Cheyenne Dictionary



-á'avéné   vai. drooping face. É-á'avéne. He has a droopy face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-á'avéné'ó   vai. sad faced. É-á'avéné'o. He looks sad. Variant: -á'evéné'ó. See: -méstová; -kávéné. Category: face.

-á'evéné'ó   vai. sad faced. É-á'evéné'o. He has a sad face. Variant: -á'avéné'ó. See: -méstová. Category: face, emotions.

-amėséné   vai. have a horizontal face. This is a squashed down appearance. É-amėséne. He has a horizontal face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-é'koméne   vai. have a greasy face. É-é'koméne. He has a greasy face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-é'oméné   vai. greasy faced. É-é'oméne. He has a greasy face. BodyPartMedial -éné; Variant: -é'koméné. Category: face.

-éné   mbp. face. This medial specifically refers to the face, but sometimes it primarily refers to the eyes. Éó'ó'-éne He is blind. É-é'koméne. He has a greasy face. Kóós-éné'e Little-faced Woman. ka'-énėhótame bulldog (short-faced-dog). Éhesės-éne'še. He has twitching in his face. Énėše'šévo-éne. He washed his face. Category: body, face, eyes.

-háeanávéné   vai. hungry face. É-háeanávéne. He looks hungry. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-haéné   m. teary eyed. Émomáhpe'ė-haéne. He has watery eyes. Étó'ėsė-haéne. He has long tears. Énoné'k-ėhaéne. He has tear stains around his eyes. Tovó'kė-haénéhe Japanese person. See: -éné eye; -háéné awful face. Category: face, cry.

-háéné   vai. awful face. for example, from being beat up really bad. É-háéné. He has an awful looking face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -haéné teary-eyed; -háenevoová. Category: face.

-háéné'o   vai. have a shocked face, have a crying face. É-háéné'o. He has a shocked face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-háenevoová   vai. face all beat up. É-háénévóóva. His face was all beat up. See: -háéné. Category: face.

hámȯhtsėhnéstóva   ni. by tepees. nexa hámȯhtsėhnéstóva tsénėhe'ėsévoénėstse two tepees long-faced. That was a funny phrase said once by a lady related to a long- faced man whom she wished to shame for having beaten his wife; it means something like: "his face is so long he could pitch two tepees on it". Category: face.

-háomóhtȧhévéné   vai. sick face - have a. É-háomóhtȧhévéne. He looks sick. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, sickness.

-hávėsévéné   vai. bad face, ugly face. É-hávėsévéne. He has an ugly face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-hávėsévéné'o   vai. make a bad face. É-hávėsévéné'o. He made a bad face. Category: face.

-hé'heéné   vai. wrinkled face. É-hé'heéne. He has a wrinkled face. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -éné; Variant: -hé'heškéné. Category: face.

-he'heméné   vai. have a freckled face. É-he'heméne. He has a freckled face. (another recording) BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-hé'heškéné   vai. wrinkled face. É-hé'héškéne. He has a wrinkled face. Náéšease-hé'héškéne. I'm already starting to have a wrinkled face. Variant: -hé'heéné. Category: face.

-he'keóméné   vai. fat face. É-he'keóméne. He has a fat face. Variant: -he'keómévéné. Category: face.

-he'keómévéné   vai. fat face. É-he'keómévéne. He has a fat face. BodyPartMedial -éné; Variant: -he'keóméné. Category: body, face.

-he'kóóvéné   vai. wet face. É-he'kóóvéne. He has a wet face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-he-maéné   vai. have sores on face. É-hemaéne. He has sores on his face. Etym: *wemeki·nkwe·wa. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-he-mé'oonévéné   vai. lovestruck face - have a. É-he-mé'oonévéne. He has a lovestruck face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, emotions.

-heóvéné   vai. yellow face; jaundiced face. É-heóvéne. He has a yellow/jaundiced face. Etym: *wesa·wi·nkwe·wa. BodyPartMedial -éné. Etym: cf. O osaawinezi (N). Category: face.

-heóvȯxé'e   vai. yellow painted face. É-heóvȯxé'e. He is face-painted yellow. Category: face, colors.

