Cheyenne Dictionary



-áhanȧho'he   vai. die from heat, burn to death, very hot. Usage: used as humorous exaggeration during very hot weather É-áhanȧho'he. He died from the heat; he is very, very hot. Category: temperature.

-áhanȧho'tá   vii. extremely hot and dry weather, extremely burned, extremely hot weather. É-áhanȧhō'ta. It is extremely hot weather. It can be so hot that everything has dried up. ȯht-áhanȧho'taa'ėstse whenever it is extremely burned out. [Stamper 1991:6] fii: -aho'tá. Category: temperature, weather.

-áhanȧhtam   vta. chill s.o., get s.o. cold. Especially used to refer to when a mother takes her baby outside in the cold without adequate warm clothing or blankets; can also refer to leaving melons or cantelopes (both animate) in a garden so late in the growing season that they freeze. É-áhanȧhtamóho. He got him so cold. See: -he'konose. Category: temperature.

-áhanose   vai. freeze to death. É-áhanose. He froze to death. fai: -ose. See: -tonahe; -ná'tose. Category: death, temperature.

-aho'há   fti. by heat; by burning; by the sun. Évon-ȧhō'ha. He burned it up. Etym: *ehłaʔs (R). fta: -aho'h(n). Category: temperature.

-aho'he   fai. by heat, by sun. Variant: -ho'he. Éam-ȧho'he. He is going along by car. Évon-ȧho'he. He was burned up. Éhe'kon-ȧho'he. He is cooked hard. Etym: *ehłaʔso (R). fta: -aho'h(n); fti: -aho'há; fii: -aho'tá. See: -ho'he. Category: temperature, cook.

-aho'h(n)   fta. by heat, by burning, by the sun. Évon-ȧho'nóho. He burned him up. Néoné'x-ȧho'he. You burned me. Náotá'tav-ȧhō'no navoestȯtse. I dyed my dress blue. Ho'honáá'e né'ést-ȧho'heha! Bring in a hot rock! Ho'honáeo'o né'ést-ȧho'henáno! Bring in hot rocks! Ques: ...'nenáno?? Etym: *ehłaʔsw (R). fti: -aho'há. Category: temperature, check.

-aho'tá   fii. by heat, by burning, by sun. Évon-ȧhō'ta. It was burned up. Évoneoest-ȧhō'ta. It burned instantly. Étóne'xóv-ȧhó'ta? What is the temperature? This final varies between -aho'tá and -ho'tá. Etym: *ehłaʔte· (R). fai: -aho'he, -aho'he; fta: -aho'h(n). See: -ho'tá. Category: temperature.

-amȧho'he   vai. 1 • drive, go by vehicle. Lit: É-amȧho'he. He went by car (truck, etc.). Ná-amȧho'he. I'm driving. Náéve-amȧho'he. I'm driving around. fai: -aho'he. Category: transportation, motion.

2 • walk while it is hot. Category: temperature.

-anóvose   vai. frostbitten. É-anóvose. He is frostbitten. fai: -ose. See: -nȧha'ose. Category: sickness, temperature.

-asé'ham   fta. give a drink to s.o. Étoóom-ȧsé'hamóho. He gave a cold drink to him. Éhehp-ȧsé'hamahtse. He overdosed. fai: -asé'še. Category: temperature.

-é'ohtá1   vii. break from the cold. É-é'óhta. It broke from the cold. Etym: *ki·škatenwi (P). fii: -ohtá5; Homonym -é'ohtá2 have a small waist. Category: temperature.

-évȧho'he   vai. drive around, wander around from heat. É-évȧho'he. He is driving around / he is wandering around he is so hot. See: -éva'éno'hamé. Category: temperature, transportation, car.

éxov-   i. warm. Éstse'he é-éxovahe. The coat is warm. É-éxovóome. It is warm water. É-éxovā'ha. A warm wind is blowing. Category: temperature.

-éxovahe   vai. be warm. Éstse'he é-éxovahe. The coat is warm. Etym: *ki·šo·siwa. Category: temperature.

-éxovȧho'he   vai. warm up. É-éxovȧho'he. He is warmed (himself). Category: temperature.

-éxovȧho'hee'e   vai. sit warming. É-éxovȧho'hee'e. He sat getting warm. Phon: vs See: -éxovoo'e. Category: temperature, sit.

-éxovȧho'héóó'e   vai. stand warming. É-éxovȧho'héóó'e. He is standing getting warm. Phon: vs See: -éxovoo'e. Category: temperature, stand.

-éxovȧho'tá   vii. be warm. É-éxovȧhō'ta. It (for example, a house) is warm. See: -éxovó warm (of weather). Category: temperature.

