Cheyenne Dictionary



-áhanȧho'tá   vii. extremely hot and dry weather, extremely burned, extremely hot weather. É-áhanȧhō'ta. It is extremely hot weather. It can be so hot that everything has dried up. ȯht-áhanȧho'taa'ėstse whenever it is extremely burned out. [Stamper 1991:6] fii: -aho'tá. Category: temperature, weather.

-áhto'ééna   vai. be buried under snow. É-áhto'ééna. He got buried under snow. fii: -ééná. Category: weather, snow.

-améetootse   vii. snow go by. É-améetootse. The snow storm came and went. fii: -éétó. See: -ho'éetó. Category: snow, weather.

-ameohétó   vii. run. É-ameohéto. It is running. for example, of water in a creek going fast. Usage: may be a recent loan translation from English See: -ame'sevó. Category: weather.

-amoo'kohó   vii. rain go along. É-amoo'kōho. Rain is going along. Éne'-amoo'kōho. Rain is approaching. (another recording) fii: -oo'kohó. See: -hoo'kohó; -amóománo'e. Category: weather.

-amóománo'e   vii. Éne'amóománo'e. Dark clouds are approaching. Phon: iah Category: weather.

anėstaeše   ni. haze, mist. Ques: PD: trailing light mist along bottoms and valleys Category: weather.

ao'ėseto   1 • ni. hailstone. Ao'ėsetonȯtse éamėhnétónėstse. Hailstones are walking. Plural ao'ėsetonȯtse; Diminutive ao'ėškēto. Speaking of hailstones 'walking' primarily refers to when you can hear a hailstorm approaching. When the hailstorm actually arrives on scene then you speak of hailstones with verbs like 'falling'. Ao'ėsetonȯtse éana'ónėstse. Hailstones are falling. Ques: recheck mid pitch on this and dim form?? Category: weather, check.

2 • na. Hail. Category: names.

ao'ėsetonȯtse éamėhnétónėstse   vii. hail. Ao'ėsetonȯtse éamėhnétónėstse. It is hailing. Lit: Hailstones are walking. Category: weather.

ao'ėškēto   ni. Gram: pl Gram: dim small hailstone. Plural ao'ėšketonȯtse; Non-diminutive ao'ėseto. Ques: recheck mid pitch on this and non-Dim form??: Category: check, weather.

-ao'ėšketónevéétó   vii. sleet. Lit: hail-snow É-ao'ėšketónevééto. It is sleeting. See: -nonó'a'hasené; -ma'omévoo'kohó; -ho'éétó snow. Category: weather.

-asėtoo'kohó   vii. start to rain, rain start. É-asėtoo'kōho. It started to rain. fii: -oo'kohó. See: -hoo'kohó rain. Category: weather.

-átamáno'e   fii. environment appearance, appear environmentally. typically about weather or a scene. Épėhév-atamáno'e. It is nice weather. Évéhon-átamáno'e. It is a beautiful (place). Phon: iah See: -mano'e. Category: weather.

-één   m. snow. Éháahpe'-éenoo'e. The snow is deep. Lit: it-deep-snow-lie Émȯxe'-éenȯhnóho. He swept the snow. Lit: 3-brush-snow-by.tool-OBV IndepNoun héstā'se; fai: -ééná. Category: weather.

-émoohtóna'há   vii. gentle breeze - be a, blow gently. É-émoohtóná'ha. There is a gentle breeze. Category: weather, wind.

-énéétó   vii. stop snowing. É-énééto. It stopped snowing. É-éneetohe? Did it quit snowing? fii: -éétó. See: -éená; -énoo'kohó; -ho'éétó. Category: weather, snow.

-éneetootse   vai. stop snowing. É-éneetootse. It stopped snowing. Ééše-éneetootse. It has stopped snowing. Category: weather, snow.

-énėhot   vta. stop and stand by s.o. É-énėhoto. He stopped and stood by him. É-énėhótóho. He stopped and stood by him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *po·nwehθale·wa (P). fta: -ehót. See: -énȧhót end heat to s.o.. Category: check, stand, weather.

-enėstaešeeohtsé   vii. hot and dry weather ?? É-enėstaešeeōhtse. It is hot and dry weather. ?? Category: check. Usage: obsolete See: -ó'ȧho'tá. Category: weather, check.

-énooesta'há   vii. end wind, wind end. Tséstaéve-énooestā'ha éssáatónėšenėhesóhane. There was no letup in the wind, it didn't quit (let up). [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.120] Category: weather.

-énoo'kohó   vii. stop raining. É-énoo'kōho. It stopped raining. fii: -oo'kohó. See: -hoo'kohó rain; -énéétó stop snowing. Category: weather.

-énoomaeohtsé   vii. storm stop. É-énoomaeōhtse. The storm ended. Ééšeéva-énoomaeōhtse. The storm has ended. Category: weather.

-éstsévaóó'e   vii. wind come in. for example, through cracks in the wall. É-éstséváóó'e. The wind came in through the cracks. generally a cold wind. Category: weather, wind.

-évavoo'kohó   vii. rain turn back. É-évavoo'kōho. The rain turned back. for instance, the rain turned back this direction. fii: -oo'kohó. Category: rain, weather.