-héséné   vai. face come from there. for example, from that side of the family. É-héséne. His face comes from there. BodyPartMedial -éné face. Category: face.

-hesėséne'še   vai. have twitching in face. É-hesėséne'še. He has twitching in his face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: body, face.

-hesó'xéné   vai. shiny face. É-hesó'xéne. He has a shiny face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

hestséne   ni. his face, her face. Stem -htséné. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: Oklahoma, face, body, check.

-heše'événé   vai. dirty face. É-heše'événe. He has a dirty face. Etym: *ašiškyi·wi·nkwe·wa. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -ho'sotséné. Category: face.

-hešéné   vai. Gram: rr so faced. ... é-hešéne. ... that is what his face looks like. tsé-hešénėstse the way his face looks. This can be humorous, referring to how someone looks after they have done something wrong. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

hešene   ni. his/her face. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, body, face.

-hešénéóó'e   vai. Gram: rr be so faced standing. ... é-hešénéóó'e ... he has such a face standing. tséhešénéóó'ėstse the way his/her face appeared while standing. This especially refers to how someone's face looks after they have been reprimanded for not doing something they were asked to do or for misbehaving. BodyPartMedial -éné; fai: -óé2. Category: stand, face.

-hoháetoéne   vai. scared face, face with too much makeup, amazing face. É-hoháetoéne. He has a face that looks so scared. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-hoháetoéné'ó   vai. scared looking face. É-hoháetoéné'o. He looks really scared. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-hohátséné   vai. smiley face. É-hohátséné. He has a smiley face. See: -xaéméné; -hohatse laugh. Category: face.

-hohátséné'ó   vai. smile. É-hohátséné'o. He is smiling. Ques: smile or laugh?? Hohátséné'ȯhtse! Smile! Usage: Less commonly used than -xaaméné'ó See: xaaméné'ó. Category: face.

-hohkó'séné   vai. have a purple face. É-hohkó'séne. He has a purple/bruised face. Medial -éné. Category: face, colors.

-hohtȧhévéne   vai. have birthmark on the face. É-hohtȧhévéne. He has a birthmark on his face. Category: face.

-ho'sotséne   vai. have a dirty face. É-ho'sotséne. He has a dirty face. This is sometimes said by children to tease each other. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -ho'sotahe; -heše'événé. Category: face.

-hóoménen   vta. cover face of s.o. É-hóoménenahtse. He covered his (own) face. [pd311] Category: face.

-hoónȯséné'ó   vai. lonely face - have a. É-hoónȯséné'o. He has a lonely face. Category: face, emotions.

-hóxe'éné   vai. have a clean face. É-hóxe'éne. He has a clean face. Antonym -ho'sótséné; BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-hoxomééné   vai. face smell rotten. É-hoxomééne. He has a smelly face. É-hoxoméeneo'o. They have smelly faces. Usage: humorous; used as an epithet Variant: -hoxeméené. Category: face, smell, check.

-htséné   Gram: poss ni. face. he-stsene ?? his/her face. Ques: recheck pitches?? Ques: are there actually words for face in Ch?? Category: Oklahoma, face, body, check.

-kȧhanéné   vai. lazy faced, tired faced. É-kȧhanéne. He has a tired face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-kȧhaneotsévéné   vai. tired face. É-kȧhaneotsévéne. He has a tired face. Category: face.

-kȧhkoéné   vai. have a thin face. É-kȧhkoéne. He has a thin face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-ka'éné   vai. short face. É-ka'éne. He has a short face. Variant: -ka'événé; Initial ka'-; BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-ka'ėškónevéné   vai. child face. É-ka'ėškónévéne. He has the face of a child. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-ka'événé   vai. short face. É-ka'événe. He has a short face. Variant: -ka'éne. Category: face.

-kávéné   vai. sad face. Lit: droop-faced É-kávéne. He has a sad face. Kávéné'e Sad Faced (a dog's name). See: -á'avéne'ó. Category: face.

-kóénéšé   vai. get hit in the face. É-kóénéše. ?? He got hit in the face.?? fell and bumped his face?? Category: face, hit, check.

