Cheyenne Dictionary



-áhanemas   vta. shoot s.o. fatally. É-áhanemȧsóho. He fatally shot him. Ná-áhanemāso hemé'kóne. I shot him in his head. fta: -emas. See: -am shoot s.o.. Category: shoot.

-a'tan   vta. accidentally shoot s.o. É-a'tanóho. He accidentally shot him. Etym: *peɁselawe·wa. É-a'tanahtse. He accidentally shot himself. Etym: *peɁsela·sowa > **??. See: -am. Category: shoot.

-ame   vai. shoot. É-ame. He shot. Etym: *pemowa he shoots an arrow. vta: -am. See: -ho'amé; -vóheame. Category: shoot.

-amósané   vai. shoot (somebody). É-amósáne. He shot (somebody). See: -am shoot s.o.. Category: shoot.

-ane'emas   vta. shoot at s.o. É-ane'emȧsóho. He shot at him. Ȯht-ane'emaxėstse Shot At (a name). [1987:42] vti: -ane'emȧxéstá; fta: -emas. See: -ane'eoesemas; -am. Category: shoot.

-ane'emȧxéstá   vti. shoot at s.t. É-ane'emȧxēsta. He is shooting at it. Ééve-ane'emȧxéstánóvo tséá'enomo. They are shooting at the thing you own. [Croft 1988:21:14] vta: -ane'emas. Category: shoot.

-ane'eoesemas   vta. shoot at s.o. quickly. É-ane'eoesemȧsóho. He shot at him quickly. Sé'ea'e móhnėhma'xe-ane'eoesemȧsȯhevovóhe. Right away they started shooting at him. [1987:292] fta: -emas; Medial -oese. See: -ane'emas. Category: shoot.

-anevo'emas   vta. shoot down s.o. É-anevo'emȧsóho He shot him down. for example, shot a bird out of a bush; or while it was flying). Medial -evo'. See: -ávemas. Category: shoot.

-ávemas   vta. shoot down s.o. É-ávemȧsóho. He shot him down. See: -anevo'emas. Category: shoot.

-é'ėškóhtavo'emas   vta. break leg of s.o. by shooting, shoot and break leg of s.o. É-é'ėškóhtavo'emȧsóho. He shot and broke his (obv) leg. Mó'ée'-é'ėškóhtavo'emȧxėhéhe. His leg was broken from the gunshot. [1987:191] fta: -emas. Category: break, shoot.

-e'o'amé   vai. shoot up. É-e'o'āme. He shot up in the air. vé'ho'e tsé-e'o'améstovėstse astronaut (lit., whiteman who is shot up in the air). tsé-e'o'améstove Space Shuttle, rocket.

vti. Gram: ai+o shoot s.t. up. Hé'tóhe ma'heónemaāhe éstatšėše-e'o'amenȯse Má'kó'se. Ma'ko'se shot this sacred arrow into the air. [1987:308] See: -he'amo'amé; -ho'amé. Category: shoot.

-emas   fta. shoot s.o. Étó'om-emȧsóho. He shot him dead.. Éáhan-emȧsóho. He fatally shot him. Éo'ha'-emȧsóho He missed him in shooting. Éhéšk-emȧsóho. He nicked him shooting at him. [1987:191] Mó'ée'é'ėškóhtavo'-emȧxėhéhe. His leg was broken from the gunshot. Phon: the stem-final /s/ has [x] allophone preceding /e/ Variant: -mas; fti: -emȧxestá. Category: shoot.

-emȧxestá   fti. shoot s.t. Éo'ha'-emȧxēsta. He missed it (while shooting). fta: -emas. Category: shoot.

-éto'ene   vii. loaded. for example, of a gun (inanimate) or pipe (animate). É-éto'ene. It is loaded. É-éto'énehe? Is it loaded?

vai. Category: shoot, guns, smoke.

-hehpȯhé'emas   vta. overshoot s.o. that is, miss shooting s.o. by shooting over him. Ná-hehpȯhé'emāso. I shot over him. É-hehpȯhé'emȧsóho. He shot beyond him. fta: -emas; Antonym -pónoma'émas. Category: shoot.

-he'amo'amé   vai. shoot up. that is, to shoot up into the air. É-he'amo'āme. He shot up. Nėhē'še tsé'tó=má'kó'se éstȧ-he'amo'amesėstse hemaāhe. Then this Ma'ko'se shot his arrow into the air. [1987:308] Synonym -e'o'amé. Category: shoot.

