Cheyenne Dictionary



-amėšem   vta. design s.o., picture s.o. É-amėšemóho. He pictured him / designed a picture of him. Hénėhéóhe éstaohkeéeno'eoxȧho'ȯheo'o néhe heó'ȯhtátóne éstaohkeéve-amėšemeo'o. That's where they (salamanders) were beaded, the salamanders would be pictured (designed) (on the soles of moccasins). [1987:214] vai: -ameše. Category: put.

-amóneo'h   vta. line up s.o., place s.o. in a row. É-amóneo'hóho. He put them in line. Móhno'e-amóneo'hohevóhe ho'honaa'o héna'e tséhešėtováese. He also formed those rocks in the shape of a swan. [1987:18] vti: -amóneo'tsé. Category: put.

-amóneo'tsé   vti. line up s.t., place s.t. in a row. É-amóneo'tsenȯtse. He put them (inan.) in line. vta: -amóneo'h. Category: put.

-amóno'h   vti. set s.o. in place. putting someone in a place where they are going to sit/be for some time. É-amóno'hóho. He placed him (there). Ná-amónó'ho nėhéóhe. I placed him there. Medial -ón3; vti: -amóno'tsé; vai: -amónoo'e. Category: put.

-amóno'tsé   vti. set s.t. in place. putting something in a place where it is going to set for some time. É-amónó'tse. He placed it (there). vii: -amóno'tá; vta: -amóno'h. Category: put.

-asėto'tsé   vti. start to place s.t., start to put s.t. É-asėtō'tse. He is starting to place it. See: -ho'tsé have s.t.. Category: put.

-áva'ó'tsé   vti. set s.t. over, lean s.t. over. É-áva'ó'tse. He leaned it over. Néta-áva'ó'tsenone! Let's set it over! Category: put.

-ehasené   fai. position things, set things. Éév-ėhasēne. He scattered things / made a mess. Éhóxov-ėhasēne. He put something across. Étsėho'-ėhasēne. He has a messy room. Épe'pe'-ėhasēne. He has things scattered around. Één-ėhasēne. He stopped playing cards. fii: -ehá; fti: -ehahtsé. Category: put.

-e'ėhahtsé   vti. place s.t. up, put up s.t. for example, set something up for climbing. É-e'ėhāhtse. He put up the ladder. É-e'ėhāhtse e'evonȯhó'e. He put up the ladder. [STORIES.TXT] Ques: check sound in recording for ėh?? Category: put.

-évėšem   vta. lay out s.o., lay down s.o. É-évėšemóho. He is laying him out. Éohke-évėšemovo nā'ėstse naa neše éohketáxėšemovo. They put one (lodge pole) down and they put two on top. [1987:222] See: -énan; -šéešem. Category: put.

-heamá'ó'tsé   vti. set s.t. on its side. É-heamá'ó'tse. He set it on its side. Nétȧ-héamá'otsenone! Let's set it on its side! É-tšėške'heamá'ó'tse. He tipped it over a little. See: -he'ama'ó'tsé lift s.t.. Category: put, positions.

-hoešem   vta. put s.o. on as a cover. for example, to put a cover over a sweat lodge. É-hoešemóho. He put him on as a cover. vti: -hoehahtsé. See: -hoésem hang up s.o.. Category: put.

-ho'a'ó'tsé'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o place s.o. there, put s.o. there. É-ho'a'ó'tse'tovóho. ?? ?? É-ho'a'ó'tsenoto hestovóótse. She put it (an.) by his ear. Category: put, check.

-ho'óma'o'tsé   vti. build s.t. on top. for example to put something on top of wood, rock, cloth, for example, to keep it clean. É-ho'óma'ō'tse. He built it on (something). É-ho'óma'o'tsénóvo. They built it on (the rocks). [jg 7/89] Category: put.

-ho'xó'o'tsé   vti. put s.t. against. É-ho'xó'ó'tse. He put it up against (something). Ná-ho'xó'o'tsenȯtse. I put them (inanimate) up against (something). Category: put.

