-áhto'hóová vai. be buried under water. É-áhto'hóóva. He is buried under water. Medial -óová. Category: liquid.
-ahto'hóováotse vii. covered by water, buried by water.
vai. covered by water, buried by water. É-ahto'hóováotse. It/He was covered by water. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-a'kóomoehá vii. pond, puddle, pool. É-a'kóomoēha. It is a pool of water. tsé'-a'kóomoēha where there is a pool of water. Variant: -a'óomoehá. See: -évoomoehá; -séehá. Category: liquid.
-a'óomoehá vii. pond, puddle, pool. É-a'óomoēha. It is a pool of water. tsé'-a'óomoēha where there is a pool of water. Variant: -a'kóomoehá. See: -évoomoehá; -séehá. Category: liquid.
-ame'sevó vii. flow along (of liquid). É-ame'sēvo. It is flowing. Etym: cf *pemiʔtanwi; cf. M peme·cewan. fii: -'sevó. See: -ameohétó. Category: liquid.
ametanénemahpe ni. living water, water is life. This word has apparently been used by Cheyennes for many years. It has also been used for the recent Native American "Water is life" campaign which opposed contruction of oil pipelines through areas with precious water. See: -ametanénétó; ametanéne- ‘alive’; mahpe ‘water’. Category: liquid.
-amoehá vii. float on liquid. É-amoēha. It is on liquid. fii: -oehá. Category: liquid.
-amóomanohe vai. carry water. É-amóomanohe. He carried water. See: -manohe. Category: liquid.
-amóón vti. pull s.t. through water. É-amóóna. He pulled it through water.
vta. pull s.o. through water. É-amóono. He pulled him through water. for example, while he was on a boat. Category: liquid.
-amóová vai. go along in the rain. É-amóóva. He went by (on foot) in the rain. Category: liquid, motion.
-amóová'á vti. move s.t. liquid by foot. É-amóová'a. He moved it (water) with his foot. Category: liquid.
-amóovánené vai. 1 • irrigate, water. É-amóovánéne. He is irrigating.
2 • bring alcohol. Usage: figurative fai: -óová. Category: liquid.
-amóovátó vii. flood. É-amóováto. It is flooding/there is flooding. Category: liquid.
-anȯhe isevó vii. flow down (of liquid). É-anȯhe isēvo. It is running down. Category: liquid.
-anȯhehéeóó'e vii. pour down, be a waterfall. É-anȯhehéeóó'e. It is a waterfall. Ésáa'-anȯhehéeóehane. The water is not pouring down. Phon: vs Category: liquid.
-anȯhóneóó'e vii. flow down. Ques: recheck gloss?? É-anȯhóneóó'e. ?? tsé'-anȯhóneóó'e waterfall. Lit: where it is flowing down Phon: vs Category: liquid, check.
-anȯhóóvá vii. flow down. É-anȯhóóva. It is flowing down. (another recording) Final -óóvá. Category: liquid.
-anóóvá vii. run down (of water)?? É-anóóva. ?? See: -anȯhóóvá. Category: check, liquid.
-anóováotse vii. run down (of water). É-anóováotse. (The water) is running down. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-asėtóe'ó vii. float away.
vai. float away. É-asėtóé'o. He (or It) floated away. Category: liquid.
-asėtóová vai. remove by water?? É-asėtóóva. ?? [pd1094] Initial asėt-; fii: -óová. See: -vonóová. Category: liquid, check.
-asėtóovaotse vii. swept away by water. É-asėtóovaotse. It was swept away by water. Initial asėt-; fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-éeoha'ov vta. immerse s.o., dunk s.o., submerse s.o. É-éeoha'ovóho. He dunked him. Category: liquid.
-éeotse vai. dive. É-éeotse. He dove (under the water). Etym: **ko·kipalyiwa (Ch with resultative final). Naa ȯhts-éeotsévosėstse mó'ȯhketšėšeno'ma'xepoo'ȯhenėhevóhe homā'e. And when beavers dive they make a tremendous clap. [1987:277] Etym: O googi· (N) (correspondence?). See: -éohtsé ‘wander’; -ama'ó ‘dive (flying)’; -nótová ‘roam’. Category: liquid, motion.
-e'óh(n)1 vta. spray water on s.o.sprinkle water on s.o.douse s.o. É-e'ohno. He doused him. É-e'óhnóho. He doused him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-e'óhno. I'm sprinkling water on him. Násáa'-e'óhnȯheo'o. I did not spray them. See: -e'óoestáh(n); -e'óoestaáh(n). Category: liquid.
-é'omóome vii. greasy liquid. É-é'omóome. It (for example, the soup) is greasy. Medial -óome. Category: liquid.
-e'óoestaáheškóhtah(n) vta. pour water on fingers of s.o. É-e'óoestaáheškóhtȧhnóho. He poured water on his finger(s). See: -e'ovėškóhtah(n). Category: liquid.
-e'óovátó vii. water go up, go up (of water). É-e'óováto. Water is going up. (another recording) Category: liquid.
-e'ȯsévoeotse vii. capsize, turn upside down. É-e'ȯsévoeotse. It/He capsized. Tótšėške'sémonȯtse mó'ȯhke-e'ȯsévoeotséhanevótse. Little boats turn over (in big waves).
vai. capsize. See: hotáo'ó; hotáavóé'ó. Category: liquid.
-éne'ēē'e vii. stop leaking. can be said of a nosebleed. É-éne'ēē'e. It stopped leaking / The nosebleed stopped. Ésáa'éne'eéhane. It did not stop leaking. Phon: vs fii: -e'eé. See: -ése'ēē'e; -mȧhe'ēē'e. Category: liquid.
-éne'sevó vii. stop flowing, flow stop. É-éne'sēvo. It stopped flowing. Final -'sevó. Category: liquid.
-éne'sevóotse vii. stop flowing quickly, flow stop quickly. É-éne'sevóotse It (liquid) stopped flowing quickly. Final -'sevó. Category: liquid.
-ése'ēē'e vii. leak. É-ése'ēē'e. It is leaking. Phon: vs fii: -e'eé. See: -éne'ēē'e; -hé'oohtsé; -mȧhe'ēē'e. Category: liquid.
-ése'sēvo vii. flow into. for instance, for water to flow into a basement. É-ése'sēvo. It is flowing into. fii: -'sevó. Category: liquid.
-éstóe'ó vai. float in.
vii. float in. É-éstóé'o. It (or He) floated in. Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-estoemanohe vai. bring in water offering. Done by a lady early in the morning, for a peyote meeting; she gets a cigarette for this, and smokes it, giving little puffs of smoke to the four directions. É-estoemanohe. She brought in the water. See: -estsénené. Category: liquid.
-éstȯhoo'e vai. swim into, wade into. swimming of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, etc.; wading of people. É-éstȯhoo'e. He waded/swam into the water. Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. See: -sé'ȯhoo'e. Category: liquid.
-éstóová vii. water come in?? É-éstóóva. Water came in.?? Category: check. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-éstóová'o'tsé vti. flush s.t. for example, the toilet. É-éstoová'ó'tse. He flushed it. Medial -óová. Category: liquid.
-éstoováná vti. make flow into s.t.; guzzle s.t., irrigate s.t. for example, guzzle down some liquid, or irrigate a field. É-éstoována. He irrigated it. fii: -óová; Antonym -hóoován. Category: liquid.
-éstoováotse vii. water flow in, drain. É-éstoováotse. The water flowed in / the water drained. Etym: *pi·nta·pa·we·palyiwi (P/L). Lit: into-liquid-RESULT Émȧhe-éstoováotse. It completely drained. Category: liquid.
-éstoováto vii. flow in. É-éstoováto. It flowed in. Category: liquid.
-éstoovȯsané vai. inject, put in liquid. É-éstoovȯsāne. vȧs?? He injected/he put in liquid. Category: check, liquid.
-éstsėhévóeotse vii. submerge, sink.
vai. submerge, sink. Éxamae'-éstsėhévoeotse. He just went under water. [The Lost Horse.025] Ques: éstsėhév or éstsév or estsév?? make dicy entries consistent?? Category: liquid, motion, check.
-estsévanéeotse vii. absorbed, soak in. É-estsévanéeotse. It soaked in/became absorbed. Category: liquid.