-hesta'amas   vta. wound s.o. by shooting. É-hesta'amȧsóho. He shot and wounded him. [1987:107] tséévė-hesta'amȧxese those who had gunshot wounds. [1987:107] Category: shoot.

-hesta'émas   vta. wound s.o. by shooting. É-hesta'émȧsóho. He wounded him shooting. Ná-hesta'émáso. I wounded him by shooting. Nexa ná-hesta'émȧxéne. Twice I got wounded. Category: shoot.

-héškemas   vta. nick s.o. in shooting. É-héškemȧsóho. He nicked him shooting at him. fta: -emas. See: -héškan. Category: hunt, shoot.

-ho'amé   vai. 1 • shoot. This refers to shooting with arrows or a gun. A different word, -váohe, is used for shooting baskets in basketball. É-ho'āme. He shot (for example, arrows). Éto'sė-ho'āme. He is going to shoot. Usage: taboo word, avoided because of vulgar idiomatic usage; instead people say Éamóho 'He shot him (for example, a deer).' See: -am1 shoot s.o.. Category: shoot.

2 • ejaculate. Éma'xė-ho'āme. He shot big. vulgar; jokingly used about ejaculation. The English idiom "big shot" is humorous to Cheyennes because it sounds like this Cheyenne idiom. See: -ame; -oné'amé; -nėhe'otse; ma'xėho'améstoto; -évo'amé; -váohe shoot baskets. Category: vulgar.

-ho'ėspemas   vta. wound s.o. by shooting. É-ho'ėspemȧsóho. He shot him but only wounded him. Category: hunt, shoot.

-kóna'émas   vta. thump head of s.o., shoot s.o. in the head, hit head of s.o. É-kóna'émȧsóho. He thumped his head / shot him in the head. Category: hit, shoot, head.

-mas   fta. shoot s.o. Náé'etsénooná-máso. I shot him breaking his wing. Éhesta'a-mȧsóho. He shot and wounded him. Phon: allomorph of -emas Variant: -emas. Category: shoot.

-nȧha'emas   vta. hit s.o. by shooting. Lit: catch-by.shooting É-nȧha'emȧsóho. He hit him by shooting. Nótȧxévé'hó'e éssáa-nȧha'emȧxeehésesto. The soldiers didn't hit him (with their bullets). [1987:48] fta: -emas; Antonym -o'ha'emas. See: -am; -mas. Category: shoot.

-nȧha'emȧxestá   vti. hit s.t. by shooting. É-nȧha'emȧxēsta. He hit it (by shooting). Éxaetae-nȧha'emȧxēsta. He hit it right on. for example, right on the bullseye. See: -nȧha'enohtá; -nȧha'emestá. Category: shoot.

-nȧha'emestá   vti. hit s.t. by shooting. Étae-nȧha'emēsta. He hit it right on. for example, for hitting the bullseye on a target. See: -nȧha'enóhtá; -nȧha'emȧxestá. Category: shoot.

-no'emas   vta. shoot also and hit s.o. É-no'emȧsóho. He also hit him. for example, with a bullet or arrow. Initial no'-; fta: -emas. See: -am. Category: shoot.

-o'evo'ehá   vii. bounce. for example, of a bullet bouncing off its target. É-o'evo'ēha. It bounced off. É-o'evo'ēha maahe. The bullet/arrow bounced off. vai: -o'evo'ešé. See: -ó'toevo'ehá bounce off. Category: shoot.

-o'ha'e'tov   vta. miss s.o. especially when shooting an animal. É-o'ha'e'tovóho. He missed him. Phon: Some speakers seem to pronounce this as -o'ha'etov. Reduplicated -oó'ha'e'tov. See: -o'ha'emax. Category: hunt, shoot.

-o'ha'emas   vta. miss s.o. in shooting. É-o'ha'emȧsóho. He missed him in shooting. Reduplicated -óo'ha'emas; Antonym -nȧha'emas. Category: hunt, shoot.

-o'ha'emȧxestá   vti. miss shooting s.t. Éo'ha'-emȧxēsta. He missed it (while shooting). fta: -emȧxestá. Category: shoot.

-ó'toevo'ehá   vii. bounce off. É-ó'toevo'ēha. It bounced off. Mó-ó'toevo'ėháhanetséhe vé'ho'emaahe. The bullet must have just bounced off. See: -o'evo'ehá. Category: shoot.

