Cheyenne Dictionary



áahtsé'-   pv. already, simultaneously, at the same time. often follows preverb éše-. Phon: -e is added preceding a vowel É-áahtsé'nėhešéve. He already did it. Nėhéóhe móná'éše-áahtsé'hestáohtsėhéhe. Móhnėhnóvėho'eohehéhe tséohketoenōvȧhtse. I was already born there. The midwife didn't get there in time. [1987:26] See: vétséno; nėšená-; éše-. Category: time.

áa'e   ni. year. Variant: āā'e; Plural aenȯtse. Phon: iah Etym: *pepo·nwi 'it is winter'. Category: time.

áa'e   ni. year, winter. Plural aenȯtse; Oblique aénéva. Phon: iah Phon: When this word is pronounced by itself it has an unexpected high pitch on its first vowel. This unexpected high pitch is called "iah" (Antepenultimate High Pitch) in this dictionary. Móxhótoanátȯhanéhe áa'e. It was a tough winter. [1987:185] Naa nėhē'še néše-āā'e nėhéóhe ná'éševé'háhtse nėhē'še náhtaévȧhóó'óhtse. And then for two years I stayed there, then I came back home. Aa'e émóna'e. It is a new year. Áa'e Tséhmóna'e New Years. Lit: when it is the new year Numbers of years are expressed by the number before this word for 'year': no'ke-āā'e one year. néše-āā'e two years. na'he-āā'e three years. mȧhtóhtȯhe-āā'e ten years. tónėstȯhe-āā'e for how many years? See: aénamá; éše; éše'he. Etym: **pepo·nwi (R). Category: time.

āā'e émóna'e   vii. new year. Lit: the year is new Usage: likely a modified loan translation from English See: āā'e tsémóna'e; -vo'ėstanéhevé'tá. Category: holidays, time.

Áa'e tsémóna'e   vii. new year. Lit: year that is new There is no standard way of saying Happy New Year in Cheyenne but Áa'e tsémóna'e is fairly commonly said. It does not literally contain the meaning of "happy". Variant: Áa'e tséhmóna'e. Usage: likely a modified loan translation from English See: āā'e émóna'e; -vo'ėstanéhevé'tá. Category: holidays, time.

-aénamá   fai. year(s). Éno'ke-aénáma. He is one year old. Énéše-aénáma. He is two years old. Énóhone-aénáma. He is five years old. Étónėstȯhe-aénáma? How old is he? Lit: he is how many years? Nétónėstȯhe-aénáma? How old are you? See: āā'e; -he-aéname. Category: time.

aénéva   obl. winter time, year. IndepNoun āā'e. Category: time.

-aéneve   vii. winter - be. É-aéneve. It is winter. (another recording) Étaome-aéneve. It is winter as expected. (we can't do anything about it). Ésó'e-aéneve. It is still winter. IndepNoun áa'e winter. Morph: /-aénéve/. Etym: *pepo·no·wi. Category: time.

-aénoo'e   fii. years. Éno'ke-aénoo'e. It was one year long. Naa nėhē'še tséstano'ke-aénoo'etse tséstaévȧhóseameohtsénovetse móstaévȧhósėhénȯhtsevóomėhéhe. And then after one year when they went there again they went to look for him again. [1987:294] Naa éstanėšė= hēā'e= tóhtȯheaénoo'e. And perhaps the years went by. [Haskell.019] Phon: not vs Category: time.

aenȯtse   ni. Gram: pl years, winters. Singular áa'e. Etym: *peponali (Pi). Category: time.

á'e   p. near, close, soon. á'e tónėstȯhéé'ėše after a few days. Naa á'e nėstseovēše. And soon you will go to bed. Antonym háá'ėše. See: káhkėse; káseto; óméso. Category: distance, time.

a'en-   i. long time. É-a'enoo'e. He stayed for a long time. É-a'enénome. He slept for a long time. Category: time.

-a'ena'xané   vai. cry for a long time. É-a'ena'xāne. He cried for a long time. Category: cry, time.

a'ene-   pv. forever, long time. has been extended to mean 'eternal' but does not actually mean that. Émae'-a'eneéestséstove. There are many speeches. (lit., there is so many long lasting speaking). É-a'enea'xaame. He cried for a long time. Nȧháóhe éhnėšeée'-a'enenéehoo'o. She stood up there for a long time. [1987:269] See: háa'éše-. Category: time.

a'ene'xóve-   pv. forever. Tse-a'ene'xóveametanéne. He will live eternally. Category: time.

a'ene'xóvéva   obl. forever. Naa oha tótseha a'ene'xóvéva tsėhéno móhvé'hahtsėhéhe. But then long ago he always was, he had been here all the time. [1987:238] See: tó'ome'xóvéva. Category: time.

-a'enenoné   vai. sing for a long time, sing forever. É-a'enenōne. He sang for a long time. Category: sing, time.

a'eneto   p. for a long time, forever. Category: time.

-ame'xove   vii. time go along. É-ame'xove. Time is going along. naa nėhē'še éta-ame'xove And then time went on ... É-ame'xóvetse His time is coming. ma'taame'xove as time goes along in the future. Category: time.

-ame'xóveohtsé   vii. time pass. É-ame'xóvéóhtse. Time is going by. See: -ame'xóveotse. Category: time.

-ame'xóveotse   vii. along.time.become, time pass become. É-ame'xóveotse.?? Time became.?? See: -ame'xóveohtsé. Category: time, check.

ame'xóvéva   p. as time goes along. See: ameto; nėhe'xóvéva; tsėhe'xóvéva; taame'xóvéva. Category: time.

amėstȯhe-   i. as the time goes along. ma'ta-amėstȯheéno'e in the coming "days" (lit. overnights). See: tónėstȯhe-. Category: time.

-amėstȯheéno'e   vii. be a week long. tsé'-amėstȯheéno'e this week. É-amėstȯheéno'e. It is a week. ma'ta-amėstȯheéno'e next week / in the coming "days" (lit. overnights). ma'tȧhóse-amėstȯheéno'e next week. no'ka tsé'-amėstȯheéno'e one week. nexa tsé'-amėstȯheéno'e two weeks. na'ha tsé'-amėstȯheéno'e three weeks. fii: -éno'e2. See: Ma'heóne-éšeēva; tónėstȯhe-. Category: time.

ameto   p. from now on, as time goes on. See: ame'xóvéva. Category: time.

-amoésé   vai. float by, hang along. É-amoése. He is hanging along (in the air). Etym: *pemakotinwa (P). Éne'éše-amoése. It is the earlier part of forenoon (between sunrise and approximately 9 a.m.). Nésó'eée-amoésenahe? Are you still floating around? (idiomatic for "Are you still thinking?") fai: -oésé; vti: -amoéstá. Category: hang, time, cognition.

áneno   p. some other time. particle to communicate postponement, procrastination. See: maato. Category: time.

anonáveto   p. unorganized. Category: time.

-e'xove   fti. time. Één-e'xove. It is the end. Ékás-e'xóveotse. The time is near. Énėšev-e'xove. Time is "flying". Émón-e'xove. It is early. Category: time.

-ené2   m. overnight. Náno'ke-ēne. I stayed one night. (another recording) Náno'ke-eneoo'e. ?? I stayed (sat) one night. Énéšeēne. ?? He stayed two nights. Ques: recheck pitches?? Nátanéše-ene. I stayed two nights. Éna'he-ēne. ?? He stayed three nights. Étónėstȯhé-éne? How many overnights did he stay? Nétatónėstȯhe-enō'tse? How many nights did you camp out? Nexa ma'heóne-éšeēva nátanėhestȯhe-ene. I stayed two weeks. Éohta-ēne. He stayed overnight. Etym: cf. *-ekon(ak). fii: -éno'e2. See: taa'éva; vóon-. Category: time, check.

-éne'xove   vii. end.time, be the end. É-éne'xove. It is the end. Lit: time ended tsé'-éne'xove the end. Usage: not used as much as hena'háanéhe or nėhē'še for indicating closure fii: -e'xove. See: nėhē'še; hena'háanéhe. Category: time.

Énema'heóneéšeēva   ni. Gram: obl on Monday. Usage: od (another recording) Southern Cheyennes use this word and call Tuesday no'ka éšeēva with Wednesday through Friday subsequently following with consecutively numbered names. For instance, Friday, under the Southern Cheyenne system, is neva éšeēva (lit. fourth day). See: Ma'heóneéšeēva; No'ka Éšeēva. Category: time.

-énema'heóneéšeeve   vii. Monday. É-énema'heóneéšeeve. It is Monday. Lit: be the end of the holy day tsé'-énema'heóneéšeeve when it was Monday. Usage: od Some Northern Cheyennes have used this term. Southern Cheyennes use this term and call Tuesday no'ka éšeēva with Wednesday through Friday subsequently following with consecutively numbered names. That is, for instance, Friday under the Southern Cheyenne system is nova éšeēva (lit. fourth day). See: ma'heóneéšeēva. Category: time.

-énėsétȯhtaa'eve   vii. be after midnight. Lit: end-midnight-be tsé'-énėsétȯhtaa'eve when it was after midnight. See: sétȯhtaa'éva. Category: time.

-énėsétovoése   vai. be afternoon. Lit: end-middle( É-énėsétovoése. It is afternoon. tsé'-énėsétovoése when it was afternoon / in the afternoon. vii: -énėsétovoésta. Category: time.

-énėsétovoésta   vii. be afternoon. Lit: end-middle( É-énėsétovoésta. It is afternoon. (another recording) vai: -énėsétovoése. Category: time.

-énoeme   vii. end of the month. É-énoeme. It is the end of the month. Ééše-énoeme. It is already the end of the month. See: -má'toeme. Category: time.

-éno'e2   m. day, overnight. can refer to a day of the week. É-tónėstȯhe-éno'e? What day of the week is it? ?? Tónėstȯheéno'e? How many days/overnights has it been? Étano'ke-éno'e. It has been one day. Énéše-éno'e. It is the second day of the week. Étanéše-éno'e. It was two days ago. Énéve-éno'e. It was four overnights. For example, it was four overnights ago. Naa tséstanóhone-éno'etse é'évaamėhnesėstse. And on the fifth day he walked. ma'taamėstȯhe-éno'e next week. ma'tȧhóseamėstȯhe-éno'e next week. [1987:109] Phon: iah ?? check with negative or question?? See: -ené2; -éše; éšeēva. Category: time, check.

-eno'tsé   fai., camp overnight. Éno'ke-enō'tse. He camped one night. This final is actually composed of a medial (??) -en (-én??) and the final -o'tsé. See: -éno'e2 overnight; -o'tsé camp. Category: time, check.

eše   ni. day. Plural éšénėstse. Morph: /éše/. Usage: This word may not be used anymore. fni: -éš. See: /-éš/; éšeēva. Etym: *ki·šwekwi; *ki·šekwi (P). Category: time.

-éše   fni. day. This final tells how many days. Words for numbers of days are composed of a number followed by this final. This final is phonologically /-éš/. Since the /š/ is word-final, words with this final undergo vowel-stretching. no'kē-ē'ėše for one day. néšé-é'ėše for two days. na'hē-ē'ėše for three days. naesóhtȯhé-é'ėše for six days. Phon: vs See: éše day; -éno'e; aa'e year. Category: time.

eše   ni. day. Plural éšénėstse; fni: -éš. See: -éš; éšeēva. Category: time.

éše-   pv. already, yet. éše- is similar to English perfective aspect, with "have" and "has". Cheyenne speakers often include éše- when translating English sentences with a simple past tense. It often is not necessary to include the English word "already" when translating a Cheyenne verb with éše- in it. Ná-éšemésehe. I have eaten. Ééše-mésehe. He has eaten. É-éšekȧse'éehéheve. She is already a young woman. É-éševóonā'o. It is already morning. É-éšetaa'eve. It is already night. éše- can occur with the preverb to'se- 'gonna', in preceding or following order: Mó'osáaneotá'méoto'éotsėhéhe tsésto'se-éševó'neotsetse He got up early when it was almost daylight. [1987:170] Násáa'-éšemésėhéhe I haven't eaten yet. Ques: Is there a semantic difference with the different orders? occurs with following pv. hó'ko-: É-éšėhó'komésehe. He HAD to eat (for example, he said he wasn't going to eat, but I told him to stay and eat, so he had to eat). Reduplicated óeše-. Etym: *ki·ši. Category: time.

-éšeame   ni. Gram: poss day (possessed). na-éšeame my day. especially of my birthday. Category: time.

éšeēva   obl. daytime, yesterday. Nėstsevé'-hóhta'heónáne éšeēva; nėstsepa'ke'ōna. Don't tell stories in the daytime; you'll become humpbacked. Reduplicated oéšeēva. See: eše day. Category: time.

-éšeévenome   vai. sleep during daytime. É-éšeévenome. He sleeps during the daytime. Usage: maybe not commonly said Category: sleep, time.

-éše'hamá   m. month. Étónėstȯhe-éše'hāma? How many months old is he? / How many months pregnant is she? Éta-néveéše'hāma. He is four months old. Énėhestȯhe-éše'hāma. That's how many months she has. That is, her months are up; she is due for childbirth. Category: time.

-éše'hame   na. clock (poss), sun (poss), moon (poss). na-éše'hame my clock. [pd517] ne-éše'hamane our (incl) sun/moon. IndepNoun éše'he. Category: time.

