Cheyenne Dictionary



-a'enó'nevátamáno'e   vii. look dark. É-a'enó'nevátamáno'e. It looks dark. Phon: iah fii: -átamáno'e. Category: appearance, environment.

anȯhemé-   pv. homely with a handsome spouse - be. Ques: anȯhomé- ?? Category: check. É-anȯhemé-éháma. She is homely with a handsome husband. É-anȯhemé-'éva. He is homely with an attractive wife. Category: appearance.

-átamaahe   fai. appear. Épėhév-atamaahe. He is good-looking. Émo'on-átamaahe. He is beautiful in appearance. Évéhon-átamaahe. He looks like a chief. Éono'-átamaahe. He is respected. Éma'heón-atamaahe. He has a holy appearance. fii: -átamáno'e. Category: appearance.

-é'komenóno'e   vii. look greasy. É-é'komenóno'e. It looks greasy. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-é'komenóohe   vai. look greasy. É-é'komenóohe. He looks greasy. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-éxovenóohe   vai. look warm. É-éxovenóohe. He looks warm. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-háaeome   vai. very fat. É-háaeome. He is very fat. Synonym -he'keóme. Category: appearance.

-háanóohe   vai. look ?? É-háanóohe. He looks ?? Ques: É-háenóohe ?? vii: -háanóno'e. Category: check, appearance.

-háenóno'e   vii. look bad, look intense. often refers to looking bad, but can refer to being very pretty. É-háenóno'e. It looks bad. Antonym -pėhévenóno'e. See: -háenóohe; -hoháenóohe. Category: appearance.

-háenóohe2   vai. look badly beaten up. É-háenóohe. He really looks beat up. See: -háenóohe1 be many; -hoháenóohe. Category: appearance.

-hávėsévahe   vai. bad. could refer to a rotten potato or apple. É-hávėsévahe. He is bad/ugly. Antonym -pėhévahe. Category: quality, appearance. See: -senóvahe; -osenove.

-hávėsévenóno'e   vii. look bad, ugly. É-hávėsévenóno'e. It looks bad. fii: -nóno'e; Antonym -pėhévenóno'e. See: -háenóno'e. Category: appearance.

-hávėsévenóohe   vai. look bad, look ugly. É-hávėsévenóohe. He looks bad. fai: -nóohe; Antonym -pėhévenóohe. Category: appearance.

-he'hemahe   vai. speckled, spotted. for example, of a horse or bird. É-he'hemahe. He is speckled. Naa nėhē'še tséohtšemo'ȯhtávė-he'hemȧhese tsé'tóhe vé'kėseho (móx)hósevéehevóhe. And then the black-speckled birds were also camped. [1987:316] vii: -he'hemó. Category: appearance.

-he'hema'ová   vai. speckled hide, spotted hide. É-he'hema'ōva. He (especially a horse) has a spotted hide. Category: appearance, horses.

-he'keómeotse   vai. become fat. Nátávetšėške'-he'keómeotse. I have gotten slightly fat. Category: appearance.

-he'konenóno'e   vii. look hard. É-he'konenóno'e. It looks hard. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-he'konenóohe   vai. look hard. É-he'konenóohe. He looks hard. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-he'kóovenóohe   vai. look wet. É-he'kóovenóohe. He looks wet. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-héne'šenóno'e   vii. look stiff, stiff - look. É-héne'šenóno'e. It looks stiff. Category: appearance.

-héne'šenóohe   vai. look stiff, stiff - look. É-héne'šenóohe. He looks stiff. Category: appearance.

héohnéve-   pv. desirable. É-héohnévenóohe. He is desirable looking. See: -péohnétó. Category: appearance.