-éxova'ȧsén   vti. warm s.t. up. Éxova'ȧsénȯhtse! Warm it up! (for instance, about getting the house warm). See: -éxovan. Category: fire, temperature.

-éxova'ȧsénahné   vai. warm house, keep house warm. É-éxova'ȧsénáhne. He keeps the house warm. Variant: -éxovo'ȧsénahné. Category: fire, temperature.

-éxovan   vti. warm s.t. É-éxovāna. He warmed it. Etym: **ki·šo·wenamwa (P).

vta. warm s.o. É-éxovanóho. He warmed him. Etym: **ki·šo·wene·wa (P). See: -e'xovan peel s.o.. Category: temperature.

éxoveéstse'he   na. warm coat, warm shirt. Category: temperature, clothing.

-éxoveéstse'hená   vai. wear a warm coat, wear a warm shirt. É-éxoveéstse'hēna. He has on a warm coat. See: -éxovoestá. Category: clothing, temperature.

-éxovėhahtáho'he   vai. warm feet. É-éxovėhahtáho'he He warmed his feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: temperature.

-éxovėhahtáné   vai. have warm feet. É-éxovėhahtáne. He has warm feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: temperature, feet.

-éxovėhe'onáho'he   vai. have warm hands. É-éxovėhe'onáho'he. He has warm hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: temperature.

-éxovenotová   vai. warm neck - have a. É-éxovenotōva. He has a warm neck. Éxovenotováhéne! Keep your (plural) necks warm! (for example, with a muffler). BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: temperature.

-éxovenotováahe   vai. warm neck - have a. Lit: warm-neck?? Category: check. Éxovenotováahe! Keep your (plural) necks warm! for example, with a muffler. Category: temperature.

éxovenotováahestȯtse   na. muffler, neck scarf. Lit: warm-neck-thing Ques: Check word with speakers?? Category: check. This is not a muffler for a car. See: émooseamévȧho'hóvȧhtóva muffler (for a vehicle). Category: clothing, temperature.

-éxoveóó'e   vai. stand warming up. É-éxoveóó'e. He is standing warming up. Etym: *ki·šowika·po·wa (P). fai: óé2. Category: stand, temperature, record.

-éxoveotse   vii. warm up, become warm. É-éxoveotse. It has warmed up. kómááhe ééšeévȧho'e-éxoveotse so that warm weather has returned ?? See: -éxovó warm - be. Category: weather, temperature, check.

-éxovešé   vai. lie warm. for example, lie in a warm bed. É-éxovēše. He is lying warm. Etym: *ki·šowihšinwa (P). Category: temperature, lie.

-éxovó   vii. warm - be. This is warm of the weather, not of an object which is -éxovȧho'tá. É-éxóvo. It (for example, the weather) is warm. (another recording) Etym: *ki·šowe·wi (P). Ésáa'-éxovóhane. It is not warm. See: -éxoveotse warm up; -nėšėho'tá; -háoho'tá; -éxovȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.

-éxovoestá   vai. wear a warm dress. É-éxovoēsta. She is wearing a warm dress. See: hoestȯtse dress; -éxoveéstse'hená wear a warm coat. Category: clothing, temperature.

-éxovohá   vti. warm s.t. by tool. É-éxovōha. He warmed it by tool. Category: temperature.

-éxovóheehe   vai. warmly swaddled; swaddled warmly; wrapped warmly. É-éxovóheehe. He is swaddled warmly. See: -hóheehe. Category: temperature.

-éxovȯhéeóó'e   vai. stand warming, warm stand. É-éxovȯhéeóó'e. He is standing near the fire warming. Category: fire, stand, temperature.

-éxovo'ȧsénahné   vai. warm house, keep house warm. É-éxovo'ȧsénáhne. He keeps (his house) warm. Variant: -éxova'ȧsénahné. Category: fire, temperature.

-éxovoo'e   vai. sit warm. É-éxovoo'e. He is sitting warm. Etym: *ki·šowapiwa. Phon: vs fai: -oe. See: -hovȯhéoo'e. Category: temperature, sit.

-éxovóomȧho'há   vti. warm s.t. liquid. É-éxovóomȧhō'ha. He warmed up the liquid. Vá'ne-éxovóomȧho'hȯhtse! Just warm it up! See: -nėsóome'há heat s.t. liquid. Category: liquid, temperature.

-éxovotóhtá   vti. blow s.t. warm, warm s.t. by blowing. for example, blowing on ones own hands to make them warm. É-éxovotóhta. He is warming it by blowing on it. Category: temperature.