éše'he   na. sun, month, moon, watch, clock, calendar, compass. (another recording) (another recording) (another recording) Plural éše'heo'o; Obviative éše'hóho; Oklahoma Dialect kó'ko'ėhaseon. Montana Cheyennes use this word for 'clock' and 'watch' while Okla. Cheyennes say kó'ko'ėhaseo'o 'clock' (literally, ticking thing). With regard to use of éše'he in month names, it should be noted that there is no agreed upon list of names of the months. Several names are commonly known; some have widespread agreement as having been month names; others have limited agreement (see the Cheyenne Topical Dictionary, pages 194-195). Éše'he émo'ȯhtáveotse. The sun eclipsed (lit. became black). éše'he tsénėxhésemé'éhnėse east (lit. where the sun appears from). éše'he tsétȧhešeta'ēhnėse west (lit. where the sun disappears). Énėsto'seéšemé'éne éše'he. the sun is just about up. taa'éeše'he moon (lit. night-sun). Sometimes éše'he is used for either 'sun' or 'moon.'. É-mónahe éše'he. The moon is new (that is, it's a new moon). Matsé'omeéše'he Spring Moon. éše'he tséhoésėstse month (literally, the moon that is hanging?? Category: check. Ques: od?? Category: check. nā'ėstse éše'he one month. neše éše'heo'o two months. na'he éše'heo'o three months. neve éše'heo'o four months. noho éše'heo'o five months. naesohto éše'heo'o six months. nésohto éše'heo'o seven months. na'nohto éše'heo'o eight months. sóohto éše'heo'o nine months. Etym: *ki·šweʔθwa. Plural éše'heo'o; Obviative éše'hóho; Oklahoma Dialect kó'ko'ėhasēō'o. Montana Cheyennes use this word for 'clock' and 'watch' while Okla. Cheyennes say kó'ko'ėhaseo'o 'clock' (lit. ticking thing). With regard to use of éše'he in month names, it should be noted that there is no agreed upon list of names of the months. Several names are commonly known; some have widespread agreement as having been month names; others have limited agreement (cf. Cheyenne Topical Dictionary, pages 194-195). See: ne'eváohtséstomanestȯtse compass. Category: celestial, time.

éšėto'se-   pv. almost, about to. É-éšėto'semá'seotse. It is almost run out. Ná-éšeto'semá'totse'ohe. I am almost finished working. Mó-éšėto'sėhestsevévėšėhéhe. He is about to grow horns (=he is "crazy"). Phon: éše- + to'se- See: tó'e-ase-; tó'ėstó'-; éše-; to'se-. Category: time.

-évaen   ft. quickly. Éna'x-évaenóho. He quickly killed him. Émé'-eváenóho. He found him quickly. Étoe'š-éváéna. He tied it up quickly. Ná'ȯhkėháeš-évaenaeneo'o. They would punish us severely. Éhohtam-eváenóho. He caught up to him quickly. There are some pitch complexities in various verbs this final occurs in which are not yet understood. It appears sometimes that the phonemic shape of this final may be/-éváen/ or else that a high-pitched vowel of a preceding initial or medial may coalesce with the initial vowel of this final. Variant: -váen. See: -oese; nėševe-; -a'xe. Category: time.

évaveto   p. back then, long ago. (another recording) tséohkeévėheševóóhtómo évaveto the way I saw it long ago. [1987:222] See: hákó'e; tȧháóhe; tótseha; nėhe'xóvéva. Category: time.

-háa'éahétó   vii. last for a long time. For example, of something beaded or a house. É-háa'éahéto. It lasted for a long time. Category: time.

háa'éh-   i. high, far, long time. É-háa'éhoo'e. He stayed a long time. É-háa'éhahe. He is old/he is older/he is an elder. The combination of the initial háa'éh- 'long time' plus final -ahe results in the meaning of 'age'. So someone who is -háa'éhahe could literally be said to be of a 'long time state'. ?? Category: check. Antonym tšėhe'kéh-; Preverb háa'éše-. Category: time.

-háa'éhanené   vai. do something for a long time. É-háa'éhanēne. He is doing something for a long time. Initial háa'éh-; Final -anené. Category: time, do.

-háa'éhóhta   vai. take a long time, gone a long time. É-háa'éhóhta. He took a long time. fai: -ohtá3. See: -háa'éhoo'e; -he'éhohtá; -vone'éhohtá. Category: time.

-háa'ého'tá   vii. be there a long time. É-háa'éhó'ta. It was there a long time. Category: time, check.

-háa'éhoo'e   vai. stay a long time. É-háa'éhoo'e. He stayed a long time. Násáa-háa'éhoéhe. I didn't stay a long time. Mó'éšėta'ho-háa'éhoehevóhe. They had been there for a long time. [1987:40] Phon: vs Initial háa'éh-; Reduplicated -hoháa'éhoe; Antonym -nenóvoe. See: -háa'éhohtá; -a'enoe; -hoe; -nėhe'éhoe. Category: time.

háá'ėše   i. long time. É-háa'éšéše. He lay for a long time. É-háa'éšenome. He slept a long time. Móx-háa'éšenomėhéhe hestsevóxéva. He must have slept for a long time in his den. Variant: háa'éh-; Reduplicated hoháa'éše. See: hehpe-; tóne'éše-; he'éše-; -he'še. Category: time.

háa'éše-   pv. long time. É-háa'éšeéestse. He spoke for a long time. É-háa'éšėtaa'eve. It is a long night. tséstȧ-háa'éšetaa'eve when it was late at night. [1987:41] Héva nȧhtsevésė-háa'éševo'ėstanéhévéme. Perhaps we will live a long time. [1987:211] Óvahe ho'honáeo'o éohkėháa'éše-ametanéneo'o. Only the rocks live forever. Reduplicated hoháa'éše-. Category: time.

-háa'éšeméa'há   vii. smell for a long time. É-háa'éšeméá'ha. It smelled for a long time. Initial háa'éše-; Final -méa'há. Category: smell, time.

-háa'éšeméa'xe   vai. smell for a long time. É-háa'éšeméa'xe. He smelled for a long time. Initial háa'éše-; fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell, time.

-háa'éšenome   vai. sleep a long time. É-háa'éšenome. He slept a long time. fai: -énóme. See: háa'éše-. Category: sleep, time.

háehetóéva   obl. late evening. See: hetóéva. Category: time.

-háe'xove   vii. be a long time. É-háe'xove. It is a long time. Ééšė-háe'xove. It has been a long time. Éohkėsáa-háe'xóvėhane. It doesn't take a long time. Násáanȧxeévavóomóhe étanėšė-háe'xóvetse. I had not seen him for a while. Quite a while went by. [1987:173] fii: -'xove. Category: time.

-háe'xóveotse   vii. be a long time. É-háe'xóveotse. It became a long time. Ésáa-háe'xóveotséhanéhetse á'e éxho'hóo'oohe. It wasn't very long after that, soon she came home. [My Testimony.056] Category: time.

háe'xóvéva   obl. quite a while, much time, for a long time. tséhne'évȧhé'ȯhtsévȯse háe'xóvéva after they came back quite a while from over there. [1987:44] Antonym nenóve'xóvéva. See: háá'ėše; háa'éše-; tótseha; évaveto; ame'xóvéva; nómȯse. Category: time.

háestȯhēē'ėše   many days, for many days. See: néšéé'ėše. Category: time.

hákó'e   p. long ago, far (distance and time). (another recording) hákó'e tȧháóhe évaveto long, long ago. See: háá'ėše; évaveto; tótseha. Category: time, distance.

háne éšeēva   obl. the other day, yesterday. Some speakers may use this for 'yesterday' but most seem to use it for 'the other day'. (another recording) Ná-háestȯhanēne háne éšeēva. I was busy yesterday. See: éšeēva; háne. Category: time.

háne taa'éva   obl. the other night. Category: time.

háohtoveéšeēva   n. great day. This is a sacred word used in some ceremonies. It means something like 'this great day set aside'. This can be prayed to the deity about "the people are given to you as your children". Category: ceremonial, time.

-he isó   vii. that long in time. ... é-hé'so. ... it is that long in time. Naa nėhē'še éstanėšėhováneehéhoo'o áa'e tséoxhe isotse. And then he was gone a year, that is how long. See: nėhe'xóvéva at that time. Category: time.

hééšeame2   ni. his/her birthday. Lit: his/her day See: tséxhestáotsėse. Category: time.

-he-éše'hame   vai. 1 • have a clock. Éhe-éše'hame. He has a clock.

2 • have the time. Usage: loan transl. from English Néhe-éše'hamehe? Do you have a watch? Mónéhe-éše'hame? Do you have a clock/the time? That is, "What time is it?" See: -éšeame. Category: time.

hehpēē'ėše   ni. Gram: obl beyond a day. See: névéé'ėše. Category: time.

-hehpehné éše'he   vai. past noon. Ééšė-hehpēhne éše'he. It is past noon. Lit: beyond-walk sun Category: time.

hehpe'še   p. farther on in time. can be a functional command; for example, 'Turn the calendar; it is not until next month!'. See: nȧhéstó'e; nėhē'še; tsėhe'še; he'še-. Category: time.

-hehpe'xove   vii. be past time. Ééšė-hehpe'xove. It is past time. Category: time.

hehpe'xóvéva   p. later. See: hehpeto; novėse-. Category: time.

hehpeto   p. later, farther, a little bit more. (another recording) hehpeto tsé'éšeméoese Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe after the battle with Long Hair (Custer). [1987:59] Preverb hehpe-. See: hehpe'xóvéva; maato. Category: time, degree, quantity.

-hehpoéstá   vii. hang beyond, past in time. É-hehpoésta. It is hanging beyond. for example, it's past noon. Ééšė-hehpoésta tséhno'kȯxe'ohe. It is after 1 o'clock. Neva o'xe ééšė-hehpoésta. It is 4:30 p.m. Ééšė-hehpoésta. It is already past time. for example, already past 6 o'clock. fii: -oéstá2; vai: -hehpoésé. See: -hoéstá hang. Category: time, hang.

-he'éhóhtá   vai. Gram: rr gone so long, stay so long. ... é-he'éhóhta. ... that is how long he stayed. tsétȧ-he'éhóhtȧse while he was gone. fai: -ohtá3. See: -háa'éhohtá; -tóne'éhohtá. Category: time.

-he'esó   vii. Gram: rr that long in time, that far. É-he'ēso. It is that far; it is that long in time. Eše tsé-he'ėsotse hestónaho mó'ȯhkenėhešetanó'tovȯhevóhe all day long she would think about her daughter that way. [1987:57] Naa nėhē'še éstanėšėhováneehéhoo'o áa'e tséox-he'ėsotse. And then he was gone a year, that is how long. [Two Young Ladies] Category: time, distance.

he'éš-   i. while. tséssó'méo-he'éšenomėse while she was still asleep in the morning. [1987:269] See: nėšená-; só'(e)-; he'še-. Category: time.

he'éše-   pv. Gram: rr while, as long as, such time. tsé-he'éševo'ėstanéhévétse while we live / as long as we live. tsé-he'éšeméaneve throughout the summer. Énė-he'éšėháomóhtahe nā'ėstse éše'he. He has been sick one month. Naa nėhéóhe násáahéne'enomóvóhe tsé-he'éševéévȯse. I don't know how long they camped there like that. [1987:28] Nėstseévaamemévemeno tsé-he'éševo'ėstanéhévése. You will eat us, as long as you are alive. [1987:247] See: he'še-; háa'éše-; tóne'éše-. Category: time.

-he'éšetanéné   vai. Gram: rr live for so long, so long live; be alive for so long. tsé-he'éšetanéneto as long as you are alive. Násáa'évatónėšenȧho'ȯhtsévóhe tsé-he'éšetanénéto I cannot go back to him as long as I live. tsé-he'éšetanénėstove as long as there is life. See: -ametanéné be alive. Category: time.

He'konénėhesó-eše'he   Little Hard Face Moon, February. possible alternative month name. See: Ma'xȯhohtsé-eše'he; Tšėške'hohtsé-eše'he. Category: time.

he'še-   pv. when, during, while, since, of such time. a relative preverb. tsé-he'šenaóotséto while I was sleeping. tsé-he'šeénano'éstove during planting. tsé-he'šėsó'pėhéve'xove while there is still time. Ééšeáahtse'to'sėho'nėhe'xóveotse tséto'sė-he'šeaseohtsése. It is almost time for you (pl) to leave again. Násáahéne'enóhe tséto'sė-he'šeanéotsėse. I don't know when she is going to deliver. Étanėhestȯheaénoo'e tséx-he'šėhéstȧhéto. It has been that many years since I was born. Tsé-he'šė-sáaho'oo'kȯhóhane nȧhtȧhóo'ōhtse. before it rains I'll go home. É'óvėsėho'soo'ėstse héne násáahéne'enomóvóhe naa máto tséx-he'šeénanáévȯsenótȧxévé'hó'e. Whether she also danced, that I don't know, and also (I don't know) when they were released bythe soldiers. (1987:28). See: he'éše-; nėhē'še; tsėhe'še; -háa'éše; -nėšená; vone'še-. Category: time.

-he'xove   vii. Gram: rr be that time. ... é-he'xove. ... it was at that time. Category: time.

-hestoo'e   vii. occur. Éto'sė-hestoo'e. It is going to occur (at that time). Phon: vs Category: time, check.

Heše'évenéheéše'he   na. Dirt Face Moon, March, April. possible alternative month name. See: Ponomá'ėhasenéeše'he. Category: time.

hetóéva   obl. in the evening. If there is no other clue from the context, hetóéva refers to last evening. Notice that the most important word comes first in the following sentences: Hetóéva námésehe. Last evening I ate. Hetóéva émésėhévoésta. It is suppertime. Tóne'še némésehe hetóéva? When did you eat last evening? Tóne'xóvéva hetóéva néto'semésehe? When in the evening are you going to eat? Háa, naa mȧhvóonā'o hetóéva nėstaévȧhóseéestsėstóvatséme. Yes and tomorrow evening I'll speak to you plural again. háe-hetóéva late evening. Etym: *weθa·owe· (P). See: háehetóéva. Category: time.

hetóeve-   pv. evening. É-hetóevėho'ėhóo'ōhtse. He came home in the evening. Épėhévė-hetóeve. It is a good evening. Né-hetóevemésėhehe? Did you eat in the evening? Etym: *waθa·kw-/weθa·kw-. Category: time.

-hetóeve   vii. be evening. É-hetóeve. It is evening. Ééšė-hetóeve. It is already evening. Etym: *weθa·kwiwi it is evening. Category: time.

