Cheyenne Dictionary



ésevoného'éeve   na. buffalo hide. See: ho'éeve. Category: material.

évȧxeo'o   ni. leftover piece, bit, scrap. for example, a leftover crumb of drymeat. Plural évȧxeonȯtse. See: pé'heto.

na. The animate plural especially refers to leftover pieces/scraps of cloth. évȧxeono animate plural. Category: material.

heévaho   na. Gram: pl rope, lariat. made of fibers, for example, from hemp; such as soft rope. This word is grammatically plural, probably with reference to the fibers, similar to the plurality of cloth terms and grass/weed terms. (another recording) Oblique heévȧhéva; Preverb heévȧhe-. Heévaho é-pe'pe'óneešéne. The rope is lying tangled on the ground. See: -htseévȧheme; vóhpeévaho; sétóhke; sétȯhkeho. Category: material.

hesó'xėšé'hóno   na. Gram: pl oil cloth, tablecloth. Lit: slippery-cloth Plural hesó'xėšé'honono. Ques: recheck HL(?) and LHH recordings for tablecloth.mp3 and tablecloths.mp33?? See: šé'hóno. Category: check, material.

heškóvėšé'hóno   na. coarse material. Lit: prickly-cloth used for dresses. See: šé'hóno. Category: material.

heškóvoneanēō'o   ni. barbed wire. Medial -ón(e)2. See: amóneanēō'o fence. Category: material, farm.

hohtȧhéšé'hóno   na. silk. Variant: hohtȯhtȧhéšé'hóno, hohtȯhtȧhévėšé'hóno. See: šé'hóno. Category: material.

hohtȯhtȧhéšé'hóno   na. silk. Variant: hohtȧhéšé'hóno, hohtȯhtȧhévėšé'hóno. See: šé'hóno. Category: material.

hohtȯhtȧhévėšé'hóno   na. silk, satin. Variant: hohtȧhéšé'hóno, hohtȯhtȧhéšé'hóno. See: séokáéšé'hóno silk; -tónetȯhtȧheve; -htȧheve. Category: material.

ho'éa'e   ni. rawhide that a drum is set on. Category: material.

ho'tāno   na. sinew strand. a single strand of sinew. Morph: /ho'tanón/. Plural ho'tanono. The plural means 'thread'. It is grammatically plural because it has multiple strands. ho'tšėške means 'sinew (before de-stranding)'. Etym: cf. M aʔtaeh. See: ho'tšėške; ho'tȧhke. Category: material.

hotóaho'éeve   na. cow hide. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, material.

hotóénóvéhe   na. cheesecloth, netting. Lit: see.through-thing Category: material.

hóxe'ėsanestȯtse   ni. bandage. (another recording) Synonym hóxe'ėhestȯtse. See: hóxe'ėstómanestȯtse wrapping. Category: material.

hóxe'ėstómanestȯtse   ni. wrapping. See: hóxe'ėsanestȯtse bandage. Category: material.

kȧhkoešé'hóno   na. thin cloth. Lit: thin-material used in bed fixtures of the altar of a Sun Dance. Contracted koešé'hóno. Category: Sun Dance, material.

koešé'hóno   na. cloth. Phon: contracted from kȧhkoešé'hóno 'thin cloth'; šé'hóno by itself means 'garter' Plural koešé'honono. pl. means 'rags'. non-contract: kȧhkoešé'hóno. See: šé'hóno. Category: material.

kȯsáeho'éeve   na. sheep hide. Category: material.

-mé'hovávo'nehe   vai. be tanned with fur on. a buffalo hide. É-mé'hovávo'nehe. It (animate) is tanned with the fur on. Category: material.

mo'éheho'éeve   na. elk hide. See: ho'éeve hide. Category: material.

mo'éhno'hamého'éeve   na. horse hide. See: ho'éeve hide. Category: material.

mo'e'éšé'hóno   na. burlap, burlap bag, gunny sack cloth, gunny sack. Móstatsėhetȧsȯhevóhe mo'e'éše'honono. She slit a gunny sack. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.085] See: šé'hóno. Lit: grass-cloth See: šé'hóno. Category: material.

mo'ȯhtávėšé'hóno   na. black cloth. Category: material.