-háaeho'tá   vii. sun beating down. Ques: hot.from.sun ?? É-háaehō'ta. The sun is beating down. (another recording) This word is said when referring to a bright, sunny day; it appears that this word refers exclusively to heat generated by the sun, whereas -háoho'tá can also refer to heat from other sources. Ého-háaehō'ta. (contracted to Éoháaehō'ta) It is very very hot. É-háaehō'ta anóse naa oha hápó'e tsėhéóhe étonéto. It is sunny outside but likewise here it's cold. Mó-háaeho'táhanéhe. It must be sunny. See: -háoho'tá. Category: weather, temperature, check.

-háevo'ėho'tá   vii. very hot. É-háevo'ėhō'ta. It is very hot inside. For example, inside a sweat lodge. See: -háevó'ho'ėho'tá very bright. Category: temperature.

-háoho'he   vai. be hot, aroused - be sexually. É-háoho'he. He is hot. Can also refer to a man or woman being sexual aroused. See: -nėšėho'he. Category: temperature.

-háoho'hová   vai. heat hot. É-háoho'hōva. He made (something) hot. Néoseeheómė-háoho'hōva. You made (something) too hot. can be about a house or a sweat. Category: temperature.

-háoho'tá   vii. hot. for example, of the weather or a cooking pan. É-háohō'ta. It is hot. (another recording) É-háoho'tahe? Is it hot? Ésáa-háoho'táhane. It is not hot. Mó-háoho'táhanéhe. It must be hot. Reduplicated -hoháoho'tá. See: -nėšėho'tá; -háaeho'tá; -hohpotómȧhó'ta. Category: weather, temperature.

-héesevóooestȧho'tá   vii. boil. É-héesevóooestȧhō'ta. It is boiling. for example, a car radiator that has over-heated. Category: temperature.

-heévȧhetanévaeho'tá   vii. be very hot. in this heat you can see shimmering waves on the horizon. É-heévȧhetanévaehō'ta. It is really hot. Lit: Oklahoma-hot Variant: -heévȧhetanévȧhó'ta. See: -mémėstȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.

-heévȧhetanévȧho'tá   vii. be very hot. É-heévȧhetanévȧhó'ta. It is really hot. Lit: Oklahoma-hot Variant: -heévȧhetanévaeho'tá. See: -mémėstȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.

-he'konohtá   vii. frozen. Lit: hard-from.cold É-he'konōhta. It is frozen. vai: -he'konose; vti: -he'konohtsé; fii: -ohtá5. Category: temperature, weather.

-he'konohtsé   vti. freeze s.t. É-he'konōhtse. He froze it. vai: -he'konose; vii: -he'konohtá; Final -ohta. Category: temperature, weather.

-he'konose   vai. freeze. Lit: hard-by.cold É-he'konose. He froze. Né-he'konȯsehe? Are you frozen? Ná-he'konose. I am frozen. Móstȧ-he'konȯsėhevóhe. They froze. [1987:30] fai: -ose1; vii: -he'konohta. See: -he'konovo'ose; -héne'hose; -ma'oméotse. Category: temperature.

-he'konovo'ose   vai. freeze up. Ná-he'konovo'ose. I froze up. This could be used if my computer freezes up. See: -he'konose. Category: temperature.

-he'xóvȧho'he   vai. Gram: rr so hot, that hot. ... é-he'xóvȧho'he. ... he is that hot. Éto'sėhéne'enóó'e tsé-he'xóvȧho'hėse. He (obv) is going to take his temperature. Category: temperature.

-he'xóvȧho'tá   vii. Gram: rr such.temperature. naa hétsėhéóhe násáahéne'enáhe tsé-he'xóvȧhó'ta. and I don't know what temperature it is here. Category: temperature.

-héne'hose   vai. be frozen stiff. É-héne'hose. He is frozen stiff. fai: -ose. See: -he'konose. Category: temperature.

-héose   vai. accustomed to cold, used to cold. É-héose. He is accustomed to the cold. Ná-héose. I can stand the cold. Initial hé-10 accustomed to; Final -ose; Antonym -ta'pose. Etym: *ši·patiwa he is resistant to cold, endures the cold'. Category: temperature, record.

-hestomȧho'he   vai. prevented by heat. É-hestomȧho'he. He is hindered by the heat; he doesn't want to go anywhere he is so hot. Category: temperature.

-hestomose   vai. hindered by cold. É-hestomose. He is hindered by the cold/he is held back by cold. Final -ose. Etym: *wetamatiwa (Pe). Category: temperature.

-hóevo'ėho'he   vai. out-by.heat. É-hóevo'ėho'he. He got chased out by the heat. For example, from a sweat lodge. See: -hóevo'ho'ėho'he. Category: temperature.

hóhp-   i. melt, thaw. É-hóhpeotse. It thawed out. Category: temperature.

