aéstomemésėhestȯtse na. potato, bistort. Lit: false-food This word is used in Oklahoma. Plural aéstomemésėhéstoto, (another recording); Montana Dialect mésėhestȯtse2. Category: food.
aéstomevé'keemahpe ni. artificial sugar. See: nétȧhévevé'keemahpe. Category: new, food.
áhoemȧhōō'o na. cantaloupe. See: mȧhōō'o. Category: food.
amėstȧhonoo'o ni. long loaf of bread. Plural amėstȧhonóonȯtse. See: honoo'o. Category: food.
amėške ni. grease, oil, lard. (another recording) heóveamėške butter (lit. yellow-lard). amȧho'héamėške gasoline (lit. car-lard). Simplified Spelling amshk; Non-diminutive ame ‘pemmican’. See: -é'omó ‘greasy’. Category: food.
anonévee'tose ni. yampah, carrots. Lit: hang-four-together?? Usage: This word is not well known today. Category: check. Refers to either a wild or domesticated plant. Probably traditionally refers to yampa; Grinnell lists this Ch. term as Carum gairdneri (H. & A.) A. Gray); modern term Perideridia gairdneri (H. & A.) Math.; the Cheyenne term seems to have something to do with four wild roots (typically) being together in a bunch. See: heóve-mo'ȯhtá'éne 'yellow turnips'. Category: food, plants.
é'komȧhonoo'o ni. pancake. Lit: grease-fried Variant: e'kȯsé'hasēō'o; Plural é'komȧhonóonȯtse. Category: food.
e'kȯsé'hasēō'o ni. pancake. Lit: turned.over Variant: é'komȧhonoo'o. See: e'ȯsé'hasēō'o ‘pancake’. Category: food.
énȧhéno ni. gravy, sauce, pudding, berry pudding. For some speakers this only refers to gravy, not to berry pudding. (another recording) Énȧhéno ná-mese. I ate gravy. Alice Russell taught the following saying to her children and grandchildren: Tséstsėhetóma'o'e náhéseéšee'e vóhkooheho naa énȧhéno návé'šeéšeenoto. This land where I grew up, from rabbits and gravy I grew up. See: -énȧhené ‘fill’. Category: food, berries, sayings.
énano'émȧhtáme ni. vegetables. Lit: planted-food Ques: how commonly known is this word?? See: máhtáme ‘food’. Category: food, check.
-énano'émȧhtáme'haná vai. eat vegetables. É-énano'émȧhtáme'hāna. He is eating vegetables. Category: eat, food, check.
éstȧhonoo'o ni. oven bread. Lit: inside(oven)-baked See: honoo'o; xamaekóhkonȯhēō'o. Category: food, check.
-éve'tomo'he vai. forage, go around for a food handout. É-éve'tomo'he. He is going around asking for food. See: -véestomo'he. Category: food, eat.
-évotseehe vai. forage, search for food. É-évotseehe. He is searching for food. See: -évotsėhetȧhéóhtse. Category: food.
-évotsėhetȧhéohtsé vai. forage, go about searching for food, rustle for food. people, cats, and other animals do this. É-évotsėhetȧhéóhtse. He went looking for food. See: -évotseehe; Otséóhtsé'e. Category: cats, food.
-éxoeno'é vai. peel, husk. É-éxoenō'e. He is husking (corn). Category: food.
-háeesenehe vai. have plenty to eat, have much meat. Meat is an essential part of the Cheyenne diet. If there is plenty of meat, it is considered that there is plenty of food to eat. É-háeesenehe. He has lots of meat; he has plenty to eat. Éstanėhešėho-háeesenėhésesto. It is said they had plenty to eat (reportative). [1980:3:65] See: á'etse; oótȧháme-. Category: food, eat.
háestȯhestam vai. have much food. É-háestȯhestāma He has a lot of food. [When Bird Woman Went to the Gathering.068] Category: food.
háhnomȧhépano'ėhasēō'o ni. honey. Lit: bee-syrup Variant: háhnomápano'ėhasēō'o. Phon: vs See: pano'ėhasēō'o. Category: food.
háhnomápano'ėhasēō'o ni. honey. Lit: bee-syrup Variant: háhnomȧhépano'ėhasēō'o. Phon: vs Category: food.
ha'háeéno'émahpe ni. vinegar. Lit: strong-taste-water Non-reduplicated -háeéno'e; Synonym tséha'háeéno'e mahpe. See: -hoháeéno'e. Category: taste, food.
-hátȯxovȧhá'ené vai. carry food back and forth. É-hátȯxovȧhá'éne. She is carrying food back and forth. for instance, at a feast. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: food, cook.
-hávėsévo'tá vii. bad sit, sit bad, moldy. for example, of bread, meat, jam. É-hávėsévó'ta. It is moldy. Category: food, quality.
he'éhesono na. Gram: pl Gram: dim rice. Same word as he'éhesono 'little maggots' because rice kernels look like little maggots. (another recording) (another recording) See: he'éhéso ‘maggot’. Category: food.
he'émȧhaemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl squaw corn. Ques: new?? Category: food.
he'kȧhá'éó'o vai. stew. Usage: od See: hohpe; -he'kȧhá'ené ‘cook until tender’. Category: food, Oklahoma.
