aénȯhevóhkóóhe na. jackrabbit. Lit: hawk-rabbit Variant: aénȯhevóóhe; Plural aénȯhevóhkooheho; Obviative aénȯhevóhkooheho. See: vóhkóóhe. Category: animals.
aénȯhevóóhe na. jackrabbit. Lit: hawk-rabbit Variant: aénȯhevóhkóóhe; Plural aénȯhevóoheho; Obviative aénȯhevóoheho. See: vóhkóóhe ‘rabbit’. Category: animals.
a'eesémo'ehe na. moose. Category: new. Lit: pugnose-elk See: mȧhpémo'ehe. Category: animals.
a'éevo'ha na. donkey. Lit: humped-horse (?) Variant: a'kéevo'ha; Plural a'éevo'hāme; Obviative a'éevo'hāme. See: -a'eesé; vó'hó'óhta; véhpotseeséhéó'o. Category: horses, animals.
-anéh(n) vta. butcher s.o. É-anehno. He butchered him. É-anéhnóho. He butchered him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-anéhno. I butchered him. See: -anet. Category: animals.
ésevone1 na. 1 • female buffalo, buffalo cow. (another recording) Etym: *ko·θwe·wa·na (P). Some say that this is the main word for buffalo in Oklahoma. It refers to a female buffalo or an entire herd of buffalo in Montana. Plural ésevono; Obviative ésevono; Masculine hotóá'e. See: hotóá'e; ésévone; méhe; ésevona.
2 • buffalo herd. Category: animals.
Sacred Buffalo Hat, Buffalo Hat, Sacred Hat. When used to mean 'Sacred Buffalo Hat', it is thought to be the older Cheyenne term in contrast with the newer usage of hóhkėha'e. Ésevone tsévóto'ėstaé'eneonéveto. The Buffalo (Hat), you who are endowed by the Creator with life-giving sustenance. (This Cheyenne word is a very sacred ceremonial term.) See: hóhkėha'e; -ésevone2 ‘sound enter’. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance, animals.
éstsema'e na. mole, gopher. For some speakers this only means 'mole', and, then, méhnevȯhkȧho'héhe would mean 'gopher'. Plural éstsémá'e; Obviative éstsémá'e. See: méhnevȯhkȧho'héhe ‘gopher’. Category: animals.
-éstsema'éveotse vai. gopher - become a. Nȧhtsene'-éstsema'éveotse tsėhéóhe. I will turn into a gopher here. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).044] Category: animals.
-éstsema'ó'ėše'eve vii. gopher hole ground. É-éstsema'ó'ėše'eve. It is a gopher hole area. Móhne'ȯhkema'xe-éstsema'ó'ėše'évėhanéhe. Lots of gopher holes suddenly appeared in the ground. [1987:246] Category: animals.
éškȯseeséhotame na. pig, bacon, salt pork. Lit: sharp-nosed-dog Plural éškȯseeséhotāme; Obviative éškȯseeséhotāme. (another recording, by an Oklahoma male) Plural éškȯseeséhotāme; Obviative éškȯseeséhotāme. Category: animals.
-évesé mbp. horn(s), antler. Ka'-évėséhe Stump Horn. No'k-évėséhe One Horn. Épėhév-évése. He has nice horns. Éka'-évése. He has short horns. Étšėhe'kės-évése. He has small horns. Énóhon-évése. He has five point antlers. See: vevėstse ‘antler, horn’; -ovésé ‘hair’. Category: animals.
háo'táoohēso na. lizard, salamander. Ques: also salamander?? Lit: little fast runner (another recording) When you catch these you tie a red yarn on them then let them go for good luck. This animal is similar to a chameleon. Plural háo'táoohesono. háo'táoohésoneho lizards (alternate plural). See: heó'ȯhtáto. Obviative háo'táoohesono. See: áestóhkáhne ‘lizard’; heó'ȯhtáto ‘lizard’. Category: reptiles, animals, check.
hémotséehotóá'e na. bull. Lit: breeding-buffalo Plural hémotséehotóao'o; Obviative hémotséehotoa'o. Naa hápó'e náohketá'vé'hoomátanó'tovoo'o néhe homotséehotóao'o tséohketáhoeotsé'tovóvose. And me too I really like to watch those bulls that they ride. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo’; vé'ho'éotóá'e ‘cow’. Category: animals.
heo'kēso na. 1 • muskrat. Plural heo'kėsono; Obviative heo'kėsono. Etym: cf. *we'šaškwa. Category: animals.
2 • showoff. See: -heo'keve. Category: figurative.
heó'ȯhtáto na. 1 • salamander, lizard, water puppy. a kind of lizard; sometimes translated as 'water puppy'. Heó'ȯhtátóne móno'eana'ȯhevóhe. Lizards must be falling. (This has traditionally been said when it is raining.) Heó'ȯhtátóne é'ȯhkeéetáho'né'ėstoveo'o, é'ȯhkėsáaho'ho'enáotséstovėhane. Salamanders were stepped on, (so then) you would not get a leg-ache. (a cultural belief). [1987:214] Plural heó'ȯhtátóne; Obviative heó'ȯhtátóne. Etym: cf *ka·xkata·lya·kwa. See: háo'táoohēso. Category: animals.
2 • Salamander. Category: names.
heóvėsé'táhe na. cottontail rabbit. Lit: yellow-feet-one Plural heóvėsé'tȧheo'o, heóvėsé'tȧheo'o; Obviative heóvėsé'tȧheho, heóvėsé'tȧheho. See: aénȯhevóhkóóhe; vóhkoohéh. Category: animals.
heóvó'ėsá'e na. buffalo calf. Lit: yellow calf Variant: heóvó'kėsá'e; Plural heóvo'ėsa'eho; Obviative heóvo'ėsa'eho. See: mó'kėsá'e. Category: animals.
heóvó'kėsá'e na. buffalo calf. Lit: yellow calf Variant: heóvó'ėsá'e; Plural heóvo'kėsa'eho; Obviative heóvo'kėsa'eho. Category: animals.
hestoé'kėhéso na. newborn fawn. Plural hestoé'kėhesono; Obviative hestoé'kėhesono. they come in pairs; they are spotted. Variant: hestó'kėhéso. See: váhkotseváhéso ‘fawn’. Category: animals.
hestóhkáhne na. horned toad. Usage: od Ques: ?? Category: check, animals.
hestóho'é-hotóá'e na. ox. Lit: pulling-buffalo Usage: probably not well known by many speakers today Category: animals.
hestó'kėhéso na. newborn fawn. Plural hestó'kėhesono; Obviative hestó'kėhesono. they come in pairs; they are spotted. Etym: cf *ketaka·xkwa (P). Variant: hestoé'kėhéso. See: váhkotseváhéso. Category: animals.
-he-stotóame inc.n. have cattle. É-he-stotóame. He has/owns cattle. tsé-hestotóamese those that have cattle. Névááhe tsé-hestotóamėstse? Who has cattle? Násáa-hestotóáméhe. I don't have cattle. Possessive -htotóame. Category: animals.
