sit inan
-ahkó'o'tá vii. round.sit, sit round, round sit. for example, be a round pile, or be a round thing sitting somewhere. É-ahkó'ó'ta. It is sitting as a round thing. Category: sit inan, play.
-amėstó'o'tá vii. crosswise.sit, sit crosswise, crosswise sit. usually obstructing. É-amėstó'ó'ta. It is sitting crosswise. See: -amėsto'tá. Category: sit inan.
-amėsto'tá vii. crosswise sit. É-amėstō'ta. It is sitting crosswise. Etym: *pemitaʔte·wi (P). See: -ho'tá; -amėstó'o'tá. Category: sit inan.
-amo'tá vii. be there in place, sit (there). É-amō'ta. It is there. Etym: *pemaɁte·wi (P). Nėhéóhe hé'tóhe tā'se notama móstatšėše-amo'táhanéhe héne, héne nėhéóhe tséhvéévȯse. To the north it must have been a big ridge where they were camped. [1987:95] fii: -o'tá; vai: -amoo'e. See: -amóno'tá; -éno'tá. Category: sit inan.
-amóno'tá vii. sit in place. É-amónó'ta. It is sitting (there). vti: -amóno'tsé. See: -amo'tá. Category: sit inan.
-é'ke'ko'tá vii. unstable, wobbly. É-é'ke'kō'ta. It is wobbly/unstable. vai: -é'ke'koo'e; Antonym -he'kono'tá. Category: sit inan.
-éno'tá vii. end be at. É-énó'ta. It is at the end. tsé'-énó'ta vose at the foot of the mountain. [pd 722] See: -amo'tá; hó'óxe; -énoéstá. Category: sit inan.
-éškȯso'tá vii. sit pointed. É-éškȯsó'ta. It is sitting pointed. Vose tséssé'e-éškȯsō'ta Pointing Hill (a hill between Rosebud, Montana, and the reservation area). [GHOST.TXT] Category: sit inan.
-háa'ėsto'tá vii. tall, high. for example, of a building or tent (but not of a tepee, because a tepee has "standing" poles). É-háa'ėstō'ta. It is sitting tall/high. Vé'ho'éome é-háa'ėstō'ta. The tent is tall/high. fii: -o'tá. See: -háa'ého'oéstá. Category: size, sit inan.
-he'kono'tá vii. stable, stand strong, set firm. É-he'konō'ta. It is set firm. Nánėhešetāno navenȯtse tsė-he'konō'ta. I desire (that) my home will be stable. [VISION.TXT] vai: -he'konoo'e; Antonym -e'ke'ko'tá. Category: sit inan.
-ho'a'e'tá vii. set in that direction. É-ho'a'ē'ta. ?? Ques: a'é'ta?? get question or plural to check pitch É-ho'a'ē'ta vose. It was the end of a hill. [Stamper 1991:8] See: -náha'e'tá. Category: tepee, sit inan, check.
-ho'ehá vii. arrive lie, approach lie, reach lie. É-ho'ēha. It comes up (to the line). Etym: *saxkihθenwi. Naa nėhéóhe kȧhámáxėstse mó'ȯhketšėšemónė-ho'ėháhanevótse. And there sticks lay across it. [1987:314] vai: -ho'ešé. See: -ho'tá1; -xóneehá. Category: sit inan.
-ho'o'tá vii. set, reach. É-ho'ō'ta. It is the first in a row. Etym: *saxkaʔte·wi. For example, the first box in a row of boxes. tsėhéóhe "north" tsé'ȯhkėhenove étama'xetšėšė-ho'ō'ta here, north, as it is called, there's a big ridge. Category: sit inan.
-ho'tá1 vii. be here, be there, be at. É-hó'ta. It is here. É-hó'ta namȧheóne It is in my house. tséx-hó'ta where it is. Hákó'e he'evóne é-ho'tanetótse hema'aataéve'éxanéstotȯtse. His glasses are way down on his nose. vai: /-hoe/. Etym: *aʔte·wi. Category: sit inan.
-ho'xó'o'tá vii. close against. É-ho'xó'ó'ta. It is close up against (something). Category: sit inan.
-hóo'tá vii. exposed. É-hóó'ta. It is exposed. Ésáa-hóo'táhane. It is not exposed. See: -mé'hóo'tá. Category: sit inan.
-hotáevo'tá vii. lean. for example, of a leaning tower. É-hotáévó'ta. It is leaning over. Ques: táá?? Phon: pl See: -htáavan; -hotáó'ó; e'kos-. Category: sit inan.
-hoxo'tá vii. sit rotten. É-hoxō'ta. It is sitting there rotten. Category: sit inan.
-hóxovo'tá vii. be across. É-hóxovō'ta. It is sitting across (something). Category: sit inan.
-mȧhovo'tá vii. sit worn out. É-mȧhovō'ta. It is sitting worn out. Éxae'éše-mȧhovō'ta. It is sitting there worn out. for example, can be said of a tepee that has gotten old and gray. Category: sit inan.
-ma'kėsto'tá vii. lean forward. É-ma'kėstō'ta. It is leaning forward. for example, of the front of a house that leaning down. Category: sit inan.
-ma'o'tá vii. sit red. É-ma'ō'ta. It is sitting there red. Etym: *meçkwaɁte·wi. for example, of a red hill. Category: sit inan.
-mé'o'tá vii. appear there, be there in view. É-mé'ó'ta. It is there in view. Category: sit inan.
-mo'ȯhtávo'tá vii. sit black. É-mo'ȯhtávó'ta. It is sitting there black. Category: sit inan, colors.
