-á'ėskémo'eétahe vai. multitask, do several tasks at once. É-á'ėškémo'eétahe. He has several jobs going at once. See: -nésovavo'eétahe; á'ėškémėse. Category: do.
-a'to'eétahe vai. accidentally do something. É-a'to'eétahe. He did something accidentally. See: -ó'ȯhto'eétahe. Category: do.
-a'to'omenehe vai. accident - experience an. É-a'to'omenehe. He had an accident. This is a strong word. It can, for example, refer to becoming handicapped from a car accident. fai: -o'omenehe. See: -o'ȯhto'eétahe; ó'ȯhto'omenėhestȯtse; ó'ȯhto'eétȧhestȯtse. Category: do.
amanēō'o ni. culture, ceremonial culture. This may especially refer to ceremonial ways. Tsėhéseamanēō'o Cheyenne culture. he-amanēō'o his way of doing things. See: -tsėhésto'eétahe. Category: live, do.
-amo'eétahe vai. 1 • celebrate, perform. É-amo'eétahe. He is putting on a "doings." É-amo'eétȧhéstove. There is a celebration/there is a big doings/activity. tsé-amo'eétaestse he who is putting on a "doings". tsé-amo'eétȧhese the performers of the ceremony. [1987:94] fai: -o'eétahe. Category: social events, do.
2 • have sex. Usage: euphemism, similar to English "He is doing it." Category: sex.
-anené fai. do. This final appears to have a rather generic meaning, referring to general activity. It also appears (probably by semantic extension) in many verbs referring to playing cards. Éháestȯh-anēne. He had many things to do; his hand are full (in English idiomatic sense). Ééx-anēne. He is prepared/he is ready. Nápėhév-anēne. I have a good hand (in cards). Émȧh-anēne. He has a full house. Nána'h-anēne. I have three of a kind (in cards). Énév-anēne. He did it four times. Énėšev-anēne. He does things (for example, his work) fast. Énóv-anēne. He is doing it slowly. Éénév-ánéne. He stopped making noise. ?? He'pa'onéome étsėhet-anéne. He is doing something behind the house. Ques: What is the difference between -nėhešévé and -anené?? Category: check. See: -nėhešévé. Category: do.
-anonávo'eétahe vai. do something in a mixed up way. É-anonávo'eétahe. He is doing it in a mixed up way. Initial anoná(v)-; fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-asėto'eétahe vai. start to perform something; begin to perform something. for example, starting to do a ceremonial ritual. É-asėto'eétahe. He started doing something. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-émoohto'eétahe vai. secretly do (something). É-émoohto'eétahe. He secretly did (something). for example, Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus. É-émoohto'eétȧheo'o. They secretly did (something). fai: -o'eétahe. See: -nėhešévé; -hešévé. Category: do.
-ené1 fai. abstract AI final, detransitiving final. This final is commonly used by all speakers to destransitivize transitive verbs that end with the final -an 'by hand': Nápėhévan-ēne. I am doing something nice?? / I have a good hand (in cards). Énėše'han-ēne. He washed. Éháestȯhan-ēne. He had many things to do; his hand are full (in English idiomatic sense). Ééxan-ēne. He is prepared/he is ready. Épėhévan-ēne. He was nicely ready/prepared; He had a good hand in cards. Émȧhan-ēne. He had a full house (in cards; literally, all-do). Nána'han-ēne. I have three of a kind (in cards). Énévan-ēne. He did it four times. Énėševan-ēne He does things (for example, his work) fast. Énóvan-ēne. He is doing it slowly. He'pa'onéome étsėhetan-éne. He is doing something behind the house. This final is also used by a minority of speakers; much less commonly used than -ané. Évóós-éne. He sees. Éna's-ēne. He kills people. Évéstomós-éne. He promised. [Croft] Námȯxe'ȯh-ēne I'm drawing. Phon: might be -mȯxe'ȯhoné, which is identical in sound ?? Variant: -ané; Final -an. Etym: *ike· (R). Category: do.
-éno'eéh vta. 1 • stop doing (something) to s.o. É-éno'eeho. He stopped doing it to her/him. É-éno'eéhóho. He stopped doing it to her/him. (newer pronunciation). vti: -éno'eéstsé.
2 • heal s.o. É'éva-éno'eehósesto tséxhótoanáe'ėškóhtȧxenatsėse. He healed him when he had a badly broken leg. [1987:109] Usage: obsolescing
3 • end sex with s.o. Usage: Some speakers are bothered by this term, and feel it is inappropriate for referring to healing. Many speakers today avoid using this word. Its primary meaning today seems to refer to ending sex with someone. fta: -o'eéh. See: -énomóhtȧhé'seh. Category: do, sex, vulgar.
-éno'eéstsé vti. stop doing something to s.t., beat s.t. to death. É-éno'eēstse. He beat it to death. Nėsta-éno'eéstse! You will beat it to death! That was said to a granddaughter when she stirred gravy so long. vta: -éno'eéh. Category: do, check.
-éno'eétahe vai. stop doing something. É-éno'eétahe. He stopped doing something. fai: -o'eétahe. See: -éno'eéstomané. Category: do.
-éšestsé vti. carry s.t., lift s.t., accomplish s.t., handle s.t., do s.t. É-éšéstse. He can lift/carry it. Ná-éšéstse, I can lift/carry it. Násáataometónėše-éšėstséhe I can't do it on my own. That has a meaning similar to, 'I am powerless over it'. See: -ameotsestsé; -he'aman. vta: -éše'tov. Category: do.
-évanené vai. reach here and there. É-évanēne. He is reaching here and there. Compare Éévanene 'He/She returned to nursing', which sounds almost exactly the same except for the penultimate pitch. See: -néne ‘nurse’. Category: do.
évavo'eétahe vai. do something backwards. É-évavo'eétahe. He did it backwards. Ná-évavo'eétahe. I did it backwards. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-évetan vti. do s.t. here and there like this?? É-évetāna. He is doing it here and there like this.?? [pd398] Category: check. See: éve-. Category: do.