-estsévóe'ó vai. sink. É-éstsévóé'o. It/he sank. Ques: recheck first pitch?? Final -óe'ó. See: -amóé'ó. Category: liquid, check.
-estsévoeotse vii. sink quickly.
vai. sink quickly. É-estsévoeotse. He (or It) sank quickly. Tā'se éxamae'estsévoeotse Vóhpe'xoénéhe. It is just like Grayface went under water. [1987:171] See: -estsévóe'ó. Category: liquid.
-éva'ȧsévóe'ó vai. float face down. É-éva'ȧsévóé'o. He is floating face down. Category: liquid, float.
-éve'sevó vii. flow about. É-éve'sēvo. Water is flowing all over. fii: -e'sevó. Category: liquid.
-évoomoehá vii. pool around; puddle around; ponds around - be. É-évoomoēha. There are pools of water here and there. tsé'éstsenėhe'éše'e tséstšėšeéve-évoomoehatse mahpe in the swamp where there were small pools of water. [The Frog That Waved for Help.016] See: -a'kóomo. Category: liquid.
-évoováohtsé vii. liquid flood here and there. É-évoováóhtse. Water is flooding here and there. Category: liquid.
-éxovóomȧho'há vti. warm s.t. liquid. É-éxovóomȧhō'ha. He warmed up the liquid. Vá'ne-éxovóomȧho'hȯhtse! Just warm it up! See: -nėsóome'há ‘heat s.t. liquid’. Category: liquid, temperature.
-éxovóome vii. warm water - be. É-éxovóome. It is warm water. Initial éxov-; Final -óome. Category: liquid.
-háahpe'e'sevó vii. flow a lot. É-háahpe'e'sēvo. It is flowing a lot. fii: -'sevó. Category: liquid, record.
-háa'ého'ome'sevó vii. flow wide. É-háa'ého'ome'sēvo. It is flowing wide. Móstaetó'tšėšė-háa'ého'omé'sevóhanetséhe. The water was at the widest point. [1987:276] fii: -e'sevó. Category: liquid.
-háe'sevó vii. flow fast. É-háe'sēvo. It is flowing fast. fii: -e'sevó; Synonym -nėševe'sevó. Category: liquid, speed.
-hánȯhtóe'ó vai. float on back, float supine. É-hánȯhtóé'o. He is floating on his back. fai: -óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-háo'etame vii. deep (of water). É-háo'etame. It (water) is deep. fii: -o'(k)etame; Antonym -tšėho'ketame; Variant: -háo'otame; Synonym -vono'etame. See: -háa'éhotoo'e. Category: liquid.
-háo'otame vii. deep (of water). É-háo'otame. The water is deep. Variant: -háo'etame. Category: liquid.
-háoome'tá vii. hot water. É-háoomē'ta. It is hot water. See: -ma'óome; -nėsóome'tá. Category: liquid.
-háóová vii. soaked.
vai. soaked. É-háóóva. He (or It) is soaked. nónóhpa nȧhtsėsáa-háóóváhe so I will not get soaked. [1987:29] fai: -óóvá. See: -háoovahe; -he'kóová. Category: liquid.
-héa'hahtsé vti. empty s.t.; dump out s.t., spill out s.t. (intentionally). É-héa'hāhtse. He emptied it out. Éhóe-héa'hāhtse. He threw it outside. Éésė-héa'hāhtse. He threw it into. Héa'hāhtsėstse! Empty it! See: -hée'o'tsé ‘spill s.t.’; -héhea'hahtsé; -vóho'oestsé ‘throw away s.t.’. Category: liquid.
-hée'o'sané vai. spill. É-hée'o'sāne. He spilled (something). vti: -hée'o'tsé; vta: -hée'o'h. Category: liquid.
-hée'o'tsé vti. spill s.t., pour s.t. liquid or another substance. É-hée'ō'tse. He spilled it. É-hée'o'tsenȯtse ȧhko'eneonȯtse. He spilled the marbles. Néx-hée'ō'tsėstse mahpe! Go pour water! vai: -hée'o'sané, -héeotse; vii: -héeotse, -héehá; vta: -hée'o'h. See: -héa'hahtsé. Category: move, liquid.
-héesevo'tá vii. boil. É-héesevō'ta. It is boiling. See: -nėsóome'tá. Category: liquid.
-héhea'hahtsé vti. spill s.t. from shaking. É-héhea'hāhtse. He spilled it. Náma'xė-héhea'hāhtse. I spilled a lot of it. for example, I spilled coffee while the cup was shaking as I walked. Preverb hé-. See: -héa'hahtsé ‘spill s.t.’; -héheotómo'ená ‘overflow’. Category: liquid.
-héhenotómo'ena vii. overflow, run over. É-héhenotómo'ēna. It (for example, water) ran over. Variant: -héheotómo'ená, -héenotómo'ená. See: -ó'otómo'ená; -ó'otómoovátó; -héheotseotse. Category: liquid.
-héheotómo'ená vii. overflow, spill over. É-héheotómo'ēna. It overflowed. for example, of a water pot. Variant: héhenotómo'ena, héenotómo'ená. See: -ó'otómo'ená; -héheotseotse; -táxe'sevó. Category: liquid.
-héheotóova'ó vai. spill water while walking. É-héheotóová'o. He spilled water while walking. Final -óová. Category: liquid, walk.
-hehpe'sevó vii. flow farther, flow beyond. É-hehpe'sēvo. It flowed farther. fii: -'sevó. Category: liquid.
-hehpóe'ó vii. float farther, float beyond.
vai. float farther, float beyond. É-hehpóé'o. He (or It) floated farther. Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-he'heman vti. sprinkle s.t., dab s.t. for example, with water or paint. É-he'hemāna. He sprinkled it.
vta. sprinkle s.o.; dab s.o. É-he'hemanóho. He sprinkled him by hand. Category: liquid.
-he'hemóovot vta. sprinkle s.o. with water. É-he'hemóovotóho. He sprinkled him with water. See: -he'néškomóovot. Category: liquid.
-he'hémotóhtá vti. sprinkle s.t. by mouth. for example, by squirting water out of the mouth. É-he'hémotóhta. He blew it out by mouth. Category: mouth, liquid.
-he'kóoma'ov vta. 1 • wet s.o. especially with your feet or body.
2 • chasten s.o. É-he'kóoma'ovóho. He chastened him. Synonym -vé'hoét. Category: figurative, interpersonal, liquid.
-he'kóome'sevó vii. water flow quietly. É-he'kóome'sēvo. It is flowing quietly. See: -he'kotóomoehá. Category: liquid.
-he'kóomóehá vii. still water - be. É-he'kóomóéha. It is still water.?? Ques: what is the final?? fii: -óomoehá. Category: liquid, check.
he'kóov- i. wet. É-he'kóovāna. He moistened it. É-he'kóóvéne. He has a wet face. Heme'ko móée-he'kóovȧhtsėhéhe. He soaked his head. [The Owl.010] Category: liquid.
-he'kóová vii. wet. É-he'kóóvánėstse mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse. ?? The book pages are wet. See: -he'kóovema'ehá.
vai. wet. can be of a baby with a wet diaper. É-he'kóóva. He (or It) is wet. Etym: *eška·pa·we·wa ‘he is tired of being in water’. Né-he'kóovahe? Are you wet? Ná-he'kóóva. I'm wet. Né-he'kóóva. You're wet. A mother could say that to her baby. vai: -he'kóóvó; fii: -óová. See: -he'kóovaotse; -háóová; -mȧhóová. Category: liquid, check.
-he'kóovȧhtsená'o'h vta. wet mouth of s.o. He'kóovȧhtsená'o'hahtsėstse! Moisten your mouth! BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: mouth, liquid.
-he'kóova'o'tsé vti. rinse s.t., get s.t. wet. É-he'kóova'ō'tse. He rinsed it. See: -nėše'han. Category: liquid.
-he'kóova'ov vta. water s.o. by feet. that is, using your feet to push water onto someone. É-he'kóova'ovóho. He got him wet with his feet. See: -he'kóovot; -manoh. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovan vti. moisten s.t. É-he'kóovāna. He moistened it. É-he'kóóvána. ?? (another pronunciation) ??
vta. moisten s.o. É-he'kóovanóho. He moistened him. Category: liquid, check.