-koóséné   vai. have a tiny face. É-kóóséne. He has a tiny face. Medial -éné. See: -koóhtahe. Category: face.

-mȧhtamȧháahévéné   vai. old woman face. É-mȧhtamȧháahévéné. She has an old woman face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-mákȯhévéné   vai. monkey - look like a. Lit: (be) monkey-faced É-mákȯhévéne. He looks like a monkey. BodyPartMedial -éné face. See: mákohe monkey. Category: face, animals.

-ma'éné   vai. have a red face. É-ma'éne. He has a red face. Etym: *meçkwi·nkwe·wa. See: -ma'éneotse. Category: face.

-ma'éné'ó   vai. blush. É-ma'éné'o. He blushed. See: -ma'éneotse. Category: face.

-ma'énéohtsé   vai. blush. É-ma'énéóhtse. He is blushing. Category: face, colors.

-ma'énevose   vai. red face from cold, face red from cold. É-ma'énevose. He has a red face from the cold. Etym: *meçkwi·nkwe·watiwa. fai: -ose1; BodyPartMedial -éné. Phon: hpo See: -ma'eesévose nose red from cold. Category: temperature, face.

-ma'évené   vai. bloody face - have a. É-ma'événe. He has a bloody face. See: -ma'éveesé. Category: face.

-ma'évoéne   vai. red paint on face - have. É-ma'évoéne. He has red paint on his face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

Ma'evoénėstse   na. Red Painted Face. BodyPartMedial -voéné. Category: face, names.

-ma'háhkėsévéné   vai. old man face. É-ma'háhkėsévéne. He has an old man face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-ma'heónėstȯxe'é   vai. sacred writings on face, painted sacred. É-ma'heónėstȯxé'e. He has sacred writings on his face. Category: face, ceremonial.

-ma'ȯxe'é   vai. red-painted face. especially of dancer. É-ma'ȯxē'e. He is face-painted red. See: Ma'etomoná'e; -ma'évoéné. Category: dance, colors, face.

-máméné   vai. have a big face. É-máméne. He has a big face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -tȧhpe'éné. Category: face.

-mano'kéné   vai. have a together face. refers to the facial features being close together. É-mano'kéne. His facial features are together. Category: face.

-mȧsėhávéné   vai. crazy face. É-mȧsėhávéne. He has a crazy face. Category: face.

ma-tsėhešénestȯtse   ni. face. netao'o he-tšėhešénėstóva all over on her face. [1987:253] Usage: not widely used Category: body, face.

-mé'hovávéné   vai. hairy faced. É-mé'hovávéne. He has a hairy face. Vé'hó'e éohkemȧhe-mé'hováveneo'o. Whitemen have hairy faces. [1987:221] BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -mé'šéné hairy faced. Category: face, hair.

-mé'šeeséve'ho'événé   vai. Mexican face. É-mé'šeeséve'ho'événé. He has a Mexican face. Category: face.

-méstaévéné   vai. ghost faced, ghostly look. É-méstaévéne. He has a ghostly looking face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

méstaévénéhe   na. ghost face, spook face. Usage: teasing word Category: face.

-mókééné   vai. have a small face. É-mókééne. He has a small face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-mo'ȯhtáévén   vta. darken s.o.'s face. for example, for Halloween. É-mo'ȯhtávénénóho. He darkened his (obv) face. See: -mo'ȯhtávȯxe'én. Category: face.

-mo'ȯhtávéné   vai. have a dark face, have a black face. É-mo'ȯhtávéne. He has a black/dark face. Etym: *maxkate·wi·nkwe·wa. Category: face.

-mo'ȯhtávénén   vta. darken face of s.o. É-mo'ȯhtáveneno. He darkened his (obv) face. É-mo'ȯhtávénénóho. He darkened his (obv) face. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, colors.

-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'én   vta. paint s.o.'s face black, blacken face of s.o. É-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'eno. He painted his (obv) face black. É-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'énóho. He painted his (obv) face black. (newer pronunciation). tséméhaevé'še-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'énȧhtsesėse with which he had darkened his (own) face. [1987:270] BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: colors, face.