-éxova'há   vai. warm wind - be a. É-éxovā'ha. A warm wind is blowing. Initial éxov-; Final -a'há. Category: weather, wind.

-éxoveohtsé   vii. warm.PROC. É-éxoveōhtse. It is becoming warm. Tsease-éxoveōhtse. (The weather) will start to become. Category: weather.

-éxoveotse   vii. warm up, become warm. É-éxoveotse. It has warmed up. kómááhe ééšeévȧho'e-éxoveotse so that warm weather has returned ?? See: -éxovó warm - be. Category: weather, temperature, check.

-éxovó   vii. warm - be. This is warm of the weather, not of an object which is -éxovȧho'tá. É-éxóvo. It (for example, the weather) is warm. (another recording) Etym: *ki·šowe·wi (P). Ésáa'-éxovóhane. It is not warm. See: -éxoveotse warm up; -nėšėho'tá; -háoho'tá; -éxovȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.

-háaeho'tá   vii. sun beating down. Ques: hot.from.sun ?? É-háaehō'ta. The sun is beating down. (another recording) This word is said when referring to a bright, sunny day; it appears that this word refers exclusively to heat generated by the sun, whereas -háoho'tá can also refer to heat from other sources. Ého-háaehō'ta. (contracted to Éoháaehō'ta) It is very very hot. É-háaehō'ta anóse naa oha hápó'e tsėhéóhe étonéto. It is sunny outside but likewise here it's cold. Mó-háaeho'táhanéhe. It must be sunny. See: -háoho'tá. Category: weather, temperature, check.

-háahpe'éenóohtsé   vii. snow getting deep. É-háahpe'éenóóhtse. The snow is getting deep. See: -háahpe'éenoo'e. Category: weather, snow.

-háahpe'éenoo'e   vii. deep snow. É-háahpe'éenoo'e. The snow is deep. Etym: cf *ešpa·konakye·wi (P). É-háahpe'éenoo'ehe? Is the snow deep? Ésáa-háahpe'éenoo'éhane. The snow is not deep. See: -háahpe'éenóohtsé; -tȧhpe'éenoo'e; -vóhpeenoo'e. Antonym -tšėške'éenoo'e. Phon: not vs Category: weather, snow.

-háa'há   vii. windy. É-háá'ha. It is windy. Éo-háá'ha. It is very windy. IndepNoun háa'háeše. Category: weather, wind.

háa'háeše   ni. wind. Personified as one of the sacred powers, as Háa'hávėháne. See: -háa'há; Háa'hávėháne. Category: weather.

-háatamáno'e   vii. extreme situation, rough weather (for example, stormy, muddy). Phon: iah É-háatamáno'e. It is tough weather. Phon: iah See: -hoháatamáno'e; -senóva'e. Category: weather, environment.

-háeéétó   vii. snow intensely, snow hard. É-háéééto. It is snowing really hard. Ques: É-háééto.?? fii: -éétó. See: -ho'éetó snow; -hoháeéetó snow. Category: snow, weather, check.

-háoho'tá   vii. hot. for example, of the weather or a cooking pan. É-háohō'ta. It is hot. (another recording) É-háoho'tahe? Is it hot? Ésáa-háoho'táhane. It is not hot. Mó-háoho'táhanéhe. It must be hot. Reduplicated -hoháoho'tá. See: -nėšėho'tá; -háaeho'tá; -hohpotómȧhó'ta. Category: weather, temperature.

-háoo'kohó   vii. rain hard, intensely rain. É-háoo'kōho. It is raining hard. Éo-háaoo'kōho. It is raining very hard. See: -hoo'kohó. Category: weather.

-háoo'kȯhóotse   vii. rain hard. É-háoo'kȯhóotse. It is raining hard. See: -hoo'kohó. Category: weather.

-hávėséveéšeeve   vii. bad weather. É-hávėséveéšeeve. There's bad weather today. Antonym -pėhéveéšeeve. Category: weather.

-heévȧhetanévaeho'tá   vii. be very hot. in this heat you can see shimmering waves on the horizon. É-heévȧhetanévaehō'ta. It is really hot. Lit: Oklahoma-hot Variant: -heévȧhetanévȧhó'ta. See: -mémėstȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.

-heévȧhetanévȧho'tá   vii. be very hot. É-heévȧhetanévȧhó'ta. It is really hot. Lit: Oklahoma-hot Variant: -heévȧhetanévaeho'tá. See: -mémėstȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.

-hehpȧhtóohe   vai. thunder beyond. É-hehpȧhtóohe nonóma'e. Thunder keeps thundering. fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds, weather.

-he'hemoo'kohó   vii. sprinkle, gentle rain. This is only about rain. É-he'hemoo'kōho. It is sprinkling. Ques: What is the difference between -he'hemoo'kohó and -hoo'kȯhóotsé?? fii: -oo'kohó. Category: check. See: -hoo'kohó rain; -hoo'kȯhóotsé sprinkle. Category: weather.

-he'hemoo'kȯhóotse   vii. sprinkle all of a sudden. É-he'hemoo'kȯhóotse. It sprinkled (rained) all of a sudden. See: -hoo'kȯhóohtsé sprinkle. Category: weather.