-he'kóovaotse vai. wet.become. É-he'kóovaotse. He got wet. Final -óóvá. See: -he'kóóvá. Category: liquid.
he'kóove- pv. wet. Éohkė-he'kóovėhoéstse. He soaks it. for example, to soak a barrel to swell its wood. See: -hoéstsé. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovėhoéstsé vti. soak s.t. É-he'kóovėhoéstse. He soaked it. See: -hoéstsé; he'kóovėhoéseonȯtse ‘cereal’. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovema'ehá vii. wet (book pages), book - be wet. É-he'kóovema'ēha. The book is wet. Medial -ma'2. See: -he'kóová. Category: paper, liquid.
-he'kóóvó vii. be wet. É-he'kóóvo. It is wet. See: -he'kóóvá. Ques: is -he'kóóvá only vai or also vii?? Category: liquid, check.
-he'kóovohtsé vti. water s.t., wet s.t. É-he'kóóvóhtse. He watered it. Etym: *eška·pa·wata·wa. Ná-he'kóóvóhtse pénȯhéó'o. I wet the flour. for example, for kneading bread. Ná-he'kóovȯhtsenȯtse véhpotȯtse. I'm watering the flowers. Nánėšėpėhévė-he'kóóvóhtse tséméhaehoéstómo. I (cried) wetting (accidentally) what I was reading. vta: -he'kóovot. See: -manohtsé. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovóma'ešé vai. lie in dampness, sleep in a damp place. É-he'kóovóma'ēše. He is lying in a damp place. Medial -óma'(e). See: -hestonéešé. Category: lie, sleep, liquid.
-he'kóovóma'ohá vti. water s.t. (ground). Tȧhé-he'kóovóma'óéstse! Go water it (for example, a plant)! See: -he'kóovohtsé. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovóma'óovȯsané vai. water grass. É-he'kóovóma'óóvȯsáne. He watered the grass. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovóne'o'e vii. wet place, wet garden. É-he'kóovóne'o'e. It is a wet garden. Category: liquid, environment.
-he'kóovot vta. water s.o. for example, to water a tree. É-he'kóovotóho. He watered him. Etym: *eška·pa·wale·wa. Ná-he'kóovotoo'o. I'm watering them. vti: -he'kóovohtsé; vai: -he'kóovȯsané. See: -he'kóova'ov; -manoh. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovotom vta. lick, wet by mouth, moisten s.o. by mouth. Ná-he'kóovotōmo. I moistened him. for example, to lick a thread (animate) to pull it through the eye of a needle. Medial -om. Category: mouth, liquid.
-he'kotómeotse vii. become calm water. Éstȧ-he'kotómeotsénėse. The water calmed down. [The Journey.084] Category: liquid.
-he'kotóomehá vii. still water - be. É-he'kotóomēha. The water is still. Initial he'kot-; Medial -óome. See: -he'kotóomoehá. Category: liquid.
-he'kotóomeotse vii. water become calm, water calm. É-he'kotóomeotse. The water calmed. Nėhē'še ta'mȧhove'še éstȧ-he'kotóomeotsénėse. Then finally the water calmed down. [JOURNEY.TXT] See: -he'kotóomóeotse. Category: liquid.
-he'kotóomoehá vii. be calm water. É-he'kotóomoēha. The water is calm. See: -he'kotóomehá; -he'kotóomeotse; -he'kóome'sevó. Category: liquid.
-he'kotóomóeotse vii. water quiet. É-he'kotóomóeotse. It (water) became quiet. For example, after horses crossed the water the water calmed down. See: -he'kotóomeotse. Category: liquid.
-he'néomehá vii. splash. É-he'néomēha. It splashed. See: -he'névooma'ó. Category: liquid.
-he'néškomóovot vta. sprinkle s.o. with water. É-he'néškomóovotóho. He sprinkled him with water. See: he'hemóovot-. Category: liquid.
-he'névooma'ó vii. ripples spread. That is, when an object is dropped in the water and the ripples spread out from that point. É-he'névoomā'o. It is rippling outward. See: he'néomehá. Category: liquid.
-hé'oohtsé vii. drip, leak. can refer to a penis dripping. É-hé'óóhtse. It is dripping. Tsevóonė-hé'óóhtse. It (for example, water faucet) will drip all night. See: -ése'ēē'e; -hé'ohtsé. Category: liquid, vulgar.
-hénená vti. pour s.t. É-hénéna. She poured it. (another recording) Etym: *si·kenamwa. Hénénȯhtse! Pour it! See: -hóoováná.
vta. pour s.o. É-hénenóho mésėhéstoto. He poured the potatoes. This verb can be used both of liquid as well as non-liquid objects, as can the English verb 'pour'. Etym: *si·kene·wa. Category: liquid.
-hénenené vai. pour. É-hénenēne. He poured. Névááhe tséto'sė-hénenēnėstse? Who is going to pour the water? That can be said during a sweat. vta: -hénenomev. Category: liquid.
-hénenomev vta. pour (something) for s.o. É-hénenomevóho. He poured it for him. Nétȧ-hénenomévatsénóvo. Let me pour it for you (plural). vai: -hénenené. Category: liquid.
-heóvȯhkóome vii. be yellow liquid. that is, liquor; alcohol. É-heóvȯhkóome. It is yellow liquid. Etym: *wesa·wa·kamyiwi (P). "Nėstsėho'a'ó'tóénóvo tséheóvȯhkóome naa tsema'kóome," éxhesėstse. "Yellow and red liquid (alcohol) will come to you (pl)," (Sweet Medicine) said. [1987:12] Medial -óome. Category: liquid.
-heóvoome vii. be yellow liquid. É-heóvoome. It is yellow liquid. Etym: *wesa·wa·kamyiwi. Éx-heóvoométsénėse. It was a yellow liquid. [1987:55] Category: liquid.
-hesó'xoovohtsé vti. make s.t. slippery with water. É-hesó'xoovōhtse. He made it slippery with water. Category: liquid.
-hestomóová vai. hindered by rain - be. for example, couldn't drive through because of rain. É-hestomóóva. He was hindered by rain. Etym: *wetama·pa·we·wa. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-hestonéešé vai. lie where it is damp. É-hestonééše. He is lying where it is damp. Etym: *wetakihšinwa (P). See: -he'kóovóma'ešé. Category: lie, liquid.
-heše'évoome vii. be dirty water. É-heše'évoome. The water is dirty. Category: liquid.
-heše'kévoome vii. dirty water, muddy water. É-heše'kévoome. It is dirty (or muddy) water. Variant: -heše'évoome. Category: liquid.
-hévoen vti. wring out s.t. É-hévoēna. He wrung it out.
vta. wring out s.o. É-hévoenóho. He wrung him out. for example, wringing out wet cloth (animate). Category: liquid.
-hóehót vta. go out of s.o., exit s.o.; flow out of s.o. É-hóehoto. He went out of him. É-hóehótóho. He went out of him. (newer pronunciation). É-hóehótaa'e. It flowed out of him. can refer to menstrual blood flow: É-hóehótaa'e ma'e. The blood flowed out of her. See: -nȧhestoné; -ma'éveotse; -háeho'tá; -ho'ėhót. Category: liquid.
-hóe'sevó vii. flow out. É-hóe'sēvo. It (liquid) is flowing out. fii: -e'sevó; Synonym -hóeneeóó'e. See: -hóonea'ó. Category: liquid.
-hóeneeóó'e vii. flow out. É-hóeneeóó'e. It flows out. That is, it is a spring flowing out. Phon: vs fai: -óé2; Synonym -hóe'sevó. See: -hóonea'ó. Category: liquid.
-hoésé2 vai. float. É-hoése. He is floating. Etym: *akwintinwa (P). Category: liquid.
-hoésem2 vta. float s.o., soak s.o. É-hoésemóho. He soaked him. vti: -hoéstsé; Homonym -hoésem1 ‘hang up s.o.’. Etym: *akwintime·wa (P); cf. M aki·hcemaew. Category: liquid.
-hoéstsé2 vti. soak s.t. É-hoéstse. He soaked it. Etym: *akwintahamwa. É-hoéstsénóvo. They soaked it. vta: -hoésem. See: -he'kóovėhoéstsé ‘soak s.t.’; -hoestsé ‘hang s.t.’. Category: liquid.
-hoháo'etame vii. be very deep water. É-hoháo'etame. The water is very deep. See: -háo'etame ‘deep water - be’. Category: liquid.