-mo'ono'tá vii. sit beautiful. for example, of a butte, tepee, or house. É-mo'onō'ta. It is sitting beautiful. See: -pėhévo'tá. Category: sit inan.
-náha'e'tá vii. stand in honored position, set in front (that is, the foreground), honored position - be in. can refer to an honored tepee or a hill close to the speaker. É-náha'ē'ta. (The tepee) is standing in front in the honored position in the camp. See: -ho'a'e'tá. Category: sit inan, tepee.
-nėhpo'tá vii. closed. É-nėhpó'ta. It is closed/covered. Etym: *kepaʔte·wa. Category: sit inan.
-némo'tá vii. lean. É-némó'ta. It is leaning. Etym: *pyi·maɁte·wi (P). Category: sit inan.
-no'ko'tá vii. sit alone. É-no'kō'ta. It is there alone. for example, of a lone tepee. Category: sit inan.
-no'o'tá vii. sit included. for example, to be in the pile with other things. É-no'ō'ta. It is included. Category: sit inan.
-nonomo'tá vii. quiver, shake. É-nonomō'ta. It is quivering. tsé-nonomō'ta jello (lit. that which quivers). Lit: Category: sit inan.
-ó'o'tá vii. sit dry. É-ó'ó'ta. It is sitting there dry. Etym: *ka·hkaʔte·wi. fii: -o'tá. Category: sit inan.
-o'tá fii. be here, be there. Étáh-ó'ta. It is on top. Éam-ō'ta. It is there. Épėhév-ó'ta. It is positioned in a good place. fai: -oo'e. Category: sit inan.
-pȧhono'tá vii. next to, sit close to, stuck to, adhere. for example, of a stamp, stuck to an envelope. É-pȧhonō'ta. It is stuck on. Category: sit inan.
-pȧhonoo'tá vii. stuck on. É-pȧhonoō'ta. It is stuck on-closed (for example, padlock on door). Tséá'ko é-pȧhonoō'ta. The door is padlocked (literally, round thing is stuck on (the door)). Éšéše-pȧhonoō'ta. It is still (stuck) on there. See: -pȧhono'tá. Category: sit inan.
-papȧhono'tá vii. next to, sit close to, stuck to, adhere. in different places. É-papȧhonō'ta.?? It is stuck on at different places. Non-Redup: -pȧhono'tá. See: pȧhonoo'tá. Category: sit inan.
-pėhévo'tá vii. be in a good place, sit good, good position, sit well. for example, when a house is in a good location. É-pėhévó'ta. It is positioned in a good place. fii: -o'tá. See: -mo'ono'tá; -ho'tá. Category: sit inan.
-sé'o'tá vii. be in the center. É-sé'ó'ta. It is in the center. for example, sitting in the center of camp. Category: sit inan.
-séto'tá vii. remain. É-sétó'ta. It is remaining there. Category: sit inan.
-táho'ko'tá vii. on top. É-táho'kō'ta. It is on top of (something). See: -táho'tá. Category: sit inan.
-táho'tá vii. be on top. for example, on top of a table. É-táhó'ta. It is on top. Etym: *te·hθaʔte·wi (P). fii: -o'tá. See: -táho'ko'tá; -táxehá ‘lie on top’. Category: sit inan.
-ta'omo'tá vii. sit in the way. É-ta'omō'ta. It is sitting in the way. fii: -o'tá. Category: sit inan.
-tó'omo'tá vii. remain same, be there to stay. É-tó'omō'ta. It remained the same/it stayed the same amount/it remained steady/it was there to stay. Category: sit inan.
-tomȯhto'tá vii. sit up. É-tomȯhtō'ta. It is sitting up. Etym: *θemataɁte·wi (P). Category: sit inan.
-tóneto'tá vii. how sit. É-tónetō'ta? How is it sitting/positioned? É-tóneto'tánėstse nama'aataéve'éxanéstotȯtse? How are my eyeglasses sitting (on my nose)? vai: -tónetoo'e. Category: sit inan.
-tóovo'tá vii. stacked. Lit: fold-sit stacked a single time, for instance, one cup stacked on top of another; for multiple objects in a stack, see -totóovo'tá. É-toovō'ta. It is stacked. É-tóovo'tánėstse. They (inanimate) are stacked. Initial tóov-; Reduplicated -totóovo'tá. Category: sit inan.
-totáho'tá vii. sit side by side ?? Ques: side by side or on top?? É-totáho'tánėstse. They (inanimate) are sitting side by side. ?? Non-reduplicated -táho'tá. Category: sit inan, check.
-totóovo'tá vii. stacked. This is multiple layers in the stack. For a single layer see -tóovo'tá. É-totóovo'tánėstse. They (inanimate) are stacked. Non-reduplicated -tóovo'tá; vti: -totóovo'tsé. Category: sit inan.
-tovó'tá vii. have a gap ?? É-tovó'ta. It has a gap. ?? Etym: *tawaɁte·wi (P); cf. M tawa·qtaew (vii) (meaning??). Category: sit inan, check.
-tsėheto'tá vii. sit this way. É-tsėhetō'ta. It sits this way. Category: sit inan.
-vé'evo'tá vii. sit in a dip, sit in an indentation, sit in a corner. É-vé'evō'ta. It is sitting in a dip/corner/indentation. Category: sit inan.
-vésto'tá vii. be there also. É-véstó'ta. It is there also. Etym: *wi·taɁte·wi. Vóhpoométanéno tsévésto'tatse tséh?? where Busby also was (located). See: -no'oem. Category: sit inan, check.
-xanovo'tá vii. sit straight. É-xanovō'ta. It is sitting straight. Category: sit inan.