-hesó'xenóno'e   vii. look slippery, slippery look. É-hesó'xenóno'e. It looks slippery. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-hesó'xenóohe   vai. look slick. É-hesó'xenóohe. He looks slick. for example, of a tarp (animate). fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-hesta   vai. Gram: rr appear so, be that way, reside there, have such abode, live that way, exist, inhabit, come into being, originate, live. É-hesta. That's where he resides ; that is his habitat. É-hesta hétsėhéóhe. He inhabits here. tsé-hestávȯse the way they are; the way they look. For example, when speaking of the monster of Loch Ness, we could say Nessie é-hesta Loch Ness, meaning that Loch Ness is the ONLY location of this monster. Étsė-hesta. He is like this. Énė-hesta. He is like that. tsé-hestȧse "You're always doing something goofy/stupid" (idiomatic usage). Oóxésta é-hestahe? Is he alright? A'e é'évaamėhnesėstse naa oóxésta mó'évȧ-hestȧhéhe. He walked very soon and all right, that is how he became. [1987:109] Ho'néoxháaestse móx-hestȧhéhe 1900 tséxhenóvetse. Brave Wolf (Jim One Bear) was born in the year of 1900. [1987:32] Móhkaveo'o éohkė-hestao'o háá'ėše hoéhose. Bobcats live far away in the hills. [1979:204] Hée nevá'esėstse tsėhéóhe mó-hestȧhéhe. Hey, someone must exist here. [JOURNEY.TXT] tsé-hestatsėse the way he (obv) looked. [1988:289] tsé-hestase those who inhabit / what they are like. Hová'e váotseváhne hánȧháóhe tsé-hestase? What kind of deer inhabit there. Tsé-hestase tá'tóhe návóomoo'o. Those that look like that , I saw them. A number of Cheyennes have pointed out that this sounds similar to their word for 'Cheyenne people', Tsétsėhéstȧhese (simpler spelling Tsitsistas), which they suggest may be derived from this word. compare Tsétsėhéstȧhese those who are Cheyennes. See: héstánóva place; Héstáné'e Nation Woman; -hestá say s.t.; -héstahe be from there; -hestáotse born; -hesó be so; -vo'ėstanéheve live; oóxésta all right; -tsėhéstahe be Cheyenne; tsétsėhestase those who are this way; Tsétsėhéstȧhese those who are Cheyennes; -tónesta how be like. Category: live, appearance.

-heše'évahe   vai. dirty - be. É-heše'évahe. He is dirty. vii: -heše'évó. Category: appearance.

-heše'évenóno'e   vii. look dusty, look muddy. É-heše'évenóno'e. It looks dusty. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-heše'évenóohe   vai. appear dirty, look dirty. É-heše'évenóohe. He looks dirty. Éxxamaemȧhe-heše'évenóohéhoo'o. He was just all dirty (pret). [1987:70] Variant: -heše'kévenóohe; fai: -nóohe. See: -ho'sotahe. Category: appearance.

-heše'évó   vii. dirty - be. É-heše'évo. It is dirty. vai: -heše'évahe; Synonym -ho'sotó. Category: appearance.

heše'(k)év-   i. dusty, dirty. É-heše'évéha. It is collecting dust. É-heše'événe. He has a dirty face. É-heše'évoome. The water is dirty. See: ho'sot-. Category: appearance.

-heše'kévenóohe   vai. look dirty. É-heše'kévenóohe. He looks dirty. Móxho'nóhene'enomévȯhtse tséto'sėhešeée-heše'kévenóohévȯse. They did not know that they were going to get dirty. [1987:69] Variant: -heše'évenóohe. Category: appearance.

-hešenóno'e   vii. Gram: rr look so, appear so, so look, so appear. ... é-hešenóno'e. ... that is how it looks. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-hešenóohe   vai. Gram: rr so.look, so look, look so. ... é-hešenóohe ... that is how he looks. Etym: *ešina·kwesiwa (P); O izhinaagozi (N). fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-hetomóét   vta. impersonate s.o., act like s.o., look like s.o. É-hetomóeto ho'neho. He impersonates a wolf. É-hetomóétóho. He looks/acts just him; he impersonates him (newer pronunciation). móót?? delete this or the móót entry?? Móx-hetomóetȯhevóhe xamaešé'šenovoto. He must have been like the rattlesnake. That could be said about the behavior of someone who behaved like a rattlesnake, sometime after having been bitten by one. See: -hóxe'ėstséh; -het. Category: appearance, check.