-ho'e'sevó vii. arrive flowing. for example, when water comes up to your house during a flood. É-ho'e'sēvo. (The water) arrived flowing. See: -ho'óováotse. Category: liquid.
-ho'ėškome vii. be lukewarm liquid. for example, said of water from a faucet which isn't cool. É-ho'ėškome. It is lukewarm liquid. See: -nėsóome'tá; -ho'ėspȧho'tá. Category: liquid, temperature.
-ho'ėškomó vii. lukewarm, tepid. Ques: -ho'ėškome ?? Category: check. É-ho'ėškōmo. It is lukewarm (water). Category: liquid, temperature.
-ho'ėškomotóhtá vti. cool s.t. (liquid) by blowing. that is, make it lukewarm. É-ho'ėškomotóhta. He cooled it by blowing on it. Category: liquid.
-ho'óe'ó vii. arrive floating.
vai. arrive floating. É-ho'óé'o. He (or It) arrived floating. Category: liquid.
-ho'óemanohe vai. bring water, arrive with water. for example, to bring water from a creek. É-ho'óemanohe. He brought back water. See: -manohe. Category: liquid.
-ho'óovaotse vii. arrive flowing, water arrive flowing. É-ho'óováotse. Water arrived flowing. fii: -óóvá. See: -ho'e'sevó. Category: liquid.
-ho'továvoováotse vii. loosened by water. É-ho'továvoováotse. It was loosened by water. for example, of a fence post loosened by flood water. Category: liquid.
-hóomóová vai. be sheltered from rain. É-hóomóóva. He is sheltered from the rain. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-hóonea'ó vii. gush out. É-hóónéá'o. It gushed out. For example, water gushed out of a water spout (spigot/faucet). See: -hóe'sevó. Category: liquid.
-hóoneóó'e vii. spring up (of water). É-hóoneóó'e. (The water) is springing up. Final -óé1. Category: liquid.
hóoová'hasēō'o ni. siphon. something that moves water from one place to another. Category: liquid.
-hóoováná vti. pour out s.t. É-hóoována. He poured/siphoned it out. Antonym -éstoován; fii: -óová. See: -hénená. Category: liquid.
-hóoovánené vai. transfer water, pour out water. É-hóoovánéne. He is transferring water. for example, emptying a water tank. Category: liquid.
hóoovánéó'o ni. water pump, siphon. Medial -óová; Synonym hóova'hasēō'o. See: óová'hasēō'o; e'óová'haseon; hóova'hasēō'o. Category: liquid, tools.
hóovánéó'o ni. faucet, siphon. Synonym hóovátó. Category: liquid.
-hóováotse vii. gush out. É-hóováotse. (Water) is gushing out. Mahpe é-hóováotse. Water is gushing out; her water (placenta) broke. Category: liquid, babies.
-hóovátó vii. water pour out. É-hóováto. Water is pouring out. See: tsé'ȯhkėhóováto ‘faucet; rubber hose’. Category: liquid.
-hosóvoomane vii. water recede. É-hosóvoomane. Water is receding. See: -voome; hosó-. Category: liquid.
-hotáavóé'ó vii. capsize, turn over while floating.
vai. É-hotáavóé'o. It/He capsized. See: -amóé'ó ‘float’; -hotáavoeotse. Category: liquid.
-hotáavoeotse vii. capsize, tip over.
vai. capsize, tip over. É-hotáavoeotse. He (or It) tipped over (floating). "Nėstsė-hotáavoeotsémáne nėstsemémėstanémáne," é'ȯhkėhésesto. "We will turn over. We will drown," they would say. [1980:1:10-11] See: -hotáavóé'ó. Category: motion, liquid.
-hotóoma'há vii. swiftly flowing water - be, rough water - be. É-hotóomā'ha. The water is swiftly flowing/rough. Medial óom. Category: liquid.
-hóxe'óome vii. be clean water. É-hóxe'óome. It is clean water. Final -óome. See: -ohasévoome ‘clear water’; -nanévėsévoome ‘clear water’. Category: liquid.
-hoxóová vii. rotten from water. É-hoxóóva. It is rotten from water/dampness. Category: smell, liquid.
-hóxove'sevó vii. flow across, flow over, across flow. for example, when water flows over a road. É-hóxove'sēvo. (The water) flowed across. fii: -'sevó. See: -hóxovóováotse. Category: liquid.
-hóxovóe'ó vai. float across, across - float.
vii. float across, across - float. É-hóxovóé'o. He/It is floating across. Category: liquid.
-hóxovȯhoo'e vai. swim across (of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, et al); wade across (of people). For people swimming -too'hamé and -tó'honá are used. É-hóxovȯhoo'e. He swam across. É-hóxovȯhoeo'o. They (for example, children) are wading across. Nétȧhé-hoxovȯhóémáne! Let's go wade in the water! Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. See: -too'hamé; -tó'hóná. Category: liquid, swim.
-hóxovóováotse vii. flood across. É-hóxovóováotse. It flowed across. for example, when water floods across a road or a creek bed. fii: -óová. See: -hóxove'sevó. Category: liquid.
-'sevó fii. flow. Ques: -e'sevó ?? Éame-'sēvo. It is flowing along. Ééne-'sēvo. It quit flowing. Éhóe-'sēvo. It (the liquid) is flowing out. Éanȯhe-'sēvo. It is running down. Éése-'sēvo. It is flowing into. Ééve-'sēvo. Water is flowing all over. Éháahpe'e-'sēvo. It is flowing a lot. Éháa-'sēvo. It is flowing fast. É-hehpe-'sēvo. It flowed farther. É-ho'e-'sēvo. (The water) arrived flowing. É-hóxove-'sēvo. (The water) flowed across. É-mé'e-'sēvo. It flows into view. Énéma'e-'sēvo. It is a whirlpool. Énėšėške-'sēvo. The water is rippling (as it flows). Énėševe-'sēvo. It (water, especially river) is flowing ("running") fast. Éó'otóme-'sēvo. It (for example, river) is flowing full. Épėhéve'sēvo. It is flowing well. Étáxe-'sēvo. It is flowing over. Évóhke--'sēvo. It is flowing crooked / There is a bend in the river. É-vóone'sēvo. It flowed all night. Móstaetó'tšėšė-háa'ého'ome'sevóhanetséhe. The water was at the widest point. [1987:276] Category: liquid.
-'sevó fii. flow. Éame-'sēvo. It is flowing along. Éhóe-'sēvo. It is flowing out. Één-e'sēvo. It quit flowing. [1987:276] Éhóxove-'sēvo. (The water) flowed across. Éháahpe'e-'sēvo. It is flowing a lot. Ques: or is it -e'sevó?? Category: liquid, check.
-mȧhe'ēē'e vii. leak all over, drip all over, drip everywhere. É-mȧhe'ēē'e. It is leaking all over. for instance, of a house that is dripping all over. See: -ése'ēē'e; -hé'oohtsé. Category: liquid.
-mȧhóomoehá vii. be water all over. as in the ocean. É-mȧhóomoēha. There is water all over. tséh-mȧhóomoēha ocean. Medial -óom2. See: né'háne ‘lake’. Category: liquid, lie.
-mȧhóová vii. all wet, all soaked, wet - all, soaked - all , flood. É-mȧhóóva. He/It is all wet. Ques: This can refer to a woman becoming well lubricated for intercourse. See: -é'komeotse; -ó'eotse; -he'kóová. Category: liquid, sex, vulgar.
mȧhóovátó vii. flood. É-mȧhóóváto. There is a flood. See: -o'omóováto; tséh-mȧhóováto ‘where there is a flood’. Category: liquid.
-mȧhóovot vta. throw water all over s.o., get s.o. all wet. É-mȧhóovotóho. He threw water all over him ; he got him all wet. Ná-mȧhóóvóto. I threw water all over him. Category: liquid.
mahpe ni. water. (another recording) Náho'ahe mahpe. I'm thirsty. Lit: I want water. That is the simplest way today to say 'I'm thirsty'. There is an older word, ná-háóéne, which means 'I'm thirsty' but many speakers today do not know it. Mahpe é-ó'ȯséotsetse. (Her) water broke/burst open (that is, the placenta broke during birthing; this phrase was considered by an elder to be older than the following, in the "younger language"). Mahpe éhóa'hatse. The water came out (that is, her placenta broke in birthing). Oblique mȧhpēva. See: mááhe; -háóéné ‘thirsty’. vé'ho'é-mahpe whiskey; alcohol (lit. whiteman-water). Etym: cf. *nepyi ‘water’. Category: liquid.