-éxo'eétahe vai. accomplish. É-éxo'eétahe. He accomplished the task. Násáataometónėše-éxo'eétȧhéhe. I can't accomplish it on my own. tsé'ȯhke-éxo'eétȧhénove Can Do Head Start Center (lit. where it is regularly accomplished; a new word). See: vá'ȯhto'eétahe; -ma'heóno'eétahe; -ovávo'eétahe; -éšestsé. Category: do.
-háa'éhanené vai. do something for a long time. É-háa'éhanēne. He is doing something for a long time. Initial háa'éh-; Final -anené. Category: time, do.
-háestȯha'ó'sané vai. many things to do. Ná-háestȯha'ó'sáne. I had too many things to do. See: -háestȯhanené. Category: do.
-háestȯhanené vai. busy, have many things to do. É-háestȯhanēne. He had a lot of things to do. Ná-háestȯhanēne. I'm busy. Nátá'-háestȯhanēne. I'm very busy. Mónéévė-háestȯhanenėhéhe. You must have been busy. See: -heómėstȯhanené; -vone'éhanené; -tsėhetanené; -tséena'éóó'e. Category: do.
-háo'eétahe vai. do something shocking, do something wrong, do something spectacular. É-háo'eétahe. He did something shocking. Móné-háo'eétȧhehéhe. You must have done something shocking. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
háo'eétȧhéoohe vai. tséstaée-háo'eétȧhéooese when he did something great. [Instruction to Children.021] Category: do.
-hátávėsévo'eétahe vai. do bad repeatedly. É-hátavėsévo'eétahe. He did something bad repeatedly. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -hávėsévo'eétahe. See: -hé'heetovánove; -ó'ȯhto'eétahe; havėse. Category: do.
-hávėsévo'eéstómané vai. do evil; sin, do wrong. É-hávėsévo'eéstómáne. He did wrong/he did evil. See: -ó'ȯhto'eétahe. Category: do.
-hávėsévo'eétahe vai. do.bad. É-hávėsévo'eétahe. He did something bad. has been used for the meaning of 'to sin'. fai: -o'eétahe. See: -hé'heetovánove; -ó'ȯhto'eétahe. Category: do.
-hehpanené vai. beyond do something. É-hehpanēne. He is doing something beyond. Initial hehp-; Final -anené. See: -heómo'eétahe. Category: do.
-héhpėhno'eétahe vai. do something scary. É-héhpėhno'eétahe. He did something scary. Category: do.
-héhpȯho'eétahe vai. do something frightening. for example, to scare someone. É-héhpȯho'eétahe. He did something scary. Category: do.
-hehpo'eétahe vai. do more. for example, to do more than you're supposed to do. É-hehpo'eétahe. He did more than. See: -heómo'eétahe. Category: do.
-he'anávo'eétahe vai. easily do something. É-he'anávo'eétahe. He did something easily. Category: do.
-he'kȧhonóné vai. 1 • cook tender. that is, cook until the food is tender. É-he'kȧhonóne. She cooks tender. É-vésė-he'kȧhonóne. She cooked but it's not done (she cooked too fast) / cut corners to get things done.
2 • cut corners. Category: figurative, cook, do.
-heo'kévo'eétahe vai. silly - do something. É-heo'kévo'eétahe. He is doing something silly. Ques: recheck heo'ké / heo'kev?? show-ffy?? Category: check, do.
-heómėstȯhanené vai. too many things to do - have. É-heómėstȯhanēne. He has too many things to do. Ques: recheck?? See: -háestȯhanené. Category: do, check.
-heómėsto'eétahe vai. make a mistake. É-heómėsto'eétahe. He made a mistake.?? Ques: recheck all glosses in this entry?? Category: do, check.
-heómo'eétahe vai. overreact ?? É-heómo'eétahe. He overreacted. ?? [pd787] See: -hehpo'eétahe; -hehpanené. Category: do, check.
-hestaméstá vti. reach s.t., attain s.t. (especially a goal). Násáa'éšė-hestaméstóhe. I haven't reached it yet. Usage: less commonly said than -hohtaméstá Variant: -hohtaméstá. Category: do.
-hešéh vta. so do to s.o., do to s.o. that way. ... é-hešeho. ... that is what he did to him. ... é-hešéhóho. ... that is what he did to him. (newer pronunciation). Nėstsetaomenė-hešéhahtséme. You will bring it on yourselves / It will be your own fault. [Sweet Medicine Comments.077] Category: do.
-hešé'tov vta. do that to s.o. ... é-hešé'tovóho. ... that is what he did to him. Etym: *eši·ʔtawe·wa. Náo'omóohtomóvo tsé-hešé'tóó'ėse I'm overlooking what he did to me. vai: -hešévé. Category: do.
-hešévé vai. Gram: rr do so, do that, so do. This is one of many relative roots. -hešévé and -heto'eétahe are near synonyms, but the latter seems to refer more to performance, rather than simple activity (of -hešévé). ... é-hešéve. ... that is what he did. Éohkėsáa'évėhéne'enóhehane tséévė-hešévėstove heómaa'e ȯhtavé'hestanee'ėstse. You don't know what you are doing, too much if you take it (drink). [1987:296] nėhē'še éssáaxae=tā'se=héne'enóhénóvȯse tséto'sė-hešévévȯse Then they did not know quite what to do then. See: -nėhešévé; -tšėhešévé; -tónėšévé; -heto'eétahe. vta: -hešé'tov. Category: do.
-hešévetanó vai. want to do (something). ... é-hešévetāno. ?? ... that is what he wants to do. Éohkėsáa'évanė-hešévetanóhtovėhane. There is not wanting to do that. [Former Fears.047] Category: do, check.
-hetan vti. Gram: rr so do s.t., do s.t. that way. ... é-hetāna. ... he did it that way. Etym: *eθenamwa. ... éévė-hetāna. ... he was doing it that way. vai: -hetanené. See: -tsėhetan. Category: do.