-hetóeveohtsé   vii. evening.PROC. É-hetóévéóhtse. It is becoming evening. Émóneasė-hetóévéóhtse. It was starting to be early evening. Category: time.

-hetóeveotse   vii. become evening. É-hetóeveotse. It has become evening. Category: time.

hetóse-   pv. continually. Éohkė-hetósemane. He always drinks. Éohkė-hetósetaā'e. He/She always beats his/her spouse. Phon: redup of hóse- ?? Category: check. Non-reduplicated hóse-; Variant: hótȯse-. See: ohke-; hovave-; ho'ó'omee-; a'ene-. Category: time.

hétsėstseha   p. now, right now. Usage: This pronunciation should be compared with hétsetseha. This form is pronounced more quickly than hétsetseha. Not all speakers seem to have this form. Some speakers may have only this form. Other speakers seem to have both. For some speakers the difference between the two forms is that this pronunciation is more immediate in time, meaning "right now." Variant: hétsetseha. Category: time.

hétsetseha   p. now. (another recording) hétsetseha éšeēva today. hétsetseha taa'éva tonight. hétsetseha hetóéva this evening. Variant: hétsėstseha. See: tsėhe'xóvéva. Category: time.

hétsetseha éšeēva   p. today. Category: time.

hétsetseha hetóéva   p. this evening. Category: time.

hétsetseha taa'éva   p. tonight. Category: time.

hévámóto   p. that is when. Category: check. Hévámóto móstanoo'ȯhtséhenotóhe. That is when he abandoned them. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).076] See: nėhe'xóvéva; vétséno. Category: time.

hoéstoneéše'he   na. calendar. Usage: probably a new word, compared with use of éše'he by itself for 'month' Lit: count-moon Variant: éše'he. Category: time.

-hoháa'éhoo'e   vai. be there for a very long time. É-hoháa'éhoo'e. He was there for a very long time. [1987:40] Mó'éšėta'-hoháe'éhoehevóhe. They had been there for a very long time. Phon: vs Non-reduplicated -háa'éhoo'e. See: -vone'éhoo'e; -hoo'e. Category: time.

hoháa'eše   p. very late. hoháa'eše taa'éva very late at night. [1987:269] See: hoháá'ėše very far. Category: time.

hoháa'éše-   pv. very late. hoháa'éšetaa'éva very late at night. [My Testimony.087] Non-reduplicated háa'éše-. Category: time.

hóhnee-   pv. freely, on the spur of the moment, immediately. É-hóhnee'aseváoohe. He right away threw (especially a ball). é'ȯhketó'-hóhneenȧha'e'a ho'emanestȯtse you come against the law  ?? Tsétsėhéstȧhese éohkėsáa-hóhneehó'xatsėstȧhéheo'o. Cheyennes are not boldly (freely) friendly. "Héehe'e," éstȧxae-hóhneehetaehoono. "Yes," she quickly told him. [1987:253 ??] Variant: hóhne- ??. Category: check, check, time.

hóhneeto   p. freely, on the spur of the moment, immediately. Preverb hóhnee-. Category: check, time.

-hohpȯhnóomaeotse   vii. be dusk. É-hohpȯhnóomaeotse. It is dusk. See: -hovenóomaeotse; -hetóeve. Category: time, weather.

-hóhtȧhnésȯxe'ohe   vii. twelve o'clock, 12 o'clock. É-hóhtȧhnésȯxe'ohe. It is 12 o'clock. Category: time.

-hóhtȧhno'kȯxe'ohe   vii. eleven o'clock, 11 o'clock. É-hóhtȧhno'kȯxe'ohe. It is 11 o'clock. Category: time.

hóhtȧhno'tšēē'ėše   ni. eleven days. Variant: hóhtȧhno'kēē'ėše. Ques: recheck everything?? Category: time, check.

Hohtseéše'he   na. Hoop Moon, January. See: He'konenéeše'he; hóhtséme. Category: time, months.

hó'étóva   p. sometime, one day, once, someday, suddenly, out-of-the-blue, at once. Sometimes has the meaning of 'suddenly, all of a sudden'. Variant: hó'ótóva. Usage: Hó'ótóva is the more common pronunciation. Category: time.

ho'etove-   pv. sometime. Variant: ho'otove-. See: hó'ótóva; hó'étóva. Category: time, check.

hó'hóma   p. 1 • this side, closer. See: néxhó'hóma this side. Antonym nȧhéstó'e. Category: positions.

2 • before. Tséxhovánee'ėse Náhkȯhno'kaestse hó'hóma móhnėxhósevéstoemȯhevóhe Heséehé'éva. When One Bear died (to whom she was married before), she then married Ridgewalker. [1987:31] Etym: *a·ʔθamenki. See: hehpeto; maato. Category: time.

-ho'oeme   vai. arrive at such value, arrive at such date. Tóne'še é-ho'oeme? What date is it (today)? See: -ho'oésta. Category: time.

-ho'oésé1   vai. arrive hanging. É-ho'oése. He arrived (at that spot) hanging. Tóne'še é-ho'oése? What time is it? (literally, When has he (especially the sun) arrived hanging?) Ma'ēno é-ho'oése. Fog has arrived. fai: -oésé1; vii: -ho'oéstá1. Category: hang, time.

-ho'oéstá1   vii. arrive hanging. Tóne'še é-ho'oésta? What time is it? Lit: When has it arrived hanging?) Tóne'še ééšė-ho'oésta? What time is it already? Ééšė-ho'oésta. It is time. For example, it is time for a break. That word is more natural historically than ééšėho'nėhe'xove ?? fii: -oéstá1. See: -ho'oéstá2 arrive floating. Category: check, hang, time.

-ho'oéstaotse   vii. time become. Móéšeáahtsé'-ho'oéstaotséhanéhe. It must be almost time. Category: time.

ho'ó'omee-   pv. often. Ho'ó'omee-amėháóéna! Often pray! (I Thess. 5:17). See: hetóse-; nėše-; ame-; ánénóó'ėse; totóne'še. Category: time.

hó'ótóva   p. sometime, one day, once, someday, suddenly, out-of-the-blue; at once, once in a while. Sometimes has the meaning of 'suddenly, all of a sudden'. Variant: hó'étóva. Usage: Hó'ótóva is the more common pronunciation. Although classified here as a particle, it functions as an indefinite pronoun of time, semantically parallel with Cheyenne nevá'esėstse, hová'éhe, tósa'e, etc. This word can refer to a past time similar to English 'once upon a time', but more like 'one day', as establishing a time frame for a discourse segment. It does not seem to have the idea of 'once', as in a single instance, for which no'ka is used, instead. Hó'ótóva can also refer to future time, the precise time of which is not known. Instead of being close to English 'once upon a time' or 'one day', it seems to have more the meaning of 'out of the blue', as well as 'sometime' and 'someday'. Perhaps speakers vary in whether or not they allow this particle to have a past time reference function, as has English 'once upon a time.'. É'ȯhkėsáanȧho'ȯhtsévȯsesto. Naa hó'ótóva móhnȧho'ȯhtsévȯhevovóhe. They did not used to visit them. And (then) one day they did visit them. [1987:3:3-4] Hó'ótóva éšeeva netao'o he'ama énėsto'semȧhepéeohtsénėse naa ho'e. Someday all heaven will be destroyed, and the earth (also). [Hymn 39] Hó'ótóva nȧhtsevoneotse. Someday I'll be gone (dead). [1987:206] Hó'ótóva néh-nȧho'ȯhtséveo'o! Come visit me sometime! hó'ótóva no'ka éšeeva one day (sometime in the past). [GO: 7/95] Hó'ótóva éává'o. All of a sudden he fell. [see 1987:3:5 for 'all of a sudden' sense] Hó'ótóva nétao'sėtsėhe'ȯhtsehe É'ėxováhtóva? Sometime will you go to Billings? See: moméno; hóótóváne; sé'hove-; mȧsó-; ho'etove-. Category: time.

ho'óxe-   pv. last, at the end. tsé'ȯhkė-ho'óxeóoméetootse when the last snow squalls come through. [1987:32] Nétȧ-ho'óxenėhetatséme. I'm at the end telling you (pl) (that) (that is, he is almost finished). Ho'óxe-néšeha! Nurse him before you leave! (for example, at the end of your visit). Particle ho'óxeto. See: ho'óxove-. Category: time, positions.

-hómoésé   vai. almost sunset. Éhómoése. ?? Étaéšė-hómoése. It is almost sunset. See: -hoésená; -ta'ehné. Category: time, check.

hóse-1   pv. again, also, next, more. used whether of the same person or of a similar repeated action; semantically broader than English 'again'. É-hóseává'o. He fell over again. Néx-hósenėhešeha! Say it again! Ééšė-hósemane. He is drinking again (usually implies drinking alcohol). Ééšė-hósėtó'omeotse. He has frozen up again. tséx-hósevóonā'o the next morning. Nėhéóhe náx-hóseá'ena néhe hetane. I was kept there by this man also. Néx-hósemetsėstse! Give me some more! Naa nėhē'še náto'sė-hósenėstōvo. And then I'm going to ask him. Particle hóseto; Reduplicated hetóse-, hótȯse-. See: éva-; vése-; no'(e)-; mato; hósėstse; hóse-2. Category: time.

-hosóvoomaeohtsé   vii. dawn. É-hosóvoomaeōhtse. It is dawning. [1987:53] Ques: does the literal meaning have to do with receding, perhaps of the night receding?? Variant: -sévoomaeohtsé. Category: time, check.

-hosóvoománo'e   vii. dawn. É-hosóvoománo'e. It is dawn. Nėhē'še tsé'éšėto'sė-hosóvoomano'etse tséstana'heeno'etse nėhe'šemóstatsėhe'ȯhtsėhevóhe. Then towards daybreak on the third night, then they went over there. [1987:298] Phon: iah Variant: -hesóvoománo'e, -sóvoománo'e. See: -a'enó'nevóománo'e. Category: time.

hótȯse-   pv. repeatedly. Ná-hótȯsenėhēto. I repeatedly asked him. Variant: hetóse-; Non-reduplicated hóse-. See: ohke-; hovave-; ho'ó'omee-; a'ene-. Category: time.

-hová'eéšeeve   vii. What day is today? É-hová'eéšeeve? What day is today? See: -tónėšeéšeeve. Category: time.

hta-   tns.dir. future tense plus translocative 'away'. Phon: portmanteau morpheme Nȧ-htanėhešéve. I'll do it. Nȧ-htȧho'eohe. I will arrive. Nȧ-htaévȧhóseevóómo. I'll see him again. Nė-staévȧhósevóomȧtse. I'll see you again. Phon: htse- + ta- (that is, hta-) portmanteau occurs only with first and second person verb prefixes (the preceding pronominal prefix vowel will be voiceless); with third person referential subject there is no portmanteau, rather, the two morphemes (future +translocative) occur as the sequence tse-ta, for example, tsė-tȧ-ho'ēhne 'he will come (there)' See: htse-; to'se-. Category: time, grammar.

htse-1   tns. future tense. Verbs marked with htse- are for action that occurs sooner than verbs with to'se 'going to'. Some speakers have emphasized that there is more certainty with to'se- that something will happen than with htse-. The -h of htse- is omitted with third person subjects (he, she, it, they). Also the third person prefix /é-/ does not occur with the future tense. The vowel of a pronominal prefix is whispered before htse- and stse-. Verbs with the future tense can become something close to a wish, a prayer, or a spiritual statement that causes the future event to occur. Nȧ-htsenéméne. I shall sing. Nȧ-htsėhoo'e. I will be here. Nė-stsepėhéveotse. You will get better. Tsemésehe. He will eat. Nė-stsetoo'hame. You will swim. Mo'éhno'hāme tseta-ama'óheo'o. The horses will be herded. [1987:29] Tóne'xóvéva nė-stseévȧhósevóomȧtse? When will I see you again? Ééšėto'setonóeve, nėhē'še tsė-ho'ééto. It is almost fall, then it will snow. Etym: *eti (P); cf. Arapaho eti- 'future' (Goddard review of The Arapaho Language). See: tse-; hta-; to'se-. Category: time, grammar.

-káhoése   vai. hang close, be close to evening. especially of the setting sun, close to evening. É-káhoése. He is hanging close. Étaéšė-káhoése éše'he. It is near sunset. See: -ka'oése. Category: time.

káse-   pv. short, close. Móosee-káseoestȯhoehevóhe. It must have shot her really up close. [Croft 1988:30:23] Reduplicated kokáse-. Category: time, distance.

-káse'xove   vii. short time; be a short time. É-káse'xove. It is a short time. fii: -e'xóve. Category: time.

-káse'xóveohtsé   vii. time run out. É-káse'xóvéóhtse. Time is running out; it's almost time. Category: time.