-máhpeme ni. Gram: poss water (poss.) na-máhpeme my water. Phon: iah See: mahpe ‘water’. Category: liquid.
mȧhpéva loc. in the water. Ques: recheck mȧhpēva?? See: mahpe. Category: liquid, check.
-mȧhpeve vii. water - be. É-mȧhpeve. There is water (there). Etym: *nepiwi (P). Category: liquid.
-mȧhpévooman vti. water down s.t. É-mȧhpévoomāna. He watered it down. Ná-mȧhpévoomāna. I watered it down. Category: liquid.
-ma'kóome vii. be red liquid. É-ma'kóome. It is red liquid. tsé-ma'kóome that which is red liquid (that is, alcohol). [1987:12] Variant: -ma'óome; Final -óome. Category: liquid.
-ma'óome vii. red water, red liquid, strawberry soda pop, catsup. É-ma'óome. It is red liquid. Etym: *meckwa·kamyiwi. É'ȯhkexae-ma'óoménėse mahpe. The water got all bloody. [JOURNEY.TXT] tsé-ma'óome strawberry pop, catsup. Medial -óome. See: Ma'eóome; -ma'kóome; má'ome. Category: liquid.
-má'tȯhpeotse vii. completely melt, fizzle out. É-má'tȯhpeotse. It is all melted.
vai. fizzle out; quit. for example, of a person who throws his hands up and quits. See: -hóhpeotse. Category: liquid, temperature.
-manoh vta. give a drink to s.o., water s.o. É-manȯhóho. He gave him a drink. Etym: *menahe·wa. Phon: That Cheyenne word is phonetically identical to É-manėhóho 'He made him.') Ná-manōho. I gave him a drink. Náéše-manȯhoo'o. I have watered them. Násáa-manȯhóheo'o. I did not water them. Néh-manoxėstse! Give me a drink! (another recording) Hé-manȯxeha nemėšéme! Give a drink to your father-in-law! [1987:174-175] vai: -mane; Synonym -manot. See: -manȯxeváen; -manohe; -maneh; -he'kóovot. Category: liquid.
-manohe vai. go for water, fetch water. É-manohe. He fetched water. Étȧhé-manohe. He went for water. Étȧhé-manȯheo'o. They went to get water. Éhé-manohe. He went for water. Nátȧhé-manohe. I went for water. Náame-manȯhéme. We (excl) are going for water. Náméo-manohe. I got water in the morning. Néxhé-manoestse! Go bring me water! Tȧhé-manoestse! Go go water! vta: -manoh, -manot. See: mánóóhe. Category: liquid.
-manȯheohe vai. fetch water quickly. É-manȯheohe. He fetched water quickly. Category: liquid.
-manohtsé vti. water s.t. É-manōhtse. He watered it. for example, to water a plant. vta: -manohá. See: -he'kóovohtsé. Category: liquid, plants.
-manot vta. give drink to s.o. É-manotóho. He gave him a drink. Náéše-manōto. I have watered him. Násáa-manotóheo'o. I did not water them. Manȯxeha! Give him a drink! Tȧhé-manȯxeha! Go give him a drink! Synonym -manoh. Category: liquid.
-mé'a'évėhoése vai. head appear while in water. É-mé'a'évėhoése. His head is showing while he is in the water. See: -hoésená ‘float’. Category: liquid.
-mé'ané vai. surface. for example, after diving. É-mé'áne. He surfaced. Etym: *mo·θkepye·wa (P). See: -mé'anéotse; -mé'oeotse; mé'áne; -mémėstané. Category: liquid.
-mé'óe'ó vii. appear floating, float into view.
vai. appear floating, float into view. É-mé'óé'o. He (or It) is floating into view. Category: liquid, float.
-mé'oováohtsé vii. flood appear slowly. É-mé'oováóhtse. Flooding slowly appeared. Éxhe'ke-mé'oovaohtsétoneho. It slowly flooded. [The Water Monster: 36] vii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-mé'oováotse vii. water appear running, flood appear. É-mé'oováotse. Water appeared running. for example, after a rain. Category: liquid.
-mé'ovóon 1 • vti. find s.t. in water. É-mé'ovóóna. He found it in water.
2 • vta. find s.o. in water. É-mé'ovóonóho.?? He found him in water. See: -mé'; -mé'á. Category: liquid.
-mémėstáne vai. drown. humorous similarity to words referring to defecating. É-mémėstáne. He drowned. vta: -mémėstanot. See: -mémėstanome ‘defecate while sleeping’; -mé'ané ‘surface’. Category: liquid.
-méseóováotse vai. come to after having water thrown on. É-méseóováotse. He came to from having water thrown on him. fii: -óová. Ques: óovaotse?? Category: liquid, check.
-momóhtóehá vti. stir s.t. repeatedly. É-momóhtóéha. He stirred it (repeatedly). Category: liquid.
-momóhtoomeoesta'há vii. water violently agitated from wind. É-momóhtoomeoestā'ha. The water was really agitated (rough) from the wind. [PD25] Category: wind, liquid.
-momóhtoomeotse vii. agitated water - become. É-momóhtoomeotse. The water moved/is agitated. for example, from changing current or a fish swimming along. Medial -óome. Category: liquid.
-momóhtoomoehá vii. rough water, agitated water; moving water. É-momóhtoomoēha. The water is moving. Category: liquid.
-ná'tóóva vai. exhausted from being in rain. É-ná'tóóva. He is so tired of being in the rain. Medial -óová. Category: liquid.
-nanévėsévoome vii. clear water. É-nanévėsévoome. The water is clean/clear/sparkling. clean water. Medial -óome; Antonym -ho'sótoome. See: -hóxe'óome. Category: liquid.
-nėhpóeha'ené vai. build dam, make a dam, dam. É-nėhpóeha'ēne. He built a dam. Beavers do this. Category: liquid.
-nėhpóe'ó vai. float obstructed. É-nėhpóé'o. He/It is floating obstructed. for example, there is a beaver dam preventing it from floating farther. Category: liquid.
-nėhpóene vii. dammed. tséh-nėhpóene dam. Lit: where the dam is Variant: nėhpóenēō'o. Category: liquid.
nėhpóenēō'o ni. dam. Phon: vs Plural nėhpóeneonȯtse; Variant: tséhnėhpóene. Etym: O gibaakwa'igan (N). See: nėhpoéséó'o ‘curtain’. Category: liquid.
-nėhpóová vai. ?? É-nėhpóóva. ?? fii: -óová. Category: liquid, check.
-nėhpóovan vti. dam s.t. É-nėhpóóvána. He dammed it.
vta. É-nėhpóovanóho. He dammed him. See: -óová ‘by liquid’. Category: liquid.
né'háne ni. lake. Usage: This word appears to be obsolescing; a newer term would be tsésééha mahpe, literally, 'where the water is spread out' Plural né'hánėstse; Oblique né'hanééva; Synonym tséssééha mahpe. ma'xené'háne See: -mȧhóomóehá. Category: liquid.
-néma'e'sevó vii. eddy, flow in circular fashion, be a whirlpool. tséh-néma'e'sēvo where there is an eddy. É-néma'e'sēvo. It is a whirlpool. Final -'sevó. Category: liquid.
-néma'óe'ó vai. float in a circle. É-néma'óé'o. It floated around in a circle. (another recording) Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid, float.
-nėsóome'há vti. warm s.t. liquid, heat liquid. É-nėsóomē'ha. He heated it (liquid). Etym: *kešya·kamisamwa > **kešya·kamiʔsamwi. See: -nėšėho'há; -éxovoomȧho'há ‘warm s.t. liquid’. Category: liquid, temperature.
-nėsóome'tá vii. be heated liquid, be heated water, be hot water. É-nėsóomē'ta. It is hot liquid. Etym: **kešya·kamiʔte·wi. Medial -óome; Initial nes-. See: -nėšėho'tá; -héesevo'tá; -háoome'tá. Category: temperature, liquid.
-nėsóvoon vti. feel around in water for s.t. É-nėsóvóóna. He felt around for it in water.
vta. feel around in water for s.o. É-nėsóvoonóho. He eflt around for him in water. Category: liquid.
