a'ėse- pv. round. a'ėse-mȧhēō'o round house. a'ėse-ome round lodge. a'ėseveno round tent. See: -a'k; -onéstahkó. Category: shapes.
-a'kahe vai. be round. É-a'kahe. He is round. vii: -a'kó. Category: shapes.
-a'kan vti. make s.t. round; bunch up s.t. into a ball; make s.t. round. É-a'kāna. He made it round. Etym: *pexkwenamwa (P).
vta. make s.o. round. É-a'kanóho. He made him round. for example, to bunch up a rag (animate). Etym: *pexkwene·wa (P). Category: shapes.
-a'kȧsétó vii. be round. tsé-a'kȧsétoo'ėstse those (things) which are round. Category: shapes.
-a'kó vii. globular, round. Variant: -a'ó2. É-á'ko. It is round. Tsé-á'ko épȧhonoō'ta. The door is padlocked (that is, the round thing is stuck on). See: -onéstahkó; -pa'kó. Category: shapes.
-a'ó2 vii. round, globular. É-á'o. It is round (ball-shaped). Variant: -a'kó. See: A'ee'ėse; -onéstahkó. Category: shapes.
-amėsėhaa'ėsévetovátó vii. be rectangular shaped. É-amėsėhaa'ėsévetováto. It is rectangular-shaped. See: tséamėsėháahešėxováto ‘rectangle’. Category: shapes.
-amóneehá vii. go along as a strand, be a tube. É-amóneēha. It lies tubular. for instance, of a blood vessel or a strand of wire lying on the ground. tsé-amóneēha that which is a round tube/vessel. for example, a strand of wire lying along a road. mȧhtsemá'eme tsé-amóneēha blood vessel. Final -ón. See: -amóneeše. Category: shapes.
-amóneešé vai. along.ropelike.lie, lie there (of stringlike object). É-amónééše. He (ropelike) is lying (there). especially of a snake or rope. Medial -ón. Category: snakes, shapes.
-éstoma'eotse vii. cave in. É-éstoma'eotse. It caved in. Medial -óma'(e) ‘ground, land, earth’. See: -éstoohtaotse; -anoma'eotse. Category: shapes, ground.
éškos- i. pointed. refers to having a sharp point, for example, of a pencil or someone's nose. See: ó'a'-. Category: shapes.
-éškosoh(n) vta. sharpen s.o. by tool. É-éškȯsȯhnóho. He sharpened him. Ésta-éškȯsȯhnósesto. (The whiteman) sharpened (the rock) to a point. [Croft 1988:27:5] Category: texture, shapes.
-hešėtovahe vai. Gram: rr such shape, so shaped, be in that shape, be that way, be so, so mean, be the meaning of. ... é-hešėtovahe. ... he is so shaped. móhno'eamóneo'hohevóhe ho'honaa'o héna'e tsé-hešėtováese He also formed those rocks in the shape of a swan. [1987:18] See: -hetó'emá. Category: shapes.
-hešėxováto vii. Gram: rr angled so, shaped so. É-hešėxováto. It is of that shape / angle. See: -hešėtováto. Category: shapes.
hohtse- pn. hoop. hohtse-éše'he hoop moon. See: hóhtséme. Etym: cf. *atowa ‘ball; mushroom’. Category: shapes.
-kȧhamȧxévoneane vii. wooden fenced. É-kȧhamȧxévoneane. It is a wooden fence. Medial -ón. Category: farm, shapes.
kȧhkoestséá'e vai. flat-headed. É-kȧhkoestséá'e. He is flat-headed. Etym: cf *napakintepe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -stséá. Phon: vs Category: head, shapes.
-kȧhkonahe vai. flat, thin. É-kȧhkonahe. He is flat. Etym: cf *napakesiwa (P). For example, of a ball (animate) that needs air. vii: -kȧhkonó. See: -pȧhpónahe. Category: shapes.
-kȧhkonó vii. thin. This refers to being thin in thickness, not body build. It is used, for example, of buckskin. É-kȧhkóno. It is thin. Etym: cf *napakye·wi (P) ‘it is flat’. Initial kȧhko(n)-; vai: -kȧhkonahe. See: kȧhkov-; -pȧhponó; -tóhkona'he; -sóhkomahe. Category: shapes, texture.