-hetanené vai. Gram: rr do something by hand that way. ... é-hetanēne. ... that is how he is doing something. Hóó'ėstse ná-hetanēne. I can't carry any more. That is, I cannot carry any more than what I am already carrying, so someone else must take the excess. vti: hetan. Category: do.
-heto'eéh vta. Gram: rr do to s.o. that way. ... é-heto'eeho. ... that is what he did to him. ... é-heto'eéhóho. ... that is what he did to him. (newer pronunciation). tsé-heto'eéhóvȯse what they do to him/them. See: -hešeeh. Category: do.
-heto'eétahe vai. Gram: rr so do, perform that way. ... é-heto'eétahe. ... that is what he did. tsé-heto'eétaese what he did. tséohkeméhae-heto'eétȧhénove how (the Sun Dance) used to be done. [1987:210] See: -amo'eétahe, -nėheto'eétahe; -pėhévo'eétahe; -tóneto'eétahe; -hešévé. Category: do.
-hetósėhahtse vai. do something over and over again; continue doing something. É-hetósėhahtse. He does it over and over again; he kept it up. Category: do. Ques: reck pss ?? Category: check.
-hetósėhahtsé'tov vta. do something over and over again to s.o., continue doing something to s.o. É-hetósėhahtsé'tovóho. He does it over and over again to him. vai: -hetósėhahtse. Category: do. Ques: reck pss ?? Category: check.
-hetsevávo'eéh vai. negatively treat s.o. É-hetsevávo'eeho. He harmed him on purpose. É-hetsevávo'eéhóho. He harmed him on purpose. (newer pronunciation). É-hetsevávo'eéhahtse. He harmed himself on purpose. vai: -hetsevávo'eétahe. See: tóséé'e. Category: do.
-hetsevávo'eétahe vai. do on purpose, intentionally act, negatively do, spitefully do something, retaliate. É-hetsevávo'eétahe. He did it to be spiteful/he did it on purpose. [PD18] (another recording) [PD18] alt: hetsévo'eétahe. See: tóséé'e; -hetsévo'eétahe. Category: do.
-hetseveh vta. back out of doing bad to s.o. É-hetsevėhóho. He almost did something bad to him but backed out. Náévȧ-hetsevēho. I almost retaliated against him. See: -hetsevem. Category: do, interpersonal.
-hetsévo'eétahe vai. spitefully do something. É-hetsévo'eétahe. He did something spitefully. See: -hetsevávo'eétahe. Category: do.
-hoháo'eétahe vai. do something very shocking, do something awful. Né-hoháo'eétȧhéme You (pl) did something awful. [1987:255] fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-hohtaméstá vti. reach s.t., attain s.t., achieve s.t., catch up to s.t., qualify for s.t. Ná-hohtamésta. I attained it. Ésáa-hohtaméstóhe. He does not attain it. Ésáa-hohtaméstóhe véhonevestȯtse. He doesn't fulfill ('live up to') chiefly duties. Nėstaonésė-hohtaméstanone tséhešemȯxe'ohe! Let's try to catch up with the writing! for example, in our language work. Variant: -hestaméstá. Etym: cf *atentamwa; ****atemintamwa (P). vta: -hohtam; Antonym -nétȯhnéhé'tá. See: -ho'ée'tá; -ho'éše. Category: do.
-ho'ée'tá vti. reach s.t.attain s.t. É-ho'éé'ta. He arrived at it. Ná-ho'éé'ta. I arrived at it. Náéšėto'sė-ho'éé'ta tséhótoanáto. I've almost reached some difficulty. [How God Helped Me Forgive.018] Násáa'éšė-ho'éé'tóhe. I haven't attained that point. See: -hohtaméstá; -éšee'tá. Category: do.
-ho'éšé vai. arrive, make it to, able to do something. É-ho'éše. He can do it. Etym: *saxkihšinwa. Éssé'ho'éšenaesėstse. (nasėstse?? He suddenly stopped. [A Chief's Son and His Two Wives] vti: -ho'ėše'tá; Antonym -nétȯhnéóó'e. See: -ho'ešé; -ho'eohtsé; -ho'ehné; -ho'eohe; -ho'manestsé; -nȯhtóvan; -hohtaméstá. Category: do, check.
-ho'ėšé'tá1 vti. able to do s.t. É-ho'ėšé'ta. He can do it. vai: -ho'eše. See: -ho'manestsé; -nȯhtóvan; -hohtaméstá. Category: do.
-ho'o'eétahe vai. do something to that point. É-ho'o'eétahe. He did it to that point. Éxaetaetšėšė-ho'o'eétahe. He did things right to the point. Category: do.
-hósan vti. unable to do s.t., cannot do s.t. É-hósána. He cannot do it. Ná-hósána. I cannot do it. Synonym -hótse'tá. See: -hótsestá; -hóto'ešé; -nétȯhnéotse; -tónėšévé. Category: do.
hót- i. fail to, cannot, unable to. É-hótsenome He failed to sleep. Preverb hótse-. Phon: the /t/ of this initial assibilates to ts- preceding an /e/ of a final; it occurs as /s/otherwise, for example, -hósa'xané Category: do.
-hótoanávo'eéh vta. do s.t. evil to s.o. / do s.t. terrible to s.o. /do s.t. difficult to s.o. É-hótoanávo'eeho. He did something difficult/terrible to him. É-hótoanávo'eéhóho. He did something difficult/terrible to him. Initial hótoanáv-; Final -o'eéh. Category: do.