-hetomóohe   vai. resemble the family one comes from. É-hetomóohe. He looks like the people he comes from. See: -hetov. Category: appearance.

-hetomóót   vta. resemble s.o., impersonate s.o., look like s.o. É-hetomóoto. He resembles him. Ques: delete this or the hetomóét entry?? check vti spelling to help with et/ot?? É-hetomóótóho. ?? He resembles him. (newer pronunciation). É-hetomóoto ho'neho. He is impersonating a wolf. Ná-hetomóóto ného'éehe. I look just like my father. É-hetomóoto heške. She looks just like her mother. Móx-hetomóotȯhevóhe xamaešé'šenotovoto. He must have been like a rattlesnake. Category: appearance, check.

-hetov   vta. resemble s.o., act like s.o., be like s.o., ook like s.o. This word can refer to appearance or behavior; for example, this could refer to a baby crying like his namesake. É-hetovóho. He is like him. Etym: *eθawe·wa; cf. M ena·wae·w. See: -tóva'ov; tóo'ėstseh; -hóxe'ėstséh; -het; -hetomóohe. Category: appearance, personality.

-hétsėhesta   vai. be in bad shape, look bad. É-hétsėhesta. He is in bad shape/he looks bad. for example, after a car wreck. Category: appearance.

-hoháenóohe   vai. look terrible, look awful. É-hoháenóohe. He looked terrible. Non-reduplicated -háenóohe2; fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-hoháestóone   vii. made fancy. for example, a car. É-hoháestóone. It is made fancy. Category: appearance.

ho'sot-   i. dirty. É-ho'sotahe. He is dirty. É-ho'sotátsésta. He regarded him (obv) as being dirty. É-ho'sotóome. It is dirty water. See: heše'(k)év-. Category: appearance.

-ho'sotsenóno'e   vii. appear dirty, look dirty. É-ho'sotsenóno'e. It looks dirty. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-ho'sotsenóohe   vai. look dirty. É-ho'sotsenóohe. He looks dirty. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-hoó'ėspenóohe   vai. look weak. É-hoó'ėspenóohe. He looks weak / not quite right (??). Category: appearance.

-hoónȯsenóno'e   vii. look lonesome, look lonely. for example, a deserted camp or an unoccupied house. É-hoónȯsenóno'e. It looks lonely. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-hoónȯsenóohe   vai. look lonely. É-hoónȯsenóohe. He looks lonely. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-hóxe'enóestsé   vti. make s.t. look clean. É-hóxe'enóéstse. He is making it look clean. Initial hóxe'e-; Final -nóestsé. Category: appearance.

-hóxe'enóno'e   vii. look clean. É-hóxe'enóno'e. It looks clean. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-hóxe'enóohe   vai. look clean. É-hóxe'enóohe. He looks clean. Category: appearance.

-hoxo'ȯhtsévenóno'e   vii. look green, appear green. Éx-hoxo'ȯhtsévenóno'éneho. It looked green (surp.). [Stamper 1991:6] Category: appearance.

-koósenóno'e   vii. look tiny. É-koósenóno'e. It looks tiny. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance, size.

-koósenóohe   vai. look tiny. É-koósenóohe. He looks tiny. Category: appearance.

-koósenóohee'e   vai. sit looking tiny. É-koósenóohee'e. He is sitting looking tiny. Category: appearance, sit.

-mȧhoveotse   vii. wear out.

vai. wear out. for example, of an old shoe. É-mȧhoveotse. He (or It) wore out. Category: appearance.

