A'tšemȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Round Town. Variant: A'kemȧhoéve'ho'éno. Category: places.
É'ėxováhtóva loc. Billings, Montana. Lit: Cheyennes call Billings by this word because of sawmills previously there. É'ėxováhtóva návo'ėstanéheve. I live in Billings. See: -é'ėxová ‘saw’. Category: places.
É'omó'eo'hé'e ni. Gram: loc Lodgegrass, Montana. Usage: less commonly used than variant É'komó'eo'hé'e Variant: É'komó'eo'hé'e. Category: places, rivers.
éstávóne ni. grove. There are trees and sometimes other foliage there. It is not as thick with trees as ma'táa'e 'forest'. Éstávóne návee'e. I'm camping in the grove. See: ma'táa'e. Category: places.
Éše'hȯhma'ȧhevēno ni. Gram: loc Hammon, Oklahoma. Lit: red-moon-place Category: places.
Háeohémahpe ni. Rapid River, Rapid City, South Dakota. Lit: rapid-water Variant: Háeohéo'hé'e. Category: rivers, places.
Háeohéo'hé'e ni. Rapid River. Cheyenne name for river from which Rapid City, SD, gets its name. Variant: Háeohémahpe. Category: rivers, places.
Ha'háehévéno ni. Weatherford, Oklahoma. Lit: very-windy-place Category: places.
Heévȧhetanéno ni. Gram: loc Oklahoma. Lit: rope-place (another recording) Category: places.
he'amó'ome p. heaven. Phon: iah fni: -o'ome. Category: places.
He'konémȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Gram: loc Hardin, Montana. Usage: partial loan translation from the 'hard' segment of the Enlish word 'Hardin" Lit: hard-town Category: places.
Hemé'kónȯhmȧsėhánéévéno loc. Crazyhead Springs (area). Category: places.
Heóvonėheo'hé'e ni. Muddy Creek, Yellow Paint River. Lit: yellow-paint-creek This is the namee for both the creek and district on the Northern Cheyenne reservation. This creek is a tributary of the Rosebud Creek. It is also the name of a tributary of the Purgatory River in Colorado. Category: places, rivers.
Hesénȧhéstó'éno loc. eastern country. Hesénȧhéstó'éno énėxho'eōhtse. He comes from an eastern place. [pd424] hesénȧhéstó'éno tsénėxhéstȧhese those who are from the east. [pd424] sétóve hesénȧhéstó'éno naa notāma northeast. [pd424] sétóve hesénȧhéstó'éno naa sóvóne southeast. Category: places.
Hestávóse ni. Heart Butte. in South Dakota. Category: places.
Heškóvetsévóse ni. Porcupine Butte. located between the White River and the Niobrara River. Category: places.
Hetaevo'éno ni. Arapaho Town, Geary, Oklahoma. (another recording) Category: places.
Hóhkėha'éomévóse ni. Medicine Lodge Butte. Category: places.
Ho'honáá'e Tsé'amoo'ėse vai. Rocky Mountains. Lit: where the rock stands See: Ma'xėho'honáéva; Ho'honáéva. Category: places.
Ho'honáéšé'e ni. Gram: loc Montana, rocky area. Lit: rocky-place(grove) Category: places.
ho'honáéva obl. 1 • in the mountains, on a rock. (another recording) na: ho'honáá'e.
2 • Rocky Mountains. Variant: Ho'honáá'e Tsé'amoo'ėse, Ho'honáevo'omēnėstse. See: vose. Category: places.
Ho'honáevo'omēnėstse ni. Rocky Mountains. Usage: Ho'honáéva is more commonly used See: Ho'honáéva. Category: places.
Ho'néhevee'ėse na. Wolf Tooth. a proper name and name of mountains near Busby, Montana. Category: names.
2 • ni. Wolf Tooth Mountains. Oblique Ho'néheveesēva. The locative form (ending in -va) may be more frequently used as the name for the range of mountains. Category: places.
Ho'néheveesēva ni. Gram: loc Wolf Tooth Mountains. See: Ho'néhevee'ėse. Category: places.