-hótoanávo'eétahe vai. do something bad, do something difficult. É-hótoanávo'eétahe. He did something difficult. Éhoháe-hótoanávo'eétȧheo'o. They did something terribly bad. [1987:258] Category: do.
hótse i. fail; cannot; unable. Nómȯse éx-hótsenotóhoono. It was difficult for him to kill him. [1980:44:92] É-hótsėhóeka'a'xe oónȧha'e. The frog can't jump out. That means the same as English "I have a frog in my throat". Category: do.
hótse- pv. fail to, cannot, unable. É-hótseasévȧho'hōva. He couldn't get the engine started. É-hótseómotōme. He had trouble breathing. This preverb conjoins with a preceding preverb taome- to create the meaning 'simply cannot (for example, there is no explanation for it), producing some idiomatic constructions, such as those in this entry. Étaomė-hótsėhestovóotse. He is so foxy that all he lacks is ears (lit. With difficulty he has his own ears). Étaomė-hótseéxo'ȧséotse. He is terribly angry (for example, red in the face, furious, maybe hopping up and down with anger; lit. he is so angry he almost caught fire ?? Category: check. Étaomė-hótsėhestsevéveše. He is so evil (= like a devil; lit. He just can't have horns(?)) Étaomė-hótsenome. He simply can't sleep. (for example, there's no explanation for it; so, for example, we had to stay on with him to keep him company). vti: hósan; vai: hótsėsané. See: tónėše-; sáa-; me'-; me'-hó'ke-; -hóto'eše. Category: do.
-hótse'tá vti. be unable to do s.t., fail to do s.t. É-hótsé'ta. He failed to do it. vta: -hótse'tov; Synonym -hósan, -hótsestá. Category: do.
-hótse'tov vta. be unable to make s.o. do something, be powerless toward s.o. É-hótse'tovóho. He failed to make him do (something). vti: -hótse'tá, -hósan. See: -étse'ov; -vonȯhóha'ov. Category: do.
-hótsestá vti. fail to do s.t., be unable to do s.t. For example, he can't lift something because it is too heavy. É-hótsésta. He is unable to do it. Preverb hótse-; vai: -hótsėsané; Synonym -hótse'tá. See: -hósan. Category: do.
-hótséšé vai. fail. for example, fail to convince someone. This seems to be composed of two blocks (morphemes), an intial hóts(e), meaning 'fail' and a final, -(e)šé, meaning 'lie'. É-hótséše. He failed. Ná-hótséše. I failed. Preverb hótse-; Variant: -hótšéše. See: -hóto'eše. Category: do.
-hótsėtónetanó vai. cannot do something, unable to do something. É-hótsetónetāno. He fails to do something. Ma'hēō'o ésáa-hótsėtónetanóhe. God can do all things. Lit: God does not fail to do (something). Preverb hótse-; vti: hósan-; vai: hótsėsané. Category: do.
-ka'ėškónémané vai. pretend to be a child, act like a child. É-ka'ėškónémáne. He is pretending to be a child/he is acting like a child. Category: do.
-kánomo'eétahe vai. do something for nothing; do something in vain. É-kánomo'eétahe. He did it for nothing. Náxae-kánomo'eétahe. I just did it for nothing. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-mȧho'eétȧhe vai. all do something. É-mȧho'eétȧheo'o. They all did something (together). Category: do.
-mȧhovo'eétahe vai. tire of doing (something). É-mȧhovo'eétahe. He is tired of doing (something). Nééše-mȧhovo'eétȧhémáne. We're tired of doing (something). fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-ma'évenoesané vai. do something terrible. Lit: wear (something) bloody É-ma'évenoesāne. He did something terrible. fai: -sané2. Category: do.
-ma'heóno'eétahe vai. do something sacred, sacred - do something, perform a sacred ceremony, perform magic, perform miracles; miracle - do a. can also be said of a magician. É-ma'heóno'eétahe. He did something ceremonial. tsé-ma'heóno'eétȧhese those who performed the ceremony. [1987:95] Má'ome tséxheševéese tsé'ȯhke-ma'heóno'eétaestse. Ice, as he was named, who used to do miracles. [1987:107] fai: -o'eétahe. See: -ovávo'eétahe; -éxo'eétahe. Category: do, sacred, ceremonial.
-ma'heóno'eétȧhé-tšėhešėtanó vai. think to do something sacred. É-ma'heóno'eétȧhétšėhešėtāno. He is thinking to do something sacred. Category: sacred, do.
-má'ta'ó'sané vai. finish hurriedly. É-má'ta'ó'sáne. He finished hurriedly. See: -má'tanené. Category: do.
-má'ta'ó'tsé vti. exhaust s.t. É-má'ta'ó'tse. He exhausted it / he ran out of it. See: -má'tanené. Category: do.
-má'tanené vai. finish. This is a less hurried completion of a task than -má'ta'ó'sané. É-má'tanēne. He finished. Etym: *me·Ɂtenike·wa (P). Náéšėto'se-má'tanēne. I'm almost finished. See: -má'ta'ó'sané ‘finish hurriedly’; -má'to'eétahe ‘finish doing something’. Category: do.
-má'to'eétahe vai. finish a ceremony, finish doing something, finish sex. É-má'to'eétahe. He finished what he was doing. See: -má'ta'ó'sané. Category: do, sex.
-mȧsėhávo'eétahe vai. crazy do. É-mȧsėhávo'eétahe. He did something crazy. [pd24; pd363] fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-móheanené vai. gather (something). É-móheanēne He is gathering (something). néné?? Category: do, check.
-mo'ȯhtávo'eétahe vai. do something sexy. É-mo'ȯhtávo'eétahe. He did something sexy. Lit: black-do Category: vulgar, do.
-momȧhtȧhévo'eétahe vai. do a (traditional) ceremony. É-momȧhtȧhévo'eétahe He did a traditional ceremony. tsėhése-momȧhtȧhévo'eétȧhestȯtse a Cheyenne ceremony/rite/ritual/worship. [PD1119] Category: do. Usage: obsolescent
-momáta'anené vai. angrily do (something). É-momáta'anēne. He is angrily doing something. fai: -anené. Category: do, emotions.
-momáta'o'eétahe vai. do something angrily, angrily do something. É-momáta'o'eétahe. He did something angrily. Category: do.
-moménovo'eétahe vai. try everything to do something ?? É-moménovo'eétahe. He tried everything. ?? for instance, to try every way to console someone at a funeral. Category: do, check.
-mométsėstóvo'eétahe vai. do something very carefully; very carefully do something. for example, to do something the proper way even though it is more difficult. É-mométsėstóvo'eétahe. He did it the proper way even though it is more difficult. Category: do.
