Cheyenne Dictionary



éškȯseome   ni. tepee. Lit: pointed-lodge Usage: less commonly used than xamaevee'e Synonym xamaevee'e. See: vee'e; xamaevee'e. Category: lodges.

hóhkėha'éome   ni. Sacred Hat Lodge, Sacred Hat Tepee. This name is said to be of newer usage than the older term for this lodge, vonȧhéome. This houses the sacred bundle brought to the Cheyennes by the Sutaio. (1987:98). Variant: hóhtšėha'éome. Usage: That pronunciation is old male speech. See: vonȧhéome; hoestséheome; vonȧhé'xa'e; hoxéheome; maahéome arrow lodge. Category: lodges.

hotȧhéeome   Ques: ho'tȧhaé?? Category: check.

ni. willow tepee. See: ma'xėhotȧhéeome. Category: lodges.

hotȧhééško   ni. willow tepee, poor man's tepee (especially willow shelter). can be covered with blankets or canvas. Plural ho'tȧheeškȯtse, ma'xėhotȧhéeome. See: hotȯhotȧhéeome. Category: lodges.

maahéome   ni. arrow lodge. This tepee holds the (Sacred) Arrows, while the hóhkėha'éome holds the Sacred Buffalo Hat bundle. See: hóhkėha'éome. Category: lodges.

ma'heóneome   ni. sacred tent, sacred lodge. where the Sacred Arrows are kept; also used in post-missionary period for the Jewish Tabernacle. Category: lodges.

ma'xėhotȧhéeome   ni. poor man's lodge. like a small-scale sweat lodge; made out of willows or chokecherry trees. See: hotȧhéeome. Category: lodges.

ma'xevonȧhéome   ni. Sun Dance lodge. See: hoxéheome. Usage: ceremonial name Lit: big-ceremonial-lodge Category: lodges, Sun Dance.

mȧsėháome   ni. Crazy Lodge. Category: lodges.

mée'pa'onáome   ni. tepee whose back is beaded (with quills?) Lit: feather(quill?)-back-lodge See: méenó'eome; méenóheome; 'pa'oná. Category: lodges.

mȯséškanéome   ni. buckskin tent, skin lodge. Category: lodges.

mȯxe'éome   ni. painting lodge. used in painting ceremony. Category: lodges.

onéhanótȧxéome   ni. Omaha lodge. Category: lodges.

pó'eome   ni. plain tepee. Lit: gray-lodge this kind of tepee has no decorations. Plural pó'eomēnėstse. See: xamaevee'e; -pó'ó. Category: lodges.

tóovaneome   ni. double lodge. two tepees put together to make one large tepee to accommodate a large gathering. Category: lodges.

véhoneome   ni. chief's lodge. Category: lodges.

vé'ho'éome   ni. tent. Lit: whiteman-lodge Oblique vé'ho'éoméé'e; fni: -ome1. See: vee'e; xamaevee'e; éškȯseome. Category: lodges.

vonȧhéome   ni. ceremonial sweat lodge. Final -ome. See: ma'xevonȧhéome; hoxéheome; émaome; vonȧhé'xa'e; Vonȧhé'e. Category: lodges.