Cheyenne Dictionary



-éno'xe'ó'h   vta. unload pack of s.o. É-éno'xe'o'ho. He unloaded him. É-éno'xe'ó'hóho. He unloaded him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-éno'xe'ó'ho. I unloaded his pack. Category: load.

-ésto'en   vti. load s.t. É-éstó'éna. He loaded it. that is, he loaded a gun with a shell. See: -éstó'en roll in s.t.. Category: load.

-éstovohtsé   vti. load s.t., put in s.t. É-éstóvóhtse. He put it in. É-éstovȯhtsenȯtse menȯtse hetóhkonéhéva. She put the berries in a can. Category: load.

-éto'éhá   vti. load s.t., fill up s.t. For example, to load something for storage. É-éto'ēha. He loaded it for storage. Hoo'henōva éohke-éto'éhénėstse. In a bag they (such as chokecherries) are stored. vta: éto'én. See: -éto'éh(n); -ó'otómo'enohtá; -hóvȯsané. Category: load.

éto'éhéó'o   ni. jar, canned food. Lit: loaded (thing) Plural éto'éheonȯtse jars, canned goods. See: nanévėséto. Category: load, containers.

-éto'éh(n)   vta. stuff s.o., load s.o., fill s.o. especially of loading a pipe to smoke. É-éto'ehno. He filled it (an.). É-éto'éhnóho. He filled it (an.). (newer pronunciation). É-éto'éhnȯsesto. They filled it (an.). Mó'-éto'éhohéhe. It (an.) was loaded. [1987:18] See: -éto'én. Category: load, smoke.

-éto'én   1 • vti. load s.t. É-éto'éna. He loaded it. Naa mó'éšeno'ée-éto'enȯhéhe hé'tóhe hema'aataánó'e. And he already had loaded his gun. [1987:276] Éto'énȯhtse! Load it! É-éto'énehe? Is it loaded? Antonym -né'to'én.

2 • vta. load s.o. É-éto'eno. He loaded him (for example, a pipe, animate). É-éto'énóho. He loaded him. (newer pronunciation). É'ȯhkeéeve-eto'eno hestse'óhkono. He would fill his pipe. Éto'éneha! Load it (animate)! See: -étȯhe'hané; -táhovot; -éto'éh(n).

3 • vta. brainwash s.o., load s.o. with gossip. Category: figurative, smoke, load, hunt.

-éxo'enohtsé   vti. pack s.t., fill s.t., load s.t. for example, to load a suitcase or a sack. É-éxo'enōhtse. He packed it. Category: containers, load.

-né'to'én   vti. remove s.t., unload s.t. for example, to unload a gun. É-né'to'éna. He unloaded it. Né'to'énȯhtse! Unload it! Antonym -éto'én. Category: load, guns.

-táhovȯhto'he   vai. load for hauling. for example, on a car or trailer. É-táhovȯhto'he. He is loading things on. fai: -óvȯhtó'he; vta: -táhovot. Category: load.

-táhovot   vai. load him. É-táhovotóho. He put a load on him ; he loaded him up. fta: -óvot. See: -éto'én. Category: load.

-vévotaov   vta. load s.o., put pack on s.o. É-vévotaovóho. He put a pack on him. for example, on a horse. Etym: *mi·waθehkawe·wa (P). Category: carry, load.