-hestsevéveše vai. have horns, have antlers. Can also be of someone wearing a cap with horns on it. For some people this word sounds nasty due to similarity in sound to -he-veve 'have intercourse.'. É-he-stsevéveše. He has horns. Éma'xė-he-stsevéveše. He has big horns. Móéšėto'sė-hestsevévėšėhéhe. He is about to grow horns. He is "crazy". Étaomėhótsė-he-stsevéveše. He is so evil. (= like a devil). Lit: He almost sprouted horns. See: vevėstse ‘horn/antler’; -he-veve ‘have intercourse’. Category: animals, sayings, vulgar, figurative.
-he-stsevoxe inc.n. have a den. tósa'e tsé'ée-he-stsevóxévȯse homā'e wherever the beavers had lodges. [The Man Who Tried to Kill a Beaver.007] IndepNoun voxe; Possessive -htsevóxe. Category: animals.
héško'e na. leech, bloodsucker. Plural heškō'e; Obviative heškō'e. Morph: /hehko'e/. Heškō'e mómévaehevóhe. Blood suckers must have eaten him. That is a humorous saying about someone with a hickey. Phon: iah Etym: *akaskwaya; cf. M oka·skiʔ. Category: animals.
heškovėstse na. porcupine. Lit: thorny (one) Heškóveto éohkemévovo šéstotó'e. Porcupines eat pine trees. Plural heškóveto; Obviative heškóveto. Etym: cf. *ka·kwa ‘porcupine’. Category: animals.
heškóvetsémee'e na. porcupine quill. Plural heškóvetsémeeno; Synonym heškóvotsee'e. See: mee'e. Category: animals.
hetameváótséva na. whitetail deer. Plural hetameváotseváhne. hotameváótséva?? This word is older than oómėsta'hasenéhe. See: oómėsta'hasenéhe. Category: check, animals.
hóhkeehe na. mouse. Plural hóhkeeheho, (another recording); Obviative hóhkeeheho, Hóhkeehéhnéva (1987:30); Diminutive hóhkeehēso. Morph: /hóhkeeheh/. Variant: hóhtšeehe (old male speech variant). Etym: cf. *a·pikweshs- 'mouse' (Go88); cf. Ar hookúú; F wa·pikono·wa. Category: animals, computer.
hóhkeehēso na. Gram: dim little mouse, computer mouse. Plural hóhkeehesono; Obviative hóhkeehesono; Non-diminutive hóhkeehe. Category: animals, computer.
hóhkévého na. ferret, brown weasel ?? Plural hóhkeveho; Obviative hóhkeveho. Category: animals, check.
ho'anohtȯtse ni. catchpit. This is a traditionally built pit for luring and catching game. See: -ho'enȯhevá ‘use bait’. Category: animals.
ho'éméhne na. earthworm. Usage: probably a loan trans. Category: bugs, animals.
hó'nehe na. 1 • wolf. Phon: iah Plural ho'néheo'o; Obviative ho'neho; Diminutive ho'néhéso. Etym: *a·θke·hsiwa. Category: animals.
2 • Wolf. Category: names.
ho'néhéso na. 1 • little wolf. Plural ho'néhesono; Non-diminutive hó'nehe. See: ho'néhéškéso. Category: animals, check.
2 • Youngwolf. Category: names.
ho'néhéškéso na. Gram: dim wolf pup. double diminutive. Morph: /ho'néhehkesón/. Plural ho'néheškėsono. See: hó'nehe ‘wolf’. Category: animals.
ho'néhetanéoónȧha'e na. bullfrog. Lit: wolf-frog Usage: od See: oónȧha'e ‘frog’; popé'eoónȧha'e ‘horned toad’. Category: animals, Oklahoma.
ho'tšėške ni. sinew, tendon. before de-stranding. ho'tāno is a single strand of sinew. (another recording) Simplified Spelling hochk. See: ho'tāno ‘sinew strand’; ho'tanono ‘thread’; -hto'tšéškeme ‘sinew (poss.)’. Etym: cf. M aʔtaeh 'sinew'; *yaʔti (P). Category: body, animals.
hóma'e na. 1 • beaver. (another recording) Plural homā'e. AltPl = homá'eo'o AltPl = homá'ne Obviative homā'e; Diminutive homa'kēso, Hóma'ke. Etym: *ameθkwa ‘beaver’; *ameθko·ki ‘beavers’. "iah" abbreviates Impermanent Antepenultimate High. Hóma'e is one of several Cheyenne words which takes an unexpected high pitch on the antepenultimate (third from end) syllable usually on the singular form of a noun or verb. This impermanent high pitch disappears in other constructions involving the word stem in question. Note that the pitch contour of this plural is homā'e, phonemically /homa'é/, with no high pitch heard on the antepenult, as it is in the singular. Some other forms with IAH are: hótame 'dog'; -átamáno'e 'environment (II final)'; héna'e 'goose'; ma'háhko'e 'badger'; oónȧha'e 'frog'; séavóneške 'woodchuck'; héstā'se 'snow'; héše'ke 'dirt';-nó'ka'e 'be one in number (i·)'; héško'e 'leech'; héta'e 'gland'; hexóva'e 'bedbug'; hó'nehe 'wolf'; hóema 'blanket'; hóema 'mosquito'; koohkóva'e 'quail'; mȧháeme 'kernel of corn'; mȧ-htáeme 'louse'; má'ome 'ice'; má'xeme 'apple'; mó'e'e 'blade of grass'; mo'kóhta'e 'Indian turnip'; -mo'óna'e 'be beautiful (i·)'; móneške 'bean'; -né'ta'e 'be important (i·)'; nóma'ne 'fish (sg)'; nonóma'e 'thunder'; ó'he'e 'river'. Category: animals.
2 • Beaver (constellation). the name of a constellation which appears at the beginning of Spring (1987:207) and disappears in the Fall. There are seven stars: four in the shape of a diamond and three in a vertical line (forming the Beaver's tail) some distance away from the diamond. Hóma'e éohkėhevoōne móhkeévamé'ȯhoehéhe tsėhe'xóvéva ȯhto'sematsé'omévee'ėstse tsé'xóvevé'eévamé'ȯhoevȯse né=hotóhkeo'o. Né=hotóhkeo'o éohkenéveo'o naa hovehno tšėševo'héé'ėse éohkena'noéséne hotóhkeo'o tā'se énésȯhtȯxeo'o né = tsénėhestóhese hestsevoxe éohkėhestohe māto. The Beaver (constellation), they say, shows up at this time at the beginning of Spring when they appear. There's four stars and some distance away there's three (more) stars hanging, like there's seven of them that they talk about; it is also called "His Den" (constellation). (1987:207). Hóma'e ééšeéva-mé'ȯhoo'e. The Beaver (constellation) has swum into view (in the Spring). The following warning would be given to people, cautioning them to be alert to the dangers of winter blizzards: Háá'ėše nėstavé'ho'ȯhtséme. Étaéšėta'ȯhoo'e Hóma'e. Óohkenonéšeōhtsema'taamėhéemȯhonéstove. Don't go far from the camp. The Beaver (constellation) has swum out of sight (in the Fall). Go in pairs when you go hunting. A funny incident occurred many years ago when a Cheyenne man (OR) told a Cheyenne-speaking missionary (AH) that the Beaver had been spotted, indicating that Spring had arrived. Cheyennes enjoy telling this episode because it shows the miscommunication that occurred, the missionary thinking that the Cheyenne was referring to an animal beaver in the swollen creek nearby. Here is how their conversation went: OR: Hóma'e ééšeévamé'ȯhoo'e. AH: Héehe'e, naa tsetaonȧháxemémėstáne. OR: The Beaver has "swum" into view. AH: Yes, and he might drown. Phon: iah See: Hestsevoxe ‘His Den’; -méaheše. Category: celestial.