-nėše'han vti. wash s.t. É-nėše'hāna. He washed it. Etym: *kesi·ʔθenamwa (P). É-nėše'hananȯtse hetóhkonȯtse. She washed the dishes. Nėše'hānȯhtse hetóhkonȯtse! Wash the dishes! Nėše'hānȯhtse! Wash it! See: -he'kóova'o't.
vta. wash s.o. É-nėše'hanóho. He washed him. Etym: *kesi·ʔθene·wa (P). Ná-nėše'hanahtse. I washed myself. Nėše'haneha! Wash him! Category: liquid.
-nėše'hóová vai. wash (self). Lit: wash-by.liquid É-nėše'hóóva. He is washing (himself). Medial -óová. See: -nėše'hanené. Category: liquid.
-nėšėške'sevó vii. ripple (of flowing water). É-nėšėške'sēvo. The water is rippling (as it flows). Final 'sevó. Category: liquid, record.
-nėševe'sevó vii. flow fast. É-nėševe'sēvo. It is flowing fast. fii: -'sevó; Synonym -háa'sevó. Category: liquid, speed.
-nėševóe'ó vai. float fast.
vii. float fast. É-nėševóé'o. It (or He) is floating along fast. for example, on a swift river. Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-nėševóome'há vii. swift water - be. For example, waves are visible. É-nėševóomē'ha. mēha?? It is swift water. Initial nėšev-; Medial -óome. Category: liquid, check.
-nétȧhévóován vti. change s.t. in liquid. É-nétȧhévoována. He rinsed it. Ná-nétȧhévoována amėške tsémo'ȯhtávoome. I changed the oil.
vta. change s.o. Medial óová. Category: liquid.
-nó'ėstóová vii. flow over. É-nó'ėstóóva. The river is flowing over its banks. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-nó'ėstóováotse vii. flow over. É-nó'ėstóováotse. The river flowed over its bank. Category: liquid. fii: -óová.
-no'kóe'ó vai. float alone. É-no'kóé'o. He/It is floating alone. Category: liquid.
nóoh- i. ladle. É-nóohāne. He dipped out. É-nóohēne. He dipped out. É-nóohomevóho. He got a drink for him. Category: liquid.
-nóohá vti. dip out s.t., bail s.t., ladle s.t., scoop s.t. for example, ladle water for drinking, or dip soup onto a plate. É-nóóha. He dipped it out. Nóoohtse! Ladle it out! Nóohomeo'o! Dip it out (then)! Etym: *kwa·pahamwa ‘he dipped it out’. See: -nóohtá; -nóohomev; -noóestoh(n). Category: liquid, food.
-nóohané vai. scoop, bail, dip out. for example, dipping water out of a barrel, or soup out of a cooking pot. É-nóohāne. He dipped out. Variant: -nóohené. Category: liquid.
-nȯsóvoe'ov vta. feel around searching for s.o. in water (by foot). Ná-nȯsóvoe'ōvo. I felt around for s.o. under water with my feet. Ques: 'ov or 'óv?? check with 1:33 form?? Final -óe'ó. See: -nȯhtse'. Category: liquid, interpersonal, check.
-notané vai. take water along. É-notāne. He took water along. See: -novo'é ‘take food along’. Category: liquid.
notanestȯtse ni. canteen. Plural notanéstotȯtse. Category: liquid, containers.
-óé1 m. liquid, water. Éam-óéhá'éne. He canoed/went by boat. Émóht-óéha. He stirred it. nėhp-óenēō'o dam (literally, obstruct-water(.thing)). Épón-óéna. He sopped it up. Phon: vs See: -óe'ó; -óová; -óome; -'sevó. Category: liquid.
-oehá fii. be in water, water - be in. É-oēha. It is in water. vai: -oešé. See: -amoehá. Category: liquid.
-óeotse fii. liquid, water. Éta'ta'-óeotse. (The river) opened up. fai: -óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-oešé vai. be in water. É-oēše. He is in water. Etym: *akwinčinwa. Ques: lit., lie in water?? vii: -oehá. See: -óová; -óome; -óešé. Category: liquid, check.
-ohasévoome vii. be clear water, be clear liquid. É-ohasévoome. It is clear liquid. Medial -óome. See: -toóome; -ohasé'há; -hóxe'óome. Category: liquid.
-ohasévoomehá vii. sparkling water - be. É-ohasévoomēha. The water is sparkling. Initial ohasév-; Medial -óome. Category: liquid.
ó'he'e ni. river. (another recording) Naa móstȧháahpe'eotséhanéhe ó'he'e. And the river was really wide. [1987:291] Phon: iah Diminutive ó'he'ke; Plural o'hé'ėstse; Locative o'hé'e. Phon: iah Category: liquid, rivers.
ó'he'ke ni. Gram: dim 1 • creek. (another recording) Plural o'hé'kėstse. Phon: iah Non-diminutive ó'he'e. Category: liquid.
2 • Creek. See: Tšėške'eó'he'e. Category: names.
o'he'kēso ni. Gram: dim stream. Phon: iah Non-diminutive ó'he'e. This is a further diminutive of ó'he'ke, which is a diminutive of ó'he'e. See: ó'he'ke. Category: liquid.
-o'omeohéto vii. rise, overflow. of rivers or creeks. É-o'omeohéto. Water is rising. Ques: overflow?? Category: check, rivers, liquid, weather.
-o'omóe'ó vii. float past.
vai. float past. É-o'omóé'o. He (or It) is floating past. Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-o'omóovátó vii. flood. É-o'omóováto. It is overflowing/flooding. See: -oómoovátó. Category: liquid.
-ó'otómo'ená vii. full. for example, a cup full of liquid, but the meaning has been extended to the fullness of other kinds of containers, such as buildings. É-ó'otómo'ēna. It is full. Is É-ó'otómo an acceptable variant.??
vai. full. É-ó'otómo'enao'o. They (an.) are living there full (for example, in a full house or tepee). Usage: It is not known whether or not this and other 'full' entries are originally natural ways of speaking of people 'filling' a room or building, but they are in use today. Variant: -ó'kotómo'ená. That variant is perhaps obsolescent now. (Croft). Final -o'ená. See: -ná'so'enohe ‘full of food’; -éxo'ená ‘ready’; -tšėške'o'ená ‘a little filled’; -héhenotómo'ená ‘overflow’. Category: space, quantity, liquid, check.
-ó'otomómoováotse vii. fill up with water. É-ó'otomómoováotse. (-ó'otómomoováotse ?? It (for example, a creek bed) filled up after the rain. Category: check. Medial -óová. Category: liquid.
-ó'otómoová vii. full of water. É-ó'otómóóva. It is full of water. Final -óóvá. Category: space, liquid.
-ó'otómoováohtse vii. fill with water. É-ó'otómoováóhtse. It is filling with water. ?? Éstȧsé'hove-ó'otómoováohtséneho mahpe. The water suddenly filled up. [The Water Monster.043] Ques: original had o'otómová...?? Category: liquid, check.
-o'otómoováotse vii. filled with water. É-ó'otómoováotse.?? It filled with water.?? Ques: original had o'otómová...?? Category: liquid, check.
-ó'otómoováto vii. overflow, full of water. É-ó'otómoováto. It is full of water; it is overflowing. Category: space, liquid.
-onóeotseh vta. extract s.o. from water, remove s.o. from water, bring s.o. ashore. É-onóeotsėhóho. He removed him from the water. [Floating Eyes-Rockroads:82] Mósta-onóetsėhaehevóhe (onóeot??) They got him out of the water. See: -onóvoen; -onóh(n). Category: liquid.
onóve i. ashore. É-onóvetó'hóna. He swam ashore. See: onó-; ánove-; onóveto. Category: liquid.
onóve- pv. out of liquid, off from liquid. Onóve-éneváénȯhtse! Put the lid aside! É-onóveka'a'xe. He jumped out of the water. Category: liquid.
-onóvóé'o vai. wash ashore; float ashore.
vii. wash ashore; float ashore. É-onóvóé'o. He/It floated ashore. tsėhéóhe mó'-onóvoe'ȯhevóhe here they were washed ashore. Initial onóv-; Final -óe'ó. See: -óová; -óome; -'sevó; -óé; -amóé'ó. Category: float, liquid.
-onóvoon vta. pull s.o. out of water. É-onóvoonóho. He pulled him out of the water. (another recording) Category: liquid.