-ka'ema'en 1 • vti. shorten s.t., fold s.t. over. especially refers to paper. É-ka'ema'ēna. He shortened it. fti: ma'en. See: -a'kema'en.
2 • vta. shorten s.o., fold s.o. over. É-ka'ema'enóho. He folded him/her over. can refer to legs on shoulder sexual position. See: -ka'ema'eóeh. Category: shapes, sex, paper.
-kokȯhna'á vti. flatten s.t. with one's feet. É-kokȯhnā'a. He flattened it with his feet. Ná-kokȯhna'anȯtse. I flattened them with my feet. Category: shapes.
-mano'ėséetó'ėstóve-vetovátó vii. cube shaped. É-mano'ėséetó'ėstóvevetováto. It is cube shaped. Category: new, shapes.
-menoo'e fii. globular. Mónónėhetaa'e-menoo'étseneho o'xe. He had a very large eye on one side. [Floating Eyes:096] Category: shapes.
na'ha tsé-éškȯsa'éhešėxováto vii. triangle. Lit: three ?? Category: check, shapes.
-néma'ėstósem vta. drag s.o. in a circle. É-néma'ėstósemóho. He dragged him in a circle. fta: -stósem. Category: move, shapes.
-néma'ó'evetovátó vii. spiral - be a. Nonó'hónó'e é-néma'ó'evetováto. It is a spiral. Category: shapes.
-néma'o'táhan 1 • vti. put up around s.t., encircle s.t.
2 • vta. put up around s.o., encircle s.o. This especially refers to putting up the poles of a tepee frame around the first three-poles tripod. Náohketoo'etoo'o hoóxé'e ȯhta-néma'o'táhanévosėstse. I've tied the poles as they are being put up around (the tripod). Category: shapes, put, check.
-néma'ónean vti. fasten around s.t., fence around s.t., wind around s.t. É-néma'óneāna. He made a fence around it. É-néma'óneane. It is fenced in.
vta. fasten around s.o., fence around s.o., wind around s.o. É-néma'óneanóho. He looped (for example, a rope) around him. Ques: recheck that translation?? Medial -ón. Category: farm, shapes, check.
-néma'óneane vii. fenced around. É-néma'óneane. It is fenced around (something). Medial -ón. Category: farm, shapes.
-néma'óneanené vai. fence around. É-néma'óneanēne. He made a fence around (something). Category: farm, shapes.
-néma'óneehné vai. walk in a circle, circle walk. É-néma'óneehneo'o. They are walking in a circle. Category: walk, shapes.
-néma'óneeotse vai. circle quickly. É-néma'óneeotseo'o. They made a quick circle (walking). Category: shapes.
-néma'óneešé vai. lie in a circle, circle lie. É-néma'óneēše. He is lying in a circle. Ques: recheck Ch and gloss for that ex?? É-néma'óneešēne. They are lying in a circle. Category: lie, shapes, check.
-néma'táo'o'ȧhéotse vai. drive in circles. É-néma'táo'o'ȧhéotse. He is driving in circles. fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: drive, shapes.
-némeotse vii. crooked. É-némeotse. It became slanted. ?? Reduplicated -onémeotse. See: -vóhkeotse. Category: shapes, check.
-némó vii. be slanted. É-némo It is slanted. Etym: *pyi·mye·wi (P). Reduplicated -onémó. See: -vóhkó. Category: shapes.
nonó'hónó'e énéma'ó'evetováto vii. spiral. Category: shapes.
-ó'xó vii. split, torn. É-ó'xo. It is torn, split. Etym: *pa·Ɂšye·wi (P). Reduplicated -oó'xó. See: -é'ó; -ó'xeotse; -oó'xeotse. Category: shapes.
-ón1 m. ropelike, rope-shaped, stringlike, strandlike. Variant: -ón(e). refers to any ropelike object, for example, a rope, string, thread, fence, wire, snake. Étónetaa'-óneehe? How big around is he (of stringlike object, incl. a snake)? Éam-ónééše. He (snake or rope) is lying (there). Éanȯh-ónéána. He lowered it by rope (by hoist; for example, lowered a well bucket). nó'ėst-óneehaseono suspenders. A fence is considered to have the shape indicated by this medial: Éam-óneane. It is fenced/there is a fence (for example, along the highway). heškóv-oneaneo'o barbed wire. See: -óneehe. Etym: *-a·py ‘string (noun final)’. Category: shapes.