-nȧhahkanené vai. energetically do something. É-nȧhahkanēne. He is doing something energetically. fai: -anené. Category: do.
-nȧhestónevo'eétahe vai. do something forbidden. É-nȧhestónevo'eétahe. He did something forbidden (or taboo). Category: do, taboo.
-ná'so'eéstómané vai. play.tricks. Owls and Heávohe (the devil) do this, as well as people. É-ná'so'eéstómáne. He plays tricks. Category: do.
-nėhešémané vai. pretend. É-nėhešémáne. He pretended. Vá'ne-nėhéšémánėstse! Just pretend! Variant: -nėhesémané. Category: do.
-nėhešėtónané vai. make (something) that way. É-nėhešėtónáne. He made (it) like that. See: -nėhešetóné. Category: do.
-nėhešetóné vai. make something like that. É-nėhešėtóne. He constructed it that way. Category: do. See: -nėhešėtónané.
-nėhešévé vai. do that. É-nėhešéve. He did it. Névé'-nėhešéve! Don't do that! (another recording) Nėstsevé'-nėhešéve! Don't (future) do that! Éohkėsáa-nėhešévėstovėhane. It is not done. Tóséé'e énėhešéve. He did it on purpose. Éémoose-nėhešéveo'o. They secretly did it. Éohkenėhešėsóhpo'eétȧhevóhe hétsetseha éohkėsaa'éva-nėhešévėheo'oéohkėsáa'évȧsóhpo'eétȧhehevóhe. They had to go through the ceremony that way, (but) now they don't do that anymore, they don't have to go through it. [1987:146] vta: -nėhešé'tov. See: -hešévé; -tsėhešévé; -anené; -tónėšévé. Category: do.
nėhešévetanó vai. want to do that. Násáa-nėhešévetanóhe. I don't want to do that. Category: do.
-némo'eétahe vai. do something crooked. É-némo'eétahe. He did something crooked. Category: do.
-nésovavo'eétahe vai. multitask, do two things at the same time. É-nésovavo'eétahe. He is doing two things at once. fai: -o'eétahe. See: -nésovavenestse ‘be bilingual’; -á'ėskémo'eétahe ‘multitask’. Category: do.
-néšeotsé'tov vta. both act against s.o. ?? Category: check. Nėhē'še éoh-néšeotsé'tovovo. Then they both tried against him. [1987:150] See: -nėhešé'tov. Category: do, numbers.
-nėševanené vai. do fast. É-nėševanēne. He works/does work fast. fai: -anené. See: -nėševotse'ohe; -pėhévanené. Category: do.
-nétȧhévanené vai. do (something) different. É-nétȧhévanēne. He is doing something different. fai: -anené. Category: do.
-nétȧhévo'eétahe vai. do something different. tséstaéveó'ȯse-nétȧhévo'eétaese nā'ėstse ma'háhkése tȧháóhe évaveto when an old man did something stupid long ago. Category: do.
-névanené vai. do something four times. This can refer to doing some ceremonial act four times. É-névanēne. He did it four times. fai: -anené. Category: do.
Névé'nėhešéve! vai. Don't do that! vai: -nėhešéve. Category: do.
-nėxoóhto'eétahe vai. do something cute. É-nėxoóhto'eétahe. He did something cute. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-nȯhtóva'ó'tsé vti. know how to do s.t. É-nȯhtóva'ó'tse. He knows how to do it. See: -nȯhtóvan; -pėhéva'ó't. Category: do.
-nȯhtóvan vti. know how to do s.t. É-nȯhtóvána. He knows how to do it. (another recording) He knows how to do it. tse-nȯhtóvánóvo. (I prayed that) they will know what to do. [1987:99] Tónetáa'e hová'éhe é-nȯhtóvána. He knew how to do many things. [1987:187] See: -nȯhtóva'o'tsé. Category: do.
-nȯhtóvanené vai. know how to do (something). É-nȯhtóvanēne. He knows how to do (something). Initial nȯhtóv-; Final -anené. Category: do.
-nȯhtóvo'eétahe vai. know how to do things. É-nȯhtóvo'eétahe. He knows how to do things. Category: do.
-no'ko'eétahe vai. do something alone. É-no'ko'eétahe. He did something alone. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-no'o'eétahe vai. include do, add to in ceremony. hová'éhe tsé-no'o'eétȧhéstove something added to a ceremony. [PD1119] Initial no'-; fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-nonáho'eétahe vai. figures things out; clever; good mechanic. É-nonáho'eétahe. He is clever, figures things out. Initial nonáh-. See: -otó'xovahe; ma'heóno'eétahe; -nonáxa'ham. Ques: recheck literal glosses?? Category: do, check.
-nonótovo'eétahe vai. do something hurriedly, hurriedly do something. É-nonótovo'eétahe. He did something hurriedly. Category: do.
-noohto'eétahe vai. leave out, omit. É-noohto'eétahe. He left something out of what he did. É'ȯhkėsáa'éetónėšeée-noohto'eétȧhéstovȯheo'o. They never let themselves be left out. Category: do.
-nóvanené vai. slowly do, take time. can refer to doing something slowly because it requires that, for example, the old traditional way of cooking deer blood. Éohke-nóvanēne. He does things slowly. É-nóvanēne. He is taking his time. fai: -anené. See: -nóvahe. Category: do, speed.
-óehnevo'eétahe vai. do something on purpose ?? Category: check. É-óehnevo'eétahe. He did it on purpose. Category: do, check.
-oestoh(n) fta. instantly do to s.o. by tool. Éáhane-oestȯhnóho. He knocked him dead. Émȧhe-oestȯhnóho. He struck them all out, or He took all the money of the other players in a card game. This actually consists of two finals, -oest 'instantly' and -oh(n) 'by tool'. See: -oest; -oh(n). Category: do.