homa'kēso na. Gram: dim little beaver. Non-diminutive homa'e. See: Hóma'ke. Category: animals.
hótame na. 1 • dog, hound. Usage: This word is not used much today for regular dogs. At least one speaker has said that this word refers to "hounds," such as greyhounds and Rottweilers. It does occur as a stem meaning 'dog' in some words with modifiers, such as vó'omėhótame 'white dog.' Historically, this word meant 'dog,' but then was semantically extended to include other domesticated animals(meaning sense 2.). A new term for 'dog,' (oeškēse) took the place of the general meaning of 'dog 'for this older word, hótame. (another recording) vó'omėhótame white dog. Phon: iah Plural hotāme; Obviative hotāme; Diminutive hotamēso. Morph: /hotame/. See: oeškēse; oeškēso. Etym: *aθemwa 'dog'; *aθemo·ki 'dogs' ‘dog’. Category: dogs.
2 • small domesticated animal. éškȯseeséhotame pig (lit. pointed-nose-domesticated.animal). ka'eeséhotame cat (lit. short-nosed-domesticated.animal). ka'eeséhotame is said to be a Southern Cheyenne word; póéso 'cat' is commonly used in Montana as well as Oklahoma. Category: animals, dogs.
hotóa- pn. bull, buffalo, buck, male (of bovine). See: hotóhpe-; hotóá'e. Category: animals.
hotóakōsa na. ram. Lit: bull-goat See: kōsa. Category: animals.
hotóá'e na. male buffalo, buffalo bull, buffalo. (another recording) Phon: vs Some speakers use this as the general word for a buffalo. Others use it only for a male buffalo. Most Cheyenne speakers say hotóá'e but hotóá'a has been heard. A phonological rule of Vowel Stretching changes underlying (phonemic) /hotóá/ to the pronunciations heard above. Some other words for which we would expect the rule of Vowel Stretching to produce a word-final "a" have a word-final "e" for many speakers. See also -mea'e, -htsea'e; also some people say maéstoo'e 'throat' instead of maéstoo'o. Morph: /hotóá/. Etym: *aya·pe·wa (P) ‘'buck' Smith 1949:80 lists word-final front vowel, as the entry here’. Plural hotóao'o, (another recording); Obviative hotoa'o; Possessive -htotóame; Feminine ésevone. See: -hotóave ‘buffalo - be a’; ésevone1 ‘female buffalo, buffalo herd’; hotóhpa'éhe ‘steer’; hotóhpéso ‘buffalo bull calf’; -htotóame; vé'ho'éotóá'e ‘cow’; hévoetanȧháve'ho'éotoa'e ‘milk cow’. Category: animals, names.
Hotóáso na. 1 • small buffalo. See: mó'kėsá'e. Category: animals.
2 • Little Buffalo. Morph: /hotóásón/. Category: names.
hotóaváótséva na. buck. Lit: bull-deer (another recording) Variant: hotóhpeváótséva. See: hotóá'e. Category: animals.
-hotóave vai. buffalo - be a. É-hotóave. He is a buffalo. Ésáa-hotóávéhe. He is not a buffalo. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo bull’. Category: animals.
-hotóaveotse vai. become a buffalo, buffalo - become a. É-hotóaveotse. He turned into a buffalo. Éstama'xė-hotóaveotsesėstse néhe kȧsovááhe That young man turned into a big buffalo. [1987:307] Category: animals.
hotóavó'aa'e na. antelope buck. See: vó'aa'e; vó'kaa'e. Category: animals.
hotóhpa'éhe na. steer. Plural hotóhpa'éheo'o; Obviative hotóhpa'éheho. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo’. Category: animals.
hotóhpa'(k)éhéso na. small buffalo bull. not yet four years old. See: hotóhpéso. Category: animals.
hotóhpa'kēso na. young buffalo bull. See: hotóhpéso. Category: animals.
hotóhpėheévaho na. Gram: pl buffalo fur. grammatically plural. See: heévaho. Category: animals.
hotóhpéso na. buffalo bull calf. between one and three years old. See: hotóá'e; hotóhpa'(k)éhéso; hotóhpa'kēso; hotóhpa'éhe. Category: animals.
hotóhpeváótséva na. buck. Variant: hotóaváótséva. Category: animals.
hōva na. animal. This is a category word for dogs, cats, horses, deer, bears, etc., but not birds, fish, or humans. Etym: *awe·hsiwa (P); cf. M awae·tok; O awesi· (N) 'spirit' (??). Plural hováhne; AlternatePlural hováhneo'o; Obviative hováhne; Diminutive hováhkéso. Category: check, animals.
hováhéso na. little animal. Variant: hováhkéso. Morph: /hováh-esón/. Lit: animal-DIM Plural hováhesono; Obviative hováhesono. See: hōva ‘animal’. Category: animals.
hováhkéso na. little animal. Variant: hováhéso; Plural hováhkėsoneho; Non-diminutive hōva. Category: animals.
-htotóame na. herd, cattle, cows. nȧ-htotóame my herd ; my cattle. he-stotóamo his herd. he-stotóamevóho their cattle. vai: -he-stotóame. See: hotóá'e; -htotséh; -htovámé. Category: animals.
-htotsé na. Gram: poss pet (poss.) This refers to any animal (hōva) that you have as a pet, especially a horse, but it can also be a dog or cat, but not a bird or fish. A small pet, such as a bird, is referred to with the possessed noun stem -néestoo'o. nȧ-htōtse my pet/my horse. nȧ-htotseho my pets. (another recording) nė-stōtse your pet. he-stotseho his pet(s). nȧ-htotséhane our (excl) pet. vai: -he-stotsehe ‘have a pet’; vta: -he-stotséhé'tov ‘have s.o. as a pet’. Morph: /na-htotéh/. Etym: *metayihsikwa 'pet' (Pi); *netaya 'my pet'; K netaya. See: -htotóame; -néestóone; -néestoo'o. Category: cats, horses, dogs, animals.
-htsevoxe ni. Gram: poss 1 • den; hole (poss.) he-stsevóxéva in his den. IndepNoun voxe. See: hestsevoxe. Category: animals.
2 • in the hole, in debt. Category: figurative. Móma'xėhoehéhe he-stsevóxéva. He is deep in debt. (lit., be much in his hole; loan translation from English 'he is in the hole'). See: -amėhasené ‘owe’. Category: money.