-ón(e)2 m. ropelike, rope-shaped, stringlike, strand-like. refers to any ropelike entity for example, rope, string, thread, fence, wire, snake. heškóvoneanēō'o barbed wire. Étsėhe'ėst-óneehe. He (stringlike object) is long. a fence is considered to have the shape indicated by this medial. Éam-óneane. It is fenced/there is a fence (for example, along the highway). Variant: -ón. Etym: *-a·py (noun final). Category: ropelike, shapes.
-óneehe fai. length (ropelike). of something rope-shaped and animate, such as a snake or rope. Étónetaa'-óneehe? How big around is he? Étsėhe'ėst-óneehe. He (stringlike object) is long. Épėhév-oneehe. He (stringlike object) looks good. fii: -óneo'e; Medial -ón. Category: shapes, ropelike.
-onémeotse vii. crooked. É-onémeotse. It (for example, a road) is crooked. Non-reduplicated -némeotse. See: -vovóhkeotse. Category: shapes.
-onémó vii. crooked. É-onémo It is crooked. Synonym -vovóhkahe. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -némó. See: -vovóhkó. Category: shapes.
-onéstȧhkan vti. make s.t. round. É-onéstȧhkána. He made it round. Onéstȧhkánȯhtse! Make it round! for example, to make a ball out of the dough.
vta. make s.o. round. É-onéstȧhkanóho. He made him round. Category: shapes.
-onéstahkó vii. round, circular. É-onéstáhko. It is round. tsé-onéstáhko circle (that which is round). See: -a'kó; tséonéstȧhkevé'hoo'ėstse nėhpo'ȯhēō'o. Category: shapes.
-onéstȧhkȯxe'ohe vii. written as a circle. É-onéstȧhkȯxe'ohe. It is written as a circle ; there is a circle written. Category: shapes.
-pȧhpónahe vai. flat on top. É-pȧhpónahe. He is flat on top. Etym: *pepakesiwa (P) ‘he is thin’. vii: -pȧhpóno. See: -kȧhkonahe. Category: shapes.
-pȧhpónó vii. flat. É-pȧhpóno. It is flat (for example, a table or an oar). Etym: *pepakye·wi (P) ‘it is thin’; cf. M pepa·kan ??. vai: -pȧhpónahe. See: -kȧhkonó ‘thin’; -tóhtonó ‘flat’; -onéstahkó ‘round’; pȧhpoekȧhámáxe ‘flat wood, oar’. Category: check, shapes.
pa'- i. lump, bump, knob, hump. Taehóxovėhoóma nȧhéno é-pa'óma'o'e. Directly across from there was a rise. Variant: pa'(k)-. É-pa'e'hahe. He has a deep, guttural, coughing sound voice. See: pa'(e)-. Category: shapes. Variant: pa'k-.
pa'(k)- i. lump, bump, knob, hump. É-pa'kāse. His belly bulges out. É-pa'kēše. He looks like a little pile as he is lying there. É-pa'éne. He has a lump on his face. É-pa'e'hahe. He has a deep, guttural, coughing sound voice. É-pá'ko It has a bump/lump/knob. Reduplicated popá'(k)-. Category: shapes.
pa'(k)e- pv. lump, bump, knob, hump. Reduplicated popá'ke-. Category: shapes, texture.
-pa'kó vii. have a lump. É-pá'ko. It has a bump/lump/knob. Variant: -pa'ó. See: -pa'kó. Category: shapes.
-pa'ó vii. bump, lump. É-pá'o. It has a bump on it. Etym: *pexkwe·wi (P). Variant: -pa'kó. Category: shapes.
popá'ke- pv. lump, bump, knob, hump. Nápopá'kė-hó'taha. He beat me unexpectedly. (an idiom especially used when a younger person beats an older one who expects to win). Nápopá'ke-ná'so'enȯhéooha'oo'e. I got filled up with just one sandwich. (humorous expression). Phon: redup Non-reduplicated pa'(k)e-. Category: shapes, texture.