-mo'ȯhtséne   vai. black painted face. É-mo'ȯhtséne. He has black paint on his face. See: -mo'ȯhtsénéne; -mȯxe'éné; -mȯxe'énéné; -mo'ȯhtávéné. Category: face, colors.

-mo'ȯhtsénéné   vai. paint faces black. especially refers to when a soldier has returned from combat and he/she paints people who come through the line at his/her victory dance ?? É-mo'ȯhtsénéne. He is putting black paint on faces. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -mȯxe'éné; -mȯxe'énéné; -mo'ȯhtávéné. Category: face, colors, check.

-mo'onavéné   vai. beautiful face. É-mo'onavéne. He (or She) has a beautiful face. Category: face.

-momá'ko'éné   vai. 1 • have red eyes; have pink eye. É-momá'kó'éne. He has red eyes; he has pink eye. Phon: hl Medial -éné, Variant -momá'o'éné.

2 • red eyes from crying because boyfriend got married to someone else. Category: figurative, sickness, face.

-momáta'éné   vai. have a mean looking face. É-momáta'éne. He has a mean face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-moménovéné   vai. have a rugged face (rugged?? É-moménovéne. He has a rugged face. Ésáa-moménovénéhe. He is not a smiley person. Category: face, check.

-moménovéné'ó   vai. mean face. only used in the negative. Ésáa-moménovéné'óhe. He has a mean expression. See: -ta'ovéné'ó. Category: face.

-mótȯhéné   vai. have a pale face. É-mótȯhéne. He has a pale face. [jwa 1/26/98] BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -vóhpéné. Category: face.

-mótȯhéneotse   vai. pale in the face. É-mótȯhéneotse. His face got pale / he paled. Medial -éné. See: -mótahe. Category: face.

-mȯxe'éné   vai. painted face. for example, for a Victory Dance. É-mȯxe'éne. He has a painted face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -mȯxe'énéné. Category: face.

-mȯxe'énén   vta. paint face of s.o. É-mȯxe'éneno. He painted his (other person's) face. É-mȯxe'énénóho. He painted his (other person's) face. (newer pronunciation). Category: face, ceremonial.

-mȯxe'énéné   vai. paint face. especially for Victory Dance. É-mȯxe'énéne. He is painting face(s). BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -mȯxe'éné; -mo'ȯhtsénéne. Category: face.

-náhkȯhévéné   vai. bear face. É-náhkȯhévéne. He has a bear face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-naóotsévéné   vai. sleepy face. É-naóotsévéne. He has a sleepy looking face. BodyPartMedial -éné face. See: -naóotse sleep. Category: face.

-nėhaéneh(n)   vta. wipe tears of s.o. Ná-nėhaénéhno. I wiped his tears. É-nėhaénehno. He wiped his tears. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -nėhohené wipe. Category: cry, face.

-nėhe'ėsévoéné   vai. have such a long face. nexa hámȯhtsėhnéstóva tsé-nėhe'ėsévoénėstse two tepees long-faced. That is funny. It was said once by a lady related to a long- faced man whom she wished to shame for having beaten his wife. It means something like: "his face is so long he could pitch two tepees on it". BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-nėhévȯhoéné   vai. wipe face. for example, wiping face with a towel. É-nėhévȯhoéne. He wiped his (own) face with a towel. Nėhévȯhoénėstse! Wipe your face (with a towel)! BodyPartMedial -éné; Variant: -névȯhoénehe. See: -nėše'šévoéné wash face. Category: face, groom.

-nėhévȯhoénéh(n)   vta. wipe face of s.o. with an object. such as wiping a face with a towel. É-nėhévȯhoénehno. He wiped his face with a towel. É-nėhevȯhoénėhestse. He wiped his (own) face with a towel. See: -nėhaénen. Category: face, groom.

-nėhpéné   vai. be totally blind. Lit: obstructed-face É-nėhpéne. He is totally blind. Etym: *kepi·nkwe·wa. See: -ó'ó'éné blind. Category: sickness, face.

