antonym -vó'ho'kȧsén. Category: light.
-éno'továvohtá vti. blow out s.t. for example, to blow out a candle or a lamp flame. É-éno'továvóhta. He blew it out. for example, of a candle. Éno'továvóhtȯhtse! Blow it out! See: -hó'továvóhtá. Category: light.
-éšeeve vii. be daytime. É-éšeeve. It is daytime. Etym: *ki·šekatwi. oha tā'se hápó'e vé'pėhéve-éšeevetse éme'nėhešėháa'éšėho'ȯhtseo'o but had it been a good day they would have gone further. [1987:42] Category: light.
háevóho'ėho'hóvahtȯtse ni. fluorescent light. Category: new. Ques: recheck ?? Category: check. See: vóho'ėho'hóvahtȯtse. Category: light.
-háevó'ho'ėho'tá vii. bright light, light - bright, bright flame, flame - bright, shine brightly. É-háevó'ho'ėhō'ta. The light/flame is bright. Antonym -anoevó'ho'kasé. See: -vó'ho'ėho'tá ‘shine’; -háevo'ėho'tá ‘very hot’. Category: light, fire.
-ha'xáešé vai. sparkle lie. Ques: check gloss?? É-ha'xáéše. He lay sparkling. ?? É'ȯhkėxaetšėšė-ha'xáešenásesto. They were illuminated by a jumping light. [The Snipe Man.070] Category: light, check.
-hó'tován vti. extinguish s.t. The object extinguished can be a fire, lamp, electric light, or a car engine. É-hó'tována. He turned it (for example, light) off/he extinguished it. Etym: cf *a·ʔte·namwa ‘he extinguishes it by hand’. Hó'továnȯhtse! Turn it off!
vta. extinguish s.o. for example, to extinguish a cigarette (animate). Hó'továneha! Extinguish him (esp. a cigarette)! Synonym -éno'tován. See: -hó'továnahné; -vóho'kȧsena; -éno'továvóhtá; -ho'tovan; -éno'tová'o'h. Category: light.
-hó'továvóhtá vti. extinguish s.t. by blowing. É-hó'továvóhta. He extinguished it (by blowing). for example, blowing out a candle. Hó'továvóhtȯhtse! Blow it out (for example, candle)! fti: -óht. See: -éno'továvóhtá ‘blow out s.t.’; -éstovóhtá ‘blow on s.t.’. Category: light.
hoóneanatóe-vó'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse ni. lantern. Lit: handle-light Category: light.
-nȧha'ėho'he vai. be caught by light. for example, caught by the beam of a flashlight. É-nȧha'ėho'he. He got caught by light. Category: light.
nanévėsévo'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse ni. lamp. Category: light. Lit: transparent(.glass)-light-NOM
-nėhpea'enó'netó vii. be obstructed dark. É-nėhpea'enó'néto. It is so dark you can't see. Category: light.
-ohasé'há vii. shine, sparkle. É-ohasé'ha. It is shining. vti: -ohasé'hahtsé, -ohasé'ó; vai: -ohase'še. See: -ohasévoome; -ohasé; -vó'ho'kȧse'še. Category: light.
-ohaše'še vai. sparkle, shine, shimmer. for example, of snow or the sun. É-ohaše'še. He is sparkling. É-ohašé'šeo'o. They are sparkling. Variant: ohasé'še; vii: ohasé'há. Category: light.
-o'kasé fii. light, shine. for example, of a lamp. Évó'h-ó'káse. It is giving off light. Variant: -o'asé. Category: light.
otá'tavevóho'ėho'hóvahtȯtse ni. blue headlight. Plural otá'tavevóho'ėho'hóvȧhtotȯtse. Category: new, light.
sóhkomevó'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse ni. candle. Lit: slender-light Variant: sóhkomevó'ho'kȧsenestȯtse. Category: light.
sóhkomevó'ho'kȧsenestȯtse ni. candle. Variant: sóhkomevó'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse. Category: light.
taa'éva vóho'ho'ėho'hóvahtȯtse ni. nightlight. Lit: night light Category: new, light.
vóho'ėho'hóvahtȯtse ni. flashlight. Variant: vó'ho'ėho'hóvahtȯtse. Category: light.
