Cheyenne Dictionary



-e'hahe   m. voice. Épėhév-e'hahe. He has a nice voice. Évéhp-e'hahe. He has a low voice. Émo'ó'xo-e'hahe. He has a hoarse voice. Émȧhov-e'hahéotse. His voice became tired. Éomóm-e'hahe. He is whining. ... éheš-e'hahe. ... he has such a voice. Éénȯs-e'hahe. His voice died down. Éhá-e'hahe. He sings loudly/has a powerful voice. Category: sounds, voice.

-énȯse'hahe   vai. voice die down. É-énȯse'hahe. His voice died down. for example, after he had been shouting. BodyPartMedial -e'hahe. Category: voice.

-éškȯse'hahe   vai. shrill voice - have a, screechy voice - have a; have a shrill voice. É-éškȯse'hahe. She has a shrill/sharp voice. Medial -e'hahe. Category: voice.

-éškȯse'šeme   vai. scream, squeak, hoot. É-éškȯse'šeme. He screamed. for example, at a ball game. fai: -'šeme. See: -éškȯse'hahe; -éškȯsévone; -tȧhpe'e'hahe. Category: voice.

-háe'hahe   vai. powerful voice, sing loudly, loud voice. É-háe'hahe. He has a powerful voice / he sings loudly. Medial -e'hahe. See: -tȧhpe'ónová. Category: voice.

-he'éve'hahe   vai. woman's voice - have a. É-he'éve'hahe. He speaks like a woman. Category: voice, speak.

-heše'hahé'tá   vti. how vocables are sung for s.t. Néhmétseo'o tséto'sė-heše'hahé'tohe. Give me how the vocables are going to be sung for it. [1987:156] fai: -e'hahe. See: -noné. Category: sounds, voice.

-hoxe'hahe   vai. have laryngitis, have a hoarse voice, have a whiskey voice. É-hoxe'hahe. He has a hoarse voice. Final -'hahe. See: -mo'ó'e'hahe husky voice; -mo'ó'xoe'hahe. Category: voice.

-káve'hahe   vai. weak voice. É-káve'hahe. He has a weak voice. Category: voice.

-kóe'hahe   vai. have a high voice. possibly refers to a high ringing voice. See: -véhpe'hahe. É-kóe'hahe. He has a high voice. Category: voice. Final -'hahe.

-ma'xe'hahe   vai. loud voice. É-ma'xe'hahe. He has a loud voice. [PD673] Etym: *meɁšiɁθesiwa. Category: voice.

-mo'ó'e'hahe   vai. husky voice. É-mo'ó'e'hahe. He has a husky voice. Variant: -mo'ó'xoe'hahe. See: -hoxe'hahe hoarse voice. Category: voice.

-mo'ó'xoe'hahe   vai. have a hoarse voice, have a rough voice, have laryngitis. É-mo'ó'xoe'hahe. He has a hoarse / rough voice. for example, from a cold. Variant: -mo'ó'e'hahe; BodyPartMedial -e'hahe. See: mo'ó'e-; -véhpe'hahe; -hoxe'hahe. Category: voice.

-momáta'e'hahe   vai. have a mean voice, have an angry voice, talk angrily. É-momáta'e'hahe. He hollered in anger/he has a mean voice. Medial -e'hahe. Category: voice.

-nanéahtov   vta. recognize s.o. by voice. É-nanéahtovóho. He recognized his voice. É-nanéahtovóho tséháoena'toese. (God) recognizes those who pray to him. [1987:203] Naa oha mósta-nanéahtovȯhevóhe tséhešenéehóvetsėse heéháme. But she recognized his voice, that it was (the voice of) her husband. [1987:296] See: -nanov. Category: voice.

-nėhpo'eesé'hahe   vai. nasal voice; have a nasal voice, have a voice of a plugged up nose. É-nėhpo'eesé'hahe. He is talking with a plugged up nose voice. Category: voice.

-nomone'hahe   vai. drowsy voice. Ná-nomone'hahe. I have a drowsy voice. for example, upon waking up. fai: -e'hahe. Category: voice.

-nonome'hahe   vai. have a shaky voice. É-nonome'hahe. He has a shaky voice. for example, from being scared. fai: -e'hahe. Category: voice.

-nonomó'e'hahe   vai. have a quivering voice. É-nonomó'e'hahe. He has a warbly/quavering voice. That can be pretty in singing. Category: voice.

-omómene'hahe   vai. talk in weepy voice, talk and cry. É-omómene'hahe. He talked in a weepy voice. BodyPartMedial -e'hahe. Category: voice.

-pa'e'hahe   vai. deep guttural voice - have a. especially refers to the voice one has from coughing a lot during a common cold. É-pa'e'hahe. He has a deep, guttural, coughing sound voice. Medial -e'hahe. Category: voice.

-pa'e'hahéotse   vai. deep guttural voice - develop a. especially refers to the voice one has from coughing a lot during a common cold. É-pa'e'hahéotse. He has developed a hoarse voice (from a sore throat). Ná-pa'e'hahéotse I have a hoarse voice (from a sore throat). Medial -e'hahe. Category: voice.

-pėhéve'hahe   vai. have a good voice. É-pėhéve'hahe. He has a nice voice. BodyPartMedial -e'hahe. See: -pėhévo'e'hahe. Category: voice.

-tȧhpe'e'hahe   vai. scream, holler, talk in a loud voice. Lit: big-voice É-tȧhpe'e'hahe. He screamed. See: -éškȯse'šeme. Category: voice.

-tse'tse'še'hahe   vai. have a ragged voice. É-tse'tse'še'hahe. He has a ragged/shredded voice. See: tse'tse'xóoma fringed shawl. Category: voice.

-véhpe'hahe   vai. have a deep, low voice. for example, a teenaged boy undergoing voice change of puberty. É-véhpe'hahe. He has a low voice. Etym: *wi·mpiɁθesiwa. Antonym -éškȯse'hahe; BodyPartMedial -e'hahe. Category: voice.

-vé'ho'éve'hahe   vai. have a whiteman voice. É-vé'ho'éve'hahe. He has a whiteman voice. Category: voice.

-vovó'ėho'hahe   vai. voice jump up in pitch. É-vovó'ėho'hahe. His voice jumped up in pitch. for example, as the voice of an adolescent boy does. Category: voice.