Cheyenne Dictionary



ahke   na. sap, pitch, gum. Etym: *pekiwa. Category: trees.

-ávas   vta. cut down s.o., fell s.o. especially to fell (cut down) a tree. É-ávȧsóho. He felled him. See: -avoh(n). Category: cut, trees.

-ávoh(n)   vta. fell s.o., chop down s.o. can be of felling a tree. É-ávȯhnóho. He knocked him down. Etym: *pe·wahwe·wa (P). Ná-ávóhno hoohtsėstse. I felled a tree. Category: trees.

-e'xonȯhené   vai. scrape trees. É-e'xonȯhēne. He peeled bark off trees. Category: trees.

-háestaená   vai. have many branches. É-háestaēna. He (tree) has many branches. É-háestaenao'o. They have many branches. Variant: -háestȯhestaená. Category: trees, quantity.

-háo'ohe   vai. many trees (or other woody plants). used only with plural subjects. É-háo'ȯheo'o. They (animate, woody) are many in number. This is of woody plants such as trees or turnips. fai: -ó'ohe. See: -háanóohe; -háestȯxe; -šéškó'ohe. Category: trees.

-hátaa'ėstó'ohe   vai. tall. of trees or certain other plants, such as turnips. only used in pl. Phon: redup Medial ó'(e)-. É-hátaa'ėstó'ȯheo'o. They are tall. Non-reduplicated -háa'ėstó'ohee. See: -háa'ėstahe. Category: trees.

heséo'ho   ni. root. Plural heséo'honȯtse, heséeohonȯtse ??. Category: check. Ques: heseo'o ?? Category: check. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: hesótseve; heséeo'ȯtse. Category: trees.

hesótseve   ni. root. Plural hesótsevȯtse. Usage: obsolescing See: -htsėsótseve; heséeo'ȯtse; heséo'ho. Category: trees.

hestaahtsé-   pv. branch. hesó'xėhestaahtsémenó'e currant bush (lit. slippery-branched-berry-wood). Category: trees.

hestáa'e   ni. branch, limb, Branch. Morph: /hehtaen/. Phon: vs; iah Plural hestaenȯtse; Oblique hestaenōva. Etym: *wehtehkweni; *wehtehkwani (P). Category: trees, names.

-hestaenevó'ohe   vai. have branches. É-hestaenevó'ohe. (The tree) has branches. Category: trees.

homenó'e   na. elm. translation is uncertain; said to be "some kind of tall and skinny tree". Medial -ó'(e). AltPl = homeno'eho ?? Etym: cf *ani·pa·htekwa (P). Category: check. Plural homenó'eo'o. Category: trees.

hoohtsėstse   na. 1 • tree. (another recording) Morph: /hoóhtet/. This sense of the word is used as superordinate category label, which would include various specific kinds of trees, for example šéstótó'e, mótó'e; the unmarked species is the cottonwood; cottonwood is also referred to with the addition of the prototype prenoun xamae-, that is, xamae-hoohtsėstse. Etym: cf. *asa·twiya 'poplar'. Plural hoóhtseto, (another recording); Obviative hoóhtseto. (another recording) Hoohtsėstse éméhnevāse. The tree is worm eaten. See: ma'táa'e forest.

2 • cottonwood tree. See: xamaehoohtsėstse. Category: trees.

hoóhtsetsémahpe   ni. sap. Lit: tree-water Category: trees.

-hoxa'eta   vai. immature, green, novice. É-hoxa'eta. He is a novice. Ésó'-hoxa'eta. He (for example, a tree) is still green. See: -hoxo'ȯhtsévahe. Category: trees.