-he'ke vii. tender, soft, fragile, weak. can refer to tender meat. É-he'ke. It is tender. Antonym -he'konó. See: -ta'pahe. Category: texture, food.
he'koneame ni. cheese. he'konéame (another pronunciation) ?? Variant: he'koneamėške. Category: food, check.
he'koneamėške ni. cheese. Lit: hard-lard Ques: he'konéamėške?? he'konéamėške (another pronunciation) ?? Variant: he'koneame. Ques: recheck both variants?? Category: check, food.
he'kone'éemȧsono na. Gram: pl macaroni. Lit: hard-snots (another recording) Námévoo'o he'kone'éemȧsono. I'm eating macaroni. Náhohtóvanoto he'kone'éemȧsono. I bought macaroni. BodyPartMedial -'éeme. Category: food.
he'kóovėhoésanéstotȯtse ni. Gram: pl cereal, cold cereal. Lit: wet floating things he'kovėhóehesonéstotȯtse ?? Usage: od Montana Dialect he'kóovėhoéseonȯtse. See: He'kóovo'sóestanéstotȯtse. Category: food, check.
he'kóovėhoéseonȯtse ni. Gram: pl cereal, cold cereal. Lit: wet floating things (another recording) Usage: The words for cereal are not commonly known. Ques: he'kóovėhoéseonȯtse ?? Usage: md Oklahoma Dialect he'kóovėhoésanéstotȯtse. Category: food, check.
He'kóovo'sóestanéstotȯtse ni. cereal. Ques: compare other pronunciations See: He'kóovėhoésanéstotȯtse. Category: food, check.
-he-mésėhéstove vai. have food. É-he-mésėhéstove. He has food. Usage: This is said naturally. See: -he-stame ‘have food’; -mésehe ‘eat’. Category: food.
henenéenȧhéno ni. catsup, catsup. Lit: tomato-gravy Synonym ma'óomȧšé'šestȯtse. See: énȧhéno ‘gravy’. Category: food.
heóveame ni. butter. (another pronunciation) Variant: heóveamėške. Category: food, Oklahoma.
heóveamėške ni. butter. (another recording) Lit: yellow-lard Variant: heóveame. Category: food.
heóveénȧháno ni. corn meal. Category: food. Lit: yellow-pudding See: énȧháno.
heóvėhó'oohémȧhóó'o na. pumpkin. Lit: yellow-cooking-melon Category: food.
heóvemȧhōō'o na. pumpkin, cantelope. another recording Variant: heóvėhó'oohémȧhóó'o. Category: food.
heóvemo'óhta'e na. rutabaga. Lit: yellow-turnip Plural heóvemo'ȯhtá'éne. The plural is also a less common term for 'carrots' than anonévee'tose. See: mo'óhta'e ‘turnip’. Category: food, check.
héstáme ni. Gram: poss his/her food. Plural hestamȯtse. The plural refers to different kinds of food such as crackers and cookies. See: máhtáme. Category: food.
-he-stame inc.n. have food. É-he-stame. He has food. Ques: Get pitches for 3rd pl. ?? Phon: vs Category: check. See: héstáme; -he-mésėhéstove. Category: food.
-he-stámee'e vai. have food sitting. É-he-stámee'e. He has food, while sitting. Phon: vs See: -htámé; máhtáme; héstáme; mésėhestȯtse. Category: food, sit.
hestoénove ni. fruit dish. traditional food, for example, mixed berries; today can be fruit from a can. See: -hestoénove. Ques: tóe or toé?? Category: food, check.
heškóvemȧhōō'o na. cucumber, pickles ?? Lit: prickly-melon Plural heškóvemȧhoóne. Usage: od See: mȧhōō'o ‘melon’. Category: food, check.
-hóahá'ené vai. take out food, bring out food. This is an important part of the Sun Dance. It typically refers to when a Sun Dance painter's family brings its food out of the lodge and eats it. The family has been paid for the painter's services with food. É-hóahá'éne. She is bringing out the food. É-hóahá'eneo'o. They are taking out the food. Antonym -éstȧhá'ené; fai: -ahá'ené. See: -nȯhóahá'ené. Category: food, Sun Dance.
-hóestȧhá'ené vai. bring out the food. especially about when a painter's wife at a Sun Dance brings out the food she and her family will eat. É-hóestȧhá'éne. She is bringing out the food. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance, food.
-hoháéána vai. be very hungry. Ná-hoháéána. I am very hungry. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -háeaná. Category: food.
hohpe ni. broth, soup. especially refers to broth, not thicker soup or stew. Etym: *apopyi. See: -hohpééhá'ené; mo'ȯhtávėhohpe; véhpotséhohpe. Category: food.
-hohpeve vii. be soup. É-hohpeve. It is soup. Etym: *apo·piwiwi (P). Category: food.
