-amestá vti. shoot s.t. É-amēsta. He shot it. Etym: *pemwetamwa (P). That can also be said of lightning hitting something, such as the ground. vta: -am3. Category: hunt, check.
-amo'xe vai. carry on back, pack on the back. whether of a person or an animal; often implies carrying game. É-amo'xe. He carried (it) along on his back. Etym: *pemaʔšiwa (P). on his own back or on horseback. IndepNoun amo'xestȯtse.
vti. carry s.t. on back, pack s.t. on the back. Gram: ai+o É-amo'xenȯtse. He carried them (inan.). fai: -o'xe. See: -amo'xéohtsé; -páo'óvohe; -pao'óvȯhoo'e. Category: carry, hunt.
-amo'xé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o pack s.o., carry s.o. on back. Ná-amo'xenȯtse. I carried him on my back. É-amo'xénoto. He carried him on the back. on his own back or, for example, on horseback. vai: -amo'xéohtsé; Medial -o'xe. Category: hunt, carry.
-axaehe vai. camp hunting. É-xaaehe. He is camped while hunting. É-axaeheo'o. They are camped while hunting. [1987:251] fai: -ehe. Category: hunt, camp.
-émeno'é vai. poach, kill on the sly, kill illegally. especially refers to killing someone else's cattle on the sly. É-émenō'e. He butchered illegally. Etym: *ki·minaxkye·wa. Móhéva mó'-émeno'ėhevóhe. Perhaps they killed beef on the sly. [1987:182] fai: -no'é. See: -nȯhtseno'é. Category: hunt.
-émeno'éoohe vai. kill on the sly quickly, poach quickly, kill illegally quickly. É-émeno'éoohe. He quickly killed on the sly. fai: -no'é. Category: hunt.
-émȯhóné vai. hunt. This is hunting for large game. The verb -nése'névá refers to hunting for small game. É-émȯhóne. He is hunting. É-émȯhóneo'o. They are hunting. Nétȧhé-emȯhónema! Let's go hunt! Éhvéesesto kȧsováaheho; éhnésȯhtȯxésesto. Éstaohkėhé-emȯhónėsesto. (Some) young men were camping; there were seven of them. They would go hunting. [1987:306] See: -nése'névá ‘hunt for small game’; -néhomo'he ‘track’; -na'tóné ‘kill game’. Category: hunt.
-émȯhóneehe vai. camp and hunt. that is, camp while hunting. É-émȯhóneehe. He is campiing while hunting. É-émȯhóneeheo'o They are camping and hunting. fai: -ehe. Category: hunt, camp.
émȯhónéhe na. hunter. Plural émȯhónėheo'o; Obviative émȯhónėheho. Category: hunt.
-émȯhóne'heóneve vai. be a hunter. É-émȯhóne'heóneve. He is a hunter. Category: hunt.
-émȯhóné'tov vta. hunt for. tȧhéemȯhóne'tovonȯhtse váotseváhne when I go hunting for deer. [The Hunter and the Badger.59] Category: hunt.
-éto'én 1 • vti. load s.t. É-éto'éna. He loaded it. Naa mó'éšeno'ée-éto'enȯhéhe hé'tóhe hema'aataánó'e. And he already had loaded his gun. [1987:276] Éto'énȯhtse! Load it! É-éto'énehe? Is it loaded? Antonym -né'to'én.
2 • vta. load s.o. É-éto'eno. He loaded him (for example, a pipe, animate). É-éto'énóho. He loaded him. (newer pronunciation). É'ȯhkeéeve-eto'eno hestse'óhkono. He would fill his pipe. Éto'éneha! Load it (animate)! See: -étȯhe'hané; -táhovot; -éto'éh(n).
3 • vta. brainwash s.o., load s.o. with gossip. Category: figurative, smoke, load, hunt.
-háestȯheno'éoohe vai. kills many quickly. É-háestȯheno'éoohe. He killed many quickly. fai: -no'é. Category: hunt, violence.
-hestó'ená vti. aim it, draw back s.t. (especially bowstring). can be used of aiming a gun or of drawing back the bowstring of a bow. É-hestó'éna. He is drawing it (pulling bowstring back with arrow). Category: hunt.