-htoóhtsetamané   v. create trees, trees - create. Nȧ-htoóhtsetamaneo'o. We (incl) created the trees. Category: trees.

ka'háo'ȯtse   ni. stump. refers to a naturally occurring stump for example, a tree broken off by wind; can also refer to a stumpy tree, short, for example, from odd growth. Plural ka'háotsėstse. ka'háotȯtse may be preferred plural.

na. stump. Plural ka'háotseto. This plural is animate and may refer to a still alive stumpy tree? AltPl = ka'háotȯtse Morph: /ka'háot/. Phon: vs Category: trees.

ma'táa'e   1 • ni. forest, timber, brush. Plural ma'taā'ėstse; Locative ma'taā'e. Phon: iah Etym: *meʔtekwaxkyi (P); cf. *meʔteko·ki trees. See: ma'tšėške; ma'tāno; mátȧhaa'e; hoohtsėstse tree; éstávóne grove. Phon: not vs Category: environment, trees.

2 • na. Forest. Category: names.

ma'taā'e   loc. to the forest, in the forest. ni: ma'táa'e. Category: trees.

-ma'taa'eve   vii. be a forest. É-ma'taa'eve. It is a forest. Category: trees.

-mámenéé'e   vai. stand tall. especially of a tree. É-mámenéé'e. He (especially a huge tree) is standing. Morph: /-mámenéé/. Phon: vs See: -néé'e. Category: trees.

-méhnevasé   vai. worm eaten - be, wormy - be?? É-méhnevāse. He is worm eaten. Hoohtsėstse é-méhnevāse. The tree is worm eaten. Category: check, trees.

me'ėškēma   na. box elder. Plural me'ėškemáhne; Obviative me'ėškemáhne. Ques: recheck mé' or me'?? Category: trees, check.

-mé'oéseotse   vai. appear hanging. for example, of the "cotton" that flies off of cottonwood trees. É-mé'oéseotseo'o vóhpééva. The "cotton" is flying off (the trees). Category: trees.

ménó'ke   na. willow. Plural méno'keo'o; AlternatePlural méno'keho; Obviative méno'keho, méno'ko; Medial -ó'(e). Etym: cf. Sh mi·twa'ki, mi·twa'ki·0a (but note PA under entry méstse 'cottonwood sapling'). See: ménó'e; mésó'ke; hó'otseonó'e. Category: trees.

ménó'kėšé'e   ni. willow stand, willow grove. See: Ménó'ėšé'e. Category: trees, check.

mestse   na. cottonwood sapling, young cottonwood, cottonwood. Obviative méstseho; Plural méstseho. AltPl = méstseo'o These are used in the altar of Sun Dance. Category: check. Etym: *mi:twiya quaking aspen, American poplar (P). See: ménó'ke. Category: trees.

-méstsėše'eve   vii. cottonwood grove. É-méstsėše'eve. It is a cottonwood grove. Lit: where there is a cottonwood grove See: tséhméstsėše'eve. Category: trees.

-móhtóna'há   vii. breezy. Lit: move-by.wind É-móhtóná'ha. It is breezy. windy enough for trees to move some. Phon: hl Antonym -tonȯhta'há; Initial móht-. See: -momóhtóna'há; -háa'há; -tonȯhta'há. Category: trees, wind.

mótó'e   na. ash (tree). Plural móto'eo'o; Obviative motó'eho ??. Etym: *mya·la·xka (P). Category: check. This word can refer to the forked ash post used in the Sun Dance lodge. Medial -ó'(e). Category: wood, trees.

-noóno'ohe   vai. dried up (of a tree or tuber), withered (of a tree or tuber). É-noóno'ohe. He is dried up. É-noóno'ȯheo'o. They (trees) are dried up. fai: -ó'ohe. Category: trees.

oó'ome   na. oak. Usage: not well known Plural oó'omėšéheo'o ??. Category: check, trees.

oó'omėše   na. oak. Usage: not well known Plural oó'omėšéheo'o ??; Variant: oó'ome. Category: check, trees.

-séško'ohe   vai. sparse woody. of trees or tubers, such as turnips. only used with plural subjects. É-séško'ȯheo'o. They (woody) are thin (not many in number). Category: trees.