-nomáhkotseve   vai. waxy, gluey, sticky. É-nomáhkotseve. It is waxy, gluey. [pd 1098] can be said of honey or pine sap or earwax. See: ahke. Category: material.

pé'hešé'honóno   na. Gram: pl bits and pieces of cloth. Etym: *pi·Ɂsi + (P). See: pé'heto; šé'honono cloth. Category: material.

pé'heto   p. scraps, odds and ends, bits and pieces, change (money). For example, scraps of cloth. A dog was named this. See: évȧxeo'o. Category: material.

séokáéšé'hóno   na. silk. See: šé'hóno cloth; séokaeveéstse'he fancy shirt; hohtȯhtȧhévėšé'hóno silk. Category: material.

séokáevoestȯtse   na. fancy dress, silk dress, satin dress. Usage: partial sound transl. from English "silk" See: hoestȯtse. Category: material, clothing.

sétóhke   ni. thong (especially of rawhide), string. Plural sétóhkėstse. A string typically holds the rawhide skin to a drum. This word is inanimate and singular while sétȯhkeho 'rawhide rope' is animate and plural because it refers to the many strands of material, just as heévaho 'rope' is plural, as are many terms for cloth. Rawhide strings are used in the Sun Dance lodge.

na. rawhide rope. Morph: /sétóhkéh/. Etym: *še·ya·pya (Go88); cf. Ar séénook 'rope' (an.). Plural sétȯhkeho rawhide rope; Oblique sétȯhkėhéva. obl. variant may be sétȯhkéva ?? See: -ón; heévaho. Category: drum, material, check.

sétȯhkeho   na. Gram: pl rope. especially one made of rawhide. commonly used for roping; see discussion of animacy and number under sétóhke. Singular sétohke; Oblique sétȯhkėhéva. used in Sun Dance lodge. See: heévaho; -ón. Category: material.

šé'hóno   na. 1 • cloth, fabric. The singular today can also mean 'garter.' The plural usually means 'garters', but could mean 'pieces of cloth.'. Éme'ta'omāne šé'hóno. āne āna?? He used the cloth as a doorway for a tepee. Plural šé'honono; Obviative šé'honono. See: tónovėšé'hóno canvas; koešé'hóno cloth.

2 • garter. nė-šé'hóno your garter. he-šé'honono her garter(s). Category: clothing, material, check.

tónovėšé'hóno   na. canvas, tarp. See: šé'hóno; vóhpėšé'hóno. Category: tepee, material.

tóovenó'estȯtse   na. batting. for example, for quilt liners. Category: material.

váotseváheho'éeve   na. deer hide. part of Sun Dance equipment. Variant: váotseváho'éeve. Category: Sun Dance, material.

vé'ho'éotóaho'éeve   na. cowhide. See: ho'éeve. Category: material.

vé'ho'évȯhtá'hohkȯtse   ni. leather. Lit: whiteman-tanned.hide Variant: vé'ho'évȯhtá'hoo'ȯtse. Category: material.

vé'ho'évȯhtá'hoo'ȯtse   ni. leather. Lit: whiteman-tanned.hide Variant: vé'ho'évȯhtá'hohkȯtse. Category: material.

vóhpeeva   na. cotton. See: heévaho. vóhpeévaho cotton (gramm. pl.) Category: material. Usage: extant in sg.? Lit: white-rope (or fur?))

vóhpėšé'hóno   na. white muslin. Lit: white-cloth See: tónovėšé'hóno; šé'hóno. Category: material.

vó'kaehevȯtse   ni. buckskin, antelope buckskin, antelope hide. Etym: *wa·ške·hsiwaya deerskin. Plural vó'kaehevotȯtse; Non-diminutive vó'aehevȯtse. Ques: can this be from deer also, as someone said ?? Category: check. Néhmé'ėstomevėstse tséohkėho'néohe vó'kaehevotȯtse! Explain to me how hides are tanned! See: vó'kaeho'éeve; ho'éeve. Category: material.

vó'kaeho'éeve   na. antelope hide. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: vó'kaehevȯtse. Category: material.

xo'eóhtano'hamestȯtse   na. axle grease. BodyPartMedial -óhtá4; Final -o'hamé. Category: material.