-he'kátamáno'e   vii. mellow weather - be. É-he'kátamáno'e. It is mellow weather. [pd701] Initial he'k-; Final -átamáno'e. Category: weather.

-he'konohtá   vii. frozen. Lit: hard-from.cold É-he'konōhta. It is frozen. vai: -he'konose; vti: -he'konohtsé; fii: -ohtá5. Category: temperature, weather.

-he'konohtsé   vti. freeze s.t. É-he'konōhtse. He froze it. vai: -he'konose; vii: -he'konohtá; Final -ohta. Category: temperature, weather.

-he'kóovéne'o'é   vii. grass be wet. for example, from dew or frost. É-he'kóovéne'ō'e. There is dew on the ground/the grass is wet. Category: weather.

heo'énenaho   na. thin icy snow which sparkles lying on the ground. It hurts your eyes and can cause blindness. See: héstā'se. Category: weather, snow.

hésta'se   na. snow. (another recording, by an Oklahoma male) Névááhe tséanevo'kōhnȯhtse hesta'sóho? Who made it snow? (could refer to someone's having gotten married, or eloped; literally, Who knocked down the snow?) [1987:30] É'ȧseénoohnovo (noeh?? hesta'sóho. They cleared off the snow. [1987:30] Obviative hesta'sóho; vii: -ho'éétó; Medial -éen. Phon: iah Category: weather, snow.

-hesta'seve   vii. be snow. É-hesta'seve. There is snow. Éma'xė-hesta'seve. There is a lot of snow. (another recording) See: -háahpe'éenoo'e. Category: weather.

-hesta'sévoonohe ??    Category: check.

??. frost ?? Category: check, check. Ques: recheck LH?? Category: check. É-hesta'sévóónóhe. ?? It is frosty. ?? Category: weather, check.

-hetoo'kohó   vii. Gram: rr so rain, rain that way. ... é-hetoo'kōho. ... it rained that way. Nóoo, tsėhetósė-hetoo'kōho! Wow, why does it keep on raining! Nóoo, tséhetósė-hetoo'kōho! (another pronunciation) Wow, why does it keep on raining! Ques: which pronunciation sounds better?? Lit: Wow, it will continually rain! Non-reduplicated -hoo'kohó. Category: weather, check.

-hetóománo'e   vii. so storm. Gram: rr ... é-hetóománo'e. ... that is where the storm went / that is how the storm was. Nȧháóhe étȧ-hetóománo'e. The storm went there. Phon: iah Category: weather.

hevovetāso   na. 1 • whirlwind, whirlwind spirit, dust devil, dragonfly, tornado. Some people also use this word for a tornado; others use ma'xėhevovetāso for a tornado. Usage: This is the most common pronunciation. Others are: Variant: hevovotāso, hovovetāso; Plural hevovetȧsono; Obviative hevovetȧsono. The whirlwind (or tornado) has been considered one of the sacred powers. People are told to stay away from dust devils; they may snatch your spirit. Dust devils are also called méstaeo'o. Hevovetāso éameohe. A tornado is going along. See: ma'xėhevovetāso; mahpe hevovetāso. Category: bugs, weather.

2 • Little Whirlwind. Category: names.

hevovotāso   na. tornado. Variant: hevovetāso, hovovetāso. Category: weather.

-hoháéétó   vii. snow very much, snow hard. É-hoháééto. It is snowing very hard. fii: -éétó. Category: weather.

-hoháoho'tá   vii. be very hot. É-hoháohō'ta. It is very hot. See: -háaeho'tá. Category: weather.

-hoháoováto   vii. be very much flooding. É-hoháoováto. There is a whole lot of flooding. Category: weather.

-hóhóónétamó   vii. rugged weather. for example, muddy, dirty, stormy, heavy snow, slushy. É-hóhóónétámo. It is rugged weather. See: -nėxónétamó. Category: weather.

-hóhpeohtsé   vii. melt. of an object or the environment. É-hóhpéóhtse. It is melting. See: -hohpéohtsé sweat; -hóhpeotse melted. Category: weather.

-hohpȯhnóomaeotse   vii. be dusk. É-hohpȯhnóomaeotse. It is dusk. See: -hovenóomaeotse; -hetóeve. Category: time, weather.

-hohpotómȧho'tá   vii. hot and humid. É-hohpotómȧhó'ta. It is hot and humid. See: -háoho'ta. Category: weather, temperature.

-hohpotóma'há   vii. hot humid windy. É-hohpotómá'ha. It is a hot humid breeze. See: -ho'one'há misty breezy. Category: weather, wind.

-hohpotómó   vii. sweaty hot, humid and hot, hot and humid. É-hohpotómo. It is "sweaty (humid) hot." (another recording) Éohkė-hohpotómo. It is regularly humid. É-hohpotómohe? Is it sweaty hot? Vé'-hohpotómoo'ėstse éohkėháohō'ta. If it's humid it's hot. Ques: is it just 'humid'?? Category: weather, check.

-ho'ane'há   vii. drizzle, mist. fine drops of rain. É-ho'anē'ha. It is drizzling. Category: weather.