šéstótó'e   na. 1 • pine tree, cedar, evergreen tree. This can mean 'cedar' especially for cedar used in a ceremony. Ques: recheck preceding history?? AltPl = šéstotó'eho Plural šéstotó'e; Obviative šéstotó'é. Etym: cf *šenta. See: móma'xėšéstoto'e. Category: trees.

2 • Pine. Diminutive Šéstótó'ke. Category: names.

šéstotó'ėšé'e   ni. pine forest. Category: trees.

-tȧhpe'ėstaenevó'ohe   vai. (tree) have big branches. É-tȧhpe'ėstaenevó'ohe. (The tree) has big branches. Category: trees. Medial -ó'.

-tȧhpe'ó'ohe   vai. big tree. É-tȧhpe'ó'ohe. It is a big tree (or similar vegetation). fai: -ó'ohe. Category: trees.

-tó'ėstó'ohe   vai. be tall (of a tree or turnip). É-tó'ėstó'ȯheo'o. They (especially trees) are tall. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tsėhe'ėstó'ohe; Final -ó'ohe. Category: trees, size.

-tónovó'ohe   vai. thick, dense. of trees or tubers. É-tónovó'ȯheo'o. They (for example, trees) are thick (dense). fai: -ó'ohe. Category: trees.

tséh-méstsėše'eve   vii. cottonwood grove. Lit: where there is a cottonwood grove See: -méstsėše'éve; še'é. Category: trees.

vehpȯtse   ni. leaf, flower. primarily means 'leaf' but sometimes is extended to mean 'flower'. (another recording) Plural véhpotȯtse, (another recording). Véhpotȯtse tseasėhóne'ónėstse. Leaves will start to grow. Véhpotȯtse éhová'ȧhanehȯtse. Leaves are gone. See: tsépėhévėstséavó'o'e flower. Category: trees.

-véhpotseve   vai. be in leaf, leaves - already have. This is especially about trees. É-véhpotseve. He is in leaf. Etym: cf *ni·piwiwa (P) he is leafy. Ééše-véhpotséveo'o. They already have leaves.

vii. be in leaf, leaves - already have. Category: trees, plants.

-véhpotséveotse   vii. flower, leaf. This is especially about trees. É-véhpotséveotse. It/He has flowered. Category: trees.

vé'evėšéstotó'e   na. cedars, juniper plants. Lit: fine(.leafed.)pine Not a true cedar but commonly called "cedar" in English by Cheyennes. This word refers to the juniper shrub. ?? See: šéstótó'e. Category: trees, check.

vé'keehoohtsėstse   ni. sugar maple. See: hoóhtset. Category: trees. Lit: sweet-tree

vénȧho'ȯhtse   ni. heartwood. of a tree. Etym: cf. *wi·kwepyi basswood inner bark. Ques: possibly vénȧho'ȯtse? Category: trees.

véškeē'e   na. birch, aspen. a kind of tree used for the lodge pole and poles, used in Sun Dance lodge aspen ?? Usage: translation uncertain Ques: véškee'e ?? véškeē'e ?? aspens. véškeē'ėstse some kind of vine (pl.?)? ?? Locative véškee'ēva. Phon: not vs Etym: *wi·kwepyi inner bark, bast; *wi·kwe·hs- 'birch'. Category: check, trees.

véškee'éhoohtsėstse   na. aspen, birch. Usage: translation uncertain said to be "trees with black spots on them". See: hoohtsėstse. Category: trees.

-vó'konȧho'he   vai. bleached by the sun. É-vó'konȧho'he. He (for example, his skeleton) is lying there white. É-vó'konȧho'heo'o. They (for example, trees) are dried up (looking white with bark peeled). Category: trees.

xamaehoohtsėstse   na. cottonwood. Lit: ordinary-tree Usage: commonly used term possibly omission of the prototype prenoun xamae- can also refer to the cottonwood. Plural xamaehoóhtseto; Obviative xamaehoóhtseto. See: hoohtsėstse. Category: trees.