Ho'óhomo'éno ni. Gram: loc South Dakota, Sioux country. Lit: Sioux-place Category: places.
Ho'xó'mȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Sheridan, Wyoming. Lit: against(.mountains)-city See: mȧhoéve'ho'éno. Category: places.
Hoo'kȯhévóse ni. Rainy Mountain. part of the Wichita Mountains. Category: places.
Kȧxomȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Seiling, Oklahoma. This refers to a big curve in the road near Seiling. Ques: Pronunciation and spelling uncertain. Category: check, places.
Maahéo'hé'e Pryor, Montana. Lit: arrow-creek Category: places, rivers.
mȧhoestȯtse ni. city, town. Lit: all.over-NOM Locative mȧhoéstóva; Plural mȧhoéstotȯtse. See: mȧhoéve'ho'éno. Category: places.
mȧhoéstóva ni. in town; in the city. See: mȧhoestȯtse ‘town ; city’. Category: places.
-mȧhoéve'ho'ee'e vai. live in town. É-mȧhoéve'ho'ee'e. He moved to town. Náéše-mȧhoéve'ho'ee'e. I've moved into town. Phon: vs Category: places.
mȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. town, city, El Reno, Oklahoma. Lit: all.over-whiteman-place (another recording) Final -enó. See: mȧhoestȯtse; Ma'xemȧhoéve'ho'éno. Category: places.
Mȧhtamȧháahévóse ni. Old Woman Butte. located near the head of Old Woman Creek. Category: places.
Mȧhtamȧháahéxaenoo'ȯtse ni. Old Lady Bladder. This is the legendary name of a waterfall in the Black Hills from which corn and meat were obtained from an old woman who lived inside the waterfall. See: xaenoo'ȯtse ‘bladder’. Category: places.
Mȧhtóhtȯhéé'ėše Tsé'ȯhkėhenove Ten Sleeps, Wyoming. Category: places. Usage: a new word?
Ma'enónévóse ni. Turtle Butte. located a little north of the Ponca River. Category: places.
Ma'evé'ho'éno ni. Germany. Category: places.
-ma'o'omené vai. tséh-ma'o'omēne where there is a red hill. [Early Days at the Tongue River Boarding School.006] Final -o'omené; Variant: -ma'o'omenó. Category: places.
Ma'óo'xenévéno ni. Colony, Oklahoma. Category: places.
ma'taa'évo'omēē'e ni. wooded region, wooded area. fni: -o'omēē'e. Category: places.
Ma'xėho'honáéva loc. Rocky Mountains. See: ho'honáéva; Ho'honáá'e tsé'amoo'ėse ‘Rocky Mountains’. Category: places.
Ma'xekȯsáeho'honáéva Bighorn Mountains. Category: places.
Ma'xemȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Miles City, Montana. Lit: big-town Category: places.
Ma'xepóno'e ni. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Lit: big-downstream literal meaning refers to being downriver from the Cheyenne area of Oklahoma, which is west of Okla. City. See: póno'e. Category: places, rivers.
manȧhéno ni. village, settlement. Lit: band-place that is, the place where a band lives. See: mana; mȧhoéve'ho'éno; -nó2. Etym: cf. M meni·ka·n. Category: places.
méave'ho'éno ni. agency, Lame Deer, Montana, Concho, Oklahoma. (another recording) This is the most commonly used Cheyenne name for Lame Deer today. However, the traditional name for Lame Deer is Mo'ȯhtávȯheomeneno 'Black Lodge Place," named for the Black Lodge group of Cheyennes, many of whom settled in the Lame Deer area. Lit: giving-whiteman-place See: Mo'ȯhtávȯheomeneno. Category: places.
Mé'šeeséve'ho'événo obl. Mexico. Category: places.
Méstaévóse ni. Owl Butte. located near the head of the Owl (Moreau) River. Category: places.
Mo'éhenȯxemȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Geary, Oklahoma. Lit: chickenhawk-town Category: places.