-ho'ȧhá'ené vai. bring food. É-ho'ȧhá'éne. She brought food. É-ho'ȧhá'eneo'o. They brought food. for example, for an Indian wedding meal. fai: ahá'ené. See: -novo'é; -ho'óohtanȯxévaen. Category: food, Indian wedding.
-ho'e vii. raw. É-ho'e. It is raw. Etym: *aškye·wi (P). vai: -ho'eta. See: ho'évohkȯhtse; -ho'ėspȧho'tá; Xo'ėhéhe; xo'é-; nėxo'é-. Category: check, food.
-ho'e'haná1 vai. eat raw food. É-ho'e'hāna. He ate raw food. Etym: *aškiʔθenye·wa (P). Homonym -ho'e'haná2 ‘bring gifts to pay for Indian return wedding meal’. See: -ho'e. Category: food, eat.
ho'enohko na. tuber, Jerusalem artichoke, sunchoke. Variant: ho'enoo'o; Plural ho'enóhkono; Obviative ho'enóhkono. Category: food.
-ho'eta vai. raw - be. É-ho'eta. He is raw. Etym: *aškeθwa. for example, of raw kidney (animate). vii: -ho'e; Preverb xo'é-. Category: cook, food.
ho'oohémȧhóó'o na. 1 • squash.
2 • pumpkin. Lit: cooking-melon Usage: This word is used for pumpkin in Okla. Category: food.
-ho'óohtanov vta. bring food home to s.o. É-ho'óohtanovóho. He brought food home to him. Synonym -ho'óohtanovot. See: -hóohtanová; -htóohtanováhtotȯtse. Category: food.
ho'sȧhtsenáénȧhéno ni. oatmeal. Lit: slobbery-gravy See: matsemenȯtse; énȧhéno. Category: food.
-ho'xe'e vai. eat along with food. for example, eating pickles, catsup, or mustard along with other food; can also be used of spreading lard on bread as a substitute for butter. É-ho'xe'e. He is eating something with his food. É-ho'xé'eo'o. They are eating something with their food. Etym: cf *aʔθi ‘additional’. Category: food.
ho'xé'ėstȯtse na. condiment. Plural ho'xé'ėstoto. See: -no'an. Category: food.
ho'xėstōha ni. corn pemmican, corn balls. a traditional food. See: hó'xėstoo'o. Category: food.
hó'xėstóó'o ni. corn pemmican. Corn is parched, ground, sweetened, and made into balls. ho'x?? See: ho'xėstoha. Category: food.
homotoo'o ni. food in a pot. Food that is cooked and in a pot, for example, stew. Focus seems to be on the food in the pot, not the pot itself. Plural homotóonȯtse. The plural refers to pots of food. Croft 1948 glossed this as 'boiled meat'. Category: food, cook, containers.
-hóohtȧhá'ené vai. take food home. É-hóohtȧhá'éne. He is taking food home. fai: -ahá'ené. See: -hóohtanová. Category: food.
-hóohtanov vta. take food home for s.o. É-hóohtanovóho. He took food home for him. Tȧ-hóohtanoveha! Take food home for him! Category: food.
-hóohtanová vai. take food home (from a meal). Esp. refers to taking food home from a feast. This is considered culturally appropriate and is encouraged. Not just leftovers are taken home, but nice platefuls of meat and other food. É-hóohtanōva. She took food home. Tȧ-hóohtanōvȧhtse! Take food home! See: -hóohtȧhá'ené. Category: carry, food, eat.
hoo'kȯhtse ni. ear of corn. Translation is uncertain; possibly refers to corn husk. Usage: The singular is rarely used. Phon: apoc Plural hoó'kóhtsėstse. See: mȧhaemenȯtse; ma'óhkéé'e. Possessive -htoó'kȯhtamȯtse. Category: food.
-hotsénomo'he vai. beg, ask for food, get commodities, get rations. É-hotsénomo'he. He begged for food. Ques: mó'he?? Náto'sėhé-hotsénomo'he. I'm going to go beg for food. This is the modern way of saying 'go get commodities/government rations'. vta: -hotsénov. Category: food, check.
-hotsénov vta. beg food from s.o., ask for food from s.o. É-hotsénovóho. He begged food from him. Móxhósetó'nėšė-hotsénovȯhevóhe mȧhtamȧháaheho. He asked an old lady for food the same way as before. [1987:316] vai: -hotsénomo'he. See: -hotséehe; -véestomev; -nȯhtsėstov. Category: food.
-hoxeohtsé vai. rot. for example, of milk, meat, a tree, etc. É-hoxeōhtse. It is rotting. See: -hoxeotse; -hoxeéno'e; -he'kotȯxeotse; -hó'xeotse. Category: food.
-hoxeotse vii. rotten, rancid, spoiled. for example, milk or meat. É-hoxeotse. It (or He) is rotten. Etym: cf. *aθetwi ‘it is rotten’.
vai. rotten, no good. Category: figurative. When said of a person it can be used idiomatically to indicate that the speaker feels that person is no good. See: -hoxeohtsé; -hoxeéno'e; -he'kotȧxeotse; -hó'xeotse. Category: food.