-hótȯxovėstóonėšem   vta. crisscross lay s.o. Naa nėhē'še he'āma mó'ȯhkė-hótȯxovėstóonėšemȯhevovóhe. And then on the top they would crisscross (little willows). [1987:266] Category: put.

-hoxo'tsé   vti. place s.t. to rot. É-hoxō'tse. He put it where it rotted. vti: -o'tsé2. Category: put.

-hóxova'o'h   vta. put across s.o. É-hóxova'o'hóho. He put him across. Category: move, put.

-hóxovėhahtsé   vti. lay s.t. across, place s.t. across, put s.t. across. É-hóxovėhāhtse. He laid it across. Nėhéóhe éstȧ-hóxovėhatsénȯse. She laid it across there. [1987:257] fti: -ehahtsé. Category: put.

-hóxovėhasené   vai. put (something) across; place (something) across; set (something) across. for example, to put a board across a creek or a hole. É-hóxovėhasēne. He put something across. fai: -ehasené. Category: put.

-kȧhoešem   vta. splatter s.o. to something, stick s.o. to something. É-kȧhoešemóho. He splattered him to (something). Etym: cf *pesakwišime·wa (R).. The Ch is back-formed from that PA word. It is possible that -kȧhoešem and -pȧhoešem are just different pronunciations that mean the same. See: -pȧhoešem. Category: put.

-ma'ėstoestsé   vti. put forward s.t. É-ma'ėstoēstse. He put it forward / bent it forward.?? See: -ma'ėsto'tsé. Category: check, put.

-ma'ėsto'tsé   vti. put s.t. leaning forward. É-ma'ėstō'tse. He put it leaning forward. Variant: -ma'kėsto'tsé; fti: -o'tsé. See: -ma'ėstoestsé. Category: put.

-ma'kėsto'tsé   vti. put s.t. leaning forward. É-ma'kėstō'tse. He put it leaning forward. fti: -o'tsé; Variant: -ma'ėsto'tsé. Category: put.

-néma'o'táhan   1 • vti. put up around s.t., encircle s.t.

2 • vta. put up around s.o., encircle s.o. This especially refers to putting up the poles of a tepee frame around the first three-poles tripod. Náohketoo'etoo'o hoóxé'e ȯhta-néma'o'táhanévosėstse. I've tied the poles as they are being put up around (the tripod). Category: shapes, put, check.

-néman   vti. slant s.t. É-némána. He put it on a slant. Etym: **opye·mena·ni (R); *pyi·menamwa (P).

vta. slant s.o. É-némanóho. He put him on a slant. Etym: *pyi·mene·wa (P) he twists, rolls it by hand; cf. M pi·menam. Category: put, positions.

-nó'ėstȧhahtsé   vti. put s.t. over. É-nó'ėstȧháhtse. He put it over (something). Category: put.

-no'héšem   vta. place s.o. aside, put s.o. out of the way. É-no'héšemóho. He placed him out of the way. Category: lie, put.

-no'ko'tsé1   vti. place s.t. alone. É-no'kō'tse. He placed it there by itself. fti: -o'tsé2. See: -ho'tsé. Category: put.

-óešévaen   fta. place s.o. quickly. Nátomȯse-óéšéváéno. I stood him up. Category: put.

-ó'ėhahtsé   vti. place s.t. to dry. É-ó'ėháhtse. He placed it so it could dry. É-ó'ėhahtsenȯtse menȯtse. She is making chokecherry patties. fti: -ehahtsé. See: -ova'kan. Category: put.

-o'tsé2   fti. 13/Mar/2023. Épėhév-ó'tse. He is keeping it in a safe place. Éno'k-ō'tse. He placed it there by itself. Étáh-ó'tse. He put it on top. É-hánȯhtó'tse. He put it in back. See: -ho'tsé. Category: put.

-pȧhoešem   vta. stick s.o. to something. É-pȧhoešemóho. He stuck him to (it). Etym: *pesakwišime·wa (P). See: -kȧhoešem. Category: put.