-ho'éétó   vii. snow. É-ho'ééto. It is snowing. (another recording) Éma'xė-ho'ééto. It is snowing hard. Ésáa-ho'éetȯhane. It did not snow. É-ho'éetohe? Is it snowing? Mó-ho'éetȯhanéhe taa'éva. It must have snowed last night. Móto'sė-ho'éetȯhanéhe. It must be going to snow. fai: -éená; fii: -éétó. See: -háeéetó snow hard; -ho'éetootse snow suddenly; -énéétó stop snowing; héstā'se snow. Category: weather, snow.

-ho'éetootse   vii. snow suddenly. É-ho'éetootse. It suddenly snowed. fii: -otse. See: -ho'éétó snow. Category: weather, snow.

-ho'étseotse   vii. thundering. É-ho'étseotse. It is thundering (from lightning). Usage: Less commonly used than -ho'ótseotse Variant: -ho'ótseotse. Category: weather.

-ho'onéétó   vii. crystal snowing, snowing crystals. É-ho'onééto. It is snowing tiny crystals. See: -ho'éétó. Category: snow, weather.

-ho'one'há   vii. windy and very humid, misty breezy. É-ho'onē'ha. It is windy and very humid. See: -hohpotóma'há hot humid windy. Category: weather, wind.

-ho'oo'kohó   vii. rain come. É-ho'oo'kōho. Rain arrived. Variant: -ho'oo'ohó. See: -hoo'kohó; ho'-. Category: weather.

-ho'oo'kȯhóotse   vii. rain come suddenly. É-ho'oo'kȯhóotse. Rain arrived suddenly. See: -ho'oo'kohó. Category: weather.

-ho'óomaeotse   vii. storm arrive. É-ho'óomaeotse. A storm arrived. Category: weather.

-ho'ótseotse   vii. thundering. É-ho'ótseotse. It is thundering (from lightning). Usage: more commonly used than -ho'étseotse Variant: -ho'étseotse. See: -ho'ótse. Category: weather.

-hónevó'a'xe   vai. drift (of snow). É-hónevó'a'xe. He (snow, animate) drifted. (Héstā'se) é-hónevó'a'x'e. (The snow) drifted. See: -hóne'tá. Category: weather.

-hoo'kohó   vii. rain. É-hoo'kōho. It is raining. (another recording) É-hoo'kȯhohe? Is it raining? (another recording) Mó'é-hoo'kōho? It is raining? Ésáa-hoo'kȯhóhane. It is not raining. Naa mámáhta nėstsėhósėtonóohtanone héva x-hoo'kȯhosėstse. And the only thing we can do now again is like wait for rain. Variant: -hoo'ohó; fii: -oo'kohó; Relative Root -hetoo'kohó. See: -hoo'kȯhóotse. Category: weather.

-hoo'kȯhóohtsé   vii. sprinkle. This is only about rain. É-hoo'kȯhóóhtse. It is sprinkling. Éhvovóe-hoo'kȯhóóhtse. It first started sprinkling rain. [1987:29] See: -hoo'kohó rain; -hoo'kȯhóotse rain suddenly; -he'hemoo'kohó sprinkle. Category: weather.

-hoo'kȯhóotse   vii. rain suddenly, rain burst. É-hoo'kȯhóotse. It suddenly rained. And nėhē'še tsema'xė-hoo'kȯhóotse. And then it will be a big rain burst. See: -hoo'kohó; -hoo'kȯhóohtsé. Category: weather.

Hoo'kȯhóvėháne   na. Rain. personified. fna: -vėhané. Category: weather.

-hoo'ohó   vii. rain. É-hoo'ōho. It is raining. Usage: It is said that there is a greater amount of rain with -hoo'ohó than with -hoo'kohó. This pronuncation is not nearly as common as -hoo'kohó. See: -hoo'kohó. Category: weather.

-hovéo'áeho'tá   vii. cloudy and hot. É-hovéo'áehō'ta. It is cloudy and hot. See: -vo'évaeho'tá. Category: weather.

hovovetāso   na. tornado. Variant: hevovetāso. Category: weather.

-kóemenóo'e   vii. frigid, very cold. Lit: popping-berry-? É-kóemenóo'e. It is very cold/it is "popping" cold. Vóhpoométanéno é-kóemenóo'e. It is popping cold in Busby. Phon: not vs said to mean 'it is popping cold'. This word comes from the sound of trees etc. popping from the cold, heard in the crisp cold air. See: -koomenóó'e; -koomónoo'e; -vé'ȯhkemenoo'o; -pónohtá. Category: weather, temperature.

-kó'kononévose   vai. teeth chatter from cold. É-kó'kononévose. His teeth are chattering from the cold. BodyPartMedial -ononé; Variant: -kó'konȯhonévose. Category: body, weather.

-mȧháománo'e   vii. bad weather all over, all over bad weather. É-mȧháománo'e. It is bad weather all over. Ques: m^ah[oo?? Category: weather.

mahpe hevovetāso   na. hurricane. Lit: water tornado Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Variant: mahpe ho'évovetāso. See: hevovetāso. Category: weather.

mahpe ho'évovetāso   ni. hurricane. Ques: recheck LH?? Category: check. Variant: mahpe hevovetāso. See: hevovetāso. Category: weather.