-káse'xóveotse   vii. time be near. É-káse'xóveotse. The time is near. [Beadwork Visit.115] fii: -e'xóve. Category: time.

káse'xóvéva   p. for a short time. See: nenóve'xóvéva; á'e. Category: time.

káseto   p. short time, in a short time. See: káhkėse; á'e; káse'xóvéva. Category: time.

kokáhkėse   p. every once in a while. Non-reduplicated káhkėse. Phon: redup See: totóne'še; totósa'e. Category: time.

kokáse-   pv. at short intervals. É-kokásemésehe. He ate in short intervals. [PD617] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated káse-. See: totóne'še. Category: time.

kó'ko'ėhasēō'o   na. watch, clock. Lit: ticking (thing) onomatopoeic word. Plural kó'ko'ėhaseono.

ni. watch, clock. This word for clock is inanimate for some speakers in Oklahoma. Plural kó'ko'ėhaseonȯtse. Ques: rerecord plural Montana Dialect éše'he. This is one of a few words which are recognized to be used differently by Oklahoma and Montana speakers. There do not seem to be any differences in the morphology of words between the Cheyenne spoken in Montana and Oklahoma. Following is the entire list of words which are known at this point to be different between what are called the Northern and Southern dialects of Cheyenne. Here, and elsewhere in this dictionary, "od" refers to Oklahoma Dialect, while "md" refers to Montana Dialect. clock: od: kó'ko'ėhaseo'o (onomatopoeic; lit. ticking thing) md: éše'he (orig. meaning of 'sun' and continues to mean this in both od and md) apple: od: má'xeme (inanimate); ma'xemenȯtse 'apples' md: má'xeme (animate); ma'xemeno 'apples 'watermelon: od: mȧhōō'o (in md, as well as od, this also has the general meaning of 'melon') md: nėxó'mévéhe (lit. raw eating thing) cucumber: od: heškóvemȧhōō'o (lit. thorny-melon) md: mata (the same word used for 'peyote'; some md speakers may use heškóve-mȧhōō'o for 'cucumber', also ?? check cat: od: ka'énė-hótame (lit. short-nosed-dog; the literal meaning may have initially sounded like "short-nosed-dog", but historically hótame seems to have been semantically extended beyond original 'dog', to something like 'small domesticated animal'; cf. éškȯseesé-hotame 'pig' (lit. sharp-nosed-dog); for md speakers, and perhaps for some od speakers, too, this means 'bulldog') md: póéso (we suspect this is a sound translation from English "pussy") pay: od: éhóeotsėsāne 'he got paid' (lit. he is bringing (something) out; refers to bringing money out of the office) md: éonénėxȯhemohe 'he got paid' (lit. it was destroyed to him; perhaps refers to destroying an indebtedness) crackers: od: tóhkonave-kóhkonȯheonȯtse (lit. skinny little breads; it is said that od speakers call crackers this, in teasing imitation of the md word) md:mo'óhkonave-kóhkonȯheonȯtse (lit. dried little breads) potatoes: od: aéstome-mésėhéstoto (lit. false eating things) md: mésėhéstoto (lit.eating things) He is really a strong Christian (typically said with derision): od: éhoháestaahe (lit.he-very.much-baptized(?)) md: éhoháema'heónevé'ho'eve (lit.he-very.much-holy-whiteman-be). Some Oklahoma speakers call a car amȧho'héhe (animate), while the most common term in Montana is inanimate amȧho'hestȯtse. When saying days of the week, Oklahoma speakers begin counting of the 'first day 'with Tuesday (and calling Monday the 'end of the holy day'), while Montana speakers start the 'first day' with Monday. The words for 'Saturday' and 'Sunday' are the same in Montana and Oklahoma, so Montana speakers pronounce five days with a number in the term for the day of the week, while Oklahoma speakers only have four. In each case of a dialect word difference which we have listed, speakers from one area understand what speakers from the other area mean when they say one of the words. Good-natured joking takes place over such words. For instance, a Northern Cheyenne speaker may teasingly ask a Southern Cheyenne speaker how he pronounces the word for 'cat'. When the answer ka'énė-hótame is given, there is laughter. The Northern Cheyenne speaker might say, "Oh, but that means 'short nosed dog'!' Then the Southern Cheyenne speaker might ask (already knowing the answer) what the Northern Cheyenne word for 'cat' is. When he gets the response póéso, he has a good laugh. It has been claimed by Moore (1987:99) that Montana speakers refer to 'horse' as mo'éhno'ha while Oklahoma speakers refer to a horse as nȧhtōtse, literally, 'my pet'. But this claim is incorrect. There is abundant evidence in the field notes of several researchers, whose work spans numerous decades, that both Oklahoma and Montana speakers refer to 'horse' as mo'éhno'ha. Whichever term will be used is not one of a geographical difference but rather a difference in a speaker's personal intention when he is speaking. If speakers focus on the pet relationship to their horse, they use the word nȧhtōtse. Otherwise, they use the word mo'éhno'ha. vai: -kó'ko'ešé. Category: time.

-kó'ko'ešé   vai. tick lying, lie ticking. This is ticking as of a clock. This is said to be an Oklahoma word. Oklahoma Dialect  É-kó'ko'ēše. He (a clock) is lying there ticking. Ééne-kó'ko'ēše. (The clock) stopped (ticking). IndepNoun kó'ko'ėhasēō'o. See: -kó'ko'ėhasené. Category: time, Oklahoma.

-kónoéstá   vii. bell ring. Lit: hit-hang This word refers to the ringing (hitting) of a bell at a certain time; the "hanging" final of the verb originates from the telling of time by where the sun "hangs". Ééše-kónoésta. The bell has rung (that is, it's the bell time). Category: time.

'xóve   m. time. Énėšė-só'xóvetseto éohkemé'emetotse hevéhestovevótse. (From then) until now their names are mentioned. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.062] Category: time.

maato   p. front, in the future, ahead. for example, the front seat of a car, or in the future. This word can be an indication of cultural resignation, similar to fatalism, something like English, "Well, someday, maybe it will happen, maybe it won't, we won't worry about it today, and we don't have much concern about the situation or motivation to do anything about it." Maato náhešeává'o. I fell forward. Lit: forward that is how I fell Naa néhe ná'ėstse maato móstsėheta'hasó'heohehéhe. And the other (soldier) rode up to the front (of him). [1987:22] Naa maato nétaohkevé'hoohtanone tsépėhéva'e. And let's look ahead for what is good. [1987:241] Maato né'e'evonēhnėstse! Get in the front (for example, of the car)! See: ma'kėse-; nȧhéstó'e; tá'e; nȯse'to; máto. Category: time, positions.

maato tsé'énanėse éše'he   cj. daylight saving time. Lit: when the clock is put forward ?? Category: check, new. See: -énan. Category: time.

mȧh-ma'heóneéšeeve   vii. when it is Sunday; on Sunday. referring to a time which has not arrived yet. Category: time.

mȧhméovóonā'o   vii. early tomorrow morning. See: mah-; méo-; -vóona'ó. Category: time.

mȧhové'še   p. finally. See: tá'e mȧhové'še; -mȧhovešé. Category: time.

mȧhtóhtȯhéé'ėše   p. ten days. Category: numbers, time.

-mȧhtóhtȯhnȯxe'ohe   vii. ten o'clock - be. É-mȧhtóhtȯhnȯxe'ohe. It is 10 o'clock. Lit: ten-written Category: time.

mȧhvóonā'o   vii. tomorrow. Lit: when it is morning ma'tavóonā'o 'when it is morning'; tséhvóonā'o 'when it was morning'. See: -vóona'ó; ma'tavóonā'o. Category: time.

Ma'heóneéšeēva   obl. on Sunday, one week ago. Lit: holy-day-OBL Variant: Ma'xema'heóneéšeēva Big Holy Day; Oklahoma Dialect Énema'heóneéšeēva. See: -amėstȯheéno'e. Category: time.

-ma'heóneéšeeve   vii. holy day, Sunday. É-ma'heóneéšeeve. It is the holy day. refers to Sunday, for Cheyennes. Category: time.

ma'taame'xove   vii. as time goes along in the future. Category: time.

ma'taamėstȯheéno'e   vii. next week. fii: -éno'e2. Category: time.

ma'tavóonā'o   vii. tomorrow. Lit: CJ-TRANS-morning See: -vóona'ó; mȧhvóonā'o. Category: time.

-má'toeme   vii. end of the month - be the. É-má'toeme. It is the last day of the month. Etym: *me·Ɂtakimowa. Ééše-má'toeme. It is already the end of the month. See: -énoeme. Category: time.

ma'-tšėške'ma'heóneéšeeve   vii. when it is Saturday, on Saturday. Category: time.

Ma'xema'heóneéšeēva   obl. Sunday. Lit: big-holy-day Variant: Ma'heóneéšeēva. Category: time.

mȧsó-   pv. suddenly, all the group, in a burst. É-mȧsóa'xaeméotse. He burst out crying. É-mȧsóhohátseotse. He burst out laughing. [1987:180] tséh-mȧsómeo'ėstséstove tsé'énetȧhtséstovetsé'ée-mȧsótaomeasevo'ėstanéhévévȯse tsėhéóhe tsé'éemaeévȧho'eohtsévȯse during the battles and after the end of fighting, when they started to make a living for themselves here when they came back. [1987:188] Variant: mȧsóe-. See: mȧhe-; mae-; hó'ótóva; sé'hove-. Category: time, quantity.

matsé'oméva   obl. spring. The season of the year. Category: time.

-matsé'omeve   vii. be spring (season). É-matsé'omeve. It is springtime. Etym: *melo·xkamyiwi (P). Category: time.

méané   obl. in summertime. Category: time.

méo-   pv. morning. Ná-méotō'e. I got up this morning. Ná-méošé'šeotse. I woke up early in the morning. É-méovóonā'o. It is early morning. Nėstȧhóse-méovóomȧtse. I'll see you again tomorrow morning. É-méoho'ééto. It snowed this morning. É-méokóhkonȯheonāne. She made bread this morning. Náosee-méotō'e. I got up really early this morning. É-méohomōse. He cooked breakfast. Ná-méoháéána. I was hungry this morning. Ná-méomésehe. I ate breakfast. Lit: I-morning-eat Náohke-méomésehe. I regularly eat breakfast. Nééše-méomésėhehe? Did you already eat breakfast. Hénová'e tsé-méoméseto? What did you eat for breakfast? Nėhe'xóvéva é'ȯhkeosée'évėhoháe-méoto'eo'o tsééšėhátaa'éhahese. At that time the older people used to get up very early. [1987:170] tséh-méovóonā'o early this morning. Etym: cf. M mi:p. See: -vóona'ó. Category: time.

-méovóona'ó   vii. early morning. tsésta-méovóonā'o when it was early morning. Category: time.

-mésėhévoéstá   vii. mealtime - be, noon - be. Lit: eating-time É-mésėhévoésta. It is noon time. A typical humorous response to Émésėhévoésta is A'eotsé'tome! '(You plural) Charge at it!' Another response is A'etsé'tome! 'Be thankful for (the food)!' ?? Category: check. Hetóéva émésėhévoésta. It is supper time. See: -sétovoéstá; -sétovoéstanené; -ho'oéstanené; -a'eotsé'tá. Category: time, eat.

-mésėhévoestanené   vai. eat at mealtime. Hetóéva ná-mésėhévoéstanēne. I'm eating supper. (lit. in the evening I'm at eating time). Category: eat, time.

móhtoto   p. early in life, soon, right away. Usage: obsolescing móhtoto tsé'aeseéestsėstoese early in life when he is started to be talked to. [Family Harmony:61] See: sé'ea'e. Category: family, time.

moméno   p. sometimes. Naa moméno é'ȯhkėsáahoéhesėstse. And sometimes he would not be (there) (reportative mode). [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.149] Preverb moméne-. See: hó'ótóva. Category: time.

-mométsėstóvo   vii. takes time. É-mométsėstóvó. It takes time (to be done as required). especially refers to the time it takes to do something properly. Category: time.

-momoésé   vai. midafternoon. É-momoése. It is midafternoon. Category: time.

móne-   pv. recently, freshly, newly, just (temporal), early, soon, later. móne- refers to 'just' in terms of time while vá'ne- refers to 'just' in terms of 'only, merely'. É-móneéxanēne. He just now got ready. Ná-mónemésehe. I just ate. Móné-mónetō'e? Did you just get up? É-mónėsétovoésta. It is early afternoon. tséh-mónease'xove in the beginning of time. Náto'seméhae-móneévaénanāā'e. They were going to let me go soon. naa nátavá'ne-móneaseōhtse tsé'éšėháa'éhahéto and I left soon after I grew up. [1987:217] Nȧhta-mónemésehe. I'll eater later. Etym: *ma·ni. See: vá'ne-. Category: time.

-móneénėsétovoéstá   vii. early afternoon. É-móneénėsétovoésta. It is early afternoon. Category: time.

mónėhetóéva   obl. early evening. See: hetóéva; mónetaa'éva. Category: time.

-móne'xove   vii. early in time. É-móne'xove. It is early. fii: -e'xóve. Category: time.

mónetaa'éva   ni. Gram: obl early night. See: taa'éva; mónėhetóéva. Category: time.

móxhétsėháno   p. recently. See: móne-. Category: time.

naesóhtȯhéé'ėše   p. 6 days, six days. Category: time, numbers.

naesóhtȯhéé'ėše   p. for six days.  -éše. Category: numbers, time.

-naesóhtȯxe'ohe   vii. be six o'clock. É-naesóhtȯxe'ohe. It is 6 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.

nȧháxe-   pv. quite a while, not soon, not recently. Násáa-nȧháxevóomóhe. I had not seen him recently. See: nonȧháxe-; tšėhe'še. Category: time.

na'ha éšeēva   obl. Wednesday. Lit: third day Category: time.

na'ha ma'éšeeve   vii. when it is Wednesday; on Wednesday. Category: time.

na'ha tsé'éšeeve   vii. when it was Wednesday. Category: time.

na'heāā'e   ni. for three years. Etym: *neɁθwipepone· (P). IndepNoun áa'e. Category: time.

na'hēē'ėše   p. for three days. (another recording) Etym: *neɁθwiki·šehkwe· (P).  -éše. Category: numbers, time.

-na'heené   vai. stay three nights. É-na'heēne. He stayed three nights. Medial -ené2. Category: time, check.

na'nóhtȯhéé'ėše   p. for eight days. Category: numbers, time.

-na'nóhtȯhnȯxe'ohe   vii. eight o'clock. É-na'nóhtȯhnȯxe'ohe. It is 8 o'clock. Lit: It is 8 written. Variant: -na'nóhtȯxe'ohe. Category: time.

-na'nóhtȯxe'ohe   vii. 8 o'clock. É-na'nóhtȯxe'ohe. It is 8 o'clock. Ééše-na'nóhtȯxe'ohe. It is already 8 o'clock. Náhóseméovovéstomósáne tséhna'nóhtȯxe'ohe. I taught again this morning at 8 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe; Variant: -na'nóhtȯhnȯxe'ohe. Category: time, numbers.