-néméné   vai. crooked face. É-néméne. He has a crooked face. That is pronounced exactly the same as Énéméne 'He is singing'. Ésáa-némenėheo'o. They don't have crooked faces. tséh-némenévȯse when they sang. hó'-néménėstse whenever he sings. Névááhe tséto'senéménėstse? Who is going to sing? That can be said during a sweat. Initial ném-; BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -némené sing; -némahtsé have a crooked mouth. Etym: *pyi·mi·nkwe·wa (P). Category: face.

-nėše'šévoén   vta. wash face of s.o. Hénėhéóhe móéenėše'šévoénȧhtsėhéhe. There he washed his face. [The Owl.009] Variant: -nėše'šévoénén. Category: groom, face.

-nėše'šévoéné   vai. wash face. É-nėše'šévoéne. He washed his (own) face. Etym: cf *kesi·ʔši·nkwe·wa (P) he washes his face. Nééše-neše'šévoénehe? Did you already wash your face? Héehe'e, náéše-nėše'šévoéne. Yes, I already faced my face. Násáa'éšeméo-nėše'šévoénéhe. I did not yet wash my face this morning. Some speakers humorously point out that é-šé'ševoéne 'he has a duck face' is very close in sound. Nėstōtse é-nėše'šévoéne; nevá'esėstse éto'sėho'ėho'ōhtse. Your pet is washing its face; someone is going to come (for example, to visit)? (a Cheyenne belief that if a pet is washing its face someone is going to visit; cf. -hetame for a similar belief). Nėše'šévoénėstse! Wash your face! Tȧhé-nėše'šévoénėstse! Go wash your face! BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -nėhévȯhoéné; -nėše'šėhe'oná. Category: face, groom.

-nėše'šévoénén   vta. wash face of s.o. É-nėše'šévoéneno. He washed his (other person's) face. É-nėše'šévoénénóho. (newer pronunciation). Ques: recheck pronunciation of that 2nd verb esp. voén?? Variant: -nėše'šévoén. Category: face, groom, check.

-nėše'šévoéneohe   vai. wash face quickly. É-nėše'šévoéneohe. He washed his (own) face quickly. BodyPartMedial -éné; fai: -ohe. Category: groom, face.

nėše'šévoénestȯtse   ni. soap, sink, wash basin. Lit: wash-face-thing (another recording) Ques: recheck LH gloss of 'sink' and 'wash basin'?? Category: check. Plural nėše'šévoénėstotȯtse. See: nėhévȯhoénestȯtse towel. Category: face, groom.

-nétȧhévéne   vai. different face. É-nétȧhévéne. He has a different face. for example, said when someone has plastic surgery on the nose. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-nétȧhéveneotse   vai. masked, different faced. É-nétȧhéveneotse. He got 'different-faced'. Medial -éné; Final -otse. Category: face.

-netoeénéohtsé   vai. have an itchy face. É-netoeénéóhtse. He has an itchy face. Category: sickness, face.

-névȯhoénehe   vai. wipe face. É-névȯhoénehe. He wiped his (own) face. Variant: -nėhévȯhoéné; vta: -névȯhoénén. Category: face, groom.

-névȯhoéneh(n)   vta. wipe face of s.o. with an object. for example, to wipe the face with a towel. É-névȯhoénehno. He wiped his face. É-névȯhoénėhnóho (newer pronunciation) He wiped his face. See: -nėhoná. Category: face.

-névȯhoénén   vta. wipe face of s.o. É-névȯhoénenahtse. He wiped his (own) face. Variant: -nėhévȯhoéné. Category: face, groom.

-nėxoóséné   vai. cute face. É-nėxoóséne. He has a cute face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-nomonéne   vai. sleepy face, look sleepy. Lit: drowsy-face Ná-nomonéne. I look sleepy. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, sleep.

-noné'kéne   vai. smeared face, streaked face. É-noné'kéne. He has a streaked face. Variant: -nonó'kéné. Category: face.

-noné'otoéné   vai. have smeared eyes, have smeared face. perhaps also dust-smeared eyes. É-noné'otoéne. He has a smeared face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: eyes, face.