Ma'hēō'o énéstoohe   vai. there is thunder, thunder is hollering. Lit: God is hollering See: nonóma'e thunder. Category: weather.

ma'omēva   obl. on the ice. IndepNoun má'ome. Category: weather.

-ma'oméveotse   vii. become frozen.

vai. become frozen. É-ma'oméveotse. It (or He) froze. See: -he'konose. Category: weather.

-ma'omévoo'kohó   vii. sleet. Lit: ice-snow É-ma'omévoo'kōho. It is sleeting. See: -nonó'a'hasené; -ao'ėšketónevééto. Category: weather.

ma'xėhevovetāso   ni. tornado. Lit: big-whirlwind Variant: ma'xėhevovotāso, hevovetāso. Some people say hevovetāso for a tornado; others use this word for a tornado. See: hevovetāso. Category: weather.

-mano'e   fii. environment, weather. É-pó'oománo'e. It is grayish weather. See: -átamano'e. Category: weather.

-mano'kose   vai. huddle from cold. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'kȯseo'o. They are huddled together because it is cold. fii: -ose1. Category: temperature, weather.

-mé'oo'kohó   vii. rain appear. Énėh-mé'oo'kōho. Rain appeared. fii: -oo'kohó. Category: weather.

-mémėstȧho'tá   vii. very hot, shitty hot. É-mémėstȧhó'ta. It is "shitty hot. crude slang for 'It is very hot'. Usage: crude slang Lit: shitty-hot See: -héevȧhetanévȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.

-mo'ȯhtáevo'eve   vii. black clouds. É-mo'ȯhtáevo'eve. There are black clouds. for example, black storm clouds. Category: weather.

-momáméétó   vii. snow big snowflakes. É-momámééto. It is snowing big snowflakes. fii: -éétó. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated máme-. See: -ho'éétó snow. Category: weather.

-momáxomoo'kōho   vii. rain slowly and lightly. É-momáxomoo'kōho. It is raining slowing and lightly. fii: -oo'kohó. Category: rain, weather.

-nȧha'éená   vai. caught by snow. É-nȧha'ééna. He was caught by the snow. Medial -éená. See: -nȧha'óová. Category: weather, weather.

-nȧha'óová   vai. caught by rain (or water). É-nȧha'óóva. He was caught by rain (or water). fii: -óová. See: -nȧha'éená caught by snow. Category: weather.

náhkȯhéso   Gram: dim na. 1 • bear cub; little bear. Plural náhkȯhesono; Obviative náhkȯhesono.

2 • Youngbear. Simplified Spelling Nahkoso (seen on a license plate). See: Náhkȯxháahketa.

3 • little ball of snow, fine snow, snow - fine. smaller than a snowflake. Category: names, weather.

-néene'ohtá   vii. frost (dew?? É-néene'ōhta. There is frost on the ground/the grass is frozen. ?? See: -néene'o'e. Category: weather, check.

-nėhpóemáno'e   vii. be foggy. É-nėhpóemáno'e. It is foggy. Lit: Phon: iah See: -nėhpoése ma'ēno. Category: weather.

-nėhpoése   vai. hang by the door. É-nėhpoése. He is hanging by the door. É-nėhpoése ma'ēno. It is foggy [lit. the turtle is hanging by the door]. To chase the fog away children would be told to draw a turtle on the ground, then throw sticks at it. See: -nėhpóemáno'e. Category: weather.

-nėhpoése ma'ēno   vii. foggy. É-nėhpoése ma'ēno. It is foggy. Lit: The turtle is shrouded. Since Cheyenne subjects can either precede or follow a verb, the word "ma'ēno" can also precede the verb here. Variant: Ma'ēno énėhpoése. Category: weather.

-nėšėho'tá   vii. hot. É-nėšėhó'ta. It is hot. -háoho'tá is hotter than this. vai: -nėšėho'he. Etym: *kešite·wi. See: -háoho'tá. Category: weather.

-nétȧhévatamáno'e   vii. different weather. Lit: different-environment É-nétȧhévatamáno'e. It is not normal weather. Category: weather.

-no'oo'kohó   vii. accompany rain, rain - accompany. É-no'oo'kōho. It occurred along with rain. fii: -oo'kohó. Category: weather.

-nonó'a'hasené   vii. sleet, rain and snow mixed. É-nonó'a'hasēne. It is sleeting. Nėhē'še éxhe'ke-nonó'a'hasēne. Then it turned to rain and snow mixed. See: -ma'omévoo'kohó; -ao'ėšketónevééto. Category: weather.

-ohase'še   vai. sparkle, shine, shimmer, glitter. for example, of snow or the sun. Variant: -ohaše'še. É-ohase'še. He is sparkling. (for example, with a shiny coat). É-ohase'še héstā'se. The snow is sparkling. See: -vó'ho'kȧše'še; -vó'ho'kȧse'há. Category: weather.

-ó'aeho'tá   vai. dry and hot. about hot and dry weather. É-ó'aehō'ta. It (especially weather) is hot and dry. See: -háaeho'tá. Category: weather.

-o'omeohéto   vii. rise, overflow. of rivers or creeks. É-o'omeohéto. Water is rising. Ques: overflow?? Category: check, rivers, liquid, weather.