Mo'émȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Elk City, Oklahoma. Lit: elk-town Category: places.
Mo'ȯhtávȯheomenéno ni. Lame Deer district, Black Lodge place. Lit: black-lodge-place Mo'ȯhtávȯheomenéno náhéstahe. I am from Lame Deer. See: méave'ho'eno. Category: places.
Mo'ȯhtávo'honáemȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Gram: loc Rapid City, South Dakota. Lit: Black.Hills-city See: Háeohémahpe. Category: places.
Mo'ȯhtávo'honáéva obl. Black Hills. Lit: black-rock-LOC Category: places.
Momóonévóse ni. Slave Butte. located south of the Owl (Moreau) River in South Dakota. Category: places.
-móto'ėše'eve vii. Gram: cjt where there are lots of ash trees going down. This is a place along the road between Busby and Crow Agency; the road goes down at that point. tsésta-anȯhemóto'ėše'eve where there are lots of ash trees going down. Category: places.
Náhkȯheome ni. Devil's Tower, Bear Lodge. Variant: Náhkȯhevee'e. Category: places.
Náhkȯheósévóse ni. Bear Paw Mountains. located between the Missouri and Milk Rivers. Category: places.
Nahkȯhevee'e ni. Bear Tepee, Devil's Tower, Wyoming. Lit: bear-tepee Variant: Náhkȯheome. Category: places.
Náhkȯhévóse ni. Bear Butte. This is a butte near Fort Meade, South Dakota. This is a different butte from Nóávóse (or maybe it is Nóvávóse), the sacred mountain near Rapid City, South Dakota. See: Nóávóse. Category: places.
né'oma'e ni. sandy place. See: heséóvó'e ‘sand’. Category: places.
Netsévóse ni. Eagle Butte. located between the White River and the Niobrara. It has been marked on maps as Eagle Nest Butte. Category: places.
Nóávóse ni. Bear Butte. Lit: possibly medicine(sacred)-hill, or giving-hill Variant: Nóvávóse. Spelling is uncertain between Nóávóse and Nóvávóse.?? (another recording) Note: Located a few miles northwest of Rapid City, South Dakota; this is where Sweet Medicine received the covenant of the Sacred Arrows for the Cheyennes, and where Cheyennes go to pray and fast. This is a different butte from Náhkȯhévóse. Nóávóse is translated as Gift Butte or Offer Butte in an 1886 list of Cheyenne place names. Nóávóse is the probable spelling but it could be Nóvávóse. fni: -ose2. See: Nóáhe1 ‘Giver, Providence, God’; Mo'éhenóave ‘Medicine Elk’; Nóává'e ‘Medicine Woman’; -nóahešéve ‘giveaway’; Náhkȯhévóse ‘hill’. Category: places, check.
Noma'héo'hé'e ni. Kingfigher Creek, Kingfisher, Oklahoma. Lit: fish-river This was the Cheyenne name for a tributary of the Cimarron north of Darlington, Oklahoma. It is known today as Kingfisher Creek. See: Matséneo'hé'e ‘Kingfisher Creek’. Category: places.
Notamemésėhéno loc. Northern Cheyenne area. Usage: seldom used by Northern Cheyennes See: Heévȧhetanéno ‘Southern Cheyenne area’. Category: places.
Nóvávóse ni. Bear Butte. Variant: Nóávóse. Spelling is uncertain between Nóvávóse and Nóávóse. The Nóvávóse spelling has the advantage of the first letters being parallel with Nóvává'e Medicine, but Nóávóse has the advantage of being parallel with the spelling of Nóáhe, which is an old word for Ma'hēō'o 'God'.?? See: Nóvává'e; Nóáhe1. Category: places, sacred, check.
Oévemanȧhéno ni. Birney, Montana. Lit: scabby-band-place (another recording) Oévemanȧhéno náhéstahe. I'm from Birney. See: Tséh-ma'ėho'a'ē'ta. Category: places.
Ȯh-mésėhéno ni. Northern Cheyenne country. Lit: eating place Usage: not commonly known today Final -nó2. Category: places.