-nonó'kéne   vai. smeared face, streaked face. É-nonó'kéne. He has a streaked face. Variant: -noné'kéné. Category: face.

-nótsevéné   vai. face from another tribe. É-nótsevéne. He has a face from another tribe. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-óeoméné'o   vai. have a weepy face. É-óeoméné'o. He has a weepy face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: cry, face.

-óetsetanónavéné   vai. anxious face - have an. É-óetsetanónávéne. He has an anxious face. Category: face, emotions.

-ohasévéné   vai. shiny face. É-ohasévéne. He has a shiny face. Category: face.

-omóméné   vai. crying face. That is, to have a face that looks like the person has been crying. É-omóméne. He has a crying face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-onémotoéné   vai. have wandering eyes. É-onémotoéne. He has wandering/distorted eyes. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-onéstaéné   vai. have a round face. É-onéstaéne. He has a round face. Variant: -onéstȧhkéné. Category: face.

-onéstȧhkéné   vai. have a round face. É-onéstȧhkéne. He has a round face. Variant: -onéstaéné; BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-ónėševénéohtsé   vai. face hurt, hurt face. Ná-ónėšévénéóhtse. My face hurts. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, sickness.

onétȧhévénén   vta. change face of s.o. extensively. Non-reduplicated nétȧhévénén. Mó'ée-onétȧhévenenȧhtsėhéhe. He had changed his face. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.142] Category: face.

-ononéséne   vai. goofy face, daffy face. É-ononéséne. He has a daffy looking face. A woman might say this of her son-in-law. Category: face.

-onótovȧšé'ševéné   vai. drunk face - have a. É-onótovȧšé'šévéne. He has a drunk face. Category: face, sickness.

-óoetanévéné   vai. Crow face. É-óoetanévéne. He has a Crow face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-oókȯhkévéné   vai. dirty face. É-oókȯhkévéné. ?? He has a dirty face. Category: check, face.

-oó'honavéné   vai. have chapped face. É-oó'honavéne. He has a chapped face. Category: face.

-otá'tavéne   vai. blue face - have a. É-otá'tavéne. He has a blue face. Category: face, colors.

-páéné   vai. 1 • powdery faced.

2 • raise Cain, mess around. É-páéne. He raised Cain, messed around. Nėhē'še éée-paéne. Then he raised Cain. Usage: probably figurative usage is most common BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, figurative, figurative.

-páevenéotse   vai. ashy faced - become. Éstȧxaemȧhe-páeveneotsesėstse. He got ashes all over his face. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes (Glenmore).072] Category: face.

-pȧhoešénaotse   vai. covered face. Né-pȧhoešénaotse. Your face is covered. Ques: recheck?? See: nėhpa'éet. Category: face, check.

-pėhévéné   vai. nice face. É-pėhévéne. He has a nice face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

pėhévȯxe'énahtȯtse   ni. makeup. Category: new, face, paint.

-póénéh(n)   vta. slap s.o. in the face, punch s.o. in the face. É-póenehno. He slapped him in the face. É-póénėhnóho. He slapped him in the face. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *pa·ki·nkwe·hwe·wa (P). Náma'xe-póénéhno. I slapped him hard on the face (one hit). Ná-póenehe He slapped me. Synonym -póo'énéh(n); Reduplicated -pó'poénéh(n); BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-póénéšé   vai. fall on face, hit face from falling. É-póénéše. He fell on his face. Etym: *pa·ki·nkwe·hšinwa (P). BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -kóna'éšé; -tóestáaxé; -háeoešešé. Category: fall, face.

-póhénévóová   vai. bruised face. Ques: also swollen face?? É-póhénévóóvá. He has bruises on his face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -póheotse. Category: face, check.

-pó'otoéné   vai. gray.faced, gray face. É-pó'otoéne. He has a gray face. Medial -éné. Category: face.

-pó'poénéh(n)   vta. slap s.o. in the face repeatedly; slap s.o. around on the face. É-pó'poenehno. He slapped him around on the face. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -póénéh(n). Category: face.