-séetó'ėstóvėhešėxovávetovátó vii. be a square. É-séetó'ėstóvėhešėxovávetováto. It is square-shaped (lit. same length sided figure). Category: new, shapes.
-séoxé vai. be spread out. É-séóxe. He (for example, a rug, animate) is spread out. táxemésėhéstóva tséohketáxė-séóxėstse tablecloth. Lit: that which is spread out upon the table vii: -séehá. Category: shapes.
sóhkome- pv. slender. sóhkomevó'ho'kȧsenestȯtse candle (lit. slender-light). Móxxaevé'netšėšė-sóhkomema'xevósȯhéhanéhe. A big long pit was just dug. [1987:43] Ná-sóhkomėhóó'óhtse. I went straight home. See: xanove-. Category: shapes.
-sóhkomó vii. slender, slim. É-sóhkómo. It is slender. Category: shapes.
-sóhkomóneehe vai. slender (ropelike). É-sóhkomóneehe. He (ropelike object) is slender. This can also be said of a slender person. Category: shapes.
-só'sonó vii. be crushed. É-só'sóno. It is crushed/stoved in. Etym: *ša·Ɂša·kwe·wi (P). Category: shapes.
-sóomó vii. long and narrow. É-sóómo. It is long and narrow. Category: shapes.
-šéškahe vai. tall skinny. É-šéškahe. He is tall and skinny. See: -tóhkona'he; -sóhkomahe. Category: shapes.
-tamó vii. stubby, blunt. É-támo. It is blunt. Etym: *temye·wi. Category: shapes.
tóhto(n)- i. flat. É-tóhtóno. It is flat/level (for example, prairie land). É-tóhtonóma'o'e. It is flat ground. Category: shapes.
-tóhtonó vii. flat, level, prairie. É-tóhtóno. It is flat/level (for example, prairie land). tsés-tóhtóno prairie (lit. where it is flat). Ques: re-record LH?? Category: check. See: tóhtoo'e; -pȧhponó. Category: shapes.
-tónovó vii. be thick. É-tónóvo. It is thick. See: -háonotó; -tónotó. Category: shapes.
-tovó'an vti. take a chunk out of s.t. É-tovó'ána. He took a chunk out of it.
vta. take a chunk out of s.o. for instance, this can refer to talking someone out of some money. É-tovó'anóho. He took a chunk out of him. Category: figurative, shapes, interpersonal.
tovó'(k)- i. slit. É-tovó'áhtse. He has a split lip (or mouth). É-tovó'keotse. It got chipped. É-tovó'eotse. He (or It) is nicked. É-tovó'ko. It is chipped. Category: shapes.
tsé-amėsėháahešėxováto vii. rectangle. See: -amėsėhaa'ėsévetovátó. Category: shapes.
tsé-amėsemenoovetováto vii. Gram: ppl oval. Lit: that which is oval shaped Category: shapes.
tsé-éškȯsa'évetováto vii. cone. Category: shapes.
tsé-hótȯxávetováto vii. cross. Category: shapes. Lit: that which is cross-shaped
tsé-mano'ėséetó'ėstóve-vetováto vii. cube. Category: shapes, new.
tsé-névononávetováto vii. Maltese Cross. Lit: Category: shapes.
tsé-onéstáhko Gram: ppl vii. circle. Lit: that which is round Category: shapes.
tsé-séetó'ėstóvėhešėxovávetováto vii. Gram: ppl square. Lit: same-length-sided.figure Category: new, shapes.
tsé-véhpotsévevetovátó vii. be a leaf shape. tsé-véhpotsévevetovátó Category: shapes.
-véhpahe vai. hollow, empty; be hollow. É-véhpahe. He is hollow. Etym: *wi·mpesiwa. Tse-véhpȧheo'o. They will be empty. for example, if they no longer speak Cheyenne. Móh-véhpȧhehéhe néhe ma'xėhoohtsėstse. That big tree (log) was hollow. Category: shapes.
-véhpó vii. be hollow. É-véhpo. It is hollow. Etym: *wi:mpye·wi 'it is hollow'. See: -véhpehá. Category: shapes.
ve'ev- i. concave. É-vé'évo It is concave; it's a corner. É-vé'evō'ta. It is sitting in a dip/corner/indentation. Category: shapes.