-na'nȯxe'ohe   vii. three o'clock. É-na'nȯxe'ohe. It is 3 o'clock. tséh-na'nȯxe'ohe when it was 3 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.

néhe-1   pv. quickly, sooner than usual, early. Éto'se-néheamēhne. He is just about to walk (for example, to learn to walk). Énéhe-nȧha'ēna. He caught on quickly. Éohke-néhea'xaaméotse. He easily (or quickly) cries. É-néhemésehe. He ate sooner. Ná-néhená'tose. I get cold easily / quickly. for example, before other people ate, or before the regular time. Néohke-néhená'tȯsehe? Do you get cold quickly? É-néheka'a'xe. He (or she) made movements in copulation (at orgasm??). Initial néh-. See: nėševe-; -oest; móne-. Category: time, sex.

-nėhe'éhohtá   vai. be gone that long. É-nėhe'éhóhta. He was gone that long. See: -nėhe'éhoo'e; -he'éhohtá; -háa'éhohtá. Category: time.

-nėhe'éhoo'e   vai. stay this long. É-nėhe'éhoo'e. He stayed this long. See: -nėhe'éhohtá; -háa'éhoo'e; -tóne'éhoo'e. Category: time.

nėhē'še   p. then, Stop!, That's all, enough. Can be used as a functional command for 'Stop!', but probably not as strong as the English command 'Stop!' is. It is also used as a traditional ending for a prayer. Today it is used for future sequencing as well as sequencing in the past, as in English "then". We do not know if future sequencing was permitted in the past with this particle. naa nėhē'še and then. Nėhé'še hótȧhtse? Then what? Mó-nėhé'še? Shall we go? See: nėhe'xóvéva; tšėhē'še; he'še-; nėhetáa'e; -éneohe; hena'háanéhe; nėhesóneha. Category: time.

-nėhe'xove   vii. that amount, that degree, that amount of time. a previously mentioned time. Á'e étaohkėho'-nėhe'xove. The time comes close. Á'e tsetȧho'-nėhe'xove. Soon the time will come. tsétȧhósėho'-nėhe'xove next (in time) (lit. when again came (or comes?) the time). ma'xetónėstȯheāā'e onétȧhévėhéstánóva móta-nėhe'xóvėhanéhe as it has been for many ages and many generations in time. [1987:100] Héá'e naesóhtȯhnó'eāā'e hehpeto éta-nėhe'xove namėšéme náhtatsėhe'ȯhtsehatóhtoō'e. Perhaps more than sixty years ago my grandfather took me out on the prairie. [1987:177] See: -he'xóve. Category: time, degree.

nėhe'xóve-   pv. be such degree, be such amount of time. É-nėhe'xóvėháohō'ta tséohkėxaenonovenoeseohaéstóvévȯse. It is so hot that they (testicles) are left behind (stuck on a chair when you stand up). É-nėhe'xóvetonéto tséohkėxaepȧhoešenávȯse. It is so cold that they (testicles) hang up close (to the body). See: nėhe'éše-. Category: time, degree, vulgar.

-néhe'xóveotse   vii. time go by quickly, time come quickly. É-néhe'xóveotse. The time came quickly. Ques: Étaome-néhe'xóveotse ?? And time is going by quickly on its own.mp3 Category: time, speed, check.

-nėhe'xóveotse   vii. tired; have enough. Náéše-nėhe'xóveotse. I'm tired. Lit: It is enough for me.

3 • vai. die. This can be a euphemism for dying. Ééše-nėhe'xóveotse. He has died. Lit: It is enough for him. especially about when someone has died. Lit: the time is already for me ?? Category: time, death, figurative.

-nėhe'xóvešé   vai. tire of lying. É-nėhe'xóvéše. He got tired of lying. Ques: rr ?? he had been lying that long?? See: -mȧhovešé. Category: time, check.

nėhe'xóvéva   p. then, at that time. that is, at a time previously established in some speech context. (another recording) Nėhe'xóvéva nėstaévȧhósevóomatsēme. I'm see you plural again at that time. See: tsėhe'xóvéva; nėhē'še. Category: time.

nėhestoha   p. every, each. nėhestoha éšeēva every day. [pd443] nėhestoha hová'éhe each thing. nėhestoha nešeāā'e every two years ?? See: -hestoha; oéšeēva. Category: time.

nėhestoha éšeēva   p. each day, every day. Ques: recheck meaning of 'every day'?? (another recording) Ques: Which is more commonly used: oéšeēva or nėhestoha éšeēva?? Category: check. See: oéšeēva. Category: time.

nėhestȯhe-   pv. so.many. É-nėhestȯheéše'hāma. Her months are fulfilled. For example, she is due to deliver her baby (literally, it is that amount of months for her). Nexa ma'heóneéšeēva náta-nėhestȯheene. I stayed two weeks. Lit: For two Sundays, that is how long I overnighted. Category: quantity, time.

-nėhestȯhe-aénoo'e   vii. be so many years ago. no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'eāā'e tsésta-nėhestȯheaénoo'e one hundred years, that is how many years ago (1987:36). Phon: not vs See: -háestȯheaénoo'e. Category: time, quantity.

-nėhestȯhe-ene   vai. stay for so many days. Nexa ma'heóneéšeēva náta-nėhestȯheene. I stayed two weeks. Lit: for two Sundays that is how long I overnighted Final -ene. Category: quantity, time.

-nėhestȯheéše'hamá   vai. so many months; so many months old. É-nėhestȯheéše'hāma. She is full term. Category: babies, time.

nėhetáa'e   p. enough, from that point in time on. can be a functional command, something like 'That's enough! Stop!'. néh-nėhetáa'e from that point (toward now). Phon: iah See: tsėhetáa'e; tónetáa'e; nėhē'še. Category: time.

-ne'éšeamoése   vai. be early part of forenoon. É-ne'éšeamoése. It is the early part of forenoon. between sunrise and approximately 9 a.m. Category: time.

-nenóve'éhóhta   vai. 26/Jul/2023. Tséstaéšenėše-nenóve'éhóhtȧse After he had been gone a little while. [The Snake and the Mice.013] Category: time.

-nenóve'xove   vii. shortly. tséstaéše-nenóve'xóvetse after a little while. [The Snake and the Mice.010] Category: time.

-nenóve'xóveotse   vii. shortly become. Category: time.

nenóve'xóvéva   obl. shortly, a little while later, a while later, in a little while. Variant: nonóve'xóvéva. See: nenóveto; káse'xóvéva; hehpe'xóvéva. Category: time.

nenóveto   p. shortly, a little while later, sometime soon. Variant: nonóveto. See: nóve-; hó'ótóva; hehpeto. Category: time.

nésȯhtȯhéé'ėše   p. for seven days. Category: numbers, time.

-nésȯhtȯhnȯxe'ohe   vii. seven o'clock. É-nésȯhtȯhnȯxe'ohe. It is 7 o'clock. Category: time.

-nésȯhtȯxe'ohe   vii. seven o'clock. É-nésȯhtȯxe'ohe. It is 7 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time, numbers.

néso'eāā'e   ni. twenty years. Category: numbers, time.

-néso'eaénoo'e   vii. twenty years, 20 years. Étaéšėhehpe-néso'eaénoo'e. It was more than twenty years ago. Category: time.

néso'ēē'ėše   ni. twenty days. Category: time.

-nésȯxe'ohe   vii. two o'clock. É-nésȯxe'ohe. It is 2 o'clock. ma'ta-nésȯxe'ohe when it's 2 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.

nésta-   pv. previously, beforehand. Náéše-néstaéxanēne. I am already ready. He'ama néta-néstȧhámȯhtáeovatséme. I have gone to heaven to stake out a campsite for you. (Jn. 14:3). Nėhē'še móh-néstaéxa'ó'sanėhevóhe. Then they hurriedly got ready. [1987:41] Category: time.

nésta'omeé   i. old.fashioned.

pv. traditional, old-fashioned, old time, ancient. É-nésta'omeévenestse. He speaks the old language. nésta'omeé-hósėstóonȯtse old time stories. É-nésta'oméénėšé'éva. He had two wives (in the old time traditional way). nésta'omeé-ameehestȯtse traditional transportation (probably new word). nésta'omeé-he'eo'o the old-time women. [1987:26] See: nésta'omeéve-; xamae-. Category: time.

néstaveto   p. beforehand, previously. Néstaveto mó'éševóomȯhevovóhe nȧháóhe hóxoveto tsé'ama'hasó'hévȯse nótȧxévé'hó'e. Beforehand, (Cheyennes) had seen the soldiers there across (the river) as they (the soldiers) went along on horseback. [1987:21] See: nesta. Category: time.

nėše-   pv. continue, remain, keep on, fulfilled expectation (??) Néta-nėšenémenema! Let's keep on singing! Néta-nėšeasema! Let's just leave! Nėšenémeneha! Let him continue singing! Névé'easėta'xe; nėšenéé'ėstse! Don't run! Stay on base! (lit. Continue standing). Nėšėhoo'ėstse! Stay! (can be said, for instance, to a dog). Nėšėhoeo'o! Keep staying on (delayed imperative)! (for example, Don't move; keep staying on at your house!) Nétȧsáa-nėšemésėhéhema! Let's just not eat! (for example, let's just leave now and eat when we get there). Nánėšė-héne'ena tséto'sėhešėhoo'kōho. I *knew* that it was going to rain (and it is). ?? Category: check. Ques: plus other meanings See: hetóse-; šéše-; nėšená-; ame-. Category: time.

néšéé'ėše   p. for two days, 2 days. (another recording) Etym: *nyi·šwiki·šehkwe· (P).  -éše. See: no'kēē'ėše. Category: time.

néšeené -néšeené   vai. stay two nights. É-néšeēne. He stayed two nights. Medial -ené2. Category: time.

-néšeéno'e   vii. two overnights, two days, two nights. Éta-néšeéno'e. It was two days ago. fii: -éno'e2. See: néšéé'ėše two days. Category: time.

nėšená-   pv. while, during. tsé-nėšenáhoo'kōho while it was raining. tsé-nėšenámėsėhévȯse éhoo'kōho while they were eating it rained. Móh-nėšenáameohovȧhevóhe, "Nȧhtsenėhnéhoeneo'o nótȧxévé'hó'e,"móxhešetanȯhevóhe. While they were fleeing, "The soldiers will follow us," they thought. (1987:26). See: nėše-; he'éš-; só'(e)-. Category: time.

-nėševan   vti. make fast s.t.

vta. make fast s.o. for example, to set a clock ahead in time for Daylight Saving Time. Tseéva-nėševaneo'o éše'heo'o. The clocks will be set ahead. Category: time.

-nėševe'xove   vii. time go fast. É-nėševe'xove. Time is "flying". fii: -e'xove. Category: time, speed.

-nėševoésta   vii. time fly fast. É-nėševoésta Time is rolling along fast. fii: -oéstá. Category: fly, speed, time.

neva éšeēva   obl. Thursday. Lit: fourth day Category: time.

neva ma'éšeeve   vii. when it is Thursday, on Thursday. See: neva éšeēva. Category: time.

neva o'xe ééšėhehpoésta   vii. be four-thirty p.m. Category: time.

neva tsé'éšeeve   when it was Thursday. Category: time.

névéé'ėše   p. four days. Etym: *nye·wiki·šehkwe· (P). Névéé'ėše náévȧho'eōhtse. I returned four days ago. Éma'xėhoo'kōho névéé'ėše. It has been really raining for four days now. Névéé'ėše móh-néma'eméohehevóhe. For four days they ran around. [1987:245] Névéé'ėše éévoésenaho hemȧhta'sóomaho. He spirit is hanging around for four days. This is the amount of time that the spirit of a deceased hangs around after a Cheyenne death. Category: time, death.

-néveéno'e   vii. four overnights ago, four nights ago. É-néveéno'e. It was for four overnights. fii: -éno'e2. Category: time.

-névȯxe'ohe   vii. four o'clock. É-névȯxe'ohe. It is 4 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.

nexa éšeēva   Tuesday. Lit: second day

p. Category: time.

nexa ma'éšeeve   when it is Tuesday; on Tuesday. Category: time.

nexa tsé'éšeeve   vii. when it was Tuesday. See: nexa éšeēva. Category: time.

nóhona éšeēva   Friday. Lit: fifth day Category: time.

nóhona ma'éšeeve   viki. when it is Friday, on Friday. Category: time, time.

nóhona tsé'éšeeve   vii. when it was Friday. Category: time.

Nóhonaéšeeva   ni. Gram: obl on Friday. Lit: on the fifth day Category: time.

nóhonēē'ėše   p. five days. Etym: *nya·θanwiki·šehkwe· (P). Nȧhtseévȧho'eōhtse nóhonéé'ėše. I'll be back in five days. Category: numbers, time.

nóhonó'e-   pn. 50, fifty. A prenoun like this is used with the noun final -āā'e to indicate numbers of years. Category: time.

nóhonó'eāā'e   ni. fifty years, 50 years. Category: time.

-nóhonȯxe'ohe   vai. be five o'clock. É-nóhonȯxe'ohe. It is 5 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.

No'ka Éšeēva   Monday. Lit: first day Oklahoma Dialect Énema'heóneéšeēva. Category: time.

no'ka ma'éšeeve   vii. when it is Monday, on Monday. Category: time.

no'ka ma'heóneéšeēva   obl. one week. Lit: for one holy day Ques: measurement of time passed or simply of a time period ?? Category: check, time.

no'ka tsé'éšeeve   vii. when it was Monday. In Oklahoma Monday is tsé'énema'heóneéšeeve (lit. when the holy day was ended). Category: time.

no'keāā'e   ni. one year. No'ke-āā'e étanėhe'xove. It has been one year ago. IndepNoun áa'e. Category: time.

no'kēē'ėše   p. for one day. that is, an overnight. Some other words for counting numbers of days are: néšéé'ėse for two days. na'hēē'ėse for three days. névéé'ėše for four days. nóhonēē'ėše for five days. naesóhtȯhéé'ėse for six days.  -éše. See: néšéé'ėše. Category: time, numbers.

-no'keené   vai. stay one night. Ná-no'keēne. I stayed one night. fai: -ené2. Ques: recheck pitch?? Category: check, numbers, time.