-o'eéh fta. do to s.o. Éam-o'eeho. He is abusing him. Éonést-o'eeho. He tested him. Épėhév-o'eeho. He did good to him. [1987:216] Né-hávėsévo'eéhahtséme. You have ruined yourselves. Één-o'eéhóho. He stopped doing it to her/him. (newer pronunciation). Category: do.
-o'eéstomané fai. Één-o'eéstómáne. He stopped doing something. Éná's-o'eéstómáne. He plays tricks. fta: -o'eéh. Category: do.
-o'eétahe fai. perform, do something, act. Épėhév-o'eétahe. He did a good thing. Étsėhést-o'eétahe. He does it in the Cheyenne way. É-hávėsév-o'eétahe. He did something bad. Éma'heón-o'eétahe. He did something ceremonial (or magical). Éonést-o'eétahe. He did an experiment. Éhá-o'eétahe. He did something shocking. Category: do.
-ó'ȯhto'eétahe vai. err, do something wrong, make a mistake, act wrongly, sin. This is one of the words that has sometimes been used for the meaning 'to sin'. This word literally, means 'to make a mistake', while -hávėsévo'eétahe means 'to do something bad'. É-ó'ȯhto'eétahe. He made a mistake. Ná-ó'ȯhto'eétahe. I made a mistake. Hó'ȯhke-ó'ȯhto'eétȧhéto, né'ȯhkeévavóvȯhetanóna'ovėstse! Whenever I sin renew my mind! (Hymn 68). [1987:40,258] Reduplicated -óo'ȯhto'eétahe; fai: -o'eétahe. See: hávėsévo'eétahe; a'to'eétahe; heómėsto'eétahe. Category: do.
-ómane fai. do to people. É-vo'ėstanévėstómáne. He rescues people. Éohkėhéhpȯhest-ómáne. He scares (people). Category: do.
-omómanené vta. cry while doing something?? É-omómanēne. He is crying while doing something.?? Initial omóm-, -anené. Category: cry, do.
-onésto'eétahe vai. experiment, do something on a trial basis. É-onésto'eétahe. He did an experiment. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
onésto'eétȧhestȯtse ni. experiment. Category: do.
-ononésto'eétahe vai. act foolish, foolish acting. É-ononésto'eétahe. He acted foolishly. Category: do.
-óo'ȯhto'eétahe vai. err; do something wrong; make a mistake; act wrongly; sin. É-óo'ȯhto'eétahe. He does wrong things. ?? Non-reduplicated -ó'ȯhto'eétahe. Category: do.
-ovávo'eétahe vai. do magic. É-ovávo'eétahe. He is doing something magical. Initial ová(v)-; fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-pėhévo'eéh vta. do good to s.o. É-pėhévo'eeho. He did good to him. Né-pėhévo'eéšemeno. You did good for us. É-pėhévo'eéhahtse. He did something good for himself (for example, helped his life by graduating from college). Antonym -hávėsévo'eéh; Synonym -pėhéve'tov. See: -pėhévetanóh. Category: do.
-pėhévo'eétahe vai. do something good. Telling someone népėhévo'eétahe is a common way of indicating appreciation or thanks, similar to using the word néá'eše. É-pėhévo'eétahe. He did a good thing. See: -á'eh. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-pónohtó vai. uselessly do. É-pónohtó. He did it uselessly. Náxae-pónóhto. I did it for nothing. that is, it was wasted effort. See: aéstome-. Category: do.
-popėhévo'eétahe vai. do good repeatedly. É-popėhévo'eétahe. He does good repeatedly. [pd420] Non-reduplicated -pėhévo'eétahe. Category: do.
-sóhpanené vai. do something through. É-sóhpanēne. He is doing something through. Initial sóhp-; Final -anené. Category: do.
-sóhpo'eétahe vai. go through a ceremony, go through something. É-sóhpo'eétahe. He went through (the ceremony). When someone makes a vow, this word refers to his carrying through with the vow. There is, apparently, no lexical form referring to "breaking" of a vow; instead, the negative of this entry can be used. Ésáa-sóhpo'eétȧhéhe. He broke (his vow); he didn't go through with the ceremony. See: -véstomóo'hané. Category: do.
-távo'eétahe vai. do something goofy. É-távo'eétahe. He did something goofy. Category: do.
-tó'hanené vai. stop (something)?? É-tó'hanēne. He is stopping things.?? Final -anené. Category: do.
-tóne'éhanené vai. how long do (things)? É-tóne'éhanēne? How long was he doing things? ?? Initial tóne'éh-; Final -anené. Category: do, check.
tóne'ó vai. do something. Ques: recheck glosses É-tóné'o. ?? Mó'asė-tóne'ȯhevóhe néhe mónėškeho. Those beans started to do something(??). [Beans.009] Category: do, check.
-tóne'óesané vai. do something. É-tóne'óesāne? ?? Násáa-tóne'óesanéhe. I couldn't do anything. Ques: toes?? cf with tóne'oet?? Éssáaxae-tóne'óesanéhesėstse. There was nothing he could do. [1987:283] See: -tsėhetanené; -tónėšévé. Category: do, check.
-tóne'oestsé vti. what do to s.t. É-tóne'oēstse? What did he do to it? Náme'-tóne'óéstse. I couldn't help it. Category: do.
-tóne'oet vta. do something to s.o., what do to s.o. É-tóne'oetóho? What did he do to him? Né-tóne'oēto? What did you do to him? Násáa-tóne'oetóhe. I didn't do anything to him. Mónéme'hé-tone'oēto. You won't be able to overcome him. (for example, he is more powerful than you). vai: -tóne'óesané. See: -tónėšé't. Category: do.
-tóne'ov vta. do something to s.o., how do something to s.o. É-tóne'ovóho? What did he do to him? ?? Néhvé'ho'ómėstávȯhtse nėhéóhe émėsáa'éva-tóne'óohéheo'o. Had they escaped (to the Black Hills) there would have been nothing done to them. [1987:42] Category: do, check.