-hóhpėho'há   vti. melt s.t. É-hóhpėhó'ha. He melted it. Category: temperature.

-hóhpėho'tá   vii. melt. É-hóhpėhó'ta. It is melting. typically refers to ice melting from the sun's heat. See: -hóhpeotse; -hóhpe'tá. Category: temperature.

-hóhpé'tá   vii. melt (of an object). É-hóhpé'ta. It (for example, lard) melted. Ésáa-hóhpe'tȧhane. It did not melt. See: -hóhpėho'tá; -hóhpeotse. Category: temperature.

-hóhpen   vti. defrost s.t., melt s.t. É-hóhpéna. He defrosted it.

vta. defrost s.o. É-hóhpenóho. He defrosted him. Category: temperature, check.

-hóhpeoestȧho'he   vai. melt quickly. for example, rock (animate) in a volcano. É-hóhpeoestȧho'he. He melted rather instantaneously. Category: temperature.

-hóhpeoestȧho'tá   vii. melt quickly. É-hóhpeoestȧhō'ta. It melted quickly. Category: temperature.

-hohpéohtsé   vai. sweat. for example, from a fever or from being under stress. É-hohpéóhtse. He is sweating. See: -hohpéotse sweat; -hóhpéohtsé melt. Category: body function, temperature.

-hohpéotse   vai. sweat, perspire. Ques: what is the difference between -hohpéotse and -hohpéohtsé?? Category: check. É-hohpéotse. He is sweating. See: -hohpéohtsé sweat; -hóhpeotse melt; -emá take a sweat. Etym: *apwe:·sowa; cf. O abwezo (N). Category: body function, temperature.

-hóhpeotse   vii. become melted (of an object). É-hóhpeotse. It (or He) melted.

vai. become melted (of an object). Etym: cf. M a·posow. See: -hóhpéohtsé; -hohpéotse; hóhp-; -hóhpe'tá. Category: temperature.

-hohpévo'ėho'he   vai. sweaty from the heat (of a fire). É-hohpévo'ėho'he. He got sweaty from the heat of the fire. Ná-hohpévo'ėho'he. I got sweaty from the heat of the fire. Ques: check recording?? See: -háoho'he. Category: temperature, check.

-hohpotómȧho'tá   vii. hot and humid. É-hohpotómȧhó'ta. It is hot and humid. See: -háoho'ta. Category: weather, temperature.

-hohpotómeotse   vii. warm and sweaty - become.

vai. warm and sweaty - become. É-hohpotómeotse. He (or It) became warm and sweaty. [pd1093] See: -éxoveotse. Category: temperature.

-ho'ėškome   vii. be lukewarm liquid. for example, said of water from a faucet which isn't cool. É-ho'ėškome. It is lukewarm liquid. See: -nėsóome'tá; -ho'ėspȧho'tá. Category: liquid, temperature.

-ho'ėškomó   vii. lukewarm, tepid. Ques: -ho'ėškome ?? Category: check. É-ho'ėškōmo. It is lukewarm (water). Category: liquid, temperature.

-ho'he   fai. by heat (or sun). Variant: -aho'he. Éháo-ho'he. He is hot. Épėhévemée-ho'he. He (for example, burning cedar) smells good. fii: -ho'tá. Category: temperature.

-ho'tá2   fii. by heat; by sun. Éháae-hō'ta. It is sunny. Éháo-hō'ta. It is hot. The spelling of this final varies between -ho'tá and -aho'tá. See: -aho'tá. fai: -ho'he. Category: temperature.

-homóhtose   vai. chilled finally, cold finally. É-homóhtose. The cold finally got to him. Ná-homóhtose. The cold finally got to me. fai: -ose. See: -homó'oestose; -ná'tose. Category: temperature.

-homó'oestose   vai. chilled, cold. more emphatic than -homóhtose. É-homó'oestose He is getting really cold. Ná-homó'oestose. I'm getting really cold. Initial homó'-; Final -ose; Medial -oest. See: homóhtose. Category: temperature.

-hónetsėstȧho'he   vai. lazy because hot. É-hónetsėstȧho'he. He is lazy because of heat. Ná-hónetsėstȧho'he. I'm lazy because I'm so hot (from the heat). Category: temperature.

-hóomose   vai. sheltered from cold. for example, a horse standing behind a house to get out of the cold wind. É-hóomose. He is sheltered from the cold. fai: -ose. Category: temperature.

-kóemenóo'e   vii. frigid, very cold. Lit: popping-berry-? É-kóemenóo'e. It is very cold/it is "popping" cold. Vóhpoométanéno é-kóemenóo'e. It is popping cold in Busby. Phon: not vs said to mean 'it is popping cold'. This word comes from the sound of trees etc. popping from the cold, heard in the crisp cold air. See: -koomenóó'e; -koomónoo'e; -vé'ȯhkemenoo'o; -pónohtá. Category: weather, temperature.