-ma'enóno'e   vii. look red. É-ma'enóno'e. It looks red. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance, colors.

-ma'enóohe   vai. look red. É-ma'enóohe. He looks red. Etym: *meçkwina·kwesiwa. for example, of a shirt (animate). vii: -ma'enónon'e. Category: appearance.

-ma'évenóohe   vai. look bloody. Éma'évenóohe. He looks bloody. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-ma'heónatamaahe   vai. holy appearance, appear holy. É-ma'heónatamaahe. He has a holy appearance. fai: -átamaahe. Category: appearance.

-mámenóohee'e   vai. look huge sitting. É-mámenóohee'e. He looks huge sitting (there). fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance, sit.

mé'hováve   i. hairy. Éta-mé'hovávėhe'onao'o. They have hairy hands. Category: texture, appearance.

-mo'enenóno'e   vii. beautiful. É-mo'enenóno'e. It is beautiful. Phon: vs Ques: recheck ?? Category: check. fii: -nóno'e. See: -mo'óna'e. Category: appearance.

-mo'enenóohe   vai. beautiful in appearance, look beautiful. especially the way one is dressed; cf. -mo'onahe which especially refers to facial features. É-mo'enenóohe. He is dressed handsomely / She looks beautiful. See: -mo'onahe beautiful. Category: appearance.

-mo'enóno'e   vii. look beautiful, beautiful - look. É-mo'enóno'e. It looks beautiful. fii: -nóno'e. Ques: or is it -mo'enenóno'e?? See: mo'óna'e. Category: appearance.

-mo'ȯhtávenóohe   vai. look dark. É-mo'ȯhtávenóohe. He looks dark. Category: appearance.

-mo'ȯhtávenóohee'e   vai. sit looking black. refers to how one looks from a distance; this could refer to a person whose silhouette shows up from a distance. É-mo'ȯhtávenóohee'e. He is sitting looking black. Category: appearance.

-mo'onahe   vai. beautiful, pretty. Mostly of females, although some speakers use this word for males. É-mo'onahe. She is beautiful. vii: -mo'óna'e; Reduplicated -momó'onahe. See: -mo'enenóohe appear beautiful; -pėhévahe good, handsome; -ono'ahe handsome; -pėhévatamaahe good-looking. Category: appearance.

-mo'onátamaahe   vai. pretty, beautiful, handsome. É-mo'onátamaahe. She is beautiful (in appearance). See: -mo'onahe beautiful; -mo'onenóohe look beautiful. Category: appearance.

-mo'onenóno'e   vii. look beautiful, beautiful look. Ques: recheck spelling ?? Category: check. É-mo'onenóno'e. It looks beautiful. vai: -mo'onenóohe. Category: appearance.

-mo'onenóohe   vai. look beautiful, beautiful look. É-mo'onenóohe. She looked beautiful. vii: -mo'onenóno'e. See: -mo'onátamaahe. Category: appearance.

-mo'onȯhtȧheve   vai. beautiful design, beautiful coloration.

vii. beautiful design, beautiful coloration. É-mo'onȯhtȧheve. He (or It) is beautifully colored. Final -ohtȧhéve. Category: appearance.

-moméhemenóno'e   vii. look desirable. Émoméheme-nóno'e. It looks desirable. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-moméhemenóohe   vai. look desirable. Émoméheme-nóohe. He looks desirable. Category: appearance.

-momé'aévenóohe   vai. bloody. É-momé'aévenóohe. He is all bloody. Category: appearance.

-momé'aévenóohešé   vai. bloody lie look, lie looking bloody. É-momé'aévenóohēše. He is lying looking bloody. Category: appearance.

-momó'onahe   vai. beautiful, pretty. can be of humans, horses. É-momó'onȧheo'o. They are beautiful. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -mo'onahe; vii: -mo'óna'e. Category: quality, appearance.