-hoxotá vai. issue food, distribute commodities, distribute rations, serve food, feed, distribute food, give out rations (or commodities), issue commodities. É-hoxōta. He issued commodities. Etym: *ahšanθwa. tsé-hoxōtȧhtse the one who issues commodities. héva mésėhestȯtse hová'éhe tsé-hoxotávȯse perhaps whatever food they feed. [1987:227] vta: -hoxom. See: -votséno'hová. Category: food.
hoxotahtȯtse ni. ration, commodities. Plural hoxotáhtotȯtse; vai: -hoxotá. Category: food.
kóhkonėhēō'o ni. bread. (another recording) Plural kóhkonėheonȯtse; Variant: kóhkonȯhēō'o. See: xamaekóhkonȯhēō'o ‘oven bread’. Category: food.
kóhkonȯhēō'o ni. bread. Usage: more common pronunciation than kóhkonėhēō'o
kóhkonȯheonēso ni. 1 • little bread, cookie. Some may use this word for 'cookie'. Variant: vé'keekóhkonȯhēō'o; Non-diminutive kóhkonȯheo'o.
2 • cracker. Usage: od Plural kóhkonȯheonėsonȯtse. Category: food.
Kóhkonȯhēō'o néxhéoxomėstse! Feed me bread! (owls cry this). Variant: kóhkonėhēō'o; Diminutive kóhkonȯheonēso; baby talk: koosēō'o. Phon: vs See: vé'ho'ékȯhkonȯhēō'o; kókó'e; tsėhésekóhkonȯhēō'o. Category: food.
kóhkonȯheonēso ni. 1 • little bread, cookie. Some may use this word for 'cookie'. Variant: vé'keekóhkonȯhēō'o; Non-diminutive kóhkonȯheo'o.
2 • cracker. Usage: od Plural kóhkonȯheonėsonȯtse. Category: food.
Kóhkonȯhēō'o néxhéoxomėstse! Feed me bread! (owls cry this). Variant: kóhkonėhēō'o; Diminutive kóhkonȯheonēso; baby talk: koosēō'o. Phon: vs See: vé'ho'ékȯhkonȯhēō'o; kókó'e; tsėhésekóhkonȯhēō'o. Category: food.
kóhkonȯheonēso ni. 1 • little bread, cookie. Some may use this word for 'cookie'. Variant: vé'keekóhkonȯhēō'o; Non-diminutive kóhkonȯheo'o.
2 • cracker. Usage: od Plural kóhkonȯheonėsonȯtse. Category: food.
kókó'e p. bread. Usage: baby talk similar in meaning to 'here, eat!'. See: kóhkonȯhēō'o. Category: food, baby talk.
koosēō'o vai. small bread. Usage: baby talk Ques: record this?? Ques: koóséó'o ?? Phon: vs See: kóhkonȯhēō'o. Category: food, check.
mȧháeme ni. corn kernel. Usage: rare as singular Phon: iah Plural mȧhaemenȯtse ‘corn’. possibly has noun stem for. possibly mȧhéeme ?? Ques: *mesi:nkwa See: hoo'kȯhtse; -mȧhaét; -mȧhaésta; ma'óhkéé'e. Category: food.
mȧhaemenékohkonȯhēō'o ni. corn bread. Category: food.
mȧhaemenépénȯhéó'o ni. cornmeal. See: pénȯhéó'o. Category: food.
mȧhaemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl corn, corn kernels. This word is usually plural because there are multiple kernels when this is cooked and eaten; rare in the singular. (another recording) Singular mȧháeme. See: xamaemȧhaemenȯtse ‘Indian corn’. Category: food.
mȧhaemenȯtse tsépéene ni. cornmeal. See: pénȯhéo'o. Category: food, food.
-mȧhaénenené vai. pick up food. for example, as a squirrel does, picking up food off the ground. É-mȧhaénenēne. He is gathering food off the ground. Category: food.
-mȧhéno'sané vai. Ques: mȧhéen?? Náohkeéeameōhtse hó'eéve-mȧhéno'sanéto. I walk around whenever I look for food. [The Nighthawk.019] Category: food, check.
mȧhōhko na. Gram: dim cantaloupe, small melon. Plural mȧhohkono; Non-diminutive mȧhōō'o. See: mȧho'xeno. Category: food.
máhtáme ni. Gram: poss food. This word takes full inflections for personal possessive prefixes, with "older" Algonquian high-pitch pronominal prefixes, and number of the possessed object (food). náhtáme my food. néstáme your (sg) food. héstáme his food. nȧhtámáne our (excl.) food. nėstámane our (incl.) food. nėstámévo your (pl) food. nestámévo your (pl) food (variant). hestámévo their food. hestámevótse their foods. For example, words for corn, which is plural, because there are plural kernels. nȧhtamȯtse my foods. Stem -htámé. Morph: /ma-htámé/. See: mésėhestȯtse; mátȧhémȧhtáme. Category: food.
ma'emóneške na. red bean. Usage: rare as singular Plural ma'emonėškeho. Category: food.
ma'heónemáhtáme ni. spiritual food. new word. See: máhtáme ‘food’. Category: food, sacred.