-mȧhose   vai. all cold. É-mȧhoseo'o. They are all cold. Category: temperature.

-ma'eesévose   vai. red nosed from the cold, nose red from cold. É-ma'eesévose. He has a red nose from the cold. Etym: *meçkwikweθe·watiwa. Ná-ma'eesévose. My nose is red from the cold. fai: -ose1; BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -ma'e'ėstávose ears red from cold; -ma'énevose face red from cold. Category: nose, temperature.

-ma'ėhe'onávose   vai. hands red from cold. É-ma'ėhe'onávose. His hands are red from the cold. Category: temperature, colors.

-ma'ėho'tá   vii. red hot - be. É-ma'ėhō'ta. It is red hot. Etym: *meçkwehθaɁte·wi. See: -ma'kėho'tá. Category: temperature.

-ma'énevose   vai. red face from cold, face red from cold. É-ma'énevose. He has a red face from the cold. Etym: *meçkwi·nkwe·watiwa. fai: -ose1; BodyPartMedial -éné. Phon: hpo See: -ma'eesévose nose red from cold. Category: temperature, face.

-ma'évȧho'he   vai. redden from heat. É-ma'évȧho'he. He turned red from the heat. Category: temperature.

-ma'kėho'tá   vii. red from heat. É-ma'kėhō'ta. It is red from heat (or sun). See: -ma'ėho'tá. Category: temperature.

-má'tȯhpeotse   vii. completely melt, fizzle out. É-má'tȯhpeotse. It is all melted.

vai. fizzle out; quit. for example, of a person who throws his hands up and quits. See: -hóhpeotse. Category: liquid, temperature.

-mano'kose   vai. huddle from cold. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'kȯseo'o. They are huddled together because it is cold. fii: -ose1. Category: temperature, weather.

-mémėstȧho'tá   vii. very hot, shitty hot. É-mémėstȧhó'ta. It is "shitty hot. crude slang for 'It is very hot'. Usage: crude slang Lit: shitty-hot See: -héevȧhetanévȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.

-momá'eóhtavose   vai. have red legs from the cold. É-momá'eóhtavose. His legs are red from the cold. BodyPartMedial -óhtá4; Non-reduplicated -ma'eóhtavose. See: -ná'tose. Category: temperature.

-momá'ėškóhtavose   vai. have red legs from the cold. É-momá'ėškóhtavose. His legs are red from the cold. Category: temperature, colors.

-ná'tose   vai. cold. É-ná'tose. He is cold. Ná-ná'tose I am cold. É-ná'tȯseo'o. They are cold. Né-ná'tȯsehe? Are you cold? Mó=né-ná'tose? You're cold? Násáa-ná'tȯséhe. I'm not cold. Néohkenéhe-ná'tȯsehe? Do you get cold quickly? fai: -ose. See: -ná'tsevo'ose; -ta'pose. Category: temperature.

-ná'tȯsėhahtávose   vai. cold feet. Ná-ná'tȯsėhahtávose. My feet are cold. Synonym -toehahtáohtsé. See: -toehahtá. Category: body, temperature.

-ná'tȯsėhe'onávose   vai. have cold hands. Ná-ná'tȯsėhe'onávose. My hands are cold. Category: temperature. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body. See: -ná'tose.

-ná'tȯsešé   vai. lie cold. É-ná'tȯséše. He is lying cold. See: -ná'tȧše'še; -ná'tose; -tonėšešé; -toešé. Category: lie, temperature.

-ná'tsėhahtávose   vai. have cold feet. É-ná'tsėhahtávose. He has cold feet. Né-ná'tsėhahtávȯsehe? Are your feet cold? Ná-ná'tsėhahtávose. I have cold feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá; fai: -ose. See: -nae'hahtáohtsé ??; -he'konȧhtávose frozen feet. Category: feet, temperature, check.

-ná'tse'ėstávose   vai. ears cold - have. É-ná'tse'ėstávose. His ears are cold. ?? Category: check. See: -ma'e'ėstávose ears red from cold. Category: ears, temperature.

-nėhe'xóvȧho'tá   vii. that temperature. ... é-nėhe'xóvȧhó'ta. ... it's that temperature. Category: temperature.

-nėhpohtá   vii. obstructed by cold, frozen shut. É-nėhpóhta. It is frozen shut. É-nėhpȯhtánėstse nama'aataeve'éxanéstotȯtse. My eyeglasses are fogged up. Ésáa-nėhpȯhtáhane. It is not frozen over. Etym: *kepatenwi. Category: temperature.

nes-   i. heat, hot. É-nėsóomē'ta. It is hot liquid. See: néš-. Category: temperature.