-ná'somó   vii. withered, stale, played out, lacks energy. for example, of lettuce. É-ná'sómo. It is withered. Category: appearance.

-náno'e   fii. appear, look. Épėhéve-náno'e. It looks nice; it's beautiful. Usage: less frequently used than -nóno'e Variant: -nóno'e; fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-neeme'só   vii. plain, bare. É-neemē'so It is plain/there's nothing on it. Category: appearance.

-nėhešenóohe   vai. appear that way. É-nėhešenóohe. He looks (appears) that way. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-nėševátamenóohe   vai. look pitiful. É-nėševátamenóohe. He looks pitiful. Category: appearance.

-nėševátamenóohee'e   vai. sit looking pitiful. É-nėševátamenóohee'e. He is sitting looking pitiful. Category: sit, appearance. Phon: vs

-nétȧhévatamaahe   vai. appear different. Móh-nétȧhévatamaahehevóhe. He must have looked different. [Red Bird, Runaway Cheyenne Boy.010] Category: appearance.

-nétȧhévenóno'e   vii. appear different, look different. É-nétȧhévenóno'e. It looks different. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-nétȧhévenóohe   vai. look different. É-nétȧhévenóohe. He looks different. [The Journey.260] fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-nėxoóhtahe   vai. cute. É-nėxoóhtahe. He/she is cute. É-nėxoóhtȧheo'o. They are cute. vii: -nėxoóhta'e, -nėxoósó. See: -koóhtahe. Category: appearance.

-nėxoóhta'e   vii. cute. É-nėxoóhta'e. ?? It is cute. Category: appearance, check.

-nėxoóhtátam   vta. regard s.o. as cute. É-nėxoóhtatamóho. He thinks he (obv) is cute. fta: -átam. Category: cognition, appearance.

-nėxoóhtátsestá   vti. regard s.t. as cute. É-nėxoóhtátsésta. He thinks it's cute. Category: cognition, appearance.

-nėxoósenóno'e   vii. look cute. É-nėxoósenóno'e. It looks cute. Category: appearance.

-nėxoósenóohe   vai. look cute. É-nėxoósenóohe. He looks cute. Category: appearance.

-nėxoósenóohešé   vai. look cute lying, lie looking cute. É-nėxoósenóohēše. He is lying (there) looking cute. Category: lie, appearance.

-nėxoósó   vii. cute. É-nėxoóso. It is cute. [pd272] vai: -nėxoóhtahe. Category: appearance.

-noné'éné   vai. streaked face - have a, dirty face. É-noné'éne. He has a streaked face. Category: appearance.

-noné'kahe   vai. streaked. É-noné'kahe. He is streaked. confused with -neó'kahe sometimes today. See: -neó'kahe. Category: appearance, check.

-nóno'e   fii. appear, look. Épėhéve-nóno'e. It looks nice; it's beautiful. Éhóxe'e-nóno'e. It looks clean. Étó'nėheše-nóno'e. It looks exactly like that. Émoméheme-nóno'e. It (appears) is desirable. Ésáaxaepėhéve-nono'éhane. It just doesn't look good. [1987:212] Éhoónȯse-nóno'e. It (for example, deserted camp) looks lonely. Éoseehávėséve-nóno'e. It looks very bad. [1987:290] Éxhoxo'ȯhtséve-nóno'éneho. It looked green (surp.) [Stamper 1991:6)] Variant: -náno'e; fai: -nóohe. Etym: *ina·kwan / *ina·kwat (R). Category: appearance.