-o'omoo'kȯhóotse   vii. rain bypass, rain go over. for example, If it looked like it was going to rain but the rain just went over and didn't drop. É-o'omoo'kȯhóotse. The rain bypassed. Category: weather.

-omómȧho'he   vai. cry from heat. É-omómȧho'he. He is crying from the heat. typically said of a baby. Category: weather, cry.

-ononéstȧho'he   vai. go crazy from the heat. typically used as an exaggeration. É-ononéstȧho'he. He went crazy from the heat. Category: sickness, weather.

-oo'kohó   fii. rain. Éasėt-oo'kōho. It started to rain. Éne'am-oo'kōho. Rain is approaching. Één-oo'kōho. It has stopped raining. Éhe'hem-oo'kōho. It is sprinkling. Énėšev-oo'kōho. It is rapidly raining. See: -hoo'kohó rain; -ééto snow. Category: weather.

-óoméétó   vii. snow squall come through. É-óomééto. There is a snow squall. Éohke-óomééto. There are snow squalls (especially in spring). fii: -éétó. See: -ho'éétó. Category: weather.

-óoméetootse   vii. snow squall. É-óoméetootse. There is a snow squall. tsé'ȯhkėho'óxe-óoméetootse when the last snow squalls come through. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.150] Category: weather.

-óomoo'kohó   vii. be a thunderstorm ?? É-óomoo'kōho. It is thundering/it is a thunderstorm. (lit. ?? fii: -ookohó. Category: check. See: -ho'ótseotse; nonóma'e; -óoméétó. Category: weather.

-oómoováto   vii. flood. for example, from spring runoff. É-oómoováto. There is flooding. See: -o'omóováto; -mȧhóováto. Category: weather.

-osenȧho'tá   vii. very hot. É-osenȧhō'ta. It is really hot. See: -háoho'tá. Category: weather.

-pėhévatamaeotse   vii. become good of weather. É-pėhévatamaeotse. The weather has turned nice. Category: weather.

-pėhévatamáno'e   vii. good appearance, good weather. This can be used to describe something that has a good appearance other than weather, including something abstract such as beautiful language. É-pėhévatamáno'e. It is nice/good weather. (another recording) É-pėhévatamano'ehe? Is it good weather? Mó-pėhévatamano'éhanéhe. It must be good weather. Ques: recheck pitch on the question?? Phon: iah fii: -átamano'e. Category: weather, environment, check.

-pėhéveéšeeve   vii. good day - be, good weather - be. É-pėhéveéšeeve. There's good weather today / It is a nice day. Antonym -hávėséveéšeeve. Category: weather, greetings.

-pėhévéétó   vii. good snow. É-pėhévééto. It is good that it's snowing. See: -pėhévoo'kohó. Category: weather, snow.

-pėhévetoetómoo'e   vta. weather be pleasing to s.o. typically occurs in ITA constructions, that is, with a notional inanimate subject and animate object. Ques: what is the verb stem?? Category: check. É-pėhévetoetómoo'e. The weather was pleasing to him. That is, he liked the weather. Phon: vs See: -pėhéveahtám; -pėhévetootómoo'e. Category: weather, cognition.

-pėhévoo'kohó   vii. good rain. É-pėhévoo'kōho. It is a good rain / it's good that it's raining. See: -pėhévéétó; -hoo'kohó. Category: rain, weather.

-péhpéétó   vai. dusting snow, snow dusting. É-péhpééto. It is "sprinkling" snow/there was a dusting of snow. fai: -éétó. See: -ho'éétó. Category: weather.

-péhpoo'kohó   vii. raining with occasional drops. É-péhpoo'kōho. It is sprinkling/raining with occasional drops. See: -hoo'kohó. Category: weather.

-pó'oománo'e   vii. grayish weather. É-pó'oománo'e. It is grayish weather. for example, especially when it looks like it's snowing, but it's not actually snowing, or when snow is slowly falling or when there are tough weather conditions. This is considered unpleasant weather, reinforced by the negative connotation of Cheyenne "gray". Phon: iah fii: -mano'e. See: -pó'o. Category: weather.

-pó'po'a'xe2   vii. snowy and windy - be. É-pó'po'a'xe. It is heard snowing and windy. Éhoó'he-pó'po'a'xe. It is heard snowing and windy. Category: weather.

-pó'ponenené   vai. clap repeatedly, pop repeatedly, shoot repeatedly. for example, of repeated thunder claps or shooting sound. É-pó'ponenēne. He made a repeated clapping sound. Mó-pó'ponenėhevóhe. They must have shot (repeatedly). for example, to scare someone away. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -pónenené. Category: weather, shoot, sounds.

-pónenené   vai. be a clap of thunder, shoot with a gunshot noise. É-pónenēne. He made a loud popping sound. for example, by shooting a gun. Nonóma'e é-pónenēne. Thunder clapped. Éma'xe-pónenēne nonóma'e. The lightning made a loud cracking sound. Éohkema'xe-pónenēne. It (thunder) claps loudly. Tósa'e nóháso móstanėšema'xetónėšėhe'ame-pónenenėhéhe. He just shot in any direction up in the air. [1987:277] Reduplicated -pó'ponenené. See: -pónevone. Category: weather, sounds, shoot.