-tóne'xóvanané vai. how do. É-tóne'xóvanāne? How far along is he? Naa étaéšetóne'xóvananesėstse, hápó'e néhesétámo. And "How far along is she?" I'm wondering about her. [Beadwork Visit.134] Category: do.
-tónėstá'tov vta. how treat s.o.?, however act toward s.o. Né-tónėstá'tóvo? How are you treating him? Násáa-tónėstá'tovóhe. I didn't do anything to him. É-tónėstá'tovóho? How did he act towards him? Étavé'šeehóomósesto vo'ėstanóho tséhne'ée-tónėstá'too'ėse. They put a curse on someone that comes against them. (1987:211). Reduplicated -totónėstá'tov. See: -tónetoéstomó'he'tov; -tónėšéh; -tónėšé'tov; -tónėsétam. Category: interpersonal, do.
-tónėšéh vta. what do to s.o. É-tónėšeho? What did he do to him/her? É-tónėšéhóho? What did he do to him/her? (newer pronunciation). Mȧxomȧhē'e nėstse-tónėšého? What are you going to do with a woman who is so available? Nésáa-tónėšéhatséhe. I have no use for you/I don't need you. See: -tónėšé'tov; -tónėstá'tov. Category: do, interpersonal.
-tónėšé'tá vti. how do to s.t., what do to s.t.? É-tónėšé'tá? What did he do to it? Né-tónėšé'tá? What did you do to it? Násáa-tónėšé'tóhe. I didn't do anything to it. vai: -tónėšévé; vta: -tónėšé'tov. Category: do.
-tónėšé'tov vta. how do to s.o.?, what do to s.o.? This word may be avoided by some modern speakers because it sounds like it contains the vulgar English word "shit". É-tónėšé'tovóho? What did he do to him? Násáa-tónėšé'tovóhe. Né-tónėšé'tóvo? What did you do to him? Násáa-tónėšé'tovóhe. I didn't do anything to him. Náne'šėhé-tonėšé'tovohe! I didn't do ANYTHING to him! (a strong denial of an accusation). Mónéme'ó'he-tonėšé'tovȧtse. I will not harm (lit. do anything to) you. [1987:290] Nėstsevé'-tónėšé'tove! Don't do anything to me! "Nȧhta-tónėšé'tovosėstse?" éxhešetanóhoo'o. "What shall I do with him?" she thought. [Croft 1988:29:8] See: -tónėstá'tov. vai: -tónėšévé; vti: -tónėšé'tá. Category: do, vulgar, interpersonal.
-tónėšévé vai. what do, do something. Simplified Spelling -donshif. É-tónėšéve? What is he doing? (another recording) É-tónėšéveo'o? What are they doing? Né-tónėšéve? What are you doing? (another recording) Né-tónėšévéme? What are you guys doing? Nééve-tónėšéve? What have you been doing? Néée-tónėšéve? What have you been doing? Néée-tónėšévéme? What have you guys been doing? The ée- of that pronunciation is a common contraction of éve- of the preceding pronunciation, Névetónėšéve. naa móhe máto nétȧhé-tonėšéve? or what else did you do? ?? Násáa-tónėšévéhe. I'm not doing anything. Nétȧhé-tonėšéve? What did you do over there? É-tónėšévėstove? What's going on? Náme'ta-tónėšévémȧse? What (in the world) should I do? (reportative mode). É-tónėšévėsesto? I wonder what they are doing? (reportative mode; the speaker can't see them). Ésta-tónėšévėhoono! Wow, they were doing something (unexpected)! (preterit mode). Mó-tónėševėhéhe. He must have done something. (especially, He got in trouble.) Nóhásȯháma é-tónėšéveo'o. They do anything (like, just any old thing). Nééšėhóse-tónėšévéme? What have you (plural) done again? That is commonly said to tease: for example, when seeing the ambulance go by, teasing between people of different reservation districts: What did you (guys) do again?!) -tónėšéve and a number of other word-internal question verbs, can combine with the preverb hé- to create emphatic rhetorical questions (which function as exclamations). See some examples following in this entry: Néhé-tonėšéve?! What did you do this time?! for example, I heard that you did something and I'm bawling you out). Naa néto'se-tónėšéve? And what are you going to do? Éévėhé-tonėšéve? What in the world did he do? Náne'šėhé-tonėševehe! I didn't do ANYTHING! Hóhkȧse náme'hóse-tónėšéve?! What else could I do?! Taome-tónėšévėstse! Do whatever you want! Taome-tónėšéveo'o! Do it yourself however you want (later)! Reduplicated -totónėšévé; vta: -tónėšé't. See: -tónėševéhé ‘how named?’; -tóneto'eétahe ‘what do?’; -nėhešévé ‘do that’. Category: do, check.
-tónėšévétanó vai. what want to do, what like to do. É-tónėšévétáno? What does he like to do? Category: do.
-tónetaná vti. how do s.t., so do s.t. É-tónetāna? How did he do it? Ma'hēō'o ésáahótsė-tónetanóhe. God can do all things (literally, does not fail to do). Category: do.
-tónetanené vai. how is hand (in cards)?, What is hand (in cards)? É-tónetanēne? What is his hand in cards? Initial tónet-; Final -anené. Category: do, cards.
-tóneto'eétahe vai. what do. É-tóneto'eétahe? What did he do? Móhke-tóneto'eétȧhehevóhe. They must do some activities. Reduplicated -totóneto'eétahe. See: -tónėšévé. Category: do.
-totáho'panené vai. hold (something) tangled up. É-totáho'panēne. He is busy.?? [pd12] Category: do, check.
-totáto'eétahe vai. dally; loiter; joke around. É-totáto'eétahe. He joked around/he dallied. fai: -o'eétahe. See: -ná'so'eémetahe. Category: do.
-totónėšévé vai. ?? É-totónėšéve ?? Non-reduplicated tónėšévé. Category: do.
-totóneto'eétahe vai. do mischief. É-totóneto'eétahe. He is doing mischief. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tóneto'eétahe. See: totónėše-; -hé'heetovánove. Category: do.