-onóvoováotse vii. water wash away. for example, water spilling out of an irrigation ditch. É-onóvoováotse. It was washed away by the water. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-oó'e'otóoma'há vii. big waves. Lit: agitate-water-by.wind É-oó'e'otóomā'ha. There are big waves. Final óom. See: -hotóoma'há. Category: wind, liquid.
óom-2 m. water. Émȧh-óomoēha. There is water all over. Éhe'kot-óomoēha. The water is calm. See: óome-. Category: liquid.
-óome m. water, liquid. Éma'-óome. It is red water/catsup (etc.) Éhe'kot-óomēha. The water is still. Éhe'kot-óomeotse. The water calmed. Évóhp-oome. It is white water. Émo'ȯhtáv-oome. It is black liquid. Éhá-oomē'ta. It is hot water. Énės-óomē'ta. It is hot liquid. Éheóv-oome. It is yellow liquid. Éheóvȯhk-óome. It is yellow liquid. Éheše'é-voome. The water is dirty. Ého'sot-óome It is dirty water. Éhosóv-oomane. Water is receding. Éhóxe'-óome. It is clean water. Éohasév-oome. It is clear liquid. Énanévėsév-oome. The water is clean/clear/sparkling. Émoméh-oomeotse. It curdled/it turned lumpy. Émomóht-oomeotse. The water moved/is agitated. Éé'om-óome. It (for example, the soup) is greasy. Ééxov-óome. It is warm water. Éhe'k-óome'sevó It is flowing quietly. Étsėhet-óomeotse. The water is rippling. Évon-óomeoešēše. He was annihilated by water. Etym: *-a·kamy (R).
fni. water; liquid. Má'-oome Red River (in Oklahoma). Vóhp-oome White River. See: -óová; -ohtá5. Category: liquid.
-óomoehá fii. lie as water. tsé'a'k-óomoēha pond; puddle. tsé'éstsenėhe'éše'e tséstšėšeéveév-oomoehatse mahpe in the swamp where there were small pools of water (1987:285). tséhmȧhóomoehá See: -ehá; -oehá; -óová; -óome. Category: liquid.
-óóvá f. rain, water, liquid. For some speakers the underlying tones are -óóvá; for others it is -óová. Étšėške'-óóva. It shrunk from washing. Énȧha'-óóva. He was caught by the rain. Éhó-oována. He poured it out. tséhmȧh-óováto where there is flooding. Éhe'k-óovaotse. It became wet. Etym: *a·pa·we· (R). See: -óome; óová'hasēō'o. Category: liquid.
-óóvá f. rain, water, liquid. For some speakers the underlying tones are -óóvá; for others it is -óová. Étšėške'-óóva. It shrunk from washing. Énȧha'-óóva. He was caught by the rain. Éhó-oována. He poured it out. Éhá-óóva. He is soaked. tséhmȧh-óováto where there is flooding. Éhe'k-óovaotse. It became wet. See: -óome; óová'hasēō'o. Category: liquid.
óová'hasēō'o ni. pump. Plural óová'haseonȯtse. Phon: gr fii: -óová. See: e'óová'hasēō'o ‘water pump’; éstová'hasēō'o ‘air pump’; hóova'hasēō'o ‘windmill’. Category: liquid.
-óován fti. do to liquid. Náto'sevé'ke-óována. I'm going to sweeten it. Category: liquid.
-pėhéve'sevó vii. flow well. É-pėhéve'sēvo. It is flowing well. fii: -e'sevó. Category: liquid.
-pėhévoomehá vii. good water - be. É-pėhévoomēha. The water is good. For example, it is just the right temperature to bathe the baby. Initial pėhév-; Final -óome. Category: liquid.
-pėhévóóva vai. soaked good. É-pėhévóóva. He got soaked good / he is enjoying his swim. Final -óová. Category: liquid.
-pėhévoovan vti. irrigate s.t. well. É-pėhévoovāna. He irrigated (the field) well. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-póna'ó vii. dried up. É-póná'o. It is dried up. See: -pónóé'ó. Category: liquid.
-pónóé'ó vii. dry up. of a river or well. É-pónóé'o. It dried up. See: -póna'ó ‘dried up’; -amóé'ó ‘float’. Category: liquid.
-pónóemeše vai. slap water making a big sound. É-pónóéméše. He made a big sound slapping the water. Éma'xėsé'-pónóéméše. He fell into the water making a big splashing sound. Category: sounds, liquid, fall.
-pónoen vti. dry up s.t., sop up s.t., drain s.t. É-pónóéna. He dried/sopped it up/drained it. See: -šénoonen. Category: liquid.
-pónoma'en vti. blot s.t. that is, dry something up by blotting. É-pónoma'ēna. He blotted it. See: -ma'en. Category: liquid.
-pónoomėhahtsé vti. throw s.t. in water so there is a splash. for example, to throw a shoe so hard into water that it splashes and makes a sound. É-pónoomėhāhtse. He splashed it in the water. Medial -óome; fti: -ehahtsé. Category: liquid.
-pónoomohá vti. splash s.t. (with water). É-pónoomōha. He splashed it. ?? Category: check. See: -pónoomoehá. Category: liquid.
-pónoon vti. drain s.t. É-pónóóna. He drained it. Category: liquid.
-séehá vii. spread out, stretched out. É-sééha. It is spread out (for example, a mud puddle). Etym: *ši·pihθenwi (P). É-sééha mahpe. There is a mud puddle/water is lying there. Mós-séeháhanéhe ne'hane. A lake was spread out (there). [1987:252] vai: -séoxé. See: -séohá; -a'kóomoehá. Category: liquid, lie.
-sé'a'ó vai. jump into (water), dive into. É-sé'á'o. He jumped into the water. Éne'évȧ-sé'á'o. He dove back in. Final -a'ó; Variant: -sé'ó'a'ó. Category: motion, liquid, swim.
-sé'a'ovo'hamé vai. drive livestock to water. É-sé'a'ovo'hāme. He drove livestock to water/he watered horses. fai: -(o)'hamé. Category: liquid, horses.
-sé'a'xe vai. fall into; drive into. Ques: reck ?? Category: check. É-sé'a'xe. He drove into the water. Category: liquid.
-sé'eana'ó vai. fall into water, water - fall into. É-sé'eanā'o. He fell into the water. See: -ana'ó ‘fall down’; -sé'evo'ehá. Category: fall, liquid.
-sé'eesó'ham vta. push s.o. into water. É-sé'eesó'hamóho. He pushed him into the water. Category: liquid.
-sé'éhne vai. walk to the center, go into the water, water - walk toward. É-sé'éhne. He went to the center/went into the water. [1987:70, 281] Category: liquid.
-sé'evo'ehá vii. fall into water. É-sé'evo'ēha. It fell into the water. See: -sé'eana'ó. Category: lie, liquid.
sé'oe- pv. into water. Mós-sé'oemanȯhehevóhe. They went for water. [1980:57:43] See: ho'óe- ‘arrive with water’. Category: liquid, check.
-sé'oemanohe vai. go fetch water. É-sé'oemanohe. He went for water. tséhósė-sé'oemanȯhese those who went again to fetch water. [Turtle Moccasin.116] Ques: sé'oo?? See: -manohe. Category: liquid.
-sé'ó'a'ó vii. Ques: reck this as a form and as a variant ?? fly into water. É-sé'ó'á'o. He/It flew into the water. fai: -a'ó; Variant: -sé'a'ó. Category: check, motion, liquid.
-sé'oon vta. put s.o. in water. Ná-sé'oona. He put me in water. Category: liquid.
-sóhpóe'ó vai. float through. É-sóhpóé'o. He/It is floating through. Category: liquid.
-sóhpoováotse vii. water through. É-sóhpoováotse. The water ran through. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-sónoeotse vii. sink suddenly. for example, to sink after a gust of wind capsizes your boat. É-sónoeotse. It suddenly sank. Category: liquid.
-sónóová vai. soaked through. É-sónóóva. He (or It) is soaked through. Etym: *ša·pwa·pa·we·wa (P).
vii. soaked through. fai: -óová. Category: liquid.
-sónoovo'e'óová vai. soaked - footwear. É-sónoovo'e'óóva. His footwear/shoes are soaked. fai: -óová. Category: liquid, shoes.