-vóho'kȧsé'há vii. sparkle, glitter. É-vóho'kȧsé'ha. It is sparkling. [JOURNEY.TXT] Ho'ēsta éh-vóho'kȧsé'hánėse. A light was shining. tséohkeame-vóho'kȧse'ha ambulance (literally, that which flashes as it goes along). Variant: -vó'ho'kȧsé'há; vai: -vó'ho'kȧsé'še. See: ameohé'tȯsané; ohasé'há. Category: light.
vó'ho'- i. light, shine. Variant: all these forms starting with -vó'h... having to do with 'light' have a subdialectal variant lacking the glottal stop after -vó. Category: light.
-vó'ho'asé vii. alight, lighted, glow, shine. É-vó'hó'áse. It (for example, a lamp) is giving light / the light is on. This would be from an artificial light. Variant: -vó'ho'kasé; fii: -asé1. See: -vó'ho'ėho'tá; -vó'nétó; -ohasé'há ‘sparkle’. Category: light.
-vó'ho'ėhátamáno'e vii. be light. about the environment. É-vó'ho'ėhátamáno'e. It (environment) is light. Ques: recheck ^eh[a?? Phon: iah See: -vó'nétó. Category: environment, light, check.
-vó'ho'ėho'há vti. shine a light on s.t.turn a light on in s.t. can refer to turning a light on it a room. É-vó'ho'ėhō'ha. He shined a light on it. Vó'ho'ėhō'hȯhtse! Shine a light on it! Néh-vó'ho'ėhō'hȯhtse! Shine (toward the speaker) a light on it! Né'anȯhe-vó'ho'ėhō'hȯhtse nemeo'o! Shine a light on it down on your path! [Hymn 69] Ná'ȯhkevóhponevó'ho'ȧhō'ha ma'ovėšenáto. I would strictly turn on a light when I went go to bed. Category: light.
-vó'ho'ėho'hévatamaahe vai. glorious. É-vó'ho'ėho'hévatamaahe. He is glorious. Category: light, personality.
-vó'ho'ėho'h(n) vta. shine on s.o. É-vó'ho'ėho'nóho. He shined a light on him. Náohkeanȯhe-vó'ho'ėho'hee'e naméónéva. It shines down on my path. Category: light.
-vó'ho'ėho'hóvá vai. shine light. Vó'ho'ėho'hóvȧhtse! Shine the light! Category: light.
vó'ho'ėho'hóvahtȯtse ni. flashlight. Variant: vóho'ėho'hóvahtȯtse. Category: light.
-vó'ho'ėho'tá vii. give off light, light - give, shine. for example, of a flashlight. É-vó'ho'ėhō'ta. It is shining. Éháe-vó'ho'ėhō'ta. It is a bright light/flame. See: -vó'netó; -vó'ho'kasé; -háevó'ho'ėho'tá ‘very bright’. Category: light.
Vó'ho'kase na. Light. Variant: Vóho'kase. Category: names, light.
-vó'ho'kasé vii. alight, lighted, glow, shine. É-vó'hó'káse. It (for example, lamp) is giving light / the light is on. This would be from an artificial light. Etym: *wa·Ɂsaxkweθe·wi. Variant: -vó'ho'asé; fii: -asé1. See: -vó'ho'ėho'tá; -vó'nétó; -ohasé'há ‘sparkle’. Category: light.
-vó'ho'kȧsé'há vii. sparkle, glitter. É-vó'ho'kȧsé'ha. It is sparkling. Ho'ēsta éh-vó'ho'kȧsé'hánėse. A light was shining. [JOURNEY.TXT] tséohkeame-vó'ho'kȧse'ha ambulance (lit., that which flashes as it goes along). vai: -vó'ho'kȧsé'še. See: -ameohé'tȯsané; -ohasé'há. Category: light.
vó'ho'kȧsenestȯtse ni. light. Variant: vóho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse, vó'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse. Category: light.
vó'nȧhenestȯtse ni. window. Plural vó'nȧhenéstotȯtse; Locative vó'nȧhenéstóva. See: vó'nétó. Category: light.
-vó'neohtsé vii. daybreak - become. literally, starting to get light. Éase-vó'néóhtse. It is day breaking. Category: light, time.
-vó'neotse vii. become dawn. É-vó'neotse. It became light. See: -voneotse. Category: light.
-vó'nétó vii. light (of the environment). refers to natural light. É-vó'néto. It (the environment) is light. Ésáa-vó'netȯhane. It is not light. Éosee-vó'néto. It is really light (for example, you can see people walking around in the moonlight). Antonym -a'enó'netó. See: -vó'ho'kasé; -vó'ho'ėho'tá; -vó'ho'ėhátamáno'e. Category: light.