-ka'evá'se vai. have a short tail. É-ka'evá'se. He has a short tail. BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. Category: animals, body.
keeso na. bug, mouse, rat, louse, lice, puppy. In other words, any kind of "creepy crawly" animal. Usage: baby talk Phon: perhaps derived from oeškēso 'dog' AltPl = akéesono Plural kéesono; Obviative kéesono. See: oeškēse. Category: animals.
kōsa na. 1 • sheep, goat. Plural kȯsáne; Obviative kȯsáne. See: -kȯsáetáhoo'e; péhpe'ékósa. Category: animals.
2 • Sheep. Category: names.
3 • fig., Great Northern train car. Mónésó'-táhoenȯtse kōsa? Are you still riding the goat? (=separated from spouse). Nééšeéva-anȧha'hamaehe kōsa? Have you gotten bucked off by the goat? (=reconciled with separated spouse). for the idiom 'ride the goat,' see explanation under -kȯsáe-táhoo'e. Category: sayings, animals, names.
kȯsáéso na. Gram: dim lamb, little goat. Plural kȯsáesono; Obviative kȯsáesono; Non-diminutive kōsa. Category: animals, names.
mȧhpéhotóá'e ni. water buffalo. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo’. Category: animals, new.
mȧhpémo'éhe na. moose. Lit: water-elk This word seems to be singular, plural, and obviative for some speakers. For other speakers mȧhpémo'éheo'o is the plural. Variant: popóhpoévėsémo'éhe; AlternatePlural mȧhpémo'éheo'o. See: a'eesémo'éhe. Category: animals.
mákohe na. monkey. Usage: partial transliteration from English "monkey" Plural mákȯheo'o; Obviative mákȯhóho. See: vo'ėstanéhotame. Category: animals.
-mákȯhévéné vai. monkey - look like a. Lit: (be) monkey-faced É-mákȯhévéne. He looks like a monkey. BodyPartMedial -éné ‘face’. See: mákohe ‘monkey’. Category: face, animals.
ma'ėhó'nehe na. 1 • red wolf. See: ma'ėhóóhe.
2 • Redwolf. Variant: Ma'o'néhe. Category: animals, names.
ma'ėhóóhe na. 1 • fox, red fox. sometimes used generically of a fox and sometimes specifically of the red fox. (another recording) Etym: *meʔθa·kwehsa (P). Ques: ma'hóohe?? cf PA Plural ma'ėhóoheho. alternate plural = ma'ėhóoheo'o Obviative ma'ėhóoheho. See: vóhkése; ma'ėhó'nehe. Category: animals.
2 • Redfox. See: Heóvema'ėhóóhe. Category: names.
ma'ėhóoheve vai. be a fox. É-ma'ėhóoheve. He is a fox. See: -vóhkėséheve. Category: animals.
ma'ēno na. 1 • turtle. (another recording) Ma'enóne éohkepėhéveénėheo'o ȯxhonóhevosėstse naa máto ȯxho'oehévosėstse. Turtles taste good when they are baked and also when they are boiled. [1979:205] Ma'ēno énėhpoése. It is foggy (lit. turtle is hanging closed; this expression must have something to do with beliefs about turtles)., Some people just say ma'ēno for fog. Etym: *mexkena·hkwa (Go88); *meʔkena·hkwa (Pi) ‘snapping turtle’. Plural ma'enóne; Obviative ma'enóne; Diminutive ma'enó'késo. Category: reptiles, animals.
2 • someone who copies others. Category: figurative. like little turtles which follow a leader and hide in their shells.
3 • someone who won't listen. Category: figurative. Ma'enóné-áhe éhešė-hesó'xo'ēsta. He has ears like turtles (that is, he won't listen). Someone who won't listen is said to have ears like turtles. This is an effective and humorous idiom, since it is considered that turtles basically have no ears (or just small flaps which hardly count as ears).
4 • Turtle. Category: names.
ma'enóhevoo'e ni. turtle shell. Ques: recheck?? Ques: ma'enóhevoohe?? Category: check, animals.
ma'háhkeehe na. old mouse. See: hóhkeehe. Category: animals.
ma'háhko'e na. 1 • badger. traditional spirit animal for Cheyennes. Phon: iah Plural ma'hahkō'e. AltPl=ma'hahkó'eo'o [1987:188] Obviative ma'hahkō'e. Etym: *meʔθakwaθkwa. Category: animals.
2 • Badger. Category: names.
ma'heónemehe na. sacred buffalo cow. See: méhe. Category: animals, sacred.
ma'xėheó'ȯhtáto vai. alligator, dinosaur. Category: new. Lit: big-salamander Category: animals, reptiles.
matšėškōme na. 1 • raccoon. Plural matšėškomeho; Obviative matšėškomeho. Category: animals.
2 • Raccoon. Category: names.
mehe na. cow, doe. that is, female of ungulates (buffalo, deer, etc.) Plural méheo'o. See: ésevone; méheváótséva. Etym: cf. *mo·swa 'moose' ‘moose’; At by[i[ih ‘buffalo cow (T)’. Category: animals.
méhesonéváótséva na. young doe. Non-diminutive méheváótséva. Category: animals.
méheváótséva na. doe. Lit: female-deer Plural méheváotseváhne; Obviative méheváotseváhne; Diminutive méhesonéváótséva. Category: animals.
méhne na. water serpent, water monster. (another recording) seems especially to be associated with water in Cheyenne cosmology; this is one of several monsters which were important in Ch. traditional cosmology; other monsters were the axe and hahpanováhe. Plural méhneo'o; Obviative mehno. means 'worm' or 'snake' in compounds, for example: mé'šeméhne worm (lit. hairy-serpent). heóvemé'šeméhne yellow caterpillar (PD). ho'éméhne earthworm. hesó'xeméhne blue racer (snake; lit. slippery-serpent). See: šé'šenovȯtse. Morph: /méhné/. Etym: *mo·hθe·wa ‘worm’. See: axe ‘land monster’; hahpanováhe. Category: monsters, animals.
méhnevȯhkȧho'héhe na. marmot, pocket gopher ?? Lit: serpent-mixed.color-one Plural méhnevȯhkȧho'héheo'o; Obviative méhnevȯhkȧho'héheho. See: éstsema'e ‘mole’; heóvȯhkȧho'hé-vé'késo ‘canary’. Category: animals, check.
méhnevȯhkȧho'hēso na. ground squirrel. Lit: serpent-mixed.color-diminutive Plural méhnevȯhkȧho'hesono; Obviative méhnevȯhkȧho'hesono. Category: animals.
mé'hahtsékósa na. goat. Usage: previously used for 'mountain goat' Variant: mé'hahtsenákósa. See: péhpe'ékósa; kōsa. Category: animals.
mé'hahtsenákósa na. billy goat. Lit: bearded-goat Plural mé'hahtsenákȯsáne; Obviative mé'hahtsenákȯsáne; Variant: mé'hahtsékósa. See: kōsa ‘sheep’. Category: animals.
mene2 na. water monster. pronounced as méhne by some speakers. Variant: méhné. Category: monsters, animals.
méšenonetsénóne na. bat. See: mȯšéškanetsénoonáhe. Category: animals, Oklahoma.
móhkáve na. bobcat. Plural móhkavėheo'o. AltPl = móhkaveho Obviative móhkaveho, móhkavėheho (alt.). See: nanóse'hame. Category: animals.
mō'e na. elk. Morph: /mo'é/; /mo'éhe/. Variant: mo'éhe. Etym: *wemaško·swa. See: mo'éhno'ha; hotóámó'e. Category: animals.
mo'éhe na. elk. For some speakers this word is singular, plural, and obviative. For others mō'e is singular. A plural for some speakers is mo'éheo'o. Variant: mō'e. AltPl = mo'éheo'o Etym: *wemaško·swa. See: mo'éhno'ha. Category: animals.