-nóohe   fai. look like , appear as . É-pėhévenóohe. He looks good. Némȧhepėhévenóohéme. You all look good. ...heše-nóohe. ... he looks that way. Éhávėséve-nóohe. He looks bad. Éhoónȯse-nóohe. He looks lonely. Énėševátame-nóohe. He looks pitiful. Éxaevé'ho'éve-nóohe. He looks like a whiteman. Éséeše-nóoheo'o. They have similar appearance (for example, to each other). Nésó'tšėhe'kéahéve-nóohe. You still look young. fii: -nóno'e; fti: -nóestsé. Etym: *ina·kosi (R). See: -hetov. Category: appearance.

noóne-   i. fade, dry up, wither.

pv. faded, dry up, wither.

pn. faded, dry up, wither. noónevehpȯtse dried up leaf. fii: -noónó. Category: appearance.

-nóta'evenóohe   vai. look like an Indian woman of another tribe. É-nóta'evenóohe. She looks like an Indian woman from another tribe. Éxae-nóta'evenóohe. She just looks like an Indian woman from another tribe. [1987:395] Ques: nóta'évenóohe?? Category: appearance, check.

ohasév-   i. shine, sparkle. É-ohaséveata. He has a sheen (for example, silk cloth). É-ohasévéne. He has a shiny face. É-ohasévenóno'e. It looks shiny. Category: appearance.

-ohasévahe   vai. shiny, sparkly, glimmering. É-ohasévahe. He is shiny. Category: appearance.

-ohasévenóno'e   vii. look shiny, shiny look. É-ohasévenóno'e. It looks shiny. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-oókȯhkeve   vai. dirty. for example, never takes a bath. É-oókȯhkeve. He is dirty. See: ho'sotahe; ókohke; -ókȯhkeve. Category: appearance, body.

oo'(k)-   i. bare, bald. É-oo'kahe. His hair has fallen out. É-oo'kā'e. His hair is worn off. É-oo'kāna. He peeled it. Category: appearance.

-otá'tavenóno'e   vii. look blue. É-otá'tavenóno'e. It looks blue. This has been heard referring to blue sky. fii: -nóno'e. Category: colors, appearance.

-pėhévatamaahe   vai. be good-looking. É-pėhévatamaahe. He is good-looking. fai: -átamaahe. See: -mo'onahe. Category: appearance.

-pėhévenóeh   vta. make s.o. look good. É-pėhévenóehóho. He make him look good. Ques: nóoh?? vai: -pėhévenóohe; vti: -pėhévenóestsé. Category: appearance, check.

-pėhévenóestsé   vti. make s.t. look nice. É-pėhévenóéstse. He made it look nice (for example, a house). fti: -nóestsé; vai: -pėhévenóohe; vta: -pėhévenóoh. Ques: Does the final here tell us that -pėhévenóohe should be -pėhévenóehe?? Category: check. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-pėhévenóno'e   vii. beautiful, look nice, look pretty, look good. can be of some object or of the environment. É-pėhévenóno'e. It looks nice. É-pėhévenóno'e hétsėhéóhe. It looks nice here. fii: -nóno'e; fai: -nóone; Antonym -hávėsévenóno'e. See: -háenóno'e. Category: appearance.

-pėhévenóohe   vai. good - look, look good, beautiful. refers to the appearance of someone; can be said of a person or an animal, such as a horse. É-pėhévenóohe. He looks good. vta: -pėhévenóeh; fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-pėhévoomėso'he   vai. decent, comely. É-pėhévoomėso'he. He/she is comely. See: -mo'onahe; -pėhévenóohe. Category: appearance.

-pe'pe'-tsėhesó   vii. messy. É-pe'pe'tsėhēso. It is messy / things are not in order. See: -tsėhesó. Category: appearance.

-póhahe   vai. swollen. É-póhahe. He is swollen. Etym: *pa·hsesiwa (P). vii: -póhnó. Category: appearance.

-pó'kenóno'e   vii. look worn out, worn out look. É-pó'kenóno'e. It looks worn out. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-pó'kenóohe   vai. look worn out, worn out look. É-pó'kenóohe. He looks worn out. Final -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-séešenóno'e   vii. resemble, same look. É-séešenóno'e. It looks the same. [PD909] É-séešenóno'énėstse. They (inanimate) have the same appearance. See: séeše-. Category: appearance.