-nėsóome'ȧhá'ené   vai. warm cook. that is, warm up food. Ná-nėsóome'ȧhá'éne. I'm warming up food. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: cook, temperature.

-nėsóome'há   vti. warm s.t. liquid, heat liquid. É-nėsóomē'ha. He heated it (liquid). Etym: *kešya·kamisamwa > **kešya·kamiʔsamwi. See: -nėšėho'há; -éxovoomȧho'há warm s.t. liquid. Category: liquid, temperature.

-nėsóome'há'ené   vai. heat food. Ná-nėsóome'há'éne. I'm heating food. fai: = -ahá'ené. Category: cook, food, temperature.

-nėsóome'tá   vii. be heated liquid, be heated water, be hot water. É-nėsóomē'ta. It is hot liquid. Etym: **kešya·kamiʔte·wi. Medial -óome; Initial nes-. See: -nėšėho'tá; -héesevo'tá; -háoome'tá. Category: temperature, liquid.

nėš-   i. heat, hot. É-nėšėho'he. He has a fever/he is hot. See: nes-. Category: temperature.

-nėšėhahtáho'he   vai. have hot feet. Ná-nėšėhahtáho'he. My feet are hot. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: temperature, feet.

-nėšėho'há   vti. warm s.t., heat s.t. É-nėšėhó'ha. He warmed it (for example, meat). See: -nėsóome'há. Category: temperature, cook.

-nėšėho'he   vai. 1 • hot - be, fever - have a. É-nėšėho'he. He has a fever/he is hot. Initial nėš-; vii: -nėšėho'tá. Etym: cf *kešisowa he has a fever. See: -háoho'he; -oesenȧho'he.

2 • in heat. can refer to an animal being in heat or a woman sexually aroused. Category: temperature, sickness, body function, sex.

-nėšeoestȧho'tá   vii. hot quickly. É-nėšeoestȧhō'ta. It got hot. (for example, a car engine that over-heated). Category: temperature.

-nonomose   vai. shiver from the cold. É-nonomose. He is shivering from the cold. Né-nonomȯsehe? Are you shivering from the cold? Ná-nonomose. I am shivering from the cold. fai: -ose1. Category: temperature.

-oesenȧho'he   vai. very hot; feverish. É-oesenȧho'he. He is very hot / has a fever. Category: sickness, temperature.

-ohtá5   fii. cold, frozen. Éton-ōhta. It is cold. Éhe'kon-ōhta. It is frozen. Éma'omév-óhta. It is icy/there is a layer of ice on top. Ésáama'omév-ȯhtáhane. It is not icy. Étonova'om-ōhta. It (for example, river ice) is thick. Épón-óhta. It is frigid. Etym: *aten (R). fai: -ose1; Homonym -ohtá2 abdomen. See: -óhtá1 by mouth; -óhtá4 leg (medial). Category: temperature.

-ó'xe'ėsévohtá   vii. crack bottom from freezing. Lit: crack-butt-freeze especially of a plastic bucket with water left outside during freezing weather. Tse-ó'xe'ėsévóhta. It will crack on the bottom from freezing. BodyPartMedial -'esé. See: -pa'e'ėsévohtá. Category: temperature.

-pa'e'ėsévohtá   vii. bulge bottom from freezing. Lit: bump-butt-freeze É-pá'e'ėsévóhta. It got a bulge from freezing. Tse-pa'e'ėsévóhta. It will get a bulge from freezing. for example, how the bottom of a bucket of water bulges when it is left outside during freezing weather. See: -ó'xe'ėsévóhta. BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: temperature.

-pėhévetootómoo'e   vai. sit where it is nice and cool. Ná-pėhévetootómoo'e. I'm sitting where it's nice and cool. See: -tootómoo'e; -tootómó; -pėhévetoetómoo'e. Category: sit, temperature.

-pónose   vai. be frozen down. especially of being frozen to the ground. É-pónose. He is frozen down. fai: -ose; vii: -pónohtá. Etym: cf. M pa·kacew he freezes to hardness. See: -ná'tose; -homóhtose. Category: temperature.

-ta'pȧho'he   vai. weak with reference to heat, can't stand heat. É-ta'pȧho'he. He can't stand the heat. Antonym -tá'pose. See: -ta'pahe. Category: temperature.