-héškemas vta. nick s.o. in shooting. É-héškemȧsóho. He nicked him shooting at him. fta: -emas. See: -héškan. Category: hunt, shoot.
-ho'enȯhévá vai. bait. É-ho'enȯhēva. He is using bait. Ques: nȯhóvá?? oha eho vé'hé-ho'enȯhévato only if you use your father for bait. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.014] naa tséto'sė-ho'enȯhévȧse hová'éhe and whatever he was going to use for bait. [1987:281] See: ho'anohtȯtse. Category: hunt, check.
-ho'ėspemas vta. wound s.o. by shooting. É-ho'ėspemȧsóho. He shot him but only wounded him. Category: hunt, shoot.
-ho'o'xe vai. arrive with game on back. É-ho'o'xe. He arrived carrying game on his back. Naa tsé'tóhe kȧsováaheho éstaohkėhéemȯhónėsesto; tsé'tóhe é'ȯhkė-ho'o'xésesto. And these (other) young men would go hunting; they would bring in game. [1987:306] fai: -o'xe. Category: carry, hunt.
ho'o'xéohe vai. arrive quickly with game on back. É-ho'o'xéohe. He arrived quickly carrying (something). hó'nėšėtá'eévȧ-ho'o'xéoestse no matter what game he brings back. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.039] Category: carry, hunt.
-ho'o'xévomotah vta. bring game for s.o. É-ho'o'xévomotȧhóho. He brought game for him. [The Big Bogeyman.013] Category: hunt.
hóxetseehestȯtse na. sash, ammo belt. especially for gourd dancer. Category: hunt.
ka'o'éve'hano'ȯtse ni. holster. Lit: pistol-sheath Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: mótȧhó'e; vé'hano'ȯtse. Category: hunt.
ma'aatánó'e ni. gun. Lit: iron-bowstring ?? Plural ma'aatánó'ėstse; Medial -ó'é6. See: ká'ó'e ‘pistol’. Category: hunt, guns, warfare, check.
ma'aatánó'késo ni. Gram: dim small caliber rifle, rifle of .22 caliber. Plural ma'aatanó'kėsonȯtse. See: -ó'é6; nėhpo'hóenévó'e; ma'aatánó'e. Category: hunt, guns.
-má'tȧho'hová vai. exhaust ammunition, run out of ammunition; exhaust fuel, run out of fuel, run out of firewood. É-má'tȧho'hōva. He ran out of fuel (for example, firewood). Etym: *me·ɁtehθaɁsa·we·wa (P). Ná-má'tȧho'hōva. I used up all my shells / gas / firewood. fai: -aho'hová. Category: car, hunt, fire.
ma'tāno ni. bowstring. Simplified Spelling muh dun; Plural ma'tanónėstse. See: ma'tšėške; Héma'tanóohese; ho'tanono. Etym: *meʔtekwa·pye·li (pl) (Go88). Category: warfare, hunt.
ma'tšėške ni. bow (for shooting arrows). chokecherry bushes make good bows. Plural ma'tšėškehȯtse. AltPl = ma'tšēškėstse Simplified Spelling machk. Etym: *meʔtekwa·pyi; That PA word looks like the etymon for Ch ma'tāno 'bowstring'.; cf *meʔtekwi ‘stick’; cf. Ar bééteʔ ‘bow’. See: ma'táa'e ‘forest’; ma'tāno ‘bowstring’; ma'tȧhke ‘bow (archaic)’; maahe ‘arrow’. Category: warfare, hunt.
-mó'xȯhtseve vii. be an arrowhead. É-mó'xȯhtseve. It is an arrowhead. Ques: mo'x?? one elder says this means it has a (metal or flint) point (especially of an arrowhead. Category: hunt, check.
-nȧha'ónohtsé vti. rope s.t., trap s.t. É-nȧha'ónóhtse. He roped it. Medial -ón; vta: -nȧha'ónot. See: -nȧha'en. Category: hunt.
-nȧha'ónot vta. rope s.o., trap s.o. É-nȧha'ónoto. He roped him. É-nȧha'ónotóho. He roped him. (another pronunciation). Nȧha'ónȯxeha mó'kėsá'e! Rope the calf! See: -no'ónot; nonónóó'e. Category: hunt, check.