-póo'énéh(n)   vta. slap s.o. in the face. É-póo'énehno. He slapped his (obv) face. É-póo'énéhnóho. He slapped his face. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -éné; Synonym -póéneh(n), -vé'eénéh(n). Category: violence, face.

-póo'éneše   vai. fall on face. É-póo'énéše. He fell on his face. Category: face, fall, lie.

-popé'éné   vai. pimply face. É-popé'éne. He has a pimply face. Category: face.

-séešéné   vai. similar face. É-séešéneo'o. They resemble each other in the face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-séhpȧheéneotse   vai. eyes stay open, can't go to sleep. É-séhpȧheéneotse. He can't go to sleep / his eyes just stay open. See: -ta'pȧheéné. Category: face, sleep.

-sévéné   vai. drooping face, face drooping, face with no emotions. The face can droop due to sickness. É-sévéne. His face is drooping. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, record.

-sóhkoméné   vai. have a slender face. É-sóhkoméne. He has a long skinny face. Usage: typically has a humorous connotation Medial -éné. See: -tóhkonavéné. Category: face.

-tȧhpe'éné   vai. big face. É-tȧhpe'éne. He has a big face. (another recording) Antonym -tšėške'éné. See: -nėhpéné; -máméné. Category: face.

-ta'ovéné   vai. frown. É-ta'ovéne. He is frowning. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-ta'ovéné'ó   vai. frown. É-ta'ovéné'o. He is frowning. Category: face.

-ta'oveotse   vai. pout, frown. This is especially said of an unborn or newborn babies; "babies can sense how we feel or think about them. The 'for good' part of the meaning is simply implied. É-ta'oveotse. He frowned. Tse-ta'oveotseo'o. They will get mad (lit. frown) for good. Category: face.

-tátséné   vai. have a contemptible face. É-tátséne. He has a contemptible face. Category: face.

-távéné   vai. goofy face. É-távéne. He has a goofy looking face. Etym: *te·wi·nkwe·wa. Category: face.

-toéné   vai. cold face. É-toéne. He has a cold face. Etym: *tahki·nkwe·wa. Náosee-toéne. My face is cold. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: body, face.

-tóhkonavéné   vai. skinny face. É-tóhkonavéne. He has skinny face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -sóhkoméné. Category: face.

-tó'oméné   vai. stone face. É-tó'oméne. He has a stone face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-tó'oméné'ó   vai. be stoic, poker-faced. É-tó'oméné'o. He is poker-faced, expressionless. Category: face.

Tomȯsénéhe   Erect Face. Category: names, face.

-tónėšéne   vai. how is the face, What is the matter with the face of s.o.? É-tónėšéne? What's the matter with his face? Usage: can be humorous Category: face.

-tónėšénee'e   vai. what kind of face sitting; sit with what face. É-tónėšénee'e? What kind of a face does he have sitting? The following is a very humorous saying about someone who might be talking about the person who says this; this is usually said as a follow-up to the saying Nevá'esėstse tsétotóxemá'ėstse? 'Someone must be talkingabout me,' which is said by someone who sneezes twice. Náhósėháma mó-tónėšéneehéhe! His face must have been any old way! That is a very funny saying, wondering what someone's face looked like when he heard something; often has idea of criticism of that person. Phon: vs Category: face.

-totóhtséné   vai. scarred face, scratched face. É-totóhtséne. He has a scarred face. Category: face.

-tsėhe'ėsevéné   vai. long face. É-tsėhe'ėsevéne. He has a long face. BodyPartMedial -éné; Synonym -tsėhe'ėsévoéné. Category: face.

-tsėhe'ėsévoéné   vai. have a long face. for example, a long angular face. É-tsėhe'ėsévoéne. He has a long face. Synonym -tsėhe'ėsevéné; Antonym -tsėhe'kėsévoéné. Category: face.

-tsėhe'kėsévoéné   vai. short face. can be said of a person and also of horses and dogs. É-tsėhe'kėsévoéne. He has a short face. Antonym -tsėhe'ėsévoéné. Category: face.

-tšėhešéné   vai. face look like this. For example, when someone's face looks like someone else's. É-tšėhešéne. His face looks this way. Éma'xe-tšėhešéne. There's something wrong with his face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -tsėheto'éevá. Category: face, record.