-o'enó Category: check.
fni. hill, butte. Tsehvó'om-o'ēno ?? White Butte, South Dakota. Category: check. See: -o'omenó. Category: places.
o'eto p. out in the country. See: onóveto; hónevato. Category: places.
-o'ome fni. region. he'amó'ome heaven. he'amo'omēē'e heaven. Phon: iah Etym: *-axkamik (P18). See: -o'omēē'e; -o'omenó; -nó. Category: places.
-o'omēē'e fni. region. he'am-o'omēē'e heaven (region above). pȧháv-o'omēē'e the place of the good (people). ma'taa'év-o'omēē'e wooded region(s). Phon: vs See: -o'ome; -nó2. Category: places.
-o'omené f. hill, mountain. may be a combination of -o'ome 'region' + -nó 'place'. See: -o'omenó. Category: places.
-o'omenó f. hill, mountain. may be a combination of -o'ome 'region' + -nó 'place'. See: -o'enó; -o'omené. Category: places.
Óoetanéno ni. Gram: loc Crow Agency, Montana. Lit: Crow-place Final -nó. Category: places.
otá'tavo'ome ni. blue vapor of life, sky (?) See: mȧhoo'ōme; ahtónovó'óme. Category: places.
Páeo'hé'e ni. Gram: loc 1 • Powder River, Broadus, Montana. Broadus has the same name as the river near it. Category: places, rivers, record.
2 • Something happened. Móéšeéetsėhesóotséhanéhe Páeo'hé'e. Something must have happened at Powder River. Usage: That is a humorous expression. Énėhesóotse Páeo'hé'e. It happened on Powder River. Category: sayings.
Páevose Powder Peak. Category: places.
pȧhávo'omēē'e ni: place of the good (people). fni: -o'omēē'e. See: pȧhávėstánóva. Category: places.
Póevónaēno ni. Navaho place, Navaho area. Final -nó2. Category: places.
po'ėho'e ni. reservation. Lit: set.aside( Tsėhésepo'ėho'e Cheyenne Reservation. Ooetanepo'ėho'e Crow Reservation. Usage: This word is not widely known. See: Tsėhéstáno; ho'e. Category: places.
Po'enómȧhévéno Lost Leg area. near Lost Lake between Lame Deer and Birney, on the Northern Indian Cheyenne Reservation. Usage: It has been said that there is phonetic confusion in Cheyenne speaking of English between "Lost Lake" and "Lost Leg", with this confusion translated to Cheyenne. Category: places.
póno'e p. downriver, downstream, Rosebud, Montana, El Reno, Oklahoma, Jim Town. Jim Town is a tavern on Rosebud Creek north of, and downstream from, Lame Deer: (another recording) Naa nėhéóhe póno'e éhmanehe mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o And there was a school built below there. [1987:181] Antonym he'ameo'hé'e. See: Ma'xepóno'e ‘Oklahoma City’. Category: places.
Sé'ėstóone ni. Six Stones. This is a place on the Tongue River in Birney where people swim. It is called "Six Stones" in English because the contracted form, said by younger speakers, sounded like that in English. . Non-contracted tséssé'ėstóone. Category: places.
sóeto p. street, passageway. refers to a place where you can travel through. Ques: sóeto?? in line with sóhpeto?? See: sohpeto. Category: places, check.
Šé'šenonévóse ni. Gourd Butte. Category: places.
Toháano'e ni. Texas. Category: places.
Toháano'ého'ēva obl. Texas. See: tȯhé'kėsaé-. Category: places.
Tȯhé'kėsaéve'ho'éno ni. Texas. Lit: cowboy-place Tósa'e néhoo'e Tȯhé'kėsaéve'ho'éno? Where are you in Texas? Category: places.
Tȯhóonévose ni. Stone Hammer Mountain. Category: places.
Tó'ėsemé'hahtsévéno ni. Haskell. Lit: long-beard-place Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: places, check.
Tsėhe'ėsta'émȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Custer City. Lit: long-hair-city named for General George A. Custer. Category: places.
Tsėhésemȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Cheyenne, Oklahoma. Lit: Cheyenne-town Category: places.
Tséh-mȧhemȧhovō'ta ?? Category: check.
vii. Wyola, Montana, Watonga, Oklahoma ?? Category: check. Lit: where (mountains/trees) all come together Category: places.
Tséhma'ėho'a'ē'ta vii. Watonga, Oklahoma. Lit: where there are red (hills) facing together Category: places.
Tséhma'ėho'xó'a'éto cjt. Red Mound. Lit: where it is red against This is a place in Southern Cheyenne country. vii: ma'ėho'xó'a'étó. Category: places, check.
Tséh-mámȯhevō'ta vii. Cantonment, Oklahoma, Wyola, Montana. Lit: where (the woods) comes together (for Cantonment) Category: places.
tséhnȯhó'eóestove vii. parking lot. tsé'ȯhke-nȯhó'eóestove parking lot. See: tsé'ȯhkenȯhó'eóestove ‘parking lot’. Category: places.
Tsé-ho'hamō'ta Hohtóvamȧhēō'o vii. Decker, Montana. Lit: hillside store vii: -ho'hamo'tá. Category: places.
tséhvó'omėho'a'ē'ta vii. White Ridge. near Birney. Category: places.
tsé'ȯhkeéneohéstove vii. parking lot. vai: -éneohe. Lit: where there is stopping See: tsé'ȯhkenȯhó'eóestove ‘parking lot’. Category: places.
tsé'ȯhkenȯhó'eóestove vii. parking lot. vai: -nȯhó'eóó'e. See: tséhnȯhó'eóestove ‘parking lot’; tsé'ȯhkeéneohéstove ‘parking lot’. Category: places.
tséssé'ėstóone ni. Six Stone. Lit: where the land formed protruding into the river This is a place on the Tongue River in Birney where people swim. It is called "Six Stone" in English because the contracted form, said by younger speakers, sounded like that in English. . Contracted Sé'ėstóone. Category: places.
tsésta-anȯhemóto'ėše'eve vii. where there are lots of ash trees going down. a place along the road between Busby and Crow Agency; the road goes down at that point. Category: places.
tséstȧ-ho'xėseotse vii. Gram: ppl especially the Busby Y. Category: places.
Tséx-hótȯxaha vii. Clinton, Oklahoma. (another recording) Lit: where there is the crossing (of railroad tracks?) Variant: Hoóxe'éo'hé'e. Category: places.
Tšėške'mȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Gram: obl Forsythe, Montana. Lit: small town Category: places.
Vé'ho'ȯhtsévóse ni. Sweetgrass Hills. in Montana, north of Fort Benton, near the Canadian border. Category: places.
Vé'ȯhkene'hāne ni. Bitter Lakes. located northwest of Pawnee Fork. Category: places.
-venó fni. place, town. Háonovȧhé-véno Busby (lit. talkative-place) (name not well known for Busby; named after Mr. Busby who was a talkative whiteman). Mé'e'háóhtsé'é-véno at Flies In Sight Woman's (=Jenny Spang's) house/place. See: -nó2. Category: places, grammar.
Vétapȧhaeto'emȧhoéve'ho'éno Anadarko, Oklahoma. Lit: Kiowa-town Category: places.
Vóhkoohémȧhoéve'ho'éno loc. Rabbit Town. Cheyenne cluster of houses on west side of Tongue River at Ashland, Montana. Category: places.
Vóhpoométanéno ni. Busby, Montana. named for the White River area of South Dakota, where the Busby district people lived for a while before coming to the Busby area. See: Vóhpoométane ‘White River person’. Category: places.
Vó'omévóse ni. White Buttes. Lit: white.paint-hill located near the head of Cannon Ball River, South Dakota. Category: places.
Vose tséssé'eéškȯsó'ta vii. Pointing Hill. a hill between Rosebud, Montana, and the reservation area. Category: places.
Vose tséxho'a'ē'ta vii. Cut Hill. near Birney. Category: places.