-ma'xemeneve vai. be an apple. apple is animate in Montana, but inanimate in Okla. É-ma'xemeneve. It is an apple. Etym: *meɁšiminiwiwa. Category: food.
mata na. pickle, peyote. Plural mátaho; Obviative mátaho. Morph: /mátah/. Ques: does it also mean cactus?? Category: check. See: véhonemata; heškóvemata; véhonemata; -mátȧhéve'haná; -mátȧhémahpe. Category: plants, food.
matsemenȯtse Gram: pl ni. oats. Common folk etymologies give the literal meaning either as 'pus-berries', perhaps because when cooked up as oatmeal it looks like snot, or, 'feces-berries.' Some speakers prefer to say ho'sȧhtsenáénȧhéno because it doesn't sound bad like matsemenȯtse does. Etym: cf *malo·mina ‘wild rice’. See: matse; ho'sȧhtsenáénȧhéno; mátse. Category: food.
méhmemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl 1 • snakeweed. a native pepper with green berries, probably found on the méhmemenó'ėstse bushes?? Category: check.
2 • pepper. Lit: serpent-berries Variant: méhnemenȯtse. Usage: Today this pronunciation seems more common than méhnemenȯtse. See: méhne. Category: food.
méhnemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl pepper. Lit: serpent-berries Variant: méhmemenȯtse. Category: food.
mé'omotah vta. find food for s.o. Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: check, food.
méomáhtáme ni. breakfast. Lit: morning-food See: -htamé; máhtáme; méomésėhestȯtse. Category: food, new.
méomésėhestȯtse ni. breakfast. Usage: possibly OD See: méomáhtáme ‘breakfast’. Category: food.
mésėhestȯtse1 ni. food. Lit: eating thing (another recording) Plural mésėhéstotȯtse; Homonym mésėhestȯtse. It is not easy to explain the difference between mésėhestȯtse and máhtáme. One explanation is that mésėhestȯtse is more like groceries while máhtáme is food at home, such as in a pantry. Phon: This is pronounced the same as mésėhestȯtse 'potato'. See: mésėhestȯtse2 ‘potato’; máhtáme. Category: food.
mésėhestȯtse2 na. potato. Ná-mévoo'o mésėhéstoto. I'm eating potatoes. Phon: The singular is pronounced the same as mésėhestȯtse meaning 'food': Homonym mésėhestȯtse1 ‘food’; Oklahoma Dialect aéstomemésėhestȯtse; Plural mésėhéstoto, (another recording); Obviative mésėhéstoto. See: ho'enoo'o. Homonym mésėhestȯtse1 ‘food’. Category: food.
méstaévȧhonoo'o ni. ghost bread, bogeyman bread, boogeyman bread. (another recording) It is said that white people call this skillet bread. Then, the words for skillet bread (below) might not be needed. Boogeyman bread is baked or cooked in a skillet. Néške'e, néto'setónėšemanėstsénone méstaévȧhonoo'o? Mother, how do we make boogeyman bread? Ques: recheck that claim about skillet bread?? Category: check. Oklahoma Dialect tsėhésekóhkonȯhēō'o. See: táxȧhonoo'o ‘skillet bread’; táho'kȧhonoo'o ‘skillet bread’; tónovȧhonoo'o ‘skillet bread’; vétšėškévȧhonoo'o ‘fry bread’; xamaekóhkonȯhēō'o ‘oven bread’; éstȧhonoo'o ‘oven bread’. Category: food.
-móhenȧhá'ené vai. gather food. to bring food together, especially to a meal such as a potluck. É-móhenȧhá'eneo'o. They gathered food (for a meal). fai: -ahá'ené. Category: food.
mo'óhkonavekóhkonȯhēō'o ni. cracker. Usage: md Plural mo'óhkonavekóhkonȯheonȯtse. Lit: hard.dried-breads See: tóhkonavekóhkonȯhēō'o ‘cracker (Okla. dialect)’. Category: food.
mo'óhkonavekóhkonȯheonȯtse ni. hard tack pieces, crackers. Category: food.
mo'ȯhtáe-kóhkonȯhēō'o ni. brown bread. whole wheat bread. Lit: black-bread Category: food, food.
mo'óhta'e na. Indian turnip, prairie turnip, breadroot, turnip. Phon: iah Variant: mo'kóhta'e; Plural mo'ȯhtá'éne; Obviative mo'ȯhtá'éne. Category: food.
-monėstámané vai. gather food. É-monėstámáne. He gathered food. See: máhtáme ‘food’. Category: food.
móneške na. bean. Usage: rare as sg. Phon: iah Etym: cf. M masku:ci·hsaeh (dim.). Plural monėškeho; Obviative monėškeho. Etym: cf *mani·hsiwa ‘bean’. Category: food.
monėškeho na. Gram: pl beans. Usage: Usually only said as a plural. Singular móneške. Émévóho monnėškeho. He is eating beans. vétšėškévȧhonoo'o naa monėškeho frybread and beans. Category: food.
náhkȯhematȯtse ni. Gram: pl prunes. Synonym mo'ȯhtáema'xemeno. See: matse. Category: food, check.
náhtáme ni. Gram: poss my food. Possessive -htámé. See: máhtáme. Category: food.
nastámáne ni. Gram: poss our (excl) food. Possessive -htámé; Variant: nȧhtámáne. Category: food.