-mo'éheve vai. be an elk. É-mo'éheve. He is an elk. Category: animals.
mo'éhnȯho'ha na. horse. Plural mo'éhnȯho'hāme; Variant: mo'éhno'ha. Category: animals.
mo'éhno'ha na. horse. (another recording) Plural mo'éhno'hāme; Variant: mo'éhnȯho'ha. Phon: apoc This word has an interesting etymology (personal communication, Ives Goddard): it derives from Algonquian 'elk' *wemaškoosw- plus a noun final meaning 'dog' -a'θemwa. In Cheyenne historical development the final -o'ha(m) extended to mean 'domesticated animal', today a frequent final in words having to do with 'livestock', 'cattle', but, particularly 'horse(s)'. Apparently to Cheyennes, a horse looked something like an elk, but the horse was a domesticated animal and so we might say that the literal meaning (at a late stage of etymology) for mo'éhno'ha is 'domesticated elk'. In Oklahoma and Montana you can also refer to a horse as your pet with the possessive stem -htotsé, or the full word nȧhtōtse 'my pet'. Etym: *wemaško·sw-a'θemwa ‘apoc’. Phon: horses See: -htotséh. Category: animals.
mo'éhno'hamēso na. Gram: dim colt. Non-diminutive mo'éhno'ha; Plural mo'éhno'hamėsono; Obviative mo'éhno'hamėsono; Diminutive mo'kéhno'hamēso. Category: animals.
mó'ėsá'e na. 1 • calf. Diminutive mó'kėsá'e. less commonly used than mó'kėsá'e. See: mónėškėhéso. Etym: cf. *mahkwehsehsa vs. maxkwehsehsa. Category: animals.
2 • Calf. At one time there were a number of men who had the name Mo'ėsa'e; to distinguish them people added something to describe each man. Some of these names are here: Mo'ȯhtáe-mó'ėsá'e Black Calf. Mátȧhé-mó'ėsá'e Peyote Calf. Ho'sȧhtsená-mó'ėsá'e Slobbering Calf. Oéve-mó'ėsá'e Scabby Calf. Háeohé-mó'ėsá'e Fast Runner Calf. The same man (Háeohé-mó'ėsá'e) was sometimes called: Hohnóhka-mó'ėsá'e Contrary Calf. Category: animals, names.
mó'kėsá'e na. 1 • calf. Etym: cf *ma·xkwa (P) ‘fawn, calf’; cf. *mahkwehsehsa vs. maxkwehsehsa. Non-diminutive mó'ėsá'e; Plural mó'kėsa'eho; Obviative mó'kėsa'eho. See: mónėškėhéso; mó'kėsa'éhéso; vóestae'kēso; heóvó'ėsá'e. Category: animals.
2 • Calf. Category: names.
mó'kėsa'éhéso na. Gram: dim little calf. dim. of mó'kėsá'e. Plural mó'kėsa'éhesono; Obviative mó'kėsa'éhesono. See: mónėškėhéso. Category: animals.
mo'ȯhtáehó'nehe na. black wolf. See: hó'nehe ‘wolf’. Category: animals.
mo'ȯhtáeméhne ni. water moccasin. Lit: black-serpent Usage: od See: méhne ‘water monster’. Category: animals.
mo'ȯhtáenanóse'hame na. black panther. Plural mo'ȯhtáenanó'sé'háme; Obviative mo'ȯhtáenanó'sé'háme. Category: animals.
-mo'ȯhtáexamanová vai. have a dark hide. É-mo'ȯhtáexamanōva. He has a dark hide. Category: animals.
mo'otsenáhkohe na. brown bear ?? Category: check, animals, names.
mónėškėhéso na. calf. Plural mónėškėhesono; Obviative mónėškėhesono. Etym: cf. *mahkwehsehsa vs. maxkwehsehsa. See: mó'kėsá'e. Category: animals.
mȯséškanetsénoonáhe na. bat. Lit: buckskin-winged-one (the buckskin probably refers to the color of skin) Usage: not well known word Plural mȯséškanetsénoonáheo'o; Obviative mȯséškanetsénoonáheho; Medial -tsenooná; Variant: mȯšéškanatsénoonáhe, mȯšéškonetsénoonáhe. See: méšenonetsénóne ‘bat’; sáotse ‘bat’. Category: animals, birds.
mȯšéškanetsénoonáhe na. bat. Usage: not well known term Lit: buckskin-winged-one (the buckskin probably refers to the color of skin) Plural mȯšéškanetsénoonáheo'o; Variant: mȯséškanetsénoonáhe; Obviative mȯšéškanetsénoonáheho; Medial -tsenooná. See: méšenonetsénóne. Category: animals.
náa'e na. otter, otter, mink. may also mean 'mink'. Usage: obsolescing Morph: /nae(h/n)/. Phon: vs; iah ?? Category: check. Plural naeho. Alternate Plural = naeno (only plural given in PD; possibly oldest plural) Obviative naeho, naeno. Etym: *nekikwa (Go88); *nekikwaki (pl) (Go88). See: Naehevó'komaestse ‘White Mink’. Category: animals.
nahgo na. bear. Usage: This is a commonly used simplified spelling for nahkohe. It is easier to read, but it obscures the relationship between the singular (náhkohe) and plural (náhkȯheo'o) of 'bear.' It is recommended that the more accurate spelling of nahkohe be used in Cheyenne language programs and printed materials. Precise Spelling náhkohe. Category: animals.
náhkohe na. 1 • bear. (another recording) Plural náhkȯheo'o, (another recording) ‘bears’; Simplified Spelling nahgo ‘bear’; nahkoyo ‘bears’; Obviative náhkȯhóho; Diminutive náhkȯhéso. See: náhko'e ‘Mother!’; vóhpȧhtsenáhkohe ‘grizzly bear’. Category: animals.
2 • Bear. Category: names.
náhkȯheheévȧhehoono na. bear.fur.PRET. He náhkȯheheévȧhehoono éxhésesto. "Hey! Wow, (it's) bear fur," they said. [Bear Tepee.026] Category: animals.
-náhkȯhéveotse vai. 1 • become a bear. É-náhkȯhéveotse. He turned into a bear. naa tséxhé-nȧhkȯhéveotsėse and when he (Ice) took the form of a bear. [1987:107] Category: animals.