-tšėške'éné   vai. small face - have a. É-tšėške'éne. He has a small face. (another recording) Antonym -tȧhpe'éné. Category: face, size.

-vé'eénéh(n)   vta. slap s.o. in the face. É-vé'eénehno. He slapped him in the face. É-vé'eénėhnóho. He slapped him in the face. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -éné; Synonym -póo'énéh(n). See: vé'eestséáh(n). Category: face, violence.

-vé'ho'á'événé   vai. white woman face. É-vé'ho'á'événé. She has a white woman face. Masculine -vé'ho'événé. Category: face.

-vé'ho'événé   vai. whiteman face. É-vé'ho'événé. He has a whiteman face. Feminine -vé'ho'á'événé. Category: face.

-vé'kėséhemėstaévéné   vai. owl face. É-vé'kėséhemėstaévéné. He has an owl looking face. Category: face, birds.

-voéné   mbp. face. Énėše'šé-voéne. He washed his face. Phon: allomorph of -éné See: -éné. Category: face.

-vóhko'xéné   vai. have a Roman nose. É-vóhko'xéne. He has a Roman nose. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: Vóo'xénéhe. Category: nose, face.

-vóhpe'xoéné   vai. gray faced. especially of a horse. É-vóhpe'xoéne. He is gray faced. Éh-vóhpe'xoénėsesto. He (horse) was gray faced (pret). [1987:170] Ques: especially of a roan?? Medial -éné. See: -otá'tavová. Category: colors, face, horses.

-vóhpén   vta. paint s.o. white on the face. especially of painting s.o. who will to dance in a Sun Dance. É-vóhpeno. He painted his face white. É-vóhpénóho. He painted his face white. (newer pronunciation). É-vóhpénáá'e. He (obv) painted his face white. Ná-vóhpéno. I painted him. É-vóhpenėhestse. She powdered her (own) face. Category: colors, face.

-vóhpéné   vai. have a pale face, have a white face. for example, when painted for a Sun Dance. É-vóhpéne. He has a pale/powdered face. Etym: *wa·pi·nkwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -vóhpe; -mótȯhéné. Category: face.

-vó'koméné   na. white faced. É-vó'koméne. He is white faced. Category: face.

Vó'koméné'e   na. White Faced Woman. Variant: Vó'oméné'e. Category: names, face.

-vó'oméné   vai. have a light face. É-vó'oméne. He has a light face. Etym: *wa·xkami·nkwe·wa he has a clean face. Category: face, colors.

Vó'oméné'e   na. White Faced Woman. Variant: Vó'koméné'e. Category: face, names.

-vóo'xéné   vai. have a crooked nose, have a Roman nose. É-vóo'xéne. He has a Roman nose. Lit: crooked-face See: -vóhko'xéné. Category: nose, face.

-vovéhéné   vai. scarred. É-vovéhéne. He has a scarred face. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.161] BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-xaaméné   vai. smiley face, face smile. É-xááméne. He has a smily face. (another recording) See: cf *šo·mi·nkwe·wa (P); -hohátséné. Category: face.

-xaaméné'o   vai. smile. É-xaaméné'o. He is smiling. Ques: -xaéméné'o ?? Category: check. See: -hohátséné'ó. Category: face.

-xaameneotsé'tov   vta. smile at s.o. can be used of flirting with someone. Ná-xaameneotsé'tova. He smiled at me. Ques: recheck pitches?? vai: -xaaméné'ó. Category: face.

-xo'évoéné   vai. salve face. É-xo'évoéne. He is putting salve on his (own) face. Category: face.

-xo'évoénéh(n)   vta. apply salve to face of s.o. É-xo'évoénėhnóho. He put salve on his face. É-xo'évoénėhestse. He put salve on his (own) face. See: -xo'évoénén salve face of s.o.; -xo'ėhe'onán put salve on hand of s.o.. Category: face.

-xo'évoénén   vta. salve face of s.o. É-xo'évoénenahtse. He is rubbing his (own) face with salve. See: -xo'évoéneh(n). Category: face.