-ta'pose   vai. easily chilled. Lit: weak-cold É-ta'pose. He gets cold easily. Etym: *lexpatiwa (P). Ná-ta'pose. I get cold easily. (another recording) Né-ta'pȯsehe? Are you easily chilled? fai: -ose; Antonym -héose. Phon: sfr See: -ta'pȧho'he; -ta'pahe; -ta'páno'xe. Category: temperature.

to-   i. cold, cool. É-toóome. It is cool liquid. É-toēha. It is lying cold. É-tóno. It (some object) is cold. See: -tonétó; -tootomaná. Category: temperature.

-toeesé   vai. cold nose. Ná-toeēse. My nose is cold. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: temperature, body, nose.

-toehá   vii. lie cold. É-toēha It is lying cold. Etym: *tahkihθenwi. É-toehánėstse menȯtse. the berries are lying cold. fii: -(e)há; vai: -toešé. Category: temperature.

-toehahtá   vai. have cold feet. É-toehāhta. He has cold feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Etym: *tahkisite·wa (P). See: -ná'tȯsėhahtávose. Category: temperature, body.

-toehahtáohtsé   vai. have cold feet. Ná-toehahtáóhtse. My feet are cold. Medial -hahtá; Synonym -ná'tȯsėhahtávose. Category: temperature.

-toehe'oná   vai. have cold hands. É-toehe'ōna. He has cold hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands, temperature.

-toe'haná   vai. eat a salad. Lit: eat-cold É-toe'hāna. He ate a salad. Ná-toe'hāna. I ate a salad. See: -vóhkoohéve'haná eat a salad; vóhkoohémėsėhestȯtse salad. Category: temperature.

-toene'ho'tá   vii. cold room. É-toene'hō'ta. It is cold in the room. Initial toe-. See: -tonėseoméo'e; -ne'ho'tá. Category: temperature.

-toeotse   vii. cool off. É-toeotse. It (or He) cooled off.

vai. cool off. hó'-toeotsėstse whenever he cools off. See: -tootómeotse; -tóeotse become stubborn. Category: temperature.

-toešé   vai. lie cold. É-toēše. He is lying cold. Etym: *tahkihšinwa (P). Mésėhéstoto é-toešenao'o. The potatoes are (lying) cold. See: -tonėšešé; -ná'tȯsešé. Category: lie, temperature.

-tó'omose   vai. stiff from cold - be. É-tó'omose. He is stiff from cold. fai: -ose. Category: temperature.

-tomȯhtoo'kohó   vii. cold rain, rain cold. É-tomȯhtoo'kōho. It is a cold rain. Variant: -tonȯhtoo'kohó. Ques: recheck?? See: hoo'kohó. Category: temperature.

to(n)-   i. cold. Category: temperature.

-tonahe   vai. cold. Can be said of a corpse, but not normally of a living person of whom it can be said Éná'tose 'He is cold.' But if someone is near hypothermia, this verb, -tonahe, is used. É-tonahe. He is cold. Etym: *tahkesiwa. Initial to(n)-. See: -ná'tose; -áhanose. Category: temperature.

-tónėsétam   vta. how regard s.o., how think about s.o. É-tónėsétamóho? What does he think of him? Né-tónėsétámo? What do you think of him? Násáa-tónėsétamóhe. I don't have any feelings toward him (probably especially no ill feelings). vti: tónėsétsest. Category: temperature, cognition, interpersonal.

-tonėšešé   vai. lie cold. É-tonėšēše. He is lying cold. See: -toešé; -ná'tȯsešé. Category: lie, temperature, check.

-tonétó   vii. be cold (of the weather). É-tonéto. It is cold. (another recording) Etym: cf *tahkihθenwi. É-tonétohe? Is it cold? Mó'é-tonéto? It is cold? Ésáa-tonétȯhane. It is not cold. Étóne'xóve-tonéto? How cold is it? ȯhtȧháe-tonétoo'ėstse whenever it's really cold. Ééšėto'seasė-tonéto. It is starting to get cold. Éháe-tonéto. It is very cold. Éhoháe-tonéto. It is very very cold. The following two recordings show contraction of osee- to see- that occurs often. Ésee-tonéto. It is very cold. (another recording) Ééškȯse-tonéto. It is very (literally, sharp) cold. Évé'ȯhke-tonéto. It is very (literally, bitter) cold. Émémėse-tonéto. It is very (lit. shitty) cold. Use -tóno for cold of some object. Use -ná'tose for when a person feels cold. See: -tootomó; -tonó; -koomenóó'e; -ná'tose. Category: weather, temperature.

-tonétóohtsé   vii. turn cold. Éhno'ease-tonétóóhtse. It also started to get cold. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.080] Category: temperature, weather.

-tonétootse   vii. turn cold, become cold. ma'-tonétóotse. when it turns cold. Category: temperature, weather.