-no'kȯxe'ohe   vii. one o'clock. Lit: (be.)one-written É-no'kȯxe'ohe. It is 1 o'clock. ééšėhehpe-no'kȯxe'ohe. It is after 1 o'clock. Ééšėhehpoésta tséh-no'kȯxe'ohe. It is after 1 o'clock. tséhvóonā'o tséh-no'kȯxe'ohe at one o'clock in the morning. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.

nónȧxeto   p. luckily, just in time. can be used when you're telling about something and it comes along luckily. See: nónȧxemátȧhá'o; vétséno; onáxe-. Category: time.

nonóno'ka   p. once in a while. Nonóno'ka éohkemane. He drinks once in a while. Naa nonóno'ka náhtaohke=tsėhéó=póno'e=tsėhe'ȯhtsémena'nóhto taeváheóne ónoneo'o tsé'évȧhévȯse ónónénoéohkėhestohe. And from time to time we used to go downriver eight miles where Rees lived, Ree District, it is called. [1987:190] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated no'ka. See: nóno'ka. Category: time.

nonóve-   pv. for a short while. Variant: nenóve-. Category: time.

nonóve'xóvéva   p. shortly, a little while later, a while later, in a little while. Variant: nenóve'xóvéva. Category: time.

nonóveto   p. a little while later, shortly after, sometime soon. See: nóve-; novȯse-; hó'ótóva; hehpeto. Variant: nenóveto. Category: time.

nȯse'to   p. clear to the end, until the end. Náéšenėhetaēne náto'sevésevaēne Ma'hēō'o nȯse'toma'tȧho'eénėhéstanove. God told us he would abide with us until the end of time. [1987:11] Ques: recheck nȯse'to including glottal stop?? See: tá'e; maato. Category: time, check.

nȯsé'tove-   pv. until the end. É-nȯsé'tovena'xévaenóho. He kept beating him until he died. Category: time.

nȯsé'tove-   pv. until the end. É-nȯsé'tovena'xévaenóho. He kept beating him until he died. Category: time.

nótse-   pv. too late. for example, too late to help. É-nótsenėhešéve. He did it his own way then went back and did it the way he was first told how to do it but it was too late. See: nóve-. Category: time.

nóv-   i. slow, late. Category: speed, time.

-nóva'ó'sané   vai. late, take too long. Ná-nóva'ó'sáne. I took too long (so I'm late). Category: time, speed.

nóve-   i. late, slow. É-nóveōhtse. He is late.

pv. late, slow. for example, can't catch sounds fast. Antonym néhe-. É-nóvėho'eōhtse. He arrived late. Náohke-nóvenéstomóne. I hear slowly. for example, can't catch sounds fast. See: nenóveto; -nóvahe; -nóveohe. Antonym néhe-. Etym: *pwa·wi. Category: speed, time.

novėse-   pv. later, then, subsequently, afterwards. Variant: novȯse-. places verb containing this preverb subsequent in time to a preceding or following verb with which it is associated. nȧhta-novėsenéméne and then (afterwards) I sang. See: nóvȯse; novȯse-; nenóveto; hehpeto; hehpe'xóvéva; nenóve'xóvéva; maato; nėhē'šé. Category: time.

novȯse-   pv. later, then, subsequently, afterwards. This preverb places the action of the verb containing it later in time to the action of another verb. É-novȯsepėhévátsésta. Later on he thought it was okay. Énovȯse-vóho'oēstse. He later wasted it. Nȧhta-novȯsenéméne. Then (afterwards) I sang. Ma'taéšemésėhétse nėsta-novȯseaseohtsema. After we have eaten we will leave. É-novȯsėhohatse. He then laughed. Éh-novȯseasėta'xéhoo'o vé'ho'e éhmóneto'éotséhoo'o. The whiteman ran off as soon as he got up. [1987:232,253,397] Variant: novėse-. This pronunciation is probably used by more speakers than novėse-. See: nóvȯse; nenóveto; hehpeto; hehpe'xóvéva; nenóve'xóvéva; maato. Category: time.

-oest   i. instantly, rapidly, quickly. Náhe'kėhe'oná-oestōhno. I pricked his hand (instantly). Éó'e-oesta'xe éstse'he. The shirt is drying (rapidly flapping?? Nėhē'še éxȯhtoohketomȯhtánánóvo vee'eé'ȯhkeévaávoe-oesta'hatse. Then they tried to put up the tepee, it would blow back down. [1987:30] Eáá Éhoháe-oestȯhéhoo'o! My! She really got hit bad! [Croft 1988:30:17] Ého'-oesta'xe. He dashed up (to there). Náhomó'-oestose. I'm really getting cold. (more "emphatic" than náhomóhtose). See: oese-; sé'hove-; sé'ea'e; -otse. Category: time.

oéšeēva   obl. daily. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated éšeēva; Antonym totáa'ēva. See: nėhestoha éšeēva each day. Category: time.

-ohtá3   fai. take time. Éháa'éh-óhta. He took a long time. ... éhe'éh-óhta. ... that is how long he stayed. Nétatóne'éh-óhta? How long did you stay (there)? tsétȧhe'éh-óhtȧse while he was gone. Évone'éh-óhta. He is taking a very long time. Category: time.

ohtaen-   i. overnight. Éohke-ohtaenoovȯhoosemēnėstse. They (for example, berries) are soaked overnight. See: vóon-. Category: time.

-ohtaené   vai. overnight. É-ohtaēne. He stayed overnight. Ná-ohtaēne. I stayed overnight. Né-ohtaenehe? Did you stay overnight? Néto'se-ohtaenehe hénėhéóhe? Are you going to spend the night there? É-ohtaeneo'o. They stayed overnight. Ohtaēne! Spend the night! Kómááhe hétsetseha éohkėsáavovóhponeéva=nȧháó=ȯhtaenéheo'o. At least now it isn't compulsory that they board there. [1987:192] tsé'ȯhke-ohtaenévȯhtse mȯxe'ėstónėheo'o dormitory. [where students stay overnight] See: -ené2; -eno'e2. Category: time.

ohtaenoove-   pv. overnight. Éohkeovóe-ohtaenoovėhoésemēnėstse. They are first soaked overnight. [Plums and Chokecherries.007] Category: time.

-ohtsé2   fai. process. Énae-ōhtse. (cf. É-naeotse 'he died/fainted'; faster action than -naeohtsé) He is numb.

fii. process. This final refers to a relatively slow, gradual process, while -otse refers to the resultant state after a quicker action. -ohtsé communicates something close to imperfective aspect. Possibly related to -ohtsé 'go (AI final)'. Éoo'xe-ōhtse. It is cracking. That contrasts with Éoo'xeotse 'it is cracked / it has become cracked'. Émo'kȯhtávoomae-ōhtse. The clouds are becoming dark. See: -otse become quickly; -ohtsé1 go. Category: time.

óméso   p. soon. Óméso nėstanȧha'enatsėhémóhe. Soon I'll catch you (plural). See: á'e; sé'ea'e. Category: time.

-otse   f. become, resultative aspect. This suffix indicates the result of a quick process. -otse contrasts with -ohtsé which focuses on a slower, more gradual process. Compare preverbs which refer to the quickness of something happening, such as nėševe-, sé'hove-, and the initial -oest. This final focuses on the result, rather than the process, so verbs with this final are often translated as close to a state, such as 'It is good' for Épėhéveotse. This suffix is used on verbs with both animate or inanimate subjects. Náháomóhtȧhé-otse. I got sick. (cf. É-háomóhtahe 'he is sick'). Énaóotse-otse. He went to sleep. (cf. É-naóotse 'he is sleeping'). Mésėhéotsėstse! Eat quickly! (for example, even though you are in a hurry and might prefer to skip eating; the quickness of the eating action does not necessarily mean to gulp food down quickly, but rather refers to the shortness of time available in which to eat, so 'Get to it, eat!'; cf. méseestse 'Eat!'). Ééestse-otse. He suddenly spoke up. (cf. É-éestse 'he spoke'). Éaméeto-otse. The snow went by quickly. Éhoo'kȯhó-otse. It suddenly rained. Ééšeévapėhéve-otse. It/He has gotten better again. Etym: *pari (R). See: -ohtsé; nėševe-; sé'hove-; -oest. Category: time.

ovóe-   pv. first. Ná-ovóetsėhésenestse. I learned (or spoke) Cheyenne first. É-ovóéhne. He walked first. ?? Náto'se-ovóenėstōvo. I'm going to ask him first. Nȧhta-ovóe'éestse. I will speak first. tsé-ovóéhnėstse the first one. Non-contracted vovóe-. Category: time.

-ȯxe'ohe   fii. written, be of a certain time. Épėhév-ȯxe'ohe. It is written well. Étónet-ȯxe'ohe? How (should) it be written (or spelled)? ... éhet-ȯxe'ohe. ... that is how it is written. Clock times are: Éno'k-ȯxe'ohe. It is 1 o'clock. Énés-ȯxe'ohe. It is 2 o'clock. It is 2 p.m. Éna'n-ȯxe'ohe. It is 3 o'clock. É-névȯxe'ohe. It is 4 o'clock. Énóhon-ȯxe'ohe. It is 5 o'clock. Énaesóht-ȯxe'ohe. It is 6 o'clock. É-nésȯht-ȯxe'ohe. It is 7 o'clock. Éna'nóht-ȯxe'ohe. It is 8 o'clock. É-sóohtȯxe'ohe. It is 9 o'clock. Émȧhtóht-ȯxe'ohe. It is 10 p.m. Éhóhtȧhno'k-ȯxe'ohe. It is 11 o'clock. Éhóhtȧhnés-ȯxe'ohe. It is 12 o'clock. Ééšeno'k-ȯxe'ohe tséhvóonā'o It is 1 a.m. (lit. it is already 1 in the morning). Non-number times are: Ésétovoésta. It is noon. Lit: hang in the middle Ésétȯhtaa'eve. It is midnight. Lit: be middle of the night See: tóne'še when. Category: time, numbers.

-po'o'tá   vii. space, room, have time, time - have. 'have time' is a newer idiomatic meaning. É-po'ō'ta. There is room. É-po'otahe? Is there room? / Do you have time? Éma'xe-po'ō'ta. There is a lot of room. Ésó'-po'ō'ta. There is still room. naa o'xe hooma é'ȯhke-po'ō'ta and on the opposite side there was an open space (1987:177). Ésáa-po'o'táháne. There is no room. Naa mósó'-po'o'táhanéhe nėstsemó'ȯxéme. And there must still be room you will invite us to the feast. Nȧhéstó'e tsés-po'ō'ta náhtȧhámėstoeotse. Farther on where there was room I sat down. vti: -po'anomóhtá. See: -ne'ho'tá. Category: space, room, time.

séetó'e'še   p. at the same time. Naa nėhē'še nėhéóhe éohkėhósetoo'etovo séetó'e'šeéohkemámȯhevánóvo. And then there they tie (the tepee) also, they tie it all together at the sametime. (1987:222). See: vétséno; nėhē'še; tsėhe'še; he'še-. Category: time.

séetó'e'še-   pv. at the same time. Né-séetó'e'šėho'ėhnema. We (incl.) arrived at the same time. Category: time.

sé'ea'e   p. right away; immediately; quickly. See: hotáma'e; hó'ótóva; taehó'ó'tóva; só'hove-; sé'hove-; mȧsó-; -oest; móhtoto; óméso. Category: time.

sé'hove-   pv. suddenly. Variant: só'hove-. És-sé'hovema'xėpó'ponevoneotsénėse. Suddenly there was gunfire. [1987:22] Usage: seems to be more common pronunciation than só'hove- See: sé'ea'e. Category: speed, time.

sétȯhtaa'éva   obl. at midnight, in the middle of the night. See: taa'éva at night. Category: time.

-sétȯhtaa'eve   vii. be midnight. É-sétȯhtaa'eve. It is midnight. See: -énėsétȯhtaa'eve be after midnight. Category: time.

sétoveaénéva   obl. midwinter, middle of the winter. This is the traditional Cheyenne word for midwinter, from about the time that is now called Christmas to about what is now called New Years. See: Hoésanestȯtse Christmas; Métȧhtséhoésanestȯtse Christmas. Category: check, time.

sétoveéšeēva   obl. midday. See: -sétovoéstá. Category: time.

-sétovoése   vai. hang in the middle, noon. É-sétovoése. He (for example, the sun) is hanging in the middle (that is, at noon). Etym: *θa·wakotinwa. Ééšėto'sė-sétovoése éše'he. It is almost noon. vii: -sétovoésta. Category: time, hang.

-sétovoéstá   vii. noon. É-sétovoésta. It is noon. Etym: *θa·wakote·wi (P). Lit: It is hanging in the middle. tsés-sétovoésta when it was noon. [ms 0623 153211.WAV @ 00:50] Ééšė(hehpė)-sétovoésta. It is afternoon. Néohkemésėhémáne sétovoéstaa'ėstse. We eat lunch at noon. vai: -sétovoése. See: sétoveéšeēva; -mésėhévoésta. Category: time.

-sétovoéstanené   vai. have noontime, eat lunch. É-sétovoéstánéne. He ate lunch (had noon meal); it's his noontime. Ná-sétovoéstánéne. I ate lunch. See: -ho'oéstanené; -mésėhévoéstá. Category: time, eat.

sétovoéšeēva   at noon. See: sétovoéstaa'e. Category: time.

-sévoomaeohtsé   vii. dawn, first light. É-sévoomaeōhtse. It is dawning. [1987:53] Ques: does the literal meaning have to do with receding, perhaps of the night receding?? Variant: -hosóvoomaeohtsé. Category: time, check.

só'(e)-1   pv. still, yet. Hēā'e é-só'naóotse. Maybe he is still sleeping. É-só'tonóome. He is still being waited for. É-só'mésėheo'o They are still eating. É-só'eametanéne. He is still living. É-só'vó'ho'kȧsénáhne. He still has his lights on. É-só'háe'xove. there's still lots of time. É-só'ta'ta'ō'ta hohtóvamȧhēō'o. The store is still open. Ná-só'he'konoo'e. I'm still sitting firm. É-só'ho'ėhō'ta. It is still raw/it's not cooked. Né-só'hoehe? Are you still there? Phon: takes morpheme-final /e/ preceding a vowel See: só'(e)-; éše-; he'éš-. Category: time.

sóohtȯhēē'ėše   p. for nine days. Category: numbers, time.