-šéškonóová vai. drenched, soaking wet, soaked by rain, rain soaked. É-šéškonóóva. It/He is soaking wet. fai: -óová. See: -nȧha'óová; -mȧhóová. Category: liquid.
-táho'kóvoomá'ó vai. surface. É-táho'kóvoomá'o. He appeared on top of the water. É'ȯhkeévȧhósemé'-taho'kóvoomá'osėstse. He would appear again up on top of the water. [The Journey.079] Category: liquid.
-ta'omóe'ó vii. float in the way. É-ta'omóé'o. It (or He) floated in the way. For example, of a log that stops up a creek.
vai. float in the way. Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-ta'ta'óe'ó vai. open up (of a river). É-ta'ta'óé'o. It opened up. (of a river). Medial -óe'ó. See: -ta'ta'óeotse. Category: liquid.
-ta'ta'óeotse vii. open up (of a river). É-ta'ta'óeotse. (The river) opened up. fii: ta'ta'-; Final -óe'ó. See: -ta'ta'óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-ta'ta'óován vti. open up s.t. (of liquid). É-éta'ta'óována. He is opening it up. for example, opening up an irrigation ditch. Medial -óová. Category: liquid.
-ta'ta'óovánené vai. open irrigation ditches. É-ta'ta'óovánéne. He is opening irrigation ditches. Medial -óová. Category: liquid.
-ta'ta'óováotse vii. open by water. É-ta'ta'óováotse. Water made it open. for instance, could be of a dam broken open by flood water. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-táxe'sevó vii. flow on (something), flow over (something). This is not overflowing (-héheotómo'ená), but, instead, flowing over something, such as a rock or log. É-táxe'sēvo. It is flowing over. See: -héheotómo'ená. Category: liquid, check.
-tó'hóe'ó vii. stop while floating.
vai. stop while floating. This refers to when something causes something to stop floating, while -énóé'o just refers to when something stops floating. É-tó'hóé'o. He (or It) got stopped floating. Final -óe'ó. See: -énóé'ó. Category: liquid, float.
-to'óvoovan vti. gap drain s.t., let water out of s.t., drain s.t. Ror example, to use a shovel to make a place for water to drain from a pond. É-to'óvoovāna. He let the water out of it. Final -óová. Category: liquid.
-to'óvoováotse vii. gap by water. É-to'óvoováotse. óvoova?? The water opened up a gap. fii: -óová. Category: liquid, check.
-toóoman vti. cool s.t. liquid by hand. for example, by waving one's hand over the liquid. É-toóomāna. He cooled it (liquid) by hand. Category: liquid, temperature.
-toóome vii. cold water - be. É-toóome. It is cold water. (another recording) Etym: *tahka·kamyiwi (P). tsé-toóome cool water. Medial -óome. See: -tonó ‘cold (of an object)’; -tootómó ‘cool’; toóomȧšé'šestȯtse ‘cold drink’. Category: temperature, liquid.
-tótȧhpe'o'ená vii. hold a lot of liquid. É-tótȧhpe'o'enánėstse. They have a lot of liquid in them. tséstó'tae-tótȧhpe'o'enaa'ėstse the ones that are full of liquid. Category: quantity, liquid.
-tovó'óe'ó vii. wash out. É-tovó'óé'o. It is washing out. fii: -óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-tovó'oováotse vii. become split (of liquid). É-tovó'oováotse. It (like, a dam/reservoir) broke loose. Category: liquid.
-tóxóe'ó vai. float along the edge.
vii. float along the edge. É-tóxóé'o. He/It floated along the edge. Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid, positions.
tséa'kóomoēha vii. pond, puddle, pool. vii: -a'kóomoehá. See: -évoomoehá. Category: liquid.
-tsėhetóé'ó vai. float this way. É-tsėhetóé'o. He/It is floating this way. Final -óé'ó. Category: liquid.
-tsėhetóoma'ha vii. ripple, roil, boil. This is about boiling/riling motion of water, not about water boiling from heat. É-tsėhetóomā'ha. The water is roiling. Éxxae-tsėhetóoma'hánėse. The water was just boiling. [The Journey.076] fii: -a'ha. Category: liquid.
-tsėhetóomeotse vii. ripple, boil, rile. É-tsėhetóomeotse. The water is rippling. Éne'éšeée-tsėhetóomeotse. The water is riled up. Náoo, tȧháóhe éhne'osáaneéemé'-tsėhetóomeotsénėse. Oh my, suddenly over there the water started rippling. [1987:276] Medial -óome. Category: liquid.
tséh-mȧhóomoēha vii. ocean, lake. Some people use this word for a lake. An older word for a lake is né'háne. Lit: where.all.over.water.lie vii: -mȧhóomoehá; Final -ehá. See: tsé'énoomoēha; né'háne. Category: liquid, lie.
tséh-mȧhóováto vii. flood. Lit: where there is water all over See: -mȧhóovátó. Category: liquid.
-tsėho'ketame vii. shallow - be. É-tsėho'ketame. It (the water) is shallow. Antonym -háo'etame ‘deep - be’; Variant: -tšėho'ketame. Category: liquid.
tsé'-a'kóomoēha vii. pond, pond, puddle, pool. Lit: where there is a pool of water See: -évoomoehá; tséssééha mahpe. Category: liquid.
tsé'-amóovane vii. irrigation ditch. Category: liquid.
tsé'-anȯhóneóó'e Gram: cjt vii. waterfall ?? Lit: where it flows down Category: liquid.
tsé'-énoomoēha vii. beach. Lit: where end of water lies Final -ehá. See: tséhmȧhóomoēha. Category: liquid, lie.
tsé'ȯhkė-hóóváto vii. faucet, rubber hose. Ques: recheck pitches See: -hóovátó ‘water pour out’. Category: liquid, check.
-tšėhe'kotame vii. shallow. É-tšėhe'kotame. It is shallow (water). Variant: -tšėhe'ketame; Antonym -háo'otame. Category: liquid, size.
-tšėho'ketame vii. shallow (water) - be. É-tšėho'ketame. It (for example, river or lake) is shallow. Variant: -tsėho'ketame, -tšėhe'kotame; Antonym -háo'etame, -tóne'éhotoo'e. Category: liquid, size.
-tšėške'óóva vii. shrink. Lit: small by water É-tšėške'óóva. It shrunk from washing. fii: -óová. Category: texture, liquid.
-vóhpoome vii. white water. É-vóhpoome. It is white water. Etym: *wa·pa·kamyiwi (P). fii: -óome. Category: liquid.
-vonané'o'h vta. splash s.o. in the face. can be done to s.o., especially a child, to make him come to, behave. É-vonané'o'hóho. He splashed him in the face. Hé-vonané'o'xeha! Splash him in the face! See: -e'óoestohn; -e'óh(n). Category: liquid.
-vonóé'ó vii. lost floating.
vai. lost floating. É-vonóé'o. He (or It) got lost floating. Final -óé'ó. Category: liquid.
-vono'etame vii. deep water. É-vono'etame. It (water) is deep. Usage: said possibly to be a Southern Cheyenne term fii: -o'etame. See: -háo'etame. Category: liquid.
-vonóomeoešešé vai. annihilated by water. É-vonóomeoešēše. He was annihilated by water. Medial -óome; fai: -ešé. Category: liquid, lie.
-vonóová vii. erased by water. É-vonóóva. It was erased by water. See: -asėtóová. Category: liquid.
-vonóovohtsé vai. wash away s.t. Ná-vonóóvóhtse. I washed it away. Category: liquid.
-vonóovot vta. annihilate s.o. by water. Ná-vonóóvóto. I annihilated him with water. É-vonóovotóho. He annihilated him with water. Category: liquid.
-vóone'sevó vii. flow all night. É-vóone'sēvo. It flowed all night. fii: -e'sevó. Category: liquid.
-vóonóé'ó vii. float all night.
vai. float all night. É-vóonóé'o. He (or It) floated all night. Final -óé'ó. Category: liquid.
-vovóeotse vii. first in the water - be. É-vovóeotse. It is first in the water. Category: liquid, check.
-vóvo'kóová vai. skinny dip. É-vóvo'kóóva. He is skinny dipping. See: -vóvo'kahe ‘naked’. Category: liquid.
-xanovóé'ó vai. float straight.
vii. float straight. É-xanovóé'o. He/It floated straight. Final -óé'ó. Category: liquid.