-tonó   vii. cold (of an object) - be. -tonétó refers to cold weather. É-tóno. It is cool. Etym: *tahkye·wi (P). Ésáa-tonóhane. It is not cool. vai: -tonahe. See: -toóome; -tonétó; tonó'séó'o. Category: temperature.

-tonohtá   vii. cold. of an object. É-tonōhta. It is cold. fii: -ohtá; vai: tonahe. See: -toen; -tonotóhtá. Category: temperature.

-tonȯhta'há   vii. be a cold wind. É-tonȯhtā'ha. It is a cold wind. (another recording) See: -móhtona'há breezy. Category: temperature, weather, wind.

-tonȯhtóma'oo'e   vai. sit on cold ground. can be a cold floor, also. É-tonȯhtóma'oo'e. He is sitting on cold ground. Medial -óma'. See: -tonȯhtoo'e. Category: temperature, sit.

-tonȯhtomóhtahe   vai. feel chilled. Ná-tonȯhtomóhtahe. I feel chilled. See: -ná'tose. Category: temperature.

-tonȯhtoo'e   vai. sit cold. É-tonȯhtoo'e. He is sitting cold. Phon: vs See: -tonȯhtóma'oo'e. Category: temperature, sit.

-tonó'tsé   vti. cool s.t. É-tonó'tse. He cooled it. Etym: *tahkaɁta·wa (P). Ná-tonó'tse. I cooled it. Category: temperature.

-tonȯseoméo'e   vii. cold inside. for example, inside a room. É-tonȯseoméo'e. It is chilly. É-tonȯseomeo'ehe? Is it cold inside? Phon: iah Ques: -tonėseoméo'e or -tonȯseméo'e?? Category: temperature, check.

-tónova'omohtá   vii. frozen thick. É-tónova'omōhta. It is frozen thick. [When Cheyennes Crossed the Ice.015] fii: -ohtá2 cold. Category: temperature, weather.

-toóoman   vti. cool s.t. liquid by hand. for example, by waving one's hand over the liquid. É-toóomāna. He cooled it (liquid) by hand. Category: liquid, temperature.

-toóomȧše'še   vai. drink cold liquid. É-toóomȧše'še. He drank cold liquid (for example, Kool-Aid or soda pop). Ná-toóomȧše'še. I'm drinking soda pop. Náta-toóomȧšé'šéme. We're going to drink cold drinks. Ques: recheck preceding sentence translation of Náta-?? Category: check. Final -ase'še. Category: temperature.

-toóome   vii. cold water - be. É-toóome. It is cold water. (another recording) Etym: *tahka·kamyiwi (P). tsé-toóome cool water. Medial -óome. See: -tonó cold (of an object); -tootómó cool; toóomȧšé'šestȯtse cold drink. Category: temperature, liquid.

-tootóma'há   vii. blow cool. É-tootómá'ha. It is a cool breeze. Épėhéve-tootómá'ha. It (for example, fan) is throwing off a nice cool feeling; It is a nice cool breeze. fii: -a'há wind. Category: weather, temperature, wind.

-tootómeotse   1 • vai. cool off. Ná-tootómeotse I cooled off.

2 • vii. É-tootómeotse. It cooled off. See: -toeotse. Category: temperature.

-tootómešé   vai. lie in a cool place. É-tootóméše. He slept in a cool place. Category: lie, temperature.

-tootómȯhoné   vai. cool. É-tootómȯhóne. He cools. for example, by waving a paper fan. Category: temperature.

-tootómȯhonétó   vii. cool. É-tootómȯhonéto. It (for example, a fan) is cooling. Category: temperature.

-tootómo'eohtsé   vai. travel by wagon in the cool. É-tootómo'eōhtse. He is traveling by wagon where/when it is cool. fai: -ó'e1 roll. Category: roll, temperature.

-tootómoo'e   vai. sit cool. É-tootómoo'e. He is sitting in a cool place. Phon: vs See: -pėhévetootómoo'e. Category: sit, temperature.

-tovahe   vai. cool off. É-tovahe. He cooled off. See: -tóvahe stubborn. Category: temperature.

-tova'há   vii. blow cool. É-tovā'ha. It (fan) is blowing cool air. See: -tootómó. Category: temperature.

-tovan   vti. cool s.t. É-tovāna. He cooled it. for example, to cool off your car by lowering its windows. Category: temperature.

tsé-toóome   vii. cool liquid, cool water. Lit: that which is a cold liquid See: toóomȧšé'šestȯtse; -toóome. Category: drink, temperature.

-vé'ȯhkemenóo'e   vii. very cold. É-vé'ȯhkemenóo'e. It is very cold. Usage: possibly a loan transl. See: -koemenóo'e. Category: temperature.