-nėsóome'há'ené vai. heat food. Ná-nėsóome'há'éne. I'm heating food. fai: = -ahá'ené. Category: cook, food, temperature.
néstáme ni. Gram: poss your food. Stem -htámé. See: máhtáme. Category: food.
nėxo'mévéhe na. watermelon. Lit: raw-eating thing ?? Plural nėxo'mévėheo'o; Obviative nėxo'mévėheho ??; Oklahoma Dialect mȧhōō'o. See: mȧhōō'o. Category: food, check.
no'anenestȯtse ni. topping. Lit: included thing for example, for a pizza. Category: food, check.
-noóestoh(n) vta. dip out s.o. quickly. Ná-noóestȯhnoo'o he'éhesono. I spooned out the rice quickly. Category: food, record.
-nóohá vti. dip out s.t., bail s.t., ladle s.t., scoop s.t. for example, ladle water for drinking, or dip soup onto a plate. É-nóóha. He dipped it out. Nóoohtse! Ladle it out! Nóohomeo'o! Dip it out (then)! Etym: *kwa·pahamwa ‘he dipped it out’. See: -nóohtá; -nóohomev; -noóestoh(n). Category: liquid, food.
-nóosané vai. sip, drink from a container. for example, from a bowl or dipper. É-nóósáne. He drank from a bowl. vti: -nóohtá. See: -mane; -nomené; -noosané. Category: food, drink.
-novo'é vai. take along food. É-novō'e. He took along food. Etym: *nawaxpowa (P). vta: -novo'é'seh. See: -novo'eohtsé; -notané; -no'óovo'he; -notané. Category: food.
-novo'é'seh vta. take along food for s.o. É-novo'é'sėhóho. He sent food along with him. Ma'xe-novo'é'šėšeo'o! Take along a big lunch for me! [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.026] Category: food.
novo'eohtsestȯtse ni. lunchbox, trip food container. See: novo'estȯtse. Category: food, containers.
novo'estȯtse ni. food taken along; packed lunch. he-novo'estȯtse his packed lunch. [1987:267] vai: -novo'é. See: novo'eohtsestȯtse. Category: food.
novo'estȯtse tsé'ȯhkevé'hó'ta vii. lunch pail. Category: containers, food.
-o'hémonóvá vai. hang scanty amount of drymeat. É-o'hémonóva. She has a scanty amount of drymeat hanging. fai: -óvá5. Category: meat, food.
oó'xȯseo'o ni. nut, peanut, pecan. Lit: crack-by.mouth(.thing) Phon: vs Plural oó'xȯseonȯtse. Usage: This word is not widely known. See: -ó'xóhtá; -oó'xóhtá. Category: food.
oó'xȯseonéame ni. peanut butter. Usage: This word is not widely known. See: ame. Category: food.
otaesémene ni. walnut. Lit: pierced-nose-berry Plural otaesémenȯtse. Category: food.
ová'kemonėškeho na. Gram: pl peas. Lit: round-beans See: móneške ‘bean’. Category: food.
-oxom fta. feed s.o., feed s.o. to death. Éáhan-ȯxomóho. He fed him to death / he fed him so much he got sick. Tȧhé-oxomeha nėstōtse! Go feed your pet! Kóhkonȯhēō'o néxhé-oxomėstse! Feed me bread! (owls cry this). vta: -hoxom. Category: eat, food.
páevȧhonoo'o ni. (anything) roasted. especially roast corn. Lit: ashes-roasted Phon: vs Category: food.
pánėstséhohpe ni. bean soup. Lit: fart-soup Usage: a joking word See: hohpe ‘soup’. Category: food.
pano'ėhasēō'o ni. syrup. See: háhnomȧhépano'ėhasēō'o ‘honey’; -pano'ohá ‘spread s.t.’; pano'ȯhēō'o. Category: food.
pano'ėhēō'o ni. spread. for example, peanut butter or jam. (another recording) Category: food.
-pénȯhtomev vta. chew food for s.o. É-pénȯhtomevóho. He chewed food for him. See: -pénomev. Category: food.
-pénom vta. chew up s.o. fine. Ná-pénómo. I chewed him up fine. É-pénomóho. He chewed him up fine. vti: -pénóhtá; Reduplicated -pé'penom; Final -om. See: -pénomev. Category: food.
-pénomev vta. chew food for s.o. This is premasticating food, especially for a baby. É-pénomevóho. He chewed food for him. See: -pénȯhtomev. Category: food, eat.
-poe'hahtsé vti. 1 • slam down s.t., throw down s.t. É-poe'hāhtse. He slammed it down. Ques: check recording poeh?? vai: -póe'hasené. See: nȧhóhpo; -anȧha'hahtsé; -póehá; -póehahtsé. Category: move.