-na'tóné vai. kill game, bag game. É-na'tóne. He killed. Etym: *neʔtwa·ke·wa (P). Náho'ėhé-na'tónéme. We brought back a kill. Nééše-na'tónehe? Did you bag game? Etym: cf. M naeqtakae·w. vta: -na'h ‘kill s.o.’. See: -émȯhóné ‘hunt’. Category: hunt.
-néhe'ov vta. track s.o., follow s.o. É-néhe'ovóho. He followed his tracks. Heávohe ná-néhe'ova. The Devil is tracking me (an expression for having bad experiences). [1987:282] See: -néhov; -néhe'á; -néhe'ot; -néhe'éohtsé'tov; -hó'e'ov; -nomé'ot. Category: hunt.
-néhomo'he vai. pursue, chase, track, hunt. É-néhomo'he. He chased game. See: -néhosané; -néhov; -néhá; -émȯhoné. Category: hunt.
-néhosané vai. pursue, chase. É-néhosāne. He chased. See: -néhomó'he. Category: hunt.
nėhpo'hóenévó'e ni. 30-30 caliber rifle. Lit: throat-gun Medial -ó'é6. See: ma'aatanó'késo. Category: hunt.
ne'evátsėséó'o ni. sign, marker, float, bobber (for fishing line), bead (at end of gun barrel, for sighting). Plural ne'evátsėseonȯtse. Usage: obsolescing Category: hunt.
-né'tó'ȯsé'ó'h vta. spill out guts of s.o., gut s.o. Ná-né'to'ȯsé'ó'ho. I gutted him. See: -né'tó'ȯsén ‘gut s.o.’; -ó'ȯséotse ‘burst open’. Category: hunt.
-né'tó'ȯsén vta. spill out guts of s.o., gut s.o. É-né'to'ȯseno. He gutted him. É-né'tó'ȯsénóho. He gutted him. (newer pronunciation). Nėstaovóe-né'to'ȯsénone. We will gut him first. See: -ó'ȯsén ‘gut s.o.’; -né'to'ȯsé'ó'h ‘gut s.o.’; -oeno'éevá ‘dress out s.o.’. Category: hunt.
-nése'névá vai. hunt for small game, forage. small game would be rabbits, birds, squirrels, etc.; -émȯhóné is the more general word for hunt and typically means 'hunt for large game'. humans or animals (for example, cats, dogs) can hunt as -nése'névá. É-nése'néva. He hunted. (another recording) Móhmémėstanėhevóhe tséstanése'névȧse né=náhkohe. She must have drowned while that bear was foraging for food. [Mountain stories.030] See: -émȯhóné ‘hunt’. Category: hunt.
-nése'néva'tov vta. hunt for s.o. small game. Ná-nése'névá'tóvo. I'm hunting for small game. vai: -nése'névá. Category: hunt, check.
-nėševa'ó vii. go swiftly, go quickly, fly quickly. can refer to the rapid flight of an arrow.
vai. go swiftly, leap fast, go quickly, fly quickly. can refer to how a basketball player leaps to catch the ball. É-nėševā'o. It went swiftly. (another recording) Hevovetȧsono éohke-nėševa'oo'o. Dragonflies fly fast. See: -nėševe'há. Category: hunt, speed, basketball.
néxȧhtsenávó'e ni. double barrel shotgun. Medial -ó'é6. See: šé'šeetaemaahévó'e. Lit: two-mouth-gun Category: hunt, guns.
-nóhonévesé vai. five point antlered. É-nóhonévéše. He has five point antlers. BodyPartMedial -évesé. Category: animals, hunt.
-nȯhtseno'é vai. stalk prey. for example, a cat remaining quiet and motionless waiting to pounce on a mouse, or a hawk perched in a tree stalking game. É-nȯhtsenō'e. He stalked prey. Etym: *natwenaxkye·wa (P). fai: -no'é; vta: -nȯhtsenot. See: -émeno'é ‘kill on the sly’; -émȯhóné ‘hunt’. Category: hunt.
-nȯhtseno'éóó'e vai. stand stalking. É-nȯhtseno'éóó'e. He is standing stalking. fai: -óé2. Phon: vs Category: hunt.