-séešenóohe   vai. same look. É-séešenóoheo'o. They have the same appearance. fai: -nóohe. See: séeše-. Category: appearance.

-séetátamaahe   vai. be the same appearance. É-séetátamaahe. He has the same appearance. fai: -átamaahe. Phon: iah See: -séestá. Category: appearance.

-sévenóohe   vai. look limp. É-sévenóohe. He looks limp. Etym: *ši·wina·kwesiwa (P). Category: appearance, record.

-sȯsévotsenóohe   vai. slouchy looking. É-sȯsévotsenóohe. He is slouchy looking. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-táehasené   vai. strewn all over, spread all over. É-táehasēne. His things are strewn all over. Néma'xe-táehasēne. Your things are really messy. fai: -ehasené. See: -pe'pe'ėhasené. Category: appearance.

-tȧhpe'enóohe   vai. look big. É-tȧhpe'enóohe. He looks big. Category: appearance.

-tȧhpe'enóohee'e   vai. sit looking big. É-tȧhpe'enóohee'e. He is sitting looking big. fai: -nóohe. Category: size, sit, appearance.

-távenóohe   vai. look goofy. É-távenóohe. He looks goofy. Category: appearance.

-tónėšenóno'e   vii. how look; how appear. É-tónėšenóno'e? How does it look? fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-tonȯsenóohe   vai. look cool. É-tonȯsenóohe. He looks cool. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance, record.

-totáho'penóno'e   vii. look tangled, look mixed up. É-totáho'penóno'e. It looks tangled up. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-totáho'penóohe   vai. look mixed up. É-totáho'penóohe. He looks mixed up. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-tsėhésenóno'e   vii. look Cheyenne, look Indian. É-tsėhésenóno'e. It looks Cheyenne/Indian. Category: appearance, tribes.

-tsėhésenóohe   vai. look Indian, look Cheyenne. É-tsėhésenóohe. He looks Cheyenne/Indian. Category: appearance, tribes.

-tsėho'ėhasené   vai. messy, trashy. É-tsėho'ėhasēne. He has a messy place (room, yard, etc.). Tóxeha méónéva éma'xe-tsėho'hasenéstove. It is trashy along the road. fai: -ehasené. See: -pe'pe'ėhasené. Category: appearance.

-tšėške'enóohe   vai. look small. É-tšėške'enóohe. He looks small. Category: appearance.

véhon-   i. chief, main, best, prominent, noble. É-véhonátamáno'e. It (for example, heaven) is a beautiful place. [Turtle Moccasin:82] É-véhonátamaahe. He looks like a chief. See: véhóne-; véhó. Category: appearance, quality.

-véhonátamaahe   vai. look like a chief. É-véhonátamaahe. He looks like a chief. [Turtle Moccasin:82] fai: -átamaahe. Category: appearance.

-vé'ho'évenóohe   vai. look like a whiteman. É-vé'ho'évenóohe. He looks like a whiteman. For example, he is dressed as a whiteman. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-vóhkenóno'e   vii. look bent, bent - look. É-vóhkenóno'e. It looks bent. fii: -nóno'e. Etym: *wa·kina·kwatwi. Category: shapes, appearance.

-vó'komenóohe   vai. appear white, look white. É-vó'komenóohe. He looks white. See: -vó'omenóohe. Category: colors, appearance.

-vó'omenóohe   vai. appear white. É-vó'omenóohe. His appearance is white. Category: colors, appearance.

-vóvo'kenóohe   vai. appear naked, naked appear. É-vóvo'kenóohe. He appears naked/he looks naked. can be said of someone not wearing their glasses. Category: appearance.

-xónetamahe   vai. filthy, unsanitary. É-xónetamahe. He is filthy (as a person). See: -ho'sótahe; -šénetamahe. Category: appearance.