-tséena'éóó'e vai. splayed, have too much to do, spread-out. Lit: spread-out-stand (spread out like branches of a tree) This word is used of a person who is running here and there to get a lot of work done at the same time. É-tséena'éóó'e. He is got so many things going he can't keep up with it all. fai: -óé. See: -háestȯhanené. Category: work, do.
tsėhe'oest vti. handle.quickly. Ques: recheck gloss?? Ques: recheck pitch tsėhé ?? É-tsėhe'oēstse. He handled it quickly.?? Category: check, do.
-tsėhésto'eétahe vai. Cheyenne do, do something in the Cheyenne way. É-tsėhésto'eétahe. He does it in the Cheyenne way. Tsétsėhésto'eétȧhénove Cheyenne culture. fai: -o'eétahe. See: Tsėhéseamanēō'o ‘Cheyenne culture’. Category: handcraft, do.
-tsėheta'á vti. do something to s.t. É-tsėhetā'a. He did something to it. Éévȧhóse-tsėhetā'a kóhkonȯheo'o. She pushed down the bread again. That is, after the yeast has caused the bread to rise once already. He'ke-tsėhetā'ȯhtse! Push on it (the gas pedal)! Hóse-tsėhetā'ȯhtse! Put it in high gear! / Do it next! See: -tsėhetan. Category: do, car.
-tsėhetan vti. do something to s.t.fix s.t., do something to s.t., work on s.t. like this?? É-tsėhetāna. He did something to it. Évȧhóse-tsėhetānȯhtse! Turn it back again; play it again. for example, play something again on a tape recorder. Tsėhetanȯhtse ta'ta'ȯhēō'o! Turn the key (to start the car)! Nȧhtone'óonȯtse nés-tsėhetānȯhtse! Fix my clothes (for me)! [My Testimony.036]
vta. fix s.o., do something to s.o., work on s.o. like this?? É-tsėhetanóho. He took care of him; he worked on him. Naa névéé'ėše é'ame-tsėhetanósesto. And for four days he worked on him (reportative). [1987:109] Initial tsėhet-; vai: -tsėhetanené. See: -tsėheta'á; -tsėhe'oet; -pėhéva'o'tsé. Category: do.
-tsėhetanené vai. do something. for example, do work illustrated by the speaker's hands. É-tsėhetanēne. He is doing something like this. He'pa'onéome é-tsėhetanéne. He is doing something behind the house. fai: -anené; vta: -tsėhetan. See: -háestȯhanené; -nėhešévé. Category: do.
-tsėhetanová vai. attend?? É-tsėhetanōva. ?? See: naa'étsėhetanováhe. Category: do, check.
-tsėheto'eéh vta. do like this to s.o. typically implies something negative. É-tsėheto'eeho. He did something negative to him. É-tsėheto'eéhóho. He did something negative to him. (newer pronunciation). fta: -o'eéh. Category: do.
-tsėheto'eétahe vai. act, perform. É-tsėheto'eétahe. He is performing. Ques: do this way?? Category: do, check.
tsėheto'eétȧhéve'ho'á'e na. actress. vai: -tsėheto'eétahe. Category: do.
tsėheto'eétȧhéve'ho'e na. actor. (another recording) vai: -tsėheto'eétahe. Category: do, check.
-tšėhešé'tov vta. do this (something) to s.o. often connotes something negative, like putting a curse on someone or maybe doing something sexual to him. É-tšėhešé'tovóho. He /he did something to him / put a curse on him. See: -nėhešé'tov; -nėhešé'tohe; -tšėhešévé; -ehóom. Category: do, record.
-tšėhešévé vai. do this. new information in discourse. É-tšėhešéve ... He did this ... The action demonstrated follow that word. Ótahe, tšėhešévėstse! Pay attention, do this! Category: do.
-vá'ȯhtan vti. complete s.t. by hand. É-vá'ȯhtána. He completed it by hand. Initial vá'ȯht-; Final -an. Category: do.
-vá'ȯhto'eétahe vai. accomplish. É-vá'ȯhto'eétahe. He accomplished (something). See: -éxo'eétahe. Category: do.
-véhono'eétahe vai., do something in a chiefly way. É-véhono'eétahe. He did something in a chiefly way. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-vésto'eétahe vai. do ceremony with, participate with. É-vésto'eétahe He participated (along with others) in the ceremony. [pd1119] Category: do.
-vone'éhanené vai. take a very long time doing something. É-vone'éhanēne. He is taking a long time doing something. Éosee-vone'éhanēne. He is taking a very very long time doing something. See: -háa'éhohtá; -tsėhetanené. Category: time, do.
-vóonanené vai. do something all night. É-vóonanēne. He did something all night. Initial vóon-; fai: anené. Category: do.
-vóono'eétahe vai. 1 • do something all night.
2 • have sex all night. É-vóono'eétahe. He had sex all night. Usage: Euphemism; probably this figurative meaning is the primary meaning today. Category: do, sex.
-vóvȯhetanené vai. do something again. É-vóvȯhetanēne. He did it again ; he inspected (it) closely again. Ques: recheck second gloss?? Non-reduplicated -vóhetanené. Category: do, check.
-vovóhko'eétahe vai. do crooked things. É-vovóhko'eétahe. He is doing crooked things. Category: do.
vovóhpono'eéh vta. do something negative to s.o. É-vovóhpono'eeho. He is doing something negative to him. É-vovóhpono'eéhóho. (newer pronunciation). Final -o'eéh. Category: do, interpersonal.
-vovóhpono'eétahe vai. strictly do something, do something exactly in the right way as expected. É-vovóhpono'eétȧheo'o. They have to do it exactly right. Category: do.
-xanova'ov vta. drive s.o. straight. É-xanova'ovóho. He drove him/them straight. That is, in a straight line. Initial xanov-; Final -a'ov. Category: do.
-xanovanené vai. straighten things. É-xanovanēne. He straightened things. Final -anené. Category: do.
-xanovo'eétahe vai. do (something) straight, do right. É-xanovo'eétahe. He did (something) straight/he lives straight. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.