-pónohtá   vii. be frigid; be popping cold. refers to the popping sound made when things are frozen solid. É-pónóhta. It is frigid. fii: -ohtá5; vai: pónose. See: -kóemenóo'e. Category: weather.

-popo'a'xe   vai. large snowflakes falling ?? É-popo'a'xe. ?? [pd987: epopohpo'a'xe??] Category: weather, snow, check.

-sé'ho'évaeho'tá   vii. very hot - be, staked down hot. It is so hot that you don't feel like moving, you are staked down. É-sé'ho'évaehō'ta. It is so hot it stakes you down. Category: weather.

-sóvéétó   vii. snow diminish, snow less. É-sóvééto. It is snowing less. See: -ho'éétó; -éétó. Category: weather.

-taa'évoo'kōho   vii. rain until night. É-taa'évoo'kōho. It rained until dark. fii: -oo'kohó. Category: rain, weather.

-tȧhpe'éétó   vii. snow big flakes. É-tȧhpe'ééto. It is snowing big flakes. Category: snow, weather.

-ta'oo'kohó   vii. rain go out of sight. É-ta'oo'kōho. The rain went out of sight. Initial ta'-; Final -oo'kohó. Category: rain, weather.

-tóne'xóvȧho'tá   vii. what temperature? É-tóne'xóvȧhó'ta? What is the temperature? Ques: recheck glosses?? fii: -aho'tá. See: tóne'xóve-. Category: weather, check.

-tónetátamano'e   vii. How is the weather? É-tónetátamáno'e? How is the environment (for example, landscape; weather)? Phon: iah Category: weather, environment.

-tonétó   vii. be cold (of the weather). É-tonéto. It is cold. (another recording) Etym: cf *tahkihθenwi. É-tonétohe? Is it cold? Mó'é-tonéto? It is cold? Ésáa-tonétȯhane. It is not cold. Étóne'xóve-tonéto? How cold is it? ȯhtȧháe-tonétoo'ėstse whenever it's really cold. Ééšėto'seasė-tonéto. It is starting to get cold. Éháe-tonéto. It is very cold. Éhoháe-tonéto. It is very very cold. The following two recordings show contraction of osee- to see- that occurs often. Ésee-tonéto. It is very cold. (another recording) Ééškȯse-tonéto. It is very (literally, sharp) cold. Évé'ȯhke-tonéto. It is very (literally, bitter) cold. Émémėse-tonéto. It is very (lit. shitty) cold. Use -tóno for cold of some object. Use -ná'tose for when a person feels cold. See: -tootomó; -tonó; -koomenóó'e; -ná'tose. Category: weather, temperature.

-tonétóohtsé   vii. turn cold. Éhno'ease-tonétóóhtse. It also started to get cold. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.080] Category: temperature, weather.

-tonétootse   vii. turn cold, become cold. ma'-tonétóotse. when it turns cold. Category: temperature, weather.

-tonȯhtáeho'tá   vii. cold and sunny - be. É-tonȯhtáehō'ta. It is cold and sunny. Hóhoóvaeto ?? hó'tonȯhtáehō'ta aénéva. when it's cold and sunny in the winter. Category: weather, check.

-tonȯhta'há   vii. be a cold wind. É-tonȯhtā'ha. It is a cold wind. (another recording) See: -móhtona'há breezy. Category: temperature, weather, wind.

-tonȯhtoo'kohó   vii. cool rain, rain cool. É-tonȯhtoo'kōho. It is a cool rain. Variant: -tomȯhtoo'kohó. Category: weather.

-tonȯhtóománo'e   vii. ?? É-tonȯhtóománo'e. ?? Category: check, weather.

-tónova'omohtá   vii. frozen thick. É-tónova'omōhta. It is frozen thick. [When Cheyennes Crossed the Ice.015] fii: -ohtá2 cold. Category: temperature, weather.

-toohóománo'e   vii. low hanging clouds. É-toohóománo'e. It is a dark cloudy day with clouds hanging low. Category: weather.

-tootóma'há   vii. blow cool. É-tootómá'ha. It is a cool breeze. Épėhéve-tootómá'ha. It (for example, fan) is throwing off a nice cool feeling; It is a nice cool breeze. fii: -a'há wind. Category: weather, temperature, wind.

-tootómó   vii. cool. for example, in a log house or cool weather. É-tootómo. It is cool. (another recording) See: -tonó; -tonétó; -toóome. Category: weather.

-tooxóománo'e   vii. low lying weather. for example, fog, low lying clouds, or smoke. É-tooxóománo'e. There is low lying smoke/clouds. Category: weather.

-tsévaeóó'e   vii. be dusty. especially of a swirl of dust; seems to speak literally of the dust standing which is apparently how it is perceived. É-tsévaeóó'e. It is dusty. É-tsévaeóó'e. It (especially the environment) is dusty. Ésáa-tsévaeóehane. It is not dusty. [1987:26] Phon: vs Category: weather.

-tsévaeotse   vii. become dusty; blizzard - become a. É-tsévaeotse It is dusty / it is a blizzard. Category: weather.