-onó'óóhtá   vti. aim at s.t., aim s.t. Lit: straight-look Can refer to checking the object to be aimed (for example, a gun) and pointing it in the proper direction. Can also refer to looking down a row of plants, such as corn, to see if they are planted straight. É-onó'óóhta. He set it (for example, the sights on a rifle). Tȧhé-onó'óóhtȯhtse! Aim at it! Phon: gr on second /o/ for some speakers vta: -onó'oom; fti: -óóhtá. Category: shoot.

-onó'óom   vti. aim at s.o. É-onó'oomóho. He aimed at him. Pėhéve-onó'oomeha! Aim good at him! Phon: gr on second /o/ for some speakers vti: -onó'óóhtá. Category: shoot.

-onó'oosané   vai. aim. É-onó'óósáne. He is aiming. vta: -onó'oom. Category: shoot.

-oó'ha'emas   vta. miss s.o. repeatedly in shooting. É-oó'ha'emȧsóho. He missed him shooting several times. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -o'ha'emas. Category: hunt, shoot.

-póestséamas   vta. shoot s.o. in the head. É-póestséamȧsóho. He shot him in the head. fta: -mas. Category: shoot, head.

-pó'ponenené   vai. clap repeatedly, pop repeatedly, shoot repeatedly. for example, of repeated thunder claps or shooting sound. É-pó'ponenēne. He made a repeated clapping sound. Mó-pó'ponenėhevóhe. They must have shot (repeatedly). for example, to scare someone away. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -pónenené. Category: weather, shoot, sounds.

-pónȧsémas   vta. shoot s.o. in the belly. É-pónȧsémȧsóho. He shot him in the belly. Mós-pónȧsémȧxėhéhe. He was shot in the belly. [Head Chief text] BodyPartMedial -asé; fta: -mas. Category: shoot.

-pónenemót   vta. fire at s.o., shoot at s.o. É-pónenemoto. He shot at him. É-pónenemótóho. He shot at him. (newer pronunciation). Category: shoot.

-pónenené   vai. be a clap of thunder, shoot with a gunshot noise. É-pónenēne. He made a loud popping sound. for example, by shooting a gun. Nonóma'e é-pónenēne. Thunder clapped. Éma'xe-pónenēne nonóma'e. The lightning made a loud cracking sound. Éohkema'xe-pónenēne. It (thunder) claps loudly. Tósa'e nóháso móstanėšema'xetónėšėhe'ame-pónenenėhéhe. He just shot in any direction up in the air. [1987:277] Reduplicated -pó'ponenené. See: -pónevone. Category: weather, sounds, shoot.

-pónenomót   vta. scare s.o. with a gunshot. É-pónenomoto. He scared him off with a gun shot. É-pónenomótóho. He scared him off with a gun shot. (newer pronunciation). Mós-pónenomótȧhtsėhevóhe. They had shot into the air to scare one another. [1987:28] Category: sounds, shoot, check.

-pónoma'emas   vta. shoot at s.o. but the bullet hits the ground. Ques: émas ?? Category: check. É-pónoma'emȧsóho. He shot at him but the bullet hit the ground. fta: -emas; Antonym -hehpȯhé'emas. Category: shoot.

-pónoma'emȧxestá   vti. shoot at s.t. but the bullet hits the ground. É-pónoma'emȧxēsta. He shot at it but the bullet hit the ground. Category: shoot.

-tó'omemas   vta. shoot s.o. dead. É-tó'omemȧsóho. He shot him dead. Tónesto tséstšėšeésevonėhnévȯsemó'ȯhkeésė-tó'omemȧxeehevovóhe. However many (Cheyennes) had crawled inside (the caves) were shot(after the Ft. Robinson breakout). [1987:43] See: -am. fta: -emas. See: -áhanemas. Category: hunt, shoot.

-tó'omeoesemas   vta. shoot s.o. suddenly, kill s.o. on the spot. Hotȧhtse mósta-tó'omeoesemȧxėstsėhéhe. Here, she must have killed herself. [1987:59] Category: violence, shoot.

-tsėheto'amé   vai. shoot in this direction. É-tsėheto'āme. He shot that direction. He'āma ésta-tsėheto'amésesto. He shot upward. See: ho'amé. Category: shoot.

-véha'éhasené   vai. good roper - be a. É-véha'éhasēne. He is a good roper. See: -véheváohe. Category: shoot.

-vóheame   vai. shoot well, good marksman - be a. É-vóheame. He is a good marksman. See: -ame. Category: shoot.