-sóohtȯhnȯxe'ohe   vii. nine o'clock. É-sóohtȯhnȯxe'ohe it's 9 o'clock. Category: time.

-sóohtȯxe'ohe   vii. 9 o'clock. É-sóohtȯxe'ohe. It is 9 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time, numbers.

-šénoma'eotse   vai. become late. Tsé'asetonétotse móhvé'šėšénoma'eotsėhevóhe tsésto'semȧheonanévȯse. When it started to get cold it was late for house-building. [Thanksgiving:4] Category: time.

táa'e   ni. night. Phon: iah Plural taā'ėstse; Oblique taa'éva at night. Phon: not vs See: hetóéva; -ene; -éno'e; vóon-; vóone-. Etym: *tepexkwi; *tepe'ki (Pi). Category: time.

taa'éva   obl. at night. Taa'éva nėstsevé'novo'eohtséme; méstaa'e nėstsenémȧhtsená'o'haēvo. Don't eat (plural) outside at night; a bogeyman will give you a crooked mouth. (a traditional saying) Don't eat (plural) outside at night; a bogeyman will give you a crooked mouth. (a traditional saying). Tóne'še néovēše taa'éva? When did you go to bed last night? hoháa'éše-taa'éva late at night. Reduplicated totáa'ēva. See: táa'e night. Category: time, taboo.

-taa'eve   vii. be night. É-taa'eve. It is night. ȯh-taa'évetsee'ėstse whenever it is night. Naa hétsėhéóhe ééšė-taa'eve. And here it is already night. Etym: *tepexkwiwi it is night. Category: time.

-taa'évėhané   vai. journey all day into the night. É-taa'évėháne. He journeyed all day into the night. Category: time.

-taa'éveóó'e   vai. stand until night. É-taa'éveóó'e. He stood there until night. See: -vóoneóó'e stand all night. Category: stand, time.

-taa'éveotse   vii. night result suddenly. É-taa'éveotse. It has become night(time). This word refers to the resultant state of having become night, while -taa'éveohtsé refers to the process of becoming night. -taa'éve simply refers to it being night. See: -taa'éveohtsé become night slowly. Category: time.

-taa'évónová   vai. talk until night. Énės-taa'évónóva. He talked until night/dark. Category: speak, time.

-taa'évoománo'e   vii. dusky, be nighttime environment. É-taa'évoománo'e. It is dark, looks like nighttime in the environment. Category: time.

-taa'évotse'ohe   vai. work until night, work until dark. É-taa'évotse'ohe. He worked until night. Énėš-taa'évotse'ohe. He worked until night. See: -vóonotse'ohe work all night. Category: work, time.

taame'xóvéva   obl. some time later. See: ame'xóvéva. Category: time.

taehó'ó'tóva   p. all of a sudden. Taehó'ó'tóva émé'ésta'xe. All of a sudden he came in. See: hó'ótóva; sé'ea'e. Category: time.

tá'e   p. until. Násáahéne'enóhe mónáoseehótoanávomóhtȧhéotsėhéhe tá'enaa'éve'ho'e naa naa'éve'ho'á'e tséhnėheta'evȯse. I was not aware (that) I was very sick until the doctor and the nurse told me. [1987:202] See: nȯse'to; maato. Category: time.

tá'e mȧhové'še   p. finally. (another recording) Variant: mȧhové'še. See: tá'e mȧhovetóne'še; mȧhove-. Category: time.

tá'e mȧhovetóne'še   finally. Tá'e mȧhove-tóne'še vé'ho'e móstanomoneotsėhéhe. Finally the whiteman must have gotten sleepy. [Croft 1988:24:17] See: tá'e mȧhové'še; mȧhové'še; tóne'še. Category: time.

-ta'ehné   vai. walk out of sight, disappear. É-ta'ēhne. He went out of sight. Etym: *lexkwehθe·wa. Éše'he é-ta'ēhne. The sun set. éše'he tsétȧheše-ta'ēhnėse west. Étaéše-ta'ēhne éše'he. The sun has gone down. Antonym -mé'ehné. See: -ta'e'há fly out of sight; -ta'eohtsé go out of sight. Category: time, time.

tóhtȯheehné   vai. go for however many days. Variant: -tónėstȯheehné. Category: time, motion.

to'-   pv. going to. Variant: to'se-. Naa hétsetseha náto'vá'netšėške'mé'ésta. And now I'm just going to tell, like, a little. [Sweet Medicine:008] Category: time.

tó'ease-   pv. almost. Perhaps this is a combination of tó'- 'exactly' + ase- 'start'. Ná-tó'easemá'ta'ó'sáne. I'm almost finished. Ná-tó'easėhahponēne. I am about to clench teeth. É-tó'easematsé'omeve. It is almost spring. Nȧhóhpo éheše'hāna mó-tó'easeávoonėhéhe. He ate up absolutely all of his food; he must have been (almost) starved. See: éšėto'se-; to'ėstó'-; ohto'se-; ohta-. Category: degree, time.

tó'e'še   p. lengthy in time. See: nėhē'še then; tóne'še then. Category: time.

tó'he'še   p. many times. Ques: recheck meaning?? See: tóne'še; he'še-; tó'heše-. Category: time.

tó'me-   pv. right away. Ma'éšeméseestse tseta-tó'measeōhtse. As soon as he eats he will leave. Éto'se-tó'measeohe. He was going to go right away. See: tó'-; tó'nėše-; sé'ea'e; sé'hove-; só'hove-. Category: time.

tó'ome'xóvéva   obl. forever. See: a'ene'xóvéva. Category: time.

to'se-   pv. going to, gonna, prospective aspect. Verbs marked with htse- are for action that occurs sooner than verbs with to'se 'going to'. Some current speakers state very clearly that to'se- refers to an action that is more certain to occur. to'se- can combine with the translocative preverb, creating tao'se-. Ná-to'seaseohe. I'm going to leave. Ná-to'semane. I'm going to drink alcohol. Né-to'sėhoehe? Are you going to be there? É-to'sea'o'tséstove. There is going to be a Victory Dance. Ná-to'semȧhééto ho'honáá'e. I'm going to swallow a rock (=be stubborn). Náohke-to'sėsáanomenéhe mo'kȯhtávėhohpe. I'm not going to be drinking coffee. [ms 0623 153211.WAV@00:29] Tóne'xóveva nemȧheo'o éto'sėpėhévane? When will your house be repaired? See: htse-; hta-; tao'se-; hé-. Category: time, check.

tóne'éh-   i. how long (time)?, how far? both for time and distance. Néta-tóne'éhoo'e? How long did you stay (there)? É-tóne'éhoma'o'e? How far away is it? Variant: tóne'éš-. See: tóne'ėst-; tóne'es-. Category: time.

-tóne'éhohtá   vai. how long be gone. É-tóne'éhóhta? How long did he stay (there)? Néta-tóne'éhóhta? How long did you stay (there)? fai: -ohtá3. See: -he'éhohtá; -háa'éhohtá; -vone'éhohtá. Category: time.

-tóne'éhohtáotse   vai. how long be gone. Éstanėšetóne'éhohtáotséhoo'o. He was gone for just so long. [The Boy Who Left His Horse on the Prairie.061] Category: time.

-tóne'ého'oésta   vii. how high is it. Lit: How high is it hanging? É-tóne'ého'oésta? How high is it? See: -nėhe'ého'oésta. Category: time.

tóne'éš-   i. how long (time)?, how far? both for time and distance. Variant: tóne'éh-, tóne'éše-. É-tóne'éševone. How long did that sound last? See: tóne'ėst-; tóne'es-. Category: time.

tóne'éše-   pv. how long, so long in time. tséstaéše-tóne'éšeénėhetoo'ėse after he sat there for a time. [1987:276]

i. for how long, so long in time. Étaohke-tóne'éšeohénove He'konemȧhoéve'ho'éno? How long does it take to get to Hardin? Variant: tóne'éh-, tóne'éš-. See: -háa'éše-; -he'éše-. Category: time.

-tóne'éšeohe   vai. how long travel, run how long, drive how long. É-tóne'éšeohe? How long did he drive? Étaohke-tóne'éšeohénove He'konemȧhoéve'ho'éno? How long does it take to get to Hardin? See: tóne'éše-; háa'éše-; he'éše-; -tóne'éšeohtsé. Category: time, record.

-tóne'éšeohtsé   vai. how long go? É-tóne'éšeōhtse? How long did he go? Ques: recheck gloss?? Initial tóne'éše-; Final -ohtsé. Category: time, motion.

-tóne'éšeóó'e   vai. how long stand, stand how long. É-tóne'éšeóó'e? How long did he stand? fai: -óé2. See: tóne'éše-. Category: time, stand, record.

-tóne'éšešé   vai. how long lie, lie how long. É-tóne'éšéše? How long did he lie (there)? fai: -ešé. See: tóne'éše-. Category: time, lie.

tóne'še   p. when, sometime. Tóne'še némésehe? When did you eat? Tóne'še néto'semésehe? When are you going to eat? We can also say tóne'xóvéva in that question. Tóne'še ého'eōhtse? When did he come? Tóne'še némésehe hetóéva? When did you eat last evening? Tóne'še néovēše taa'éva? When did you go to bed last night? Tóne'še néméotō'e? When did you get up this morning? Tóne'še néévȧho'ėhóó'óhtse? When did you get back home. A: Tóne'še néévȧho'ėhóó'óhtse? B: Éšeēva náévȧho'ėhóó'óhtse. A: When did you get back home? B: I got back home yesterday. Tósa'e can mean 'sometime' when said in a non-question sentence, such as this one: Tóne'še móho'eohtsėhéhe. He must have come sometime. Tóne'še nėstsėhósemóheeohtsémáne? When will we meet again? Time was traditionally told by the position of the sun. Since éše'he 'sun' is animate, we suppose that asking what time it is would have more commonly been said with the animate verb agreement, Tóne'še ého'oése: Tóne'še ého'oésta? What time is it? Tóne'še ého'oése? What time is it? Tóne'še ééšėho'oésta? What time is it (already)? Tóne'še éšėho'oésta? What time is it already? Tóne'še néohkeasėtotse'ohe? When do you start work? Tóne'še néénotse'ohe. When did you stop working. Speakers today usually refer to clock times with English words, but Cheyenne words are possible. Clock times are also listed in the entry -ȯxe'ohe. Éno'k-ȯxe'ohe. It is 1 o'clock. Énés-ȯxe'ohe. It is 2 o'clock. It is 2 p.m. Éna'n-ȯxe'ohe. It is 3 o'clock. É-névȯxe'ohe. It is 4 o'clock. Énóhon-ȯxe'ohe. It is 5 o'clock. Énaesóht-ȯxe'ohe. It is 6 o'clock. É-nésȯht-ȯxe'ohe. It is 7 o'clock. Éna'nóht-ȯxe'ohe. It is 8 o'clock. É-sóohtȯxe'ohe. It is 9 o'clock. Émȧhtóht-ȯxe'ohe. It is 10 p.m. Éhóhtȧhno'k-ȯxe'ohe. It is 11 o'clock. Émȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhno'kȯxe'ohe. (another way to say it) It is 11 o'clock. Éhóhtȧhnés-ȯxe'ohe. It is 12 o'clock. Neva o'xe ééšėhehpoésta. It is 4:30. Ééšeno'k-ȯxe'ohe tséhvóonā'o It is 1 a.m. (lit. it is already 1 in the morning). Ééšėsétovoésta. It is already noon. Ésétovoésta. It is noon. Ésáa'éšenėhe'xóvėhane. It is not that time. Ésáa'éšėsétovoéstȧhane. It is not yet noon. Ééšėto'sėsétovoésta. It is almost noon. Ééšėto'semésėhévoésta. It is almost noon. Ésétotȯhtaa'eve. It is midnight. Éhetóeve. It is evening. Étaa'eve. It is night. Évóonā'o. It is morning. Preverb tóne'še-; Reduplicated totóne'še. Etym: cf *ta·naxpi·h when?. See: -ȯxe'ohe; tóne'xóvéva; tósa'e. Category: time.

tóne'še-   pv. periodically, at times, sometimes, some time. Nátóne'še-amėháóéna. I pray sometimes. Reduplicated totóne'še. Category: time.

-tóne'xove   vii. what time, sometime. É-tóne'xove? What time (or day) is it? This is a natural word, appropriate in certain contexts. There are also other ways to ask about what time it is which are natural and more commonly used, such as Tóne'še ého'oésta? Category: time.

tóne'xóvéva   obl. When?, at what time, at some time. questions: Tóne'xóvéva névovóeasėtȯxe'ėstóne? When did you first go to school? Tóne'xóvéva néto'semésehe? When are you going to eat? Tóne'xóvéva hetóéva néto'semésehe? When in the evening are you going to eat? an answer: Náto'semésėhéme ma'tanaesóhtȯxe'ohe. We are going to eat at 6 o'clock. Tóne'xóvéva nėstseévȧhósevóomȧtse? When will I see you again? Tóne'xóvéva éohkeameohe? When does he go along? We can also say tóne'še in the preceding questions. See: tóne'še; hó'ótóva. Category: time.

-tónėstȯheehné   vai. go for however many days. É-tónėstȯheēhne? ?? How many days did he walk? ?? Variant: tóhtȯheehné. Category: time, motion, check.

tónėstȯhéé'ėše   p. how many days, however many days. no'kēē'ėše for one day. néšéé'ėše for two days. na'hēē'ėše for three days. névéé'ėše for four days. á'e tónėstȯhéé'ėše after a few days. [1987:104, 210] Category: time, numbers, quantity.