-vé'evahe vai. concave - be. É-vé'evahe. ?? He is concave. vii: vé'evó. Category: shapes.
-vé'evó vii. be concave; be a corner. É-vé'évo. It is concave; it's a corner. Variant: -vé'kevó; vai: -vé'evahe. Category: shapes.
vé'kev- i. concave. Variant: vé'ev-. É-vé'kevēše. He is lying/sleeping in the corner. É-vé'kevāna. He put it in a corner.?? Category: shapes.
-vé'kevó vii. concave. É-vé'kévo. It is concave. See: -vé'evó. Category: shapes.
vóhk- i. crooked, bent, curved. É-vóhkahe. He is curved. É-vóhkȧho'he. It is cooked curled. É-vóhka'ovóho. He made him turn. Reduplicated vovóhk-. Etym: *wa·k-. See: vóhke-. Category: shapes.
-vóhkahe vai. curved. É-vóhkahe. He is curved. vii: -vóhkó; Reduplicated -vovóhkahe. Etym: *wa·kesiwa. Category: shapes.
vóhke- i. bent, crooked, curved. É-vóhkeēse. He has a crooked nose. É-vóhkéhne. He made a turn. Category: shapes.
-vóhkėhahtá vai. crooked foot, foot - crooked. É-vóhkėháhta. He has a crooked foot. Etym: *wa·kisite·wa. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: shapes.
-vóhkenóno'e vii. look bent, bent - look. É-vóhkenóno'e. It looks bent. fii: -nóno'e. Etym: *wa·kina·kwatwi. Category: shapes, appearance.
-vóhkeotse vii. curved, bent. for example, of a curved road or a bent object. É-vóhkeotse. It is bent. Reduplicated -vovóhkeotse. See: -némeotse. Category: shapes.
-vóhkó vii. bent, crooked. É-vóhko. It is bent. Etym: *wa·kya·wi (Mi); *wa·kye·wi (P). vai: -vóhkahe; Reduplicated -vovóhkó. See: -némó. Category: shapes.
vovéhp- i. empty, hollow. É-vovéhpó'ta. It fits loosely. É-vovéhpotoéne. He has sunken eyes/he has empty eye sockets (that is, no eyeballs). Phon: redup Category: shapes.
-vovóhkeotse vii. curvy - be. É-vovóhkeotse méó'o. The road is curvy. Non-contracted vóhkeotse. Ques: redup Etym: *wa·kipalyiwa ‘he runs crooked’. Category: shapes.
-vovóhketseoná vai. bowlegged. É-vovóhketseōna. He is bowlegged. Phon: redup See: -vovóhkeóhtá. Category: shapes.
-vovóhkó vii. crooked. É-vovóhko. It is crooked. É-vovóhko méó'o. The road is crooked. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -vóhkó; Antonym -xanovó. See: -onémo. Category: shapes.
-vovóhkoneneehe vai. crooked ropelike. É-vovóhkoneneehe. He (ropelike) is crooked. Medial ón. Category: ropelike, shapes.
-xa'xoeotse vai. deflated.
vii. deflated. É-xa'xoeotse. It is deflated. Category: shapes.
-xanovan vti. straighten s.t. É-xanovāna. He straightened it.
vta. straighten s.o. É-xanovanóho. He straightened him. Category: shapes.
-xanoveohtsé vai. go straight. Tanėševe-xanoveōhtsėstse!. Go/Drive straight! See: -xanovó. Category: shapes.
-xanoveotse vii. straight. É-xanoveotse. It is straight (for example, a road). See: -xanovó. Category: shapes.
-xanovó vii. be straight. É-xanōvo. It is straight. É-xanōvo méó'o. The road is crooked. Antonym -vovóhkó. See: -onó'ó. Category: shapes.
-xanovónean vti. make s.t. (ropelike) straight.
vta. make s.o. (ropelike) straight. of a rope or fence. É-xanovóneane. It is a straight fence; it's been fenced straight. Medial -ón; Antonym -vovóhkonean. Category: shapes.
-xó'xonó vii. dented. É-xó'xóno. It is dented. Etym: cf *ša·Ɂšakye·wi (P) ‘it is straight, level’. Category: surface, shapes.