-pėhévėhahtsé   vti. place s.t. well. É-pėhévėháhtse. He placed it well. fti: -ehahtsé. See: -pėhévo'tsé. Category: put.

-pe'pe'ėšem   vta. arrange s.o. in a messy way, leave s.o. lying in a messy way. For example, like not putting playing cards (animate) back in their box. É-pe'pe'ėšemóho. He arranged him in a messy way. Category: put, lie.

-póehahtsé   vti. slap s.t. onto the ground. Lit: slap-place É-póehāhtse. He slapped it onto the ground. fti: -ehahtsé. See: -poe'hahtsé. Category: put, check.

-šéešem   vta. lay down s.o. could be of putting a baby to bed. É-šéešemóho. He laid him down. can be said of spreading out a rug, which is animate in Cheyenne. Etym: *šenkihšime·wa. See: -évėšem. Category: lie, put.

-táha'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. on, paw s.t. onto. É-táha'hāhtse. He threw it on. for example, to throw something onto a wagon. Éhma'xeéetáha'hahtsenȯse héše'ke he'pa'ōne. He pawed a lot of dirt onto his back. [A Chief's Son and His Two Wives] Reduplicated -totáha'hahtsé. Category: move, put.

-táho'kan   vti. put s.t. on top. É-táho'kāna. He put it on top.

vta. put s.o. on top. É-táho'kanóho. He put him on top. for example, to put cloth (animate) on top of something. Category: put.

-táho'tsé   vti. place s.t. on top; put s.t. on top. É-táhó'tse. He put it on top. Etym: *te·hθaɁta·wa (P). Nėhéóhe he'āma és-táho'tsénóvȯse héne hóhkėha'e There they put that cap on top of (the lodge). [The Journey.294] fti: -o'tsé2. See: -táxėhahtsé. Category: put.

-táxėhahtsé   vti. place s.t. on top. É-táxėháhtse. He put it on top. Etym: *te·hšihta·wa (P). fti: -hahtsé. See: -táho'tsé. Category: put.

-táxėšem   vta. place s.o. upon. É-táxėšemóho. He placed him upon (for example, on a table). Éohke-táxėšemovo. They put them (obv) on top. Éohkeévėšemovo nā'ėstse naa neše éohke-táxėšemovo. They put one (lodge pole) down and they put two on top. [1987:222] fta: -ešem. Etym: *te·hšihšime·wa. Category: put.

-tomȯseóéh   vta. erect s.o., stand up s.o., put s.o. upright, place s.o. upright. Ná-tomȯseóého.?? I placed him upright. vti: -tomȯseóéstsé. Category: put.

-tomȯseóéstsé   vti. erect s.t., stand up s.t., put s.t. upright, place s.t. upright. É-tomȯseóéstse. He placed it upright. vta: -tomȯseóéh. See: -ésto'tan. Category: put.

-tóxėšem   vta. put s.o. next to the edge. É-tóxėšemóho. He put him next to the edge. Category: put.

-tóxo'tsé   vti. put s.t. on the edge. É-tóxó'tse. He put it on the edge. fti: -o'tsé. Category: put.

-tsėheto'tsé   vti. put s.t. like this, place s.t. like this. É-tsėhetō'tse. He placed it like this. fti: -o'tsé. Category: put.

-vé'ho'tsé   vti. put s.t. in a container. É-vé'hó'tse. He put it in a container. vta: -vé'ho'h. See: -vé'han; -vé'hoo'e; -vé'hoestsé. Category: put.

-vóhkėhahtsé   vti. lay s.t. crooked. É-vóhkėháhtse. He lay it crooked. vii: -vóhkehá. Category: put.

-vóhkėšem   vta. lay s.o. crooked. É-vóhkėšemóho. He lay him down crooked. Etym: *wa·kihšime·wa. Category: put.

-vonóvo'h   vta. place s.o. in a high place. É-vonóvo'hóho. He placed him/them in high place(s). See: -vonóan; -he'aman. Category: put, move.