2 • devour s.t. entirely. Category: figurative. É-poe'hahtsénóvo. They ate it all up like it was nothing. See: -mȧhaéstá. Category: eat, food, check.
póhanēō'o ni. baking powder. See: póho'sanestȯtse ‘yeast’. Category: food. Lit: swelling.up(.thing) Phon: vs
póho'sanestȯtse ni. yeast. Synonym póho'sēō'o. See: póhanēō'o ‘baking powder’. Category: food.
pó'po'ėho'hémȧhaemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl popcorn. See: mȧhaemenȯtse. Category: food.
-pónomešé vai. left with nothing. Lit: nothing-lie especially to have no food left. É-pónomēše. He has nothing left. Medial -om. See: -pónohtá. Category: lie, food.
sóhkomemésėhestȯtse na. French fry. Plural sóhkomemésėhéstoto. Category: food, new.
táho'kȧhonoo'o ni. skillet bread. Synonym táxȧhonoo'o, tónovȧhonoo'o. See: méstaévȧhonoo'o ‘boogeyman bread’. Category: food.
ta'emenonȯtse ni. Gram: pl Indian hominy. It is cooked then dried; not treated with lye. See: vé'ho'éta'emenonȯtse; mȧhaemenȯtse. Category: food.
táxȧhonoo'o ni. skillet bread. Synonym táho'kȧhonoo'o, tónovȧhonoo'o. See: méstaévȧhonoo'o ‘boogeyman bread’. Phon: vs See: honoo'o. Category: food.
-táxeetóné vai. have plenty of meat. É-táxeetóne. He has plenty of meat. Naa nėhē'še mósta-táxeetónėhevóhe, hena'háanéhe héne mésėhestȯtse tséstama'xeamȧhévȯse. And then they had plenty, that is when they got plenty of food. [1987:96] Synonym -tsėhetonóvá. See: -háeesenehe; oótȧháme-. Category: check, food.
toe'hanahtȯtse ni. popsicle, ice cream. Category: new. Ques: recheck pronunciation and spelling ?? Category: check. See: tsé-tóno. Category: food.
tóhkonavekóhkonȯhēō'o ni. cracker. Lit: skinny-bread Usage: od Plural tóhkonavekóhkonȯheonȯtse. See: mo'óhkonavekóhkonȯheo'o ‘cracker (Montana dialect)’. Category: food, Oklahoma.
tó'ėsemónėškeho na. green beans, string beans. Lit: long-beans Category: food.
tó'hovȧhonoo'o ni. pie. Lit: between(.crusts)-baked(-thing) Usage: Some people may also use this word for a sandwich. See: honoo'o ‘anything roasted or baked’; -tó'hovanené ‘make a sandwich’. Category: food.
-tó'omo'enȯhéotse vai. unable to move so full of food. É-tó'omo'enȯhéotse. He is unable to move he is so full (of food). Ná-tó'omo'enȯhéotse. I'm unable to move I'm so full (of food). fai: -o'enohe. Category: food, eat.
tónovȧhonoo'o ni. skillet bread, pan bread. Lit: thick-baked Synonym táho'kȧhonoo'o, táxȧhonoo'o. See: éstȧhonoo'o. Category: food.
tsé-áesto'ene vii. hash. or anything else that is mixed together. See: -áesto'én. Category: food.
tsé-ha'háeéno'e vii. Gram: ppl chile, chili. Lit: (another recording) Category: food.
tséha'háeéno'e mahpe vii. Gram: ppl vinegar. Lit: water that tastes strong Synonym ha'háeéno'émahpe; vii: -ha'háeéno'e. Category: food, taste.
tsėhésekóhkonȯhēō'o ni. boogeyman bread. Lit: Cheyenne-bread Usage: od, said to be an Oklahoma Cheyenne word See: méstaévȧhonoo'o ‘boogeyman bread’. Category: food.
-tsėhetȯxomeváen vta. feed s.o. this. hápó'e mó-tsėhetȯxomeváenėhéhe He must have been fed the same thing. See: hoxom. Category: food.
tsé-hoxōtȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl the one who issues commodities, server. vai: -hoxotá. See: tséohkevotséno'hováhtse. Category: food.
tsé-nonomō'ta vii. jello. Lit: that which quivers Category: food.
tseohke-pano'ohe vii. bread spread, jam, peanut butter. Lit: that which is spread on Category: food.
tséohke-votséno'hōvȧhtse Gram: ppl waitress, waiter. vai: -votséno'hová. See: -hoxotá ‘serve food’; tsé-hoxōtȧhtse ‘server’; hoxotáve'ho'á'e ‘waitress’; hoxotáve'ho'e ‘waiter’. Category: new, food.
tsé-tó'hovane vii. sandwich. Lit: that which is in between See: -tó'hovan. Category: food.
tsé-tóno vii. ice cream. Lit: that which is cold See: -tonó ‘cold’; toe'hanahtȯtse. Category: food.
véhpȧsékȯhkonȯhēō'o ni. white bread. that is, white yeast bread. Lit: hollow-belly-bread Ques: Why was it called this?? BodyPartMedial -asé2. See: vé'ho'ékȯhkonȯhēō'o; kóhkonȯhēō'o. Category: food, check.