-tsévanó   vii. blizzard. É-tséváno. It is a blizzard. See: -ho'éétó snow. Category: weather.

-vé'ėstovoo'kohó   vii. rain rapidly, rapidly rain. É-vé'ėstovoo'kōho. It is raining rapidly. Category: weather.

-vé'soo'kohó   vii. rain fall fast and in small drops. É-vé'soo'kōho. Rain is falling fast. Usage: rarely said Category: weather.

-véno'tá   vii. smoky, hazy. for example, smoky in the atmosphere or tepee. É-vénó'ta. It is smoky. Etym: *wi·naɁte·wi (P) it is placed dirty. See: -véno'távoománo'e; -me'atova; -sé'továóó'e. Category: weather, fire.

-véno'távoománo'e   vii. smoky, hazy in the environment. É-véno'távoománo'e. It is hazy/smoky. Phon: iah Category: weather.

-vóhpeenaotse   vii. white snow drifts. É-vóhpeenaotse. There's snow drifts. Final -ééná. Category: weather.

-vóhpoománo'e   vii. white weather, white environment. É-vóhpoománo'e. It is white weather. for example, it's foggy. Category: weather, environment.

-vo'eéšeeve   vii. cloudy day. É-vo'eéšeeve. It is a cloudy day. Category: weather, record.

-vo'évaeho'tá   vii. be cloudy and hot. É-vo'évaehō'ta. It is cloudy and hot. See: -hovéo'áeho'tá. Category: weather.

-vo'évatamáno'e   vii. look cloudy, cloudy look. É-vo'évatamáno'e. It looks cloudy / it's cloudy weather. See: -vo'eve. Category: environment, weather.

-vo'eve   vii. cloudy. É-vo'eve. It is cloudy. (another recording) Etym: *waxkwiwiwi. Émo'ȯhtáve-vo'eve. There are black clouds. Ésáa-vo'évėhane. It is not cloudy. Ésáa'éva-vo'évėhane. It is not cloudy anymore. Éase-vo'eve. It is starting to get cloudy. Étáve-vo'eve. It is slightly cloudy. IndepNoun vo'e; Antonym -hóxe'óománo'e. Category: weather.

-vo'évéóhtse   vii. become cloudy. Éase-vo'évéóhtse. It is getting cloudy. Category: weather.

-vó'ho'kȧsé'hasené   vai. lightning - make a lot of, lightning flashes - many. Ques: check gloss Ééema'xe-vó'ho'kȧsé'hasēne. Thunder is making a lot of lightning flashes. ?? Category: weather, check.

Vó'keme   na. Old Man Winter, Santa Claus. PD: originally, Vó'keme was a Cheyenne who froze to death in a blizzard. Vó'keme ééšėho'e-a'eotse. Old Man Winter has arrived attacking. Vó'keme néto'sėhóse-a'eotsé'toene. Old Man Winter is going to attack us again (= winter is coming; or a winter storm is coming). Vó'keme éé'e'še. Old Man Winter is whistling (= winter wind is whistling). Vó'keme énéstoohe. Old Man Winter is hollering (= winter wind is whistling). Vó'keme évoneohé'tóó'e. Old Man Winter made him get lost (for example, in a winter snowstorm). Vó'keme hestse'emo móne'évȧhósėhómėstoehevóhe;móévȧhósėhóo'oohé'tovȯhevóhe. Old Man Winter's wife must have taken off on him again; he is taking her back home (north) again. (said when there is a spring snowstorm or squalls). Vó'keme nánȧha'enaēne. Old Man Winter caught us. Vó'keme étó'ha'ó'tse. Old Man Winter stopped it (for example, my plans). Vó'keme Vó'keme éoseetonéto. Vó'keme náhéne'enehe (?), náhéne'enehe. Vó'keme Vó'keme éoseetonéto. Vó'keme náhéne'enehe, náhéne'enehe. (song) Old Man Winter, Old Man Winter, it's very cold. Old Man Winter (?? Category: check. See: Hóema'háahe; -vó'keme obsession (poss). Category: weather, names.

-vóonéétó   vii. snow all night. É-vóonééto. It snowed all night. fii: -éétó. Category: weather, time.

-vóonoo'kohó   vii. rain all night, all night rain. É-vóonoo'kōho. It rained all night. Initial vóon-; Final -oo'kohó. See: -hovóhonoo'kohó. Category: weather.

-vovóho'ȧsé'ha   vii. flash repeatedly, light blink, lightning flash. Variant: -vovó'ho'kȧsé'ha. É-vovóho'ȧsé'ha. Lightning is flashing. See: -ho'ótseotse. Category: weather.

-vovó'ho'kȧsé'ha   vii. flash repeatedly, light blink, lightning flash. É-vovó'ho'kȧsē'ha. It (for example, lightning) flashed / the light blinked. Variant: -vovóho'ȧsé'ha. Éne'ame-vovó'ho'ȧsé'ha. Lightning is approaching. See: -ho'ótseotse. Category: weather.

-xónetamó   vii. muddy. É-xónétámo. It is muddy/sloppy. É-xónétámo meo'o. The road is muddy. Variant: -nėxónétámo. Category: weather.