2 • become angry, flare up. Ééšėto'se-náhkȯhéveotse. He is about to flare up with anger. Category: figurative, emotions.
nȧhtōtse na. Gram: poss my pet. Plural nȧhtotseho; Stem -htotséh. Category: animals.
na'tónetane na. butcher. Lit: slaughter-man vai: -na'tóné. Category: animals, jobs.
-nameta vai. snort. for example, of a buffalo about to charge. É-nameta. He snorted. Ques: snort?? threaten?? Etym: cf *nemahwe·wa (P) ‘he threatens him’. See: -namȯhóov. Category: animals.
nanóse'hame na. 1 • cougar; mountain lion; lion; panther; tiger. (another recording) Plural nanósé'háme; Obviative nanósé'háme.
2 • Cougar, Mountain Lion. Category: animals, names.
nanóse'hamēso na. mountain lion kitten, baby cougar. Plural nanóse'hamėsono. Category: animals.
nastōtse Gram: poss na. my pet. Nastōtse náameotsēho. I am walking my dog. Variant: nȧhtotséh. Category: animals.
-néestoo'o na. Gram: poss pet. small animal, especially a bird. A larger pet (especially horse, but also dog or cat) has the possessive stem -htotséh. na-néestoo'o my pet bird. na-néestóono my pet birds. he-néestóono his pet bird(s). he-néestóonéhevóho their bird(s). See: -htotsé. Morph: /-néehtóon/. Phon: vs Category: birds, animals.
néma'ke na. snail, shell, abalone shell. Usage: obsolescing Plural néma'keho; AlternatePlural néma'keo'o; Obviative néma'keho. Etym: cf. M pi·meskih. See: méne'e. Category: animals.
nėstōtse na. Gram: poss your pet. Stem -htotséh. Category: animals.
néške'ēsta na. chipmunk. Lit: perked-ears Plural néške'ėstáhne; Obviative néške'ėstáhne; BodyPartMedial -'está. See: no'kee'e; no'ee'e. Category: animals.
nėškovávo'ha na. zebra. Lit: striped-horse Plural nėškovávo'hāme; Obviative nėškovávo'hāme. See: nėškó'hame. Category: animals, new.
-nóhonévesé vai. five point antlered. É-nóhonévéše. He has five point antlers. BodyPartMedial -évesé. Category: animals, hunt.
no'ée'e na. 1 • squirrel. Plural no'éeo'o; AlternatePlural no'éeho; Obviative no'éeho; Variant: no'kée'e; Diminutive no'kéehēso. No'éeho éohkėhóvȯhtsénovȯtse šéstotó'eoó'xȯseonȯtse. Squirrels store pine nuts. [1979:205] Etym: *na·xkwehsiwa (?) (P); cf. Ar nóʔouhʔú. Category: animals, check.
2 • Squirrel. Category: names.
nó'étse na. rat. Plural nó'ketseo'o, nó'etseho; Obviative nó'etseho; Variant: nó'kétse. Category: animals.
no'kéehēso na. little squirrel. Plural no'kéehesono; Non-diminutive no'ée'e. Category: animals.
no'kée'e na. squirrel. Plural no'kéeho; Non-diminutive no'ée'e; Diminutive no'kéehēso. Category: animals.
nó'kétse na. rat. Plural nó'ketseo'o, nó'ketseho; Obviative nó'ketseho; Variant: nó'étse. Category: animals.
oeškēse na. dog. Morph: /oehkeséh/. Variant: oeškēso; Diminutive oeškėséhéso; Simplified Spelling oishkis; Plural oeškėseho; Obviative oeškėseho. See: hótame. Category: animals.
-oeškėséheve vai. be a dog. can be used as a figurative expression about someone who is treated badly. É-oeškėséheve. He is a dog. Ésáa'-oeškėséhévéhe. He is not a dog. Category: animals.
oeškēso na. dog. (another recording) Plural oeškėseho; Obviative oeškėseho. AltPl=oeškėsono (also var. obv.; less common for pl. and obv. than oeškėseho) newer term than hótame. dog is used in the Sun Dance ceremony. na-oeškėséhame my dog. Oeškēso mȧxhéxaēsto nevénótse he'poo'o! When a dog urinates against your tent just smoke! That was an instruction to a new chief, meaning "When someone does something bad to you, even as bad as stealing your wife, stay calm.") Variant: oeškēse. See: hótame; xamaeoeškēso. Category: dogs, animals.
okom na. 1 • coyote. okom (or, okome) is a simplified spelling. The precise spelling is ó'kȯhóme but it is difficult to read. Precise Spelling ó'kȯhóme. Category: animals.
2 • Coyote. Category: names.
3 • conniver, sly person. Category: figurative, personality.
-o'ha(m) fna. horse, livestock, domesticated animal. mo'éhn-o'ha horse (elk-domesticated one). vóhp-o'ha white horse. heóv-o'ha sorrel (lit. yellow-horse). The original meaning of 'dog' was extended other domesticated animals, especially the horse. Etym: *-aʔθemw (P13) ‘dog’. See: hótame. Category: horses, animals.
ó'kȯhóme na. 1 • coyote. (another recording) refers only to 'coyote', but sometimes translated (erroneously) as 'fox' or 'wolf'. Simplified Spelling okom. Plural ó'kȯhomeho; AlternatePlural ó'ȯhoméheo'o; Obviative ó'kȯhomeho; Variant: ó'ȯhóme (far less common than ó'kȯhóme). Etym: cf. Ar kooʔoh(o)wúhu'. Ó'kȯhóme, néstáme! Coyote, (here's) your food! (said during the coyote play game). Ó'kȯhomeho éoseehoháohtsétseveo'o. Éohkenéhovovo ónonevonėškeho. Coyotes are really sneaky. They chase prairie dogs. [1979:205] Etym: cf *pa·xkahamowiwa 'he is a coyote'. Category: animals.
2 • Coyote. Category: names.
3 • conniver, sly person. Simplified Spelling okom or okome. Category: figurative, personality.
-ó'kȯhoméheve vai. 1 • coyote - be a. Category: animals.
2 • sly -be, conniving - be. In Cheyenne, it is the coyote, not the fox (as in English), that is sly and conniving. Category: figurative. É-ó'kȯhoméheve. He is sly/foxy. Etym: cf *pa·xkahamowiwa. Category: personality, figurative.
ó'ȯhóme na. coyote. Variant: ó'kȯhóme; Plural ó'ȯhomeho; Obviative ó'ȯhomeho. Usage: less common than ó'kȯhóme Category: animals.