-nȯhtsenot vta. 1 • stalk s.o., hunt for s.o. É-nȯhtsenotóho. He stalked him. Etym: *natwenaθe·wa (P). vai: -nȯhtseno'é. Category: hunt.
2 • court s.o. can be used of a man courting a woman. See: -maet. Category: figurative, romance.
-nonóné vai. fish (with hook and line), trap, snare. É-nonóne. He is fishing. Etym: cf *nakwe·wa (P); cf. nakwa·kani ‘a kind of trap (Pe79:333)’. See: -onó'ȯhené; nonónóó'e. Category: hunt.
-nonót vta. trap s.o., snare s.o. É-nonoto. He trapped him. É-nonótóho. He trapped him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *nakwa·θe·wa ‘he snares him’; cf. O nagwaan- (N). Ná-nonótoo'o hóhkeeheho. I'm setting a mouse trap / I'm catching mice. See: -nȧha'ónot ‘rope s.o.’. Category: hunt.
-ohot fta. track s.o. Évon-ȯhotóho. He lost his tracks. Návon-ȯhōto. I lost his tracks/trail. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: hunt.
-o'ame f. shoot. Nėhē'še tsé'tóhe má'kó'se éstȧhe'am-o'amesėstse hemaāhe Then this Ma'ko'se shot his arrow into the air. (1987:308). See: ho'amé; ame. Category: hunt.
-o'ha'e'tov vta. miss s.o. especially when shooting an animal. É-o'ha'e'tovóho. He missed him. Phon: Some speakers seem to pronounce this as -o'ha'etov. Reduplicated -oó'ha'e'tov. See: -o'ha'emax. Category: hunt, shoot.
-o'ha'emas vta. miss s.o. in shooting. É-o'ha'emȧsóho. He missed him in shooting. Reduplicated -óo'ha'emas; Antonym -nȧha'emas. Category: hunt, shoot.
-oné'amé vai. practice shooting. É-oné'áme. He is practicing shooting. See: -ame; -ho'amé. Category: hunt.
-oó'ha'e'tóné vai. repeatedly miss (in shooting). Ná-oó'ha'e'tóne. I repeatedly missed. Category: hunt.
-oó'ha'e'tov vta. miss s.o. repeatedly. especially in shooting. É-oó'ha'etovóho. He repeatedly missed him. Non-reduplicated -o'ha'e'tov. Category: hunt.
-oó'ha'emas vta. miss s.o. repeatedly in shooting. É-oó'ha'emȧsóho. He missed him shooting several times. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -o'ha'emas. Category: hunt, shoot.
šé'šeetaemaahévó'e ni. shotgun. See: ma'aetánó'e. Plural šé'šeetaemaahévó'ėstse; Medial -ó'é6. Category: hunt, guns.
šé'šeetaemaahōtse ni. Gram: pl buckshot. See: maahe. Lit: ?-arrows Category: hunt.
-tó'omemas vta. shoot s.o. dead. É-tó'omemȧsóho. He shot him dead. Tónesto tséstšėšeésevonėhnévȯsemó'ȯhkeésė-tó'omemȧxeehevovóhe. However many (Cheyennes) had crawled inside (the caves) were shot(after the Ft. Robinson breakout). [1987:43] See: -am. fta: -emas. See: -áhanemas. Category: hunt, shoot.
váohestȯtse ni. weapon, slingshot. Lit: flinging thing Seems to have referred primarily to a traditional slingshot, the kind with cords, which is whirled. Semantically extended to other weapons. Plural váohéstotȯtse. ne-váohéstovevótse your (plural) weapons. See: heškóvanēō'o; tamȯhēō'o. Category: hunt.
vé'ho'kémaahōtse ni. Gram: dim-pl Non-diminutive vé'ho'é-maahōtse. .22 shells. Category: hunt.
-vé'šenot vta. bag s.o. refers to killing, especially a game animal. É-vé'šenotóho. He bagged him (as game). fta: -nót. See: -not ‘sew’. Category: hunt.
-vonȯhot vta. lost tracks of s.o. Ná-vonȯhōto. I lost his tracks. Ná-vonȯhota. He lost my tracks. É-vonȯhotóho. He lost the tracks of him. vai: -vonȯhohtsé; fat: -ohot. Etym: *wanahanθe·wa 'he loses the trail of him'. Category: hunt.