vé'ėstovemésėhestȯtse ni. fast food. Category: new. Ques: recheck with others for meaning ?? Category: check. See: mésėhestȯtse ‘food’. Category: food.
vé'ho'ékȯhkonėhēō'o ni. bakery bread, white bread. Lit: whiteman-bread See: véhpȧsékȯhkonȯhēō'o; kóhkonȯhēō'o. Phon: vs Category: food.
vé'ho'éta'emenonȯtse ni. Gram: pl hominy. Lit: whiteman-hominy whiteman kind of corn treated with lye. See: mȧhaemenȯtse; ta'emenonȯtse. Category: food.
vé'keahonoo'o ni. cake. Lit: sweet-baked Plural vé'keahonóonȯtse. Phon: vs Category: food.
vé'keekóhkonȯhēō'o ni. cookie. Lit: sweet-bread Plural vé'keekóhkonȯheonȯtse; Variant: kóhkonȯheonēso. See: vé'keahonoo'o; kóhkonȯhēō'o. Category: food.
vé'keemahpe ni. sugar, candy. Lit: sweet-water probably named for the process of making sugar from maple syrup. Plural vé'keemāhpėstse ‘candies’. Category: food.
vénemahpe ni. vinegar. Lit: sour-water Usage: od Category: food, Oklahoma.
vétšėškévȧhonoo'o ni. frybread, fry bread. Lit: grease-fried (another recording) The plural is used for pieces of frybread: Plural vétšėškévȧhonóonȯtse. Hena'háanéhe éohkenėhešemanėhénėstse vétšėškévȧhonóonȯtse. That's how frybread is made. See: amėškévȧhonoo'o. Category: food.
vóhka'éhe na. banana. Lit: bent-one Variant: vóhka'eme, vóhka'émene. Plural vóhka'éheo'o, vóhka'éheono. Category: berries, food. Ques: recheck?? Category: check.
vóhka'éheme ni. banana. Plural vóhka'éhemeno. Usage: od Category: berries, food, Oklahoma.
vóhka'eme na. banana. Variant: vóhka'émene, vóhka'éhe; Plural vóhka'émeno. Category: berries, food.
vóhka'émene na. banana. Lit: bent-fruit Variant: vóhka'éhe; Plural vóhka'émeno. Category: food, berries.
vóhkoohémėsėhestȯtse ni. salad. Lit: rabbit-food Category: food.
-vóhkoohéve'haná vai. eat a salad. Lit: rabbit-eat Ná-vóhkoohéve'haná. I ate a salad. Category: eat, food.
vóhpevóneške na. white bean. See: móneške. Usage: rare as sg. Plural vóhpevonėškeho; Obviative vóhpevonėškeho. See: móneške. Category: food.
vóhpoma'ȯhtse ni. salt. Lit: white-dirt Vóhpoma'ȯhtse mó'éohkeno'ane, hénová'éto Quizlet, tséohkėhestohe, mó'éohkemésėstove? Is salt put on it, what is Quizlet, as it is said, is it eaten? That is a humorous way of responding to something new and not understood, such as the word "Quizlet". Ques: Is this also a Cheyenne name?? Etym: cf *wa·pa·mexkye·wi (P) ‘it is white ground’. See: ma'oma'ȯhtse ‘red earth’. Category: food, names, sayings.
vó'komeamėške ni. lard. Lit: white-grease 'lard' also pronounced just amėške. Category: food.
vó'omemo'ȯhtá'éne na. Gram: pl white turnips. Category: food.
-votsén vti. serve s.t., issue s.t. The object of this verb is the entity which is offered. É-votséna. He served it. for example, he passed out some inanimate food or clothing). É-votsénánóvo kóhkonȯheo'o. They are serving bread.
vta. serve s.o., issue s.o. É-votseno. He served him. for example, he passed out some animate food or clothing. É-votsénóho. He served him (newer pronunciation). É-votsénovo ma'xemeno. They are giving out oranges. Náta-votsénoo'o he'éhesono. I dished out the rice. See: /-méá/; -hoxot. Category: food.
-votséno'hová vai. serve food, issue food. É-votséno'hōva. He served/he issued (for example, commodities)/he dished out food. tséohke-votséno'hōvȧhtse waitress / waiter (literally, someone who serves food). See: -hoxotá. Category: cook, food.
vovȯtse 1 • ni. egg. (another recording) Etym: *wa·wani. Plural vóvotȯtse, (another recording). Etym: *wa·wali. Vóvotȯtse némésenotse? Did you eat eggs? Category: food.
2 • na. Egg. Category: names.
xamaekóhkonȯhēō'o ni. Indian bread, Indian oven bread, oven bread. Lit: ordinary-bread Variant: xamaekóhkonėhēō'o. See: méstaévȧhonoo'o ‘boogeyman bread’; táxȧhonoo'o ‘skillet bread’; kóhkonȯhēō'o ‘bread’; éstȧhonoo'o ‘oven bread’. Category: food.
xamaemȧhaemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl Indian corn. See: mȧhaemenȯtse ‘corn’. Category: food.