ónonevóneške na. prairie dog. (another recording) Plural ónonevonėškeho; Obviative ónonevonėškeho. Phon: iah Etym: cf. *akwaθkwa 'woodchuck/groundhog'; *anyikwa (G) 'squirrel, chipmunk'; me'*akwaθkwa 'woodchuck/groundhog'anyikwa 'gray or black squirrel'; there may be some correspondence with the ending of 'prairie dog' and cognate forms for 'squirrel'; cf. Sh ka·kw- 'groundhog'; cf. Mmaeqsena·wanik 'gray squirrel'. See: Ónone ‘Ree’. Category: animals.
oo'kėhevá'séhe na. opossum, possum. Lit: bare-tailed-one Plural oo'kėhevá'sėheo'o; Obviative oo'kėhevá'sėheho. Category: animals.
oómėsta'hasenéhe na. whitetail deer. Plural oómėsta'hasenéheo'o. Mó'-oómėsta'hasenéheo'o? Were they whitetail (deer)? An older word for whitetail deer (plural) was: hetameváótséva See: hetameváótséva. Category: animals.
oómėsta'hasené-váótséva na. white tailed deer. Lit: shaking back and forth (tail?)-deer ?? Category: check, animals.
oónȧha'e na. 1 • frog. Phon: iah Plural oonȧhā'e. AltPl = oonȧhá'eo'o Obviative oonȧhā'e; Diminutive oonȧha'esón. mȧxhevéesēvȯhtse oonȧhā'e when frogs have teeth [fig., never; especially I will help you as soon as frogs grow teeth (which, of course, they never do)]. Category: animals, sayings.
2 • Frog. This is also the name of an important nésemoo'o 'familiar'. This familiar spirit could especially help its owner locate lost things, such as lost horses. See: oonȧha'é'héhe ‘frog’. Category: names.
oonȧha'é'héhe na. female frog. See: oónȧha'e ‘frog’. Category: animals.
-oónȧha'éveto'honá vai. swim like a frog. É-oónȧha'éveto'hōna. He swims like a frog. Category: animals.
oonȧha'kēso na. little frog. Plural oonȧha'kėsono; Non-diminutive oónȧha'e. Category: animals.
otá'taveoónȧha'e na. blue-green frog. Category: animals.
-ová3 mbp. hide, fur. Épėhév-óva. He has nice fur. Éhesó'x-óva. He has shiny fur. Éheóv-óva. He has yellow fur. Étónet-ōva? What kind of fur does he have? Émo'ȯhtáv-óva. He has black hide. Épéhpe'-ōva. He is furry. otá'tavováhe blue roan. Etym: cf *eθawe·wa ‘he has such fur’. See: -ovésé ‘hair (med.)’. Category: body, animals.
pa'e'pa'onáhe na. humpback, camel. An elder recently gave the English meaning as 'humpback' and didn't mention 'camel'. Perhaps the usage for 'camel' is recent, for use in school curriculum. Medial -'pa'oná. Lit: hump-backed-one Variant: pa'ke'pa'onáhe; Plural pa'e'pa'onáheo'o; Obviative pa'e'pa'onáheho; BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná. Category: animals, new.
pa'ke'pa'onáhe na. brahma bull. Lit: diminutive-humpbacked-one Variant: pa'e'pa'onáhe; Plural pa'ke'pa'onáheo'o; Obviative pa'ke'pa'onáheho. Category: animals.
péhpe'ékósa na. long haired goat. Lit: bushy-goat Plural péhpe'ékȯsáne. See: kōsa; mé'hahtsékósa. Category: animals.
péhpe'énanóse'hame na. African lion. Category: new. Lit: bushy-lion Category: animals.
-péhpe'ová vai. furry. É-péhpe'ōva. He is furry. BodyPartMedial -ová3. See: -péhpe'éheve; -mé'hovátó. Category: animals.
péhpenanóse'hame na. lion. Category: animals.
-póesónėheve vai. cat - be a. É-póesónėheve. He is a cat. Category: animals, cats.
póhkéso na. Gram: dim kitty cat, kitten, little cat. Non-diminutive póéso; Plural póhkėsono. Obviative póhkėsono. See: ka'eeséhotame. Category: cats, animals.
-pó'ková vai. be gray furred. É-pó'kóva. He is gray furred. See: -pó'ová ‘shed’. Category: animals, colors.
popé'eoónȧha'e na. horned toad. Lit: bumpy-frog The literal meaning refers to the bumpy surface of the skin. Plural popé'eoonȧhā'e; Obviative popé'eoonȧhā'e. See: oónȧha'e ‘frog’. Category: animals.
popóhpoévėsémo'éhe na. moose. Lit: flathorned-elk For some speakers this form is singular and obviative; for others popóhpoévėsémó'e is just the singular. Variant: mȧhpémo'éhe. Category: animals.
sáotse na. bat. Plural sáotseo'o. rare word; not widely known. See: mȯséškanetsénoonáhe ‘bat’. Category: animals.
séavóneške na. woodchuck. Lit: into-disappearing? Phon: iah Plural séavonėškeho; Obviative séavonėškeho. Category: animals.
tóhtoo'ékósa na. wild sheep, mountain sheep. Category: animals.
tó'ėsevėséhotóá'e na. Texas longhorn (head of cattle). Lit: long-horned-buffalo Plural tó'ėsevėséhotóao'o; Obviative tó'ėsevėséhotoa'o; BodyPartMedial -évesé. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo’. Category: animals.
tó'ėstonenéoeškėséhenóma'ne na. seal. Lit: long-teeth-dog-fish Category: new. perhaps 'dog' is included in the literal meaning because of the seal's bark. See: nóma'ne; nóma'he. Category: animals. Plural tó'ėstonenéoeškėséhenomá'ne.
tooxo'hamēso na. Shetland pony, donkey. Usage: meaning of 'donkey' for at some speakers; others prefer a'kéevo'ha for 'donkey' Lit: low-horsey Plural tooxo'hamėsono. See: a'kéevo'ha. Category: horses, animals.
-totámévésé vai. stump antlers, dehorned. É-totámévése. He has stump horns / antlers. for example, short or cut off horns. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tamévésé. Category: animals, livestock.
tóvȯhkéso na. 1 • swift fox. See: vóhkéso; ma'ėhóóhe; Vóhkėsétane. Category: animals.
2 • Swift Fox. Category: names.
tsėhe'ėseeséhe na. elephant. Lit: longnosed-one Plural tsėhe'eseeséheo'o; Obviative tsėhe'eseeséheho. Category: animals.
tsėhe'ėsenotováhe na. giraffe. Lit: longnecked-one Plural tsėhe'ėsenotováheo'o; Obviative tsėhe'ėsenotováheho. Category: animals.
tsé-nėhpo'anėstse hōva vai. Gram: ppl zoo animal. Lit: animal which is penned in Plural tsénėhpo'anese hováhne; Obviative tsénėhpo'anétsese hováhne. Category: animals.
váhkotseváhéso Gram: dim na. fawn. doubly marked as a diminutive. Plural váhkotseváhesono; Obviative váhkotseváhesono; Non-diminutive váótséva. See: hestoé'kėhéso; hestó'kėhéso. Category: animals.
váótséva na. Diminutive váhkótséva. deer. Plural váotseváhne; AlternatePlural váotseváhno; Obviative váotseváhne; Diminutive váhkótséva, váhkotseváhéso. Category: animals.
váotseváhéso na. little deer. Category: animals.
váotseváhéve -váotseváheve: vai. be a deer. É-váotseváheve. He is a deer. Category: animals, identity.
véhpotseeséhéó'o na. donkey. Plural véhpotseeséheono. Ques: recheck?? See: a'éevo'ha; vó'hó'óhta. Category: animals, check.
vé'ho'éhotóá'e na. cow. Mó'éveá'enȯhevóhe vé'ho'éhotóa'o. He must have owned cows. [Haskell.027] Variant: vé'ho'éotóá. Category: animals.
vé'ho'éotóá'e na. cow. Lit: whiteman-buffalo Phon: By the regular phonological rule of Cheyenne called vowel-stretching we expect this word to be pronounced vé'ho'éotóá'a, which may be an extant pronunciation, but the word as spelled here is the most common pronunciation. Plural vé'ho'éotóao'o; Obviative vé'ho'éotoa'o; Variant: vé'ho'éhotóá'e. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo’; hémotséehotóá'e ‘bull’. Category: animals.