-tónėstȯheené   vai. how many overnights. É-tónėstȯhééne? How many overnights did he stay? fai: -ené2. Category: check, time.

tónėstȯheéno'e   p. How many days?, How many nights?, so many nights. See: tónėstȯhéé'ėše; -éno'e2. Category: time.

-tónėstȯheéno'e   vii. How many days?, How many nights?, so many nights. É-tónėstȯheéno'e? What day of the week is it? ?? fii: -éno'e2. See: tónėstȯhéé'ėše. Category: time, check.

-tónėstȯheeno'tsé   vai. camp for how many nights. É-tónėstȯheenō'tse? How many nights did he camp? Né-tónėstȯheenō'tse? How many nights did you camp? fai: -o'tsé1. Category: camp, quantity, time.

tónetó'e'še-   pv. how often, so often, every so far apart, certain distances apart. Category: time.

tónetó'e'še   p. how often, so often, every so far apart, certain distances apart. Category: time.

tonóéva   obl. in the fall, in the autumn. Lit: when it is cool Etym: *takwa·kwe·. See: -tonóeve. Category: time.

-tonóeve   vii. be fall, be autumn. É-tonóeve. It's fall. Etym: *takwa·kiwi. See: tonóéva; -tonó. Category: time.

tóotseha   p. very long ago. Phon: lengthened form of tótseha for emphasis See: tótseha. Category: time.

totáa'éva   p. nightly. "Hahóo," náohkevé'šėhéto Ma'hēō'o oéšeēva totáa'éva. "Thank you," I therefore say to God every day (and) night. [1987:200] Phon: redup Antonym oéšeēva; Non-reduplicated taa'éva. Category: time.

totó'hove-   pv. between - in, intervals - at, alternately. É-totó'hoveéšeehe. He was raised by several families. É-totó'hovėhetanévóéhne She alternately bears boys (that is, between birth of girls). Phon: redup Non-reduplicated tó'hove-. Category: time.

totóne'še   p. from time to time, now and then, every once in a while. Totóne'še ametanónaa'ėstse mó'ȯhkėsé'ho'enȯhéhe nā'ėstse. Every once in a while when he would think about it he would put one(stick) in the ground. [1987:246] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated tóne'še. See: totósa'e. Category: time.

totóne'xóvéva   p. from time to time, at times. Category: time. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated tóne'xóvéva. Category: time.

totónetó'e'še-   pv. how.often. Néohke-totónetó'e'šemóheehnéme? How often do you (plural) meet? Category: time.

totónetó'e'še   p. How far apart in time?, once in a while. for example, time intervals of birth pains. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated tónetó'e'še. Category: time.

tótseha   p. long ago. (another recording) Emphasized tóotseha. Category: time. Phon: lengthened to tóotseha for emphasis See: hákó'e; évaveto.

tsėhē'še   p. from this point, from now on. Variant: tšėhē'še. See: nėhē'še. Category: time.

-tsėhe'xove   vii. at this time. tsés-tsėhe'xove at this time. Hená'hanehe tā'se nátanėhešėho'héne'ēna tsés-tsėhe'xove. That's how much I know at this time. [1987:100] See: tsėhe'xóvéva; hétsetseha. Category: time.

tsėhe'xóveéšeēva   obl. at this time of day. Category: time.

tsėhe'xóvéva   obl. at this time. This is a new time mentioned in the discourse. It often is close in meaning to English 'now'. See: nėhe'xóvéva; hétsetseha; -tsėhe'xove. Category: time.

tsėhetáa'e   p. from now on, from this point on, this much. Phon: iah See: nėhetáa'e; tsėhe'xóvéva; hétsetseha. Category: time.

tséh-ma'heóneéšeeve   vii. when it was Sunday. Category: time.

tséh-méovóonā'o   vii. early this morning, when it was early morning. See: tséstaméovóonā'o; -vóona'ó. Category: time.

tséhno'keéšeeve   vii. Monday. Variant: No'ka Éšeēva; Oklahoma Dialect tséénema'heóneéšeeve. Category: time, Montana.

tséhvóonā'o   vii. in the morning. This refers to morning which has already occurred. Mȧhvóonā'o refers to morning which has not yet occurred. Tséhvóonā'o náháóéna. This morning I prayed. vii: vóona'ó. See: mȧhvóonā'o. Category: time.

tsé'énema'heóneéšeeve   Ques: ppl vii. Monday. Lit: when it was the end of the holy day Montana Dialect tséhno'keéšeeve. Ques: request?? Category: time, Oklahoma.

tsés-tšėške'ma'heóneéšeeve   vii. Saturday - when it was. Category: time.

tséxhestáotsėse   vai. his/her birthday. Lit: when he/she was born vai: -hestáotse. See: heéšeame2 his/her birthday. Category: time, holidays.

tšėhe'kéh-   i. short time, short distance. Ques: can this initial be used for time as háa'éh- can?? É-tšėhe'kéhahe. He is young. Antonym háa'éh-. Category: time.

-tšėhe'kéhóom   vta. look at s.o. up close. É-tšėhe'kéhoomóho. He looked at him up close. ȯh-tšėhe'kéhoomee'ėstse when it is looked at up close. [The Bear and the Skunk.014] See: -némóosané; -némóosané scrutinize. Category: distance, time.

tšėhē'še   p. from this point, from now on. Tšėhē'še étšėhe'kėstáhao'o. Short, their hearts are that way. [1987:94] Variant: tsėhē'še. See: nėhē'še. Category: time.

tšėhe'še-   pv. never. used with sáa- 'negative' or ho'nó- 'inferential negative'. often used for situations where the time span "seems" like 'never', where, presumably, the length of time upon which the perception is based is socially determined. Nésáa-tšėhe'ševóomatséhe. I have never seen you. Násáa-tšėhe'ševóomóhe. I have never seen him. Those can be said when the person hasn't been seen for a long time. naa móho'nóhke-tšėhe'ešėhéne'enomátse but we never did know it. [1987:238] Nésáa-tšėhe'šenéstomóne'tovatséhe. I have never heard anything about you. Mónésáa'ée-tsėhe'šenéstȯmóne'tóhe? Haven't you ever heard about it? Násáa'ée-tsėhe'šėhéne'enóhe. Ee, I NEVER knew that. Hēā'e éto'sėsáa'éva-tšėhe'šėho'eohtséhe. Maybe he is never coming back. See: he'še-; nėhē'še. Category: time.

Tšėške'ma'heóneéšeēva   ni. Gram: obl Saturday. Lit: little holy day See: Ma'heóneéšeēva. Category: time.

-tšėške'ma'heóneéšeeve   vii. be Saturday. É-tšėške'ma'heóneéšeeve. It is Saturday (today). Category: time.

-váen   1 • fti. quickly. Éhese-váéna. He snatched/grabbed it. (cf. -hestan).

2 • fta. quickly. Éam-eváenóho. He quickly passed him. for example, passed him on the road. Náahkó'e-váéno I pushed him by hand and he rolled/fig. I 'rolled' him (for his money). Náé'kotse-váena. He hugged me. Éóo'xeeše-váenóho. He slashed him. Variant: -éváen. See: -oese; -oest. Category: time.

váhpe-   pv. until the end, regardless, reluctantly. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Ná-váhpeovóhnėhešého. I took care of him until the end. See: a'ene-. Category: time.

vétséno   p. right at that time, just then, right then. Vétséno nénȯhtsevóomȧtse. I was just now going to look for you (for example, to tell you something). Vétséno hena'háanéhe! That's it! Véetsēno!! Exactly!! (note the lengthened vowel which indicates greater intensity). [1987:45] Variant: vótséno. See: vétséóhe; nónȧxeto. Category: time.

vétséóhe   p. right then. Nėhē'še vétséóhe móstaéšemȧhoveotsėhéhe. Then he got weary. [1987:283] See: vétséno; nėhe'xóvéva. Category: time.

-vó'neohtsé   vii. daybreak - become. literally, starting to get light. Éase-vó'néóhtse. It is day breaking. Category: light, time.

vone'éh-   i. very long time, very far. É-vone'éhoo'e. He was there a very long time. É-vone'éhahtóohe. He sounded for a very long time. É-vone'éhanēne. He is taking a long time doing something. É-vone'éhohta'hāne. He told a long story. É-vone'éhónóva. He talked on and on. Category: time.

-vone'éhahtóohe   vai. sound for a very long time. É-vone'éhahtóohe. He sounded for a very long time. Initial vone'éh-; Final -ahtóohe. See: -háa'éhahtóohe sound for a long time. Category: time, sounds.

-vone'éhanené   vai. take a very long time doing something. É-vone'éhanēne. He is taking a long time doing something. Éosee-vone'éhanēne. He is taking a very very long time doing something. See: -háa'éhohtá; -tsėhetanené. Category: time, do.

-vone'éhohtá   vai. take very long time. É-vone'éhóhta. He is taking a very long time. Final -ohtá3. See: -háa'éhohtá. Category: time.

-vone'éhoo'e   vai. stay a very long time. É-vone'éhoo'e. He was there a very long time. See: -háa'éhoo'e; -tóne'éhoo'e; -hoo'e; -oo'e. Phon: vs Category: time.

vone'éše-   pv. for a long time. Ná-vone'éšemóheeohtséme. We had a long meeting. É-vone'éšeametanéne. He lived a long time. É-vone'éšeóome. He is seen for a long time. ?? Mónéohke-vone'éšėhotse'óhehéhe. You must work a long time. Étaéše-vone'éšėhoo'e hánȧháóhe. He has been there a long time. Variant: vone'še-. See: he'éše-. Category: time.

vone'še-   pv. for a long time. Né-vone'ėšȯhohtséhetanone héne éestsestȯtse. It took up a long time to get that word. Éh-vone'ėševé'hoeóe'toesesto. (The skunk; obv.) stood there and stared at him for quite some time. [1987:283] Phon: short for vone'éše-?? Category: check. Ques: vone'ėše- ?? Category: check. See: vone'éše-; he'še-. Category: time.

-vone'xove   vii. be a very long time. É-vone'xove. I's a mighty long time. Medial -e'xove. See: -háe'xove. Category: time.

vono'ōme   p. centuries ago. See: tótseha; évaveto; hákó'e. Lit: lost(.count)-?? Category: time, check.

vono'omēē'e   p. centuries ago, long, long time ago. Category: time.

vónome-   pv. first. Éxxae-vónomevovóehomȯhtáoohé'tovevósesto mȧhtamȧháaheho. The old lady cooked for them first. (JOURNEY.TXT). É-vónomenémeneo'o. First they sang. Reduplicated vovónome-. See: vovóe-. Category: time.

vóon-   i. all night, throughout the night. É-vóonā'o. it's morning. Énėh-vóonotse'ohe. He worked through the night. É-vóono'ase. It (for example, a fire) burned all night. É-vóonénome. He slept all night. É-vóonoéstóne. He studied all night. Preverb vóone-. See: taa'e; taa'éva; -ené2; méo-. Category: time.

-vóona'ó   vii. morning. This literally refers to when it becomes daylight. É-vóonā'o. It is morning. É-méovóonā'o. It is early morning. tséh-vóonā'o when it was morning / this morning. (another recording) mȧh-vóonā'o when it is morning/in the morning/tomorrow. tséxhóse-vóonā'o the next morning. tséh-méovóonā'o early this morning. tséh-vóonā'o tséhno'kȯxe'ohe when it was 1 o'clock in the morning. mȧhméo-vóonā'o early tomorrow morning. tséstaméo-vóonā'o when it was early morning. Pėhéve-vóonā'o! Good morning! That greeting is borrowed from English. See: vóon-; méo-. Category: time.

-vóona'óohtsé   vii. morning.become. Ééšease-vóona'óóhtse. It is starting to turn morning. Category: time.

vóone-   i. dawn. Évóoneotse. It quickly dawned.??

pv. throughout the night, all night. É-vóonevó'ho'kȧsenāhne. He kept the lamp burning all night. É-vóoneameōhtse. He walked all night. Éh-vóonėhotamemȧsėhánóne. He sang Crazy Dog songs all night. [1987:30] É-vóonėhohpotómo. It was warm and humid all night. Ná-vóonetō'e I kept getting up during the night. Initial vóon-. Ques: recheck?? See: méo- morning. Category: time, check.

-vóonéétó   vii. snow all night. É-vóonééto. It snowed all night. fii: -éétó. Category: weather, time.

-vóoneohtsé1   vii. dawn. É-vóoneōhtse. It is getting daylight. Éne'éše-vóoneōhtse. It is already getting daylight. tséh-vóoneōhtse when it was dawning. See: -vóona'ó. Category: time.

-vóoneohtsé2   vai. go all night. Nátȧhóse-vóoneōhtse. Again I traveled all night. Category: motion, time.

-vóoneotse   vii. become morning. É-vóoneotse. It has become morning. See: -vóoneohtsé become morning; cf *wa·panwi (P). Category: time, check.

-vóonėstósem   vta. drag s.o. all night. Énėh-vóonėstósemóho. He dragged him all night. Category: move, time.

-vóonotse'ohe   vai. work all night, work the night shift. É-vóonotse'ohe. He worked all night. See: -taa'évotse'ohe work until night. Category: work, time.

vótséno   p. right then. Usage: probably vétséno is preferred by most speakers Variant: vétséno. Category: time.

vovóe-   pv. first. vovóeméavé'ho'émȯhtaa'e first agency. The first agency for the Northern Cheyennes was at Muddy Creek. Ná-vovóetsėhésenestse. I first talked Cheyenne (that is, my first language was Cheyenne). Contracted ovóe-. See: vónome-; vovóenoto. Category: time.

vovóenoto   p. firstly. Variant: vovónometo. See: vovóeto. Category: time.

vovóeto   p. first. See: vovónometo; vovóe-. Category: time.

vovónome-   pv. first of all. Éxxamae-vovónomėxó'xoeohá'ovósesto. He just first of all smashed (the mouse) with his feet. [Croft 1988:22:18] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated vónome-. See: vovóe-. Category: time.

vovónometo   p. first of all. Variant: vovóenoto. See: vovóe-; vónome-. Category: time.