Cheyenne Dictionary



-a'seh   vta. hurt s.o. in a taboo way; do something taboo to s.o.; do something prohibited to s.o. This can refer to something done to a medicine man which is culturally taboo; for example, walk in front of him, or give him stored water when he should have been given fresh water just gotten from a spring (the first drink a medicine man has in the morning should be fresh for him to have a proper day). É-a'sėhóho. He wronged him by doing something taboo to him. Ná-a'sēho. I did something to him that I was not supposed to do. Etym: *peɁtihe·wa > **peɁsihe·wa (P/L?. Ná-a'seha. He hurt me by doing something to me he should not have done. É-a'sehe. He experienced something that shouldn't have been done to him. Naa náa'sėháá'e kȧsováaheho tsémanese. And they did to me what they were NOT supposed to, the young men who were drinking. See: -a'ta'ov accidentally bump s.o.; -a'seéh accidentally hurt s.o.; hópahpa Even!. Category: interpersonal, taboo.

-é'en   vti. break s.t. by hand. É-é'éna. He broke it by hand. Etym: *pi·kwenamwa (P) > **pi·konamwa (P/L). Nėstsevé'e-é'éna he'ko hotómá'e! Don't break a bone indoors! Especially to get marrow out. This is a cultural taboo. If you break a bone indoors you might break your leg. See: -é'e'o'tsé.

vta. break s.o. by hand. É-é'enóho. He broke him by hand. Etym: *pi·kone·wa (P/L). See: -é'an. Category: break, taboo.

-e'ȯsén   vti. turn over s.t. É-e'ȯséna. He turned it over. Nėstsevé'vé'še-e'ȯséna ho'évohkȯhtse mótšėškéva! Don't turn meat over with a knife! That is a cultural taboo.

vta. turn over s.o. Variant: -e'kȯsén. Category: move, taboo.

ho'évohkȯtse   ni. meat. Nėstsevé'vé'še-e'ȯsēna ho'évohkȯhtse mótšėškéva! Don't turn meat over with a knife! (a cultural taboo). [1987:261] Non-diminutive ho'évoo'ȯtse; Plural ho'évȯhkohtsėstse; Oblique ho'évȯhkotséva; Possessive -hto'évohkȯtse. Ques: htse or tse?? Morph: /ho'évo(hk)ot/. Medial -ot skin, hide. See: -ho'e raw. Etym: cf. *aškye·wakwi raw meat. Category: meat, taboo, check.

-hovȯhéóó'e   vai. stand warming by the fire. É-hovȯhéóó'e. He is standing warming himself by the fire (or stove). Phon: vs There is a cultural taboo against turning your back to a fire. If someone does this, it is said that it will cause tsenėhnóhpama'xėho'eéto 'so that it will snow a lot'. Antonym -hotama'éóó'e; fai: óé2. Category: stand, taboo.

-nȧhahétsėstov   vta. avoid s.o.avoid s.o. taboo; be careful toward s.o., show respect for s.o., avoid s.o., keep away from s.o., shy away from s.o. Several words have to do with avoiding someone: with this entry one avoids and hence shows respect and probably a fear of the person with whom you have a culturally taboo relationship; with -e'hahtov one similarly shows respect by avoidance, but it is not so much an avoidance of fear but of cultural respect; with -nėsétam one avoids another because there is animosity; with -šénétamone avoids another because he (the object) is considered unfit; with -nȧhestov one avoids another because of a cultural prohibition (taboo). With -vó'hova'ov one simply avoids or keeps distant from another with no reason implied ?? É-nȧhahétsėstovóho. He keeps away from/he avoids him. Mó'ȯhkeévėhoháe-nȧhahétsėstóhehevóhe tsééenėheto'eétȧhese vo'ėstaneo'o. They were very leery of people who did this thing. Nȧhahétsėstoveha! Be leery of him! [1987:258] vti: -nȧhahétsestá. See: -nȧhesta; -nȧhahétam; -vó'hova'ov; -e'hahtov. Category: interpersonal, taboo, check.

-nȧhestohe   vai. forbidden, taboo, avoided, abstained from.

vii. forbidden, taboo, avoided, abstained from. É-nȧhestohe. It is forbidden / it is taboo / He is avoided. vta: -nȧhestov. See: -nȧhestóné menstruate. Category: sacred, taboo.

-nȧhestóné   vai. menstruate, have period, period - have, be in moon cycle. Menstruating women had to follow certain traditional customs such as staying away from the main group of the family, not serving food to a medicine man, etc. É-nȧhestóne. She is menstruating. Ééne-nȧhestóne. She is in menopause (lit. she-stop-menstruating). Ésáa'éše-nȧhestónėheo'o. They are not menstruating yet. See: -nȧhestohe; -nȧhestá; -nȧhestov; -hóehót. Category: body function, taboo.

-nȧhestónevo'eétahe   vai. do something forbidden. É-nȧhestónevo'eétahe. He did something forbidden (or taboo). Category: do, taboo.

-nȧhestov   vta. avoid s.o. due to a taboo. for example, forbid someone from attending a meeting or from doing something taboo; or, avoid someone out of respect, such as in certain kinship relationships. É-nȧhestovóho. He avoids him due to a taboo. Nȧhestovoo'o! Stay away from him (delayed impv)! vti: -nȧhestá. See: -nȧhestóné; -e'hahtov; -hoéstomev; -hóeh; -ováhae'ov. Category: interpersonal, taboo.

-nėstané1   na. Gram: poss knee. Usage: This word is sometimes avoided because it sounds similar to 'vagina', ma-'kesta,or 'her vagina', he-'kėstāne ma-nėstāne a knee. Plural ma-nėstaneo'o. na-nėstāne my knee. na-nėstaneo'o my knees. ne-nėstaneo'o your knees. he-nėstāne his knee. Etym: *neketekwa 'my knee'; *keketekwaki your knees. See: -'kesta2 vagina. Category: body, taboo.

-ováhe'étanó   vai. have magical power to get a woman. for example, he has magical powers to get any woman he wants; or he gets power, for example, from fasting at Bear Butte; this power is not to be talked about openly; a taboo subject. É-ováhe'étáno. He has magical powers to get a woman. See: -ovahe; -ovávo'eétahe; -he'étanó. Category: sacred, taboo.

taa'éva   obl. at night. Taa'éva nėstsevé'novo'eohtséme; méstaa'e nėstsenémȧhtsená'o'haēvo. Don't eat (plural) outside at night; a bogeyman will give you a crooked mouth. (a traditional saying) Don't eat (plural) outside at night; a bogeyman will give you a crooked mouth. (a traditional saying). Tóne'še néovēše taa'éva? When did you go to bed last night? hoháa'éše-taa'éva late at night. Reduplicated totáa'ēva. See: táa'e night. Category: time, taboo.

-tóhpóo'ó   vta. see naked. that is, to look at someone naked, especially their genitals; culturally inappropriate. É-tóhpóó'o. He looked at someone who was naked. vta: -tóhpóom; Synonym -tóhpóosané. Category: sight, taboo.

-tóhpóom   vta. take out and see s.o. É-tóhpoomóho. He looked at his (or her; obv.) 'privates' (genitals). Nėstsevé'-tóhpoomahtse; nėstseó'ó'éne. Don't look at your privates; you will become blind. (a cultural prohibition). vai: -tóhpóo'ó. Category: sight, taboo.