-vé'ho'éotóave vai. É-vé'ho'éotóave. He is a cow. See: -éve ‘be’. Category: animals.
vóésta na. white buffalo calf. considered special or sacred because they were so rare. Plural vóestáhne. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo’; ésevone ‘buffalo herd, female buffalo, sacred buffalo hat’. Category: animals.
vóestae'kēso na. 1 • buffalo calf. See: mó'kėsá'e. Category: animals.
2 • Little White Buffalo Calf (Woman). Ques: recheck translation?? Category: check, names.
vóhkėhéso na. little fox, fox - little. Usage: obsolescing Plural vóhkėhesono; Singular dim; Non-diminutive vóhkése. See: vóhkéso. Category: animals.
vóhkése na. kit fox. Usage: Probably this was an earlier form than vóhkéso; both are obsolescing, being replaced in usage by ma'ėhóóhe Variant: vóhkéso; Diminutive vóhkėhéso. See: ma'ėhóóhe. Category: animals.
-vóhkėséheve vai. be a fox, be a kit fox. É-vóhkėséheve. He is a fox. See: -ma'ėhóoheve. Category: animals.
vóhkéso na. kit fox, fox. Usage: obsolescent Variant: vóhkése; Plural vóhkėseho; Obviative vóhkėseho. See: vóhkėhéso ‘little fox’; tóvȯhkéso ‘swift fox’; ma'ėhóóhe ‘red fox; fox’. Etym: *wa·kwehsa. Category: check, animals.
vóhkóóhe na. 1 • rabbit. (another recording) (another recording) Plural vóhkooheho; Obviative vóhkooheho; Diminutive vóhkóóhéso; Variant: vóóhe. See: aénȯhevóhkóóhe ‘jackrabbit’; heóvėsé'táhe ‘cottontail rabbit’. Category: animals.
2 • Rabbit. Category: names.
vóhkóóhéso na. Gram: dim little rabbig. Plural vóhkoohesono; Obviative vóhkoohesono; Non-diminutive vóhkoohéh. The following Rabbit Song used to be sung to boys to embolden them for hunting; it was probably sung by the boys' mothers; in recent years it has been taught to children in reservation schools; hand motions accompany the song. Vóhkóóhéso hóesta'hama HE! Áhaneo'hohta'ova HE! Pe'peno'ȧsé'ova HE! Vóhkóóhe, vóhkóóhe. Pull the little rabbit out (by his ears)! Kick him until he is dead! Squash him! Rabbit, rabbit. [Rabbit Song] See: vóóhe. Category: animals.
vóhpȧhtse-náhkohe na. grizzly bear. Lit: white-mouthed-bear BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. See: náhkohe; vóhpenáhkohe. Category: animals.
vóhpevó'aa'e na. white antelope. Vóhpevo'aeho éohkenėševo'ȧhéotseo'o. White antelope run fast. [1979:204] Tā'se vóhpevó'aa'e móxxaeméoto'ėhéhe. Like a white antelope just got up early in the morning. That can be a humorous reference to a woman who spent the night having sex and so gets up with sperm stains on her rear. See: vó'aa'e ‘antelope’. Category: animals, vulgar, sex.
Vó'aa'e na. 1 • antelope. Variant: vó'kaa'e; Plural vó'aeho; Obviative vó'aeho. Category: animals.
2 • Antelope. Category: names.
vo'ėstanéhotame na. monkey. Lit: person-dog Category: new. See: mákohe. Category: animals.
vó'hó'kóhta na. donkey. Variant: vó'hó'óhta; Plural vó'ho'kȯhtáhne; Obviative vó'ho'kȯhtáhne. Category: animals.
vó'hó'óhta na. mule, burro. Variant: vó'ho'kóhta; Plural vó'ho'ȯhtáhne; Obviative vó'ho'ȯhtáhne. See: a'éevo'ha; a'kéevo'ha. Category: horses, animals.
vó'kaa'e na. 1 • antelope. Variant: vó'aa'e; Plural vó'kaeho; Obviative vó'kaeho.
2 • Antelope. Category: names, animals.
-vó'kaeheve vai. be an antelope. É-vó'kaeheve. He is an antelope. Etym: *wa·ške·hsi·wiwa (P) ‘he is a white-tailed deer’. Category: animals.
vóóhe1 na. rabbit. (another recording) Variant: vóhkóóhe. Usage: not so commonly used today as vóhkóóhe Phon: sounds like vóóhe, but vóéhe is historically expected Etym: *wa·poswa. Plural vóoheho; Obviative vóoheho; Homonym vóóhe2 ‘morning star’. Category: animals.
xáa'e na. weasel. Xaeho éohkemȯšéškanȧheo'o méanēva naa éohkevó'omȧheo'oaénéva. Weasels are brown in summer and they are white in winter. [1979:204] Phon: apoc; vs AltPl = xaeo'o Plural xaeho; Obviative xaeho. Morph: /šaeh/. Etym: *šenkwehsa. See: náa'e; naene; hohkeveho. Category: animals.
xamae'oeškēse na. Indian dog. Lit: ordinary-dog Category: animals, dogs. See: oeškēse.
xaóhkéso na. Gram: dim 1 • little skunk. Plural xaóhkėsono; Obviative xaóhkėsono; Non-diminutive xāō'o. Category: animals.
2 • Little Skunk. Category: names.
xāō'o na. 1 • skunk. Plural xaóne; Obviative xaóne; Diminutive xaóhkéso. Hetóéva náévotsėhetȧhéóhtse HE. Nenótovenaóotsėstse HE! Náovēše HE HE. Násóhkomėhahtáxe In the evening I was out hunting food. Hurry, go to sleep! I'm going to bed. I'm lying down with long, skinny feet. (Skunk Song). another version of the Skunk Song; transcribe it?? Translate it?? Category: check, check. See: -xaóeva'ó. Morph: /šaón/. Etym: *šeka·kwa ‘skunk’; *šeka·kwaki ‘skunks (Go88)’. Category: animals.
2 • Skunk. Category: names.
3 • tree skunk. a vertical victory structure usually made of pieces of ash. Ques: Why is it named skunk?? Category: check, ceremonial.